ULTRALEARNING by Scott Young | Core Message

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I recently read the book ultra learning by author Scott young in 2013 author Scott young wanted to learn Spanish but instead of enrolling in a Spanish course Scott and a friend went to Spain with a constraint no English for three months no phone calls back home in English and not a word of English between the two of them just Spanish Scott struggled to get by but eventually he could hold a conversation in Spanish but he didn't stop there Scott and his friend performed the same three-month no English project three more times in three different countries learning three new languages 12 months after landing in Spain Scott and his friend could have conversations between themselves in Spanish Portuguese Mandarin Chinese in Korean Scott's language learning project falls into a category that Scott has termed ultra learning ultra learning is different than most learning in two specific ways it's self-directed and intense you see standard learning in the classroom or online is often led by one teacher with a one-size-fits-all syllabus and a lot of what's taught isn't useful for each student and doesn't transfer to the real world I took four years of engineering school in a standard learning environment and ended up using maybe five percent of what I learned as an engineer most of what I learned was theory for a PhD student but this would never happen after an ultra learning project because on an ultra learning project students take control they don't simply listen to a teacher they gather lessons techniques and strategies from multiple teachers and create their own learning path that allows them to develop the knowledge and skills they'll actually use in the real world with an ultra learning project you don't dip your toes in you fully immerse yourself by establishing an aggressive learning schedule for example one of Scott's fans started a public speaking Ultra learning project by signing up for a speech contest which required him to complete six speeches in six days to qualify for the contest such an aggressive schedule forced him to get fully immersed in the Orlov public speaking and rapidly developed new public speaking skills whatever skill you want to acquire may that be public speaking graphic design programming or copywriting you can accelerate your learning by turning it into an ultra learning project regardless of what skill you target during an ultra learning project you'll probably be amazed at your new abilities at the end of the project to start any ultra learning project you'll need to focus on and optimize the following three ultra learning components number one make a meta learning map number two design practice drills and number three over learn first make a meta learning map when Scott's friend that's all graduated with an architectural degree he assumed that his schooling would set him up for a nice job but after he graduated he quickly learned that employers didn't want someone who knew a lot of theory they wanted someone with actual experience with building codes and architectural software after months of looking for a job and failing that Saul took matters into his own hands first he took a low-paying low-skilled job in a print shop printing large blueprints for architectural firms to study architectural drawings and get exposed to how architects actually work he talked to the architects who walked in the shop to understand what software they used after learning that the architects used a software program called Revit he bought the program and installed it on his personal computer then vets all proceeded to teach himself the software skills he needed to replicate the drawings he saw in a print shop after months of immersing himself in architectural drawings and aleeah's architectural software but saul submitted a portfolio of drawings to two firms that had once rejected him a week later he had two job offers Lake bets all you need to take the learning process in your own hands you can't trust a school or one mentor to teach you exactly what you need to know spend up to 10% of your allotted learning time understanding the components of the skill you want to learn by doing Google searches skimming books and reaching out to multiple experts to answer the following question if I want to do blank what concepts do I need to understand what facts do I need to memorize and what procedures do I need to practice the first part requires you to determine what exactly you want to be able to do at the end of your ultra learning project if you want to learn Mandarin get specific on exactly what you want to do with Mandarin if your goal is just to have a conversation of Mandarin then you don't need to spend time memorizing all the Mandarin characters once you've specified exactly what you want to do with a skill take out a piece of paper and draw three columns at the top of column 1 write concepts I need to understand in vet Saul's case he needed to understand what every symbol on those architectural drawings bent and why they were used in a second column right what facts do I need to memorize that's all needed to memorize the latest architectural building codes when Scott landed in Spain he needed to memorize a list of Spanish verbs nouns and conjugations just to get started and in the last column right what procedures slash movements do I need to practice that's all needed to practice setting up drawings and Revit and doing a thorough review of every drawing he created when Scott went to China he needed to practice Mandarin tones to hold a conversation once you've created a list of things you need to understand memorize and practice identify a select few items on your list that you think will be critical to your success and challenging to learn once you've identified these items design drills for each of those items American founding father Ben Franklin was a great writer his writing was so good that the other founding fathers asked him to edit the Declaration of Independence Franklin became such a good writer because he designed specific writing drills for himself Franklin realized that other writers that he admired use a wider array of words and were able to craft more compelling arguments than he could so Franklin developed an exercise to strengthen each of those sub skills the first exercise involved taking a piece of prose he had written and seeing how many words he could replace with synonyms while still maintaining the rhyme of the prose the second exercise involved reading articles in his favorite magazine The Spectator and writing notes next to them then days later he would try to reconstruct the main argument from each article from memory after finishing his version he would go back to the spectator and discover the faults he had made like Franklin you can take the items that you want to understand memorize and ingrain and design practice drills for them when authors Scot Young was learning how to draw portraits a bit of online research revealed that accurately getting the size and placement of facial features would be challenging but essential to his success so Scot designed a practice drill to hone in on this drawing sub skill Pskov reserve time each day to rapidly produce sketches of eyes noses a mouse and overlaid them to reference photos in the book he says that way I could quickly diagnose what kind of errors I was making without having to guess you can think of designing practice drills like discovering or developing exercises to isolate a key muscle like a bodybuilder but do dips to target the development of his triceps after you've designed a handful of drills commit to over learning you can think of over learning like taking grade 11 and grade 12 math to prepare for a grade 11 math exam or taking a psychology 101 and 102 to prepare for one-on-one exam the idea is to go beyond the requirements of what you're trying to learn so that what you're learning is more likely to stick a study found that students who take a calculus class immediately after an algebra class recall significantly more algebra than the students who just took the algebra class even if those algebra only students got better grades Scott's friend who embarked on that public speaking ultra learning project embraced over learning by delivering the speech for an upcoming speech contest in front of a group of seventh graders first seventh graders have much shorter attention spans and are much worse at hiding their boredom so Scott's friend knew that if he could keep seventh graders engaged then keeping the audience at the speech contest engaged would be a walk in the park by going beyond the requirements of his target performance he nailed his target performance to embrace over learning in your next ultra learning project just ask yourself what's my target performance and what's the next level expose yourself to next level material like those kids who took calculus or commit to an even harder performance than the one you're training for like Scott's friended with the seventh graders in the end if you want to accelerate the development of a skill to advance your career or simply for the joy of learning start your next learning project by making a metal earning map and outlining exactly what you need to understand memorize and practice to achieve success no more or no less then design practice drills to ingrain challenging but essential concepts facts and procedures and lastly over learn by practicing at a higher level by exceeding the requirements of your target performance that was the core message that I gathered from ultra learning by Scott young this book is packed with learning principles I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to speed up the development of a skill if you would like a one-page PDF summary of insights that I got it from this book just click the link below and I'd be happy to email it to you if you already subscribe to the free productivity game email newsletter this PDF is sitting in your inbox if you like this video please share it and as always thanks for watching and have yourself a productive week
Channel: Productivity Game
Views: 178,908
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ultralearning book, Ultralearning, Ultralearning Scott Young, Ultralearning Summary, Ultralearning Book Summary, Ultralearning Book Review, Ultralearning by Scott Young, Ultra learning, Ultralearning Young, Scott Young, Ultralearning PDF, Ultralearning Audio, Ultralearning Audiobook, Ultralearning Scott Young Summary, Accelerated Learning, How to develop new skills, How to learn quickly
Id: 4xCiHppPfEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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