THE LONG GAME by Dorie Clark | Core Message

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foreign [Music] ly read the long game by Dory Clark what would your life look like if you played the long game well for starters you might have more health and vitality if you had a vision of playing with your great-grandchildren at age 100 and let that Vision drive your decisions he'd pass on fast food meals prioritize exercise each day and stick to a nighttime routine to get adequate sleep each day if you embrace the long game your work would be more satisfying because you'd patiently Master first principles in whatever field you're in over the course of a decade become a well-known expert who is greatly admired and respected by others if you embrace the long game you'd make more money because instead of pushing customers to make a sale you'd focus on providing a great service and building great relationships that would result in repeat sales and countless referrals and if you embrace the long game you'd be less stressed because when your portfolio goes down in any given day or week you can zoom out and have confidence that your investments will go up 10 years from now having the patience and perseverance to play the long game and experience the health job satisfaction wealth and calm that come with playing the long game you need to adopt two life philosophies optimize for interesting and think in waves first optimize for interesting when given a choice choose the more interesting path because the more interested you are on a journey the more likely you are to stay the course and see Annoying problems as rewarding intellectual challenges a lawyer in the book enjoyed a long fulfilling career as an in-house Lord Etsy because as a part-time Jeweler who sold some necklaces and earrings in Etsy she could relate to the artist she was serving and was eager to fight for their rights every day when you create a product to solve a problem you're struggling with you have a vested interest in building testing and innovating a product until it succeeds if you build a product or service in a market you've spent a large portion of your discretionary income in you'll deeply understand your customers needs and know what it takes to satisfy those needs when author Tim Ferriss was looking for ideas for his first business he reviewed his credit card statements and found that he consistently spent a large portion of his income on health supplements upon further reflection he realized that his interest in health supplements and his time spent researching and testing supplements would allow them to find gaps in the supplement Market more effectively Market his supplement and build a sustainable business when you optimize for interesting when you invest you tend to pick publicly traded companies whose business models you understand with a strong understanding of the underlying business you're investing in you're more likely to see short-term stock volatility's noise and hold on to strong companies long enough to make a profit Warren Buffett is known for restricting himself to investing in businesses and sectors he understands which is code for businesses in sectors he's interested in studying this self-administered rule has turned out to be a pretty good strategy optimizing for interesting in your career business and Investments gives you the energy and capacity to play the long game but to ensure your initial interests carry you a long way document your interest at the outset of an endeavor I still have a deep interest in creating YouTube videos for a living because I've stayed in touch with my initial interests when I started making videos I created a Word document that described who I wanted to help how I wanted to help them and what skills I wanted to master in the process I revisit that document every few months and I've kept those interests alive and well why were you excited to start the job you have now what sparked your interest in starting your business why did you commit your hard-earned money to an investment you currently hold revisiting an investment thesis when the market goes down can help renew your conviction as long as your investment thesis remains intact by capturing the origin of your interests you're able to see if your interests are durable and you get to revisit those interests when you get frustrated or bored which increases your chance of staying the course now the second life philosophy that will help you play the long game is to think in waves when things are going well in our careers or business it's easy to think it will continue but no matter how good we are at something or how well a product is selling now there will always come a time typically much sooner than we think that will feel stagnant in our career or our product sales will decline short-term thinkers will fail to see a career Plateau or sales decline looming on the horizon and they'll panic when it happens but long-term thinkers playing the long game expect their current opportunity or advantage to run its course so they're always working on the next opportunity a business owner playing the long game aims to stretch the sales of their current product as much as they can while simultaneously investing in research and design so that their next product is ready when their current product sales eventually decline an author playing the long game will put her head down to write for months at a time then lift her head up to Market her book for a few months and maximize her initial sales so it gains enough traction to sell for years but once the marketing phase ends she goes back into head down mode and works on her next book a freelancer or consultant playing the long game dedicates a portion of their work week to over delivering for their current clients and a portion of their work week looking for new clients everyone in their 20s can play the long game by focusing being a star in their current job while simultaneously working on a side business that could take off in five years thinking in waves means anticipating future plateaus and declines and cycling between head down mode where you exploit your current opportunity and head up mode where you explore new opportunities when you think in waves and cycle between these two modes you can patiently pursue New Opportunities while making the most of your current opportunity and give yourself the financial and psychological security you need to play the long game in the end if you want to enjoy more Health job satisfaction wealth and calm you need to play the long game the best way to play the long game is to adopt two fundamental life philosophies optimize for interesting and think in waves when you use interesting as your North Star you'll be more engaged in what you do and you'll lose track of time and when you prepare for the waves in your professional Life by consistently planting seeds of opportunity for the future by preserving time to learn create and connect with others you don't need to rush to get results because your future is bright author Dory Clark says if you plan with a longer Horizon than everyone else and you're willing to endure the ups and downs along the way you'll be able to accomplish far more than others or even you imagined that was the core message that I gathered from the long game by Dory Clark this book will help you zoom out and see the big picture in your personal and professional life I highly recommend it if you would like a one-page PDF summary of insights that I gather from this book just click the link below I'll be happy emote to you if you already subscribed to the free productivity game email newsletter this PDF is sitting in your inbox if you like this video please share it and as always thanks for watching and have yourself a productive week
Channel: Productivity Game
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Keywords: The Long Game Book, The Long Game, Long Game Book, Dorie Clark, Author Dorie Clark, The Long Game by Dorie Clark, The Long Game by Dorie Clark book, The Long Game Book Summary, The Long Game Book Review, The Long Game by Dorie Clark Book Summary, The Long Game Audiobook, The Long Game PDF, The Long Game PDF Summary, Long Game, How to play the long game, be a long-term thinker, Playing the long game, Long Game Thinking, Long-term thinking, The Long Game Animated Summary
Id: s5T-YLPTfiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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