Playing The Level, Then Making It

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let's face it we have all seen these drifting videos in GTA 5 where people pretty much just drift their way out between these cones which looks very very satisfying I'm not going to lie and I thought why don't I do something similar in Geometry Dash now how this is done is that they basically drift and they save the inputs and after that they put these cones in there so I could do that in Geometry Dash for example here I have a very fun idea so I can play and then I have these lines and then I can basically build on top of them like that so it looks really really hard I think this is going to be a really fun idea and I've never seen anybody do that before so I'm going to be the first guy to do it and that would be a perfect way to end up uh 2.1 because I truly believe this is going to be my last video for 2.1 and I I'm really excited for 2.2 content so let's start off with this wave part I'm going to have to just put portals and then we can do the game playay because I do want to switch gameplay a lot and I'm really excited excited to see okay let's see how the wave part is going to play I'm just going to make it as perfect as possible with the music syn let's see yeah that's very nice okay now let's just make a layout around it and see how that's going to be all right would you look at that look at this you can see there's a lot of space in here and this is because I want to add some of these guys later some of these spikes so it looks really really hard and at the end I'm going to probably do like a showcase and I think the farther would going to go into the level the harder it's going to look like oh my God this looks really fun okay this actually looks like I have done it okay now let's go on to this part it's going to be a very Co part as well oh my God look at this this looks painful maybe maybe I should add some spikes in here that would make it a little bit harder yeah maybe something wow this looks insanely hard I don't think even zoink can do this this is already looking absolutely wild look at this look at how tiny this this looks really satisfying though I got to say it's kind of similar to that GTA cones drifting type of stuff okay now I've got this and looks absolutely ridiculous as you can see so I'm just going to have to clean this up to make it look a little bit better all right I think now this is perfect so let's head on over to the Cube part this one I'm probably going to use a bunch of spikes let's make the dash orb we can make the dash orb all right I think this is perfect now look at this basically like a frame perfect I can't even do it oh wait there we go that was not bad at all wow okay now let's head on over to a I would say like a ship part like a very fast one I just got to place the portals and I'm also want to put a bunch of jump pads and jump orbs to make it look really difficult all right so I came up with this thing where you enter this portal and then you got to click this green orb and then you are a normal gravity and you click a yellow orb and in here there's a Red Orb so you got to slam yourself into the ceiling and then three clicks and then it's basically straightforward and let's just begin decorating this it's going to be a nightmare and I also don't want to make this too bad looking so I'm just going to make this look like a cloud basically I can maybe add a little bit of this and then it looks something like this which I think is not that bad looking I'm not going to lie I think this is pretty cool all right look at this I think this looks pretty nice so far now let's uh decorate this part I'm probably only going to decorate like the the parts that are involved with the game play basically just like this this looks absolutely insane and now for here what do I want to do I want to use something that I haven't used yet oh actually wait I have a good idea let's use this one because it has a really terrible hit box and if we scale it down like that I think this would be a very cool idea and make it spin like really fast oh wait that that's way too fast yeah maybe like this is good yeah maybe something like this I think this looks pretty cool yeah this looks really nice with like the black it looks like Shadow basically my goodness would you look at that that looks absolutely awesome I'm just going to make these guys rotate as well like that then we can remove the hit box wow this looks so so cool I can't wait for the Showcase but this is going to be really really fun now for this part it looks like a wave pattern so I'm probably going to do something like pretty much just like we did at the beginning basically like this but with like spikes on top I think that would be very fun as well all right something like this let me just remove the hit yeah that that looks pretty cool we just fill in this one like that and yeah very cool looking so far I'm probably going to add some of the stuff in here as well probably something like this and to make it look better we can just copy and paste that and put it everywhere and because everything is black this looks very nice okay so far looking good and I'm probably going to add like a so blade in here yeah this one I think is very fun if you make like really black like that in here in here and also in here okay this is look at this this is like a secret Emoji in here looks like a like somebody's screaming because he's not got 2.2 yet and let me know in the comment section what do you want me to call this guy either dpd or TPT which basically stands for dos punto do or 2 too and whichever gets more comments I'm going to name him like that make sure to have a war in the comment section as always and let's now move on to this part to which I have a very cool idea so I want to use like a very black Spike like this one and then want to rotate it like that okay this this is way too wild I feel like I am being way too harsh on myself okay we are almost done with the ship part uh this looks already absolutely insane now let's use some of these bombs I want to call them when to have it this and then probably like a red in line like that this looks very cool and now I can just basically do this around the whole pile I think this one is going to look way better than the soul blades for some reason I don't know why let's see all right look at this this looks very nice already and let's now move actually do I want to make this all black do you guys think this would look better or do you think with the red outline is better looking I'm just going to keep it red for now because I think this looks Prett oh my God look at this looks this looks so cool all right now let's move on to the next part to see what the song is going to say and UFO is garbage as we all know and we also have the bowl I think wait a bow section with like a swing copter type of stuff by the way if you are watching this in 2.2 this is insane if you are actually watching this and 2.2 is out I'm I'm mind blown because I don't think 2.2 is real to be honest I don't think it's real so yeah I'm just going to put it out there okay first of all I want to show the borders and then I want to go to a new layer and then I'm probably going to use the these guys but look at this there's like a small twist that I want to add to them it's basically doing that first and then I can do some of this stuff and then it looks very nice wait we can also make them black I think if we do group one and then we pulse one by the way yes I'm going to do a lot of tutorials in 2.2 on how to use all the wow this looks really cool now on how to use all the triggers and how the editor Works in 2.2 so stay tuned for that probably going to do that on my second Channel though for real okay so for the borders I'm probably going to add some something like this so fill it in like that the same for the top wow I think this part is going to be really really cool okay I'm so excited already okay now to make sure that you are able to see what's going to kill you and what is not I'm probably going to make the saw blades or whatever hazards I'm going to use a different color than black so you can see I actually use the monsters like these guys yeah I think this it would be cool if I maybe oh wait I got a really good idea what if I do something like this make it all whatever white without glow and then wait I want to see how does that even look in game let me see okay let me see I want to yeah this it's like moving and stuff like that I like it however I'm probably going to do something like like this yeah I think this looks very nice and also I want to make one on the inside so it doesn't look too bad something like this okay this looks really nice actually I'm going to I might actually just make it red so you know this is a hazard wow this looks insane and then perhaps on top of that maybe add some like a nice little decoration here and here then make it black like that yeah I think this looks very fine and then it's like animating in game look at this oh my God this looks really nice okay I really like this one I'm probably also going to add a heart in there for everyone that has supported me throughout 2.1 and 2.2 is just going to be a brilliant Fresh Start which I'm also really excited for I'm just going to do it like this yes looks nice okay now I just need to make the game play like that that all right I think this is a cool one so I'm just going to copy and paste that and make it as perfect as possible like that yes and then in here one as well and in there and like that this is this is not that hard part to make however making this thing that I'm copying and pasting was a little bit difficult but now we can pretty much just use vipin mode and go absolutely wild so this is going to look absolutely insane when and played in normal mode I'm going to have to see yeah look at this this looks absolutely nuts I really like this part for some reason this looks pretty cool we're going to make the orbs at the very end W this looks impossible W this is absolutely impossible to do well I'm going to have to see and for the next part I'm thinking of a duel however I'm not quite sure what game modes I should use let's for now use the cube I would say and with a lot of orbs moving around so it looks like limbo a little bit over the problem with the cube is that I have to build a little bit of stuff so we have like something to work with before actually recording me playing you know which is a little bit of a problem but it's not going to be that bad o wait I got a really good idea what if I make this section basically expand we can maybe attach like a move trigger to it maybe something like this yeah I think this looks pretty cool and in here what I want to do is just basically spam these guys I might also make them completely invisible so that you are basically landing on the air but we're going to have to see how that's going to look I'm probably going to have a lot of inputs but firstly let me just add these guys because I don't want to add gravity portals because it's kind of boring wait what look at this so if you dash your way downwards it doesn't do anything wow okay this is interesting I did not know that I thought you can just go through these blocks but I guess not okay let's see does a black orb do something it doesn't do anything wow okay well then jumping is the only thing that we can do in here to break these blocks to like move vertically in the screen which I think is also fine maybe you can use some of these guys all right let's now record [Music] something all right I think this is a very good one actually I'm just going to decorate the stuff around it and see how it's going to look like right I added these two huge saw blades which I think is not bad at all and for this one this one looks absolutely insane this part it's going to look it's going to look wild this part I adding a lot of soul blades that are basically they look like bombs but they are going to go invisible so this part is not going to be easy at all I'm just going to fill it all with a bunch of bomb looking balls this basically like the theme of this level I'm not that sure about what color I'm going to make these all right look at this this is absolute Insanity at this point I don't know if I'm going to add more stuff in between I think I'm I am let's add these small guys that are basically just around your path so basically every single click has to be perfect you can't do any mistakes in here and if you do you are going to be absolutely aerated by these Soul blades what would happen if I basically add an orb maybe like a green one I make it allow multiactive and I basically just make it follow you throughout this whole path how would that look like I'm trying to trying to make this unique and what okay this is the weirdest thing what the heck is happening this is strange okay I think I finally came with a very cool idea and basically I just made these guys really really small as you guys can see and I'm just going to copy and paste them everywhere and the scale is I would say let's go 0.45 and see how that's going to be and I also added a Red Orb that's following you all the time what why is it not following you anymore what the heck bro 2.1 is so broken I hope 2.2 is out by the time this video goes on oh okay like that you guys see why you like flip gravity yeah I think it's going to be really fun okay now I'm just going to record myself playing it and see how far I can get okay let's now try this without any this is really really hard your timings have to be basically framed perfect every time and I don't know why this bug happens but it just happens you got like click here and then edit [Music] again yeah and then I'm going to go to the wave part which I think is also going to be very cool all right I think I have recorded the last part of this and I'm just going to go and wow this is really really long it's going to take me some time but I'm going to decorate this really quick and see how the final product is going to be all right look at this I decorated everything and it just looks absolutely mindblowing you can look at this you can pretty much just take a screenshot from this and just Flex on it on random Discord servers bro look at how it's right in the middle even holy shoot this looks okay I just want to scroll through and just see how amazing this looks because this is this is true art my dudes this is what art really is look at this this is just amazing stuff bro this looks like a like a top one player made this or something but yeah I think this is it for this level let me see I'm just going to add like an end screen type of stuff so you guys can slap that subscribe by the way subscribe now Gamers and also like the video if you like it if you don't just dislike it if you want to what should be called the level like that perfect all right and I think with that done let's jump into the Showcase [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] all right and with that done the level is 100% finished I'm just going to upload it this is just a layout it's B basically the layout is 100% finished the password for you guys that have watched until the end is this and I'm just going to make it a demon and boom here's the ID if you want to check it out make sure to like the video and also share it with your friends if you liked it and thanks to everyone on the screen a lot these guys have been huge support to me on Twitch and also on YouTube membership and yeah watch this video next and I think I will see you in 2.2 which is not really real so yeah I love you guys and yeah this is going to be an epic new start I am so excited for that I will see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: XcreatorGoal
Views: 507,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, extreme demon, top 1, top 1 demon, hardest demon, Geometry dash extreme demon, geometry dash new top 1, gd extreme demon, geometry dash building, geometry dash making levels, xcreatorgoal, geometry dash creating extreme demon, geometry dash making extreme demon, geometry dash extreme demon layout, geometry dash extreme demon levels, geometry dash top 1 demon, hardest demon in geometry dash, gd demon, gd top 1, Playing The Level, Then Making It
Id: _cjxfrNJWtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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