Charlie Williams and his lost tunnel of gold nuggets

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Welcome to Mysteries of the Superstition  Mountains I'm Larry Hedrick where we bring   the past into the present for our future  viewers today we have another great story   by Hank Sheffer. It's amazing to me how stories  seem to take place about the superstition mountain where they'll all happen at one time over here  and then two years later somebody will start that   same bunch of stories all over again and right  now one of those topics is gold bars and gold   bullion in caves in the superstition mountains  there's supposed to be tons and tons and tons of   gold bars hidden in caves somewhere in the  superstition mountains and according to all these   different stories that people have been telling  and I'm not going to get into all those right   now because i have a story about a fellow I want  to tell you about anyway but at any rate that is   one of the topics that keeps popping up and right  now it seems to be um the big topic of the day   well the story I'm going to tell you is about  a fella by the name of Charlie Williams and it   took place back in 1935. now Charlie Williams  was a fella who had a propensity for drinking   and apparently there were times when he'd  get in his cups that um people really didn't   like him at the Apache Junction Inn because  somehow he'd managed to forget to pay his bill   or he would pass out and he didn't pay his bill  or he just disappeared and didn't pay his bill   but at any rate the apache junction inn was a  place where all of the prospectors and everybody   gathered from time to time and they tell their  stories and of course this was probably another   one of the go-rounds for the gold bars or gold  ore that was found in caves and they were talking   about that and Charlie said that he knew where  there was one and this was uh January 2nd of 1935.   now whether charlie had come up with the idea  that maybe his new year's resolution was he   was going to be rich instead of poor he was  going to go find all this gold I don't know   but maybe he did so off he went he disappeared  and he went into the superstition mountains   and he went back in there and uh there was news in  the papers Charlie... Charlie's up on the mountain   he's looking for gold well a couple days four  days passed and they didn't hear anything from   charlie there's no Charlie no nothing and it  was in the papers that charlie had disappeared   searching for gold in the superstition mountains  so here we go again. Now charlie as it turns out   came back in another four days he was back by  January 8th and the newspapers went wild again   Charlie's back they got it and on and on and on  well what had happened was Charlie was out there   and he found this cave and he found that there  was cool air that was blowing out of that hole   so he crawled down in there and got into this  open area it's reaching around on the ground   and he found all these rocks and stones it turns  out it was gold ore it was rich gold ore there   were nuggets down there as big as walnuts the  story said so he put some of those in his pocket   and he he got as many of them  in his pocket as he could get   and he started crawling back out that cave and  he got out of the cave and he turned around he   looked to make sure he knew where he was and  he bumped his head and he knocked himself out   well he come to a couple days later and  he managed to wander around until he   got back into Apache Junction that back in the  area where he'd gone in at around Goldfield   well everybody was happy to see charlie and  he reached in his pockets and he showed them   he had all this gold and here we go again  so well where's you get he said I don't know   I bumped my head and forgot you forgot okay well  now they're finding out that this gold that he has   is pretty good stuff they had an assay but come  to find out the gold that he had in his pockets   was Denist gold of all things it was denist  grade gold that he had in his pockets and Uncle   Sam wasn't happy at that time that he had this  much gold well now they're going to find this guy   poor old Charlie doesn't have a he  doesn't have a pot to pee in as they say and they're gonna find him 5  000 for having too much gold   but the government in their infinite  wisdom they decided to strike a deal   so they kept the goal to take place  of that five thousand dollars fine   all right these guys are just too much  they're wonderful you gotta go with that   so in the meantime now poor charlie  who was so happy he found all this gold   the government now has it but they told  him that the gold he found was denist gold well we didn't hear much  more about Charlie after that   but it makes me wonder I have to ponder  the couple questions here the first one was   who called Uncle Sam and told him that charlie  had all this gold to start with the government   doesn't even know where Apache junction is let  alone about the gold or who Charlie Williams is   and the second thing is who takes five  thousand dollars worth of dentist gold   and puts it in a hole in the ground  up on the superstition mountains well I'm not real sure I know and I can tell you  what I do know though I do know that charlie kind   of disappeared into obscurity with that kind of  story to tell I think I would too and whether   that gold was really denist gold or whether  it was the real deal or it was gold bullion or   any of that other who struck john we can only  chalk that up to being one more mystery of the   superstition mountain thank you for watching this  episode of Mysteries of the Superstition Mountains
Channel: Mysteries of the Superstition Mountains
Views: 14,566
Rating: 4.9662652 out of 5
Keywords: Charlie LeSueur, Superstition Mountains, The Lost Dutchman Mine, Superstition Mountain Museum, Opal Images, Arizona, History, Gold, Treasure, Hank Sheffer, Larry Hedrick, lost, gold, tunnel, dentist gold, Charlie Williams, Gold Bars, Tall tails
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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