Can the S060 make it across the map? Probably...

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well with the recent news there's only one thing to do here [Music] so I know many people were saying that I should get the s282 license because we have enough money for it and we like steam engine but apparently it also requires concurrent jobs which uh we don't have enough money for but guess what they decided to the game this you know what we doing you know exactly what we're doing yeah we we desire this [Music] all right but we still have money do we still have money yeah so forty four thousand dollars what other things should we get I mean mu would be smart manual service that might be fun the steam engines logistical Halls are kind of boring oh we could get the dm3 as well have all the options oh man so so many choices so many choices so many choices I think I'm gonna get manual service because I think that's that's probably smart and then we'll just save the money from there oh man that has the co-pay uh oh well that's not smart but uh you know we're here at City Southwest and I don't think that we're gonna get a little steam choo choo uh spawning here Something tells me no she twos the uh they note in the patch notes for the so60 that it tends to spawn at small Industries and then they said like you know like forests multiple times over so perhaps this should be the one time that we do a forest job so let's go to the forest I've not been to Forest Central in probably like three years of playing this game so have we been blessed with n steam engine I don't know where the locomotives get parked in this yard oh there's a water tower okay they did say they added water towers that's cool the plant but there is trained [Music] just a bunch of log cars oh that must be it looks like a little choo choo all the way out on the the return Loop over here yes let's take a look at this thing it's so cute [Music] so busy up in the Smoke Box with all the appliances right there [Music] pretty I like the uh the red accents on the rods and the crank pins looks like a little beefcake Beefcake of a choo choo yes yeah yeah we like new trains new trains is always good I mean oh oh right we we don't have one of those yet uh one anything from the shop uh I don't know where the shops are is there one at the forest Forest Central Maybe [Music] there is a yellow thing or an orange thing that's the station though isn't it the actual station bullet yeah [Music] I might have to teleport to the harbor and go buy a shovel and come back or Goods Factory there's Apparently one and City no there's a shopping City Southwest F all right well that's probably gonna be the cheapest teleport so let's go back to let's go back to the city here pay no attention false start [Music] want anything from the shop anything more about them Killers then it's just the one killer actually all right that blue building right I think so Boombox your trusty companion all day long [Music] Reginald's garage key yes very good oh cause all the things many cassettes lanterns Chevrolet uh we already bought the lighter because we we have the lantern oh and special thanks to everyone for telling me the the darn hot tea to precisely place things after after everyone watched me sit there and go uh mini game mini game yeah anyway uh shovel Advanced this shot for yes can I just run away with this scanner from the store stolen I want that pow Bang yes all right so now we want there's a way to do this uh caps lock yes I desire the shovel there that there that there just like vaguely like that put that over there we don't care about that but you know pay no attention it is allergy season and I have the horrendous problem of being allergic to everything pretty much and also being out of allergy medication single tier I ran out yesterday and I didn't get any more so we're just gonna play through the pain today everyone hopefully that's the one sneezed no why would you do this we don't want that we want the other thing man we've got the scoop now single tier okay uh so we'll just continue wasting money on Fast traveling uh maybe maybe oh you know what oil Essentials kind of like a small industry right maybe maybe [Music] can there be some boys the boys we can run the boys now we got Hazmat too uh trains step on in over there see a D6 I don't know what else I can see come on show me show me show me a steam engine no yeah this is classified Small industry is classifieds as a giant giant explosive uh Target actually I think [Music] all right respawn me a train [Music] really all right well let's try another one I'm gonna have to put a a running counter of all the times we teleport here the farm what do we think nah let's go to the other Forest be a Less Fun Run it's a shorter run but I guess the range of the so60 is is also denoted as medium because it is an 060 it is a saddle Tank Engine really what is what is with all these de2s no one cares we do not want them they want to play with the new train [Music] all right I believe I believe in the heart of the random number generator [Music] foreign [Music] okay what if what if what if machine Factory's got all kinds of stuff going on let's try Machine Factory this is a big roundhouse there steam engines going round houses there's a chance where where is it where is there a house it's on the other side of town oh yeah that's the station so we're just gonna wear out the F key on the keyboard running down the platform there is something behind that tree I know not what it is that is the butt of an s282 okay okay well look at the smorgasbord of all the other engines laughs dang it okay uh stop being cruel to me game come on this is cruel and unusual punishment we're gonna go to the iron ore mine It's a Small industry [Music] blocking the crossing once again it's just gonna do it too no why why must you do this okay uh uh back to the forest I just want to experience the new train come on don't make me wreck that de too well that's a dm3 now at least we know the RNG is working you can't touch that though we don't have the license for it I've lost since for that okay well then we'll go back to the other Forest I don't honestly know how many times have fast traveled here where where did all your money go Heist uh you know travel expenses [Music] come on come on game oh this is cruel and unusual what about the Sawmill maybe The Sawmill like we haven't tried that yet so add another one to the list here hey there we go This Is Not An Origin uh place so much and we'll have to see what kind of jobs we have but I think I want to get this thing fired up and look at it first before we do too much with it [Music] pipes like a breakout house oh [Music] brass drains [Music] ready it's very dark in here [Music] handbrake does the ladder not work I was like this is designed with me in mind [Music] but I've got a hatch so I can fall into the roof and die [Laughter] oh that's the that's the greatest yeah okay we're gonna open the sunroof it's a little hot in here despite the fire not having been started okay neat fire door let's put some coal in the hole and uh get the things lit off here yes Fuego [Music] uses a lot as it starts and water levels on the way up says pressure fires up nice and quick that's for sure without even any blower on they did do some changes to the uh the steam Sim stuff as far as like like economy of coal usage and fire up it seemed like um because apparently coal was pretty expensive actually in career mode I hadn't really messed with it yet okay so brakes are over on the right and then fire doors there oh that's the cold oh yes yeah if only it worked that that easily in real life yes those are great shakers and then that's the damper and I don't know which way is open so we'll find that out I guess by looking at the temp as we get underway [Music] oh that's our job we have a Johnson bar an actual Johnson Park you'll have to see that and then that's cylinder Cox water is good then we this is just the injector just one little knob easy enough headlight switches over there I love this little turret we've actually got like a real turret although it still has the hydrostatic lubricator condenser on top so it's fine I'll live with that it's a neat looking cab uh let's go get some appliances fired up here we have a mechanical lubricator on this yes we do right here and then we have our air pump and things up here Dynamo on air pump on limit Dynamo quieter which I wish was a feature of actually working on stamps it's annoyingly loud always and we've got two single chime whistles modeled right here so hopefully I don't hate the whistle who's that what well who's got a a jiggly handle pull there it's not like the brake cylinder release Maybe sure what that's about if I set up the brakes is that our bleed yeah that's cool brake cylinder blade they actually modeled it that's really neat I guess that's all charged up plenty of main res um the brakes on and Brake like yeah that's brake pipes ups were released so this automatic is [Music] backwards ish oh I'll have to get used to that okay yep okay well now I want tab lights on so we can actually kind of see what we're doing just just a dangly light bulb which is about as Jank as you'd expect oh this is cool it's the shutoffs for everything the blow down is that little pipe which I mean okay gameplay get it blowers there fun um okay there's more to to say about this thing the speedo only goes to 60 which does not spark Joy but it's a little Switcher it's very cute uh I enjoy it oh we've got a big fancy headlight switch all right the moment you've all been waiting for and it's marked just in case in case you don't know what the loud chord does [Music] uh anyone who knows me knows why that's that's probably extremely accurate for one of these that doesn't mean that I like it though I wish the latter had Collision but I'm sure that that's uh quite a complicated thing oh oh ah [Music] oh yes yes okay all right full points i a word full points yes okay yeah yeah okay in case you're not picking up what I'm freaking out about they animated the valve cure foreign just can I can I gingerly set that on something uh no it says don't put the Lantern on the running gear so I say fine oh we'll use the flashlight then okay yeah so we're in forward so the radius Rod's all the way up it's got this crazy kind of curvy bracket and this is all sorts of neat that's your actual like tumbling shaft and everything that raises and lowers the link in the expansion link and so that's in forwards and you might be thinking you've seen me talk about this before and it's always talking about wanting to have the radius rod below the pivot so that it matches what The Eccentric does right because this is Walter's valve gear and this eccentric exists to offset the valve by about 90 degrees of wheel rotation to the Piston so that when the Pistons almost all the way at this side it's making sure that it's getting steam put in on that side so the valves kind of in the middle allowing that steam to flow around like that so why is it backwards well it's backwards because the rods are a little backwards the pivot point for the valve cross head is actually below the radius rod on this locomotive so that means that you have to reverse this to make this work because on engines like 491 that you've seen on my channel and talking about and talking about having everything be below the pivot so that it matches this point here this Rod is actually all the way at the top and then the radius rod comes in lower and so when you have this set up to maintain the admission that you have you actually have to spin it the other way so this is accurately backwards quote unquote it's just a different way to set things up but that's wicked cool and zybach was messaging me asking me questions about this earlier this week so I did have a bit of a suspicion that this may have been coming but uh very very good to see in just vanilla deer all Valley that they they did this props to you guys alt future just continuing to put a big dumb smile on my face yeah yeah you love to see it this is a great looking choo choo okay well we've got it fired up um and let's make sure it has water before we leave it unattended it's fine okay uh let's go find the station oh look conveniently right there and see what we can do here we have shunter logistical Hall which we cannot do we have shunting we have a freight Hall okay we have another logistical Hall I have another shunting job and another shunning job the freight job is the biggest one but that's to the goods Factory from The Sawmill that would be a test of this thing's range I don't know if we would make that [Music] do we want to try it we could put we could put it through its Paces as a switcher or or we could or we could try and send it on the main let's [Music] um The Flipper boards it's not that much tonnage it's not that much tonnage and we ended the last job the last episode with some shunting so we're gonna start this one with some running why not let's see it let's see just what the range is on this little 060. can we make it across the map okay it is the FH 74 it's gonna be boards and it's that what let's see what track is it on it's probably this one right here all right let's get our switches lined and uh we'll go bang into these cars and then uh and then start praying and presumably like we should be able to refuel and or re-water at The Sawmill if need be so we gotta pull out past that lead anyway there [Music] you love seeing a little steam engine it's such a cute like it's such a good size it's a cute little dude all right let's go do the thing [Music] oh right I can't see the valve gear through the steam man it's that water being shoved around by my piston still or is that just valve Pure Noise this thing accelerates fast that's not the switch I want is it oh it is the switch I want all right kick it off here we go grab the window it's still sounding like a little bit of water so we'll get that going get a little more water in the engine itself foreign s oh that's where her wipers and her ding ding is [Music] that's all fun oh our fire is just completely out nailed it oopsie don't mind me I love how quick this thing gets up and goes this is gonna be fun and hopefully it stops quick too all right now gently molest these cars Bang tie in the air Pang capang all right I don't know if the time bonus really matters because we got 153 minutes that'll give us plenty of time to service on the way over there if we need it all right let's do the thing and we're going to Goods Factory D6 inbound can we do it with the o6o I don't know but I hope so high ball as soon as my whistle comes back come on [Laughter] all right we got places to be man oh there's a handbrake set on this right [Music] thank you still sounds like there's water in there yeah this thing gets up and goes like mad I love it [Music] I got a 40 through here and that's what we're doing basically God that's a spicy curve though that's so spicy you can do 40 around that [Music] apparently all right let's try and run with the bar here just have it hooked up as possible can I can I see that the magic yes that's awesome safety's still popping so we'll close the damper try and get a little bit less temperature out the fire so we're not just wasting coal although we probably should be putting some water in so maybe we want that temp [Music] I think it's still 40. I don't know I didn't look [Laughter] burn down our own product here and where where are we oh god I've never run this way really so I'm really going to be lost we have to turn right at City Southwest basically run through oil well run through the farm run through steel mill and then run onto Goods Factory okay we got water back in the cage still 40 there I'm gonna get some more coal going actually now because we're still trying to get more water in this thing and we're losing pressure quite quickly got the throttle on the ceiling oh well we don't need the throttle be on the ceiling now actually so yeah that's plenty plenty of speed plenty of speed spice does it go fast ladies and gents yes it does all right that's probably pretty good on the full water we'll just keep it dialed down that's a real strategy is just to keep the injector fine down if you're really working an engine hard depending on the engine and what exactly it does you can you can keep it fined down so it's putting down a minimal amount of water in the boiler always just so you guarantee that you're always getting more water in [Music] but we're not quite getting the the draft we need to keep the fire stupid hot but we are doing oh I guess 50 we're only doing 45. and we can go through 50 through here this is a pretty little canyon but I I don't know if I've run through on the channel or ever maybe I have I don't know we just need more fuels more coals in the holes do that see if that helps there's 50. oh my God that is just bright and spicy there and there's a 30 coming up so we'll just shut her down bar in the corner and just dump the air just give me give me give me breaks please breaks please okay somehow made it through that going way over the limit bring that back pinch it back down to track speed here got water back in the sight class to shut the gun off and uh we're still there in like four days so come on [Music] set it up a little bit please brakes brakes work please feels like the automatic behaves a lot slower than I'm anticipating it maybe I only have three cars so it's a spicy curve this is a spicy alignment to run on can't maintain that speed here more coal get her wide open again so it's a 30 there again though hang on so we just won't even we'll try and let the pressure come back and we are we are wasting fuel by the black plume because we're not drafting the fire at all [Music] yeah these are spicy curves other City Southwest so we got to get me getting vaguely close we're set on switch there so we're ready to stun oh and we'll we'll get up on the Crow's Nest here as his tradition where is the switch okay now we can do 50 though hang on so we got places to be draft my fire oh God then there there goes all of the cinders that's more like it let's get back on the Crow's Nest here oh of course now it's immediately a 30 again air is there air you don't know okay lap that all right I was just not taking big enough sets because that that actually felt like it did something where is the switch where's the switch where's the switch the switch where is it it's gonna be like right around this corner isn't it if we make it around this corner good god there it is and we're lying to the right okay a 20. that might be the lowest speed limit in the valley but 30 around that way and we're doing bang on 30 so we'll just foreign [Music] good Heavens all right got the safety lifting so it's time to uh start using some steam because we've got an 80 we got places to be man come on go show us what you got and that's a good way to make the pressure needle disappear and then it immediately goes to another 50. and we know that we should be lined all the way to the steel mill at this point so shut her down and just let it Coast at 50 I guess here let it Coast in the corners good procedure [Music] but it looks so good you love to see it okay oh 30 to the left of course and our we were lined to the left all right so just plug it emergency app to start and then then lap it and then that seems to seems to wake up the brake valves a wee bit as we go you wink around this turn it's fine and throttle on the ceiling here we go pull through it come on sweetheart oh my God look at all of these cinders got places to be and and forests to burn down just all of the cinders so let's stop burning down everything what was that speed sign oh we'll find out and we need more coal and we need more water oh God we just murdered the water yep let's just uh just open that wide it's 80 so that's probably fine yeah hooking that up about as high as it goes can we get some blower to help us out on the fire temp not that it would really do anything when you're running this fast but you never know in a game maybe it does seem like it's helping the bar temp come up a little bit [Music] and we'll stop dousing our pressure super hard with water because the waters come back into the sight class which is you know helpful I love this little engine it is so cute and it has it has like a dedicated Heist platform oh God oh God oh God oh God okay that was um that did not spark joy we don't like this no no no no no jump jump oh oh oh God okay hey look we're back in the train hi [Music] [Music] I started whistling for this great Crossing way too early and this thick this engine it is really doing the 060 dance oh my God I love this it's all over the place on the rails that's one of my favorite things about these little engines is that if you don't have a lead truck and a trailing truck so an 060 or an 080 or whatever if you don't have both it's just like one bogey basically going down the track one truck and so they violently danced down the track as they go and uh Dear Valley devs have that figured out because this thing is all over the place at this speed right now and it is awesome and that speed limit said 50 but I I bet you can keep going 60 around it we're not even quite doing 60. see it's fine it's fine we're just gonna Blitz through the farm give him a warning whistle this is awesome coal in hole got that taken care of see if we can't feed it a little bit more we've pegged the speedo everyone you love to see it water is kind of coming back up in the glass it's fine we're probably doing 60. the needle says we're doing 60. so I'm gonna trust the needle as the fog rolls in over the uh over the steel mill here yeah slip oh god well that was a little spicy there you do 90 now it's fine 90 for this little three feet of track and now 60. okay and now now is where the switch isn't going to be aligned for us oh and that's right they made it so that you can partially below the shovel it's very silly all right we're gonna we're gonna shut off and let our steam come back up hopefully because we gotta get that switch lined to the left and it's probably gonna be a 50 through there okay I don't want to use brakes because I want to keep all the speed I have oh it's a 70. really well 70 followed by a 60. and presumably we're still oh no okay we're now back on the on the charts here come on pressure come back up I guess I'm still putting water in but shut that off try and keep a little speed going yeah uh first time I saw an 040 really run and run kind of hard it was Stuffy's 040 the chicken Santa Cruz Portland cement number two it's pulling like four or five heavyweights at Northwest 40 Museum and I mean stothy called it the 040 dance and he's right because I mean it is a dance that they do and I'm not lying through the main yeah who did normal the switches I have no one to blame but myself it's fine oh God this is the steel mill can we Blitz through here like do we still we still have coal we still have coal how much water do we have is there water in there I mean it kind of looks like there might be some water in there I guess we'll find out it's not that much further and it's mostly flat track we got some downhill coming up here which means our water level is going to go down and it's already really low so you know we should probably fix that kill the pressure further more coal more coal help us out fire all right I'm gonna shut it off so I don't want to bleed this thing dry not leaking anything let it drift in the corner and we're not lined into tutorial land so that's good and we're back on the uh off the charts on the speedo here so that's good the pitch of the audio is still increasing so we're still going faster and oh my God we're just all over the place this is awesome the 040 dance although it's the 060 dance oh that's okay I mean that's that was a little spicy flange scrapey sounds are we doing more than 70 I don't know I'm gonna I'm gonna pinch on a little independent because I'm a little scared [Music] okay now we'll release that because we can do 80. okay the water's back way up high so we'll shut that off which means we still have water in the tank presumably and more coal come on this thing is super cool and if the gauges being all shiny and pretty I love all the textures oh that's where the sand is I didn't see it it's right next to that I'm back up kesseldruck have I had the damper closed this whole time no definitely not that immediately cool off the fire going to work steam just to get the fire Tempo just a little bit although we're gonna try and have it like notched back as far as we can the 060 dance [Music] I kind of want to go back to the cars and watch it go around and do the thing but uh I don't want to die by it sad small teleports again pressure is just uh just chilling down in the down there I guess that's just where it's gonna live can't really provide enough draft for it with how fast we're going like I could do this and just but that's just gonna dump the steam isn't it it's not really going to give us draft there comes a point in many valve gear setups where you're running so fast that you kind of achieve valve float more or less not like a valve valve float in a car like the valve still let steam come in but the Piston is moving so fast that the the steam doesn't really get you much and so you end up kind of bottling the steam you don't really exhaust that much Steam and so you don't get much draft at the stack which means you can't really get much force on the fire to help it burn hotter which is why our fire temp's been a little bit further down for a bit there spicy through there we're coming up to the switch off for the uh the goods Factory though should be the next Junction we just crossed the river yeah it's the it's coming up we're gonna do this left-hander and then we're going to turn right and then we're gonna pull up the hill to the uh to the goods Factory the throttle off see if it recovers a little pressure now just let it Coast far in the corner be a good boy although I guess with an engine that can go this fast the corner may not actually be the right procedure like halfway like the Brits do might make more sense okay we're coming up there's the yard limit sign Junction sign whatever it is I see why and it makes me think yard limits but it's not necessarily actually a yard that it means Junction of the game just looking for a switch looking for a switch players though switch but line him to the right we're lined to the right now yes yeah okay we want more fire temperature please can we take this at 60 or no we can take it at 50 and we're doing 50 bang on so we'll just let it do and we're gonna go uphill to the goods Factory and we got a half glass right now so we should be fine on water because we don't need to worry about it and we'll do our approaching station stop call here [Music] we look back in the imaginary conductor says we're stopping okay oh so we blow three and open or wide and hook it back up so that we actually don't kill the steam immediately this thing is so cool it's raining a little bit we haven't had any problems with slipping yet although we didn't really have to start or run slow yet while it was raining this thing's got so much adhesion I mean it's like that's exactly what you want in 060 it's just like welded to the rails able to just pull for days and that's really what this thing's doing oh we almost felt the fire die it's fine why is your fire temperature low well there's no coal well that would do it okay we are going to the D6 inbound which I think is in the uh to the right so what we're going to want to do is run up the hill and go diverge through the loop first and back in to cut the cars off I think if I'm remembering the goods Factory it's been a minute since I've been there [Music] pulling uphill the water is getting a little low that's pretty low for uphill if I'm honest but our steam pressure is not great but I mean let's be responsible firemen and take care of priority number one don't detonate the bomb yeah firemen in charge of water fire pressure uh left side of the train not necessarily in that order probably water fire left side of the train yeah water left side of the train fire pressure in that order that's your job tunnel coming up [Music] hook that back up a little bit all right do 50 through here we're gonna shut back because there's no visibility in this fog right now okay so this is the bee yard so I was correct that we need to go to the other side of the uh the area for the D yard I think it's that switch probably [Music] can we go this fast through that I don't know let's squeeze on some independent foreign [Music] and then the D yard is right over there somewhere [Music] oh God it's making the spicy sounds oh well then I realized I heard the sound cue and then was like oh God no we how have we not paid attention to this we came so close laughs scared the crap out of me what was I saying about pay attention to the things I had the gun why oh well I guess I Put It Wide Open right at the end there was hardly any fire attempt though August said the blower the blower was wide open was there did we did we [Music] okay yeah well so ladies and gents in case you were wondering if you can make it from The Sawmill to the goods Factory can you make it across the map in the so60 yes you can but you won't have any water left that did I don't know if they changed it because it feels like the s282 like in in sandbox didn't have played with it is like it starts making the the crinkly sad sounds for like 30 seconds before it goes but that was like I realized it was making the sounds went to grab the the injector and then and then it and then it blew up although maybe maybe that's just good Sim well but I guess we didn't have any water in the tanks so I guess it just blew up but if you uh if you if you quickly if you realize that you've exposed the crown sheet one of the worst things you can do is put a big slug of cold water in the boiler and then have it slosh back and then hit have super cold hit super hot and then you can eat like insta Kaboom the choo choo but um yeah so that's a bummer um I guess I can rerail this car and we can we can still probably deliver the job because we're probably gonna you know I need to find a locomotive you know one that's not exploded [Laughter] it didn't ask for this [Music] uh yeah we didn't we didn't explode this [Music] and then there's no damage on the other cars so it may be worth saving so let's see uh can we rerail this boy should we not spend all of our money teleporting Bang there we go and those are probably too far to couple yeah okay so then single tier new so60 it's awesome but yeah uh don't don't try and run all the way across the universe with it where is the diesel shop I think it's is it down this leg yeah okay good and there is a de2 all right we mocked you all earlier because we didn't want to play with you because we got a new toy but we blew up our new toy so hello old friend how you doing [Music] okay so let's go grab our cars here shut up yes it's wet out [Music] charge up the air do the thing turn on the wipers I can't believe I legitimately accidentally blew up a locomotive but uh that's not good on the resume I don't think [Laughter] all right line that switch what we're gonna do just so we don't end up kicking these when we Bang into it I'm gonna tie this handbrake so we can compress both joints get both of those coupled up and we'll still probably make the time bonus come on it's a sharp curve hello darkness my old friend pretty hurt the car once looks a little more tie that in Bang [Music] hit it hard enough to compress both joints do that [Music] okay so that's all charging up let's go untie the handbrake that I tied details okay and and we need to figure out which track we're going to still and all this confusion I lost track myself we're going to the D6 inbound shut up pull yes it's wet out don't be scared of the water just just spice those traction Motors spice them gently why are you pulling so hard because I didn't cut the air in no the air is cut in oh it sets handbrakes after you re-rail things well that's an equality of Life feature gee only some other things did that that'd be nice all right let's set a light independent here and let that just kind of coast to a stop the switch please thank you all right let's go line ourselves into the D6 that was through the diesel yard there and D6 is to the right all right so align that switch D5 D6 is right here switches aligned and we're gonna shove them back through the foul through the fog and the night day shift blew up the steam engine I thought this thing took forever to stop and typical blocking the Crossing all right spice them traction Motors up [Music] got places to be [Music] so it accelerates so fast it gives it the beads and I blew it up uh single pair just gonna leave that there see if it ever despawns and then I guess we'll have to see like I can't manually service that I wonder why um I could manually service this but we'll have to see just how much it cost because I have a feeling we're paying our insurance we've met our copay for I don't know blowing up a steam engine so I feel the manhill servicing license maybe a smidge moot at this point so yeah okay it's fine slam the independent break on it's afraid it doesn't complain and the de2 just knows no bounds about trying to stop slam this handbrake on because we have to do that uh emergency fuel cut off capu and a sneeze all right tied down cool station is through here somewhere question mark [Music] uh uh oh that's where the service is right there where's the station there it is green light [Music] hobble over here to do validate the order did it in 31 minutes we got the bonus money let's see cargo damage okay 1380 that's not that bad okay yeah and no environmental damage yeah that's fine just uh paint of wine so 22 000 for that okay we have thirty seven thousand dollars yep oh God guys it begins And So It Begins the Eternal debt of the s t nice you have a date to pay it wouldn't have been so bad I thought yeah okay we should have bought we should have bought more licenses we had enough money to buy like one more I was like no we'll save the money that was dumb spend the money make sure you have no money when when the dear El Valley debtors come and then one wants you to pay for your crimes against steam locomotives well this was an adventure and a half thanks so much for watching everyone we'll catch y'all next time [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Hyce
Views: 967,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trains, railroad, how trains work, steam trains, train game, train crash, train wreck
Id: yI4PL6ORgP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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