The Linux Experience

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have you tried Linux perhaps Linux is way better Lin the besto yeah I've been using Windows for most of my life and a few years ago I've fallen victim to Mac OS but Linux I've never dared to enter that Garden who knows what deep exotic Creatures Lie beneath on the other side so after reading just a few friendly comments trying to convert me into a Linux user I decided why not why shouldn't I try it maybe I'm missing out and after watching a few tutorials I decided it was time to install it for the first time now this screen might not seem like I'm doing much here but actually at this very moment I was completely nuking my entire hard drive reducing it to atams completely erasing it I didn't realize this until I switched back to Windows oh buger but now I've built a new pc with an AMD graphics card which apparently is good for Linux so I'm going to start this over now during this whole process there was one thought that kept bouncing inside my head what can you even do with Linux the penguin operating system or should I say what can't you do with Linux no but seriously when you switch from Windows to Mac you give up some software that only exists on Windows gaming and some bloatware in return for nice hardware and software integration but a more controlled yet seamless consistent operating system that works wonderfully within its e ecosystem and so what do you give up when you switch to Linux and what do you get in return Freedom what I've gathered so far is that it's free you can customize everything on Linux and a lot of people say that it's the best now obviously there are many people that use their computers for a variety of different reasons so here's what I use it for I use my Mac mainly for video editing in Adobe Premier Pro making thumbnails in Adobe Photoshop writing recording videos like screen recordings or voiceovers doing your normal everyday things in the browser and light gaming and by light I mean helium light very light because it's Mac OS now on Windows I do heavy duty gaming hardcore super max that's probably the name of some phone out there and also some video editing sometimes also I'm already aware that there's no Adobe software on Linux and a few games that I play that have anti-che like CS2 what anti-che don't really work on Linux but let's not get ahead of ourselves my goal right now is just to install Linux and explore all the different things that you can do with it anyway I chose to go with the mint version of Linux first because it's best for beginners aka me so let us begin the installation first I'm Googling Linux Mint and here on the homepage I will be able to download the latest version Bo and if I scroll down I'll be able to choose between the cinnamon Edition Sleek modern and intuitive let's just go with this one since it's 3 gbt this should take some time the next thing we'll need is called Bina etcher it's basically a software well Delena etcher is a free and open source okay essentially we need this to put this Linux Mint file onto a USB stick so I'm going to download this as well now the current plan is to install Windows on my D drive this one right here this is an SSD that I yed from my laptop and installed it on my new desktop PC and it's actually the one that I nuked before with the previous Linux installation actually it should have more space while things are still downloading I'll open Disk Utility I mean create and format hard disk partitions you utility or Disk Management and here let's quickly find the SSD which is here and as you can see it has these two partitions which I used before for Linux let's make sure that it's empty now and it is empty so I'm going to right click delete volume and delete volume here as well sure delete this one as well now my D drive is gone so to put it back I'm going to create a new simple volume make sure it's the maximum size assign the d letter for D nuts and click next a bunch of times so I have my new d drive with a little more space for Linux also if you want to rename your dis you can double click on the name and rename it to whatever you want so I'm going to open the Belen etcher app which will run me through the installer hopefully and actually didn't even have to do anything it's already installed then I'll plug in my Universal serial bus the USB I'm going to choose to flash from file then select the Linux min. ISO file click open then select the target which is my USB and flash yo a white blob opened up which means that there's some processing going on and there is some processing going on and Mission successful now I can safely delete the Linux Mint ISO file and also the bolena etcher installer and also B eter itself I'm going to open the file location then go to local and ye it out to the trash can beautiful so next the goal is to restart my computer and somehow boot into that USB so that it loads whatever is on the USB and not windows so now I have to figure out how to get to the boot menu on my motherboard my motherboard is the Asus Prime 650b plus and I typed in boot menu which gave me a PDF link to my motherboard's manual to enter Bios at startup press delete or F2 so essentially I need to restart my computer and smash the delete key or the F2 key to enter bios so let's do this procedure by the way function question mark is delete for me because I have a 60% keyboard oh didn't work boom we're inside bias now down here it says boot menu and I need to press f8 to get to the boot menu so I'm going to press f8 and here I can select my USB beautiful now here we have a bunch of options the first one is start Linux Mint and a bunch of other things so I'm going to pick the first one and click enter and oh something's happening and a mouse and boom we are in now this whole thing here is like a temporary space that I can Tinker with if I want but if I restart my computer everything will be reset to what you see here because I still need to install Linux Mint and there's a little CD here that will let me do that CD's nuts so I'm going to click on install Linux Mint and now it will let me actually install it this is your typical installation process I'm going to choose English continue continue again here it's asking whether I want to install multimedia codecs and I'm going to choose yes because they're required to play some video formats and to properly render some websites so I want that continue oh the wheel looks weird okay and this part looks familiar it's the part where I erased my entire hard drive the previous time so let's do this carefully this computer currently has Windows boot manager on it what would you like to do I would like to install Linux Mint alongside Windows yes continue next I have to select my drive why is it only giving me this one that's suspicious well this is the one I need so let's ignore that allocate drive space by draging the divider below so essentially it's asking me how much space I want to leave for Linux and how much space I want to leave for Windows on this hard drive let's do 200 GB for Linux Mint and please don't delete everything else you cannot undo this operation that's what I like to hear well there she goes okay it's probably important that I understand what this means the partition tables of the following devices are changed /dev sln n vme 1 and one that looks like this one because this is the same as this maybe the following partitions are going to be formatted partition two of my SSD as ESP I'm assuming this is the format that it's going to give my SSD and partition three of my SSD as xt4 maybe this means X fat which is also a format that hard drives use but from what it seems all of This only affects this SSD which is currently empty for me so let's click continue who are you name dog computer name computer powerful weak password your weak encrypt my home folder eh why not continue installation has finished once I restart I should be in I mean it's blinking so probably it's doing something and boom welcome to Linux Mint this screen will guide you let's go let's go with dark mode we have a few Styles here let's keep it like this for now let's go into advanced settings change the mouse pointer to Breeze snow o very nice the applications from this blue color to something like purple the icons to something like Yaro purple dark everything just changed down there and our desktop let's change to Mint y purple okay that was easy I'll come back to all of these settings later before I continue I'm going to look for display settings and hopefully I can increase the user interface scale so that everything becomes bigger that is too big let's go into settings and enable fractional scaling controls I remember this not working really well before but hopefully this works better let's do 150% well yeah that doesn't seem to work so let's stick to 100% for now one thing that I'm realizing is that probably Mouse acceleration is turned on so I'm going to try to search for settings yes there were system settings oh acceleration constant yes constant please oh much better anyway let's not get sidetracked I think I need to install some graphics card drivers for the display scaling to work properly so I'm going to try to do that within driver manager no drivers need it your computer does not need any additional drivers never mind okay so why can't I go into display settings and change my refresh rate for example it's not supposed to be 93 HZ it's supposed to be 144 HZ but it says unknown display so immediately I'm having random problems let's minimize this thing and try to troubleshoot I put in the only command I know neofetch into my terminal and here it says that my CPU my processor is the actual processor that I'm using but then it says that my GPU is AMD ATI device that's not my GPU so probably right now Linux isn't finding my graphics card which is probably fixable oh wait I forgot to paste something into the terminal you press not control V but control shift V professional Linux user okay what the hell is this this is not a seamless experience right now video memory accelerated device no idea what that means Asus is my motherboard so I'm assuming that this one is my dedicated graphics card and this one is a builtin graphics card that doesn't tell me anything by the way if you're dual booting windows and Linux like I'm doing right now which means you're using Linux and windows on the same computer you can access the files that you have on Windows from Linux which is very nice let's go into users my user wallpapers and boom we can yoink a wallpaper very nice oh that tells a lot now my GPU shows up does this mean that I can scale my display h no at least now it shows up welcome to update manager this tool provides your operating system with software and security updates ooh this might update everything and maybe that fixes the display settings issue boom okay reboot required so I'm going to restart and hopefully it's fixed and we're back in for some reason the welcome screen is back and the moment of truth that's not good I still can't change the resolution or the refresh rate can I set a different scaling other than 100 or 200 no perfect just what I like to see so I'm going to stick with trying to solve this issue first and once I do and I will not quit until I do because I had this working before on my laptop with an Nvidia GPU which is supposed to be worse for Linux and now I have an AMD GPU which is supposed to be easier okay what I've gathered so far is that if I see driver and a and here inside of system information next to my graphics card I can see Sapphire driver and a and here it also says Asus driver na a which means that the kernel did not load the driver at least now I know what's happening open source drivers including Intel and AMD are included in the Linux kernel in most cases when these drivers do not load it means the kernel currently being used is too old to have the necessary drivers okay this seems promising let's go into update manager view Linux kernels I've obviously been here before and I need the 6.5 kernel which is this one install I suppose boink maybe this works okay let's restart and see what happens now we're back the startup screen is again here show this dialogue on Startup that's why it keeps reappearing and again the Moment of Truth wait I think the refresh rate is higher huh let's go after like an hour and a half I finally fixed the first issue finally I can change my display resolution what happens if I do 150 scaling yes it works oh okay we have successfully infiltrated the Linux operating system and I can finally start messing around it only took minimal troubleshooting okay so let's start with the start menu I don't think it's called the start menu and here there are a bunch of pinned things like the Firefox browser the software manager which helps you install different applications the settings the terminal and your file system so let's first head into the settings and explore what we can do here backgrounds there are a bunch of included backgrounds of course I'm going to use my background Link in the description let's go into effects new windows or un minimizing existing ones traditional fly move let's do fly for everything ooh I can change how fast or slow the animation speed is so what if I do slow also one thing I already love in Linux is when you pick up a window you get this different cursor the one that points to different directions I think this makes so much sense I would love for this to happen on Windows and Mac OS once you pick up a window because right now you just get the default Arrow cursor what do we have in accessibility high contrast that's nice except the icons are not super nice actions desk lets create a new launcher display settings oh I think this is the right click menu add desls change desktop background it's here you can customize your right click menu and you can download more things that you can add into your right click menu that's cool you can add something that will restart your computer or you can take a screenshot just from the right click menu pretty cool the Vinci audio adjustment I should actually try editing applets what the hell are applets the applet will let you add icons of widgets in the taskbar so oh so it's here probably these are called applets in Linux okay if I select it and add plus it should appear here if I add it again it briefly appears in disappears okay what about the on screen keyboard oh this one works so if I click on it I will have the keyboard accessible for use with my mouse scale I can quickly change the scale never mind this is Mission Control extensions I don't have any extensions if I go into download I can download extensions transparent panels G tile tile your windows as you like so you can just install a bunch of features into your operating system just like that that's crazy we'll leave it for later hot coiners I know what hot Corners are from Mac OS and they're really useful on Mac OS I have this corner set to show my desktop so if I move my mouse here it should show the desktop okay panel oh this is where I can customize the taskbar how can I move these to the middle hey how do I move this green thing I can configure the menu as well use a custom icon and label what if I just do like this looks nice I still haven't figured out oh now it moved to the center okay so it was possible well never mind now everything is in the center and the menus are over there preferred applications so this is where you set your default applications Windows buttons layout how is this classic Mac let's just have them on the right action on title bar double click toggle maximize exactly what I want action on title bar middle click so if I middle click with my mouse button nothing happens minimize can I close toggle shade toggle minimize no I can only minimize I would like to close with the middle click action on title bar with mouse scroll shade and un shade adjust opacity oh I can make them more or less visible I'm not sure why would I want that but that's there I love that when you hover over a setting it just explains what it is without me having to Google it location of newly opened Windows automatic cursor manual Center let's do cursor so now if I launch the terminal it should appear next to my cursor yes this is so good good draggable border width look at how far the Border extends from where I can grab the window I love that you can customize this there's a sound for when you close and minimize Windows okay let's just enable them okay so those were the settings so now let's try to actually do something within Linux my first idea is to compile a list of things that I would normally do with a computer and try to accomplish it with Linux so let's try and pull up a text editor install an application take a screenshot create a folder Alias how do you type Alias I think that's it crop image convert image file format install a game play the game use Virtual desktops multitask with keyboard shortcuts create a folder using the terminal and install a program and install a font and I think that's good solid 12 tasks so first install an application now there are couple ways to do this one with the terminal and the other one by using the program manager or software W manager so let's first do it the easy way with the software manager and then we'll do it the hard way actually it's not that hard with the terminal let's do it's going to be my first time using it's essentially open- Source Photoshop so let's install it that was easy install application check can you put Emojis where's the nerd Emoji now we have an emoji to put next to each task so we installed it through the software manager and now I can look for it and open it ooh that actually started up faster than Photoshop didn't expect that next let's try to install something through the terminal let's do something like VLC so to install something through the terminal you do pseudo appt install and then the program name I'm pretty sure just putting in VLC will not work so I still need to figure out what I need to put in for VLC VLC media player for Ubuntu boom pseudo snap install VLC does it work VLC is already the newest version I think it's already installed there it is so let's try another program like Discord for example Discord install Linux well that's the third way I suppose it's downloading a file with the Deb extension which means Debian I think and basically Linux Mint is from the Debian Linux family so it should work now I download it into my downloads folder and here it is if I double click it should install Discord install package an UNH handable error occurred can't close this for some reason what's alt f4 on Linux how do you force quit something let's add for squid something to our task list let's leave this to the side for now until we get back to it and let's see how how to install Discord Linux Min stands on the shoulders of giants it's based on Debian and Ubuntu so the Debian installer should work install package same version is already installed so did it installed before and just gave me a random error oh Discord is already here and there we have Discord or slapp mark1 1273 so we can safely say that we installed an application now I want to complete the bonus thing that I added force quit an app I'm not sure if this is an app but it's definitely something that has crashed so I want to eliminate it from my Field view inside of the terminal type in pseudo X kill then click on any window to kill it pseudo X kill select the window whose client you wish to kill with button one and it turned into an X cursor boink that was really cool take a screenshot let's try and look for just a screenshot app maybe it exists screen saver no oh screenshot take a screenshot screen window or selection let's screenshot the calculator but if I do window take screenshot and that's the screenshot let's explore what's possible to do in this image app what if I go into edit flip horizontal vertical rotate rotate move to trash delete and preferences so it seems like there's no option to crop an image here which is something that I would love to see but I'm pretty sure that there's another photos app that lets you do that side pane image properties name width height type file size this is really useful I'm keeping this on okay solid photo app also I keep having to rightclick and move to trash instead of just being able to delete something thing so I'm going to find out a shortcut for deleting files there are two ways to delete files on Linux first you press delete button I know I was impressed too it doesn't let me though oh let's completely ignore that create a folder Alias I'm assuming you can create a new folder with control shift n just like on Windows or Mac and let's try to create an alias so right click and sharing options properties didn't work so well what if I do it inside of my file manager it doesn't seem like it's in this rightclick menu but I'm pretty sure that I can customize this right click menu what if I go to properties permissions share emblems I can add an emblem to a folder that's crazy anyway so how do you make an alias it seems like all the answers are for making aliases through the terminal which is fine but I want to just make it through the file system maybe it's a keyboard shortcut that copies it shift that moves it contrl copies it as well Control Alt alt shift control shift Control Alt shift I'm running out of shortcuts how did I do that link to Shrek so it's called link I think it was control shift yes it's control shift and then you drag a folder so if I open this it should take me to my Shrek folder okay what if I create a folder inside here so now Shrek 2 should be inside of Shrek as well yes didn't even have to use the terminal crop image so as we've seen before you can't really crop something inside of the photos app let's actually go into the software manager and look for a different app for photos if you need a basic tool for image management consider pick image viewer and browser so I have this already now drawing or pick oh this is like Microsoft Paint and there's a crop tool immediately there boink completely cropped look at it now convert image file format to another format now you can very easily do this on Mac OS with the right click menu so let's see how hard it's going to be on Linux I'm assuming I can just do that within the drawing app if I do file save ass I should be able to do a different format never mind I mean I can type in a different extension but I'd like to choose whoa okay so is it actually jpeg now type jpeg oh so I just have to change the file name extension that it's going to be saved with not the way I imagined it would go but look at the Masterpiece that we created install a game let's pick a game that doesn't have anti-che something like I don't know Minecraft let's try Minecraft should I try and install Arch by the way downloaded the file once again install package continue same version already installed and that's it I should have Minecraft let's put the Masterpiece here safely I mean it's setting everything up so that's pretty good and I think we're in Minecraft launcher while it's downloading let's explore some more mouse cursor options DMZ black how does this one look like looks good oh so we have successfully installed a game okay let's try to play the game now I have to say playing Minecraft wasn't an issue on Linux but screen recording it was a horrible nightmare look at this what is that what are all of these weird artifacts I can't even see anything now I did this with an app called Simple screen recorder and you may have noticed that in different parts of the video there are these weird artifacts I guess the screen recorder is so simple it just records a blob and after trying a bunch of different settings with the simple screen recorder I decided to try and use good old OBS which is essentially a go-to screen recording software for Windows that one was even worse trying to record any gameplay footage on Linux either gives me this weird mess or just a single frame like this for the hold recording so that's that but the game itself works great so Minecraft worked but I wasn't able to show it use Virtual desktops now we're getting to the fun stuff I'm pretty sure you can switch virtual desktops with control alt and right and left Arrow oh they're called workspaces let's do control alt and up which should reveal them and I can add more and switch between them now I'm wondering what happens if I have two Firefox Windows like this and then I put one of them inside my first workspace can I switch between them with control tab no so if you use control tab you'll only be able to see apps that are open with in this workspace if I switch to my first workspace I can now see all of the apps that are open in this workspace so they're essentially completely separated which is pretty cool and we used virtual desktops multitask with keyboard shortcuts well this can mean a variety of different things but what I meant here was snapping windows and also opening and switching between apps with the keyboard so I'm assuming the Windows key or the super key in the right arrow snaps the left one also snaps the top one oh why does it do this I never use this I always maximize to the top so now when I want to maximize a window I have to press not once but twice hopefully I can change this somehow in settings let's see it's not that big of a deal so essentially the super key or the Windows key and arrow keys snap Windows to different places of your screen and if you just press the Super Key you get the taskbar now what's kind of surprising to me is how fast this works especially coming from Windows I can type in anything and it's essentially instant it's not as power powerful as alred or Spotlight on Mac OS however I'm pretty sure that there's an app out there for Linux that has a similar set of features like alred it's essentially like a universal search bar that opens different apps files does calculations and even searches Google can I do quick calculations here no so yeah I will probably search for an app similar to Alfred that adds that feature there's no way it doesn't exist also I'm aware that tiling window managers exist which basically let you switch between different apps with only keyboard shortcuts for example some something like super F would take me to Firefox and so on but I'm not going to try one out for this video create a folder using the terminal I know how to do this on Mac OS so hopefully it works the same on Linux at least I think it should let's do LS which means list to see where the hell I am in my file system I'm pretty sure this is the user folder let's double check or maybe it's the home folder it has all of these listed out so let's create a folder on the desktop let's first go into the desktop so CD for change directory and then desk there's auto complete very nice so now I'm on my desktop and to create a new folder I'm pretty sure it's MK dir for make directory it's a fancy name for a folder and let's name it Shrek how long ago did I make the terminal video 3 months ago and I still haven't forgot this very nice uninstall a program let's install something so that I can uninstall something let's do obsidian and it's installed so the first way to uninstall something is straight from the software manager I could just click remove that's the first way the second way is to go into your start menu or the Linux menu right click and choose uninstall the third way I'm pretty sure there are more ways is of course by using the terminal I'm going to say pseudo which is essentially run as administrator apt this is the package manager think of it like the software manager where you can install a bunch of apps but there are just hundred if not thousands more apps that you can install through it then for installing something you would say install but to uninstall let's do remove and I'm going to paste in the obsidian never mind let's just try obsidian maybe that works I'm pretty sure it won't work yes unable to locate package obsidian if you want to bring up the same command that you pasted in before just click the up arrow and it's back I'm not sure how to find out a name of a package without going into the software manager and then looking for the app that you installed and here's the name or of course I could use Google and then I'm pretty sure it's this name that I need to paste in here cidian do obsidian does this work unable to locate I'm pretty sure there's a way but I'm just going to uninstall it by right clicking and choosing uninstall there it is it's no longer here install a font let's do the Vsauce font you can place the font files somewhere under user share fonts so let's first open this one and extract the font file can I search for directories here no so slash user is probably here yes I'm pretty sure it's called The Root folder user share right click open as root basically means open as administrator I'm pretty sure and if I put it here the font should be installed so if I type something here I should be able to go here and choose the Vsauce font which means that I installed it successfully beautiful check and access clipboard history I'm not sure this is possible so I'm immediately going to Google it the clipboard has no history be default but you can add a clipboard manager like clipped on the system let's try copy you okay it's installing a lot of things by the way on Windows you can access your clipboard by pressing Windows V on your keyboard it's also where you can find the nerd Emoji cinnamon just crashed you're currently running fallback mode I'm going to try to log out and log back in and see if this is resolved what a weird application oh cinnamon just crashed so something's up with this Clipboard app which I'm probably going to uninstall it's also super cool that when the operating system crashes I can still use it somehow on Windows everything would go white and I couldn't press anything so let's look for another clipboard manager let's try paralite Okay installing stuff through the terminal is kind of convenient and so it has an option to install itself oh that's my clipboard I'm an idiot let's see if I click on this one it should oh it just copies the thing I click okay and with that we are finished so how's my Linux experience well apart from some screen recording issues everything went pretty smooth of course I haven't even dipped my toes into the Linux World haven't even tried a bunch of the apps like tiling window managers or different workflows I just peaked my head in a little bit but from the basic tasks that I've done I can safely say that if you're not planning to record any gameplay footage you don't use any Adobe software or anything else that's not available on Linux then for the average person who spends most of their time inside of their browser anyway I don't see why Linux is a bad option it just takes a little bit of getting used to just like every OS out there and so right now my favorite desktop operating system is
Channel: Bog
Views: 412,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Linux, linux mint, lunix, lunux, linix, linxu, how to install linux, install linux mint, mint, linux mitn, arch linus, arch linux, linus, linucs, linux, linx, install linux, use linux, linux experience
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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