Dangers At Daycare + More Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes

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[Music] hi jacob danger [Music] now [Music] cars go really fast [Music] nice work guys out safety safety now now now danger look out when danger's around [Music] [Music] no [Music] look at my elephant very nice [Music] [Music] around wet floors are slippery so we don't go there no school time is safe dying so danger no no no now [Music] dangerous we don't run we walk here [Music] danger [Music] now [Music] let's take the elevator up to the next floor [Music] hold on tight yes [Music] let's go play yes keep your distance keeping safe oh yes keep your distance it's healthy yes keep your distance now we're safe yes [Music] stranger [Music] danger now [Music] what's that that's an escalator [Music] yes escalator stand right there yes escalator we don't [Music] let's be safe be careful it's not safe to stand on the yellow line up we go we do it safely now you know we do it safely you did great let's go get ice cream safe safe safe let's go get ice cream [Music] we have to wait our turn baby john [Music] wait with me yeah [Music] [Music] don't get hurt when you're safe everyone gets to play running running down the street zooming zooming on your feet take a pause stop and think careful when you want when you're safe wash out don't get hurt when you're safe everyone gets to play tie them tie them tie your shoes they can't trip you when they're loose pause stop and think tie your laces up when you're safe [Music] everyone gets to play [Music] everyone [Music] watch out don't get hurt when you're safe everyone gets to play always ask before you play roll ups always know the way take a pause stop and think you can hurt yourself when you're safe everyone gets to play [Music] pull go go everyone gets to play keep you super safe take a pause stop and think you could hurt yourself when you're safe everyone [Music] [Music] yummy [Music] always check before you eat take a pause stop and think you could hurt yourself when you're safe [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you could have an accident you had an accident [Music] [Music] what should we do tell mom or dad what can we do so accidents don't happen dry up the floor [Music] when you [Music] [Music] you'll [Applause] [Music] what should we do tell mom or dad what can we do so accidents don't happen ask for help [Music] [Music] on the toys are here don't you cry if we have a trip what should we do tell mom or dad what can we do so accidents don't happen clean up the choice [Music] when we play [Music] don't be sad [Music] what can we do so accidents don't happen don't touch anything mom and dad [Music] we're going to the beach we love to be by the sea we're going to the beach [Music] safety at the beach sunscreen sunscreen don't forget your sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen we don't want you to burn what must we use shall we put some on yeah it's our favorite place to be fun for you and me safety at the beach [Music] in your eyes would it's our favorite place [Music] [Music] when it gets too hot where must we stay in the shade it's nice and cool would you like to swim we're swimming at the [Music] at the beach careful what must we do be aware when we see a world [Music] can i open the door daddy first let's make sure we know who's at the door knock knock who's there who's at the door it's your mommy we know mommy mommy's at the door do you know the password yes i do knock knock knock knee knock knock knock knock knock knock knee knock knock knock knock knock knock knee knock knock knock mommy hello baby remember never open the door to strangers no no no [Music] [Applause] someone's at the door [Music] i know daddy daddy's at the door do you know the password yes i do knock knock knock it knock knock knock knock knock knock knee knock knock knock knock knock knock knee knock knock knock i see you well done buddy [Music] remember to tell mommy and daddy if there's a stranger at the door oh someone's at the door daddy [Music] do you know the password yes i do knock knock knock knee knock knock knock knock knock knock knee knock knock knock knock knock knock knee knock knock knock i see you hello sweetie remember don't open the door to strangers very good your grandma i know grandma grandma at the door do you know the password yes i do knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock knock doggity i see you never open the door for strangers nope delivery mommy daddy stranger at the door do you know the password uh no i don't daddy don't open the door to strangers oh it's just the pizza guy delivering dinner you did a great job telling mom and dad when there's a stranger at the door [Music] today we had fun and we learned what to do when someone knocks at our door and we got pizza do you guys know the story of little red riding hood let's all tell the story together [Music] just be safe red riding hood don't talk to strangers in the woods as she made her way through the woods she met the big bad wolf well hello how do you do where i can't stop i'm on my way i'm off to see my friend today [Music] the big bad wolf was very nosy indeed but little red riding hood was smart and she knew she shouldn't talk to strangers [Music] don't talk to strangers in the woods just be careful as you go don't talk to strangers on the road the big bad wolf wanted to join her on her journey but red riding hood knew better than [Music] [Music] but you that go this is a walk just for one [Music] little red little red riding hood don't talk to strangers in the [Music] little red riding hood was really smart she didn't talk to strangers and she made it safely to grandma's little red riding hood she was told don't talk to strangers on the road off she went through the woods [Music] [Music] just be careful as you go don't talk to strangers on the road [Music] food is ready it's dinner time so come let's eat let's eat because it's dinner time let's learn to eat safely we wash our hands [Music] let's learn [Music] now you're ready to eat [Music] it's dinner time let's learn to eat you have to be sitting here sweetie [Music] oh no honey we check it's safe safe safe and not too hot it's safe safe safe and not too hot it's dinner time let's learn to eat you're doing great do you want some more [Music] [Music] it's dinner time let's learn to eat [Music] so good cause it's [Music] eat dinner it's dinner time let's learn to eat [Music] food food we [Music] let's [Music] [Music] yes come on baby play around this is where we play play play playground playground all the kids can play around this is where we play all day let's try the swing swing swing i'll help i'm here to help you swing swing swing [Music] [Music] playground playground come on baby play around this is where we play play playground playground all the kids can play around this is where we play all day let's try the slide slide slide i'll help you try try [Music] slide slide slide [Music] all right baby [Music] is [Music] you can really climb climb climb [Music] oh [Music] playground playground all the kids can play around this is where we play all day let's try the carol cell the spinning carousel i'm here to help you spin spin spin yes it's fun spin spin spin let's go kids [Music] playground playground how we love to play around this is where we play play play ground playground baby john can play around this is where we play a day why baby yes of course and i will watch such a big boy you have grown [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] who's ready to have some real fun yay 15 bananas team apples okay let's get this race on [Music] [Music] who's going to win that's 1.4 apples for the next challenge you need to crawl [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay now for the next challenge you need to hop we have to hunt [Music] who's gonna win [Music] great stuff that's two points for apples are not over yet come on you gotta run who's gonna win when [Music] excellent that's two points for bananas bananas it's time for the last challenge get [Music] ready bananas that's three points for apples and another three points for bananas and the winner is apples and bananas [Music] [Music] okay now say cheese cheese cheese hi baby john look at my car track isn't it awesome [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] softly see baby john it's more fun this way this controller is for you [Music] carefully [Music] [Music] won't you please play nice [Music] look baby john move this up and the plane goes up you have to keep your eye on it you try it very good i know you want the horse to cross [Applause] [Music] together this piece goes here and that one goes there and we're done play gently and have fun wow you break [Music] this robot is a lot of fun you have to play with it carefully baby johnny now you can hello baby john let's play [Music] [Music] it's bye [Music] kids wait a second every time you sneeze you leave germs all over your hands you always have to wash your hands so no one will get sick yes we'll wash them [Music] are you ready for your karate class [Music] hooray we washed them off [Music] let's see your hands oh no they're full of germs and you're going to have to wash wash we fight the germs hooray we wash them off good job washing the germs away park now mommy hmm [Music] yes [Music] [Music] this is so much fun [Music] [Music] hooray we wash them off [Music] would you like to play some soccer now [Music] [Music] oh your germs are dirty and they have little germs they can make you sick and get the chills we can fight them if we wash our hands yes we wash them off great job now who wants to eat ice [Music] at the cream cream shop yummy yummy ice cream we love it so much we have to pick just one flavor we want to eat them all [Music] now we know that we have to wash our hands before we eat because they're full of churns we will fight them using soapy water yes we wash them off [Music] honey it's bedtime baby monkey sleeps at night so he can rest and be strong baby [Music] go to bed [Music] i don't wanna go to bed [Music] to make him fresh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't wanna go to bed the one that he would like to wear [Music] now i want to go now i want to go i don't wanna go to them [Music] but first when you read to me [Music] sweet dreams baby john [Music] baby cozy in his bed [Music] sleepyhead superhero baby john are you ready to help clean up let's recycle i see a bottle i see a bottle pick it up bottles are plastic bottles are plastic we put one here bottles are plastic [Music] bottles [Music] no baby john not just bottles we can also pick up boxes i see a juice box i see a juice box pick it up it's up boxes or cardboard boxes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] let's all recycle and can we help [Music] of course you can i see some paper i see some paper pick it up pick all kinds of paper all kinds of papers [Music] we [Music] and finally oh [Music] [Music] oh yes we recycle we're super heroes whoa was the park always this clean i wonder who cleaned up [Music] who's ready to plant some baby trees [Music] trees [Music] where did baby john go [Music] grow up just wait and see [Music] wow you found a [Music] dig ladybug along with me everyone is planting trees [Music] yummy fruits trees [Music] now it's time to place our trees in the ground came to be this is where they'll grow and grow shooting up they go and go yeah look we planted all our [Music] now we have to cover the bottom of the trees by putting dirt back into the holes it's okay to get dirty in the soil our trees [Music] trees need water to grow let's give them a drink it's cleanup time okay stay close kids [Music] always stay close to us or you will get lost there's a lot of shapes and colors but staying here is just that is so much fun there you are don't wander off or you'll get lost there's a lot of shapes and colors [Music] i don't do that again or you might get lost there's a lot of shapes and colors over there [Music] i need to hold your hand [Music] little brother don't go away on your own or you get lost there's a lot of shapes and colors but staying here is just not fun [Music] watch over there toys everywhere that is so much [Music] i [Music] [Music] oh there you stay are to us don't get lost
Channel: Little Angel: Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs
Views: 17,632,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dangers at Daycare Song, Playtime Safety Song, Safety Song, Stay Alert against danger, Stay Safe Song, baby angel, baby john songs, baby songs, best kids songs, caution song, children songs, kids songs, kids videos, little angel, little angel kids songs, little angel nursery rhymes, little angels, little angle, nursery rhymes, pre school videos, preschool music, sing-along, songs for kids, toddler songs, watch out for danger
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 32sec (3632 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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