Answering common questions on my Hercules Inaccuracy video

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exactly one year ago today I put out this video and it very quickly became my most successful video of all time and still is to this day thank you for that by the way thank you so much I I really appreciate that honestly like that video is like it just it feels really good how well that video has done and thankfully unlike the God of War One video I didn't have to take it down and then re-upload it because of YouTube BS um but since it is the most viewed video I've ever made it is also the most commented on video I've ever made and great comments by the way I'm not dishing them however I thought it would be appropriate to since this is the one year anniversary of that video go ahead and answer some of the most common questions I've been seeing on that video especially since being the most commented on video some of these questions appeared quite a bit and I think you guys deserve answers so I'm gonna answer some of the most common questions now starting with the first one which is why do you hate this movie why do you hate it so much why do you hate this Disney Hercules movie why are you crapping all over it and complaining about it so much yeah that's a common uh one right there um this one really confused me when I first saw it and still confuses me considering I literally started off the video by saying let me preface this by saying this is actually my favorite Disney movie of all time one of my favorite movies period but I'm also a huge fan of the 12 labors of Heracles myth and I thought it would just be fun to point out how different these two stories are for anyone who wanted to know but I guess that wasn't enough um my bad I guess no it's really strange like uh I I don't know like most people obviously aren't like that a lot of people have responded to those comments like did you not see the first 15 seconds of the video but yeah I just want to further clarify here I absolutely love Disney's Hercules it's my favorite Disney movie I mean look look what I'm wearing right now hey there but um yeah I just I always thought it was kind of funny how like the Disney movie is so little like the myth because I loved the Disney movie as a kid and I loved the myth as a kid so ever since I was a kid I always thought it would be interesting if someone ever like pointed out every single way that this is different and you know as I got older like I saw YouTube channels like CinemaSins and like well I think it's pretty obvious I was partially inspired by CinemaSins to make the video that I made um so yeah I just thought it would be a fun like entertaining kind of like a Did You Know video to like make this every inaccuracy thing and I try to make it a little funny by intentionally like being kind of over the top nerdy in some ways like I think it's pretty obvious on the thumbnail I'm trying to look like a nitpicky nerd and at certain points in the videos I'm trying to act kind of like a nitpicky nerd but I wanted people to know that that was a joke so that's why I started the video off by saying hey just so you know this is just for fun and I actually really love the movie but um I guess that didn't fully work so um that's too bad but you know you guys still really like it it still gets a lot of views it has a very high like ratio and very wonderful comments overall so yeah it's like it works either way and uh yeah a similar comment I got kind of like that was people saying it doesn't have to be accurate because it's a kids movie you're not allowed to nitpick the movie because it's a kids movie that's not a defense you guys now obviously you'd have to like cut out like the R-rated stuff because it's a kids story but you know what else is a kids movie Prince of Egypt you know what happens in that and that's actually a very very like accurate movie for the most part to uh what it's adapting so I don't understand whole like don't complain about a Disney movie because it's a kids movie argument and I wasn't even complaining about the film but like let's just for the sake of things say like any Disney movie like you know garbage like light year or all these remakes they're doing a lot of the time I see people saying it's for kids so you're not allowed to say anything bad about it I think that's stupid especially because Walt Disney's original plan was to make like movies and theme parks and stuff that the whole family could enjoy he never set out to be specifically just for kids he wanted to be for everybody like with what he was making so I that's just a non-argument I mean most of Disney and nearly all of Pixar is something people of all ages can enjoy that's why there are adult Disney fans myself included so you know I I just think that's a weird weird thing to say and again I love the film like I don't understand why people even say this in the first place and now this brings me to the opposite um kind of question which I did get from people who clearly did listen to the first 15 seconds of the movie which is why do you like this movie if you're so into the myths that inspired it like some people are like you shouldn't like this movie because it's disrespectful to the myths or you know it's not close enough to the myths and especially because you don't like the Percy Jackson's movies because those are so far from the books so I do consider this a fair question like it I get why people would ask that like why do you like this movie if it's nothing like the source material well here's there's a few things like um one this is adapting something that's been adapted like 20 different times there's the Kevin Sorbo Hercules Hercules shows there's Hercules and Xena there's an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie like when something's been adapted this many times it's actually a good idea to do something new with it and um you know like unlike the Percy Jackson movies where that was the first time Percy Jackson was being adapted and the Percy Jackson books are already adapting Greek mythology and one of the main things the audience likes about the Percy Jackson books is how accurately they do Greek mythology so when you adapt the books and don't do one of the main things it's liked for that's a pretty dumb move in my opinion and uh also you know one of the main things that's important is that the Hercules the Disney Hercules animated movie is good on its own it's just good on its own I don't think the Percy Jackson movies are good on its own I know some people like him great I didn't like and most people don't so it's it's good on its own which I think is one of the things that makes it really great it's just like it's like it's like fun little movie for myth fans I think you should kind of know going in that you're not supposed to take it super seriously especially with the tone of the film it's got like a mixture it's got like a Las Vegas feel and a gospel soundtrack which I think all makes sense because you know gospel is religious and Vegas used a lot of Greek iconography so like come on with all the Las Vegas and gospel musical numbers do you think we're supposed to take this 100 seriously no what's important is the jokes are funny the music's great the animation's great the characters are very likable I mean Hades in the movie is nothing like Hades and mythology but there is there anyone out there who doesn't like James Woods's Hades in this film anyone at all like I can't find anyone I've actually got some great comments from uh actual Greek people in that video's comment section and one guy said something that I think like like really encapsulated it he said in my class in Greece like we we grew up with this film too and we loved it because we saw it as like a parody of Greek mythology a fun parody I was like you know what I think that's a great way of describing it you know it's like the Lego Batman movie you don't go to the Lego Batman movie for the definitive Batman experience no one is doing that you go to like the the first um the the Tim Burton film or you go to The Dark Knight film where you go to the animated series or you go to the Arkham games for a definitive Batman experience and all that already exists you you go to the Lego Batman movie because you're already a Batman fan and you just want to have weird fun cheesiness and I think that's the same reason you go to the Disney Hercules film like so yeah I think that makes perfect sense I think that's the right way of looking at it [Music] another common question I see on this uh video because when I list the Children of Zeus I started with Perseus and I also mentioned a few other times Perseus being a son of Zeus so I kept seeing this comment Papa isn't Perseus a son of Poseidon no no he isn't you're thinking of Percy Jackson Percy Jackson from the Percy Jackson series is a son of Poseidon and he is named after Perseus so I see where the confusion comes from but actual Perseus from Greek mythology is a son of Zeus not a son of Poseidon that's just outright wrong and yeah that's it it's as simple as that another question I keep seeing is didn't Perseus ride Pegasus I don't think so no I you you probably think that because of the Clash of the Titans movie but that's just in that you know the same way there's a lot of inaccuracies in the Hercules movie there's a lot of inaccuracies in both the Clash of the Titans films so that's just it's not it uh Pegasus was written by belarofen and uh pretty sure that's the only guy who wrote him all right so another question I got um in the part where I was listing All The Children of Zeus which is one of my personal favorite parts of the video and a lot of other people so really happy with how that came out some people say you missed several Children of Zeus where's Artemis Apollo Hermes Aries and Athena where are they well I was listing mortal Children of Zeus because the whole point of that part of the video the inaccuracy I was pointing out was Hercules is talking to Zeus and he says wait Zeus if you're my father that makes me a god and the inaccuracy there is that's not true Zeus is also the father of all those other people I listed and none of them were Gods some of them became Gods later but they all had a big period of their life where they were not Gods you know Perseus Helen Minos and all those others so that's the inaccuracy I was pointing out so pointing out like Artemis Apollo Hermes Aries Hephaestus and Athena who are all gods straight from birth that wouldn't work that would make no sense at all um so then in in regards to that one other question I got from people who do understand it's supposed to be the Mortal children is well why didn't you list Dionysus wasn't Dionysus born mortal no it wasn't and see the the thing you're misinterpreting there with the whole wasn't Dionysus born mortal he was not born mortal he was conceived mortal his mother was Immortal and Dionysus was Mortal for a period while he was a fetus but his mother was Dumb and got tricked by Hera into asking Zeus to embrace her in his Godly form which incinerated her because she's dumb and doesn't know how God's work um but uh Dionysus the fetus survived I guess because he was half God and so Zeus took the fetus shoved it in his leg and the fetus spent the rest of the time growing in Zeus's leg and was born from Zeus's leg in full god mode because you know Zeus was now technically both the father and the mother since he birthed the child and that was enough to make Dionysus full God so Dionysus was born full God he was not mortal at any point during his actual life like now we you can come in here and say like the fetus it counts as a well fine but you know what it's that's too much of a like debate and whatever for me to put in the video and besides I I said at the end of it and several others so technically you if you want to include Dionysus in that you could just include Dionysus in that and that brings me to the next question which aren't there more Mortals who became Gods than the ones you listed because when uh during the part of the video were like Hercules says what can't you make me a God and Zeus says I can't and I listed like a few who did become Gods I was like yes you can Zeus he turned these people into gods and some of people in the comments were like aren't there more people who became Gods yeah I never said there weren't but yeah I didn't like feel like just like listing them all again especially because I had like just done that so I felt like to do that joke twice in a row would go on a little too long and I feel like everyone got the point I I am besides I felt it was good to do a different kind of joke where I was just like you know what's funny is in the midst they actually did turn Hercules into a God but now they're saying they can't so that was that was kind of the joke there um um one question a lot of people asked was hey that's not the namian lion skin he's wearing that Scar from The Lion King how could you not notice that I did notice that but here's the thing that's very obviously supposed to be a nod to when he wore the namian lion skin even as the club and everything from the myths so like you know I thought I'd point out the namian lion skin and people were like why would you not point out that that's scar from The Lion King well because this is every mythical inaccuracy talking about The Lion King is not gonna factor into that but I do know that Scar from The Lion King I just didn't see any reason to talk about that I guess I but you know what's funny in hindsight I think I could have mentioned you know another inaccuracy is the name lion never had a scar over his eye wait a minute and you know I think that could have been funny but you know I didn't think of that at the time so but uh you know you guys can all tell it's star do I need to point out that it's a scar thank you another uh thing a lot of people pointed out was the plural for Cyclops is not cyclopsis it's cyclopes you're absolutely right that's just a mistake I made sorry about that sometimes I get pronunciations wrong because I read these stories there isn't somebody telling them to me so you know I don't always know how things are pronounced and I do look it up a lot of the time but the internet is a wild place like not everyone agrees on pronunciations is wrong a lot of the time YouTube videos like how to pronounce are wrong a lot of the time it's it's all over the darn place so I was wrong about the plural for Cyclops that's just that's just me being wrong and that's really all I think I have to say about that okay so here's another one um some people mentioned is in the movie they say who put the glad and Gladiator Hercules but Gladiators are Roman not Greek so why didn't you point that out well I actually did consider pointing that out but here's the thing they never said Gladiators were Greek in the film um they just said who put the Glad in Gladiator Hercules that's technically accurate actually because in Rome a lot of Gladiators were inspired by The Legend of Hercules so technically right it's it's not wrong that would have been a fun thing to mention in the video though I I probably should have just talked about it just as a little fun fact for everybody but yeah that's why I didn't point it out as an accuracy because if you just assume they're just talking about roaming Gladiators and saying Hercules inspired them you are right you know they that they're that is historically and mythically accurate they even say Hercules put the Glad in Gladiator which is the Roman name and Gladiators were Roman so technically it all lines up you know it technically works um okay so here's the one that caused like I'm not gonna say a lot of drama but this is the one that had the biggest effect I would say and that's the thing I pointed out about the Hydra where so I said in the video now as you know in the Hercules movie you chop ahead off the Hydra and like three more grow back in the film now I said that was inaccurate I said the Hydra starts with nine heads and when you chop a head off a simply a new one grows in its place I was wrong that was that one I was totally wrong on now let me explain to you why I thought that this was my first myth book ever my mom used to read this to me not this exact one the one she read to me I actually have in the other room and it's like very old and stuff I don't want to risk damaging it but yeah in this book in the Heracles section it actually lists the Hydra it just says the Hydra has nine heads no sooner would a Heracles cut off one head then a new one would grow in its place so that was what resulted in me thinking oh the Hydra like seems to only grow one head in the place of each one that's cut off but I did see some other stories and sources also still saying the Hydra grows back two heads or the Hydra just grows back many heads um however when I was a teenager a young teenager I went to uh Greece with family at one point because you know we were visiting family in Georgia and while we were in Europe we've got a good deal to like spend some time in Greece and I really wanted to go to Greece because I grew up with Greek myths and I loved it and I went to this like old Museum slash ruin God I wish I could remember what it was called I looked it up I couldn't freaking find it I'm so annoyed I couldn't find it but it was like it was a it was a ruin and it was so gorgeous like in one of the rooms they had this ceiling mural depicting all 12 labors of Heracles one was him fighting the Hydra and on the like plaque thing describing it it said Hydra went ahead gets chopped off a new one grows in its place and I went to the tour guide and I said hey is it because you know I'm in Greece I'm talking to a Greek person who's a tour guide who works in a ruin Museum so I think this is the place to get the info so I asked the tour guide to go hey is is that accurate does the Hydra only grow back one head or does it grow back more than one and she told me yeah like the Hydra like when it's just it just grows back one head and the more than one thing is like something that people came up with later so I thought that was the definitive version I'm wrong I'm wrong as some people pointed out in the comments and I was very ashamed when I looked up later and I was like oh wait a minute if you actually look at like Apollo Doris and stuff like yeah it does say that like but it partially in my defense I did hear from a couple of people who were actually from Greece who said in their family they were told the same thing that tour guide was told so I think there's just some misinformation in Greece about that and I think that's where this comes from and what ended up happening was another YouTuber named Jake W who's a wonderful myth YouTuber I absolutely love his stuff um like I I hadn't heard of him until someone came to me and said Hey Jake a YouTuber called Jake W did a video on Heracles and a lot of people are saying he got something wrong because they saw your inaccuracy video uh could you clear this up and I was like wait what and I go over to the Heracles thing and I watch this video and his video is so good and then I see his community post about and I'm like oh man yeah because a lot of people were telling him hey you got the Hydra thing wrong and I was so ashamed so I went on to his Heracles video to tell him I was like Hey Jake like I just found out about this stuff that's going on and it's it's my fault I got something wrong I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause any problems for you by the way your content's awesome like this is amazing and wonderfully he actually responded to me and he also went into my Discord and said hi to me there and we talked a little bit and uh you know he he like asked me he he was so nice and cool about it he was like hey yeah no problem like that makes perfect sense but uh could you do me a favor could you like could you tell me what the source was like that you were doing like because the only source I could find was do layers Greek myths and I was like oh my God he knows where I got the info so I did confirm I said yeah that actually is my source and I told him about the museum and sometime later he made a video like discussing the whole scenario and honestly like it it felt cool to be mentioned in like a video by another myth tuber especially one so good like so yeah that's kind of how that ended if you want to see like the rest of the story you can go watch those videos but um Jake if you're watching this you handled that situation like a pro your content's gold I absolutely love your stuff maybe someday we can collaborate a lot of people have been actually messaging me saying hey can you do a collaboration with Jake and the truth is I'd love to I'm just I'm really busy right now but maybe someday we'll see what happens I I don't know um all right so on to the next question I think I spent a lot of time on that one people said hey are you unaware that Heracles nephew helped him fight the Hydra in the myth um yeah that's actually something I should have pointed out in the video but I I was like because one here's the thing though when I said Heracles burned the stumps and then oh after he cut the heads off some people were like hey his nephew helped him burn the stumps I'm like well I never said he didn't but actually it would have been a good inaccuracy to point out that Heracles didn't fight the Hydra alone that's another thing I realized kind of in hindsight this was my first inaccuracy video so I was a little less nitpicky at the time but you know now that I've done what like six God of War games I'm a little more nitpicky because I've learned you guys actually like that so okay but yeah that is something I should have pointed out but you know you guys know it you you all commented about it so that's good you know because the main purpose of the video is to be fun and educational and since people point out anything I miss in the comments section the whole thing still is educational like people go through the comments they learn even more stuff and I like that that's good do all right so some people saying you don't need to keep mentioning that his name is actually Heracles instead of Hercules yeah um I thought that would be funny I thought it would be funny for me to keep bringing to keep going Heracles Heracles Heracles and you know the original plan was so much worse originally I was going to point it out literally every time it happens in the movie but uh as we were going as I was going through it I realized if I pointed out every single time I'm going to drive someone insane because they say it like 50 times so that would have been dumb maybe I should have just done a bonus round at the end for that but so I was like all right let's limit to like saying it like four times or five times and we'll cut it there including like the last time where they go three chews for the mighty Hercules and that'll be where I just lose an hour a glaze and some people liked it some people thought that was funny some people said I like how you get progressively more insane with the Heracles name so I am glad those people liked it but yeah some people did point out like hey it's cringe that you said it that much I was like yeah I got it Different Strokes for different folks um but I am glad that a lot of people did also enjoy it so I I don't regret it but it's probably not something I would do again in the future um okay so now another thing people say is you like when I was listing the labors that don't happen in the movie some people were saying hey the audience stables and the Amazons were both mentioned when Phil is listing like the chores that he has to do later it's like yeah I know those were mentioned but he never did them in the film he didn't do the labors in the film so it still doesn't count as him doing them so I think it's still perfectly reasonable for me to say hey these labors weren't included just being offhandedly mentioned as something you should do later but you never actually do it doesn't count as doing it you know so I I think I'm still good on that one other thing some people point out some of the labors do happen in the Hercules TV show great maybe if I do a video on the Hercules TV show then we'll talk about those but for now I'm just talking about the movie and we all know the TV show was not originally planned when they made the movie so I think what I said is still completely fair game in fact if anything it's even more inaccurate than you did those labors before he even finished his training because that's not and then I can just point out even more inaccuracies that now he's done the labors in the wrong order even more because he did all them before he fought them to be in Lion instead of after so you know it still counts as inaccurate and uh speaking of the show several people have asked will you do an inaccuracy video on the Hercules TV show yeah probably I I don't see why I wouldn't it's just gonna take longer because uh you know watching a whole show and doing inaccuracies is going to be way different than doing a movie or even a video game doing a movie is easier because I go through two hours of footage Max doing a game is harder because I'm going through like six to eight hours of footage doing a show I imagine is going to take way longer and I haven't even done like the longer God of War games where I'm gonna have to go through Jesus Christ like 20 to 30 hours of footage oh God it's gonna be a nightmare but um you know it'll pay off and I know you guys really want it but yeah I I think I'll eventually do uh the Hercules show you know what I'll probably try to do here here's what I think I'll try to do this is the one year anniversary special of that Hercules video maybe for the two year anniversary special I'll do uh the show how's that sound sound good like maybe we'll do that maybe I'm not making a big promise I don't know what my life's gonna be like one year from now but I I would like to do that let's just put that there and then you know let's just say the last question then people ask stuff like well are you gonna do every inaccuracy and Dwayne Johnson Hercules or Hercules and Xena or all these other Hercules properties and it's like honestly probably not because I'm gonna be saying 99 of the same stuff I said in this video like I feel like this video and especially if I later do one on the show like has cover will end up covering like the whole Hercules story or Heracles story either way so it's like what's even gonna be left to say in like the Dwayne Johnson movie I mean maybe the Xena movie because that one like things happen pretty differently in that honestly the Dwayne Johnson movie the main difference is just gonna be that they say none of the mythical stuff is true and I'll just be like well obviously the mythical stuff not being true isn't in the myth like I I would like to eventually like review the Dwayne Johnson movie or something but I don't know if I'd do an inaccuracy video If you guys really really want it I'll do it I want to give you guys what you want but I'm just telling you right now I don't think it's gonna be that unique so I don't know you can still let me know if you really want it but yeah I think that's uh that's about all of the really big questions on the uh Disney Hercules video If there's more that you still really want to know you can just comment them here like in all probably answer them we'll see what happens but yeah again honestly thank you guys so much for making that video so successful really really appreciate it it's done a lot of good stuff for me and it's done a lot of good stuff for this channel it's spawned the whole inaccuracy video video series which you guys really really seem to like um and you know it's amazing that a video that I literally just made like for fun because I wanted to experiment turned out that good it's amazing like that hadn't been done on YouTube before on every mythical inaccuracy in video obviously there's CinemaSins and stuff oh and one thing people keep asking is why don't you put a Sit encounter on the video well because I'm not CinemaSins I'm inspired by CinemaSins but I'm not trying to blatantly copy and rip them off this encounter is their thing I don't see a reason to include the counter because I don't see what that's going to add here like I I want to kind of do my own thing and let them do their thing like our thing like is one we don't have a sin counter and two like my editor like friend Shane zaggard puts in a bunch of fun fancy like image editing in there and I think that's kind of our style so we've got our style they've got theirs you know we want to be unique we don't want to just be like hey there's another Cinemas in this clone um but yeah that's about all I have to say thanks so much for everything you guys I don't know how to end videos
Channel: The Mythology Guy
Views: 98,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jCW-mAZf12Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 53sec (1793 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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