The Life of Death
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Channel: Marsha Onderstijn
Views: 11,523,725
Rating: 4.9231615 out of 5
Keywords: animation, 2d animation, the life of death, marsha onderstijn, death, deer, doe, handdrawn, frame by frame
Id: ofnCdC8P70g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2016
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"He then greeted Death like an old friend and departed this life as equals."
Glad I didn't watch this at one of the festivals in which it was entered. Crying my eyes out right now.
Beautiful story and animation though. Really exquisitely done.
So wait, death followed the deer until the deer was ready to die? As in to say the deer accepted it's fate? Or...?
They made death so cute...
Those feels... that was beautiful though... sad and made me cry you fucker. But beautiful.
Death reminds me of Cubone.
Man I was expecting the deer to turn into a spirit and follow him. Now I'm sad.
What a very interesting concept. Nice piece of work, kudos to the artists that worked on it.
Glad this didnt exist when i was a kid... My biggest weakness even now are animals(im 23), no matter if the animal in question is real or animated... Would have probably Cried myself to death.. All in all, the video is beautiful.