YOUR BEST YEAR EVER by Michael Hyatt | Core Message

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[Music] i recently read your best year ever by michael hyatt think of one goal you wanted to accomplish this year but didn't did you want to exercise more spend more time with family take up a new hobby save more money increase business revenue or read more there may be many reasons you didn't complete the goal you wanted to complete but one primary reason that you me and millions of people around the world fail to achieve our goals is simply because our goals are poorly defined you may have heard the smart acronym specific measurable attainable realistic and time-bound it's a good system for defining goals but it's not good enough author michael hyatt has distilled the latest goal achievement science yes there's such a field to make a smarter goal-setting system over the last few years it's been tested by thousands of people and it works so let's upgrade the goal you regret not completing in the last 12 months by using hyatt's smarter goal system and make this year the year you complete that goal the s in smarter sounds for specific with your goal in mind ask yourself could i narrow down this goal further as a kid i loved to go to the fair and play the water gun game that required spraying water into a tiny hole and pushing a stuffed animal to the top of a pole faster than my opponents if the goal had been simply to hit a one foot diameter target with the water gun that was approximately one foot away the game would have been boring and i would have quickly lost interest but since my target was narrow about the diameter of the water coming out of the gun it demanded my full attention the same is true for every goal you and i set compare i want to make more money to i want to make 10 454 dollars this month the specificity of that goal makes the goal more exciting and likely to stick in your mind which means you're more likely to recall it during the day and make decisions that move you closer to your goal adding specificity to your goal can also reduce indecision if your goal was to read more you may constantly wonder what should i be reading but if you made that vague goal more specific by making your goal read more biographies of great leaders you would know exactly where to direct your focus the m in smarter stands for measurable if i call you a week from now and ask what percent complete are you on your goal could you provide me with a quick answer if your goal was to simply read more you'd have no sense of completion but change that goal to read one biography of a great leader each month you could reflect on a reading so far and say something like i'm 60 complete this month when setting a habit goal replace percent complete with your current streak or success rate if your goal was to run 15 minutes every weekday you could tally your runs on a calendar and say i've run 10 of the last 15 days so i have a 67 success rate that's 10 percent better than last month measuring progress is like checking the vital signs of your goal you can see if your goal is healthy by confirming you're on pace to complete your goal measuring also increases motivation by giving you something to reflect on and be proud of in the reading example you might think wow i've already completed 60 of this book i wonder if i can get to 70 tonight the a in smarter stands for actionable when you read your goal can you see yourself working towards your goal goals that start with have or be like be a better father are ineffective goals because it's not easy to see how you're going to accomplish your goal make any have or be goal actionable by starting with a concrete verb instead of be a better father make your goal stop work at 5 pm every day so i can play games with my kids in the evening when you reach this third step in the smarter acronym you might have to go back to the beginning and create an entirely new goal because your current goal doesn't have a concrete action if you are a freelance graphic designer and your goal is to make 12 252 a month it's difficult to see what you need to do to hit your goal do you double your clients do you sell more of an existing course or do you launch a new design course after some thought you might come up with a better goal to launch a new graphic design course by june 30th the r in smarter stands for risky most goal systems tell you to set reasonable and attainable goals but if a goal doesn't invoke a bit of fear uncertainty and doubt it's not a good goal because it doesn't maximize your potential in a meta study of 400 goal-setting experiments researchers found that people who set lofty goals had a two-and-a-half-fold increase in their performance over people who set easy to reach goals whatever your goal is stretch it a bit instead of reading one book a month can you read two books a month when you stretch your goal you're bound to encounter a limiting belief that may artificially hold you back maybe you think i can't read two books a month i'm a slow reader counter that limiting belief by writing out a liberating truth discover a liberating truth by adding the word yet to the end of your limiting belief so i'm a slow reader becomes i'm not a fast reader yet replacing limiting beliefs with liberating truths will knock down internal obstacles and enable you to achieve more than you initially thought the t in smarter stands for time keyed and triggered what's the deadline of your goal we all hate deadlines but if you fail to set a deadline you'll develop a someday sickness which weakens your motivation and your ability to concentrate on your goal but the instant you set a deadline like read two biographies of great leaders by the end of the month you create a sense of urgency that month which leads to more action now once you have a deadline create a recurring action trigger like start reading every night at 9 00 pm or start reading every morning when i sit down to enjoy my coffee in a study of people warned about the dangers of heart disease and told to exercise participants who set a specific time to exercise we're 50 more likely to exercise after the tea and smarter you should have a goal that sounds like read two biographies of great leaders by the end of the month by reading every night at 9pm the e and smarter stands for exciting when you stop making progress and feel like quitting it's important to remember why you were excited about your goal in the first place therefore before you move towards a goal write down at least two powerful reasons why you're excited and motivated to accomplish that goal for a reading goal you might write i'm reading leadership books to develop the mindset of a highly effective leader or i'm reading leadership books to learn and enjoy the powerful stories inside them and one day use those stories to get through tough times and inspire others after taking time to think and write down two or more reasons why you're excited to complete your goal keep those reasons in a note on your phone so you can quickly read them when your progress slows and your motivation dips the second r in smarter stands for relevant or what i refer to as reality check be honest with yourself is this a good time in your life to pursue the goal you're about to pursue say you just had a child and you've been given a big project at work to lead is now a good time to start an ambitious reading goal or train for a marathon some goals are not relevant to the phase of life you're currently in that's okay wait for a better time taking on too many goals at one time which hyatt has found to be any more than two or three meaningful goals each quarter significantly reduces the odds of you accomplishing any goal in the end write down a goal you wanted to complete in the last 12 months but didn't now go through the smarter checklist to upgrade your goal s specific is my goal narrow enough m measurable can i modify my goal to easily provide a percent complete or success rate a actionable does my goal invoke a concrete action image are risky does my goal challenge my limiting beliefs t time keyed and triggered do i have a deadline and or clear action trigger e exciting do i have at least two powerful and exciting reasons why i want to complete this goal and are relevant is this goal relevant to my current phase of life when you use the smarter checklist to upgrade a goal you regret not completing you dramatically increase your odds of completing that goal this year and making this year your best year ever that was the core message that i gathered from your best year ever by michael hyatt this is a great goal-setting guide i highly recommend it if you would like a one-page pdf summary of insights that i gathered from this book just click the link below and i'll be happy to email it to you if you already subscribed to the free productivity game email newsletter this pdf is sitting in your inbox if you like this video please share it and as always thanks for watching and have yourself a productive week
Channel: Productivity Game
Views: 78,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Your Best Year Ever Book, Goal Setting Book, New Years Resolutions, Resolutions, Michael Hyatt, Hyatt book, Hyatt Goal Book, Best Year Ever, Best Year Ever Book, Your Best Year Every Book Summary, Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt, Your Best Year Ever Book Review, Your Best Year Ever Audiobook, Your Best Year Ever Hyatt, Hyatt Best Year Ever, Hyatt Goals, Your Best Year Ever Book Video, Your Best Year Ever PDF, Your Best Year Ever PDF Summary, Best Year Book
Id: 4e462eZ2VfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2021
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