The Lord is My Shepherd - Peter Tan-Chi - Songs in the Night

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[Music] givings what a joy to be with you again we are starting a new series it's called songs in the night finding God in the highs and lows what book will be focus on the Book of Psalms why sums the word sums literally means praise both in Greek and in Hebrew praise sing with musical instrument this book of son is so unique why because it focuses on the character of God who God is what he has done for us in a Bible it talks about our humanity our experience our walk with God it is the most emotional book of the entire Bible I believe the Book of Psalms was inspired by God to show his people to show us it's okay to be honest with him it's okay to share your disappointment your heartaches your loneliness because it is through the book of sound that you find comfort when you are down you will find hope when you're discouraged you find strength so the Book of Psalms is very very appropriate for all of us do you realize Jesus coated the Book of Psalms the most of all the Old Testament Scriptures the Book of Psalms is most coated by the New Testament writers in Jesus Christ it is also the most prophetic of all the Old Testament books after Sam's you have Deuteronomy Isaiah but the Book of Psalms is unique that it points to Jesus and that's why Jesus refers to the Book of Psalms the most today I want to share with you an example what we mean by song in the night-sun 42 verse 8 the Lord will command his loving-kindness in the daytime his song will be with me in the night a prayer the god of my life do you know this the Lord will command he will instruct he will make sure loving-kindness will come and then in the mid of the night there will be song the other through this the Christian life is not always sunshine sometimes you go through darkness sometimes you have problems that's reality so how do you deal with this notice the context of some for if you let me give you example why are you in despair all my soul why have you become restless and disquieted within me hope in God and wait expectantly for him for I shall yet praise Him the help of my countenance and my god do you notice the emotional feeling what this guy's going through why are you in despair notice that's discouragement emotionally very low why are you so discouraged why have you become Restless and disquieted notice the answer hope in God and wait expectantly for him that's a beauty with a book of son it's being honest with your feelings and then he gives you the solution the solution to negative feelings is what right-thinking notice he said hope in God and wait expectantly for him I shall yet praise Him the Lord is the help of my countenance and my god so during this covet 9 Tinh when many of us are going through hard times perhaps you don't know why you're concerned about your future learn to meditate on the book of sounds it will bring joy to your soul when you are down remember negative emotions is to be acknowledged but it is a trigger to remind us what to do when you're emotionally down and that's why some is such an important book it will help you mature it will help you deal with negative emotions today or even example we shall start with the with the most famous chapter of the entire book of Sam Sam 23 what is Sam 23 will you tell me the most famous sound in the entire Bible the most famous it is the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside quiet waters he restores my soul he guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you have anointed my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever I'm going to explain this verse this verses and show you the implications of what it means the Lord is my shepherd the reality is you will not know the full meaning or the implications of this beautiful verses unless you think like a shepherd or you think like a sheep now how many of us are shepherds I've been all over the world and I've shared this through with many people and I've noticed for majority of us we don't have the experience of being a shepherd we don't fully understand what David was saying the word shepherd and the analogy the metaphors of the Lord is my shepherd that metaphor is used 600 times in the Bible and some poetry is very personal it talks about personal pronouns the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want it is so personal if you count the number of times the personal pronoun will appear you'll notice 17 times it's very personal it's about a personal intimate relationship with the shepherd so let's begin by understanding what does it mean the Lord is my shepherd the key is first understanding the idea of Shepherd to show you how important that word picture is let me give you an example of different animals which country is represented by ship do you know which country for example which country is represented by the lion I was surprised there are many countries I'll just give you a few of them England Singapore Bulgaria what about the United States what animal represents the USA easier Germany can you guess the eagle what about Finland or Russia the bear all about the Philippines what animal represents the Philippines can you guess atamora carabao so which country is represented by you'll be surprised no country so ship represents who Christians why I believe God made ship not just for eating not just for wood to remind us about who we are the Bible tells us all of us like sheep have gone astray each of us has turned to his own way but the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on him notice we are like sheep in a ship it's not noted for intelligence they easily wonder they don't have exactly the best sense of direction another thing about ship is they are helpless they are defenseless they have no defense against wolf the smallish wolf can easily overcome the biggest ship we are like sheep we easily go astray we are weak we're helpless and that's why the Bible wants us to know we all need a shepherd the Lord is my shepherd can you turn to your neighbor tell your neighbor the Lord is my shepherd that is the secret of unpacking the entire Sun chapter 23 the Lord is my notice the grammar the Lord none other than the Lord Yahweh the very name of God the Lord is not was not will be the Lord is right this very moment he is my shepherd not is very personal mind Shepherd there was a story that I remembered about a common practice in rural in rural America how people gathered together on Sunday night for talent shows the church were gathered together there's a potluck dinner talent show singing dancing special numbers well there was this man who came from New York he visited this town and they asked him do a special number now this guy was from Broadway and he decided to do some 23 my goodness he had good voice good intonation he was a great Broadway actor he could act out some 23 the Lord is my shepherd he was good when it was done everybody club they gave him a standing ovation so you have different people giving special number singing duet then they approached an older man named mr. Smith right here yes sir why don't you give a special number mr. Smith said I cannot sing I cannot dance no no you do a special number for us this is special occasion then I said well I can do some 23 so mr. Smith did some 23 when he was finished everybody was quiet many were crying they had tears in their eyes what's the difference the young man knew about some 23 the old man mr. Smith knew the shepherd of some 23 he knew the Lord is my in God has taken care of mr. Smith you see the difference do you know the shepherd the Lord is my shepherd in this sums I'll try to highlight what the shepherd will do for us the shepherd provides he provides he guides he protects he promises what's best in six verses you have this amazing expressions of what the shepherd will do for you and for me the Lord is my shepherd because he is my shepherd I shall not want what does it mean I shall not want literally it means I will not lack anything in other words because the Lord is my shepherd everything I need is provided for I will not want how is that word used in the Old Testament let me give you example the young lions do luck and suffer hunger but they who seek the Lord shall not be in one of any good thing in other words God wants us to know let's be dependent upon him the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want you will not lack any good thing because God knows your need notice the next verse he makes me lie down in green pastures now grammatically this makes me lie down is a special verb is called positive he will cause me to lie down now if you don't understand ship you will not understand the significance of this verse he makes me lie down ship will not lie down if they're hungry if they're scared if they are not satisfied they will never lie down so the idea of he makes me lie down in green pastures whose job is it to make sure the ship would have been pastures the Shepherd he cast care he guides them now green pastures represents God's provisions God's best for you and for me I always remember when we go to restaurants my wife will order her food I'll order my food and when their food comes in my food comes what what do I notice she begins to use her fork to get my food in her mind what I order is better and what do I do I also tried to get her food we have this mindset the other grass is always greener across the fence we always think the others have it better no no your green pasture is God's best for you learn to be contented I remember a man who was laid off in this factory he was so angry with his boss and he stopped going to church and he was moaning groaning and the wife told him what's wrong with you he said God doesn't love me anymore well because you lost your job you're no longer worship the Lord the wife said honey let's keep going to the church what are you good at the wife was a good adviser he is good in carpentry work so the wife said why don't you begin doing carpentry work so he began to repair you know small problems of different houses then he began to construct small houses pretty soon he began to construct rows of apartments motels and one day he told his wife I want to visit my the factory where I was fired I want to see the supervisor the wife says why do you want to see him you were angry at him he said I want to see him the wife said honey that's don't see him he said no I want to see him what do you want to do he said I want to thank him for firing me because when I lost my job God allowed me to go into carpentry work and I began my own construction company you see God guides us he knows how to guide us to greener pasture notice he leads me beside quiet waters he restores my soul now this is a beautiful expression of the goodness and care of the shepherd but you you and I are City boy we don't understand the significance of quiet waters he leads me beside quiet waters sheep will not drink water when it is running because ship is afraid they were done because of their wool so they will only drink water when the water is calm so what a shepherd will do he'll make a temporary dam so that the water will become still and when the water will steal sheep will drink and that's what the psalmist is saying you see this song was written by David I believe when he was no longer young he looked back in his life and he saw what God did how God provided for him physically how God provided for him emotionally when he was in distress notice he leads me beside quiet waters he restores my soul you know the truth is sometimes we were emotionally down we're discouraged I reminded the story of a very famous businessman his name was Jay she penny many of you have heard of this man he started out very poor his father was a pastor but his father mother taught him ethics work hard do unto others as you want him to do unto you work hard and slowly but surely he began to work and he put up his first store by the way the name of his first store is called the golden rule store what is the golden rule store do unto others as you want them do unto you JCPenney decided to be an annus merchandise sir during his times in the early 1920s 1910 it was like the bizarre eeeh the years ago maybe not now but when I was younger I used to go to the vitória items there there was no price so anybody can name a price if they know this you like something something can be worth 10 pesos and the salary 400 pesos why you know it depends on how good the salesman is but JC Penney fat I want to be honest so he was one of the first few people to put price tag in each of his item an honest price tag he became successful but when he became very successful notice perhaps only God knows he was not a churchgoer he believed in God he believed in Jesus but spiritually he was not there and then the Depression came do you remember in America there was a Great Depression in the 1920s he almost lost everything but he was a multi multi-millionaire at that time but he almost lost everything and he couldn't sleep something was wrong with him physically but the doctors could not find out why he was sent to the hospital for recovery and they could not find out what's wrong with him one early morning when he got up he heard a group of doctors and nurses singing in the chapel you know what they were singing you hear I wanted to hear this song they were singing and amazing him which JCPenney remembered when he was still young the name of the song is something like the Lord will take care of you not dismayed would be tonight God will baby God will take [Music] God will take [Music] maybe [Music] everyone [Music] after hearing the music JCPenney told the Lord Lord will you take care of me will you really take care of me and that very moment something supernatural happened to him in less than 12 hours he was discharged from the hospital I believe he had a personal encounter with the Shepherd that God will take care of him many times we are restless we are fearful we're afraid why you need to know the Shepherd he guides me in the paths of righteousness for his namesake not if God guides us he guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake many times we won God's will we don't realize God is concerned for us to know his will he guides us in the paths of righteousness many times when you think of God's will you think of who will I marry where will I go where will I work if you want to know God's will the focus is on your character he guides us in a path of righteousness and as you walk that path you begin to experience God's specific will how does God guide us thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path in other words God guides us through the Bible he gives us general principles thy word is a lamp to my feet notice it step-by-step it's not a flashlight it's day by day the world is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path so to give you an example years ago I had the impression that God wanted me to stay in the Philippines I was given the opportunity to work in coca-cola in Atlanta that was my training but I decided not to take the offer because when I read the Bible I understood God wants me to be holy and I know my weaknesses if I'm gonna be alone in the States and I know have a witness with blonde women I just like blonde women and I know I couldn't handle it but God wants me to be holy so I said no I'm not good I'm not gonna go to the States no I'm not saying all of you should not go to the States but in my case God spoke to me clearly God says I want you to be holy stay in the Philippines you have more accountability I was walking with God and I also know that God was nice to evangelize so I led a group of professionals I brought them to a to an evangelistic meeting in that meeting guess who I met in that meeting I met Deanna a blonde woman she was singing now what's the probability of me meeting her in that meeting at that time Deanna responded to the call of Jesus through a Bible verse because she knew God wanted her to evangelize so she left her country to go to Asia she was following God's guidance specific where she would be is the next step who she will marry is a next step but it's called following God's guidance the Lord is my shepherd he guides us in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake I've gone the story's about God guiding his people guiding children my own son my own son was in New York City he was single I remember him calling me he said father I don't even know if I'll ever get married because there's too many single people in New York City and there are all nice-looking guy is very successful the competition is too much I said son if God wants you to get married you will marry the right person my son knew based on the Word of God he must entertain and marry only people who are loving the Lord were walking with the Lord so the choices are narrowed down guess what happened he went to a church on Sunday morning on Sunday night he visited another church now what will make my son go to two churches on a Sunday hunger one didn't know God and when he went to the second church guess what he met a lady a blonde lady walking by now that blonde lady was experiencing her gift from her family she finished her master's degree in education so from Phoenix Arizona she flew all the way to New York City to enjoy her vacation now one will she spend time to go to a church on a Sunday in New York City when you can do so many other things you see when you are guided by the Scriptures put God first worship Him and that's how my son and my daughter-in-law met God guides us in the path of righteousness for his namesake many people don't realize that says the Lord I am the Lord your God who teaches you the prophet who leads you in the way you should go God commits Sagaris I want you to see the heart of God see the heart of our Shepherd notice he said if only you had paid attention to my Commandments if only you see God wants us to know his will his general will his general Commandments example for singles do not marry somebody who is not a follower of Jesus for us gentlemen be holy because God wants us to be holy God wants us to be honest these are his general commands you follow these general rules honor your parents submit to those who are in authority these are his general rules but he promised you then your well-being would have been like a river your righteousness like the waves of the sea beautiful word picture God guides us he wants to bless us but the way he bless us is through his word you need to know the Word of God and that's why I also encourage people keep on breathing the Word of God because he tells you what he want you to do how to protect yourselves he tells us even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me notice the grammar changes the personal pronoun is now changed too though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for notice it's not very very personal for you are with me no longer third-person you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me it is now brought to a very personal level sometimes when you walk with God you don't understand sometimes you go through the valley but can I tell you something the reason why we need to go through the valleys of life if you cannot go to the mountaintop without going through the valleys to reach the top you have to go through the valleys part of the Christian life is going through valleys however the comfort is you are with me our Shepherd is with us the job of the Shepherd is to guide the ship during summer time the grass becomes dry on lowland you need to go to the higher ground where the snow is melting and the grass is still green but you need to follow the Shepherd the Shepherd knows where the green pastures your job is a father notice your rod and your staff they comfort me the ship knows the rod and the staff they are used for defense and protection a rod probably one and half feet long that thing's dangerous it can kill a ferocious animal in wolf and lion a staff is around six feet long and there is it's like a there's a hook why when the ship is going astray it'll young it in and I realize it's a visual picture of how God guides us in the path of righteousness for his namesake Milton we go astray and yet so young as in and sometimes it's painful I remember the story in Syria of a shepherd carrying a ship and then people notice the leg of the ship is broken their splint and they ask what happened to the ship did he fall into a hole was it hit by car the Shepherd says no this ship is very naughty it always likes to run away so I broke his leg and then I put this spin up on that leg and I carried that ship wherever I go by the moment the ship heels that ship will always stay close to me and many times God has to break our leg why to make us learn dependence upon him friends I don't know what you've gone through but one thing I discovered about discipline or discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful but sorrowful you know when God disciplines us it is not joyful it is painful yet to those who have been trained by it afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness you see whom the Lord loves he will discipline the Bible says the Shepherd guides us in the path of righteousness for his name's sake even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death notice the shadow of death it's a figurative expression of fear or darkness even of death dying the reality is this corvid 19 may scare us and you may think you are gonna die but for believers death is only a shadow it really does not touch us but God is there to guide us why he guides us in the path of righteousness for his name's sake and notice the promise it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness if you walk with the Lord I can assure you you have nothing to fear somebody sent me these pictures years ago of what it means not to be afraid because the Shepherd's with us it's like walking in the mids of wolves in the mids of danger we are in the midst of covet 19 but if God's hand is upon us we will be protected you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you have anointed my head with oil my cup overflows notice God not only provides his not only guides he protects northeast our protection you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemy do you realize ship will not it if it's in danger but ship will eat in the presence of the Shepard even though there'll be a wolf the ship will eat it was near the Shepherd in Hawaii for the ship the safety the security is not the absence of danger it's in the presence of the Shepherd the same thing for you and for me my security is not in the absence of danger my security and your security is in the presence of our Lord you prepare a table a party in the presence of my enemies this is a picture of security of rest Agnes yep anointed my head with oil my cup overflows again for us who are not Shepherd we don't understand what do you mean by anointed my head with oil one of the great problems in the Middle East which ship is when summertime comes the enemy of the ship are flies the Flies will get inside the nose and lay eggs and when the eggs are hatched it becomes so itchy it will literally drive the ship crazy so they put olive oil on the face of the ship on the nose so that the fly will not get inside the nose and lay eggs that's a picture of protection how the Shepherd meticulously care for the ship and that's what David is saying the Lord is my shepherd he not only provides he's only guides my path he protects us notice my cup overflows what a beautiful picture of blessing he's saying my shepherd I am gonna be blessed it's personalized and they're not this amazing promise surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever surely goodness and loving kindness two beautiful Hebrew words that can only be expressed by sentences if you ask me the word goodness is from the world table whatever is present whatever is lovely whatever is gonna bless us that's the word for goodness nothing harmful loving kindness literally from the world cassadee some translation says mercy but it's more than mercy it's grace loving kindness something we don't deserve it is God's best for us it's God's unconditional promises unconditional goodness unconditional grace goodness and loving kindness whatever is pleasant whatever accident will follow me all the days of my life notice the word follow literally it can be translated as it will overtake me that's exactly what the son is saying the mercies the goodness and the loving kindness of God will overtake me as I walk with him as I follow him and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever the greatest blessing will ultimately be in the presence of the Lord for ever and ever in the days of David it was the sanctuary the Tabernacle in the Old Testament but today you know I know someday we shall forever be in the presence of the Lord God promised us amazing blessing I reminded the story of this businessman who went to Las Vegas for a business meeting and after that he dropped through the highway to go to his family but he was very careful because his license was about to be suspended so he was making sure he would drive the appropriate speed limit in the highway but then he saw a police car blinking following him and he got so nervous he said what did I do wrong he knew in his mind if he was given a ticket if he were given a ticket that's the end of his license he cannot drive his wife as he promised to bring her to Miami for a vacation so he was so nervous what did I do wrong and then the policeman stopped him sir why are you afraid he said did I do anything wrong the policeman said you did nothing wrong the hotel verdict came from the front desk manager is my brother he told me you left something and I'm here to give it to you and you also told me you just won the lottery for a free vacation in Miami with your family but there's a deadline you need to call that particular number by 12 o clock lunchtime so I'm giving this to you what do you think entered his mind this guy was so happy he said oh thank you and I realized many Christians I like the driver we think God is chasing after us to punish us to tell us what's wrong with us can I tell you something God loves you he's chasing you to bless you this is amazing goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life it does not mean no valleys it does not mean no problems but you just keep following the Good Shepherd and our dwell in the house of the Lord forever more there is a promise of God I want you to hear a short testimony of my daughter how she and her husband experienced the goodness and the loving kindness of God during this ghovat nineteen crisis hi everyone I really want to share with you the amazing thing that God did for our family yesterday you know this koban 19 time has really been a growing process for Jeff and I to trust him and to put our faith in Him and not in the circumstances around us and as many of you know we opened a dental practice last year called adventure kids dental and even though it's been growing and we love it you know it still wasn't a profitable practice and with Coburn 19 hitting and we having to close our doors for two months you know that that's scary as a new business owner and but I want to tell you that even during that time we still believe Lord I know you're gonna take care of us and I know that you have a plan and you're gonna provide and I think even knowing those things in our hearts you still sometimes struggle though with without and I think that's normal but a verse that God gave me two weeks ago that I want to share with you that really made a difference in my heart is John 16:23 verse 24 and it says in that day Jesus Jesus speaking he said you will not question me about anything truly truly I say to you if you asked a father for anything in my name he will give it to you until now you have asked for nothing in my name ask and you will received so that your joy may be made full and this first really hit me because I don't always ask God for specific things and boldness and really saying Lord I expect you to do this because I know God loves me and I just trust that he's gonna provide in his way but I thought God really telling me candy no you need I want you to pray I want you to ask I want you to exercise your faith and praying really in my name and I said okay Lord I'm gonna do it and that's what I thought I know you can answer my prayers I'm gonna trust you and even if you don't I know you have a better reason and a plan and so two things I prayed for after I read this verse was one what I pray in Jesus name that we can start opening our practice soon secondly I pray that we can get the PPP loan that we had applied for a month ago but still hadn't got in and this is a loan that the government was giving for small businesses to sustain them and keep them going and a few days after I paid this pair we got an email back saying that we had been approved but it was for a really small amount a lot less than we had hoped and expected and Jeff and I both felt like this is not we're not gonna accept this like I thought God has more for us but we had until today May 12 2007 I both prayed and I remember praying this burst through this person saying Lord I want to see what you can do so Jeff reached out to several people tried to email whoever he could at Bank of America made some phone calls because there's no clear person to connect with in any way we still had no word mother's day hit was just Sunday and I'm running and I'm like Lord you have one more day to come through and I know you can do it and but I want your name to be glorified I want people to see that you answer prayer and that you are the provider so guess what I think you can guess cuz I'm really crying but yesterday early afternoon my husband gets an email and the person from baked America says that you have been approved for this much larger amount and news the amount that we had expected and prayed for and wanted and it was you know last minute that day before our deadline and I realized that God really did answer my prayer and I also realized that God could have answered our prayers early on at the start but he wanted us to exercise our faith and to pray and to show us that he's the one that makes it happen as I just want to encourage you that God hears your prayers and to pray in his name and to know that sometimes yes he doesn't answer and he's a better reason but when he does answer that he gets the glory and we can praise God and we are so thankful that he provided and that our business can continue and we are just so blessed to see a God who answers prayer god bless you all I want to remind you who is a Good Shepherd who what the Bible is very clear let's look at the Bible the thief comes to steal kill and destroy I came that they might have life and have it abundantly here to contrast the thief and Jesus Jesus came that day that he might give us life and have it abundantly goodness and mercy to follow us I am The Good Shepherd so Jesus is the Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the Sheep so Jesus is a Good Shepherd do you know him how do you know if Jesus is your shepherd can I share with you in the same chapter there are two tests how will you know Jesus is your Shepherd how do you know you belong to his flock let's look alcohol's Jesus my ship hear my voice and I know them and they follow me notice two conditions to test my sheep hear my voice the ear test are you able to listen to hear the voice of the Lord has God ever spoken to you through the word in your heart next he knows us they follow me are you following Jesus that's how you know you belong to the flock of Jesus they follow me and notice the promise I give eternal life to them and they shall never perish and no one shall snatch them out of my hand amazing promise goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the presence of the Lord forevermore the promise of eternal life I give eternal life to them they will never perish and no one shall snatch them out of my hand the guarantee of the Good Shepherd do you belong to Jesus to test my ship hear my voice and they follow me if you want to become part of the flock of Jesus make him your Shepherd how do you do that through a simple prayer a personal commitment you tell Jesus today Lord Jesus I want to be part of your flock I want to make you my Shepherd in the old testament the word shepherd does not just mean somebody caring for you a king is described as a shepherd in the bible shepherd is also to rule over it's a description of the king a benevolent king so if you say Lord Jesus you'll be my shepherd you are saying Lord you'll be my king I will depend upon you I will follow you God will never force you to follow him he loves you he's getting your attention I believe covet 19 is God's wake-up call for all of us who are always restless were always so busy and God is saying I think it's about time you need to take a break come to me I'm your Shepherd we loose depend upon me will you rest upon me as we are about to close my encouragement for you is this my question to use this have you experienced or do you want to experience God's provision his guidance his protection and his promises God is saying I am The Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the ship but notice he said my ship hear my voice I know them and they follow me I saw this in actual happening in the Middle East shepherds will eat together sit together and the different flocks will mix but the moment the Shepherd is ready to walk he goes ahead and he makes a noise and his sheep will follow him the ship knows the voice of the Shepherd and it's amazing it's a beautiful picture of all the different flocks will follow respectively their Shepherds why my ship hear my voice I know them and they follow me is Jesus your Shepherd are you following him because he gives you an amazing promise if you follow him this is the promise I give eternal life to them and they shall never perish and no one shall snatch them out of my hand not even covet 19 nothing can separate you from Jesus you don't have to be afraid of dying if the Lord is your Shepherd he promised you eternal life some poetry is one of the most beautiful chapters of the entire Bible it gives me tremendous comfort the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want I shall not lack any good thing not only do I not lack anything he promised me at the end goodness and loving kindness will overtake me it will not just follow me either overtake me and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever and ever if that's your desire why don't you pray with me there's more heads if your desire to experience eternal life reassurance of eternal life to make Jesus your Shepherd pray from your heart something like this Lord Jesus today I come to you in all humility and honesty I will recognize you I will acknowledge you as my Lord and my shepherd I have not been following you in the past I've been running my own life I now realize I don't belong to your flock I don't listen to your voice I realize I am not part of your flock I want to be part of your flock Lord Jesus I want to recognize you as my shepherd help me to listen to your voice by reading the Bible by obeying the Bible and to follow you all the days of my life Lord I am weak but you're the Good Shepherd I'll just walk beside you I will follow you help me protect me thank you Lord Jesus I receive your gift of eternal life your gift of forgiveness in Jesus name we all pray I pray Lord amen if you have prayed this simple prayer I want to assure you the Lord has heard your prayer and you began a wonderful journey of walking with Jesus you can have assurance in the mids of darkness in the midst of crisis you can have peace because the Lord is my shepherd the Lord is your Shepherd if this has been meaningful to you I would like you to respond by clicking on the following response button where you may say I want to hear more I don't know more I want to talk to somebody and you can visit us Europe throughout the week you can listen more about the messages we are giving here god bless you these are the suggested discussion questions that I like you to discuss with your friends with your family members with your children and listen for answers question number one who or what has been your Shepherd meaning what are you counting on depending on for your peace joy happiness is it money alcohol drugs career computer gaming social media fame example instead of the Lord is my shepherd I shall not one for some people alcohol is my shepherd drugs is my shepherd I am satisfied but eventually it does not satisfy next how has God provided for and protected you during this coffee with 19 endemic I've heard many wonderful stories how has God trying to reveal himself to you during this time of pandemic especially this lockdown period what is the evidence the Jesus is your Shepherd and if there's no evidence then start doing something about it the Bible says faith will help works make it evident that Jesus is your shepherd it's never too late god bless you thanks for watching we would like to invite you to be a christ committed follower by being part of the movement as we honor God and obey His Great Commission to find out if there's a CCF satellite near you log on to WWE we also want to encourage you to join a small discipleship group where you can deepen your knowledge and love for Jesus and others to sign up log on to
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
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Rating: 4.879365 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message, Personal Growth, Mental Health, God's Character, Shepherd, emotions
Id: 3DTFzyqf0t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 35sec (3575 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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