I Tried Running a Long Train and it was a DISASTER! (Derail Valley Gameplay)

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what's up guys my name is khan and we're back today with more derail valley and in the last video we made our way to the goods yard and i can already tell i think this is the train we're gonna end up taking today we got our long haul license or long train license oh what is this thing loads and unloads oh cool we can manually load trains up that's interesting but anyway yeah at the end of last video we got our long train license i had bought it and then did really nothing with it so we got that we've got train driver freight hall should probably get our shunting license at some point the de2 license and then of course train length one so that's that's good we can get some longer trains so today i want to try and pull a longer train i was going to do it with two engines because we do have two engines parked over on a siding over there uh but apparently the engines of this can pull 400 tons according to dapper and the internet so we don't really need to do two engines just yet so the question is do we have a long train that is only three cars long that's shunting i don't i don't have shunting freight haul only three cars great hall five cars deliver scrap metal train length 290 tons license requirement just freight haul okay interesting i don't think there's a long train license what is this shunting i don't want i don't want to do shunting it's also shunting i don't care about shutting what is this logistics hall holy cow that is a long train can i can i please tell me i can do this that's awesome haul empty carts goods factory town to machine factory in town where is that we are goods factory in town here where's machine factory town way over there that it yeah let's do that will let me i really hope it will oh i will no it won't failure right denied logistics hall i need a logistical hall really there's a license for that and train length too yeah that ain't that eight in the cards today all right well that sucks logistics so i gotta do a freight haul license this is six and that's fine all right we're doing this one 104 meters freight hall long oh i see it says long one in the bottom did that one say long two long two ah okay gotcha gotcha reading is important okay long one we can do this perfect okay freight hall job excellent uh we need to pick up some stuff from d40 okay couple the cars at d40 bring them to machine factory in town and unload them on c41 okay no problem d40 where the heck is d40 uh d is the bottom shunt line okay perfect let's get over there real quick it's over here i think it's this right cbx413 where's my book cbx no yeah cbx413 okay that's the front car and then yeah this is the train okay perfect these six cars there we go forward excellent let's just actually while that goes forward let's just check here where we need to go we need to get onto this line right no yes cbx413 okay so to get onto this line it's dead straight so we need to flip this perfect and flip no that's good excellent well i'm definitely gonna have to get a long haul to license and a logistics license i'm also gonna have to test if the 400 tons thing is legitimate or not all right let's just get ready quickly as possible we're gonna slap this on get going to make sure we get that bonus time perfect clamp that up get the brake lines connected flip this open excellent all right now we should be able to get out of here real quick once the brakes finally pressurize how are we doing on brake pressure hold on let's uh cab light brake pipe oh it's pretty good it's not full yet apparently the fan does nothing as well that's a lot of people in the last episode i turned on the fan thinking it would you know maybe help cool the edge or something yeah it doesn't do it doesn't do anything come on let's get going yeah no wheel slip let's just let's go like this trades a little heavier than our last one what is what's the weight on this thing 276 tons and we can supposedly pull 400. deliver furniture obco apparel and footwear is car electronics is car tooling and is car chemicals interesting all right yeah we're coupled to d40 machine factory in town yeah and c41 all right we're going we're on a little we're a little quick here let's just let's just chill we got a lot of weight behind us right now this is actually going to be kind of insane i feel like this is going to really hurt us on hills with the amount of weight we have but you know 276 tons 104 meters long should be fine we're experts now expert train drivers we just got to watch the speed limits i think the more weight is uh is probably means more speed i actually uh had a comet kind of educate me on that i was thinking you know if you have more weight it means you're going to stick on the tracks more and i thought that was like you know the way it should be with all trades the heavier your trade is more like it's going to stick on the tracks especially through turns but someone actually pointed out that if your train is heavy enough it'll actually push you off the turn easier because it has all this like straight momentum that has to go and become an angular momentum which which totally kind of makes sense to me so you actually shove yourself right off the turn if you don't you know pay attention to that we're good though we're on our way out now so let's just start going and we are forward this time so we shouldn't have any overheating issues we can just like crank it up and hopefully obey the speed limits i don't even know what does that say seven yeah we're not anywhere close to 70 let's go okay so we need to turn right at this first y which is going to be a little bit no speed limit sign there excellent still have our full load i would assume perfect so cool we're in some long trades now that's awesome long haul and 200 tons basically that's so great for 300 tons right i can't honestly can't remember the worst train driver don't even know my own manifest what is it 276 tons there you go it's gonna be sick all right i guess while we're waiting we might as well find the machine factory page because that's we're going to be coming in machine factory there we go excellent machine factory in town perfect man the engine is actually getting pretty warm oh god this is a 60 this is a 60 we're doing 80. this is the y here too we got to go right perfect flick that to the right still 60. we should probably just coast a bit uh your first derailment no worries if you can't afford reality you're fishing the job conservative discarded the track wow really how much money does it cost me to re-rail this thing also can we talk about how i derailed and like oh god oh god we had oh no are these all off yikes all right here we go free rail re-rail 2440 dollars are you serious hundred for okay sure how much does this cost me to re-rail though six hundred forty dollars okay yeah no that's fine i can afford that what about this one is this one not derailed oh that one isn't derailed okay perfect perfect so that actually wasn't the most expensive thing in the world to do that's that sucks though gonna cost us a lot of time i still am on this job right yeah i think i'm still on this job ah man that was that's gonna be a costly mistake i feel like i have to really obey the speed limits if it's a heavy trade so let's do this here a little bit push these into each other nice and slowly oh my goodness i can't believe that i can't yeah i know my brake pipe light is is on as a warning it's probably because i'm uh apparently not connected to something and the brake valve is open is that right yeah so i'm literally fighting my own brake here there we go now it's closed i had it for a second there there we go perfect those are already open all right we're good we're on our way now no big deal crisis averted let's go yeah we don't have brake pipe pressure wait are we disconnected somewhere no you're connected right both lines are open perfect what about you you connected yes both oh the one at the back here is probably not connected at all yeah whoops oh my goodness i forgot the car has got to be connected on two sides yeah that would help stop stop stop stop stop no no stop stop stop reverse all right oh my god this is a nightmare we're spending way too much time on this stuff i feel like all these goods would be damaged at this point i also feel like we would have just gotten flung completely off this corner but we got some time to make up now yeah stop we're good everything's connected full speed ahead still got that brake pipe warning okay uh why do i still have a brake pipe warning there's just not enough pressure is that the issue connected connected open open what how did you how did this happen what the heck is going on here i don't even know it's like the one car rolled up on the other car okay we're good now right everything's lined up i think i think we're good oh my goodness how did that even happen okay okay no brake pipe warning perfect we need some speed we need to get going guys we are we are so far behind i don't think we're getting the bonus today oh man is it still only gonna cost a hundred bucks in insurance too i mean we lost all that money with the re-railing nonsense every car is moving okay but yeah the insurance is a hundred bucks each time there's no way it's only gonna be a hundred dollars note to self gotta watch the speed more closely from this point on we can't afford another re-rail like i'm i'm flat on broke now how much money we got 2700 yeah if we have to re-rail this engine that's it job's over it's another y coming up we have to go right at this y no left at this y okay uh can i can i why can't i go left at this y what the heck oh there's a sign blocking the switch no why can't i flick that's oh i'm on the re-rail no no we're going the wrong way i was on i wasn't on the switch function i was on the stupid re-roof god dang it oh my god this is just one one disaster after the other now we're going towards the oil well i should have just done more short trades what was i faking this 290 ton or 270 ton or whatever it's it's too much it was too much i bit off more than i could chew i keep forgetting you can switch between all the different things crew vehicle you haven't unlocked any crew vehicle interesting don't know what that is switch and re-rail i had it on stupid re-rail oh man that's that is unfortunate all right if we get the bonus time now it's gonna be a freaking christmas miracle there is no way there we go now we're going that way oh my goodness okay perfect left and then we'll go through the factory goods town on the left and then we'll stick to the right and go through that north pass by the iron mine and then down to the machine factory in town so we'll be coming to the machine factory in town from the north side um okay which is that right side there and we need to go to what d i think it was c4i which i'm pretty sure still comes in from pretty much yeah the north side so we gotta go left and then right okay it'll be easy enough all right 70k let's get out of here we need to we need to pick up some speed we just need to really really get going here how much sand do we have lots perfect oh my goodness what a disaster we weren't even like we were like five minutes from the goods factory just ridiculous okay we do have the uh front of the engine forward is our engine damaged actually that's it probably is right from getting derailed not really sure to be honest i feel like it must be oh god that looks like a tight turn let's just coast for a bit here let the engine cool down we have 276 tons of weight pushing us so i mean we should coast pretty easily oh wow this is a cool view look at that over like some lake oh that lake that's cool we are definitely climbing and losing speed i'm surprised when we derailed we didn't actually break all the windows i mean you know i've coupled cars and broken all the windows derailed didn't even do maybe we just derailed because we hit the switch too fast though and it just like jumped the switch probably shouldn't hit it at 80 though when the speed limit was 60. i think that was the issue look at that there's two lines there what oh one of them is like a big switchback so you like go right that's gonna actually curve you back around up this huge climb to get back over that's so cool get up to the coal mine and the iron ore mine in the east that's neat uh 60 still perfect we're still under speed engine temp is getting hot we're definitely climbing like sorry bud you're gonna have to just suck it up a little bit let's maybe bring it back a little bit but we're not even at full speed we need more speed man oh this is a 30. never mind we don't need more speed oh got that just in time yeah we need to go left okay we're good we're 35 and a 30. give it some throttle no oh our train died okay perfect 30 kilometers an hour through here we are doing 50 that is not good is it 30 though because of the turn or is it 30 because it's just a tunnel oh we are picking up speed don't derail don't derail don't derail don't derail don't derail don't do braille we're going downhill give me some freaking break man okay all right release the train brakes are gonna take a while to pressurize anyway get off the independent okay i probably went a little heavy on the train brakes there i think i got to ease into it more a lot of people were saying i should just ease in slightly but we were going like 50 through a 30 i was worried we were going to derail again and that would be the end of the mission so what is this what does that say why and it's 30 okay all right we just need to go straight through so i don't really know i guess we should bring up the food factory where are we here food factory boy no that wasn't where's the food factory food factory a overview northeast to southwest we just need to go left and then right and then basically we're home free okay oh god we're coming in too fast we're coming too hot oh boy the engine jumped the switch yeah the the cars didn't though this is actually really good the cars didn't but the engine the engine jumped the switch what does this thing 95.7 yeah it it it jumped the switch okay can we afford to put this back on we can okay perfect we're not we're not out of the woods yet yeah apparently if you have heavier loads like when we were running the lighter loads i was kind of able to push the engine more i think when you run the heavier loads you uh you kind of have to be more careful because they will push you off the track that was actually less disastrous than it could have been it could have been much worse let me open this up perfect you're already open there we go excellent perfect okay let's get back in full speed ahead and how are we going to get through here wait what is there hold on a minute is there even a way through are all these lines blocked are you serious oh no this is this is not good this is not this is not good at all we need to go down one of these tracks okay hold on so we need to go back to this switch and then go down this track here and then these tracks on the left are clear and then if we go all the way through there yeah and then we come out on this side oh my god okay oh no this whole mission is just a disaster there's no way we're getting the bonus time okay when you back up first oh boy why can't we push this is the question yeah i think this car here is is a bit screwy it looks like it's connected but the wheels on this thing are clearly not on the actual [Music] yeah there we go okay i think we're good now i think that one was was an issue it looked like it wasn't actually on the ground can we um are you guys rolling away yeah that's not really good if you guys are rolling away can you just there we go open that up perfect this is uh this mission oh boy this mission is something else it's uh yeah speed limits holy cow do they matter they matter so much i did not think they mattered as much as they do there we go now we're going okay perfect just catch those other things nice and slow get that hook that up brake flying connect please perfect all right excellent everything's open wonderful i mean it's kind of a good thing we derailed to be honest otherwise we were gonna go full speed into one of those other train cars which probably wouldn't have been you know good either well that's fine we're good now we just got to go left and then take one of these side switches like let's take that one but i think if we go full left it brings us into a station which we don't want to go to or maybe we do let's go let's go that way that seems safe i'm worried that this is actually oh i think we're fine okay we're good now we got all our load right still six cars one two three four five six oh my goodness thank god let's get out of here this place is a nightmare we're not even like it's been forever we're probably already over the bonus time we haven't even made it like halfway it's so far still oh no his mission is is ridiculous all right we're leaving town now swallow it back keep it around 40. we come out of here and we just got to go right at the next y and that's the only thing we got to worry about 70 all right excellent let's crank her up a little bit there's no way we're getting the bonus time at this point like there's no way so i feel like trying to just ride the speed limit to get the bonus it's probably not even worth it all right we're definitely climbing now look at that the engine's struggling and we're only doing 25 we still got our full load though which is good our brakes are connected which is good oh boy yeah we can do 60 here but we can't even get close to that we're actually running this whole hill with sand on too like the sand level is actually going down significantly and if i cut off the sand we go right into wheel slip so we just got to keep it it was like a 2.5 grade i think is what it said on the side back there we are going up i'm worried that that mountain pass to the left might be too steep we'll run out of sand or burn this engine out completely just get in the iron mine but if we go to the left instead of the right then we're gonna have to you know back into the machine factory in town which would kind of suck so i feel like it would make more sense to just go right and suck it up our engine's overheating too just a wonderful trip so far it's it's really good i'm glad i don't own this train engine honestly i feel really bad for the poor guy who's gonna do the maintenance on it after this trip honestly it'll probably just be scrapped i can't really coast though man if i'm in a coast we're gonna lose speed at some point we're gonna hit a downhill that will be good but i can't i can't afford to stop driving at this point dude is that smoke coming out of my engine oh it is oh that's sick well that's just interesting oh boy what do we got here got a y coming up in point three and it's still one and a half percent up yeah we uh we might have some problems here if we don't get going we're losing speed let's get the sand on we're still losing speed oh my god are we actually going to get stuck on this hill are you serious i think we're i think we're legitimately going to get stuck on this hill our engines either going to overheat or we're not going to move like those are our two options or we're gonna run into sand yeah oh perfect no this is good yeah no i know the engine's overheating yeah this loads 276 tons and we didn't have like any momentum built up to this oh no we are burning through sand like it's nobody's business oh god okay are we can we just crawl can we crawl at this speed course not okay well that's not enough is it the independent break okay okay let's just let's just calm down and we're just gonna let the engine fill up and once the engine's cool we'll try getting going again oh what a view though wow that is that is an amazing view that view looks fantastic but oh my god we are so screwed all right our engine is completely cold now it is frozen we're gonna actually hold on how are we gonna do this uh we're gonna throttle it up first let's get it going get all these yeah perfect pull forward perfect pull the brakes off while it's going okay we're still not moving yet but the brakes are still gonna build pressure okay okay okay come on there we go we're crawling we are crawling we're burning through sand and stuff but we are crawling forward excellent once we just get a little bit of momentum pull that back a little bit perfect no okay keep the sand on oh my god this is insane we're gonna we're gonna run out of sand and then we're really gonna be screwed if we run out of sand that's it it's it's game over i don't know what to do at that point i never thought i would get to this point i feel like we have to take the left route we have to go down to the left and hope that it costs us and then just go in reverse i think that's the smart thing to do and coming from the south side i really want to take the north path but at this point we're going to run out of sand and it's going to be a nightmare so yeah we're going to go left and then once we get past that y at the bottom below the machine factory in town the south there we'll just go and reverse up that y all the way up to the machine factory in town because like we're not even we're not even making this no you know we're gonna have to coast all the way back down and just get a run at it i saw it break on you got to be kidding me there was still a little bit of train break on oh that's the freaking problem there we go we don't have any brake on this time i actually had this at one notch one notch of train brake is too much there we go that's what i'm talking about now we're definitely going to be out of sand is there any warnings you don't want to give me train like it's been break warnings engine warnings sandboardings oh dear lord this is a very stressful job okay this is a very very stressful adventure next time i do a long trade i'm going to try and stay like 10 below the speed limit i feel like that's probably better all right we're moving now we can turn off the sand and bring the throttle back just a little bit shut up you're not getting wheel slip shut up turn off that light turn off that wheel slip light shut up engine template oh my god we got like three warning lights all the same time here guys guys guys let's chill let's chill just one problem at a time please we're still not gonna make this you're not getting wheel slips shut up when did you want these goods by again was it like four weeks from now i think it was i think it was four weeks from now right or what was it actually it's probably like 20 minutes or something 53 minutes yeah that's not that's not happening that's definitely not happening it's not gonna be 53 minutes all right here we go we're almost here we're almost out of sand come on like literally just make it man what's this sign say five five we have to go left right like yeah we have to go left if like going right goes up in the mountains there's no way we're gonna do anything mountain related we're overheating we've got no sand we've derailed twice we're only at 80 percent engine like forget it we're going left we're gonna back into the machine factory and hopefully salvage some kind of money from this mission oh look our engine just died again that's just you know normal normal day yeah that mountain pass goes up at 1.6 there's no way forget it forget it let's uh this is even the six is even yeah we gotta go even even level i feel like that mountain pass is super super cool we'll get there eventually i'm sure at some points i will have to iron my missions and stuff but holy cow all right we're on even keel here we're gonna pick up some speed we can go slow let the engine cool a little bit literally no sand we have like a tiny burst of sand left if we needed it for something i think we started this mission with like five grand something like that i remember showing at the beginning of the video when i was looking at the licenses like five grand maybe ish and now we're at 552 dollars so we're actually screwed we can't derail anymore like this is this is it if we derail we're done but i just can't believe how terrible this entire long haul mission has been it could have been so good it could have been so easy and instead uh it's just been a struggle and definitely cold starting 276 tons on a you know two degree incline or whatever two percent incline it's not i would not recommend that that is that is a experience that i do not wish to have again and we are totally out of sand as a result that's crazy okay what's the speed limit or we're going too fast independent please yeah thank you cut off that we're picking up a little bit of speed let's go one notch on those brakes oh wonderful oh we're almost out of gas too that's cool that's that's that's cool yeah no that's that's good it's great i didn't i didn't notice that before but yeah we're almost out of gas the good news is now i think most of this is downhill if we had taken the northern pass we would have actually been screwed even if we had made it with no sand we definitely would have run out of gas but i think we could just coast now until we get to that y right there and then we're going to go backwards so we're pretty much like i think we're at a good spot we just need enough gas to go backwards from the y to the machine factory in town all right this is six and it increases up ahead so we can just keep coasting really all right we got a seven here but it's gonna go down the speed's gonna decrease uh we're doing 60 right now just under 60. now that decrease sign when it says speed decreases it means more than 10 kilometers an hour apparently so if it goes seven it might go down to like five what can we see over there five yeah okay we should hit some break two notches on the cars we literally can't afford d-rail we've been coasting this whole time it's definitely downhill but if we derail it's it's literally game over we're gonna have to sell this whole mission just find a new one at some point there we go off the brakes they'll take a bit to repressurize but that's good they'll keep slowing us down through the corner we're fine it said it was a 50 we're doing 45 chill out heard a little bit of squealing coming out there it's a six again excellent nine wicked what's that one way up there a six how is it a nine and then a six and it doesn't tell me that it's gonna decrease right after the nine i thought like i thought it was supposed to tell me that there's a decrease coming if it goes from nine to six we're like right at six let's just hammer the independent for a bit oh that's a four oh god okay let's off that on to this yeah get that down to four perfect get off that it'll repressurize and it's going back up it's just this one turn that's four might have gone a little heavy on the break they uh dropped a little too much pressure you basically want to have it so that it's like repressurizing as you're hitting the speed limit right so you know if it's a 40 we see we dipped down to 20 there but we could have had to just dip down to 40. i'm not really good at the brake timing yet but it's basically pressurizing the brake lines through all the cars right so all right i think that's the machine factory over there i think that's actually where we need to go like that's the line we're gonna come in on i'm pretty sure because we're just about at this switch yeah i bet you that's that's exactly where we're going doesn't make me comfortable though that we're currently going uphill and still burning if you haven't got a quarter tank left actually we should be fine shut up we'll slip shut up fuel great great how many indicator lights can we get i feel like at some point i bring it all them lit up what's this one oil i don't know how we'd get that one kind of wrecked but we need service engine as well yeah this is ridiculous we have literally almost all the indicator lights at this point we're you know we get our engine temp up we'll have half them going all right let's coast through it's a 10 wonderful and it goes downhill excellent so we're going to be climbing to go back so now we just got to wait until the whole train is clear of the switch oh boy i feel like this is the same situation we were on in the mountain you're moving dude come on oh that's wheel slip that's not good that is definitely not good oh we're out of sand perfect perfect yeah no we're just out of sand that's good okay we are still moving though so we'll eventually make it or we'll run out of gas is basically what's gonna happen here i imagine we're probably gonna run out of gas or overheat our engine these are all possibilities we just oh yeah we're literally just on this hill once we get past this switch right here it'll go to flat ground we'll be able to accelerate a little bit all right we're doing okay what are you complaining about now fuel yeah i know fuel is gone sand is gone that's it whatever we're fine all right we're picking up speed this is gonna be perfect perfect and then we're gonna have to go to the back of the train and make sure we can actually like flick the switches because we do have a couple switches coming up we gotta make sure we go right at the next y after this one and then at the machine factory in town we have to go right and then left get onto c4i we are not getting the 53 minute bonus i'm i'm curious as to what the mission timer is actually gonna be it's probably like an hour plus it's it's been a bit for sure to get this mission done oh yeah now we're really picking up speed perfect let's go i can't tell what the signs are though this couldn't have been the dumber idea we're driving in reverse through a track we've never driven with a train that's heavier than every train we've ever done before with no sand very little fuel yeah no that's that's that seems good all right we got a 70 coming up we should honestly be fine and then what's that after that is 60. is it a climb it's a 70 at 1.5 percent ooh okay well just keep the speed up let it keep chugging at the speed it's going maybe we could give it a little bit more speed to be honest so we can make sure we get up this hill no that gives us wheel slip okay just keep it at that then all right perfect we're keeping right at this y it's 60 and it's point it's just one percent up okay should be good and it's a hundred so we can really just give her but i we were at one point five percent we're still maintaining a decent speed so i think we're fine let's just check the engine make sure it's not like overheating or something stupid no we're good picking up a little bit of speed almost out of gas oh my god oh boy literally the next stop is we're like like i can see the distance it's it's right there it's a town we're so close if we can just make it this mission will make us like what 15 grand 15 grand we lost like five grand re-railing stuff so net 10 you know what i'm okay with that considering how bad this has been i'm surprised we're even gonna get paid unless of course there's some weird thing like oh by the way you damaged the entire thing so you're gonna pay all this extra insurance money we might we might end up broke after this to be honest we're gonna run out of gas i can i can feel it now we might have to actually just run to the machine shop like rapid teleport there grab oh god we are definitely gonna run out of gas yeah grab some uh engines and pull this back from the other side that might actually be what has to happen here although we are right here this is the spot okay we might be okay we might just make it what do we need uh no not that one c4i so we need to go right at the first y and then left the second y and then find c4 okay so let me just teleport all the way forward right at the first y left at the second one which is this okay and which one is c4i c4i is this right track here okay so we need to go right right and right okay perfect that should be all set oh man what a what a mission what amy i mean we're not done yet we still gotta unhook it but holy cow i can't believe derailed twice barely made it with fuel ran out of sand i mean this engine has been through a lot it has seen some things i hope we picked the right track right yeah we should be good here oh my goodness we're also gonna have to find a new engine i hope there's an engine around here because there's no way i'm taking this thing out of here it is garbage at this point needs to be scrapped give it some independent unbelievable i i actually can't believe we made it perfect beautiful breaks excellent decouple this like that break that whatever seal that perfect all right where's the office let's turn this ridiculous mission in oh found it i think yep station office perfect right over here all right this was a complete success completed it took me 74 minutes not 53 okay hold on hold on let me just let me grab the money let me let me take the money thank you let me put that in my wallet fifteen thousand dollars all right how much yeah 15 eat that okay we're good we got some money let's see 53 minutes is the bonus time we did not oh there was no expiration time thank goodness 74 yeah time bonus expiration penalty none perfect oh god oh god that was 243 000 i'm insured i paid for the insurance thank goodness but holy cow is 243 000 worth of damage uh yeah damage summary um before the job zero it was a hundred percent damaged oh wow okay perfect so 100 100 100 100 100 oh i literally just broke everything every everything everything everything was completely damaged but no environment damage perfect good job so i still get paid 15 000 for delivering completely damaged goods ah insurance needs you to pay 3 100 to clear all the fees okay you could save money by servicing manually listen i don't think you want me doing anything manually here to be honest let me insert my wallet confirm there we go let me do that one insert wall to pay this one as well yeah all right did i pay all my insurances fees no fees nice okay how much money do we have twelve thousand dollars all right well we're gonna have to do another mission at some point from here uh go somewhere else i met we are that was bad it was a bad mission that cost like five grand there and then another like three here but yeah let me know what you guys think in the comments down below i love this game um that mission was a disaster but i feel like a lot of that could have been avoided by maybe following the speed limits a little better initially and then not having an engine that was you know 86 damage i really want to save up and get you know the uh the bigger license there to run the bigger train the i think it's the de-22 or de-6 yeah i definitely want to get that i'm pretty sure that's the freight train places 200 000 though it's going to take a little bit probably should have to uh you know survive jobs and not break everything but let me know what you guys think in the comments down below make sure of course hit that like button hit the subscribe button and as always i hope you guys enjoyed this video and we'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 81,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, train sandbox game, new train sandbox, railroad sandbox, derail valley, derail valley game, derail valley vr, derail valley open world, open world train game, open world train, train engineer game, train operator game, derail valley overhauled
Id: eVq_9KyOqIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 53sec (2633 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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