The Story of GD's Most Mysterious Level

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Geometry Dash has a lot of levels outside of the 30 plus levels that the main developer rotor created majority of the levels comes from other players and creators in order to upload your own level in this game you have to put one together using this game to level editor and beat the whole level without dying once if the level has been beaten you are now able to upload it and share it with other players if your level has high enough quality it might even catch the attention of the developer of the game wrapped up the reason this is relevant is because he might feel that the level is good enough to be given a star rating this is something a lot of Critters in the game decides to have because it gives player a deeper reason to play your level allowing them to gather Collectibles to boost their own player account by playing the level you made of course some levels have more impact than others and they are remembered and recognized for their accomplishment there are some pretty good examples of creators that have released some great levels such as funny games sender game sir punch nascarb and more but some of the most popular levels in this game are those that are considered the hardest to beat examples would be cataclysm bloodbath artificial Ascent yatagarasu zodiac limbo and more one of the so-called hardest levels to be in the game that I have brought up in videos previously is a level called Elements 111rg by the Creator dark X on the surface this level name sounds like absolute gibberish and given that there are other hardest levels much like it it brings the question of what makes this level so special there are many levels like it too and all impossible garbage level designed to essentially break your soul with some of the most garbage designs you would have ever seen in a game nothing about that makes the level in itself very special yes but unlike majority of these novels this seemingly impossible level for one reason or another was rated a level being rated implies that robtop the developer of the game himself approved of this level giving its start for players to collect this would also mean that rupta viewed this as a level possible for players to beat now to be fair at the time the idea of cheating when uploading levels wasn't a thought that was considered much in the community and wrapped up was no exception but there are two things that we know about our dear wrapped up one rock top usually doesn't play through the entire levels that he reads meaning he probably didn't see how murders the difficult this level was and two robtop understandably has a soft spot for levels using new content that he releases for some of you this might sound alien to you because your prompts been around for the 2.1 update only but if you want to get a new rated level when a new update comes out start using the new features at home because that will motivate robs up to one to rate a level more elements 111rj was such an example the sixth major update of the game had come out fairly recently 1.6 release on the 25th of March 2014 which injured introduce some of these blocks you see here element 111rj was released 13 days after the update on the 7th of April 2014 and the beginning of the level had these blocks immediately showcased which is probably the only part of the level that ripped up truly played seeing the beginning of this was enough for rooftop he gained a level a simple rate and ignored the fact that was obvious to everyone else who played it the level was one of the most impossible brutal garbage levels that the game ever had to experience creating such an Infamous Legacy that any other incredibly difficult level was not even close to the difficulty of this pile of crap wait wait so if we know the mystery behind this was just being an essentially impossible level what makes it so special who the hell is dark X and why is this lover calls something as obscure as element 111rje okay let's back up a bit before Geometry Dash had even come out going all the way back to 1999 which was the year that neighbor was released to the South Korean public if you've never heard of this before neighbor is a South Korea Korean online platform operated by the neighbor Corporation it debuted on the 2nd of June 1999 as the first web portal in South Korea to develop and use its own search engine it was also the world's first operator to introduce the comprehensive search feature which compiled search results from various categories and presents them in a single page in simpler English this online platform provided with an actual search engine before Google themselves as such it became the most popular search engine in South Korea and as of September 2017 the neighbor search engine handled 74.7 percent of all web searches in the country more than 25 million Koreans have neighbor as the start page of their default browser and the mobile application has 28 million daily visitors and in 2007 one of its users named M trolls would begin to play the Super Mario series he joined a Korean Super Mario World community on the cafe website neighbor over the next five years this user would spend time in improving on the Mario games across a ranger consoles such as Wii DS and on the PC during this time mshaws will be spending time using the external developer tool called lunar magic creating custom Mario maps and ROM hacks some of the private ROM hacks created by Him were given a variety of different names such as Mario titles rules ready Mario Just Mario and the puzzle Road in 2012 M trolls stated that he had begun making the puzzle Road 2 set to be harder than the prequel and would set about creating it with its increased level of skill with lunar magic if you decided to play these ROM hacks you would find that the difficulty of them were downright incomprehensible they were by design meant to be near impossible but still humanly possible if someone attempted to Jet far most of the time which paints a rather foreboding picture for what the story will entail now you may wonder what a story about someone playing Mario romhacks has anything to do with Geometry Dash as it turns out M trolls is none other than dark X himself the creator of element 111rj his occupation before Geometry Dash had even come out was already perfectly clear in a different game back then this is what dark X was doing with Super Mario games fast forward two years later back in early 2014 a Korean player named Arco was one of the many users on the Korean Geometry Dash neighbor Forum geometry world this was the very first large Geometry Dash Community founded by snow back on the 24th of October 2013. during the launch activity of that Community Arco had an idea he wanted to create a level series based off the elements of the periodic table and as such started off with the first element hydrogen and named the level as such on the 25th of February 2014 ARCA posted the first preview on Geometry World showcasing parts of the level but a few weeks into development ARCA came to the realization that the scope of the project was so immense that he would need some help so he came up with the idea to host a community project and he requested the community to join him in making this series of levels on the 17th of March 2014 ARCA would make an announcement post on Geometry World requesting uses to join him in making elements levels many users requested to join in helping entrepreneur's project one of which was dunk X himself but we'll get into him later each level in this series was going to represent each individual element so by Arcos requests the levels would have three parts to their name the name would begin with elements to signify that the level was part of the element series afterwards they would add the atomic number of the designated element followed by the symbol of the element so for example the first level in this series would be oriented around the first element hydrogen as such the name for this level will be element 1H the next level will be oriented around the element helium hence element 2 h e next level after that lithium element 3li and so on if you've already counted or you know the periodic table this would be a massive project of a total of 118 levels Arco also arranged the series to be categorized into 12 sub-series with the first levels from 1 to 10 being given the nickname element series 1. the next 10 levels after that element Series 2 and so on all the way up to element series 12 and in the series R for the levels from 111 to 118. this was to signify the difficulty rating of the element level going from easiest to hardest with the 12th being the hardest there were no requests for quality control you were free to do exactly as you wished with the levels you chose to build if you were successfully assigned to the team you will be given a total of 5 levels in the series to build on your own it was an incredibly big project but ARCA was ambitious and eager so he requested anyone who wanted to join if they wish to help him build these novels and on the 13th of April 2014 our announced on Geometry world that he had every creator that was required to complete this series everyone had a total of five separate levels to make in the series with the exception of the final Creator who had to make eight of them the only requirements from the creators was to make at least one of the five designated levels into an auto level which meant that it was a level that would be completed without any player input two of the creators in the series mangadir and minus have some popular examples of arca's requests being fulfilled however fast forward to 2022 and I can tell you that this project did not end up finishing by only including the official levels that ARCA proved to be part of the series they did not even finish half of the maps they set out to make through research as of the 19th of October 2022 the number of documented element levels recorded to be part of the series was 27 out of 118 levels and that is me being charitable because some of these levels were never finished or even put into proper production eight of these levels were also deleted at one point you cannot find or play in them anymore except for some poor terms of restoring them on a few select accounts to say that the project flopped will be an understatement barely 20 percent of what they sell out to do was actually finished but what did end up finishing was mostly of good quality at the time most of the levels that survived ended up being rated and some of these levels can still be played and seen rated today but as hinted at the beginning of this video what we are going to be focusing on is one of the deleted element levels which of course is element 111rj also from this point forward I'm going to use an acronym to refer to this level because spelling this name out this often is a pain than he has they'll be referring to the level as RG from what can be seen from arco's list of creators it doesn't appear as if the name listed to make 111 to 118 is dark X at all you will be right in assuming that because even when translated this name doesn't mean that at all his username on Geometry world was not dark text but these Korean letters when properly translated into English meant foldering dark X was his main username in game which is how we'll refer to him in the video since it is both easier to say and easier to remember the thing about dark X though is that he's pretty much just as mysterious as the level itself if not more so there are many unique things surrounding this creator that not many others before him or even after him did the first post dark X made on Geometry World showed a pretty surprising level of vocabulary compared to everyone else surrounding him he talks about fixes for the geometry World Forum that he was displeased with and some of the words he uses are fairly complicated such as conceit exalting dimensionality compromises sanctions and more a very formal way of speaking especially considering he was probably not at an adult age yet up until his Infamous level was to be released there wasn't a whole lot in his catalog of Finnish levels either the only documented remnants of a previous dark X level is this theory of clutter which is only proven in October 2022 to actually be a level he made he had no indication of level building experience or anything suggesting that he was an incredible player yet despite that he carried a surprisingly in-depth knowledge on how difficult gameplay in particular seemed to work this was especially reflected in all the different gimmicks that he built inferior clutter and element 111rj the way dark X built gameplay was just odd he created things that seemed to be very elaborate on the surface yet when put into execution it was completely pointless theory of clutter is definitely the best example out of the two levels to showcase this odd creative method showing multiple sections designed for seemingly no reason since you can very easily just skip doing anything or just jump over it all another interesting concept that dark X did can be seen by checking the level description of RG there are a number of different things written here as established previously element series 12 is clear what that means as does Rowan genome which is the full name of the 111th element but what about the other two sentences well the ultimate time statement ended up being a reference to the level song Time Machine and then according to dark X this was the ultimate level for that song now how do we know that well two reasons the first proof that was found involved one of dark X's post on Geometry World on the 26th of March 2014 dark X created a post talking about how the new update extended the the maximum amount of objects in a level from six thousand to eight thousand objects he demonstrated this with an image showing the new maximum amount but what is particularly curious is the level part being seen on this image now it can be very safely assumed that this is a ship part because at the time it was the only game when existing in the game that allowed it to make these kinds of movements but visually this part is absolutely insane and it seemed very appropriate that this was RG considering that the level dark X was showing off already had well over 5800 objects Dart X would release RG 11 days later and that the level part looks brutally difficult it very likely was the level in this image there is also a detail that can be seen hidden in plain sight these yellow lines going from top to bottom on multiple parts of the section these are BPM lines the reason they are relevant here is because they are manually arranged by wrapped up to a specific song before the game had the ability to use custom songs from Newgrounds for every new song that was added into the game each song was given specifically arranged BPM lines to help Traders figure out how to sync their novel these all look different depending on what song is used so by simple puzzle matching it can be established which song is used in this novel The only sound that remotely matched the order of BPM lines seen in this image was time machine hence the confirmation we needed now obviously this could still be treated as speculative since it is an actual proof that what has just been said means that this is the level or that the phrase the ultimate time refers to the song but in case that this isn't enough evidence for you the second proof should convince you in recent time restoration Union has to learn how to data mine existing save files now you might think how would that possibly help here well dependent on the contents of the save file there is something called a saved levels folder which is where a player can keep levels downloaded locally on their device so that they would not need internet connection to play user levels if they so desired a GD account's save file keeps this information saved on the account as it turns out the developer wrapped up when writing the code for when saving an account decided to include the levels stored in the saved levels folder in the safe file this level information includes the level's name levels ID the level song and the user count of who uploaded the level and after a long session of collecting save fonts through people submitting them into Twitter post or to Restoration Union themselves we finally found a save file that contained RG officially confirming the song to be time machine the ultimate level 3 made the least amount of sense for a long time an original theory for what this statement implied was that this was dark X's third level he posted and since there were no other leads to what it could mean that theory stuck around for a while that was until a discovery was found where dark X posted a comment on a geometry World post by Arco saying he managed to get six percent on RJ the last comment in this post is by Deutsch X and it is a pretty lengthy comment but what is particularly interesting is the level 3 to 4 part of the commons when this comment is properly translated it reads out the following haha originally the purpose of making the level was to make same difficulty level like the the hell series Hazard sector silent Club demonness the current level of atomic number series 1112118 and Rowan genome difficulty is between level three and four from what dark X is describing in his comments the level 3 statement appears to be his own personal way of ranking the difficulty of the level but apparently there are higher levels of difficulty suggested by him saying that RJ is around level 3 ish four difficulty but the level description ends up deciding on Level 3 the ultimate level 3 refers to a difficulty ranking that dark X didn't consider to be at the very top a level that remained untested for well over six to seven years in difficulty compared to any other rated level in this game's history was according to dark X only level 3 whereas level 4 and potentially even higher being with the other dark X element levels would have offered in the 12th sub-series but I've clearly hyped up RG in as a Creator long enough so let's proceed onto the story of the actual level based off the documented findings RG became the fifth finished element level uploaded by what Arco deemed to be the official team of creators dark X uploaded the level on the 7th of April 2014 and took only three days to get rated on the 10th and as soon as it did geometry world had a new massive topic to talk about the same day as the level gun raided the form went crazy posing identical messages of the exact same part which is the beginning of the level here with a very specifically main jump everyone went on to repeat the exact same statement the level was completely insane some people even go in as far as calling the Creator an absolute lunatic for a full day the level's difficult it would not even be beaten in practice mode and the unnerved version of the level was just impossible for players to get through it was simply too difficult whatever it may have been and then almost every single post about the level you could see dark X in the comment sections be very pleased and smug with the reactions he's getting if not that he would once more present his surprisingly in-depth knowledge of the game and how to approach these timings everyone are stuck on it appeared crazy for everyone in the community how someone with only their second level upload being one of the hardest rated levels the game had ever seen and remained as such for many years to come at the time no one reached the end on Geometry world the furthest place got in an attempt to reach the end and practice mode was 41 and they all gave up there for unknown reasons no one knew at the time how the full level looked like since no one could actually see it all for themselves how is this possible was the level speed out like some older impossible levels before was a perhaps exploited or glitch to be uploaded somehow well literally the next day on the 11th of April 2014 players found out what was going on now going into the details of how players accidentally uploaded all the ridiculously hard or impossible levels is a very long and detailed story to go through so let's leave that alone if you want more details on that aspect have a look at the history of hacking video I made discussing majority of methods and how to do so but to quickly establish the case of RG The Wider level was released was in hindsight fairly simple this level was uploaded by utilizing a very clever secret way hidden in plain sight as a matter of fact it was available already three percent into the level for those who haven't seen the level before let's see if you can spawn it here in the beginning with me just playing the normal route did you notice anything well if you had a Keen Eye you may have noticed that this platform up here was possible to jump on top however it didn't seem to benefit to anything because it didn't seem to lead anywhere except towards a massive structure covered in spikes but as stated the secret way was hidden in plain sight and these spikes were the ones hiding in if the player managed to get up to this platform all they had to do was make one final jump that warrants this left side corner without hitting the spike if you lined up the jump just right all you had to do was hold the jump button and watch the magic unfold literally perfect if you pull this off you beat the level this path would take you all the way to the end with no further obstacles and everything brutally difficult in the level could immediately be interpreted as a complete joke the first mention of the secret way on Geometry world was posted by star on the 11th of April and the News spread like wildfire everyone began to beat the level used in a single way and got themselves a free demon completed on their account one of the players that got 4-1 on the main path of RG in practice mode integral even made a statement on the Forum called indark X Out it pretty much was a statement from integral in the people who were unhappy with the brutal difficulty and said that he would be much better Creator if he didn't make levels this difficult in the future as such integrals suggested to dark X that if he made the level much easier and closed off the secret way to beat the level legitimately the decoration would be good enough to justify it as a good level and dark X responded saying that he would make the level easier and block off the secret way turkics at the time had already begun building the next element level in his sub-series elements 112cn but dark X announced on the 12th of April that his Elemental map series upload have been postponed presumably to try and restore RG to its former glory for its brutal difficulty during the day dark X would spend his time doing what he could to Nerf the level and block off the secret way and in a day's work it would be done and released a new easier version of RG on the 13th of April as stated by GW unicorn on geometry world now from here on out there's going to be some confusion in details because a lot of what was said regarding the level in the upcoming days are mostly just unconfirmed statements some of them were never unraveled and have remained a mystery to this day the first example of this is the nerfed version supposedly the secret way that star showcased on the 11th was fixed and the level was also nerfed to be easier as evidenced by what GW unicorn stated but apparently there was a secret way in the level still considering that dark X really wasn't good enough for the game to release a level that hard the location of this new secret way is completely unknown there's even a post a player made on about where to find the new secret way since the original one had been blocked off the players that did know about the location of the secret way had no interest in sharing it but they evidently kept using it one of which was integral himself despite the easier version of the players were offered no one attempted to get through it and stuck to the secret way which once more had nothing stopping you on the way to the end as such the problem continued and players kept beating the level using a secret way with the main path still being way too difficult what this new secret way was has never been found at this point you might be wondering where was romped up during all of this wouldn't he be questioning the legitimacy of the level at this point or be willing to unrate it okay let's back up a few days to right before the level was rated I did say at the beginning of this video that RG was very likely rated as a result of using the newly released features from the 1.6 update which yes this was definitely a contributing fact but there's one part of a wrapped up story that is very strange early in the morning on the 10th of April the user owner made a pose on Geometry World remember this name because I will be talking about him a lot later in this post he showcased that he had contacted romtop through his support email which at the time was a reasonable thing to do because the game was not that big yet it is unsure what the full email said but it is assumed that honor asked robtop to raid RJ since the level had no secret way which of course was a lie but the GW community did not know this yet but rotop responds to this email was rather peculiar it read us the following there was a way that could be abuse that I blocked set as a demon please do not spam San Dimas best Robert now keep in mind that this statement was made on the 10th of April 2014 and this is very likely working the final push for Rd to be rated in the first place but given that the GW Community would not find the secret way until a day later what is rotter referring to here what path needed to be blocked if we assumed that this was a secret way he blocked off why would rotter consciously choose to rate this level if he found a secret way if there were two secret ways in the level for some reason that wouldn't make much more sense either if dark eggs was trying to hide the fact that he beat the level with a secret way why would you double the chances of someone finding it not only that but the idea of romps of going into a useless level to change something himself is practically unheard of there are no documented cases before this point where roped up himself edited a level to make sure it was appropriate for a raid if he went into the level to block out a path did he not notice the University level's insane difficulty for those part of the Vegeta community that know very well how integrated hacking has become in the community you have to remember this is back in 2014 the idea of cheating when uploading a level was still relatively unheard of and rooftop would be very upset to see you hacking or cheating in order to upload or beta level there's even a comment from robtub himself in the RNG comment section saying once more that there was a path that could be abused but he blocked it what this actually means though is still a mystery and the only one who could potentially answer this question is robbed up himself because there are no indications of what he's actually talking about I do wish I had an explanation for what this actually means but I unfortunately don't this remains a mystery to this day now going back to the level RG was updated to be easier the first secret way was blocked off and the new one appears somewhere so nothing was resolved with ensuring it was legitimately beaten given all the controversy that I've been surrounding dark X for these past four days Arco decided to kick the Creator off the team in an effort to push for legitimately released levels but darker was not particularly happy doing that as he still wanted levels this brutally difficult on the 12th sub-series so he once more requested the geometry world for him for help on the 14th of April and asking if two creators were willing to take dark X's place in creating the remaining element levels from 112 to 118. Arco announced two days later the creators who took Darkness spot were sundel and Palin sundo was given 112 to 115 and Palin was given at 116-118 and with that Arco and his team moved on to a continue making element levels and dark X was left on his own and for those that Wonder no these two creators did not end up releasing any of the levels they were assigned to Mage today in 2022 me and others were even fortunate enough to get in contact with one of these creators Palin but as we had a word with him he stated that while he had begun making one level which apparently was Element 115 MC nothing ever came out of it and since sundul very likely did nothing either RJ ended up being the only official contribution to the 12th sub-category of the element series one thing worth mentioning at this point was that the day prior to Arcus announcement of dark X being kicked on the 13th of April 2014 dark X will make his final post on the geometry World Forum the title of the post when translated into English said Let's ignore the views it was followed by two sentences that gave pretty blunt statements when translated it reads the following it'll stop one day because there is no reason to go on it doesn't affect us anyway so let's ignore it now it is a bit unclear what he actually meant here but it is a Sim to relate to the backlashing job from uploading a level that's difficult without legitimately beating it back in the early days of the game the idea of releasing a very difficult level was seen as a negative you will be getting disc links on the level if a player could not be a level easily or get stuck on something they didn't understand combine that with players finding out you have uploaded a really hard level illegitimately and players would go out of their way to essentially destroy you with backlash and criticism dark X's final pose is very likely in reference to how the community behaved regarding this subject this ended up being the final Trace dark X left to the Geometry Dash Community which gives his departure a bit of a sour ending with RG only being played for the free demon ever since it was found it wouldn't take long until rupta finally noticed what was going on with the level as such the next day on the 15th of April 2014 Super SNSD would finally make a new mention of RJ after his two posts regarding the insane difficulty the title when translated into English read out as 111rg completion that I deliberately didn't upload it presents one image showing off RJ being unrated alongside with its user dark X having been changed to unknown as the creator of the level super SNSD himself stated that he did not want to show off this level as an achievement because of the fact that he beat it with a secret way much like everyone else quoting super SMSD regarding dorytex himself I was thinking they're nothing short of a clown thanks for the stars but don't brag about releasing a high level and putting secret ways in it now that would be the general story for this novel after this dark X disappears from the geometry World Community removing his personal blog on neighbor to never return to this game for some of you that might be where the story ends the level was unrated and forgotten about and the Creator abandoned the game as soon as the level lost its rate but it's actually not quite where the story ends with this level pay attention because this is where the story in details where this level starts to become really strange and interesting as I mentioned before this was a level that was deemed the hardest demon in the game when it came out there are well over 35 levels that have a one point been deemed as the hardest demon at the time by a decent chunk of players but there's one thing that RJ in particular is unique compared to every other level of its kind it's gone Without a Trace at some point the level had disappeared been deleted from the servers there is a pose on Geometry World later in August 2014 talking about RG and how the level has mysteriously vanished even dark X's all the level theory of clutter was nowhere to be found anymore although it is unconfirmed if that level was deleted then or later but yes this ridiculously hard level with its Infamous difficulty that brought up with some strange reason decided to raid was lost forever with barely any traces of its existence so back in early 2019 when I became really invested in this novel story I decided to go research to try and find out if I could find the remnants of the level or even find if the level was still out there what I did not know though was that this single decision would create years of frustration desperation and pure hatred for the convenient problems every single time I was asked about if the level had been found I felt the need every single time to go through the whole rigmarole of that me and others have endured as if I was an 80 year old pensioner now I'm not going to discuss exactly what I did the entire process because that would mean going through details that me and others know today are incorrect which would just create confusion in this video but I will however establish a timeline of events that were found and will be relevant eventually so what can currently be established on this timeline well let's start from the beginning dark X joins the official team for the element series on the 17th of March 2014 and it can be safely assumed that this is when RJ was truly being made dark X teased the existence of this level unintentionally on the 26th of March 2014 by showcasing the ship section in the random part of the level then finally on the 7th of April RG was released and a level it was then rated three days later it would only take a day after the level was rated that on the 11th of April the secret way was found by other players and they would chastise him for not uploading a level legitimately on the 13th dark X would release the inert update that would make the main path easier and block off the secret way but then open up another one somewhere else players kept using the secret ways to beat the level and dark X would end up leaving the geometry World Community entirely by making his final pose on the Forum the same day with the secret way still being used by everyone the level was unrated on the 15th of April and the levels also confirmed to be removed by orca on the 15th of August that same year through some extensive research there's another aspect that could be confirmed and listed here one aspect that was pretty important to figure out was when RG was officially deleted now now this might seem like a random fact to figure out and I'll go through in more detail why this was so important later but for now just accept that we need this information we know that on a rough estimate the level was uploaded between 7th of April and 15th of April 2014 and since there is no definitive way of knowing when this level was deleted it was assumed that at an unknown point after the 15th of April the level was officially gone a four month long estimate between 15th of April to 15th of August 2014 is still pretty big but there are ways to make this estimate a lot smaller by looking into one detail back in the old versions of the game were some of these versions it was impossible as a player to remove and upload a level that feature did not exist yet which sounds pretty brain then all things considered but that was how the game used to be when RG was uploaded in the 1.6 update this feature still didn't exist and what this meant is that even if dark X wanted to he could not remove his levels from the servers the only one who could do that was Roundtop himself that however was until the next update came Mount the 1.7 update where the option to delete your uploaded levels was finally added this update came out on the 21st of May 2014 which immediately shortens the Gap when the level was potentially removed with well over a month there are a couple of additional aspects that would theoretically allow us to decrease the Gap even further but they can only be treated as speculative facts without proper Foundation as such we can add to the timeline that the level was deleted between 21st of May to 15th of August 2014. the new timeline can then be presented as the following so there we are we have the general timeline of events presented for RG and this will become more relevant as the research for finding the level goes on but for now let's begin with the basic ideas that popped up in my head first as established previously RG was already gone from the servers searching for the level today you will find endless copies but this was after I had made these old videos before back in 2019 you would not find a single level called element 111rj there were no copyables anywhere no Autos uploaded and as such the game itself will be completely useless in attempting to find a level so outside sources were considered and immediately perhaps there were YouTube videos uploaded showcasing parts of the level it was 2014 after all so YouTube had already reached insane levels of popularity maybe there will be videos at the level on there but nope there was literally nothing there might be more if you would date really deep into YouTube but there's no feature for looking back into Old uploaded videos on YouTube Plus in today's day and age it is now filled with people who have attempted to faint themselves fine in the real level all over the place which is only made it more difficult to actually find anything useful which is just lovely so YouTube as a source of research was pretty much abandoned pretty quickly since it was pretty much unusable so another method of trying to find the level had to be arranged the next idea involved the service every play which if you haven't heard of this service before every play was a free mobile game replay platform that allows you to record your attempts and levels which in Geometry Dash is seen as a trademark at the end of an attempt or if the level was beaten every player was a rather popular feature in other mobile games such as crossy Road and drive ahead with the Geometry Dash being one of the popular examples among them what this meant is that a ton of Geometry Dash videos are on their database which could be a collection of anything and given that this application is integrated into the game and was the main method of recording videos of the game back in 2014 finding RG in that database seems like a decent possibility but then the reality of the situation set in my research and final install began in January 2019 but the everyplace service discontinued on the 1st of October 2018 and the collection of videos that were never downloaded from the website are now unavailable to access it is unknown if the everplay team ever deleted the catalog of videos but even if those video fonts were still accessible it would be unreasonable to even try to get a hold of them so the ever play method to try and find the level also failed as it is too late to try and use that database with the two simplest methods of attempting to find footage of the level thrown out the window I had to get a little creative now some of you may have already been thinking or considering to just continue searching in the geometry World Forum on neighbor and yes this is exactly what me and others began to do the most obvious search to do first was element 111rj but the thing is this is a Korean forum meaning English words were usually not seen so for more consistency the best term to search for would just be 111rg this gives us a total of 20 posts but unfortunately none of them yielded anything that we didn't already know I have already shown you majority of them in the first half of the video when talking about the level of story and most of them just show the first five percent on the level or the secret way but there were a couple of unique instances that are worth mentioning one of which is a post from the kid9442 or honor as he was called back then on the 11th of April 2014. the title of the post read out as I can always make an auto and honor or the kid ends up describing how he would be able to build an automatic version of any level of your choice if you sent him images of the level in the details of every color trigger the kid would be able to rebuild an automatic version of the level of your choice assuming you didn't send him useless images like this cluster of color triggers lacking proper information and who would end up being interested in seeing this done to their level well none other than dark X himself of course dark X requested the kid to create an automatic version of RG and while the kids seemed to be reluctant to do so given the way his response was written he agreed to do it dark X followed up with a question how long will it take but kid stated that it would not even take a day to do this laughing it off because also request a DirectX to start messaging him through emails and instead do the more normal thing creating posts which has been shown repeatedly throughout this entire video and dark X's response here really speaks a lot of his character regarding RNG he says that no one has beaten RG yet so he cannot post any pictures so yeah the lack of coverage of the level was deliberate dark X1 to keep parts of the level hidden now I understand why he did this he wanted to treat the level as a sort of story that he preferred to not show until it was beaten by someone else but ignoring the fact that he said this after requesting a different Creator to create an automatic version of the level but with the level being so brutally insane for its time and even today what did he expect here that someone somehow was going to beat a level harder than anything else that had been released at the time which was already completely unbeatable with players skill level back in 2014. either way going back to the conversation that dark X had with betadian but kid responds with just saying fair enough but continues motioning the statement that using email is very uncomfortable and impractical today's day and age so dark X finally complies and tells the kid that he will post the necessary images on his neighbor blog now don't be confused by this terminology it is just a personal blog prepped for the website neighbor and before you ask no this blog no longer exists and has been deleted probably years ago once the images have been uploaded darkinks will provide a link to the kid he finishes his reply by asking once more for reassurance if it will only take a day this further instance that dark X really did not want to show any images of the level to anyone he wanted players to find out how the level looked like the hard way which clearly no one could the kid responds by saying on hindsight it would probably take around 3 days to finish making this Auto not just one around 40 minutes later dark X gives the final response of the conversation with I sent it through DM please check this meant that darkx sent the entire level of screenshots to the kid in hopes that he would make an automatic version of the level now I know what some of you are thinking you could just contact a kid through any means necessary since he still has the account in this forum and ask him to scroll all the way back through dark X's DMS and find images of the entire level which would allow to rebuild a whole level from scratch well for that to be possible that would imply that never function like Discord it doesn't function like Discord it functions like Skype now why does that make such a difference for anyone who used to Skype before everyone switched to Discord you would know that an idiotic feature that Skype got was that it would hide the messages between users If the message was old enough in Skype messages are stored in the cloud for up to two years after that they are deleted in neighbor it is even worse there they don't even last for a month they disappear in not even a month not even a week but five days so yeah these messages are long gone they are never going to be found what could have survived was if the kids saved the images that he got on his phone but I've never managed to contact between I've tried for a long time and it has just never worked but yeah long story short dark X supposedly gave images to be kid through his blog in order for the automatic version of RG to be made however I'm also putting emphasis on the word supposedly because strangely enough even with the images sent it didn't seem to help only about two hours later after dark X pushed the request that the kid made a public post called foldering calling dark X out about how making an automated version of RG is near impossible when having to take the images yourself from what the kid says in this response some parts are available to build for the auto but apparently not all of them it would appear particularly evident that this is the case by the comments from dark X and Batista's response to it as the kid hoped dark X responded to the post by saying I'll modify it with my computer now or I'll surely finish it tomorrow but kiss's answers would suggest that darches gave the kids some images of the level but not all of them dark X very desperately wanted to ensure that RG remained hidden until there was that one player that was finally able to conquer every part in this brutally difficult level now the problem with this version of his was that it would make the kids's work toward making an automatic version completely unreasonable or even impossible given the skill required to pass the level in just practice mode but despite the lack of actual encouragement from dark X to work on making this automatic version the kid didn't give up he did what he could with the material he had to work with and only 30 minutes after the post be Kidd Chandler takes out he would upload a video showcasing the progress of the element of 111rg Auto which was great news this meant that if the kid was showcasing the progress of building the automatic version with videos parts of the level could be found that way perfectly fine look there it is a video ready to play for the auto showches perfect let's play and find out what it reveals oh wonderful the video was incorrectly recorded only showing the actual end of the auto which yes it does reveal one new section but in terms of actual gameplay it is practically worthless just fantastic what it does show is specifically designed structure and a ship portal with a mirror portal stacked on top of it and unfortunately this is all the it ever showcased publicly of his work in this automatic version the next day on the 12th of April the kid will be showcasing progress on an entirely different level which if you're curious was the level called Hazard sector X by synthic Alpha in less than three minutes of the post have been uploaded dark Ace would come into the kid regarding RG once more and once more dark X is adamant on the idea of not showing the four levels per kid but instead encourages the kid to make up parts on his own instead of actually following what RG had it begs the question why don't kicks even bothered asking my kid in the first place if all he wanted was an automatic level mimicking or was available to the general Community it could be that darkx had this idea of the community in to take part in a joint effort to figuring out what was actually in the level and then update the knowledge of the level accordingly there was a very unique approach to this level's mystery dark X wanted to ensure the difficulty of this level remained as confusing and vague as possible he wanted to ensure the players found out on their own while this idea sounds very interesting on paper this would also imply that the community was actually interested in trying to play through probably one of the most unique yet garbage Creations the game has ever seen and while the kid initially had motivated towards the level being rated only a couple of days ago it would appear as if he has finally had enough the kid responded to don't X's comment instantly and ended up asking dark X if he could give up on creating the automatic version of this level as it was simply too difficult dark X never responded to this comment and we also never saw more of which is automatic version so unfortunately once more we hit a dead end there were a couple more unique mentions of the level in this manner like how the user GW unicorn who was doing custom level reviews at the time wanted to cover RG showcasing of images like how he already did with Darkness level theory of clutter but unfortunately none of these searches yielded anything all of them resulted in dead ends with nothing gained no images no videos nothing so a new method we're trying to find anything about the level has to be established given what was said about dark X and how secret he wanted to keep RG searching dark X's account for images of the level definitely would not end up being particularly fruitful as shown previously though there was one image that dark X unintentionally left at a level when he spoke about the 1.6 updates increase of object count which is why we even have this ship art in the first place but as expected searching for more on his accounts would prove to be a waste of time dark X kept up with the idea of keeping RG hidden and that aspect from him stayed true even after leaving the geometry World Community for good at this point he would end up going back to the Super Mario Community again very briefly making three different posts on the 20th of April 2014. in terms of neighbor this is the last remnants of jerkicks being on there there will be no more activity from this point forward making things additionally difficult at this point I was now over 18 months in the research of attempting to find this level I was getting desperate and in that overwhelming since of Despair and Agony are wasting hours and hours trying to find a stupid level I spent well over 50 hours just looking through post after post after post after post and after post on the geometry World forums but to no avail even after successfully searching through every single image that was posted on the forums other than the 20 image from Super SMSD shown previously nothing else will be found on this forum geometry world was therefore officially useless we then went for looking into players that might have still had their old phone and maybe had played RG when the level was still out no matter who we asked no matter what player we could think of them might have had the level or plated did not have the level on their phone or saved anywhere I then decided to contact vipren one of the biggest creators in the entire game who had Direct access to talking to robtop on Discord I brought forth the question of whether or not robtub did backups of his game in the earlier updates which if he did after 1.7 update RG might still be on it we would probably never ever be given a natural copy of the game's contents from the developer himself that would just be outrageous to expect but it would be reassuring to know that it is available in a sync location but vibrant filled me in on the fact that robtop only began to do backups of this game more recently in 2017 way after RG was already long gone with all the methods considered contacting every single person we could think of who might have had the level on their old phone looking through every single social media platform with images and videos available this is where most people would assign themselves to the fact that they aren't going to find this goddamn level but then we hit a breakthrough in early October 2022 me and my friends discovered something pretty interesting by looking at one of the first geometry World posts by Arco from the 27th of December 2013. there was a certain image posted showcasing a list of Korean names of files and applications what we see on the center of it is Geometry Dash Lite 1.40 now don't be confused by the new term light that is essentially the free demo version that can be downloaded of the game but the interesting part about this is the app being used in this image which is called Titanium Backup I had never heard of this app before up until this point but with a simple Google search their website describes their application as a backup utility for Android that backs up your system and user applications along with their data on external storage of your choice you may think why would this even be relevant here someone backs up their current version of the game and now they have it stored elsewhere cool why is it so special well considering that the app says it backs up the user applications along with their data this becomes relevant because of how Geometry Dash used to work for most of 2 114 the game did not have a proper account system an account only existed through the mobile device the player was using it was defined using the device's udid which stands for Unique device identifier now this is a bunch of computer and Hardware yada yada so let's leave that alone but in short imagine the phone used to play the game on as the save file it only exists there and because Geometry Dash has always been a bucket little piece of players losing all of their stats became rather frequent and even such simple matters as opting in the game version so players took matters into their own hands and backup their save file manually through the usage of titanium backup doing this you also backed up the save file and this is what was really precious if you remember a bit earlier in the video I stated that knowing when the level was roughly deleted was important to figure out since it gives us a proper estimate if someone happened to back up the game who had recently played RG this meant to this player had RG as a titanium backup the time period we would very much prefer to receive a backup from is between the 7th of April to 21st of May 2014. the idea almost seem too good to be true so me and others decided to try and reach out to all players who had shown themselves to be using the app and Incredibly the first player I actually managed to reach out to regarding the app was Arco himself the host of the element series who 100 played RJ when it came out so I had a word with him and I asked him about the titanium backup app trying to see if he still had his own phone and backups and even though his images of him using this app was over 80 years ago he still had them he had backups of the game plus his save files from 2014. this is it we're going to find a level and be able to see it with our own eyes look there they are Arco gave me his backups all of them from 2014. this is incredible look ARCA even has his old phone he played RG on which if you needed more proof that the level use time machine there you have it he has it still downloaded on his phone we can just ask ARCA to play the level send us the images of what he's playing and we can finally solve this mystery once and for ah it wasn't in the top 20 most recently playing levels on his phone well I suppose that is understandable but surely the titanium backers will be where we could finally find this level and how it looked like once and for all with multiple backups too there's a bigger chance that oh the earliest backups are from October November 2014. a few months after rgo was confirmed deleted I mean could anything else be expected differently at this point but okay now since I've lost over a statement here let me go back a little why did it matter that RG was in the top 20 most recently played levels well you see as I said earlier in the video the local levels folder will keep downloaded levels on your account for you but to a certain extent by default the 20 most recently downloaded levels will stay on the mobile device locally but as soon as a downloaded level is out of this top 20 that local backup of the level itself is immediately gone to save space perfectly understandable in terms of game development but absolutely unbearable for trying to find this God forsaken level this one really hurts we had a brilliant idea on how to actually find this garbage level and here we are back at square one again we've tried to ask others as well about the backups but unfortunately for most of them it is just too late most people got rid of their backups and old mobile devices years ago and that is perfectly understandable I got rid of my old phone I used in 2014 years ago so why would this be any different this left us empty-handed again and perhaps there's someone out there with a titanium backup containing a safer but it is somewhat doubtful at this rate we've asked other users who we knew used the app back in the day but from the making of the script and video it has only concluded in two other results number one the player in question was impossible to contact or under certain circumstances unreachable despite us knowing their whereabouts and number two we've either missed the ability of accessing their backups by a few years or at worst a few months before this video was made but the actual reality of the situation here means that potentially a level could still today be stored somewhere out there on an external device as I mentioned previously the titanium backup backs up your system and used replications along with their data on external storage of your choice your choice this application allows you to choose where you store these files While most people definitely just store them locally on their phone the option to store them elsewhere was also possible the application allowed it to store these fonts to programs like Dropbox and Google Drive which for anyone who has used a computer in the last 10 years will know that these accounts will stay up including their contents even after all this time but unfortunately we believe the majority of GDP players who use this app did not actually do this that being said though there's genuinely a pretty big chance that someone out there has an old GD backup just sitting on their Dropbox without really realizing it the question is if the person that would have this is someone we even know about there is a chance that someone out there out of the Thousand players that downloaded this garbage level when it came out that they happen to create a titanium backup of the game with a level downloaded and readily available locally to play but I highly doubt that this person will ever be found and now we have finally arrived at the point where we have mentioned every method we could to try and find the actual level and clearly no matter what we came up with no matter what research method we used we were met with a dead end every single time so now what well there was only one thing we thought could be done restoring the level based up images and memory now what does that mean you may think well it means that me and others have to dedicate ourselves to building everything from the ground up every image that exists of this level will be used as a reference to recreate a level as accurately as possible for the parts that we don't have the images off we will be asking the players who play the level what they remembered was placed where this ended up being a process that took well over two years to get to the point where the restoration is now as such here's a thin down but stupidly complicated story on what was found and built this is going to be a step-by-step demonstration where we are going to be describing three separate aspects of the restoration first is the normal restoration which involves using images taken from back when the levels existed such as gameplay Parts background and object colors level descriptions and other details second is the theorize restoration where it is not 100 certain that what was built was in the real level but is more a scenario of this is very likely what is there and thirdly the filler gameplay where unfortunately there's no clues no foundations or any theories for what could possibly be in these sections so some filler gameplay has been added to compensate in total 23 of the entire level was made through normal restoration 66 percent was made through theorized restoration and 11 was made through filler gameplay I will discuss these aspects in order of accuracy meaning that the normal restoration aspect will be discussed first so as mentioned one important aspect we needed to consider first is what we knew 100 existed in this level we know the level name is element 111rj we know the song is time machine we have dark axis editor image and we have all of these images that were taken of the actual level being played in game I will also say that I have deliberately withheld information from you all and certain images in posts were found regarding what was in RJ they will be mentioned in this section of the video when they become relevant but we will start off by adding all that confirmed to exist parts that would be the first five percent the full secret way the two ship parts shown by dark X and super SNSD and the ending of the level these are 100 what was in the level the only actual computation with rebuilding these sections was the ending and how it was rather difficult figuring out where the level actually ended did it end when the song ended did it go on for a few more blocks did it perhaps end 10 seconds before the song was even finished playing there wasn't a proper way of figuring it out it seemed so we had to get a bit creative we thankfully had two different references that ended up being a perfect reference board for establishing the true length of this novel dark X's editor screenshot and supersonisti's post are you lunatic by using a BPM lines method mentioned previously in the video we can determine exactly where in the level this shipboard shown by dirt X was meant to be we at the time cannot figure out where it was vertically other than knowing it wasn't on the ground alongside this image we also have super smsd's image of him claiming he could not get further in the level than 20 percent we know that dark X's ship art comes before super snsds which helps us out immensely if we combine the three different parts dark axis ship part super SNSD shift part and the final part by determining the percentage difference between the final part in super snsd's shipbard it would give us the correct placement we can also double check this by seeing if the parts at the very beginning still has the appropriate percentage base of what can be seen in progress bars and with that we figured out where another ship part in RG was located there's a small chance that the ship is slightly off but there's unfortunately no real way of finding that out now of course some people might say that this was obviously what dark X did with the ending of the level since it is synchronized perfectly but given what was done in theory of clutter or even other transitions in RJ in terms of sync that is never a guarantee so we wanted to be on the safe side lucky for us the final part of the level was synced perfectly in relation to the two ship parts and now the final reference that we have of the actual level was through the kids's broken Auto video showcasing this ship portal and the structures according to the video this ship portal was 15 seconds into the level hence it was placed approximately right after the secret way and in terms of footage and images this is all we have there are no images of resources that helps us build anything specific from this point forward or at least it seemed to be initially one aspect that ended up being very important to get right was how the secret way was built it actually ended up coming in handy with figuring out how long the port above was supposed to be as shown previously on the 11th of April 2014 the Korean users star took a number of screenshots of the known secret way which was very beneficial in rebuilding it however the secret way has some hidden details that aren't directly visible unless you're looking for them now if you aren't familiar with how objects work when they go off screen this can be somewhat controlled your camera triggers decide how updates are meant to enter and exit off-screen and in this instance they move in and out vertically which reveals some pretty interesting stuff with that in mind let's take a closer look at the images of the secret way on this image there are two extra details that are pretty important on the far left there's this very specific Spike formation which realistically will be part of the upper structure to this day even knowing what the gameplay above the secret way is the intent of these spikes are really confusing since they don't serve a purpose to anything it is just a Sim that they're there to serve as a visual aspect the other detail this image is much more subtle but can be seen at the top right of this image there is a half Spike with approximately four blocks below it shown by the fade in effect of the objects so now that we know that these things existed on the upper structure the current purpose of these is unknown another detail that serves a great purpose is the second last image provided of the secret way where a very small detail can be seen on the top right it is a corner block with its solid corner at the bottom right meaning that there are definitely more structures above it this gives a motivating factor in regards to the kids's broken Auto Showcase the image from the secret way indicating the corner block on the top right and the structures seen from the tits's order can be assumed that they were connected so that allows us to find out the likely length of this entire section above the secret way to quickly recap this provides us with the general level structure of the first 15 seconds plus two ship sessions that were confirmed to exist in a level the ending is still far away so there's no point talking much about that right now the big issue we have now of course is that the part above the secret way is missing but before talking about that I need to mention two important users that became a hugely integral part of the restoration of RG firstly we have pamka who contributed the most to the restoration of major parts back when I had released the very first video showcase of RG where I had declared that after two years of searching all that could be found were two or three different parts and could put a comment to this video a year later he declared that he did remember things from the level and was willing to help out with figuring out the rest now of course you may ask why would we trust the words of what one person said about what they remembered of the level that could be telling lies for all we know well the answer to why we trust a punk at all was that we didn't we took opanka set for granted and rolled with it until the first video presenting a full Showcase of RG came out since my channel was big enough to be noticed by a sizable portion of the community we assumed that if someone who had played the level will be able to remember or recognize the restored parts that Panka claimed to have remembered we would end up with people backing up the existence of the restored sections this was before the level was publicly known and so popular as it us today so it wouldn't be Reckless to see commenters claiming they remember the level for the sake of publicity and luckily that is exactly what ended up happening commenters would barely any connection to Geometry Dash claiming what they remembered or thought the next player would be the Korean player GW sack who was one of the few players back in 2014 who managed to get 41 on RNG in practice mode he was able to prove this by showing his account on Geometry world and even updating one of his old posts from September 2014 with a cute high storm to signify that it is indeed him GW sack claimed to have been inspired by RG when building some of his old levels one of which being his level leap of mistrust but I'm getting ahead of myself here GW sack remembered very specific and unique timings in RG as it had plenty to follow them many of which had never been seen in a rated level before I'll be showing off these timings that he remembered when we get to them in the level where the two uses established in the story let's keep going with restoring RG now we have arrived at easily the most frustrating part of the entire level to try and restore this god-forsaken section above the secret way it was completely unfathomable to us for years on how one of the first Parts in the level have been completely forgotten by absolutely everyone but Parts after this section players had an easier time remembering for the longest time we did not know neither did anyone else but was actually about the secret way which always really confused me how could please remember sections that came after this one but not the part where players were first in introduced to the true difficulty of this novel towards the end of our research it felt like an impossible task and it felt like we had to give up completely and actually finding anything substantial however that was until one of the restoration uni members Nali who were granted the admin role on the geometry World forms we actually managed to find something as admin they are able to look at some deleted posts and their information any images or videos in deleted posts are unfortunately gone forever but comments still remain which is what gnarly managed to find amazingly he found a comment from dark X where he literally described the entire part above the secret way which almost sounds too good to be true but here we are these three comments were on a now deleted post about RG and it is unknown who made the original post but dark X posted three very useful comments in this post and putting them together the full quote read out as the following while this was extremely helpful it does still have vague details the first statement is rather self-explanatory one of the two mirror portals can be seen from the secret way it is just a straightforward automatic section where two gravity portals catch you and send you upwards towards a quadruple Spike jump the ballpark is also pretty self-explanatory it is a fairly traditional old impossible ball section with a few frames of leeway for each timing but what makes this section brutal is the fact that dark X decided to be batshit insane and add a mirror portal for every single jump for those unaware a mirror portal flips the camera horizontally and plays it through an entire animation to do so if you put Miracles this close to each other it ends up being a visual mess and you cannot see where you are going in the slightest very garbage but it is great progression for restoring RG the next quote was very confusing though reading it at face value darkik seems to be describing six standard Spike jumps with a mirror portal on top of each of them for someone who doesn't know difficulty in this game too much compared to everything else before this point these jumps are choke in comparison it seemed really off for a level to go from being near impossible to suddenly being very easy something was definitely off but with GW Sax's guidance he was able to pinpoint us to what dark X was referring to now this is a very old school gameplay technique I'm going to be mentioning here so I will need to give a description for how this gimmick works these two portals are gravity portals the yellow one reverses your gravity and the blue one brings your gravity back to normal again very simple stuff however players figured out that if you were to stack them on top of each other you get some very interesting results depending on the amount of portals sat on top of each other and what kind of gravity portal was placed last this cluster of portals will immediately send you flying towards a specific Direction the Creator's son on 924 and his health series levels was the first popular instance of this gimmick being used and he appropriately named them sinkers according to GW Sac this is what dark X was implying and that makes much more sense since it's much like the previous ballpark is a disgusting idea and near impossible perfect for RG however there is a problem with everything that tarkix described in his quote for the whole part it is not quite enough to fill in for a whole section for someone who tried to make a near impossible garbage mess I find it hard to believe that dark X will let you rest for two seconds of nothing while everything else around the section was stupidly hard there's a tiny section missing thankfully this is where GW sack comes in and speaks on what he remembers in this part apart from all the spammy garbage seen in this section there's one unique timing that he remembers from this novel the timing was arranged like this which yeah I don't think you need an explanation for why this is so hard if you play geometry dash before but what is incredible here is that this makes the whole section fit the length of all four separate parts put together fits the session perfectly the length is just right the first 11 of RJ that is 15 seconds long just like bekins's automatic version would suggest now if you have been particularly observant you might end up wondering how would the player go back down towards the ship portal since the player is nowhere near it after these parts nor are there any platforms nearby to actually reach the transition properly how do I know that the entire part is actually upside down and that the player doesn't go down somewhere well it does not confirm how dark X actually brought the player back into normal gravity in order to reach this ship transition but what is confirmed is that the entire section was definitely upside down now how do I know that because of because his broken order video when a player beats any level in this game the ending has a wall that the icon will transition into some levels including my own are deliberately hiding it but by default there's this wall at the very end of a level that can be seen as such the wall at the end when the kid completed the automatic version could also be seen however it wasn't fully on screen it cut off at the bottom for anyone that creates in this game and given the fact that this game has inconsistencies in the code everywhere this is a pretty big hint the fact that the player fell down from above into the ship portal this can be recreated pretty easily in this case all we need is an orb timing that will bring the player in to normal gravity and everything lines up perfectly admittedly there is no real way of confirming what dark X actually did to bring the player Mac down but this will have to do with that finally settled the first 11 percent of elements are 111rj ignoring potential minor mistakes is now fully restored as displayed by bichinson's Auto video the next part coming up is a ship section and thankfully we already had some of this shipped gameplay the dark X editor screenshot and super snsd's image of 20 fits in perfectly here and it also showcases where the ship section end however the first section of the ship was much like the previous section before completely unknown and forgotten that fight seemed to suggest that the usage of mirror portals didn't stop at all and at the camera movement mess persisted which was a pretty big problem one of the gameplay gimmicks that pamka claimed to remember was a pretty appropriate fit for this section a yellow orb ship timing into a vertical Spike Gap but it didn't really suffice for an entire section to just create this timing over and over it didn't feel like the darkening style for years we had no idea where to actually place this nor did we have any decent idea for what to add here because it never felt a good fit that was until we found another geometry World post from majako in this post he doesn't talk about RG per se but rather makes a reference to it through a different front level called electrodynamite by Siri in this post majako was making a review of this level showcasing a number of different parts across the level he doesn't have too much to say about the level but he makes a very interesting statement at the end of all the images the most important aspect of this quote is that majeko mentions the UFO parts are too extreme and that supposedly it reminds him of the normal routes in RG for reasons I will discuss later it can be safely assumed that this part majeko was referring to was in the first 40 percent of the level somewhere as such the only place where this statement can make sense in the level was here as all other parts fitted where they are currently at combining pemka's ship the image and the clutter-like Buster designs from electrodynamite and we end up with a part that is very likely to have existed in this level of course there's no guarantee at all that this board is supposed to be specifically here but at least there are exterior motives for this part to exist in the first place and by continuing the trend of adding mirapuros that constantly flip the screen horizontally like the previous part this part feels like it belongs in this level we obviously would have vote for an image or something more accurate and useful like a dark x quote that actually describes how the part looked like but we take what we can get with this new section combined with dark X and super smt showcase parts we have yet another section of the level complete with the first 20 of RG very likely fully restored before moving on we can make one final use of the image at 20 by once more looking at details that are almost off screen if you remember the secret way images and how we could see very tiny details on the left and right side of the screen there's a similar situation here on the top left of this image we can see a cluster of objects with two of them being differently sized spikes a Creator can control how objects are to fade in and out of the screen and at this point in the level dark X decided to change it and now they enter the screen differently on the horizontal axis making the object overlap for a brief moment as such this now becomes much more complicated in figuring out what kind of jump this is however we are still able to tell how far away from the player they are by looking at the opacity of the object textures so some of them are more transparent than the others since they aren't fully on screen yet and the opacity of these objects are influenced by their distance from the player following these rules we can establish the actual placement of these cluttered objects is this the only way this design made any sense to me was if it was created into a timing like this it is both a difficult and unique very fitting for a difficult dark X level given what pemka claimed to have remembered from this point forward the quad represented by this timing makes perfect sense ok so from this point forward it is going to be very difficult talking about any of the other restored Parts since majority of them don't really have a 100 accurate Foundation as to why they have been designed the way they are out of the remaining parts in this there's only two sections that come from a publicly available source as such we will now jump around in a level a bit starting off at the section at 28 combining every other memorized section this ball timing is pretty much confirmed to be in the real level somewhere now how do we know this according to GW sack he stated that he was inspired by some of rg's game setups and use one of the ball gimmicks in his own level leap of mistrust which can be seen at the beginning upon looking at this part an experienced player would know that in today's version of the game this timing is free since the ball game mode was changed and the updates that were to come in the earlier updates the ball worked very similar to The Cube if the ball hit a ceiling it would much like the cube instantly die when taking that into account this turns the part into a ball timing where the goal is to avoid the ceiling but in today's version the ball will simply bounce off with all the years of experience that I have seen of players and creators attempting to fake information let's just say that I can tell that this is a legitimate Source I know that in short that means I'm saying trust me this is real but given that this is a timing that I have never seen in any level before it matches the creative approach that dorking's had plus the intended timing was broken in the current update of the game which most fakers aren't going to consider when building I know for some out there that probably will not be enough but it goes to show how desperate this restoration project has become the final section that I would like to give a mention came from one of was having an idea for researching on Geometry World given that this forum is Korean oriented perhaps some users felt the need to describe the level with the Korean name for Rowan genome and thankfully putting Ron genome into Google translate brings with it an official translation which reads out like this putting this into the search bar of geometry world five different posts shows up one of which is the post where Arco exclaims that he managed to get six percent going back to that dark X discussion about the ultimate level 3 and the ultimate time again but what is particularly curious is that there's one post months after rgo's already confirmed gone this post was made by none other than GW sent himself evidenced by the English comments added years later once I started speaking to him translating the title of this post reveals that it says row into genome pattern and what we are greeted with is one of the most disgusting gimmicks for a ship part that I've ever seen in over 8 years of actively playing this game for experienced players yes this is a mini ship do you know fully well how awful this is but in case you're not let me give you a bit of an explanation why this is so awful in the 1.6 update released a few weeks prior to rd's original release the game introduced something called breakable blocks these are as the name implies blocks that the player can break but depending on the game mode they function differently with a standard Cube game mode the player can jump into them and break them upon impact but they cannot be broken when gliding on top of them when reversing gravity this obviously works identically but the other game modes that existed at the time the ship ball and UFO game mode were not able to do this in fact they are only able to destroy the blocks that are directly in front of them on the same horizontal level trying to jump or go any vertical Direction with these blocks surrounding them is impossible it has to be aimed correctly before you start breaking these blocks with that in mind and we look back at this disgusting gimmick once more this demands you to hit two blocks at the same time with a mini ship six times in a row whilst also making it through an already tight Spike Gap the hitbox for pulling this off is so insanely tight that the idea of even doing this today on a PC is ridiculous so our knowledge there is seemingly no player in the entire world that ever managed to beat the unnerd version of this level in practice mode which always came across as weird but if this gimmick existed in the level it suddenly explains why with other old and possible levels that were rated at the time like silent club and under serial demonness players managed to beat at least in practice mode through sheer dedication the furthest we saw players reach on RNG in the Korean forms was specifically 41 two players managed to do this to our knowledge GW suck an integral it always seems odd to see two players end at the exact same percentage in practice mode but it wasn't until we saw in GW Sanctus pose that it all became clear this is to this day the most brutal ship to make I have ever witnessed that is both unique and brutally challenging and in relation to RG as a full level a scary detail to this is that according to GW sank who still remembered that this section was placed at 41 said that even after this part of the ship the end of the ship part was not in sight as such it is assumed that dark X was such an evil Trader that he added yet another one of these ship camps right afterwards it is without a doubt the hardest ship part in the entire level okay from this point forward I'm not going to be keeping you here for much longer because not only is this video way too long but majority of parts coming up now are very theoretical the remainder of all the parts in this level are heavily influenced by the memory of other players mainly Panka and while even that has reasons and Foundations as to why they are there it would feel very redundant talking about parts that don't really have proper confirmation to be there so instead I will provide with a list of descriptions for each memorized section along with an explanation for why they are there when we requested pamca to rebuild the level based off his memory we didn't show him anything of what we thought was in the level to make extra sure or theories didn't get in the way of his memory what came out of it was a big number of different gimmicks or uniquely designed Parts as mentioned previously the final result of rg's theoretical restoration was that 23 percent of the entire level is confirmed to exist majority of the other sections are a combination of parts of theory theoretically would exist in the level or our failures for sections where we have no idea what gameplay was actually built there a compiled list of descriptions for all the theoretical Parts is shown as the following [Music] [Music] and here we are the end of the story about elements 111rj and the final conclusion in trying to find the level I've kept you here long enough so I will make this brief while showcasing the fully restored version of element 111rj this is just me riding on a whim not really caring about how it is phrased anymore and this is just me speaking my mind a massive massive shout out to all the Korean people that I've reached out to in order to gather information or translate the ridiculous amount of posts and threats that I needed it couldn't have been possible to get this level of detail without them I wanted to list them all but generally they're just so many to list and I've unfortunately lost track of some of them so I'm genuinely just going to thank the entire Korean Geometry Dash Community for all the help you've given me and massive massive thank you to the restoration Union group for all the absolutely insane level of research they put into this subject some of these findings are to this day credible and the story would not be this complete without them I owe them a lot with that I am headed out out and this will be my final video for the year I am Stormfly and thank you all so much for watching and thank you for all the opportunities you've given me all these years one way or another I will see you all next year and in the next video peace [Music] please please
Channel: Stormfly
Views: 222,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: W2VOlxhduII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 0sec (4620 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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