The Level That Divided the Geometry Dash Community…

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the geometra Das Community is no stranger to in-depth conversations in terms of level difficulties specifically robtop levels you may find conversations about Dash potentially being too easy for its insane rating just like I made a video on or maybe electroman Adventures being too easy for its insane rating or even the occasional suggestion that Hexagon Force should be a demon although there's one level that has been a complete War to this day with the community still not knowing what to agree on like always just before this video continues thank you to the members who have continued to support my channel by donating money monthly in different tiers to just say thank you for putting out these videos on top of that using the link in the description below and occasionally my community tab you'll see the link to my Discord server so you can join that as well update 1.7 was the seventh major update in Geometry Dash it was released on the 21st of May 2014 this update introduced the most conflicting robtop level to dat electrodynamics now of course 1.7 introduced a lot more than just electrodynamics that has impacted the game to this very day and will continue to do so although this video is just going to specify electrodynamics as I believe it will make for a very clean and sophisticated video now once again this update came out over a decade ago so just to refresh everyone's memory including myself we're going to go through what Rob raided his own levels at the time of 1.7 stereo Madness wasn't easy back on track was normal polargeist was hard dry out was harder Base After Base was harder Can't Let Go jumper time machine Cycles xstep clutter Funk Theory of Everything Electro Man Adventures were all insane clubstep of course was a demon and the brand new level that were discussing today electrodynamics was rated and insane now the reason that I've just listed all those levels and their past ratings is to explain why people either intentionally or unintentionally argue about electrod Dynamics to this day is because electrodynamics is an outlier in what we've just discussed all the levels such as even back on track being rated normal it's way too easy for the normal rating and of course it has since been changed but when it comes to electrodynamics the argument it's not a solidified argument which is why it's therefore controversial but it can argued that it's too difficult for its rating whereas all the other levels that we've just spoken about are too easy so enough wasting time now that we've gotten into the background of electrodynamics and the reason why people either intentionally or unintentionally get themselves in a topic of discussion of if electrodynamics deserves a different rating now it's actually time to analyze the level and to see what my opinion and your opinion will be at the end of it electrodynamics it doesn't start off with an awful lot now listen I like the level but when I say it doesn't start off with an awful lot I'm more just talking the difficulty but then it amps up real quick I vividly remember being in fourth grade and I'm looking at these invisible blocks and I'm going how hell where are they what am I meant to do what I mean jokes aside the intro is nothing too ridiculous I think that electrodynamics truly teaches us memorization and how it truly builds towards difficulty Within game playay I'm not saying that the gameplay and electrodynamics is weak by by any means I think that this level is actually designed incredibly but when it comes to the difficulty in the beginning portion of the level we must admit it's just cuz of these invisible block as we get to this ship segment it's really nothing ridiculous I believe that the difficulty stems from the fact that there's really no rest points so you basically active the entire time this also translates into the UFO section which I will have to admit when we're talking about robtop levels the difficulty is definitely increasing here because of these awkward timings as I look through this I'm doing the voice over right now I'm not going to be including coins the colors Gaming Community shout out y'all shout out my supporters you guys are the best you guys over the months have kind of persuaded me to be like yo coins aren't meant to flow in most cases and they're meant to just be Petty when it comes to the difficulty so I'm not going to be including them hope you'll understand that then after the UFO the level starts to get active we're going upstairs we're going downstairs no no no we're not done yet because you got to spam with the orbs and then after that we're switching gameplay which we also Al going up and downstairs it's a fair bit of memorization here on electrodynamics and now that I'm analyzing the level much more memorization than I originally once thought now this is it the most controversial segment in any robtop level probably of all time and will forever remain this way we're going mini ship into normal ball into mini ship again into Mini Ball memorization as well kind of spammy orb Gameplay at times and it's all three times speed this is not slowing down one bit now while we're here right on this segment of the level I'm going to tap in with the community the colors Gaming Community and the geomet community and whatever you consider yourself a part of so when it comes to this segment right the mini ship into the ball no slowdowns three times speed is this a demon segment Now list listen to my wording here y'all if you guys are daydreaming out of your window eyes on the damn screen all right is this segment a demon is this segment a demon because I'm not asking you does this make the level demon is this segment demon because I think the answer is an obvious yes but that's just my opinion now this is going to seem like I'm over analyzing but heit me out on this this little pad section right here right the blue pad section I believe that this little fraction of time actually makes the ending of this level much easier now listen to me everyone listen listen listen listen listen that little bit of time allows your brain to recoup and to be able to get your next segment into the mind because geometry is memorization right you're not going into a level like electrodynamics blind especially if you're a new player right so this little bit of recuperation I guess you could say we're using some big words today could be the Make It or Break It on how well you adapt to the next segment which isn't easy and we're going to get into that now yo I'm ping myself on the back yo my second monitor has the word recuperation up right now I lowkey used it properly okay so as I'm making this video right I'm hyper analyzing electrodynamic one thing that I had no clue is that from the most iconic segment of this level this segment that I came to the agreement on that is a demones segment from that part to the very ending there are no slowdowns in speed there's no slowdowns at all you were carrying a three times speed Pace throughout this percentage that I'm going to be putting on screen right now to the very ending 100% that has to be accounted towards when it comes to the argument of what difficulty electrod should be now with that said that also means that the very ending of this level is three times speed there's a lot of gravity changes and the way that the camera is positioned within this level so as the blocks you are about to experience a fair bit of blind jumps therefore even more memorization near the ending of the level so this is in the territory where it's 100% going to be a choke point now to finally end electrodynamics for the last segment in at least in my opinion we awkwardly transition into not only a ship but a normal sized ship now why did I specify normal well because if we take a look back for the previous segments of the level we've been using the mini ship on the exact same speed so that means that this adds another layer to what the player needs to be able to adapt to and memorize and keep composed considering that this is the last couple percentages of the level this is absolutely ridiculous for a robtop level and then after that I mean the level's done so now let's take a further look back onto the level as a whole and to come to some conclusions so how are we going to analyze electrodynamics to cap off today's episode is just by splitting it up into segments segments that you would almost for the majority of new players split up into practice segments to make sure that you can almost get the level down pat so for example I'm going to split 0% so the very beginning of the level of course up until 25% now I believe that this segment is easily an insane it teaches us memorization and quick change of speed and that's realistically it I believe that there's no awkward game play it's quite relaxed and after you realize what invisible blocks do and what their purpose serve this should be quite a Swift beginning to electrodynamics when it comes to the next segment that I'm going to be analyzing roughly 25 to 43% we have the ship and as I argued in the beginning it is quite a awkward ship especially for new players considering that I would be under the assumption that you haven't played a lot of online levels there's not a lot of rest periods if not at all apart from the segment that I'm going to be showing on screen right now that means that you have to include momentum and memorization and composure within the difficulty although with that said this is still definitely an insane and not even excusable to be considered a demon then after that you have the UFO section we have quite some awkward timings for new players although this is made up for when it comes to the ease of difficulty by the mini UFO section which I believe and countless others would argue that it is much easier than the normal UFO section once again we find ourselves with an insane difficulty here as we ease ourselves out of the mini UFO section and just the section that we were just talking about we go upstairs and downstairs on numerous occasions throughout multiple game modes although the way that it has been built by robtop is quite genius with the way that the level flows this therefore means that the difficulty is not that much inclined to be demon well realistically at all I would go as to far as to say that this segment isn't even insane to begin with it's quite filler when it comes to the buildup of the next segment that you obviously have seen previously within this episode and that of course would be the three times speed which carries out throughout the duration of the restle level as previously discussed although we're just going to include this segment right here until we get to the buffer period until the as what I've come to believe the ending segment of the level now of course as previously discussed so I'll keep it short I am easily inclined to believe that this segment is demon the fact that you have to carry a three times speed Pace included with awkward game modes being the mini variants of game modes that a new player we're going to make the Assumption of a new player and even a recurring player would be used to talking about the normal segments having to adapt so easily to many segments is definitely a learning curve then after that buffer period where find ourselves onto the ending segment of the level roughly 82 to 100% And I'm actually going to consider this considering that this is the analysis of a robtop level to be demon because the way that the player has been awkwardly placed into blind jumps therefore blind reactions quad spikes once again carrying the three times speed then at least in my opinion awkwardly transitioning into a normalized ship the ending of the level in my opinion at least is 100% a demon at least for robtop standards then of course if you guys have watched the entirety of this episode you guys would have been able to come to the conclusion that I believe that electrodynamics should remain insane although the purpose of this episode was to shine light on the fact that it divided the community therefore I'm not really helping anyone because I guarantee you that there's going to be people justifiably so within my comments section saying that they do believe that electrodynamics is a demon anyways that's going to be it for today's episode everyone sorry for No Voice Over episodes for quite some time my personal life has been quite busy and a bit of shambles but now that that is cleared we're back to hustling thank you guys for the continued support I'm fair over grateful that we reached 50,000 subscribers let alone what I've come to believe to be 52,000 comment like And subscribe share with a friend as well I greatly appreciate that and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Colours Gaming
Views: 77,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JgDZ3dnqj1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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