100 Lore & Story Secrets in Ocarina of Time

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Ocarina of Time is the most iconic game in the Zelda series and one of the most important milestones in gaming as a whole for good reason it of course marks The Legend of Zelda's transition from 2D to a fully explorable 3D World and to this day almost 24 years later Ocarina of time's version of Hyrule is still magical and fascinating full of little secrets and interesting characters a few weeks ago I looked back at breath of the wild and collected a hundred law and story Secrets little details that help the player piece together the game's story and hyrule's history so today let's do the same for Ocarina of Time with 100 lore and story secrets and trivia in order to answer the Deku trees call for help link needs to find himself a sword and shield and in a hidden area behind the village he can find the kakiri sword a short blade Fit For A Child we're not told the history of the sword but we do know that it's considered a treasure of the kakiri but despite the sword the most powerful melee weapon in the kakiri forest is actually just a stick some Deku sticks are the cut stalks of Deku Babas but according to the kakiri shop the one sold there are branches gathered from the great Deku Tree according to the official player's guide the Deku Shield has a similar origin it's carved from the Deku trees bark though link was born a Hylian he grows up alongside the kakiri a magical race of forest children according to one the kakiri were given Life by the Deku Tree the forest Guardian deity was poisoned by Ganondorf when he refused to give up the kakiri emerald and though link purges the parasitic evil living inside its trunk the Deku Tree dies shortly afterwards but not forever after the Forest Temple link meets the Deku Tree Sprout who goes on to become the great Deku Tree scene in the Wind Waker if a kakiri leaves the forest they will die because they leave the protection of the Deku Tree however at the end of the game we see kakiri at London Ranch and according to the game's Cinema Scene director this is because link has purged The Forest of evil and the Deku Tree Sprouts range of protection has expanded the kakiri forest is referred to by the Deku Tree as the source of life and also as a barrier that deters Outsiders and maintains the order of the World perhaps there's something dangerous out Beyond the Forest which serves to defend Hyrule against Outsiders there's a more Sinister side to the Lost Woods Too Fado notes that everyone who gets lost in the forest becomes a stalphos except for children which Navi suggests becomes Skull Kids a skull kid in the Lost Woods can be taught saria's song and it's implied that this is the same skull kid that goes on to terrorize termina in Majora's Mask he mentions that link has the same smell as a fairy kid who taught him a song in the woods it appears that link is somewhat prophetic he dreams of Zelda's escape from Ganondorf this is explained by the Deku Tree who says that as the Servants of evil gather strength those sensitive to it suffer nightmares on the trunk of Link's Treehouse we can find a carving showing what appears to be link battling a dinosaur-like monster perhaps a depiction of another prophetic vision Princess Zelda has prophetic dreams too she claims that she dreamed that dark clouds covered Hyrule until a ray of light Shone from the forest and lit up the ground obviously symbolizing Link's Journey from kikiri forest her Visions aren't a secret either even common folk in castletown know about her prophetic dreams bomb flowers are native to Death Mountain and can only be lifted by someone with goron-like strength apparently they're mining plants used by the gorons to carve out tunnels and harvest rocks for food but they're not only used by the gorons they're traded agoron in the castle Town Bazaar notes that he's there to sell bombs likely having just delivered a shipment to the store according to the Goron link the son of darunia named after the hero of time there was once a legendary Goron hero who used the Megaton Hammer to defeat volvargia gorons survive on a diet of rocks the most nutritious and delicious rocks are found in dodongo's Cavern and the gorons have become so fussy that they won't eat rocks from anywhere else once Ganondorf blocks the dongo's cavern and the gorons begin to starve darunia had to hide the Goron's Ruby out of fear that someone would eat it King dadongo is apparently the biggest toughest to Dongo around by the time of the game's story but clearly this wasn't always the case de dongo's Cavern is built using the remains of truly gigantic ancient the dongos medi Goron is a huge Goron found in one of the tunnels of Goron City and he's the younger brother of Big Goron who's too enormous to fit inside the mountain at all and can be found on the summit both Medi Goron and Big Goron are Smiths but the smaller of the two lacks foresight his magnum opus the Giant's knife breaks after only a few hits his inability to plan ahead is noted by a gossip Stone which claims that he didn't really think about his own size when carving out his shop on the other hand big Goron's work the Big Goron sword doesn't break however during the trading Quest required to obtain it link takes the broken Goron sword off the head Carpenter it looks like Medi Goron's Giant's knife and obviously is broken but according to Big Goron this broken sword is his work so perhaps he wasn't always as great a blacksmith spectacle rock is a classic recurring Zelda location ever since the original it's appeared in almost every single game in the series in some form Twin Rocks that look like a pair of spectacles well though it goes unnamed spectacle rock is found in Ocarina of times Hyrule 2. the fire temple is actually built into Twin Rocks in the Death Mountain crater London Ranch sits in the center of Hyrule Field owned by Talon and his daughter Malon who can be found in the horse pen singing oppona's song which seems to resonate with animals it tames and calls Epona and can be played to cows in return for milk the song was apparently composed by malon's late mother we don't know much about who malon's mother was but if link speaks to Talon while wearing either the Gerudo or Goron masks he'll comment that it reminds him of his wife according to a gossip Stone Malon waits for a knight in shining armor to take her away after link awakens from his seven-year Slumber Ingo is now in charge of Lon Lon Ranch he mentions that he planned to give Epona as a gift to Ganondorf but couldn't manage her wild nature decorating the Hyrule Castle Gardens just outside Zelda's Courtyard are statues one of a man in robes and another depicting a figure in armor though we're never told who they are some hyrulean soldiers take their job more seriously than others the guard at the gate can be bribed to allow length through but another will try to kill him should he shoot the window in Zelda's Courtyard by throwing a bomb in his Direction the reason Hyrule Castle has such tight security in the first place was because one of the juggling twins snuck in to try and see Princess Zelda if link explores the back alleys of castletown just after Zelda and imperf flee from Ganondorf he can find a soldier lying on the ground he claims that he tried to stop Ganondorf and his men from chasing the princess but failed and after he finishes talking he stops moving in the original version of the game just outside of ganon's Castle link can find the skeleton of a horned monster and in the 3D version it's made clear what happened to it the helmet and shield of a Hylian Soldier lie in the dirt alongside the remains though it seems the Hylian got the better of it a spear is buried in the skull's empty eye socket there's evidence of another huge Beast a massive claw Mark can be found on a tree on Lake hylia's central island but there's no sign of whatever monster caused it according to the dancing couple in the market the king of Hyrule is considered fairly handsome according to a man in castletown hylians have long pointed ears so they can hear the voices of the Gods though he's huge and muscular the owner of the shooting gallery is no stranger to a temper tantrum if link starts a game but doesn't shoot the owner gets offended he won't let link play again unless he exits and re-enters the room and won't look him in the eye Ocarina of Time takes place not long after a bloody Civil War one that ended in the unification of Hyrule under the royal family the Deku Tree Sprout informs link that it was during this terrible conflict that a Hylian mother fled the fires of War to seek refuge for her son in the kakiri forest leaving a baby link under the Deku trees protection a man in castletown describes the sheikah as the Shadows of the hylians and that they swore allegiance to the royal family since the Civil War ended however the sheikah have vanished a gossip Stone mentions that many believe them to have died out save for one rumored to live in Hyrule Castle the lone surviving chica is imper Zelda's assistant at some points likely because the sheikah had all but died out imper opened up kakariko Village to the Common People allowing hylians to settle there but not only did imper open kakarikoto Outsiders she's got bigger plans too she hired the Carpenters to work on the village in the hopes that it would one day become a thriving City we do know that the sheikah were heavily involved in the Civil War evidenced by the Shadow Temple under the kakariko graveyard is a torture chamber crawling with the undead a plaque in the dungeon reads here is gathered hyrule's bloody history of greed and hatred and the Zelda encyclopedia expands on this by suggesting that the Shadow Temple was where the sheikah took enemies of the royal family to be interrogated or worse the kakariko graveyard is also home to the Royal Family's tomb and the graves of the composer Brothers Two musicians who may have been chica considering that they claimed to come from kakariko Village in life they served the royal family and studied the mysteries of their magical bloodline the lens of Truth is found at the bottom of the kakariko well a chica Relic that allows the wearer to see things which normally go unseen according to an old man in the village it was once owned by a man whose house stood where the well is now considering what Horrors lie underground you have to wonder what sort of man this was according to Shiro the carpenter the Gerudo are aware of the lens of Truth he overhears a group of them talk about needing the Eye of Truth to cross the haunted Wasteland when link returns to kakariko Village as an adult he discovers that the gravekeeper dampe has died and by racing his ghost he can earn himself the hook shot dampe's diary found in his heart reveals how he came into possession of the hook shots and as you'd expect he dug it up somewhere the master Craftsman's family is quite large there's his son the boy who sits under the tree at night the cuckoo girl is his daughter because she refers to his son as her brother and Granny is probably his mother being the grandmother of the Craftsman's two children the old man in kakariko also mentions that a family who once lived in the village was cursed due to their greed this refers to the family in the sculptler house who have been Twisted into half human half spider living nightmares this doesn't seem like it was ganondorf's doing it was the curse of the gold sculptures which link can hunt down to return the family to normal the mask of Truth is another Chico Relic this time loan to link by the happy mask salesman he mentions that it has been passed down through generations of chica the musk salesman will also lone link a far creepier mask aptly named the spooky mask which Bears an uncanny resemblance to The Masks worn by redettes especially in the N64 version it sold to the boy in the graveyard to help him look scary but according to the Lakeside scientist it's carved from the wood of a coffin the graveyard kid mysteriously vanishes during the seven-year time Jump when Nick explores kakariko as an adult the boy is nowhere to be seen according to yoshiaki koizumi the boy met with a rather Grim fate he wandered into the Lost Woods in search of his family and got lost as with all Hylian children who were lost in the woods he became a skull kid The Carpenter's son meets a similarly unfortunate end during the Big Goron sword trading Quest disgusted by everyone even his family he leaves kakariko for the Lost Woods when link finds him he asks link to take an odd mushroom to Granny who uses it to make medicine but ominously notes that it won't work on a monster when link Returns the boy is gone according to Fado he turned into a stalphos the graveyard kid's dad is the guard at the gates leading to Death Mountain he asks link to sell him a Keaton mask for his son which is apparently the boy's favorite but when he does the guard just wears it himself it's not clear what exactly the skull mask is meant to represent it's sold to the Skull Kid in order to make him look scarier but various kakiri have interesting reactions to it Fado asks if you're meant to be a forest ghost Saria says she's seen something similar to it in the Lost Woods and the Deku scrubs in the forest stage will comment that the mask looks exactly like their sacred Forest totem though it's not clear what they mean by that granny has a pet tiger cub on her desk in the 3DS version a sign in Granny's shop can be translated to read an excess of medicine is akin to poison there is no cure for a fool medicine prescribed good medicine is hard to swallow the Forest Temple is the abandoned crumbling ruin of a fortified Manor House in the depths of the Lost Woods what it was originally for and who built it remains a mystery but an interview with character designer satoru takizawa reveals some interesting information on the four Poe sisters who link must hunt down throughout the temple he notes that these pose were once priestesses who worshiped in the temple in the distant past and that Ganondorf took advantage of their desire to protect the temple explaining why Meg the eldest sister is found crying in the central Hall after her three sisters have been defeated after link defeats the far Temple's Boss Phantom Ganon Ganondorf himself speaks to link expressing disappointment in his creation and his intention to banish it to what he calls the gap between Dimensions Mido bullies link as a child for his lack of a fairy probably because he's jealous of how close the hero is to Saria after the seven year jump he doesn't recognize link and after the Forest Temple explains that if he saw link again he'd tell him that Saria really liked him and would apologize for being mean Saria repeatedly mentions Forest spirits that if you play the Ocarina in the sacred Forest Meadow you can talk to them and that the forest Spirits were calling for help from the nearby Temple but we're never shown who or what these Spirits are similarly we learn from kepora gabora that the water temple was used by the Zora to worship water spirits and darunia mentions fire Spirits when offering his Medallion to link the Gerudo are almost all female save for a single male born once a century a gossip Stone helps explain how they reproduce apparently Gerudo women travel to castletown in search of boyfriends according to script director toru Asawa the reason the Gerudo can reproduce this way without diluting their bloodline is that their children are always born fully garudo regardless of the father's race as long as there are men who fall for the Gerudo women's charms their line will never die out in the 3DS version there's a rotor for guard Duty hanging in the Gerudo Fortress as well as a map for navigating the haunted Wasteland and a curious map of Hyrule completes with a Triforce symbol over castletown perhaps used by Ganondorf to plan his attack one of the stranger mysteries in Ocarina of Time is that of the gerudo's religion the spirit Temple is obviously incredibly important to them and notably features colossal statues of a woman referred to by Chic as a goddess of the sand link visits the spirit Temple twice both as a child and seven years later as an adult as young Link he sees naburu captured by kotake and kurume and years later frees her from their brainwashing according to the Carpenters during these seven years naboru stole from the week and her gang of Thieves were known for cruelty and brutality even for brainwashing other people at the Spirit when Link re-encounters naburu in the spirits Temple as an adult she's imprisoned in a suit of iron knuckle armor forced to fight Link against her will but it seems that this might be the case for all Iron Knuckles they all bear Gerudo markings and if we clip the camera inside an iron Knuckles helmet we can see a Gerudo Warrior inside suggesting that they're all soldiers brainwashed by twin Rover the Carpenters eventually try to leave the life of manual labor behind them and join the Gerudo as thieves but instead are imprisoned in cells in their Fortress but it seems that this idea wasn't completely out of the blue before the time Jump Ichiro in the kakariko bazaar notes that the only job he can think of where he can make a lot of money without effort is thievery and wonders if it's such a bad idea as the only male Gerudo Ganondorf was destined to become their King but a gossip Stone notes that there's more to it than that apparently his people worship him like a god another gossip Stone gives us a little bit of information on ganondorf's horse a solid black Gerudo stallion though Ganondorf was evidently born to a Gerudo woman we don't know who his mother was instead he was raised by the witches kurume and kotake Navi mentions that the pair are his surrogate mothers over the seven years link is sealed in the sacred realm Ganondorf visibly changes after the time Jump his eyes glow yellow perhaps due to the influence of the Triforce of power and his hair is much longer Ganondorf is cunning and manipulative he pledges a false allegiance to the king of Hyrule but secretly tries to extort the spiritual stones from their three respective races when this fails and Link begins to collect the keys to the sacred realm Ganondorf doesn't stop him he just Waits and follows link to the Triforce the pocollector is a mysterious character found in the castletown guard house in the future he buys bottled pose off link and makes inappropriate comments but who is he it's never directly confirmed but the strongest candidate is the guard who is found in the exact same place in the past who says that he's really interested in ghosts and he wishes that some would come out unsettlingly if link kills a re-dead others nearby will Shuffle towards it and Crouch down either mourning or consuming its corpse I don't know which is worse [Music] during the Big Goron sword trading Quest the kakariko cuckoo lady claims that she's bred a new type of miniature hypoallergenic cuckoo which she calls the pocket cuckoo a gossip Stone suggests that she didn't do this alone however apparently she visited the Lakeside laboratory to study how to breed them she's not the only lady visiting the handsome Lake scientist though granny is Apparently one of his students there's a shark trapped in a cage at the bottom of the Laboratories pool and the Lakeside scientists treatment of animals gets worse with the eyeball frog used to make eye drops for Big Goron the scientist initially mistakes the Frog for a gift and is excited about cooking up fried eyeballs for dinner before realizing that he instead needs to use it for medicine koizumi suggests that neither King Zora or the scientist felt particularly bad about using the frog in this way apparently a memorial service is held every year to pay respects for animals that have been used by humans time blocks are mysterious cubes marked with the same patterns as the door of time but multiple times throughout his Adventure link needs to play the song of time to cause time blocks to appear or disappear but what's actually happening here is a lot more interesting playing the song of time causes the block to switch between past and present this mechanic isn't really used in the game but if link plays the song of time to vanish a block in the future if he then visits the same spot in the past it will be present there and vice versa the owl que pora gabora serves as a guide for link throughout his Adventure the game never reveals anything about his identity save for gossip stones that claim that he is The Reincarnation of an ancient sage and though he looks big and heavy his character is rather light-hearted fans took this to mean that the owl could be a Reincarnation of roru the sage of light whose Spirit remains in the sacred realm which was then confirmed by Hyrule Historia however the game itself seems to contradict this at the Spirit Temple kapora gabora notes that even he thought that the tales of a Boy Who Could travel back and forth through time were merely Legends information that he would definitely know if he was actually roru we don't know much at all about the sage of light except that he built the temple of time to protect the entrance to the sacred realm roru's Temple is the Temple of Light the only Elemental Temple not explored by link during his Adventure situated in the very center of the Sacred realm the only room in the Temple of Light seen in game is the Chamber of sages roru explains why the main temples are filled with monsters each Temple is connected to the sacred realm and ever since Ganon seized the Trifles of Power by breaking into the sacred realm his evil has poured out of the temples into Hyrule it seems that knowledge of the Temple of times connection to the sacred realm is pretty common even though Zelda claims that this is a secret passed down by the Royal Family the Ocarina of Time itself is a striking blue color one that apparently glows with mystical light it can control time and Hyrule Historia notes a similarity to skyward Swords time shift Stones perhaps the Ocarina of Time was made from this material the harp Chic plays alongside links Ocarina was retroactively given a backstory in Skyward Sword as the goddess harp used by both Link and Zelda Link's Adventure seems to have been foretold long ago roru explains that only one worthy of the title of hero of time can pull the master sword from its pedestal and that link had to be sealed for seven years because he was too young to be their Hero Of Time Sheik tells link of the legend of the temples passed down by the sheikah tribe which tells of ganon's occupation of Hyrule The Awakening of the sages and the role of the hero of time she notes that as link stands there holding the master sword he really looks like the legend according to Hyrule Historia King Zora's full name is King Zora dibon the 16th and according to toru osawa there was in fact a queen Zora but she died sometime before the game's events considering how different King Zora and Princess Ruto look this Sora Queen would have had to be quite beautiful according to Ruto the Zora's spiritual Stone the zorus sapphire has been passed down through their royal family and used to propose marriage the waterfall at Zora's domain is known as the sleepless waterfall of course link can't enter the domain until he proves his connection to the royal family and Zelda's Lullaby will part the waters and allow his passage kapora gabora notes that the Zoras serve the royal family by protecting the water source and an inscription near the Falls reads the flow of this waterfall serves the king of Hyrule when the king Slumbers so too do these Falls and it makes sense for the king of Hyrule to commission the Zoras to defend this water source Azora at the Domain mentions that all of hyrule's water flows from Zora's domain that it travels along the river and ends up in Lake hylia this does mean that hyrule's entire Water Supply runs under kingzora's balls but at least it's secure just like the graveyard kids another character mysteriously vanishes during the seven year jump Lord jabu jabu the guardian deity of the Zoras in the future when Zora's domain is Frozen the patron deity has disappeared only blocks of ice float where he once did his whereabouts in this timeline are never explained before he vanished jabu-jabu was cared for by Princess Ruto who prepared his meals morning and night the boss of the water temple Morpher is the source of the curse that has frozen Zora's domain according to Navi it is the master of the water temple a being with absolute control of water this could mean that Morpher was responsible for dark Link's appearance earlier on in the temple as he appears from Link's reflection on the surface of a pool of water Dark Link himself is incredibly interesting he begins the fight as a barely visible Shadow and mirrors links moves exactly but as the fight progresses he'll grow less transparent and copy link less like he's learning and becoming increasingly more real throughout the battle The Song of Storms is one of the Zelda series most iconic themes but where it actually comes from is something of a mystery it's taught to link as an adult by the man in the kakariko windmill who complains that a kid with an Ocarina played a strange song that messed up the windmill he tease link this strange song who then travels back in time seven years plays the song and messes up the windmill becoming the Ocarina kid that the man complained about in the first place so where did the song actually come from just like the man says the Song of Storms goes around and around and around with no actual origin an example of the bootstrap Paradox or causal Loop so there's a hundred law and story secrets in Ocarina of Time thank you so much for watching if you liked it leave a like or subscribe if you haven't already for more Zelda content cheers guys and I'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Zeltik
Views: 771,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda
Id: asaEE9xc0GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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