THE CHAMPION'S MIND by Jim Afremow | Core Message

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[Music] i recently read the champions mind by jim afrimo the difference between a pedestrian performance and a peak performance begins and ends with your state of mind adopting a winning mindset will help you perform at the top of your game and enable you to succeed when you want to succeed the most jim afrima jim afrimo is a sports psychologist who has helped dozens of athletes prepare for the olympic games but you don't need to be training for the next olympics to use the powerful lessons in this book if you want to step up and stand out in any competitive environment be it at work or in sports you need to think like a champion when you learn to think like a champion you'll bring your best self to every intense work meeting interview or presentation and impress the people you want to impress most learning to think like a champion will help you or your child perform better in any athletic competition so let me explain four components of how a champion thinks using the acronym best remember these four components before each performance and you'll be well on your way to performing your best thousands of years ago a japanese general stopped at a religious shrine before a battle after praying with his men the general took out a coin and said i shall now toss this coin if it lands on heads we shall win if tails we shall lose destiny will now reveal itself he flipped the coin and the men watched intently as it landed it was heads the soldiers were overjoyed and rushed into battle feeling invincible despite being outnumbered after the victory a lieutenant turned to the general and said it was meant to be no one can change destiny quite right the general said as he showed the lieutenant the coin with heads on both sides the first letter in our best acronym stands for belief champions go into every competition believing that success is inevitable like those japanese soldiers success seems like destiny but how can anyone develop such a strong belief when failure is a real possibility a short answer trust your training a champion doesn't doubt his or her ability because they believe that they've worked harder than anyone else going into a competition the key to unshakeable self belief is to as sprinter murray screen a one time world record holder in 100 meter dash said train like you are number two but compete like you were number one train and prepare as though you came up just short of winning imagine you've just lost by a millisecond or a single point now work tirelessly to make sure that doesn't happen again then when it comes time to perform reflect on your training and the strengths you hone while training and victory will seem inevitable the e in our acronym stands for enjoyment it's impossible to be afraid and grateful at the same time that's why champions bring an attitude of gratitude into every competition and aim to enjoy every moment a champion routinely thinks i'm so lucky to be here competing at the highest level or i've trained so hard for this i can't wait to finally show the world what i'm capable of legendary track and field star jesse owens won four gold medals in front of nazis at the 1936 olympics in berlin and famously said find the good it's all around you but sometimes the pressure is so intense that you need something more than gratitude to enjoy the moment in these situations steady your nerves by using a dose of humor afromo says a touch of humor at the right time keeps things from becoming too tense a good laugh can reduce stress boost performance and improve mood this may help to explain why military personnel and firefighters are often described as having sufficiently developed senses of humor lieutenant general chesty poehler the most decorated marine in u.s history told us soldiers were surrounded well that simplifies the problem when you want to eliminate tension and perform at your best try your best to enjoy the moment by finding something you're grateful for and maintaining your sense of humor the s in our acronym stands for self-talk dr daniel amen a clinical neuroscientist and author of the bestseller change your brain change your life came home one night after a bad day at the office dealing with suicidal teens and dysfunctional couples to find thousands of ants in his kitchen as he started to clean up the ants he saw the parallel to what his clients were struggling with and came up with the acronym a-n-t automatic negative thoughts in his book he writes like my infested kitchen my patients brains were infested by the negative thoughts that were robbing them of their joy and stealing their happiness the next day i brought a can of ant spray to work as a visual aid and have been working diligently ever since to help my patients eradicate their ants if you want to perform your best you need to eradicate the ants that eat away your performance the ants you'll encounter during your performance include don't screw this up or what if i and then imagine a mistake these thoughts bring to mind the very thing you don't want to do which increases tension and increases the probability of failure it's like a golfer saying to himself don't hit it in the water then thinks about the water makes a tense and tentative swing and shanks the ball into the water the automatic negative voice in our heads is never playing to win it's just playing not to lose the automatic negative voice in our heads is stuck in the future telling you all the ways you might screw up now this might be helpful long before the performance when you're training and strategizing but it's not helpful during a performance during a performance you must trust your preparation and put all your attention to the task at hand a champion learns to direct all his attention to the task in front of him by using self-talk to direct his attention to the present moment a champion might repeat to herself right here right now right here right now jim afrimo advises his athletes to think one good play in a row one good play in a row on may 23rd 2002 professional baseball player sean green went six for six at the plate and hit four home runs in a single game all while repeating the zen mantra chop wood carry water chop wood carry water to help stay present and execute the fundamentals whatever self-talk you choose to use during your performance make sure it's simple positive and focused on the present the t in performing your best stands for toughness jim afrimo says mental toughness does not entail clenching your teeth trying harder thinking more straining your eyes to focus or having someone scream be tough at you mental toughness is the ability to remain positive and proactive in the most adverse of circumstances in professional golf to keep track of a stat called bounce back it measures a player's ability to bounce back to a good performance after a bad hole if a player scores over par in a hole then shoots under par by shooting a birdie or better on the next hole they improve their bounce back statistic the number one golfer in the world is consistently near the top of the professional golf association's bounce back statistic aim to increase your bounce back stats in life see every setback as a chance for an epic comeback use the lessons learned so far in the summary to stay positive through adversity and quickly bounce back from a bad performance by first reminding yourself of your training and reaffirming your belief in yourself second laughing off a mistake and making a joke about it and third using self-talk to direct your attention away from the mistake and back to the task at hand by telling yourself something like one good play in a row or you could do something symbolic like tossing a piece of grass clearing your throat or crumpling up a piece of paper and throwing it in the trash to symbolize that you are throwing out the mistake you just made and refocusing your mind on the task at hand in the end keep a mental scorecard for every performance and rate yourself on a scale of one to five in each of the four areas belief did i prepare so well that i felt as though i could not fail enjoyment did i maintain an attitude of gratitude and a sense of humor throughout their performance self-talk did i deploy a steady stream of positive self-talk to kill my automatic and negative thoughts and stay present and toughness how quickly did i reset and recover after a setback if you improve your scorecard with every performance you will be well on your way to becoming a champion that was the core message that i get from the champion's mind by jim afrimo this book is an essential read for anyone competing at a high level i highly recommend it if you would like a one-page pdf summary of insights that i gathered from this book just click the link below and i'll be happy to email it to you if you already subscribe to the free productivity game email newsletter this pdf is sitting in your inbox if you like this video please share it and as always thanks for watching and have yourself a productive week
Channel: Productivity Game
Views: 149,183
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Keywords: The Champion's Mind, The Champion's Mind Book, The Champions Mind, The Champions Mind Book, The Champions Mind by Jim Afremow, The Champion's Mind Jim Afremow, Champions Mind Afremow, The Champion's Mind by Jim Afremow Summary, The Champion's Mind Summary Video, The Champion's Mind Book Summary, The Champions Mind Book Summary, Jim Afremow, The Champion's Mind PDF Summary, The Champions Mind Audiobook, The Champion's Mind PDF, The Champion's Mind Review, Sports Psychology
Id: z_N4dfrLZiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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