The Lightning Thief Movie Review - The Mythology Guy (100,000 subscriber special)

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hi i'm the mythology guy and i love the percy jackson series the books well obviously as someone who grew up absolutely loving greek mythology this series was darn near perfect it actually managed to tell a fun new modernized greek myth story while still constantly referencing the old stories in an accurate way that's something we practically never see so obviously since it was so successful a movie was inevitable when i first saw the trailer for this movie i was thrilled i was so excited because it was something i genuinely wanted i figured hollywood could turn this into the next big fantasy movie franchise based on a kid's book like lord of the rings and harry potter yeah one of those heck they even got the director of the first harry potter movie to do this film that's a good idea he launched that franchise so it stands to reason he could launch this one then the movie came out and uh well what happened yeah this movie was not liked by fans of the book and it was certainly not liked by the author of the series rick riordan he has denounced the films multiple times expressed how much they heard his feelings and revealed that he apparently warned them about the issues with this film after reading the script but they ignored everything he said you know i'm not a filmmaker but if you're going to adapt a highly successful franchise to try to create another highly successful franchise maybe you shouldn't ignore the guy who made that franchise highly successful i don't know just a suggestion ah but who needs rick riordan when we've got the writer of oh no now from what i've seen there are actually a lot of people who really enjoy this film mostly people who did not read the books first and that's fine that's actually really great that people were able to have fun with it but people who did read the books hate it to a freaking insane extent right to the point where they downright refuse to acknowledge that the movies exist creating fake names for them and constantly replying to people in comments not to talk about them are the movies really that bad are they that bad as adaptations yes but let's talk about why let's look over this movie again and see why it doesn't work as an adaption and whether or not it just works as a film in general though hopes are not high this has been my most requested video of all time to do and since the channel has hit a hundred thousand subscribers i can think of no better way to thank all of you let's look into and review the lightning thief the movie oh boy fair warning i am going to be bringing up the story in the books a lot in order to compare to this movie so spoiler alert for the books if you haven't read the books i highly recommend reading them before checking out the rest of this especially if you love mythology you will have a good time and for those of you saying i should just judge this movie on its own and not bring up the books it's an adaption of the books it is completely fair to bring up what the movie is adapting and why it failed to adapt it at least i think so so the movie opens up with a whole bunch of lightning over new york city and then we are introduced to the great god poseidon now in this story the greek gods don't want common people to know about their existence so obviously poseidon is going to show up in the most inconspicuous way possible stealth 100 yeah i could have shape-shifted into human form earlier but i really wanted to flex on that one fisherman i'm sure this won't result in him having a complete mental breakdown hashtag living my best life he then heads to the empire state building to meet up with his brother zeus played by sean bean you know i'd make a joke about how sean bean doesn't die in this movie but given the fact that the whole movie is dead on arrival i think that makes up for it what do you see thunder clouds but no lightning um what are you talking about there was lightning just a minute ago we all saw it what's wrong with you so zeus basically says that his lightning bolt has been stolen he accuses poseidon's son of doing it and poseidon says what you think i took it omnipotence has blinded you brother uh hold on omnipotence okay for those of you who don't know omnipotence means basically infinite power like you can do literally anything now look we can sit here and argue all day about whether or not zeus is supposed to be omnipotent in greek mythology but one thing i think we can agree on is he's not supposed to be omnipotent in the percy jackson series because if he was there'd be no plot there'd be no story why wouldn't he just will his lightning bolt to come back to him why wouldn't he just will all his enemies out of existence there would be no story this one line completely ruins the entire story of the entire franchise this is the opening of the movie we then get introduced to percy jackson played by logan lerman and his buddy grover played by brandon t jackson who says stupid things like this i wish i could spend all day in the water instead of this place right it's like high school without the musical so high school what the hell was that line we're also introduced to percy's substitute teacher miss dodds who is established as a villain because she calls on students whose hands are not raised would someone please explain what shakespeare was trying to convey in this line from othello percy jackson [ __ ] percy then heads home to his wholesome mother sally and his lousy stepfather gabe and this brings me to one of the problems with percy's character in this film he's too old in the books i believe percy was about 12 years old in this movie he's 17. that's a pretty big change the struggles of a 12 year old are not the same as the struggles of a 17 year old like one of the main things in the book was that gabe was very abusive and percy was threatened by him and couldn't do much about it because well he was 12 and he was half his size in this movie they're the same size and percy's in better shape why would he ever take crap from this guy i guess they aged him up in order to try to apply better to the teen demographic but that logic doesn't make any sense harry potter was 11 years old in the first movie which the director of this movie directed hello oh and check out this scene be prepared everything is about to change [ __ ] everything is about to change [Applause] hmm i'll take stupid things that weren't in the book for 200 alex yeah apparently something they decided to do in this movie was have poseidon talk to percy in his head in order to spell out certain things for him and tell ominous silly stuff that has no purpose in the story whatsoever first of all telling percy oh everything is about to change is completely needless and stupid it actually takes away from the moment where things will happen and will change because we're not surprised we know it's about to happen so what's the point anymore don't tell us stupid things like that show us show don't tell a movie is supposed to do that better in the book and this ridiculous spelling the stuff out wasn't even in the book so why in the world is it in the movie and on top of that in later scenes in the film with poseidon constantly talking in percy's head and spelling things out for him it completely takes away from accomplishments that were percy's in the books and we'll talk about those as they come we then get a scene where percy's other teacher mr brunner is teaching the kids about greek mythology and here's another problem with percy's character you see in the books percy takes a genuine interest in greek mythology as he should it's awesome and this plays in later when he discovers he's in a greek mythological world because he's able to use that knowledge in order to interact with the characters better now he obviously doesn't know everything sometimes other people have to help him out but he knows enough in order to get by and communicate with these characters and face the monsters effectively in this movie while the class is being taught well he's not even paying attention he has ear buds in why is that even allowed and he's rolling his eyes and just not giving a crap about anything that's going on yeah it's wonderful that makes him likable isn't it great to have a main character looking down on greek mythology in a series that's intended to celebrate greek mythology percy's substitute teacher then gets him alone and attacks him revealing herself to be a fury and oh my god that design does not work okay the furies are the tormentors of the dead in greek mythology and their signature weapons are whips how the heck would that creature use a whip would it hold it with one of its feet if you tried to pull back a whip from that low you would only hit yourself this design does not work now in the books mr brunner shows up and gives percy a sword and percy uses it to fight off the fury finding some courage and inner power in doing so it's a pretty cool moment but in the movie he just shows up threatens the fury and it flies away because percy isn't allowed to accomplish anything this movie sucks but then we do get an admittedly funny line take this to defend yourself it's a powerful weapon guard it well only use it in times of severe distress this is a pen this is a pen i like that one what are you talking about what's going on we gotta warn your mom come on person come on you know you could just tell them along the way but i guess you won't because this movie's horribly written sally morgan beer hey mom mom look we got to talk okay hey hey can't you see she's servicing me and my friends you know i will bet anyone real money that that line was not in the script so percy tells off gabe gabe goes after percy and then grover beats the crap out of gabe it's not in the book but it's fun to watch so grover and percy's mom tell him that they have to take him to a special camp and they head out so they start heading to the camp and it looks like percy's mom is actually going to tell him everything that's been going on percy this is about your father what the heck it went from sun up to sun down and you've only just gotten to the part where you met the guy what have you been telling him for the past god knows how many hours why have you not gotten to the point you haven't even mentioned to him anything about his father being a god or anything about mythology being real what was the point of all that worthless time what are you doing movie well no time to tell percy anything important because the minotaur attacks grover reveals himself to be a seder like in the book and they run away from the minotaur to get to the gate to camp half-blood but it's revealed that sally cannot enter camp half-blood question if sally and grover both knew she wasn't gonna be able to enter why did she even come why did they even go get her why didn't they just go straight to the camp why didn't they take mr brunner's car was that not doable what was the point of this so sally gets grabbed by the minotaur and she disappears so percy decides to fight the minotaur even though he and grover could easily just go through the gate there's really no reason to fight the minotaur at this point so he pulls out the pen which is revealed to be a sword i actually like the change where it's clicking the pen to turn it into a sword instead of taking the cap off i think that makes a little more sense and is more convenient but percy doesn't even use the sword because it gets knocked away but fortunately the minotaur gets its horn stuck in a tree and then percy goes and pulls the horn out of the tree which i'm not sure how he's able to do since the minotaur wasn't able to do that but he gets it out stabs the minotaur the minotaur dies and percy passes out oh man i had a terrible dream the writing was abysmal so yeah percy wakes up in the camp and grover reveals to him that his mother is in fact dead how does he react oh no no no no all of it was real my mom's gone [Music] everyone mourns in their own way i guess like not mourning at all so this is camp hafla half meaning what i think you know half meaning half mortal have god guys watch the arrows newcomer hello gosh look man remember all the myths about greek gods and goddesses no i wasn't paying attention at all to those stories oh and then we also get his reaction to discovering that his father is a literal god your blood is special it's the blood of a god this is a lot to process dude are you fascinated by anything remember how harry potter reacted when he was first told he was a wizard or when he saw spells used for the first time or how pretty much every time he encountered some new form of magic he looked like he was having a moment of pure wonder you know like any real person would yeah that was stupid let's replace all that with an angsty teen who's not impressed by anything everyone loves angsty teens who aren't impressed by anything see man this place right here is a place where you learn to harness your powers you're training to become leaders warriors and heroes i think you're the wrong guy all right i'm not a hero i'm a loser i have dyslexia adhd oh yeah total loser this great-looking tall in-shape guy high school is a nightmare for guys like this what's her name she was squashy like a bug her name annabeth daughter of athena the goddess of wisdom yeah i think this is a good time to point out that grover and annabeth are all wrong in this movie you see in the books grover has a good heart but he's also very insecure and unsure of himself because he has failed missions in the past and he really wants to do the right thing but he doesn't believe that he can and throughout the story he finds his courage and his ability and it's very nice to see but in this movie he starts out as just this totally confident comic relief though i hesitate to call him a comic relief because he's not funny yep you're a demigod two points of percy jackson the health department need to give this place an f or i can just throw my crutch up there i'm saying the pearl will fall out grover purse i'm saying it's not a bad idea and annabeth isn't much better you see in the books when percy wakes up it's actually annabeth who's taking care of him at the camp because she's a very kind-hearted person who cares about people annabeth is a very likable character in some ways she's kind of the hermione of the series she's very smart which makes sense because she's the daughter of the goddess of wisdom and she will often use her wisdom in order to figure out the best way through a scenario or the best way to take somebody down and she has blonde air and gray eyes calling back to her mother athena well this movie not only does she not look like her character but she doesn't act like her character she's introduced fighting off a whole bunch of guys at once because girl boss i guess you know does anybody realize that there are ways to make a female character really compelling without just she can kick everybody's ass wow what are those things who the hell doesn't know about centaurs do you know anything at all all right so what's coming up now is the reveal as to who percy's father is i mean we know it's poseidon but he doesn't know it yet now in the books it is a huge reveal it's actually a twist in the book now admittedly it's kind of easy to see coming but maybe not for kids and another interesting thing about the twist is that none of the characters in the book except most likely percy's mom knew that he was the son of poseidon so when it's revealed people are fascinated he's fascinated but they're also incredibly worried because this means that the big three will think that percy has stolen the lightning bolt and it also means that one of them broke his sacred vow it's a huge turning point in the story and the cause of a lot of drama and worry and what instigates percy being sent on the main quest of the book so how are they gonna handle that huge reveal here it seems he got some weight to it my father's poseidon god of the seas why didn't anybody tell me it was for your own safety it's exceedingly rare for a child to be born to one of the big three whoa calm down somebody almost had an emotion there yeah apparently in the movie they've decided to go with everybody knew he was son of poseidon except him i guess that's stupid and it doesn't make any sense and it completely uproots the entire plot if they all knew he was sent a poseidon why didn't they grab him and take him to the camp earlier they knew all the threats and problems he would have to face being son of poseidon they also would have known that the gods would think he was the one who stole the bolt so why didn't they sort this out earlier why did they wait for mrs dodds to attack him was there any reason not to send him to the camp actually on that note in this movie percy's mom clearly knows about the camp why didn't she send him there earlier what in the world was going on in this film she didn't need to marry gabe like none of this needed to happen why didn't people take percy to the camp earlier if they knew about all these threats do you see how ignoring the book is a huge problem and completely uproots the plot of this movie writer of actually i'm not surprised so then mr brunner now revealed to be chiron tells percy everything that's going on and about how they need percy's help because of the ensuing possible war between the gods and percy's reaction is this is your problem all right not mine this is about your world not mine okay this brings us to our third problem with the main character of this movie in the books percy wants to help people he wants to go on the quest he wants to fix all of these problems going on despite the fact that he's really scared to do it but he wants to do the right thing it's part of what makes him a very likable character and he's also partially doing it because he wants to help his mom he figures if he goes to the underworld he can get his mom out of there so that's one of the main things that makes the percy jackson series fun a very likable main character who we follow with on his journey that is the most important thing to any successful franchise is a good main character in this movie though percy jackson is a dick he's a douchebag who doesn't care about anyone but himself and is constantly complaining and shutting people down how are we supposed to root for this guy so chiron introduces percy to the rest of the camp step forward this is percy jackson and he's gonna need a team what the hell was that all about they've never even met the guy why on earth are they rolling their eyes and scoffing is everyone in this movie an [ __ ] so we're then introduced to luke the son of hermes who does not have his scar because source material what's that who's he and then luke offers for percy to join his team so that they can all play capture the flag together percy gets separated from everyone else finds the flag but then he encounters annabeth who starts just flexing on him in the stupidest way did you really think it would be that easy my mother is goddess of wisdom and battle strategy do you know what that means i always win so percy's a douche grover's annoying and annabeth is a conceited [ __ ] our main characters ladies and gentlemen so annabeth beats the ever-loving crap out of him stand up and fight hero uh isn't everyone in this camp a hero what the hell is wrong with this movie so then poseidon goes into percy's head again and tells him that if he goes to the water he'll get healed and powered up because percy isn't allowed to discover anything for himself in this film so then percy obviously does it he gets healed and he gets powered up which makes no sense at all because he ran through the water earlier why didn't that power him up this water gives him enough power to defeat annabeth but he ran through water right before he fought her why didn't he get that power when he did that movie hello so then annabeth's team who has percy completely surrounded decide to employ the brilliant plan of attacking one at a time the daughter of wisdom and battle strategy you say oh man if only there was something we could do to stop him from getting that flag frank we already tried attacking one at a time i know i just feel like there's something we're not thinking of oh surely you women don't want to talk to me i'm a loser i have dyslexia and adhd um we're having a party at our place later and we would really love it i believe i just did feeling like a hero more like a mutant i'm not gonna grow a fish tail or gills or anything like that am i not likely although a huge ego isn't out of the question well you're one to talk but then hades suddenly appears in the camp with a design so inaccurate it kind of makes me want to scream and he offers percy his mother back if he brings zeus's lightning bolt to him in the underworld percy wants to go to the underworld to convince hades he wasn't the thief and get his mother back but chiron forbids him from doing it this is completely different from the story in the book in the book percy was actually quested with going to the underworld to try to fix all of these problems but we can't have that here because we gotta have the sneaking out cliche because the sneaking out cliche is stupid and this movie loves stupid things while percy is sneaking out though grover and annabeth notice him and they offer to go with him and try to help him on his quest wow what a kind noble and courageous thing to offer to a person how does percy react i don't need your help okay this is something i have to do on my own so do you like get a dollar every time you act like a [ __ ] so they all go to luke to try to see if he has any tips about getting out of the underworld and he tells them that in order to get out of the underworld they're going to need three special pearls that can teleport them out of there yeah remember how in the book those were given to percy in a single scene well now the whole plot revolves around them luke also tells them that he's never actually met his father which is not accurate to the books and makes the character way less interesting actually but hey i think if the writer of this movie tried to make a character accurate he'd have a freaking heart attack luke also gives them a pair of winged shoes a shield and a map to lead them to all of the pearls the first place the map leads them to is a roadside garden where they find some golden drachmas but no pearl but don't worry percy has a plan okay let's split up check everything good idea that my friend is some damn fine genuine outside the box thinking annabeth then encounters a woman who says her husband's been killed and she's running away from someone and grover encounters this statue oh check this out he's just like michael fernandez that's crazy we got the moon the same place yeah it's not my uncle friend of mine because my uncle friend of mine was killed by medusa oh percy if you know your uncle ferdinand was killed by medusa how did you not put this together earlier also how do you know your uncle ferdinand was killed by medusa do monsters tweet about the people they've killed how does this work annabeth and the woman then encounter medusa played by uma thurman and i think that's a good casting choice but the only part of her design that they make medusa like is the snake hair there's a lot more to medusa than that um they realize that gorgons are more than just snake hair right what am i talking about of course they don't here's another weird thing when annabeth encountered this woman she said that medusa had just turned her husband to stone and was chasing after her but then when they encounter medusa she's wearing her sunglasses and hair cover so that means she encountered this old woman and her husband took off the glasses and hair cover and then while chasing after this woman she put the glasses and hair cover back on why why would she do that annabeth then closes her eyes because she doesn't want to watch any more of this movie but the old woman decides to look at medusa why i don't know percy and grover then come to the rescue and then medusa gets really touchy-feely and flirty with a 17-year-old stay with me all you have to do this is sexual harassment and i don't have to take it so then annabeth comes to percy's rescue by running medusa over with a car and percy decapitates her then we get a pretty funny scene you never know when something like that might come in handy yeah you're right but i'm not touching it come on man just take off your jacket we'll wrap it up until we get some ice oh well i gotta take off my jacket because you're the protector which is then completely ruined by one of grover's stupid lines yeah you're right i am the protector so i'm gonna give you my hoodie not my jacket okay oh snap grover you can't let anything be funny can you so they grab the pearl and they move on during one of their stops in the journey annabeth reveals to percy the absolute worst and most idiotic change in this entire movie from the books right after we were born used to create that the gods couldn't have physical contact with their mortal offspring the reason that the gods never spend any time with their kids is because they're not allowed to yeah apparently in this movie none of the half-bloods have ever met their parents at all because zeus decided to pass a law that the gods are forbidden from interacting with their children this completely destroys and derails the main conflicts that are in the book series you see in the book series the gods are not forbidden from interacting with their children the truth is we don't actually know why they don't interact with their children several of them do interact with their children but it's rare it's very rare and this causes a lot of static between the families because these gods are not interacting with their kids and we don't actually know why maybe they're too busy to hang out with their kids maybe there is something preventing them from doing it or maybe they just don't care enough we don't fully know why and neither do their kids and that is what causes the kids to be incredibly upset with their parents it is what leads to the plot of the entire series several of the demigods are fed up with how neglected they feel by their parents and decide to revolt against them and it causes literally everything that happens in the series well in this movie there's none of that that's not a possibility because the gods don't hang out with their kids simply because they're not allowed to that's not their fault the only one at fault here would be zeus why the hell is luke mad at his dad for never seeing him he's not allowed to does luke not know that how does this make anything better this is a stupid cheap lazy way to explain why gods don't interact with their kids because this movie doesn't want to delve into anything complicated at all writers what are you doing oh that's a stupid law i agree great so why is it in the movie hey yo percy get in here man this is ugly oh man he read the rest of the script didn't he so mr ugliano talk to me about your son percy jackson no he's not my son he's stepson he did not come from these loins okay why is gabe the funniest character in the movie speaking of funny i actually really like this scene oh nice i can't pee with her watching me sorry guys i messed up the next pearl is at a replica of the parthenon because look greek stuff we have greek stuff that means we know greek stuff guys they try to come get it after closing but something has to be done about the janitors so annabeth pulls out a crossbow and we finally get a funny line from grover you're gonna kill the jammers chill those are working across americans but it's okay cause they're just tranquilizer bolts so nobody's actually gonna get hurt well jeez except for that guy so they get the pearl and then they encounter the hydra and it looks like this and it breathes fire okay let's talk about everything wrong with this number one the hydra has nine heads not five why does nobody get that right number two the hydra is a snake it is not a dragon why do people keep depicting it as a dragon does this look like a dragon to you number three the hydra does not breathe fire it is however known to spit poison but i guess we're not gonna do that because it's so easy to make a dragon breathe fire even though it's not supposed to be a dragon number four it is not that big number five grover's strategy is apparently to throw candy at it and egg himself on like that's some kind of effective strategy what is wrong with grover in this movie i mean you know what's really weird about this if you wanted to have some beastly creature with multiple heads that breathes fire that actually happens in the book you see the hydra was not in the first book but you know who was in the first book the chimera and the chimera is famous for breathing fire and it does it in the book why didn't you just use the chimera you know what's kind of funny in the book the chimera is introduced as a little dog who then turns into the chimera that's pretty darn funny but i guess this movie doesn't want anything funny because all comedy must die at the door but i will admit that i do actually like the way they defeat it it makes a lot of sense to use the head of medusa to defeat the hydra though how the heck is it stopping the fire is it turning the fire to stone does fire have eyes this is confusing so the third pearl is actually in las vegas in a place called the hotel lotus and casino we got blackjack rover we're not here to have fun sounds like the motto of this movie the hotel lotus is of course a front for the lotus eaters from mythology and honestly i think this is the best part of the movie why because it was in the book and it's adapted very well here and mostly accurately to how it was done in the book this is a very cool and unique and modern take on the lotus eaters and there's actually one change i really like i like that they actually have them eating lotus flowers in the movie i don't think that was in the book really smart really cool when they eat the lotus flowers it's what starts them going into this trance which results in them just wanting to stick around and party all the time this is very well done so of course the movie has to ruin it [Music] dude where the heck was he earlier like why didn't he stop percy from eating the first flower we find out later percy's been here for five days what the heck has poseidon been doing for five days and once again this is another example of poseidon spoon feeding something to percy instead of letting him handle it himself in the books percy actually figures out what's going on in the hotel on his own by meeting people from decades ago who have been in the hotel this whole time in fact one of those scenes is actually recreated in the movie so why did they need to have the stupid voice in the head crap again you could have just had him figure it out from meeting that kid well whatever he does it he wakes up the other two they grab the pearl and they get out in a pretty cool scene but yeah that voice-over thing really annoyed me so it's time to head to the underworld which is apparently in hollywood i'm sure there's some kind of message there they head through the entrance which is surprisingly easy to get through and encounter carron i actually do like this line from him who are you we need to see hades for living and not permitted here die and come back and i do kind of like this scene where grover tries to bribe him by saying hey you like dead people well we got some dead people on these dollar bills that's actually kind of clever i do like that joke so they bribe him with drachmas he agrees to give them a ride and they go into the underworld which honestly looks pretty cool i like it wow the movie's starting to look up i even like this idea that rowing through the river's sticks is filled with lost hopes and dreams wishes that never came true like a good version of a percy jackson movie so they make it to the end and you know what's coming up it was in the book and it's in the legends it's time to encounter cerberus oh he's not in the film oh movie why must you hurt me in this way you know who is there though persephone yeah persephone's in the underworld in the middle of june you know summer has anyone involved in this movie ever read any freaking greek mythology i haven't had a seder visit before movie what the [ __ ] so we finally get to meet hades who looks like a punk rock star okay percy tries telling him he didn't steal the lightning bolt but hades does not believe him zeus is fast and full my what a shocking reveal [Applause] so apparently hades wants to use the lightning bolt to overthrow the rest of his family and become king of the gods he's also deciding to just go ahead and kill percy and his friends for practically no reason because he's an incredibly evil bad guy who we're all supposed to hate the amount of things wrong with this are so many i'm just gonna try to explain it okay so in greek mythology hades is not actually a bad guy he's done one or two pretty bad things but he's not nearly as bad as the rest of the greek gods are and he is certainly not meant to be a villain in greek mythology sure it's popularized in the media that he is because well he's an easy target he's the ruler of the underworld and so a lot of people associate that with being a villain and you know it's been done pretty entertainingly in movies like disney's hercules so sometimes it's not minded but here's the thing this movie is an adaption of the percy jackson books and the percy jackson books did something with hades that i thought was very well done you see in the books the characters actually do start off by thinking hades is the villain they think that hades stole the lightning bolt and so that's why the quest is to go to the underworld to get it back this i believe is playing on that common misconception that everybody thinks hades is the villain however when they get to the underworld they discover that hades did not steal the bolt and the reason he's been sending monsters after percy is because whoever stole the bolt also stole hades's helm of invisibility which is a really cool thing for mythology that almost never shows up in the media so it was really cool to see it in the book it's not in this movie but it was in the book so when hades's helmet was stolen hades figured that since everyone is saying percy stole the bolt he thought oh percy must have taken my helmet too so he sent monsters after percy but people thought he was sending monsters after percy for some evil reason but when percy got there hades revealed the truth to him and it was quickly discovered that hades is not the villain in this story he is bitter and he has a complicated relationship with his family which makes sense given some things that are actually in greek mythology which would tie into that and it's a story that is very interestingly delved into in the other books in the series hades is a very interesting character in this series and i really love how the percy jackson books played on that expectation that everyone thinks hades is the villain only to reveal that we were getting a much more mythologically accurate and interesting character for hades in the books that was very well done very refreshing to see and just awesome to see as a huge fan of mythology and this movie does none of that this movie instead just completely falls back on that idiotic misconception cliche that hades must be the villain that hades must be just evil and hated i mean they didn't get persephone right so why get hades right this is so stupid moronic insulting and lazy it really shows how incredibly passionless the creators of this movie were they did not give a darn about how they adapted this book they did not give a darn about how they adapted greek mythology they just wanted to fall back on easy cliches and commonly told misconceptions as a way to make a quick buck now look i know there are people who enjoy this film and that's great but this film does things that are straight up insulting not only to fans of the series but fans of greek mythology in general you want to make haiti's a villain if you can make it entertaining then i'm kind of okay with that because admittedly i really love the disney hercules movie but that movie's not adapting some other story that already did it in a really great way this movie is and instead of taking the things that made that book series unique they are stripping them out and replacing them with lazy cliched easy to use things oh the book series has 12 year old characters now 17 year olds are easier to market and easier to work with oh the book series has the chimera now people are more familiar with the hydra oh in the book series there are complicated relationships between kids and their parents now they're just not allowed to see them that's so much easier to write oh in the book series hades is a three-dimensional mythologically accurate character nah people have heard that hades is evil so we'll just go off hades is evil what else people like persephone put her in the movie we don't care how that ties into the myth at all this is lazy lazy lazy and it is annoying to see something like this this is the part of the movie that most fans are the most mad about and it is not hard at all to see why oh so then he won't remember a thing why'd you do that because he's cruel and abusive oh my god the only thing i look forward to is my allotted time away from this hell hole oh my god only three oh no there are four of you each pearl transports only a single person one of you will have to stay they all knew they were here to save percy's mother how did they not put together that they would need four pearls for four people is counting to four really that complicated for you guys oh yeah we got the daughter of the goddess of wisdom with us she couldn't put that together either all right i'll stay you three go what no no no no no i've achieved my quest i'm staying here no i've trained for success no viewers guys guys knock it off i'm staying because i'm the protector rover come on look man i don't want to hear it just go it's my duty that's what i'm meant for i won't come back for you i'll take very good care of him isn't grover also underage what the hell is wrong with the women in this movie haha bestiality is funny oh am i kidding that's probably the most mythically accurate thing in this film so they successfully teleport right next to the entrance to mount olympus and are about to go through it until luke announces himself from far away so they stop dead in their tracks and patiently wait for him to fly over to them just go through the entrance you stupid morons well you are supposed to make it out alive oh really then why did you tell them exactly how to get out of the underworld alive what is wrong with you you did not need to tell them that they had no idea how to get out of there alive until you told them exactly how to do it and gave them an exact map on how to do it all you had to do was lie you could have just handed them a few rocks and said yeah these will get you out your plan would have worked perfectly even if they didn't die down there they never would have gotten back by midnight how is luke this stupid why did he tell them how to get out of the underworld you know while we're asking questions why did he give percy the winged shoes you see in the books luke is actually working for chronos and he wants kronos to take over olympus so he curses the winged shoes that he gives to percy so that when percy goes into the underworld the winged shoes will drag him into tartarus and deliver the bolts straight to kronos but that doesn't happen in this film so there is literally no reason for him to give him those shoes why would he do that you know if percy didn't have those shoes he wouldn't be able to face luke in this final confrontation oh speaking of luke did i mention in the books he and annabeth have a very long complicated and close history together which makes it really hard for annabeth to ever raise a blade against him and is an interesting part of her character well the heck with that because in this movie she rushes him right away and tries to cut him down yeah you know let's just ignore everything about the books that's special so yeah they get into an kind of cool fight i guess hey look luke has his scar now movie nobody cares anymore so it seems luke has the upper hand but then percy uses his water powers to take him out yay woohoo you know this is completely unlike how it goes in the book in the book it's actually a huge twist at the very end after it seems like everything has been solved and everything is on the up and up that we discover that luke is actually a traitor and he actually nearly kills percy before escaping in some ways luke kind of wins at the end of the lightning thief not in all the ways but in just enough ways to make him really intimidating and really set up the next book this movie doesn't do that so percy finally makes it to olympus he returns the bolt and we get to see the greek gods who look so incredibly bland come on you guys hi mom annabeth i am so proud of you i can tell that we're related because neither of us look anything like how we're described in the book family trait so percy tells everybody the truth and then he makes a certain request zeus i have a good friend he's a seder named grover he's my protector and the only reason why we escaped the underworld is because he stayed behind and now you expect me to bring him back yes save poor grover from a lifetime of sex with rosario dawson nobody wants that percy is allowed to talk with his dad for a bit i don't care do you care and then he ends up deciding to live at camp half-blood instead of living with his mom because that's not what happened in the book and the creators of this movie hate the book and that was the percy jackson and the olympians the lightning thief movie let's talk about things i liked like i said some of the jokes are pretty funny the effects are actually really good like none of them really looked fake to me also aside from the main three a lot of the movie is really well cast i think jake abel was a good choice for luke pierce brosnan as chiron rosario dawson as persephone uma thurman as medusa sean bean as zeus heck even joe pontoliano as gabe ugliano that rhymes but they did not have much to work with so i didn't really get a chance to shine very well okay those are the things i liked here's some other things i didn't like that i didn't really cover in the review the fact that aries dionysus and kronos three very important characters to the story that helped make it a lot more magical and unique were completely absent from the film i thought it was really cool that dionysus was the one running the camp in the book and i thought it was really cool that ares turned out to be a villain because that makes a whole lot more sense than hades he wanted the gods to go to war because he's the god of war and he likes war he wanted a war makes perfect sense also kronos being the main overarching villain makes a ton of sense a lot more sense than hades or just luke all by himself how does one half blood plan to take down all of olympus it makes a lot more sense if he's allied by olympus's greatest enemy but no we can't do that in the movie because common sense has no place here also the book did a good job of shining a light on some lesser-known characters and creatures the first book has procrustis nearly nobody knows about that guy and i really liked seeing him shown in the book also i prefer seeing the chimera to the hydra because that thing does not get enough attention look i'm not expecting an eight hour movie i know you have to cut things out for a movie i know you have to take small liberties and make small changes to make it more suited for film than a book however there are reasons the lord of the rings franchise and the harry potter franchise did so well while series is like aragon and artemis fowl and this tanked and it's got a lot to do with following the source material as closely as possible in the adaption the source material is successful because it's good why don't you take what's good and put it on the screen instead of replacing it with stuff we are tired of stuff that is inaccurate and stuff that is outright bad like i don't understand the common sense behind these people fortunately there is hope there is a new series coming to disney plus that rick riordan has a lot more creative control over i can definitely see why he didn't like these films and it's really good to see him being able to take more control of something he's so passionate about now i can't be sure that the disney plus show will be great like there's no guarantee that a guy who writes books is gonna be able to handle a show but i think we can all agree it will at least be passionate this movie did not have that and i'm so glad that this movie never got any kind of sequel to spit on the franchise even more that i would have to look at in the future i'm the mythology guy that was a mythology movie though not a very good one see you next time wait a minute what i'm pretty sure there's another percy jackson movie no the sea of monsters no didn't it make you really mad no i'm pretty sure our fans really want you to talk about it okay fine how about this if the channel somehow makes it all the way up to 150 000 subscribers then we'll talk about that movie sound fair didn't we already hit that while recording this review
Channel: The Mythology Guy
Views: 2,808,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dc_p-xJ7iW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 39sec (3099 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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