THE LONGEST CRAP TRAIN YET... it goes poorly.

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Khan hello are you on my train or am I on your channel you're on my train sir I'm bleeding from the back okay that's how it goes where did all these cars come from well you you bought them how much do I get now I still I still have six hundred dollars uh oh you could still buy more I could still buy a couple more cars but I wanted to keep some money around so that we could have you know more money for more choo choo later uh and also also I bought I mean I bought 12 cars so like that's a that's a whole airport so how many people total we have 27 27 cars of the just the steak Flats yeah that's such a terrible that's a terrible number that's 27. well I could have had 27 or I could have had 29 which would have been worse so yeah that's true that's true all right well you pull ahead uh I'm gonna go to the smelter I've got places to be yeah I'm gonna go to the smelter you're gonna go to the lumber Camp Sawmill thing whatever Sawmill and uh we're gonna get some beams and rails and then deliver them all the way up to the coal mine on the beautiful two percent line we have now gonna be running a big choo choo yeah this is the fastest engine so hopefully we can just uh highball it and really make some cash quickly longest train fastest engine should be fine not uh We've not done any trains of this length with the new splines and the new uh Tweetsie and everything and so the speed I don't know it's it might just uh might just be fun it should it should be fine like we made that line super gradual it's only two percent and we made it with 100 meter curves or greater so it should be you know honestly no issue I'm I'm here for it I think it's gonna work uh otherwise I am slowing for the switch up here because I assume it's not lined and it is I actually can't see like my front of the train going around the corner so if I hit you at full speed it's because oh you're not even I don't even see you fine yeah I mean I was I I opened the stick that said go and I I pulled it all the way to the back cab wall so oh wait I gotta flick this stupid switch too okay you're gonna have to get the uh the switch after me I'm just gonna Post in here oh I see the back your train now running yep uh the game frame rate is starting to get spicy for me into that point on This Server I think got enough cars yeah oh man I am hunting around this corner pretty bad yeah okay that's uh that's a spicy meatball right there all right hunts more now with the new one oh and of course I'm lined to the log pond did I get it I did I did that I can't believe that actually worked I jumped from the cab and then like leaned down and went and and through the switch so um all right all right I'm going to line this for the smelter and then I'm going to catch you later can't smell you later man you gotta you gotta go load nine sets of rails and I gotta load 18. cars of beams so oh it actually worked out to exactly double that's kind of interesting I did that is uh that is funny we do have rails left over at the coal mine I noticed when I was up there earlier um and then uh but we don't have any beams so as we start unloading beams it should produce like you know coal and require rails but we also have like four extra lines of the qualify we could just stash stuff we really had to did did that just happen is this client side or did that actually happen what'd you do this train is so long that I was coming into spot for the Stop and it and it derailed the two two of the cars behind me you've already Dera they string lined I'm gonna load them anyways I mean the one car is derailed the ones back on that it'll probably load though so oh my God all right this is uh this is Peak efficiency loading the derailed car everyone would you want to unload it and then rerail it and then I mean yeah but I I have uh I have a button that says rerail and it sometimes works right and you're also Hulk you can just pick up whatever yeah yeah no I get it and I might I don't know the links there's are still in so I might be able to just pull ahead and correct it I don't know we'll see we'll see how cool and lucky I am anyways uh highball 13. let's see what happens I'm on the two percent down now to the smelter so I'm just coasting well I am pulling the train and it further derailed the third car and then that broke free okay yeah you know I was originally worried that like I was gonna take way too long to load all this stuff you know to like get all the way down to the spell to load it all up and come back up and now I'm thinking I might be early yeah yeah well you know it depends on how many times these cars derail I guess I'm not sure what the cause of the string line derailment was or why the reason in high school I used to work at a hockey rink right okay um how can I interview how Canadian of me right like I worked at a hockey rink go figure and there was this one Zamboni driver now zamboni's I don't know how much you know about they're they're called ice resurfacers zamboni's just a brand but you know the kleenex of the uh of the ice resurfacing world yeah so we had we had two we had one that was an Olympia brand and the another one which was the Zamboni brand and the Zamboni one was like this old metal like built like a 1940s Ford you know like right just Built Tough Square panels you could run it into a wall and it would come out of the building like no problem right okay and and then they were like you know what let's buy a new one so they bought this new one which is Olympia and it was all like plastic panels kind of like new cars right right and like aluminum panels and like thin and all this which means if you hit a wall with it it would crack it just disintegrates instantaneously right and then you have to replace the whole panel on this thing which is like a pain in the butt right and there was this one guy and he used to always smash it into walls and he kept saying all the studded tires that are worn out I'm not getting grip and blah blah blah this and that whatever and and this other guy used to go up to and go listen you're the only one with the problem so I think it's operator error are you accusing me of operator air right now it might be operator error is what I'm saying but yeah wow the old robust Zamboni was the way to go that was just it was the it was yeah it was good loved it I'll tell you what man uh new cars I mean they are designed for your safety but in slow speed accidents uh like I had vaguely recently about a month ago now um not ideal because uh there was no damage on the car in front of me but uh my car uh has been at the shop now for a week and a half and we'll probably be there for another week and a half and uh that's how she goes yeah just like oh yeah no it broke everything and and the impact was at three miles an hour okay well I mean that tracks so cool I loved working at a hockey rink though it was great I used to like all call our buddies over and be like uh if it was like midnight and the shift was over and like the ice time was done we just flood the ice for ourselves and play like a game of pickup hockey you know oh that sounds fun and then it'd be like midnight to like 1am we're playing hockey then we'd close up go home that sounds like the perfect uh perfect job for someone in high school that uh is capable of coordinating themselves in an athletic manner which is uh not me I know I I wouldn't say I'm athletic very much no I'm not you could skate and hit a puck apparently though I think I would yeah I would somehow kill someone step one of Canadian citizenship you have to be able to skate and hit a puck like that oh and do that okay yeah that's like the issue right so right you know a little different a little different down these parts yeah what's it for Colorado if you can oh well I mean Colorado I think is the skiing is the thing like I sort of got everyone talks about do you do you partake in the skiing I have never I've never skied never snowboarded I've lived in the the tumbling down the hill no I I have never fallen down a hill sober uh uh no I lived in Seattle and Denver basically my whole life and there's great skiing and snowboarding next to both of them and I have never been awful what are they doing in Seattle then they're cycling 10 months nine out of 12 months the year like it's more like seven but yeah and it's not just rain it's just gray okay but they're having the they're having a blast of a time right now because they've made it to the Sunshine part of the year and this is when everyone this is when everyone does everything like it was so ridiculous like your social calendar you do nothing over the winter and everyone would just be depressed and then summer would hit it's like we're doing everything every day we're doing something man that's how I've been feeling I swear to God I haven't had a free like weekend in the whole summer so far like for the last like two months it's just every weekend there's stuff going on sun's out activity time it's not six months of Snows right right let's go do all the stuff and then it's yeah it's ridiculous yeah so yeah that's uh that's kind of thing of Seattle the cool thing about Seattle though is like no matter what you're into or what like outdoor activity kind of stuff you want to do you can probably find it within like an hour or two's drive from smack in the middle of downtown like you want to go on a crazy hike well guess what Giant mountain named Mount Rainier is right there like go for it um so super cool in that way and then there's like there's some amount of like water sports and things that go on but I mean Puget Sound is very cold like very cold always um like 40 degrees maybe in the summer Fahrenheit which is something in Celsius for you people probably like I don't know five Celsius Maybe yeah yeah four or five so me and the other 97 of the world that agrees that Celsius works better yeah man I I got born into this system I got a lecture last time we talked about it from an American in the comments who like gave me a whole speech about how Fahrenheit makes more sense than yeah and and I've just now mistakenly brought up the topic and every time this topic comes up uh the comment there's there's a lot of opinions in the comments because uh we got we got stuff to worry about and apparently it's uh the number inside of the temperature yeah Freedom Units are better than non-freedom units is that's sad I mean the only thing that that I've ever heard that like makes sense in that argument is that uh Celsius is how water feels and Fahrenheit is how people feel like that's the design of it it's like okay I just feel 99 all the time right exactly yeah I feel if you go over a hundred percent then you just that that gets worse it's actually bad right you go below 95 five percent that's also bad well I mean for your like internal temperature yeah so when I give like 140 all the time you know it's just does effort translate directly into temperature I don't think that's how the news is right that's like the 12th law of thermodynamics effort equals temperature uh come you're starting to get off into qma physics territory I'm just saying I don't know man I think if I think that makes sense you're you're starting to talk about the kind the kinds of thermodynamics where where there can be a a boiler full of steam but but yeah but the water's cold when cartoon characters put Steam out their ears bro that's the temperature dissipation from putting in too much effort oh and here I thought they just had five chimes in their ears like no that's that's see that's everyone always makes this mistake you only ever want to put in just the right amount of effort speaking speaking about just the right amount of effort uh apparently again yeah apparently like I don't know rewind the tape Mick uh how much percent reg was that it felt like it was like 40 percent it was not a hundred percent I know it wasn't that it was probably like 90 something knowing me but I'm having such a great time over here I've been another car that's the 217 has joined the dirt but uh I've rerailed it now so now me and the class 48 we're having a great time together uh you know we're really bonding over this experience after all we haven't derailed once no I just took the class 48 and rated around the train so I could uh hook up the cars from the right side to leave the yard and now I'm just supposed to go load well there you go I am vaguely halfway done floating and uh depending on how the rest of these uh heavy things trying to go around sharp curve moments go uh you know maybe it'll be successful soon maybe it won't one of these days we have to make our railroads online world called bridgelands where everything is built up on a bridge see that's just how most people play this game like like do we need to do that everything has to be above the tree line and then you just drop you drop the stuff like to its depth for the yeah you have to come down I guess to get to the Loading cranes would be the only thing but here we uh we delivered your beams sir and you dropped the beam and it splits in half like yeah pretty much but like yeah definitely for sure call it like Skylands railroads you know but yeah you'd have to that'd be the only thing is you have to come down to load unless there's some way to elevator stuff up with like multiple cars I don't know if there is uh the car going to a car to a car they're each higher up than the next oh you could you could build a stair step yeah I can see it now yeah do that until you get up to the street light you have to waste a bunch of cars though but yeah yeah because you need to get up to the tree line you'd probably need like 10 cars so like yeah true that would just make just the laggiest experience ever okay I still need to go ahead but you know Skylands it's very important yes the sky I desire trains in the sky all right I'm loading now so okay so you have you have are there two cranes that load rails there or just one there are two but they have to load ten each and they are very slow and I'm too lazy to cancel the animation each time so you know we're just gonna let that play out the way all right well we'll just have to see because I'm getting I'm probably two-thirds loaded if I had to guess hmm oh God good God never mind there's a lot of cars oh and they just expl oh no that was a client side okay I feel like every time you derail though I get the chance to catch up you do you really do so let me just see how this goes I am loading actually I might be halfway right now math for me what's the class for getting up two percent with nine cars or rails Let's uh let's uh see what happens here too much to not enough is that the issue let me uh thing let me uh yeah I think it's gonna be too much although the class 48 to chonker uphill so I don't know oh boy where where oh where did that go my spreadsheet is there it is let's see okay I gotta I'm gonna I'm gonna respawn and load my next two cars and then I will tell you I can tell you oh God no this is an old version of it I don't know what happened my spreadsheet has disappeared um I was working on my computer today and uh hopefully it's not on that other Drive I don't think it's on that other drive I'm gonna have to search around for it oh you swapped the drive no so so um uh uh I'm not great at delicate things because I work on steam locomotives and um and it's like fixed by hitting with big hammer yeah and so I was trying to get the new power supply in and I thought with a big hammer well I did see that's the secret and then it shattered into a veggie pieces no um I thought I'd press the little tab to pull the uh the cord off uh of the motherboard and uh I hadn't and I ripped one of my SATA ports off so um I'm running uh one one hard drive down right now it just came right off the motherboard and I wasn't even like pulling on it that hard so like I don't know maybe my sense of everything is just ruined but I mean they're not they're not exactly held on with like you know bolts or anything like they do they aren't they are just soldered on like right but I was kind of surprised it popped off still but anyway yeah I've never heard of somebody pulling a port off their but now I'm looking at my computer and I'm scared to touch it well uh uh as long as you touch it'll probably be fine I'm probably just cursed but you know it's fine I think I'm spotted for these next two cars okay I actually might have gone too far I don't know we'll see what they load and I will continue looking for my spreadsheet yeah I mean I'm just gonna kind of send it but I don't really have a backup plan I mean if I can't make it then you just have to come down and pick this up that is true yeah that's really that's really what has to happen so it's not the end of the world I'd like to make it though but I don't know this seems like a lot of weight for the class 40. hey there it is the class 48 on a two percent is good for 332 000 pounds I'll be fine and you have nine cars of rails and a car of rails is um 28 000 so yeah you're gonna be you're gonna be pretty close to tonnage but not quite yeah I'll be good so you'll be fine but now the question is so the the Tweetsie is good on two percent for 563 000. uh so can we add 18 cars of beams on top of that uh carve beams uh how much is the car beams can't be a lot car beams eighteen thousand okay I mean probably probably I don't know my it might struggle we should actually do this math it's not two percent the whole way though hmm there are that is true there's some flat spots so if we send it it should just be so like you'll be fine I believe I believe if you believe I mean we can't always slap the class 48 on the back if we really want to but like I don't really want to I just want to full send it right you know I believe in the believe in speed I believe in you did did no stop game is this client side or did why did this car come off the at the end no okay no it is client side it is not derailed or it is it I don't know I just I just man this game is fun it does not know it doesn't know it's Schrodinger's car it might be derailed it might not be derailed and now I'm gonna run across the entire complex again to go get to my engine to respawn this this is uh this is a bit of an Endeavor I should put down a telegraph house right over here so I can just re-spot myself or maybe I don't know but just pull two cars ahead every time [Music] don't break it don't break it don't turn the brakes off don't break the train [Music] foreign [Music] that's probably pretty good all right I'm loading two more cars currently I have three more left load after this how many do you have left um I have four and I think that car okay it's still on the tracks but the link is out of it is it I think it's actually there I think I grabbed it with the re-rail tool because I thought it was derailed and then I think therefore you are and and then it became it was on the track still but it busted the link or something I don't know what's going on that's very strange you guys ever broken a link mid train ride at the Museum uh we don't run with Lincoln pin no I know but you run like the couplers but like yeah we have never had a broken tackle no never a broken never a broken coupler we don't really run enough cars to experience that Force um right and our stuff's in pretty decent shape thankfully um I have I mean there's broken stuff but never never a coupler before we've never pulled like we had been some problems or something weird on the track when you were driving uh bunny single tier that was that's it not like a you ran over a body while you saw it and you're just like well it's nothing you can do about it I mean it was running down the side of the track real scared because big I mean the entire Earth is shaking and then decided to jump over the rail at the wrong time and I came around the next lap and there was a if there was a red splotch I mean what else do you like oh okay that's okay yep we uh we got the bun bun single tier uh that sucks yeah it was uh that was that was a sad day um but uh no like nothing nothing weird run over I mean there have been incidents of people like not being super smart in the shop and and switch Crews like pulling engines out with another engine and they didn't check and then like they ran over a pipe and made a nice piece of art out of it but right or what happens so that like okay so you know like there's uh in movies and stuff you see people putting like pipe across a railroad track and derailing a train and all that stuff uh you know right real life you put a pipe on a track train hits pipe pipe's gone trade keeps moving like but I mean it depends of course because of course it does uh that's a drink for anyone playing the game uh foreign but like if it's sufficiently heavy sufficiently and if it can get wedged in the right way it could cause a problem um yeah whether or not that's probably a pound train right you it would take something decently significant but there have been incidences where even like um like a train like a full loaded train hitting like a semi or not even a semi like hitting a uh like a sedan on the tracks something got wedged just right and a wheel came off and then that took the rest of it off like wow that that's happened and then like you're talking about a weight difference of you know one of those big GE locomotives is like 420 000 pounds uh so what you're saying is if I were to perfectly position a rock in just the right way it could cause a problem probably not but maybe wow yeah so uh the funny thing is with that with a steam engine especially there's uh there's there's an old saying and I've never seen it actually tested so this might be a a shop old wives tale but the the whole thing is apparently if you were to put a dime directly in front of each driver's contact patch and then try and run the locomotive it would not move because it would be trying to pick itself up the dime so if it was like like a dime when it's stationary right just right ahead of the drivers as tight as it can go because it tries to stair step it apparently and it can't climb up that tiny little step that's that that is the old wives [Music] tale doesn't it like it does but uh what's not a wives tale while we're talking about coins and railroad tracks Everyone likes to talk about the uh uh the oh yeah put the penny on the track and get it smushed thing all right please don't do that everyone like it's a thing that people do shooting off like a rocket yes not every time but there are plenty of times when it can come out like a missile and I would not be surprised if it could do like a bullet and serious damage and or kill someone if it was just right so yeah believe it or not a penny through the skull does the same thing as a bullet it's uh yeah fun fact when it's launched not not uh not at terminal velocity for a penny as The MythBusters found out but uh yes yeah so um in Canada there's in Toronto there's the CN tower which is like the tallest building right right and um you can walk around the outside of it um so and you're like 1100 feet up or something or 1200 feet up or something like that right um it's 11 seconds to fall to the ground they give you that nice fact right before you go off they're like oh don't worry if the if the rope breaks you have 11 seconds to think about it it's like oh that's nice you know that's very comforting yeah yeah so my fiance and I went and they actually have people that like will pat you down and search your pockets and they'll tie your shoes for you and uh and then and then like tape up all your belongings and put stuff in lockers and stuff because like they are so paranoid of you having a penny in your pocket and dropping it accidentally right and killing somebody down below because it accelerates fast enough to like you know go right through their skull when well see so that's the that's that's the myth that the MythBusters tested back in like the first or second season of the show because if you have the same thing happening at the Empire State Building in New York here in the states and I swear to God this car came uncoupled again it's not enough to kill you is what they're saying it just hurts it's a lot it's it's not it hurts a lot and they actually shot a penny at terminal velocity at Adam Savage and uh he made some uh made some not terribly fun sounds but uh it didn't kill him uh because it turns out fast enough so next time I go to walk around the outside of this building what you're saying is I should bring a lot of pennies and be like listen it's not gonna kill people you know it's not I mean I don't know if you're gonna make that argument but uh follow you you can try all right so I uh I only loaded car 17 I got a respawn for car 18 because I lost track of where my car counts were because I had to uh recouple to that car that wanted to run away for no reason I I don't know what's going on with car 18. he doesn't like me um and I mean the 18th car in the con system I'm not actually sure what number it is but uh I'm uh I'm about to be fully loaded here all right we're gonna tie on loading I think just about then so yeah and then I'll be heading up to the Y and I'll wait at the Y uh my game gets significantly laggier whenever you do stuff that's uh that's a fun fact my game is at a point where we have too many cars on the server unfortunately well I bet you need cars to make the railroad work cons so I know right what how weird how that is what do is there is there a way to fix too bad we can't take the steak Flats to and repurpose them you know like right because uh because you could just like take the stakes out because that's that's how they work they're the same car and then you mount like a log the log holder things right right they're all actually the same car and you just go to the car shop and like have them be modified yeah have them swap it out yeah exactly holes for the things or whatever yeah the uh all right well I'm uh I'm able to pull this on flat ground which is good I am fully loaded and leaving the smelter now and uh the last beam is being loaded right now and I'm running back up to the head End by the time I get there it'll be loaded and then I'm gonna start heading out I'm gonna have to be very gentle with this I think yeah especially because you gotta flick some switches on your way out right get really careful not to yep I can't so I can't begin going too fast here so no I'm doing the same thing I'm kind of nice and slowly pulling out here all right just a casual 16 throttle and uh and oh my goodness I forgot about this that there is keyboard controls for just the throttle in this game in case you didn't know W and S operate the throttle those are the stats those are the only keyboard controls you have but you do have them but that's all that's all you need right right well I mean the bar would be nice and maybe the brakes and maybe the whistle both directions bro if you need to switch directions you built your track wrong that's that's just continuous loop yeah you just do the uh you do the whatever it is the the snow piercer thing and you just never stop right yeah still haven't watched that movie by the way yeah no the train drives for like two years or something or like seven years still very curious how the uh the maintenance gets done but you know oh there is no maintenance don't worry about bearings wearing out or anything that just doesn't happen uh okay uh can I get some of those like do you know who sells those they just they just run for like 10 years straight if I never had to drop binders ever again I would be very happy so yeah yeah if I could get some of those that'd be feeling yeah the never wearing bearings or like the wheels Man by the end of it they're just running on the axles themselves right right there you go no there's no wheel anymore it's just the axle straight axle running on the rail it's fine um I've got I've got all of all of my train loaded I'm heading out doing decent speed and uh I'm on the siding the smelter siding and I'm about to push onto the main and start pushing up the two percent uh so are you right before the why I need to get ahead of you on the Y then yes yeah you need to go on the Y and then I will stick this on your your butt okay you're adding to my butt I I like that exactly I'm putting uh nine cars of rails in your butt on your butt oh you gotta love it attached to your butt hey attach it to my butt So speaking of Wheels we had a we had a bit of a speaking of butts speaking of butts for a second there uh have you met Hugh ES uh anyways uh we had we had an interesting wheel moment at the Museum this weekend we were running uh we ran a 10 car train with 491 which is super fun at the Museum uh 10 cars behind it still not tonnage up to three and a half percent but uh it was fun she got to bark louder than she normally does with the museum and everything cars how how close is that for it to loop around and touch itself oh not even you would you would need to snake trade you would need to have like 60 cars to do that I think so so new objective content get get that many cars in service and then pray that you don't string line it yeah yeah so put them all in a loop so that well you can push it from the front while you pull it from the back right exactly and it and then the the weight going down just offsets the weight going up and it just never stops moving right it has a perpetual motion machine at some point that's um that's how it works or so I've Been Told ah but uh yeah no we had I put I put more coal in this thing but the fuel did not change anyways I'm gonna get on the break a little bit just to nicely start Gathering the slack because I have enough cars for train handling actually kind of matters I'm gonna try and put more coal in the starting thing like please please please eat the coal Tina eat the food eat the food there we go uh anyways Wheels we uh we had one of the 10 cars um had a wheel condition pop up that I had never seen before which was kind of crazy um it was kind of funny where uh our chief mechanical guy Jeff got called back to take a look at something that one of the brakemen found on this freight car that was just in uh for funsy's show-off service not actually caring people or whatever or cargo or anything it was just for fun to add to the train and it's a car we've run a fair amount um and we inspect everything every day and multiple times throughout the day and this is the first time this appeared and it was interesting uh because uh Jeff gets called over there and then I get called over there and it's like oh well I might I must be being called to be to look at a wheel because a lot of what I did at BNSF was look at wheels and wheel defects they would come in because you run a train from Seattle to Chicago uh guess what the wheels tend to get a little messed up from time to time they wear and they do things and and those the condition of the wheels is a a huge part of railroad maintenance have we ever what what are the brakes on cars are they they're axle brakes oh they're the same as the the drivers they're just they're like a out inside out drum break where there's just a shoe that presses up against the wheel it's the same on a locomotive or a car even modern stuff is still just a giant shoe pressing on a wheel yep unless you're in passenger land then they have uh disc brakes as well on the end of the axle but that's uh that's a little different wow okay yeah so anyway uh we come across this wheel and they're they're chilled iron wheels so they're originally cast iron Wheels um special method of preparation to make them chilled iron and everything and uh they it wore through the tread to a point where the the casting was flawed and it had cracks in it and it was like I've never seen this before on a wheel and so it was like hey let's set this car out like we don't know for all we know it's days before x-ray you never knew there was nothing wrong with it previously and and then went in and it's like okay well you know it it would probably still be fine to run but you know now that you see cracks what do cracks do they propagate and then they fail so we set the car out and we're gonna change the wheel set out but uh that was interesting and one of those things like hey keep an eye out always be looking for things because you know oh we've run this car plenty of times never seen an issue never anything and boom wait cracked wheel wow that's uh that's a new one casting was bad to have cracks in it that means it didn't cool quick enough right it cooled too quickly probably all right I'm approaching the Y here I've run remember how much material science do you remember I remember a fair bit because that's actually the class that I end up like using and referencing the most um although I I get Material Science because it's like you know okay differential equations I don't find myself solving those on a steam engine but knowing why annealing the copper uh the copper Dome gasket is important that's uh that's pretty helpful and knowing what steel to build a part out of or what bronze to build a part out of for a certain service that's pretty helpful or knowing why wheel shelling happens because the slip dislocation motion of the uh grain structure of the steel yeah no that's uh that's all helpful stuff so I hated Material Science I thought it was really interesting it was hard but it was really interesting I was I was more into like uh fluid mechanics and aerodynamics how fluids was neat fluids was hard too but fluids was yeah uh so interesting I was able to make it up this hill but I've had to sort of stop on the hill and I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get going in the opposite direction okay oh we're trying it wants to yeah do you have enough starting track to effort yet enough yeah continuous but it's moving it's moving can you uh can you tell me when I'm clear of the switch because I I can't see it uh yeah you're you need to go more I'm sure that I got another probably nine cars but yeah you get a lot the switch is very floaty that's fine it seemed to Bear my weight just fine so yeah it's uh yeah that's how rail works right you just kind of slap the ties underneath to hold the rail together but the rails the actual structural right it's it's like a bridge I mean it's an I-beam shape so those are like magic from what I remember yeah they're mechanics and materials so yeah yeah no that definitely that definitely would work uh you're about to be clear of it in one cup okay I'm shutting down and then you might as well start walking the back of your train to Hitch this up right yeah as soon as I get the brake all the way on because I'm just gonna feather it in because it seems that we've uh we've got some chicanery going around right now we're sliding backwards uh the end of my train might be I am not okay it stopped it stopped okay it was just the Slime just the slack rolling out yeah I'm not sure why it was bunched up because I wasn't it was up what what oh yeah that's weird there's a little bit of a downhill here before that bridge so it's kind of probably where it I guess so yeah all right I don't see you you're over there somewhere apparently I'm coming I'm about to hit the Y right now the back of my train okay oh yeah I see you now you're in you're you're within render distance I'm gonna start slowing down oh look you have rails I didn't see this lots of rails lots and lots of trails oh and I've been eaten by the train car oh goodness and the client side rendering makes this just a fun challenge all right you've got a Lincoln pin do I have a Lincoln pin no I reriled this car because of the shenanigans okay well I'm gonna ride your shove yeah let me know when I'm good you've got about three cars to go I'm just letting it roll two now one and a half one still rolling and now you just got a half ten foot still 10 foot it was almost perfect dude five foot that'll do all right pinned it got it yep good lord I can't I can't see I don't think I can see either end of this train from The Middle all right I'm on pinned from the class 48th class praise God's brakes on okay and we con once again we've done it we've put the heavy stuff at the back yeah it's it's we just gotta get going slow this is a long train dude 27 cars man I can't see the front from the oh but you're the host that's impressive oh and we picked a bad spot to start yeah this is uh really not the smartest thing I've ever done I'm gonna put coal in the hole real quick here yeah pull it ahead like hold on let me save this real quick before yes Save with it all coupled that's probably a good idea right yeah that's uh strikes me as a good idea all right yeah all right let's let's head on out here let's uh yeah [Applause] [Music] all right I'm just gonna ease a little throttle on Kick the brake off we are going backwards that was not enough throttle to hold us all right no come on sweetheart we need more throttles although I'm wide open okay come on you got your Bell on I don't all right Belle there it is there it is get the Bell oh man this is uh come on choo choo this is tonnage that's for sure this is uh it's definitely heavy I love how this this you know the MVP right here is this first link in this train right it's like I got just a couple that's sideways at a 45 degree angle it's uh that's fine uh I've heard that when you load the things at weird angles speaking of mechanics and materials like nothing ever happens it's fine yeah no it's that's definitely that's definitely the MVP of the whole this whole mission do you wanna do you want to give us a boost with the class 48 to get us started I mean we'll get going right this is the worst incline of the whole thing it flattens out a little bit over there it does but like is this is two percent still isn't it I don't know I'll go give it a shove I'll go yeah if you just if you just like that's the thing that yard goats did sometimes they shoved on the back and then gotcha going yeah once we're moving it'll stay moving right that's right momentum we gotta we gotta use that yeah yeah and we're just providing power to the system precisely and precisely yeah okay I got it oh my God this is a lot of this is a lot of well you've moved like 10 feet here look you know we have moved and the whole train is moved so we do have all the weight on the drawbar which is that is a bonus all right I'm gonna come back here full reverse 100 percent let's go class 48 give her a shove you are the goat in fact make the hitch like nice and easy like you don't have to yeah but like don't don't Bonk me too hard you didn't even feel the ball because of all the slides I I didn't and then and now we're just going fast now good yeah I'm pushing full speed here I gotta just wait because once you start get going I'm gonna like I have to jump on because you're gonna run me right I don't know if we'll be in danger of out running you until we get onto the flat but yeah but I gotta also set the break on this and somehow jump on I believe in you all right this is probably good enough yeah I think that's pretty good for a push we should be able to maintain this all right there we go we got to the points on the freaking uh it's up on the bridge yeah we're gonna we're gonna forget where we left it again we're gonna come along flying back at 30 mile an hour okay let's all say it three times together it's up on the trust Bridge it's up on the truss Bridge yeah yeah we'll remember now where was it again it's up on the truss Bridge right oh that's perfect which which one there's many trust Bridges though are you slowing down uh yeah seriously yeah this is uh this is gonna be a bit of a fight and I've got my bell going on so like I can't you're and all your brakes are off for sure I think so tender break included I'd assume so brake check tender breaks off I mean we decided to not do this math assuming that we could just fly up this hill with it but uh turn out train heavy speed like yeah once we get some speed it should it should work I mean we're not stopped quite yet we might just crawl like the tonnage math doesn't say at which speed you're gonna clear the hill it just says whether or not you're gonna clear the hill and I mean I know I know we didn't do any tonnage math we're about to stop yeah we're uh isn't this like an acceleration thing though where it's like I'll just get the class 48 and put a full reg on the back yeah um yeah but yeah is this like an acceleration kind of deal where like once you start accelerating then you'll keep like if you if you're gonna lose acceleration then you're eventually just gonna slow down to a stop it's not well so there's there's there are speeds at which you will clear these things like with a real steam engine really running you can't give it full power in the corner with the Johnson bar all the way forwards you can't have the throttle wide open unless you're going relatively slow because it starts to fight against you because you have to cushion the piston on the back side of the stroke and So the faster you're going the faster you end up admitting steaming and fighting against you whereas at slow speeds it doesn't matter as much and so you have to have the bar hooked up you can't be at 100 100 all the time like that's not how that works and so you end up with a speed where everything evens out where you're putting out max power but it might be four or five miles an hour you do that by regulating the throttle while you drive or you regulate the Johnson Johnson bar with the throttle wide open theoretically that is the ideal thing so when you drive around the museum that's what you guys try and do is keep oh God oh God no we can't do that because we don't have enough cars to to put behind it to keep the throttle wide open so but you but you set your throttle to like one notch let's say and then you use the Johnson bar to regulate we we're not running at tonnage and what we're talking about is running at 10 inch so what we'll end up doing is hooking up the Johnson bar as high as it runs reasonably uh and then running with the throttle for Speed as we need it there because that wears the running gear the least so right but the principal would then be okay well if you end up at tonnage you you do that and then you keep pulling the throttle open and then you still need more then you start clicking the bar down notches so interesting all right well I'll just pretend that there's no one helping me and and look look at how fast we're making this silicon I feel like once we get to a flat like you're that that passing track is completely flat right for a long time we should be able to get a lot of speed there right so I'm gonna try and stop pushing at that point and jump on and leave it on the past okay yeah so the class 48 is no longer on the truss Bridge it's like oh no we're gonna have to say it like six times to undo it yeah I'd do it yeah oh no I do love the fact that from up here though you can see the whole smelter layout and like the two past the smelter beat-in tracks and stuff it's kind of cool I can't see it from over here because I'm already way past you and I am yeah I'm at the uh the passing track switch now so I'm even It Wide Open Bell included oh I can't catch you anymore good luck I know you can't nope you are way faster than you better cut the corner then man I'll probably bog down can I even cut the corner let me see is there a corner to cut uh probably I'm gonna turn right again pretty soon here you are yeah I'm I see the train running away from me I am not fast enough to get to the train that is unfortunate well uh I'm not gonna slow down for you because I want to make this so yeah no I yeah [Laughter] apparently this is uh it's where hold on where can I where can I go you could teleport to the next but I don't know where like we're pretty far away from that oh you're so fast now you're gone yeah we're speedy speedy boy you are a God I could go to this like wonderful observation pose at the top of the mountain [Music] um which that doesn't show me oh you're in that other Valley you're way over there right there's literally I gotta go to the helper station and I gotta Mountain climb over the health and helper station and then intersect you that way that is that's a bit of a bit of a track yeah well that's the the I can't catch you any other way you're so fast like it's like I fell off the trade the brakeman fell off the trade we just left him for dead forget that's fine there'll be a train passing by the other way eventually TM right and he'll just get on that one and the funny thing is I think I've only just now made full speed by the sound of it the chuff sound finally got there and I think I'm now getting back on two percent with this bridge here so I'm gonna have to see what see how this goes here all right well I have to somehow get back onto the train before oh my God I can't even climb up this mountain I wish you could just move fast in right like godspeed where is it like what happens if you set the reg and you get out of your train and you're a single player like that's GG for your train Connie it was 39 cars that's what happens you're gonna oh you're gonna you might be I'm looking at the map come on it was 27 cars you might actually beat me to the I am slowing down pretty significantly right now actually are you yeah I'm only I'm doing about half of full speed right now but I'm coming up to another flat Bridge so I'll get a little a little respite here oh my God you might not even make it we shall see it but that's why I didn't want to stop for you I don't I don't this might be a total I'm trying to get up this mountain we got places to be in by we I mean me and not you apparently you've got to be a supportist John railroad cannot climb Everest I'm gonna tell you right now he is uh it's uh not not his skill man we passed Over the Rainbow Bridge here on top of this mountain though I should see you are you on that flat truss Bridge down there are you on the trust bridge yet like the big one I am past uh engine is past it but the trains oh I can see your cars I could see your car I still probably won't even make it unbelievable after climbing the mountain John railroadson still won't catch the train I don't know I think I think run as I'm going right now so you'll probably I'm I'm sprinting like perfectly sideways I see the rail where I can get on here I see the rail you're already at the rail that I need to get on am I yeah that's insane dude I just jumped over a freaking mountain and it's not fast enough to catch the train well that's why they invented trains and not uh you know people and horses and cartons I literally see you and I can't catch a train oh no there you are maybe I can I don't know we'll see I I have no idea where you are oh I'm coming out of the woods I'm like Bigfoot coming to harass the trade this train get off my log does this bridge flatten out this bridge better flatten now look at this he comes out of the woods it's John railroad so there he is all right get on the tree oh now if you stall out that would just be that would be hilarious it'd be like hey con can you run back to the classroom go back get the class 48 yeah yeah you might you might have to I've got Bell and all man are you actually gonna stall out again I don't know we're uh we're coming down to a slow halt here I'm gonna I'm gonna do the math okay I want to know what what we're actually dealing with here we should have done this earlier but it's fine all right we have 18 cars of beams and we have nine cars of rails and that is 584 000 pounds and we're good for 563. so it's literally one car too many ah and uh there we are okay could you go get the class 48. dude I just ran over a freaking mountain and it didn't matter all for naught oh yeah that's great that's that's that's I'm so happy about that dude I'm really really happy that's that's uh makes me feel so great all righty Heist you're almost here you've almost made it finally yeah I'm coming in all right I'm gonna stay up here because it would be a long run there and back yeah no you're fine what about it okay I will however uh take my break off yeah I'm not I'm not offended yet [Music] I can see that because I'm rolling slightly turn on the bell all right there we go give it the beans oh thankful reg all right give it the gave it the beans beans oh yeah put on my whistle wait no Bell get the Bell going [Applause] [Music] I'm not gonna lie the goats whistle kind of sounds like a tongue it is a little strange deep pitched Vibe isn't it yeah yeah it sounds like it sounds like a tugboat it's like two toot all right we're choo-chooing away fuel in that so it should just go and I'll leave it at full rag there you go I should be able to just be able to control the throttle drain from the front really I mean I've got everything wide open up here and uh we're doing the thing so yeah no but I mean like if you if you slam your brakes I don't think the class 48 is going to push through it so probably not uh probably not even when we get on the flat ground who knows yeah [Music] crazy this is uh tonnage for sure [Music] yep uh just a little over tonnage just a cute little bit it's uh it's fine have you noticed okay look at this set of beams right see a set of beams okay you notice the difference uh you you clip through that one right but then but then look at this set of beams right that one's fine okay then look at this other beams I was noticing that as I was loading and I was assuming it was a client-side thing but this this set of beams is fine again so are we actually maybe delivering nine loads of beams because of sadness I I don't know but are they there are they not they don't they don't seem to exist there's two cars of beams that don't exist uh I'm gonna check if if it if I highlight it so show me that it's loaded it does okay so there is loaded they are loaded apparently they're just they're just sad beeps that's that yeah they don't I don't I don't get it some of them newfangled Hollow beams that yeah they're hollow hollow hollow ghost beams ghosty beams yes I love looking at the class 48 way at the back there just shove it along that's so great um I'll take your word for it yeah it's just it's just full size I can see like seven loaded cars and then three unloaded cars behind them so just at viewers Picture This Train three times as long with another engine on the back and that's what it actually almost four times as long really is what it you know uh last time it's loaded well the loads yeah but the yeah the the cars yeah uh if you uh if we were doing this in real life we'd probably put the engine in the middle I feel we would have probably yeah but you know we just try and shove these wood cars in half I feel like if you were ever the locomotive driver of the middle engine that would be a terrifying experience I would probably be a little interesting yeah like you get pulled and you'd get shoved you know like right here just be really uh really fun to try and manage your throttle the whole time right oh okay we're picking up some spicy speed here getting up to speed now on the flat this is the flat section remember right right this is flat for a while actually uh yeah okay we are going to go very fast the class 48 meanwhile is just gonna be getting drug along for the ride it's getting its Wheels it's fine burning tires oh man this is this is what we anticipated the whole run would be like but yeah you know we would be able to get going up to full speed up this but it turns out 27 cars is literally one car too many so you know what that means we need two tweezies I guess so back to back but we haven't finished buying all the engines yet Khan okay well then we can run Tweetsie with five shades and just drag the shades along when we're going fast no I think no no wouldn't that just destroy the Pistons on it yes yes indeed it would just grinding the gears down and just yeah I mean the Pistons would probably try and explode but I mean the cranks and the all the running gear would go spaghet first probably yeah dragging it along way faster oh the coal mine's right over there I can see The Engine House yeah okay so we're we just gotta go up and around the valley it's fine I really hope when I see the rest of this train come around the corner it's all still attacked that we have the whole thing yeah I've been thinking that the whole episode so because I can't see the end of my channel I have been able to see it for a while all I see is wood cars I haven't seen a single rail car no beams car for a while yeah I have no idea the class 48 is still on it oh we're slowing down now we've hit the other two percent here okay stop push then we'll know that we've lost the class 48 but if we don't stop we're fine to all uh I I see the rail cars oh yeah I see the smoke from the class 48 it's still pushing I will once again take your word for it it's got a giant black plume of smoke it must be an American train oh yeah yes because only American trains make those yes or the American trades big black smoke man I it uh that that video was so hilarious to me like it it's performing very well which is kind of a surprise because to me it was like I was just scrolling through Facebook bored the one day and saw that question get asked exactly like the title of my video um and I was like oh that you know that's a super easy answer and I and I pull open the comments and then the comments were just like all over the place and it was like oh my God I I felt compelled spoke for the same reason they put Giant open straight pipes on the back of a diesel truck I mean without looking cool yeah no but also yes but no anyway it's all about burning dirty coal and looking cool for photographs real cold yeah I mean yeah I saw a part of your video where you were talking about you had to look cool for photographs that is that is that is cool if it's that is why that is why the myth is there but I mean back in the day they used to have stenciled on the tenders of the engines of the Narrow Gauge of the Rio Grande on the little little itty bitty railroad they had stenciled eat black smoke is waste save a scoop of coal per mile stuff like that taunting the firemen like stop making smoke so it was I mean our culture used to be the same but then uh you know the photography thing became such a big thing it's kind of strange yeah they're like we want to take pictures of your Vengeance with black smoke not without black smoke [Applause] this is cool it's a cool run I like this run I do like this run too now this time yeah it's nice that we built a rail it's so gradual though that you can just go you know without worry right worry about string lighting or any of that because it's just super gradual curves the whole way up what's the that's the way to do it and that's what railroads really tried to do Let's see we are aligned we are not into the right place at all not into anything good uh oh I'm a God I'm a godcon twice in the same oh oh but we're lined into the Y never mind I'm rescinding my speech are you sure you're did you did you turn off the break at all uh I thought I'd turned the brake on no no you went you were still on full 100 break I got this thing full slammed in Reverse we'll stop you want to get the class 48 maybe go go backwards I will you know it that way no we'll just shove through the class 48 in full reg no big deal it's fine poor class 48. not trying to hurt nobody oh my God he's just back there going grinding the Railhead for us just skipping around on the track oh no all right that's fine it's fine no big deal yeah you you got the switch and I was like what is he talking about he hit the wrong switch no let's see we were lined up the yard lead first I just didn't realize that the second switch was line for the Y so we I was almost a God on this day but I did do two client-side leaping switches which is like this is pretty hot stuff I'm not I'm not gonna lie to you okay are you turning off the Dynamo oh it is annoying all right bring him ahead trying to save some power yeah the ounce of steam it uses yeah okay all right I am bringing them ahead sir this is what we got I see the glow from you a lot but I don't see you light it's the strangest thing all right we're coming in unbelievable that was close that was that almost was a disaster if we had gone just a little bit further just kept sending it there's yeah you had it only at like 63 break and no throttle so it's like bro you did not put enough brakes I didn't want to fall break it because the amount of string lines I had at the freaking Lumber Yard Man I didn't want to string line it somewhere all right beans first come across nice and slow yep we got we have one we have one beam I'm on full skid mode uh just getting shoved by the class 48 in case you didn't notice check it out it's just just like not even seeing it hardly slow down at all and that's just I can't stop it because I got brakes I got I got a couple more breaks okay you're good you're good [Music] oh yeah that's how that works okay bring It Forward yeah and just just kick it into neutral I guess yeah the class 48 shoves it it's fine it's Auto Magic Man yeah no we're good we're gonna have all of the coal we're gonna have to buy a bunch of Hoppers next yeah we're gonna have so much coal and really know where to take it but I guess that's fine you can always sell it take it to the Ironworks or sell it oh we could just sell it true for but if we take it to the Ironworks we get the same as selling it don't we right yeah but if the Ironworks is full up for some reason which they probably shouldn't no it hasn't got a thousands they have the biggest pile of coal uh ready to happen yeah fill it with a giant pile of coal that's fine I like giant piles of coal they bring that's my problem with that this is this is gonna be perfect this will make us a fair amount of money though yeah I mean I mean we're doing 27 cars I mean even if it was cheap stuff right uh um I'm just kidding we can go back the way we came okay yeah just seesaw it's fine but but day shift is almost over so I was gonna say we we someone else's problems we've yet to throw the keys into the dirt and uh I think that might be a great that's the end of the shift so great second uh thing oh that car might not unload all the way no it got it uh I can no longer stop the class four oh because it's it weighs less okay I'm gonna tie some brakes but it can't push through me in full reverse I mean I tied two brakes I just untied one of them I'm Gonna Leave This oh you're gonna tie them both I'm gonna go for reverse I think I beat the glass really okay okay okay actually no the science says yes that's how that works so just yeah yeah you can shove through my break it's a big big choo choo back there apparently you're starting to get the rail platform lined up too so I'm gonna I'm gonna see how cool I can be loading now too okay you can keep reading them ahead yep yeah coming ahead and that beam cart come on unload unload yes I like that enters the unload key it's very ergonomic to reach uh yeah you can keep bringing to my head just um okay okay because someone's paying to be on Discord perfect I just love that you're gonna turn off notifications so then everyone watch the video be like what where's my where's my where's my ping uh yeah see uh I'm on do not disturb perpetually and I tell you what I should be but I'm not the the best thing I've ever done in my entire life ever was turning off Discord push notifications on my phone and my life has gotten measurably better on my phone that's that that's fair but you know I don't like talking to people if I'm away from my computer I don't need Discord that's my thought that's fair why did that car only unload half oh because we're full up on Rails again um are we are we just hold on are we just let me come back there are we just waiting for cool production is that what's we would go forward one more car come on I'm not going anywhere come on yeah we're waiting for it to eat more beams but come on come on go let's go all right sorry two cars three cars four cars five cards no no no no no ease it back one car one car half car that'll do [Music] one beam two beam three beams you put it in the dirt you put us all over the dirt it's almost like you're trying to do that with the plus 48 is now actively derailing the rest of the train [Applause] let's play the train accordion with Khan I went from Full Speed to reverse and the class 48 just compressive Fortress we're just gonna no I don't I don't like that something class 48 and then the keys went in the dirt oh my god did you unload the rest at least I mean all the beams are unloaded oh okay well that's good let's just pull the class 48 forward and get the rest of the Rails uh we can only get uh eight more rails I think okay so let's unload this last rail car of three and then we'll leave all these 10 full guys parked over in a lane all right that sounds good yeah bring It Forward uh or here I'll I'll drive I'll bring it forward you deal with the okay unloading because you got the money first that's right I am holding the first today all right well this is good uh I was just purposely disconnecting the trade so we could store the the Stars yep yep yeah yep yeah what was what was that you were talking about this is like a story with operator error or something that was a perfect example of what happens if the lead engine and the rear engine don't don't yeah precisely you can get that was an impressive force that was a whole Gap created stop stop stop I'm with the science team you're good you're good yep all right that's all of them let's go back on hitch unhitch the the full ones leave the rest even all kinds of months it'll be it'll be an afternoon shift's job day shift we're almost done here we're supervisor said we need to leave this in the clear so we're just gonna shove it over there it's fine someone else look up deal with the best yep hey you know who that someone else is uh it's us but uh night shift it's fine it's fine yeah we should alternate episodes day shift episode night shift episode we could bust out the duck and get the duck to bring everything back oh we could yeah we could have the duck yeah the duck's been hiding because of its uh it's Beauty it can't be spoiled on on your mere mortals true unbelievable it's a good day of Raritan Khan uh well done everything everything went according to plan nothing within the dirt that was literally nothing but the giant amount of all right bring it back yeah well I'm trying to bring it back bring it that was that was that was literally just the giant amount of slack created in all the cars and then the class 40 removed together at once that was so cool but there are moments when the physics do make a smile happen but uh now we gotta pick up we're playing 27 car pickup pretty much so no 27 minus six we're five okay well I mean all all the other cars it's like it's it's like 15 probably but it's fine all right well let me just coasted yep wait till we're clear of the switches put this uh right put this whole thing away and we're gonna we're gonna even be good kids and line line the switches back for the uh the crap uh rule book and the crap timetable yeah exactly yep there we go problem solved just like that he's in the dirt y Keys that's the real question though real question we talk about keys in the dirt there are no keys on a steam locomotive like if I wanted to couldn't I just fire up a seat look it would have been drive away with it we lock our throttles um oh you lock the throttle yeah so you can't move the bar but yeah there's no like ignition key and then on the engines that have cab doors like these we lock the doors as well if they're on in the historical time would they lock the throttles or but they just be like yeah oh they probably just left them hey great Steve Heist how did he steal the trade oh he just uh he just uh just yeah he just uh went and grabbed this but I mean in the in those days too like you had people on the shift like always you had night Hustlers who was in charge of all the power you didn't just leave engines unattended so right a little bit different in the fire everything else right so well cool all right another day uh another piss cup there you go yep thanks for watching everybody and uh yeah we'll clean this up some other time yep it's uh it's fine don't even worry about it it's um yeah man this place sucks back the beams we'll have to bring more beams yep I brought 18 cars of beans and just not enough 530 cold though we're uh yeah we're coal miners now that's our that's our new job we've we are the uh the the crap Central real and Pacific and coal company Railroad we're now the East the East Broad crab yes East bright East Broad crap the East Broad crap yep and coal company there you go awesome well we'll catch you guys later [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] know s [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Hyce
Views: 31,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trains, railroad, how trains work, steam trains, train game, train crash, train wreck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 28sec (4348 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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