Zelda Lore To Sleep To | Sheikah, Twili, and Ganondorf

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Once Upon a Time there was a distant Holy Land powerful Sorcerers sought out a sacred golden Relic that could grant wishes to its wielder the goddesses intervened and they were not kind to The Interlopers sealing away all their magic within a stone and banishing them to a world of shadow [Music] a Triforce was eventually touched by a powerful man from the desert laughs this man named Ganondorf is granted a power imbued with malice to bring Darkness into this world settle down talking and dream of a land called Hyrule [Music] in breath of the wild there is a hint of where the Triforce might be on page 13 of the encyclopedia there is a very detailed timeline specifically following the Triforce the Triforce was created when the goddesses Departed the sacredrome in scarward Sword it's in its complete form and it's used to eliminate demise [Music] the interloper war was a conflict over the Triforce which resulted in the sacred realm being sealed the temple time was built over the sealed Temple as Fortress to protect the Triforce the stronghold was protected by a few layers the three spiritual Stones belonging to each representative tribe the Ocarina of Time and the song of time when link gains access to the sacred Realm Ganondorf just lets himself in [Music] he touches the Triforce when the Triforce is touched by someone with an impure heart it splits into three each piece goes to someone who represents that specific virtue they essentially become vessels of power courage and wisdom in this case Ganondorf receives the Triforce power Zelda the Triforce of wisdom and Link the Triforce of Courage Ocarina of Time is also where the timeline splits in the downfall timeline the hero of time is defeated Ganondorf steals the triforces of wisdom and courage and becomes dark Beast Ganon he is sealed Away by the sages in the Dark World formerly known as the sacred Realm according to Hyrule Historia page 92 the decline of Hyrule and the last hero of all possible outcomes link the hero of time face defeat at the hands of Ganondorf the thief obtained all three pieces of the Triforce transformed into the Demon King Ganon and continued to threaten the world in future eras the conflicts surrounding the Triforce continued Without End the blood of the Gods weakened and the kingdom of Hyrule shrank to a shadow of its former glory it's what's three times in the defeated timeline the Triforce ends up in its complete form at the end of this timeline in the child's timeline the hero of time returns to his time but since he was currently in possession of the Triforce of Courage this somehow influences the Triforce in the sacred Realm Ganondorf Zelda and Link come into possession of their respective pieces again it is still split at the end of Twilight Princess and this timeline it is also split in the adult timeline the Triforce is reunited at the end of Wind Waker finally in breath of the Wild the only reference to the Triforce comes from page 388 of creating a champion quote the Triforce itself is said to contain the power of the goddesses but that cannot be confirmed since the only verifiable Power tied to the Triforce in this Arrow was the light that appeared from Princess Zelda's right hand unfortunately nothing more is known regarding the Triforce you're pretty strong for a human to surpass me that was Splendid but remember this is not the end my hatred the demon tribes curse it draws an endless cycle of death and rebirth till the end of time forever do not forget this will happen again those like you you who carry the blood of the goddess and the soul of the hero shall forever be unable to escape from this curse that hatred and Grudge that Incarnation will continue to wander through a blood smeared Sea Of Darkness alongside you urgents for all of eternity [Music] he's an embodiment of hatred and a grudge that arose in distant Antiquity and revives again and again no matter how many times he's destroyed this form was born from his obsessive refusal to give up on her Bible if set free upon the world it would result in a tragedy surpassing the one 100 years ago an interesting note from a redditor going by the name of Alfred II quote I think demise's speech was actually planned as early as Twilight Princess there is a scrap speech from Twilight princesses Ganondorf that is almost word for word demise's speech this is interesting because it may mean that the whole reincarnation plot of the three continually Reviving and battling have been planned as early as Twilight Princess here's the speech when one who holds the chosen power appears necessarily one to accomplish the antithesis of that will be born that is the fate of those who bear the crests that were awarded by the gods you believe in whenever those bearing the crest appear in this world an age of Bloodshed will come as often as need be [Music] do not think everything ends with this think of this as the beginning of a blood smeared history of light and darkness to me this is really interesting but consider the fact that this is cut content it may have been cut because this is not the developer's intention who is Ganondorf Ganondorf is another character who appears in Ocarina of Time Twilight Princess and The Wind Waker he is an incarnation of the Demon King demise's hatred and as such he's generally depicted as a very spiteful and powerful man for 400 years a pair of twin witches called twin Roba have ruled the tribe from behind the scenes he was raised by kumei and kotake who worship Ganondorf as the Demon King in the name of the Gerudo he committed dark ax Ganondorf tested the limits of the Triforce of power resulting in his alter ego Beast form Ganon resembling a giant boar quote his rare ability to use magic made Ganondorf a powerful Thief Ganondorf is the only male member of the Gerudo tribe and in breath of the wild he was nowhere to be seen [Music] normally it's tradition there is a male Gerudo born every 100 years but in breath of the wild Ganondorf has completely faded into Legend but what happened to him in order for Zelda to receive her ceiling Powers she must go through multiple ceremonies rituals and communions across the series she is a Reincarnation of hylia consider this Ganondorf may need to go through his own spiritual Awakenings to tap into his magical abilities it's something that I have considered but have never deeply explored [Music] he has been trained by katake and kume he may have years of spiritual training as he is a strong sorcerer which made him a powerful Thief his ability to use magic is described as rare according to page 20 of the encyclopedia one possible explanation is that Ganondorf is demise reincarnated as described in demise's speech his ultimate goal a world of Darkness this is confirmed by Zan's speech in the Twilight Palace throne room stating and so my God has but one desire to make light and Shadow as one Darkness [Music] Ganondorf attempted to make a wish on the Triforce but it was split an Ocarina of Time however a world of Darkness has been his goal since the beginning it is reasonable to conclude that Ganondorf will attempt his One Wish in tears of the Kingdom as stated previously there is no confirmation on the whereabouts of the Triforce however those embodying the virtues of the Triforce link Zelda and Ganondorf are in the same physical place as seen in the trailers for Tears the kingdom [Music] Ganondorf may get his ultimate wish [Music] malice is a reoccurring poisonous substance officially it has been in breath of the wild and tears the kingdom however I believe that there are even earlier forms of mouse I have touched on the subject before but I've come to New conclusions involving malice when did made the earth I believe that she made evil things as part of the Earth evil is a natural part of life and there's really no mention of how demise came into being except that he and his horde of demons broke through a fissure in the Earth [Music] if the goddesses created everything they must have created demise this is clear in the existence of the evil Crystal which is pure crystallized monster mouse to me it's evident that Mouse is something that existed in the ancient times of Skyward Sword the Ancient Cistern was made to filter and purify the Water Source flowing into Lake Floria clearly it has grown more powerful under gendorf's control because in Skyward Sword it doesn't have any eyeballs or intelligence it's just there malice may also be a vessel through which gender performs his magic as seen in Ocarina of Time during one of the end battle cutscenes Mouse also has the ability to possess both enemy skulls and divine beasts Additionally the yiga May Channel their magic through malice often appearing red Alice also corrupts the Earth there are these fang-like blemishes jutting out of the Globs of malice thank you foreign tribe have served the royal family of Hyrule since the age of creation the traditions of Hyrule and its leaders are passed down and protected by the sheikah the sheikah tribe are a mixed bag of Warriors Sorcerers and scientists that are servants to the royal family of Hyrule they excel in mobility and jumping use magic and specialize in hand-to-hand combat through a variety of research they create unique tools for their tribe the existence of the sheikah is typically a secret to all but members of the royal family and those close to them the tribe best fulfills their Duty when acting in secret as the shadows of Hyrule kakariko Village was founded by the shika who will do nearly anything to protect the Royal Family quote all the people in this Village are born to serve the royal family of Hyrule the Japanese translation gives us more information quote it is law that all the people of the village serve the hyrulean Royal Family for the people of kakariko Village it is not a choice to serve but it is law to serve the Royal Family if a person was to resist I'm sure the royal family can figure something out to gain entrance to the royal family tomb link must play Zelda's Lullaby this action sends a lightning bolt down breaking open the family tomb within it are multiple zombie-like creatures that usually just stand in place Raiders have a petrifying gaze and prefer to attack when their prey is stunned link must navigate through these green pools of liquid and The Legend of Zelda official Nintendo's player guide it refers to these pools as toxic water the seven sages appear as a motif appearing across several games in the Zelda series they've been represented in many different ways in Ocarina of Time Each of the sages was a different race and other games they've been represented as odd glowing spirits or sometimes just maintenance [Music] in breath of the wild the seven sages are nowhere to be seen at least that's how it might seem at first [Music] if you do a little snooping around in Gerudo a valley you'll find traces of them lost a Time it's believed that people once came from around the world in search of the heroine's blessing [Music] each heroine had a different Power skill Spirit endurance knowledge flight motion and gentleness they're known as the seven heroines each heroine is adorned with a different symbol and while we don't learn much about them there seem to be some dark secrets around their lost history according to the Gerudo researcher Rotana the seven heroines were divine Protectors of Gerudo said to each have a different special power however when talking to bosai outside of Gerudo City we learned that there was an eighth heroine purposefully erased from history one of the more interesting things I found when researching this area was the designs on the walls around the heroines matching the designs on the walls from the royal family tomb there are similar patterns found on the Earth Temple from Wind Waker and on the ancient technology these similarities need to be noted even if no theories result from them immediately I thought it was kind of interesting and you'd think so too let me know if you have any ideas about these connections the green hand is a part of the rabbit hole somehow the green energy spirals out of it and Harkens back to the royal family tomb once again clearly this hand has been sealing Ganondorf under the history of Hyrule chronology and events on page 362 of creating a champion it states Ganondorf becomes Ganon and invades Hyrule Ganon is sealed this begs the question was this by choice of the royal family or was it ganondorf's choice it is important to take a note here and remind each of you watching this channel is about heavily speculating there may not be much evidence a lot of this is going on gut instinct to what the developers are trying to convey through the subtext of these carefully crafted games with that said let's get to speculating [Music] back in ancient Hyrule Millennia before breath of the Wild one of the classic Zelda storylines was playing out the current Link in Zelda at the time were just children and there was a current Ganondorf in charge of the Gerudo at this time all of the sages were Warrior priestesses that fought and Protected Their tribe from demons after searching through the past one of the sages discovered the pattern of the male Gerudo always becoming Demon Lord before an incarnation of the goddess and hero take him down deeply troubled by this and not wanting to lose their current civilization the sages talked among themselves about how to strategize a way for victory the eighth heroine put forth a plan why wait for the goddess and hero to grow old we can defeat him early if we act now one by one she convinced the other sages to side with her plan and after all we're in agreement they constructed a trap for the Garuda King and lured him deep underground at this time Ganondorf had not yet committed any atrocities and was trying to help his people standing within Hyrule when he received word from the sages requesting to meet him he was filled with optimism for the future but once he got to the meeting place his fate was sealed the eighth heroine attacked Ganondorf with her ancient magic clutching his chest and draining the life from his paralyzed body but something more was happening ganondorf's inner Spirit the hatred of demise she begun to absorb that as well and the other sages noticed the sage was attempting to steal ganondorf's dormant power horrified at what was happening the sages banded together and split the eighth heroine's Soul into seven pieces they then escaped from that terrible place and tried to erase the history of the eighth heroine and her tribe and her terrible magic the seven heroines retreated to different corners of the world carrying a piece of the eighth heroine soul with them to the grave and even to the heavens the only piece of her soul remaining was her hand keeping Ganondorf paralyzed in a state between life and death forever ganondorf's anger at being wrongfully in prison builds up and up and every ten thousand years the rage is self-manifests into Calamity Ganon which cyclically destroys Hyrule present-day Lincoln Zelda's search for answers to prevent any future instances of Calamity Ganon from destroying Hyrule [Music] they discover mummy Gannon in a cave with the hand of the eighth heroine holding him in place I theorized that Gannon didn't wrestle free of his restraints but that it was actually the eighth heroine who let go of him Ganondorf instantly pulled three big brain moves destroying the master sword separating Link and Zelda and attempting to kill link a crippled link is about to die when he is saved by the hand of the eighth heroine who merges with him and together they escaped the clutches of Ganondorf I think the plot of Tears of the Kingdom will be the eighth heroine's hand guiding link to the seven heroines burial sites which will be this game's version of dungeons in order to regain the Lost pieces of her soul but afterlink gets all the pieces of the eighth heroine soul and defeats Ganondorf the 8th heroine reveals herself as the true final boss she attempts to steal ganondorf's power one final time assuming this is the last game in the breath of the Wild series this probably ends with Link and Zelda defeating the eighth heroine and laying Ganondorf to rest peacefully the cycle of Calamity Ganon ceased forever the cycle of hatred over at last what's the evidence for an innocent Ganondorf since we see that Zelda has the mark of the Triforce on the back of her hand then the Triforce may have been split up again Ganondorf may have had a piece of the Triforce a good plan violently executed Now is better than a perfect plan next week this is one hundred percent the moment Ganondorf was attacked by the eighth heroine and he was definitely not in any shape to be fighting himself he's not wearing any armor or carrying any weapons and his clothes look to be some regular kingly robes I think this is a pretty good indicator that he was not expecting for this to happen to him the Lost history the eighth heroine statue in breath of the wild we come across seven heroin statues but we know that there used to be eight of them the eighth one is hidden far away from the rest with pieces of it scattered around perhaps it was moved using magic or maybe they never finished its construction either way bosai tells us that it was wiped from history maybe to make the people forget or not ask about the eighth one to prevent people from going there and somehow breaking the seal also this might just be a silly coincidence but the name Bozo has all but one of the letters for the word sonai perhaps alluding to the connection between the eighth heroine and that tribe if the eighth heroine was the leader of the Zone I tried it would make sense why they have been wiped from history keep in mind that in breath of the Wild the Calamity Ganon cycle has been said to be something that has happened over and over every ten thousand years it's possible that the entire history of how it started has been lost to time excluding Ganondorf and this character even the ancient monks that built the Divine beasts wouldn't predate the calamity which is why they seem to also know very little I believe this mural is depicting the eighth heroine and the eight pieces of her soul in the mural that was shown up in the trailer there are seven magatama surrounding a mysterious new character these seven magatama around the eighth heroine what do they mean nagatama are slightly teardrop shaped so it's possible that they are meant to be upside down droplets but let's look at magatomas from another angle the magatama are commonly believed to represent the Vitality of the human spirit I think that it fits pretty well with these being pieces of the eighth heroine soul when looking at magatama's many other Zelda games come to mind the Amber and sacred relics and Skyward Sword the Amber Relic item description reads quote a beautiful amber colored ornament they can be used to make item upgrades there are Tears of Light which are quote the source of the spirit of life's power in Twilight Princess in Spirit Tracks Tears of Light are used to defeat armored trains tears of din nehru infrared that link must collect as trials sacred tears gathered in the sacred realm during the final trial undertaken and skyloft the moon's tear a tear from the eye of the Moon it falls to the earth when linked peers at the clock tower from the astral Observatory there are other instances of magatama across the Zelda universe and many of these Maga Thomas have also been represented as tears these will be very important to tears of the Kingdom they are after all in the title of the game I think these tears will be scattered in different ancient temples and burial spots for each of the heroines piece together the tale of what really started the great Calamity and what role they had in it and lastly a very strong theme in breath of the wild is probably the strongest evidence to this Theory it's the idea of there are no shortcuts in the story of breath of the wild the Divine beasts were constructed as a shortcut to dealing with Ganondorf this backfired and ended up working as a shortcut for Ganondorf to deal with Hyrule maybe the Divine beasts were a solution to the problem because the sheikah weren't in the loop about the heroines [Music] not many people may have known about this ritual to indefinitely seal Ganondorf this took place long before the construction of the sheikah towers and shrines King Rome tried to pressure Zelda into completing her spiritual training as quickly as possible laughs and this backfired with her ending up not being able to express herself which locked her spiritual progression until it was much too late if link beelines to Ganon as fast as he can without doing the other game content he'll still have to face all the main bosses in the game at the end of the game Link and Zelda haven't really fixed anything and her bag is Square One in terms of dealing with Ganon [Music] all those technological advancements were for nothing and ten thousand years later Ganon it's going to return [Music] to destroy the world they created together [Music] I think this name hits really well if the heroines attempted to seal Ganondorf prematurely which created the cycle in the first place the hand will be an antagonist playing against link link will think it's his buddy until the end a hand will trick link and touch the Triforce first laughs quote according to the fairy tale it is said that Calamity Ganon was originally a Gerudo this man named Ganondorf was once their leader but he plotted to make Hyrule his own and became the Demon King but his Ambitions were crushed by a hero who carried the blade of Evil's Bane although he transformed into dark Beast Ganon by means of a runaway power he was sealed Away by The Princess and the Sages bearing a grudge against the hero and the princess and after countless revivals and ceilings over long ages it is said that Demon King Gannon turned into malice and has come to haunt Hyrule itself part of the sheikah's history is enshrined on the tapestry this is something I have personally overlooked time and time again when analyzing the game but it is the greatest lore item in breath of the Wild the tapestry was painstakingly translated prior to the games released by Celtics community and I'll have a link to it in the description if you're interested it was translated from shika to Japanese and from Japanese to English it reads hylian's past stories of a distant long time past where multiple races lived and worked together in harmony the shika tribe's blue aura breathed through the land [Music] and this Mutual Prosperity continued until a cataclysmic disaster struck the hero and the princess attempted in vain to seal the terror which became known as clam deganon Divine beasts awoke from four directions and deployed a mechanical Army which made the king and his people fearful they fractured ganon's power and sealed him but tashika were banished from this land ever since the song that accompanies the tapestry is important once again the direct Japanese translations of this cutscene provided by liberal and historian give more context since ancient times the kingdom of Hyrule has prospered but its history is also a history of battles against a certain someone that one brought Calamity and has resurrected despite being destroyed many times The Name Of This calamity is Ganon foreign there were those who were born with the fate of protecting the kingdom a swordsman who possessed the soul of the hero and a holy princess inheriting the blood of the goddess these were the ones who appeared over the ages to wage war against Ganon their battles with Ganon were passed down as Legends in the form of songs from here I shall sing the story of the battle with clamdi Gannon from 10 000 years ago the ancient Kingdom of Hyrule it was once a time of brilliant Prosperity where a civilization and skill was welcomed already their adversaries those detestable monsters pose no threat [Music] through strenuous effort the ancient people used their skill to develop a new power all for the sake of assisting the hero and the princess who would oppose Calamity Ganon that new power the people created these machines that would become the driving force to seal away the calamity [Music] four gigantic beasts built in the likeness of animals these were named The Divine beasts free willed machines who gathered hordes to attack these were named the Guardians [Music] four citizens who possess exceptional Powers were chosen to Pilot Divine beasts the hero the princess the Guardians and the Divine beasts the preparations against Clem deganon were perfectly executed [Music] and when calamityganon Resurrected the battle this time became one's worst nightmare in addition to its bitter enemies it was assaulted by a swarm of new powers the Guardians protected the heroes with their vast numbers each of the enormous Divine beasts unleash a furious attack that stole ganon's power [Music] foreign with the blade of Evil's Bane the ancient hero delivered the finishing blow and with the Holy Powers she inherited the princess sealed Ganon so this song recites The Tale of the ancient battle with claimed again that occurred 10 000 years ago [Music] this whole tapestry holds a lot of interesting details let's start at the center and move outward the Triforce appears to be present as the backs of the hands of The Princess and the hero are glowing it could also be glowing on the back of ganondorf's hand there is some evidence to support this the same event happens in Ocarina of Time and the Wind Waker when the three pieces of the Triforce are split because the person who touched it wasn't pure apart and the people possessing those virtues meet it reunites the Triforce in the tapestry the Triforce is present this gives an indication as to last known whereabouts of the Triforce being about 10 000 years ago another thing that's really peculiar about the tapestry is the hero's appearance he appears to be radiating a bluish greenish energy The Sword in his hand to me doesn't appear like the master sword the curved lines crossing over each other remind me of the fierce deity sword but there's definitely no evidence to support that claim it just kind of reminds me of the fierce deity sword you know what I mean another hole in this theory is that in the Japanese version The Sword is called the blade of Evil's Main link also has red hair which is odd this could be related to the Zona armor but it's anybody's call moving outward on the tapestry there are many Guardians coming to Link's Aid and I mean a ton of Guardians one of the things that always came across is really peculiar to me was how quickly the royal family became fearful of the sheikah why would they turn so quickly and banish them from using technology kakariko Village is a testament to their willingness to submit to the Royal Family however you would think that the royal family would be grateful for the weapons that sheika made under the description of this part of the tapestry it reads quote on the far left are the citizens of Hyrule behind the king of Hyrule who is ordering his soldiers to pursue the fleeing chica there is no mention anywhere as to why they're being pursued [Music] this part is just left out of the story or is it the pilots of the Divine beasts always came across as extremely odd their bodies do not look human or chica or anything for that matter in creating a champion the only description provided reads the four champions of the Divine beasts their names and their races are unknown [Music] my partner Charlie has never played Zelda but he is quite interested in the lore when he learned about the tapestry and the backstory he suggested that the blights were actually the original Pilots of the Divine beasts and this is what caused the king and the people to turn so drastically on the sheikah he explained that the Divine Beast would need some kind of power source and theoretically could run on Soul energy providing Mobility to the Divine beasts there may be some truth to this as well the Divine beasts are powered by Souls of the previous Pilots when they are alive and deceased though this idea is directly contradicted by two things first the translation for blight is Curse uh future Moxie here uh doesn't a curse need to be like have something to be cast upon like a curse could theoretically still work with this idea because if they are curses does that make sense anyway uh continue and in the direct translation for the song the pilots are referred to as Citizens the Champions and the king of Hyrule have this green energy surrounding them they are like Poes Restless Souls of the Dead they had a purpose to fulfill and cannot be at peace which I have discussed in a previous video the blessing the curse of magic is a video diving into my philosophy and approach to understanding magic in The Legend of Zelda series which will be linked in the description below as discussed in that video the green energy is soul energy everywhere this green magic is is related to The Souls of the living or the Dead what if ashika created the blights there is some evidence to support this found in the direct translation on the tapestry quote and deployed a mechanical Army which made the king and his people fearful mechanical being the key word here meaning it was likely not powered by the people the people of Hyrule were desperate they didn't want to see their home destroyed because of clementiganon the shika have almost certainly experimented with this magic before given they were able to be preserved so long in the shrines if the blights were creation of the combination of chica magic and soul energy the people of Hyrule would have supported this up until after the war [Music] the strongest piece of evidence comes from the cut scene at the end of the game when Zelda says we'll make our way to Zora's domain Divine Beast varuta looks like it stopped working let's investigate the situation while recording this sequence I heard mifa say if we seal him away then we can restore peace to Hyrule and both your duty and mine will be fulfilled she states pretty clearly that her soul will be at peace which to me is explosive proof that the Divine beasts run off Soul energy being that all the Champions are pose they are all literally Souls that cannot be at peace but mifa found her piece she reached her goal she completed what she needed to and now she's at rest there is a conspiracy around the goddess statue the Forgotten Temple the ancient Mining facility the Gated time and the sheikah to be made here [Music] I have gone over all these ideas in various videos on my channel so consider going on a binge of all these crackpot theories each Theory Builds on the next okay for one at the end of scarward Sword where does the activated gated time go presumably empa establishes control of this very powerful tool all that equipment machinery and Technology didn't just disappear from existence they were buried while creating a champion describes the sheikah retreating into their devotion for the goddess hylia I just get the feeling there might be more to this it appears that the Forgotten Temple could extend deeper past these walls considering when standing against the edge of the statue the building goes a little further I think she's hiding something and I think the Shiga are in on the secret behind her could be the Gate of time kept secret after all these ages preserved in the place that was forgotten perhaps this is what some of the sheikah were retreating to they seem to mysteriously vanish and reappear throughout history even the encyclopedia acknowledges this stating quote at certain points in history encountering ashika is a rare thing awfully interesting considering the last place the Gated time is known to be is in the possession of impa a prominent leader of the shika tribe I think the sheikah have been using the Gated time on behalf of the Royal Family they likely have a lot of requirements guidelines and rules related to its use [Music] low rulian historians suggested in a tumblr post quote this may not have been the first time that the tribe has divided due to its differing ideals and motives the ancestors of the Twilight race who were banished into the shadowy world of the Twilight for their part in the ancient war for the sacred Realm have many similarities with the sheikah tribe including their use of Technology fueled by Magic and the incorporation of the eye Crest on the throne the ancestral magic Relic known as the fused Shadow and the murals throughout the Twilight Palace so I ask you now how deep does the rabbit hole really go nehru goddess of wisdom created the laws of the world wisdom is a theme associated with and represented by the color blue breath of the wild is a game that represents wisdom to make it through the shrines and the Divine beasts you must be clever some of the puzzles in the shrines really had me stumped I may have had a look up one or two you're presented with an object and you have to get it to another location you're given a few elements and you must cross and expanse there are even mazes which you can outsmart some would take me hours to figure out even thought-provoking spectacles such as the seven heroines with the eighth hidden one breath of the Wild Forces you to think use your mind to overcome different obstacles another thing to mention the shrine's turn blue upon completion the sheikah technology is saturated with blue to start up the Laboratories you must light the blue flames even the hero set given to you is blue it matches along with the other Champions the sheikah and the Royal Family that's blue blue is a symbol of the Royal Family one that has been passed down for countless Generations or in other words those that make the laws of the land developers intended to consciously or unconsciously associate blue with the story blue is breath of the Wild's motif this is not the only time we've seen blue represented in the series in skyward's Sword time shift zones were mined at linnairu Gorge and transported to lanero Mining facility according to one of the ancient robots it is clear based on the level design and the archaeological information that these Stones had been mined for many years hylia ordered these to be mined to set her plan in motion the gates of time were constructed of many cubes of time shift Stones which can be used to create a portal that sends link back in time the master sword could potentially be crafted partially from this material as an Ocarina of Time it is used to unlock the sacred realm but also used to accelerate or reverse time for link in addition the Ocarina of Time is used to open the door to the Temple of Time according to the ocarina's in-game item description this is the Royal Family's hidden treasure which Zelda left behind it glows with a mystical light and on page 86 of Hyrule Historia its blue white Radiance brings to mind the time shift stones found in the arrows of antiquity which helps solidify but not necessarily prove the time shift Stones as a concentrated magical blue material which can be used to manipulate time that's not the only thing this energy can manipulate Wind Waker features the Tower of the Gods link uses the Servants of the tower to complete the level link faces goat on at the end of the task to be worthy of the master sword they are both controlled by the blue energy the sacred grove statue puzzle in Twilight Princess lights up with the same color blue completing this puzzle gives link access to the Temple of Time the Temple of Time deserves its own Theory and you can expect one from me very soon blessing the goddess sword and neighbors flame upgrades the sword's dowsing ability in context of the game it's kind of boring and it really just helped finish the level to guide myself [Music] guide my sword when speaking with my partner about it though he brought up that it's a pre-cognitive ability High being this scholar that I am had to look up exactly what that means it's for knowledge of an event especially of a paranormal kind he said you're literally holding out a sword like all right sword where do we go and it tells you which honestly good point the sword has an ability that exceeds Link's wisdom showing him what cannot be seen immediately with the eye kind of reminds me of the lens of Truth and I'm really curious about where those ancient Flames went because like these were like the sacred Flames like goddess or didi producing like a teardrop right like that teardrop is gonna be like sacred what I think is gonna happen in breath of wild too is you're going to lose the master sword and have to reforge a master sword and then you're gonna have to go back and you're gonna have to find the ancient flames in the underground tunnels right for Roar goddess of Courage created those who would uphold such laws courage is associated with and represented by the color green tears of the kingdom is a game that represents courage there are many new exciting game mechanics which many of you know Nintendo filed patents on December 15 2021 featuring combat in the air and moving through terrain the second trailer teased a new flamethrower weapon and an ability with his new hand hinting that there will probably be more uses with Elden ring success I imagine the game being more combat heavy this game link will be fighting at every turn there may not be many peaceful places left in Hyrule but there's one problem the bane of Evil's Blade the master sword is damaged badly there may be some process of restoration involved the master sword was forged using the sacred Flames that may still be lurking somewhere around Hyrule there could be trials designed by the goddesses to access the sacred flames in a video by Wolf's Link's shadow that will be linked down in the description below he speculates that the trailer for tears of the Kingdom references the sound from the sacred Realm [Music] the sacred realm leaves you without any defense and forces you to collect the scattered tears within the various locations timing stealth and most importantly courage are required to overcome the trials sidebar the music is so horrifying one misstep almost leads to a panic attack tears of the kingdom is already associating the color green each teaser we have seen has greens scattered throughout the landscape the master sword and even the logo the greenish energy spiraling out of the greenish hand look I get it it might be a little bit more teal but we are speculating here the developers are beating you upside the head with the color so that you know this color is specific to this game tears of the kingdom is lining up a theme around courage we've seen this greenish energy before an Ocarina of Time using Zelda's Lullaby sends a lightning bolt down breaking the Royal Family's tomb open giving link access to the Sun song which curious considering how breath of the wild Associates lightening heavily with Ferrar however in this tomb this pools of burning magic acid quote the existence of shika is typically a secret to all but members of the royal family and those close to them the tribe best fulfills its Duty when acting in secret as the shadows of Hyrule in Arizona War they are essential agents of the royal family handling all matters of duties from combat to intelligence gathering no matter how dark or perilous the task they will do what is necessary to keep the Kingdom from harm this tomb was not really about collecting the Sun song the developers intended this location to invite speculation the Chica were experimenting with this green energy something went horribly wrong clearly because there are redeads wandering around to ensure the magic was never discovered they locked it behind a gravestone that could only be broken with the Royal Family's secret passcode which somehow activates lightning that must be some crazy powerful magic not to mention in the Ocarina of Time 3DS remake the texture of the energy was changed to match almost perfectly with the new energy in the tears of the Kingdom trailer The Interlopers were a group of powerful magic wielders that tried to seize the power of the Triforce they were banished from Hyrule and sent behind the mirror of twilight as prisoners [Music] the Twilight Realms architecture is wrapped with the same eerily familiar color the soul energy charges the master sword with light that can cut through Darkness oh my gosh is that a so nice world I'm getting there the people of Hyrule turned into spirits that are the same color with this magic Minna is able to teleport large objects such as Bridges and a giant magma Rock warping from location to location at any given time and the few Shadows seems to be hypercharged with this energy because Minna is able to pop Zant like a party balloon with only quote a fraction of the power and this even horrifies her it is not until this game that we know the name of the energy Soul energy even in breath of the wild there are remnants of this energy in luminous Stones the in-game item description for luminous Stones reads this mysterious mineral gives off a pale blue glow in the dark which some believe to be Souls of the Dead may be a concentrated form of this energy the zonai are a whole culture that value these stones these peoples seemingly suffered a similar Fate To The Interlopers this energy all seemingly revolves around one thing The Souls of the living are the dead creatures but Soul energy when tampered with becomes a powerful deadly weapon able to easily collapse Hyrule Souls of the Dead is indeed an interesting choice of words all of this seems too coincidental the readout experiment cover-up the banishing of The Interlopers and presumably anyone associated with this magic another instance of the royal family smothering the magic out of the Kingdom likely to maintain the image and protect the kingdom the zonai Twilight and those affected during the Hylian Civil War have unmatched magic that could uphold the laws but also threatens the control of the royal family has over Hyrule there are a few other notable mentions that didn't quite fit in the last sequence blessing the goddess sword in Forest Flame lengthens the blade and increases the offensive power clearly this is keeping with the theme of courage and combat in Wind Waker the statues turn green when link controls them using the command song another instance of statues turning green is when link uses the Dominion rod in Twilight Princess the machine and the tears of the Kingdom trailer also seems to be controlled by this energy din created the Earth power is associated with and represented by the color red others have speculated that there could be a third game this would make breath of the wild in tears of the Kingdom part of the trilogy I will call this hypothetical Game Song of the spirit the third game would focus around harnessing Link's power thus purifying his heart so he can push the cycle away it could possibly be focusing the story around what makes the cycle if we don't already learn that from tears of the Kingdom is there a Red Energy represented throughout Hyrule you know it you've seen it malice malice is a source of energy known for both possessing objects and people Mouse corrupts and reanimates enemies as well throughout the series most of the enemies will explode into what looks like malice this form of energy goes all the way back to Skyward Sword in the Ancient Cistern Nintendo black crisis has an excellent breakdown of malice and will be linked in the description below he also theorizes that the polls in the Ancient Cistern are pulls of malice there are cursed goblins dark keys and dark lazalfos all which can Jinx link they also drop the greatest lore item in Skyward Sword the evil Crystal's description States quote a chunk of pure crystallized monster malice often obtained from Monsters who possess the power to curse while these crystals predate demise they could also be a form of din's energy evil is a natural force of the world in Ocarina of Time We are never actually told what Ganondorf wishes he might have wished for ultimate power but the goddesses were quite the tricksters he didn't get actual ultimate power instead all the Red Energy belongs to Ganondorf from this point on the series If This Were true the ideas surrounding Mouse start to make more sense another thing to note in this game he uses waves of Darkness so that Navi cannot get close which resembles malice in Twilight Princess quote his abiding hatred unless for power turned into the purest form of malice that same evil power passed on to Zan Ganondorf is able to possess Zelda with his power in breath of the wild mouse is able to possess different enemies goals Nintendo black crisis asserts that Ganondorf can see through all the malice at the end of the game we fight the final boss the Japanese translation reads quote the form of dark Beast Ganon was born from his obsessive refusal to give up on Revival so now we have established three Energies red green and blue power courage and wisdom there must be a system of checks and balances in the Kingdom for such powerful Magic there is one instance in the Zelda franchise demonstrating the system in Wind Waker din's energy hits forward Four's energy hits nehru nehru's energy hits din almost like rock paper scissors for Roar beats nehru nehru beats DIN and din beats four what if for his energy was meant to keep Neighbors in check this is why the sheikah and the royal family have worked vigorously to make the green magic a secret green Beats blue this is also why at the end of Twilight Princess even in her most powerful form midna isn't able to defeat Ganondorf red beats Green this could also be an explanation as to why ancient arrows are able to damage Dart B scannon Blue Beats red many of the trials meant for link to prove himself come in threes in Skyward Sword link imbues the goddess sword in three sacred flames din's power for his courage and neighbors wisdom must be collected before learning the song of the hero in Ocarina of Time link pursues the master sword and quote in order to open the door it is said that you need to collect the three spiritual stones in Wind Waker Link must collect three goddess pearls there are three pieces of the Triforce so what happens when they combine when the colors red blue and green combine in real life they create White speaking in terms of these various forms of energy what could the white energy be Force quote the sacred power the gods gave the world it's the breath of life itself seldom has a great video about this and it will be linked in the description the light force is defined as quote a source of infinite power from the heavens that holds the enormous power of the force which originally dwelled in all things quote imbued with the immense sacred power of the force the goddess sword was transformed into the master sword the three spiritual Stones unlock the door time the three pearls unlock the Tower of the Gods all these quests are for the master sword the three songs unlock the song of the hero which gives link access to the Triforce so the Triforce is the force of the three goddesses combined with this a person who touches it can make a wish Zelda is The Reincarnation of goddess hylia the sacred or sealing power we have seen Zelda use is force energy force is light itself and is the most powerful of all the energies [Music] The Interlopers were a group of powerful Magic wielders they attempted to establish control over the sacred Realm the goddesses ordered the light spirits to banish The Interlopers Arbor's grounds is where the banishment took place quote the Gerudo have left the kingdom of Hyrule after losing their leader Ganondorf within the desert now stands an execution ground governed by the kingdom something that is not well established in the Zelda Canon is the hierarchy of power according to a post from a now deleted Reddit account the order could go something like this the golden goddesses would be the highest power hylia would come next then the dragons the four Giants and the light Spirits Portland officials reporting to both hylia and the goddesses directly the sages would be the next level the titty chickens should be considered in the hierarchy as The Architects of the goddesses making physical structures by their order I imagine the goddesses can make orders at any level there is evidence of this considering the goddesses directly ordered the light spirits to intervene the goddesses also gave the sages a direct order to guard the mirror of twilight since ancient times cannondorf led a Band of Thieves to invade Hyrule a attempting to establish control over the sacred Realm this could be interpreted to mean Ganondorf LED The Interlopers in the pursuit of the Triforce he is renowned for his use of evil magic throughout the series the goddesses then ordered the three light spirits to intervene sealing away the magic The Interlopers had mastered the goddesses forbade the Twilight from returning to the world of light Ganondorf was brought to face justice but by some cruel Stroke of Luck he was saved by din's power quote by some Divine prank he too had been blessed with the chosen power of the Gods he easily overpowers the sage of water boiling over with the power of the goddesses Ganondorf clearly has more Authority here the Sage's rightfully panic and open the gate to the Twilight Realm [Music] quote a good plan violently executed Now is better than a perfect plan executed next week it was a quick fix how much could he possibly be capable of in there Hyrule was about to find out [Music] a very sad Twilight pouts about not getting their Throne crying out to the gods was seemingly no answer but then he hears something maybe his prayers have been answered and they were quote I was denied the power of offending our ruler it was then in the thrall of hatred and despair that I turned my eyes to the heavens and found a god Sant was given access to the Triforce of power which gave him authority over the light spirits in a Zelda dungeon forum asserts with this unfathomable power Sant has the freedom to enter the light world because he has no authority to stop him he was able to shatter the mirror of twilight into four shards but not break the mirror how is ant able to travel to the light world it is never shown in game or confirmed in Hyrule Historia or the encyclopedia Minna is able to make portals at the end of dungeons they just teleport back to the entrance there are portals all over Hyrule where the Twilight beasts must be defeated to convert the portals this allows minute to take advantage of the portals that are already made to be able to warp throughout Hyrule this is likely because Zant made these portals in order to wreak havoc on Hyrule these were his entrances into the light world chin adds the portals looking traditionally more Twilight and minna's ability to use them could mean that they were created through Twilight Magic but Amplified by the Triforce Zan's ability to travel freely breaking the mirror of twilight into four pieces and his authority over the light spirits clearly displays the capacity of the power that Ganondorf holds it is important to note that the mirror shards are located in incredibly hard to reach and peculiar locations the first one is in snow peak runes this is easily explained because there is a portal leading to this location meaning it was likely opened to place the mirror Twilight in this abandoned location the second piece is found in the Temple of Time I have a theory about the Temple of Time Linked In the description below one of my theories asserts that link is in raru's Temple of Light in the heart of the Sacred realm this raises some questions how would San get into the Temple of Time especially since the master sword was used as a sort of key to one get to the Past and two unlock the entrance to the sacred Realm the third piece is in the city in the sky this is extremely puzzling why is The Shard here in the city of the sky there are no portals and no evidence shown of how Zant may have arrived at this location how did Saint get here in Nintendo Block crisis's video he draws many architectural connections between the Palace of Twilight and the city in the sky what does it mean though he could have somehow teleported to this location but this is also unlikely because there's no red portal remnants left behind in the city in the sky he would have to have knowledge of it one could argue since Ganondorf is now part of him they can exchange information we almost certainly know he's been here given hargrock is Chris with some kind of Twilight Magic so again how did Zant get here we'll come back to this quote though the goddesses verbat us to return to the world of light they left one link between light and darkness two serpents appear on the back of the mirror Twilight on a lot of the artwork there are two serpent-like carvings on the doors in the logo there is a Triforce engraved on it as well the heads of the serpents are facing outward as if guarding the Triforce while I was in Okinawa years ago I kept seeing two dogs or lions at the entrance of almost everywhere I went they were at the end of driveways in restaurants and almost every storefront or place of business little statues would be placed above doorways they're called shisa they are very common and distinctive trait of the culture of Okinawa Islands according to kenpai Japan's website when closed male female is supposed to keep the good spirits in One open mouth male is supposed to scare the evil spirits away this is something worth mentioning as it could be a way for the zonai to denote locations in Hyrule for keeping in good spirits or scaring away bad spirits Nintendo black crisis asserts that it was the goddesses themselves that made the mirror it is the only path to the Twilight Realm the goddesses ordered the sages to guard the mirror this kind of debunks the idea that there is a second mirror they left behind the mirror as a Gateway should the need ever arise listen to this remember that ganonorf was the one who gave Zant the power to overthrow the Twilight monarchy and invade Hyrule so he may have been the one who broke the mirror but it wasn't his own power and if it was ganondorf's magic that destroyed it it explains how an object created by the gods could be broken going further perhaps this dark power was used to curse the mirror shards since once again this is Ganondorf we're talking about at the very least it's something to think about and think about it I did [Music] in my theory about magic and Hyrule I propose a Ganondorf wish for ultimate power and that all the Red Energy belongs to him from this point on the series if Ganondorf has ultimate power this explains so much it explains how he gave xanth the power to shatter the mirror made by the goddesses it gives him the freedom to travel back in time enter the sacred realm and get to the city in the sky without a portal ultimate power Zen can do whatever he wants and he does this rock does not look very important at first glance when the mirror of twilight Shines on it a white design illuminates the stone this is reminiscent of the good time for a few reasons when activating the Gate of time it lights up white this is because link uses the force stored within the master sword one of the conclusions I came to was that forces light itself and is the most powerful of all the energies this energy is what gives link the power to deliver the skyward Strike and is also one of the things that makes the master sword so powerful if the mirror was made by all three goddesses then the gate to the Twilight realm would run on Force energy the second reason why the mayor of Twilight is reminiscent of the Gate of time is the way the portals look when activated they both are receding tunnels composed of layered circles they both bear a Triforce at the center of the portal while they are obviously very different both are Divine in nature everything with Association to the goddesses is fueled by force since Zelda is highly reincarnated it would make sense that the royal family had a hand in constructing Arbors grounds around this mirror Nintendo black crisis's idea of the mirror being moved later cannot be discounted with the help of the Oka this place was likely constructed for courtroom proceedings the Scimitar of Twilight also has the same elaborate embellishments on the sword which have a striking resemblance to the Engravings on the back of the mayor of Twilight it also glows with this bluish white color the design in the center is reminiscent of the sky Arrow and Skyward Sword link must complete the trials given by the goddesses the way he appears in the realm as well as the circle at the entrance of the trial are both bluish White another object worth mentioning is what link uses to seal way demise when glowing the color is a pale bluish White we'll match the color of the sword when charged if the mirror was left here by the goddesses perhaps the portal rock is merely a surface which to protect the portal effectively by those wishing to use the mirror however I'm more interested in the patterns that are projected to me the Triforce being present and the patterns being very clearly white point to being powered by force light is divine in nature they share a similar decorative qualities with the Twilight Realm presumably the mirror and this rock were the last place The Interlopers saw before they were banished from the world of light laughs [Music] the Twilight realm is a domain of Shadows inhabited by the descendants of Interlopers who were banished for trying to establish control over the sacred Realm link is only able to explore a small amount of the Twilight Realm with more floating rocks off of the distance the Twilight have distinctive patterns on their chests signifying Clans they also rarely speak and prefer to primarily communicate with other Twilight this is all speculation however I imagine the plows of Twilight being either a place of worship or a capital building where the Twilight could mean it is likely the latter since there are only a select few who appear at the palace quote though they lost their most powerful magic abilities the Twilight still possessed some magical power and the strongest of them can even teleport the clan leaders likely have the ability to teleport to the Palace to participate in Council meetings there is evidence to support this as well given Zant was not chosen to rule the realm and midna was this was likely by the vote of a council but the idea that a monarch decides cannot be dismissed either quote they maintain a monarchy much like those in Hyrule and their Leaders with those generally with the strongest magical power their strongest leader is chosen and the fused Shadow is passed down to them quote the ancient magic of the Twilight is sealed within the Magic Stone known as the fuse shadow after it is divided by the Light Spirits three pieces are placed under the care of farron Eldon and lyneeru together the pieces take the shape of a face and Grant extraordinary power this magic is dangerous and the sorcerers wielding it nearly succeeded in their efforts to establish dominion over the sacred Rome all the soul energy has been smothered out of Hyrule out of fear the collective magic of the Twilight sealed in one place the Twilight culture was likely framed around a yearning for the light world and acceptance of where they're at I speculate much of their architecture design is based on what they remember from the mirror chamber as this is a significant event for the formation of their entire culture the crest of the Twilight also seems to look like a symbol for the mirror this supports the claim that their culture is built around their shared trauma the Twilight are trapped behind a one-way door that only opens to seal away more people it's a sad but peaceful existence Sans plight seems more reasonable given the understanding of the history of his ancestors allowing the Twilight back into the light world could be a risk as they may have a grudge against their captors it is possible that there is a second mirror there are so few other possibilities if the oga had a hand in constructing arbiter's grounds and possibly the mirror of twilight then they could have made more than one there is evidence of this in four Swords Adventures this takes place in the same timeline quo long ago a dark tribe invaded Hyrule they were defeated and imprisoned within the mirror the tribe's mirror prison was then secreted away hidden in the Forest Temple to sever its connection to the world sounds too coincidental and way too familiar this place is literally in the clouds [Music] Twilight realm exists in more than one timeline [Music] the interloper work takes place after the event's discovered sword and before Minish Cap this is an absolute fact [Music] this was brought to my attention while watching the Zona documentary by Nintendo black crisis which will be linked in the description below since there is no confirmed placement on the timeline this could explain why Zelda mentions Twilight when speaking to the champions [Music] there are two other timelines where the mirror still exists and there is evidence in breath of the Wild this structure on the beach is only readable by one person that we know of this text has not even been deciphered by any theorist simply because there's not enough information my belief is the existence of the statue is meant as a representation of a way to pass down the lore of The Interlopers [Music] this immediately caught the attention of so many Zelda veterans because it was meant to remind the players of the mayor of Twilight there is no way that they were able to track down everyone with this magic some people probably swore secrecy to protect themselves or their family The Village would want a way to feel connected to their ancestors and may have constructed a mirror-like structure based on the legend and Scattered them to teach the younger members of the tribe their history over time the teachings may have been lost [Music] the shika have also been outcasts of Hyrule they are devoted to the Royal Family [Music] some of the magic that chica used to preserve themselves may have been Soul energy we know that they've experimented with it before also considered they may feel some obligation to bring truth to light leading link to discover this place If This Were true the nashika May possess some magical abilities he didn't think I was done did you [Music] there is evidence of an alliance that exists between these tribes the sheika eye is a prominent symbol for the sheikah tribe it appears in some puzzling locations it is on the back of the few shadow is displayed proudly in the throne room of the Twilight Realm Zelda or hylia herself may be in on it too since the Twilight robe features the symbol the Twilight could have assisted with the construction of the mirror as the simtar of Twilight and the throne room all have these snakes clearly hinting at a connection though as Nintendo black crisis points out the Twilight had nothing to gain from making the very thing that they're imprisoned by it is possible the Twilight assisted in the construction of the Gate of time though [Music] the only possible evidence for this claim is the green energy in the gate of time or so I thought upon recording this cut scene Charlie my partner spotted this on Mina's Royal garments a time on her dress gate of time hidden in plain sight [Music] all of this green energy is connected somehow I know it this Rabbit Hole goes so deep [Music] quote long long ago the people of the world were filled with piety and the land knew many years of peace before long however conflict began to arise in the sacred Realm called Hyrule people began to appear that were proficient with magic and they attempted to control the sacred realm with their powers the gods dispatched four light spirits who sealed the usurper's magic into the few Shadows then they banished the offenders to the Twilight realm using the mirror of twilight so that way they could never be able to return to the light world the sacred realm is called Hyrule because at the end of Skyward Sword the Triforce exists in this reality where did the Triforce come from it came from the sacred Realm the sacred realm is literally wherever the Triforce exists and this is where raru would return the Triforce later sometime prior to the events of Ocarina of Time I previously believed the Silent Realm and the sacred realm to be the same place given their visual similarities these people who appeared who were proficient with magic may have appeared from the Silent Realm the Silent Realm is where Link participates in the trials for the goddesses notice the blue particles in the air now in the tears of the Kingdom trailer there is a shot showing blue particles floating through the air however this place looks dark and spooky prior to a link to the past the seven sages seal Ganon in the Dark World formally the sacred Realm keep in mind the sacred realm is anywhere the Triforce exists the light Spirits were broken down into tears link must collect hmm tears of the Kingdom wall if it is the collective tears of each of the races in the Kingdom these are what link must collect there being eight of them korok Rito Zora gorons hylands Gerudo Chica and the zonai being the final tier s of the Kingdom the entire Kingdom quote Ganondorf was sent to the Twilight Realm there The Demon King granted the ambitious Zen magical powers and began plotting to unite the light world and the Twilight realm into a single World known as the Dark World I believe there's a strong possibility there will be a dark World in tears the kingdom given these hints in the trailer [Music] something to be mentioned in my research is that Minna is able to shatter the mirror of twilight power is only strong enough to break it into four pieces what is midna being able to break the mirror mean [Music] I could be wrong about all of this there could be truth in some if not all of this evidence who really knows these are all legends anyway right that means the lore is all up for grabs loosen up out there I might get some details wrong I have a lot of people helping me do my research looking at you Javier I only say these things to encourage our community and our many other favorite creators to really speculate together this Rabbit Hole could go a whole lot deeper I'm currently crafting another theory and I would love to hear your thoughts about minda's powers in the comments make sure to like subscribe and share the Channel with other Zelda nerds out there thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Moxie Watts
Views: 337,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda theory, zelda, speculation, moxie, twilight princess, ocarina of time, mirror of twilight, twili, twilight realm, sheikah, midna, fused shadow, breath of the wild, zonai, botw2, green energy, zonai tractor, asmr, Theory, Forgotten Temple Theory, Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom, Skyward Sword, Guardians, Sheikah Tech, Technology, buried, Lore, Watts, Heavy, Speculation, sleep, relax, totk, spoiler, viral, pewdiepie, master sword, divine beast, shadow clan, arbiters grounds, gerudo, deku
Id: _2POhdpY2Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 2sec (5462 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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