I Spent 100 HOURS Building my Easy Demon! (Geometry Dash)

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I proudly present to you a geometry dash building video I spent 100 hours on my easy demon glorious Fortress turns out 100 hours is kind of a lot please subscribe our journey starts with a prologue I'd already made some gameplay but I wasn't really feeling it this first part's too fast and everything felt a little weird to play and so that's where our Story begins a fresh new start for a big idea a glorious morning if you will it's just about time to get up and get ready laying the foundations for our journey to come [Music] this is a glorious morning by waterflame this is gonna be an easy demon that's what I got so far I got the first bit you can see here it starts out a lot slower can't wait to see this level finished next week yeah that's totally gonna happen I forgot to record me building the first couple parts of this layout but I reworked this ship as well some dangerous slopes make for interesting structures that would totally not be annoying to decorate later moving on to the wave I fixed a big problem that the original layout had in that version you had to click these Dash orbs in the middle of a corridor which just felt really awkward in the new one you click them at the start and some teleport portals keep you centered after you click do this whole setup again hopefully the portal doesn't teleport yep it goes back down there thank you that's exactly what I wanted as a matter of fact that's why I didn't do that in the next part my goal was to introduce a little thing called buffering to new players if you click before norb you can hold then you'll still use the orb once you touch it I wanted to force the player into tight formidable gaps forcing them to buffer and creating a sense of power and badassery this part went through several reworks turns out it's not really that easy to pull off but that was enough for day one at a humble four hours of work on day two I reworked the wave again and then reworked to the buffer part for the first of many times recording with a glorious three pixels after that it was finally on to something new make a dual spider one of them is big and the other one's small you have to switch sides so the smaller one fits into the smaller Gap no I didn't steal this idea from biru I would never and with a cool ship gimmick and a couple more buffers that would just about do it for day two bringing this video ever closer anyway we're working on the ball here now so so you heard what I said for day three I started with this ball part incorporating some portals like the ones in cycles and for the next part I went with a ship except that was stupid and it didn't really fit the song so I used a spider instead Now That's What I Call sync next I switched to a UFO I had a cool idea for a gimmick with this part the spike pillars that bounce out at the player that was giving me some real trouble though so I called it good for day three bringing me to seven and a half hours and so I spent most of day four off stream figuring out how to make any of this work and honestly I'm really happy with what I came up with after that I built this wave and that was it for day four almost ten percent there so I've I finished this part this was a little bit of a headache to do so I did it off stream yeah I'm pretty happy with this UFO this is pretty fun one of the later Parts in this level was going to be a vast open field with a towering Fortress in the distance I made some open bouncy and exciting gameplay for what would be that part finally this dashboard launches you high up into the sky for the climax of the level I made small floating platforms that you have to land on as the robot mode and moved on to a final wave with floating machines and gears I don't know why but I decided this level should have some steampunk bits for some reason I just steampunk school after this wave one last Dash orb will send you down into the final Cube Mr refills the air as you enter this protected Corridor making this part a duel and hiding the second icon up here lets me Force the cube into a fixed camera increasing the tension how spooky with this level's layout completely built I ended day 5 with around 13 hours of work hey Jim why are you uploading a random copy of the layout I don't hear you asking well I'm glad you asked patrons and YouTube members of five dollars or more get to play my levels at any point so I was uploading this for them sell out over day six I mostly fixed things that my patrons noticed which included reworking this entire dual Cube again it never ends yeah we don't talk about day seven trust me we just don't but with the layout done it was time to get some people on to give it a try hi hello hi I'm Alan and this is the most anticipated and least anticipated vehicle of all time [Music] whoa it's not Woolsey playing jump defend not jump attacks near level [Music] and it's like it's supposed to be like a starter easy demon see this is like my uh preferred difficulty for the most part is gonna be awesome yeah yeah you're the easy demon guy I like this I noticed that you're leaving a lot of space at the top and bottom and that excites me because I know that there's going to be like an insane like surrounding here oh okay I got you we got the Devon gimmick oh secret way secret way secret way oh my God I like that Dash rule that Dash rowkey makes cool I really tried to play around with gimmicks in this level oh I have no clip on that's why like what's happening yes oh dude I love spiders like this oh Mind Games okay gotcha [Music] oh see this is the funny part about me having a goofy refresh rate thing what refresh rate are you 280 that's why I'm the resident play tester of every level ever because no one plays 280 except for me oh what wait okay do you can you like clip through that block maybe I will have to move that up a little bit more oh you can yeah you can totally go up there yeah I'll fix that this is why you get play testers everyone I'll see if you can do it with the other ones yep where am I going here am I using the edge of this block at the top or am I hitting that block oh yeah you're I need to fix that like put a spike at the end okay gotcha we got we got something so does that staircase like kill you if you go up because it looks like yeah to me that you could technically like Step Up it right on like some of them you can you're not supposed to be able to I need to adjust that okay gotcha shot skips okay I know start if shardscapes was level one I do like the the robo Parts though the robocars are fun because they're like you have so much room but it's also not just like full holes or caps I do like these though I like how you have some really tight looking gaps in there but it's all stuff like you know like in the wave part it was where there was a portal or like you know like this it's always where you fall it has like a really narrow platform you feel like you're playing a really hard level you're doing something really cool but it's actually not that hard and that's like an element of like game design that I really like just make the player feel a lot more powerful than they are it just feels good yeah 100 nah that's cool I really like that boom boom boom boom boom boom boom ah okay that's neat I enjoy you're doing a very good job of sight reading this oh it's just very well mapped out for me I gotta say oh you got the coin GG that was a complete accident it's almost fun though I like it I'm definitely gonna beat that when you finish it epic it'll make a video on it and get a million views yeah I'll make a video beating one easy demon it'll be right up there with accurate hitboxes oh God oh I died oh no you would probably get some like weird comments if I were to just like die on your channel but yeah I feel like people wouldn't like that you never know finally thank you for ridding the world of a on air dude oh oops Yeah I might Nerf those jumps a little oh it works fantastic I'm just bad at it suck at the game come on man get better be the top one already wait I want top comment [Music] Boom the most swag obviously the most swag gets to have the most likes alright so you wanted a fake buy right bye-bye goodbye this is how humans say goodbye yeah is that good enough thanks to all the cool people for playing the level there is a lot more footage but I don't want to make this an hour long special hopefully famous person give you dopamine anyway with that all done day eight was spent on spit and shine fixing up the layout into its final State this would be my final day preparing for the journey ahead adding up to 20 hours of work and now as we head out on our path it's time for the heartburn I'm just gonna get started with whatever ideas I have is what I should have said if I had any I'll be blunt my ideas for this level's decoration didn't really exist at all and a normal person might have you know given up spent their time on something actually worthwhile but I don't play like that giving up is for nerds and so what do you do when the path ahead is shrouded in darkness wait for the sun to rise no obviously you run around aimlessly like a goddamn headless chicken the amount of tries it took me to get this part right is not something I'm proud of which leads me to my hall of failure where I keep all my failed attempts at this specific part no that's not unhealthy Behavior shut up version one I started off with a more slick look a bit of a Green Hill Zone Vibe with a little bit of tweaking it looked really clean a little too clean and it didn't really fit the vibe I wanted for version 2 I spiced things up with rotating grass blades they create a pretty cool effect I used this effect all the way back in 2018 in my debut level Autumn travel small problem though it uses like a billion groups ignoring that I placed down some broken fence posts to try and add some depth this new version might have been a little heavy on groups but hey at least it looked good I'm just kidding this is actual trash so what do we do then to make this part work and trust me I've wanted to find that out just as much as anyone else so I turned to some other levels I like for inspiration the first level I turned to was Air Supply by overdefo an absolute classic I really like the way these mountains look with the default Rock tiles so I tried doing something similar and well at least I tried all things considered though this is getting progressively less terrible for attempt 4 I tried my hand at some good old Parallax that effect you see where further things move slower and closer things move faster and honestly I don't hate this I still like the idea of having mountains in the background so I tried a simpler design God no never mind this would still look terrible even with more than three frames a second the other problem is that this level doesn't have a continuous ground so this Parallax wouldn't even work in the first place but man I've been rambling for way too long would you look at that the sun's coming up damn that's pretty kind of reminds me of this gradient I made I might have been dragged Kicking and Screaming throughout this entire process but it looks like it might finally finally be paying off but with that said after working on this version for a good bit of time it still wasn't quite there but for the first time it was finally somewhere and maybe just maybe as the sun started to rise maybe I was onto something just wish it didn't take me 12 hours to get there the first thing I did day 11 was delete this stuff in the foreground it was pretty ugly also we got that little Jam guy for that sweet sweet branding hope you enjoyed all four pixels of him the background felt pretty empty so I got to work on a windmill we love ripping off Jonathan GD but mine's better I Google searched rustic windmill images why are the only good ones Minecraft on Days 12 and 13 I tried mixing in these giant brick structures with the grass but they looked kind of bad so I got rid of them and on day 14 replaced them with more grass so in the layout for this part right here there's some more open bits with these floating slabs I decorated these a little bit different for that good old variety and look Parallax he did the thing this is the point where I'd say this part finally had a clear identity and it only took a measly 27 hours to get here if you don't count the 20 hours on the layout on days 15 and 16 I pretty much just extended what I had I can't lie it feels good to not reinvent the wheel 500 times now I also made a saw blade that was worth putting in my notes but day 17 was far more interesting my windmill was lonely and needed a friend so I made this log house to help him out I'm going through a lot to show you guys this hey it worked this is the house I used you can probably you could probably see the resemblance a little bit no one ever uses references that's just a me thing that's something I invented actually another thing I invented is a house on stilt I'm lazy okay what do you want from me also never forget the Wubba duck that would be an unforgivable sin anyway we are almost at 60 hours damn day 18 was just more grind work also those hours are definitely not right I did not stream for over seven hours sorry pretend you didn't see that day 19 was an interesting one talkative but so calm at the same time you know that's what I want to go for it's always a lot more natural for me to be a little more chill not try to be like super high energy all the time whoa guys whoa look at this look at whoa look at me place I'm gonna you're never gonna believe what happens next I'm gonna Place another one what no way do it again guys guys I did it again I I don't know I don't know how you're supposed to be like really wild and crazy in a creating stream because it's inherently like a boring repetitive task anyway here's a cool wall I made first part's done bringing me to 70 hours of work but no yeah this dream was a fun one yo red I know you wanted to go for best boss fight of 2023 with tar spit but um you might have some competition I'm just saying what wasn't fun was starting on the next part I don't know if you could tell but I have a bit of a problem starting Parts just like you might get the sense if you're paying close attention fortunately though it wasn't nearly as bad this time day 20 was spent decorating these ship structures they did not look good oh well I'll deal with that later for day 21 I mostly worked on the stained glass windows you know my favorite part of all this definitely has to be how I'm not already recycling ideas for my other levels also good news I went back and fixed my block design I did this by making it look even worse it's a new strategy I'm trying out got some sense in me day 22 and finally made these not look like garbage words cannot describe how much better these look actually they can these look a lot better and would you look at that right on time it's my favorite person to steal ideas from mpek is a close second yoraid gave me the suggestion of having parts of this wall stick further back to help break things up and no yeah that definitely worked it's almost like this guy is a famous Creator or something alright we better pick up the pace we're at 78 hours already all of them completely legit even now the walls still felt kind of flat so I added these little bumps and they worked for some reason I made some other effects and did a bit of block design but my internet decided there isn't a meaning in life so I ended day 23 early day 24 was spent on little atmospheric details stuff like this spinning glow darkening the screen's Edge and these overgrown Vines add a lot of Personality yeah it's got a nice vibe to it but while they've definitely got this [ __ ] part down I didn't really have a clear idea of what I wanted to do for this wave I knew I wanted the background to stay the same but the foreground needed some changing up fortunately for me just jumping in and improvising actually worked this time on day 25 I started off with a base of color added some outlines with mega hacks show hitboxes on to make sure that none of them were randomly flipped after that it was the detail work which is a lot easier to do when you have a good base to work off of I was gonna end it there but freaking evw rated me silly Eric so I came up with this cool whatever this thing is that took me way too long to make on Day 26 I made some more variations so this wouldn't end up like a 1.8 Viper in level I was pretty tired this day so I just did a little block design and called it quits but even with my snails pace those hours are racking up anyway gotta start off strong for the stream on day 26. oh god what the hell was that wait wait hold up there's something out of a nightmare some pixels level requests sure are anyway I made some ground spikes they're cool using a long slope like this you can make them extra tall added some Vines and made everything Bob around and pulse now that's energy and subtle but it adds a lot alright I don't know how to build I don't know how to make levels that's a common misconception is that people think I know how to make levels and I have no [ __ ] clue how to do that on day 28 I didn't really have a plan but I added bits and Bobs to help tie things together I wanted to add in an element of Technology like this Fortress is being preserved by Future Generations why yes this level was inspired by Mumbo Jumbo's hermitcraft season 7 base how could you tell I didn't do much else but I did make more parallax you gotta go to bed now have a good time in bed I hope that came out wrong and with that all done I'd say this wave is finished I have about seven hours left for the next part before this video is over and with the Sun finally risen I confidently walked right into the final part of this video this level still has a lot more stuff that needs to be done anyway this is where I want to start introducing some wooden structures and I want to have them be held up by like metal beams very airy sound with the flute I want to have an open sky in the background have it be like super Whimsical with an air of Whimsy and wonder I got to work on this final part like I mentioned near the beginning of this video I wanted to tie in a steampunk vibe to certain parts of this level that's kind of the direction I wanted to take this futuristic technology It just fits the song about five hours left and on to day 30. I continued on the Block design adding in some things like these gears overall mostly just grind work with three hours left it's on to day 31. okay so for some reason this day recorded at about two frames a minute what you're seeing here is 16 times speed fortunately it seemed to kinda sort itself out near the end I made a poofy Cloud background in a foreground too for that sweet sweet depth my footage never fully fixed itself so I'll show you some from the beginning of the next stream and speaking of that stream day 32 would be my final day before hitting 100 hours right now I'm at a ripe 98. also sorry in advance my mic kind of crapped itself for this stream but I wanted to share some moments anyway considering it's the final stream I'm about to hit 100 hours on this project I'm only like 30 through I added some connector beams in the background holding up the floating gameplay I've done this before and it's something I'd recommend as it makes your level feel a lot more grounded it looks cool I like that that's good next I got to work on giving each structure its own group and having them move on and off the screen where this part felt kind of static before this helps a lot with the Whimsical feel yeah that adds a lot of energy I like that other than just touching up some other bits and pieces that was it for day 32 100 hours have been reached there we are there it is we're past the 100 hour mark this level's taken a bit isn't the biggest project I've ever done it's it's still a lot and so my path may have been filled with obstacles and this wasn't the smoothest ride all the way through but in the end we still got there there is definitely a lot left to do in this level and my Journey's just begun but with the sun all the way up in a clear path ahead now it's just a matter of putting in the work look forward to the future episodes in this series I think that they will be glorious for now here's a little preview thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: JamAttack
Views: 485,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, rage game, rhythm game, the impossible game, level editor, creator, creating, map editor, creative, art, design, game design, building, level design, 100 hours, 100 days, 100 days minecraft, luke thenotable, geometry dash starter demon, starter demon, very easy demon, easiest demon, geometry dash easiest demon
Id: 7D6qhrAlsG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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