I became the next GODSKIN APOSTLE with this build in Convergence mod

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So today we're going to be doing the godskin celebrant and I honestly I'm not gonna lie guys I think that this class is actually one of the strongest classes genuinely I believe this is gonna be one of the strongest classes because obviously we're going to be learning black flame stuff with obviously being like late kid bosses black flame is going to burn them down so uh but we'll see we'll check it out we'll check out some spells and stuff if you guys like the videos uh be sure to give it a thumbs up and uh and subscribe And subscribe thumbs up good old thumb thumb right here one thumb just for you appreciate it all right so quickly fling a small whisp of black flame and enemies dealing holy damage upon impact it affects the target with lesser Soul burning a small amount of HP for a short time oh it drains HP this effect does not stack the same candidation can be cast without delay after performing another action so it's holy damaged and it drains health um momentarily it produces a large burst of black flame so it's like catch flame but black flame from casters hand dealing holy damage videos upon the impact that afflicts the target with lesser burn also that okay oh this lasts for 30 seconds that's way better than the uh base game just base game I think it's like seven seconds yeah it's really really short it's really short oh we're starting off from stormhill Oh wait we're actually really close all right cool this is stormhill where the hell in stormhill is this I don't remember there being windmills in stormhill yeah they actually put a whole wait are they friendly okay they're not friendly wait why was he looking at me for that long I'm so confused hello but what do you mean I thought we're friends he was investigating dude yeah my uh my clothes are very uh my clothes are very uh secretive they couldn't really tell if I was a part of their crew or not whoa whoa down here Talisman or whatever I like this a lot so the the catacomb with the Blackness assassins over there Alexander is over there dad is really cool they really utilize like everything in this area because this was like an empty field pretty much oh the Giants still over here too this is like one thing I really like about convergence is them it's a nice thing to see resources being reused in a different area to bring more like life into the world you know and like I think this is perfect for it oh oh that dude's poking it all right so let's let's read the note let's read the note so this is a faith and intelligence class uh with holy damage okay um so oh that's such catacombs wait we're right next to the first catacomb that gives us more spells damn okay well that's nice and easy then volcano manner for the other one Divine Tower of Leonia and spirit collar cave we can get the godskin Apostle set from the Divine Tower of caled wait we have to kill the godskin Apostle in the Divine Tower of Kayla to get the armor set for that goska Noble Set uh uh after defeating the Divine Tower Lyrica Noble and then malekith set sold by any after defeating malikath I'm assuming the malekith set is the best set for our class you know what you know what I wish they added into the notes by the way is where you can get the better weapons too because they don't have that in there were the where the better weapons are that would be really nice I do like how they re-uh uh how they redid the catacombs like uh fit the specific classes you know like when you have a fire when you have the fire class or the uh the gravity like classes they have like their own catacombs that are designed that way I wonder what the boss is then for this this might be a different boss then oh I could put it on running too oh no it's still black enough assassin okay wait the you're not dodging why aren't you dodging wait what's going on can the wounded one Dodge oh 100 see okay I want to see this life drain by the way okay so the live train doesn't mean I get the health though oh where would have a new weapon is this a better weapon already yeah look at that we already have a better weapon pog it's got a blood it's got blood build up on top of uh Soul burn okay cool all right check it out what do we got black flame orb scarring black flame Soul burn that's new borrowing Black do that dude look at that picture man that is sick look at that icon dude that's a cool icon I like that all right uh so we know what these are these are from base game fire is a small projectile at an enemy that inflicts them with a curse upon impact the curse deals continuous holy damage and lowers the target's absorption to Holy by 10 for the duration lasts for 24 seconds that's very specific this effect does not stack with itself but it does stack with lesser Soul burn oh so you can have this and then also lesla Solberg on top of it for like a double burn effect okay sends worth a small wisp of black flame toward an enemy that then Burrows inside their body while burrowed the enemy takes continuous holy damage and after a short time the flame then explodes dealing holy damage in area around the target this is kind of like uh the the blood flies but uh black flame style and then it explodes on top of it that's kind of sick okay cool this is very much a DOT build you do a lot of damage over time stuff okay what's way what's my stat right now for decks and I need 15 to wield this 14. so I need five levels that's pretty doable is anybody whoa wait what tree wait he's not that weak yo Kenneth what'd they do to you did they Nerf you I wonder if it's like holy damage like how how strong is this actually okay that's not that bad this is not just the black knife assassin it's also uh okay so it's like like apparently just NPCs or enemies just don't react to Blake uh black flame spells I'm not sure if that's intended though oh is not looking good for me oh I should go for those scarabs dude because they'll give me Health back are they gonna be flasks back oh gaming ow oh got him let's go so I need 14. short I short by one oh they give you blood boiler aromatics that's kind of sick oh [ __ ] we're here already hog I forgot about that where the lion is I wonder if I can just jump over and then kind of like Dodge the line and get up the ladder okay he doesn't know yet he's gonna yell first right avoidable hello I'm here for the thingama Bob [ __ ] off I was trying to wait how did you [ __ ] turn around that fast oh Jesus there's that guy too damn what is that dude okay can I make it can I make it oh no way that fire bomb was clutch okay I'm gonna I'm gonna be really risky here guys oh [ __ ] look at them dude they're all trying so hard getting stuck on the ladder they're getting they're getting stuck like oh yeah let's go let's all go down it's all go down no no all up all up oh [ __ ] I don't do I go up or do I got down I don't know I can't decide and they're like dude we can't go anywhere just move Captain move oh [ __ ] that guy fell off oh that guy fell off too wait they're all leaving well I have the other guy that's up there oh there he is I'm uh I'm gonna go ahead and grab this real quick I have to be careful here though because of the catapults oh wait there's also ballistas Christ do you see how happy my guy is by the way hold on check this out check out how happy my guy is that he's uh that he's a godskin celebrant he's so happy dude what was it the vine Tower of Caleb we get the armor volcano Manor we get the next set of spells for a Divine Tower of Leonia I actually need the uh I need to do uh Ronnie's quest line I wonder if it's already flipped let me check I don't think it was or is no but what if I just like walk up here and talk to the altar does that fix it oh [ __ ] yeah it's kind of crazy a purity of piercing Fang with this and on top of piercing fan you have burn damage that's kind of crazy I feel like whoa why why is this somber why this is also somber really interesting oh easy damage no face dude oh there we go nice nice and easy fight I am I am I am and you know at some point yes yes I would I mean yes that's dude that's exactly what my character sounds like look at him yes I would yes I'd do it yes my little boy does it yes I do yeah I should be trying out the other spells but the other spells aren't really that good oh [ __ ] I forgot the dog why is that sword not coming at me I'm scared can you like stagger or something please suck it take me feed me volcano manner for the glowing Rune of black flame but it doesn't say where so maybe goska Noble drops it my other spells could be probably behind God's good Noble or maybe maybe killing a cracker I don't know I have a little bit of a hard time oh look at that great summer storm maybe my favorite oh wow hello all right I've bleed I forgot about the bleed build up on this thing okay dude that dude that caught me off guard I'm not gonna lie what the [ __ ] wait hold on I can actually do this too suck it yo look at the bird oh it doesn't last very long though dude that was some nutty burn though wait what what yeah he just stops oh [ __ ] he just cancels out of it wait they changed the way godsuka Noble Works in this mod very interesting oh [ __ ] [ __ ] it let's go let's go oh we got it dude actually I was right I was right God's canobo drops the Rune of black Flame huge so okay so dude stacking this with soul burn those two and then attacking on top of that it's a lot of burn man oh black flame mortar blessing of Gloom black flame ritual and Noble presence ways black flame mortal like the Canon of hanma launch an orb of black Flames High overhead which then can crash down upon enemies that sounds really [ __ ] cool flossing of Gloom summons Blackfire within increasing all holy damage you deal by five percent decreasing FP consumption of incantations by 10 and increases all absorption by 10 as well last three minutes damn upon impact in a Thrust out belly with gusto to produce a shock wave that knocks back nearby foes dealing holy damage upon impact that afflicts the target with lesser soulburn joining us mama charging enhances potency knocking enemies into the air cool charging increases the size of the circle cool this sounds really cool I want to try that oh oh okay interesting wait why am I going this way I guess we could still fight Reichard right wait should we fight record with uh black flame spells because it's burn based I do Wonder like how much damage we do with holy damage what there's no whoa the camera just zoomed out too wait there's no serpent Hunter do you see the camera zoom out dude that's crazy that's got a decent range though so that's nice wait wait wait wait I knocked it out dude all right wait dude that's insane you can fight him up close I think oh the lava doesn't do any damage oh you can you can actually like just be like right next to him okay never mind you can't uh the Stagger just isn't there but you still take burn damage I guess we'll come back we'll come back for this I want to do this with just casting I think it would be really really fun but we'll come back so the next one is the Divine Tower of Lyrica which we need the carrion statue for and to get this set we need the Karen statue as well or we can go for the godskin Apostle set instead which honestly [ __ ] it I mean why not right it's Christ I roll what the hell all right do a tracking that is insane all right what he just dodged it this guy's insane whose man is this they just yo this guy saw a mile away man that was nuts I wonder if it's even worth using for my class oh it is actually wait the Queen's black flame this is a different one wait is this a different uh oh let me check out the animation for this oh no it isn't okay increases in faith by one which is the FP cost by four percent wait that's a lot and increases gosslayer incantations by two percent but that's a lot dude four percent FP cost reduction on each armor piece that's like 16 percent that's all that's we only have seven Poise holy [ __ ] okay hold on a second hold on back it up this is new hold on there were a bunch of barrackses here or a bunch of barricades where'd all the barricades go this is like all so different now oh yeah yeah oh there's another item back there ah we don't need it [ __ ] it oh the door's ready whoa oh they want you to like kind of be more in the area of the alabaster Lord because I always just ditched right past yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yo homie can you oh can you oh okay we're fine hey what the [ __ ] it's got a bunch of gravitational people here now why is he T posing [ __ ] off oh oh thank you oh what do you mean what the [ __ ] okay this is not good I'm probably gonna die here guys Grace I'm looking for a Grace I'm looking for Grace please I got a bob and weave Grace it's a dead end [ __ ] oh [ __ ] where the [ __ ] did that guy come from oh my God okay oh Vitality isn't real I couldn't find a Grace why is the troll up there well yeah but normally he jumps down he's just sitting there that's why I'm confused the troll is just sitting there just hanging out they're just taking in the scenery hello darkness my old friend oh let's go let's go dude watch him fall down the hole too why do you like act like he just fell oh no oh open sesame open sesame what the [ __ ] okay dude now you want to be brave your captain dies and then you want to be brave yeah [ __ ] off mate hello yo they dude this is crazy they changed everything I'm here for the lever it was up dude is there a lever here no there's a there's a chest that I want but dude where in the hell hello no lever here I do I am so confused did I go completely the wrong way maybe how do you block a motor strike please explain bop them on the head dudes being nuked From The Towers oh there oh you got knocked out okay now it's time to blast them now is the time to blast them dude can't move he can't move holy [ __ ] the spell is insane dude now the question Still Remains where the hell is the lever dude I just want to know where the freaking lever is maybe the levers the friends who made along the way you may be or maybe it's just a bunch of [ __ ] that I can't find wait hold on how do you get over there whoa wait how do you get over there okay that's uh maybe I do have to fall down here where that Gravity Guy was I guess you do yeah you're supposed to drop down here that was it's kind of cool though how they changed it I really like it I really like it very very well uh designed I think oh and here's the lever no wonder I couldn't find it did it was inside this whole time yeah you can't backstab him anymore oh what the frick just wait for that bird to pop to be honest nice nice let's go my mortar never is not going to reach that far there's they're like there's no way but I will summon just so I can like mortar strike from a distance that sounds kind of fun look at that dude look at that because it might have been a little too easy oh my god dude am I actually gonna one cycle him oh hey yo okay dude so for uh Ronnie now I have to go and grab the uh the thing to get the Karen statue right maybe to your mortar you yeah let's do it like a fair fight let's do a fair fight I'll put them that's not what I wanted hello why did it like reflect like that that was weird yeah get robot [ __ ] oh oh okay this is bad away from me oh what do you mean I couldn't Dodge that that's baloney piercing Fang ah what my thanks a strange guy I'm a sir I must die you may leave it whisper what is it I too dude give me your what is I too caliber Nala for the Statue maybe it's in the chest with Ronaldo all right wait where's my stagger hello [ __ ] off dog oh [ __ ] wait she actually fell over from the explosion boy that's hilarious again thy night all right check this out check this out for the chest goals dude ain't no way I just came all this way for nothing okay okay is it the carried statue in the Divine Tower itself and have to go all the way to the top extremely close okay so we're in the vicinity of the Divine Tower is the carrion statue can you give me the camera statue can you dab me up no okay wait she has a Shard spiral you're already an obnoxious enough [ __ ] oh God I don't like her anyways I'm gonna keep running oh it's his stuff okay cool cool cool I guess just keep going up right I'm just gonna pick up every what the [ __ ] I was gonna pick up every item that I see wait where is she oh she's still down there oh geez what the [ __ ] off rats how are you levitating I swear to God if I die here and be [ __ ] pissed why are there more rats go away [ __ ] off oh my [ __ ] god did I miss it there's no item on a chandelier or anything you don't don't tell me I have to kill Miriam [ __ ] off dude you know what I should have done let's find a good spot and just like nuker is it Lulu blue wizard guy no it's a little blue wizard lady and she teleports when she's low on health too so it pisses me off all right hold on okay Jesus Christ okay here's the plan don't stand there that's that's the first plan second plan two Pew there we go it works motor strike oh she moved what what do you mean let's go huge backstab huge backstab we're gonna teleport not yet are you gonna teleport now oh which is not don't hit me you slender folks [Music] okay Bob and weed oh gosh he's got all her helpers okay she charged it what a [ __ ] stop it burn [ __ ] damn it stop it okay we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine whoa let's go all right nice oh oh [ __ ] I wasn't ready Vitality isn't real Vitality isn't real or even alive because uh it's it's me oh we're gaming we're gaming oh no this is good yeah don't do that whose mans is this who's man's is this that's me baby yo damn straight [ __ ] let's go new spells new spells all right here we go black Firestorm Black Wave God Slayer sickle soul conjure a tempest of whirlwinds and raining black Flames around yourself sounds pretty badass conjure a large wave of black fire in front of the Caster that moves forward in a fan shape oh that's kind of sick okay dope conjures a hooked blade of black flames and delivers a swift sweeping slash okay fires a small projectile an enemy that inflicts them with a curse upon impact the curse deals continuous holy damage and lowers the target's absorption to Holy by 10 for the duration lasts for 48 seconds uh this effect does not stack with its oh it's basically like a better version of of burrowing no it's better it's a better version of Soul burn Soul Annihilation it's like a it's like a better better version of that all right and the last one the last spell that we can get is at the Spirit color cave that is in mountain tops what does this look like Jesus Christ all right wait it doesn't like somebody in the game actually have this it costs a lot of freaking Mana dude oh this is the carrion slicer whoa that costs a lot of Mana though okay that's cool though that's cool let's go kill the godson Apostle and Altos that might drop us a good weapon wait what do you mean I'm in range for that that was crazy let's try this one wow that did Jack [ __ ] that's cool motor strike phew let's go wait this doesn't wait this doesn't inflict bleed anymore well that's awkward wait why not pillow never inflicted bleed I could have sworn it dead no oh [ __ ] okay did I check the noble set no not yet but I'm assuming it's not as good as the again oh this one oh this one gives me strength and Dex oh I see but this one reduces FP costs I like that way more the reduction of FP costs to be honest and honestly I love the way the gospel Apostle armor looks it just looks really cool hello meemaw oh pog nice I do have to kill Moog either I kill more Moog or kill Fortis ax or placidusacks right or I can kill placidusacks for is it MOG for the sacks and placidusacks let's go to for room yeah what's like I really wonder if like the mortar actually reaches this far it does dude the distance is insane it's actually insane how strong that is I'll have to check out the teleporter hold on let's do that right now can you guys stop rating me please so I can go to bed no no oh oh [ __ ] all right well let's do this I guess [Music] don't wear my pink pop hogs at where Are My People pogs at let's go baby let's [ __ ] a goal this weapon's actually pretty strong there we go look at that beautiful look at that beautiful beautiful one you know what this was just a hug the right side by the way you don't get hit strip all of it piece of cake and get out of here I'm assuming Millennia actually when you do the Scarlet rot class I'm assuming Millennia gives you like the final spells for scarlet Rock which sounds like such a pain in the ass go all the way here for your final spells most likely as my guess anyways I don't actually know but maybe cool to see the fight though oh actually you just got it right here oh gonna have to kill her for it wait we're the somber Stones I unlocked the somber Stones did I not well maybe I didn't oh [ __ ] okay uh let's go on a quick uh detour guys we're gonna go grab the Bell bearings real quick all right so let's go ahead and then buy three of these beep asparagus nice so plus seven so they're both plus seven now yeah we haven't gotten to the spirit color cave yet should we get the last spells before we fight millennia I think we should do that all right cool I'm assuming we get it at the end because this is the one this is the cave where you uh fight against the the ghosts of godskin noble and God's good Apostle right and then you have to kill the snail right afterwards oh [ __ ] yo what's up homie what's up homes I don't think I can knock them up dude look at that damage though not bad dude look how strong that is that is so strong dude I do like the way the soul Annihilation looks that's really really neat I drink this okay hold on ain't no way I have no Mana no the Dodge though nice quote hi buddy suck it [ __ ] boom boom dusk Bolt DSi yo this looks these sounds sick God slayer's devotion and then Wrath of the queen yo these sound banging brov fires are both uh toward an enemy upon impact it afflicts the target with greater Soul burn during a small amount of HP for a short time this effect does not stack with itself but does stack with lesser Soul burn charging increases potency so a greater Soul burn and then lesser Slow Burn on top of that that's really cool invoke the full strength of Destin death and launch yourself into the air Conjuring a great sword of red and black Flames then fly forward towards foes planting the sword into the ground and striking them with multiple illusory slashes in front of you this sounds nuts then follow up with a single horizontal slash that conjures a red and black tornado of flames around you this attack inflicts greater Soul burn draining a small amount of HP for this time this effect is not a stack uh does not attack with itself but does stack with lesser Soul burn [ __ ] ridiculous it's a legendary enchantment this effect never expires the rootcast spell toggle the effect uh increases all holy damage to deal by five percent reduces the stamina cost of attacks by 20 but reduces a total FP by 95 each time you strike an enemy with a weapon attack you gain a stackable effect which decreases the FB cost of your spells by 10 and increases casting speed by 5 per attack we'll do a cast a spell it clears all previous stacks and heals you what the [ __ ] wait that's insane so I can stack this up to a free spell cast and then when I free spell cast I cast it stronger and faster and I heal for 50 of my health this effect also never expires reborn with the power of destined death uh increases total FP by 25 lowers the FP cost of spells by 20 and increases your Poise but lowers total HP by 50 and lowers All non-demis Balls by 70 75 each time you cast a godslayer incantation you are healed by five percent of total HP and 30 stamina points are restored I'll shall become The Vessel of her will I shall give what must be given I shall take the skins of mine foes I shall not rest until her enemies oh [ __ ] until her enemies I wanna I can't read the rest where's the rest of the text until her enemies yeah are dead I'm assuming it's dead all right let's go to Millennia guys let's let's let's let's look at them actually I want to look at them first I'm kind of curious okay what does this look like Jesus Christ damn okay [ __ ] I was not ready for that dude look at all that Health loss that is disgusting and I heal on top of that wait did you guys see that AOE at the end yeah there's a follow-up right yeah hold on I can't even see all of it all right hold on let's try it again foreign now that's an ultimate spell dude this is probably the coolest spell out of all the spells that we've seen so far let's let's give it a go let's give it a go oh you know what we should have some really cool music for this all right you guys ready wait she's not supposed to do it oh god dude supposed to go the other way ah [ __ ] okay well that was hold on I'll redo redo redo hold on a second that wasn't supposed to happen wow okay [Music] dude okay dude okay dude okay dude oh wait that staggers her wait hold on it like Michael staggered her wait what the [ __ ] is that what is that wait what is that that's new oh [ __ ] knocked her down [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I pissed off ah [ __ ] dude I hate that attack dude I don't know how to dodge that attack it scares me every single time that happens it scares me man all right look at that dude look at that did you see that that was so cool foreign [Music] yo let's go let's go two dude this is really fun I'm not gonna lie get down there wait how did I dodge them oh good grenade happens should be able to stunning with this boom but I actually do wait can I actually like enter India's side ain't no way dude dude that was so cool that was sick such [ __ ] oh [ __ ] damn it whatever dude look at that dude that's actually broken that is so much he's knocked out dude dude ain't no way dude that's hilarious do I knock them out yo that is sick got closer no no [ __ ] dude that was sick oh man it whoa where I started in two that's crazy there it is there it is also the first time that we have haven't died to that boss first try by the way that was the first time that we've done that boss first actually that's not true wind wind also did that boss first try I will say how is that not phase two well that still hit him that's crazy [ __ ] it's like a Time foreign sickle it's probably over there then it's like right here maybe there it is weapon increases the damage of Gossler incantations by 10 yeah all right let's go this is gonna be our favorite boss fight in the game coming up isn't malacha set uh recommended for this build oh true we should check that out I could technically use this but I don't want to uh increases into Faith but remember just weapons stamina cause increases weapon holy damage yeah this is for this is where like a weapon build we have the armor for a Caster build that's where we're uh rocking I'd rather do the Caster build all right here we go coolest boss fight in the game I missed there we go oh [ __ ] I forgot okay well brutal okay good start good start don't worry that God's gonna pass it will prevail well oh it's deflecting off his shield oh [ __ ] dude the deflect is insane oh nice it's stagger Sim okay that's good there we go you ready there it is there it is [Music] dude ain't no way man oh oh okay we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're chilling here we go oh yo let's go baby let's go I drank it's gonna be a little bit tougher now I could sickle I guess hey yo oh fine we're fine what do you mean all right Brave tarnished the ice drinks so now my stats currently I'm at 46 foot I'm at 56 56 with my physics that's insane damage dude foreign we knocked him out oh the free aim I'm insane foreign class we've played so far dude that was a lot of fun man that was a hell of fun dude though the DS side is probably my favorite spell so far in convergence deicide and like the um the wind spell from the storm collar class the one that has like the Cyclone around you those two are probably my two favorite class um my two favorite spells in the game dude stone color was just a Poise machine man dude seeing a godskin apostle on the throne it's kind of badass if you think about it and recall let's go good game good game
Channel: Captain Domo
Views: 42,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden Ring, Captain Domo, Domo, Captain_Domo, Elden Ring Convergence Mod, Elden Ring Convergence mod playthrough, Godskin, Godskin apostle, elden ring gameplay, Elden Ring Build, Convergence mod build, Godskin apostle build, Convergence mod apostle build, Elden Ring spells, Spells, elden ring classe
Id: NdD0yx8Zwp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 17sec (3437 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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