The Legend Of Korra's BIGGEST Issues...

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It was very good actually. But I'm sorry, I get "muh mysticism" complaint or whatever, but goddamn, not me. If Bryke ever released a paper on how bending actually works, proven mathematically and biologically with fourier transforms and all that shit, I would read the fuck out of it

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
look everybody loves avatar the last airbender it's pretty much the perfect cartoon the show is critically acclaimed and loved by the masses but i'm not sure it's exactly the same case for its sequel show the legend of korra in fact in all honesty quora is a pretty controversial show and now that it's finally on netflix i began seeing questions pop up all over the internet from new avatar fans saying is core good should i watch korra and i think that's a really valid question to ask so with core now being on netflix in avatar as a whole recently having a massive resurgence i think it's time we look at all the criticisms legend of korra gets to see how valid and true they really are especially since we've had a few years to sit with the show since it ended we're gonna run through all the major criticisms of the show and give our thoughts and opinions with evidence from the show itself so without further ado let's answer the question was koro really that bad let's start with one of the biggest complaints people had about the show our favorite air nomad aang specifically the gripe of aang being a bad father now look there's one thing i know we can all agree on aang is swole is oh my god aang aing became a chad jeez but was he a good father now look in the original series aang is kind of like this beacon of hope this perfect person he didn't even kill the fire lord who everyone including his past lives pretty much told him deserve to be killed aang really doesn't have a bad bone in his body so of course he'd be a great father but core was like not really it's complicated in the show it is not subtle that aeng definitely favored tenzin over his other two children bumi and kaya due to tenzin's airbending ability yeah that kinda makes sense to me look aang is great but he's not perfect and he isn't gonna be the picture-perfect adult we all imagined from watching him at 12 years old he didn't even hit his angsty face yet and it's hard to remember that because he acts so adult in the show but yeah i mean he's really only 12 years old he's barely a teenager puberty changes you man on top of that this just seems like a natural thing that he would do no matter how hard he tried to be fair tencent can airbend aang was the last airbender boomi can't even bend until season three a little late for that though and kayaking water bends so obviously she's gonna be closer to katara also ain't grew up without parents literally like an orphan and not even just an orphan an orphan who had to save the world i'm surprised he's not more screwed up than he is in all honesty if anything it just shows he's human he didn't make a conscious effort can you blame him for being so infested in tenzin do we not remember the end of the third episode of the last airbender where he found the bones of his people honestly i'm surprised you only had three kids one of the biggest complaints i have seen especially with the show recently is that toff became a cop and yeah i understand this this did not age well not to involve personal politics but considering this channel is run by an african-american man a college art student and a native american we're not exactly pro-cop but this is true toff is probably the most shocking adult version of any og character to original fans in the show after republic city was formed she was appointed to the first ever chief of police position toff is not only a cop but created her own division of police that specialized in metal bending now look this decision has always been controversial to fans but now more than ever for obvious reasons but similarly with aang the outrage and critique to this development always felt surface level though like with any conversation there are great points to make look again toff was 12 in the last airbender she wasn't gonna stay the same forever no matter how much of a rebellious rule breaker she was as a kid you want someone to hold you to the same standard you were when you were 12 at your current age especially in your 30s and 40s like toff was i don't even have memories from when i was 12. that part of my life is just blank let's not forget also toff came from a family of wealth and privilege something she wasn't all that excited about that likely influenced her decision because she already knew from just living life as a child how imbalanced the world was how someone can be born into luxury and be pampered every step of the way while others have to work day and night just to make ends meet not to mention events in the original series like boss and say probably woke her up to the reality of how deceitful enforcement can be and as a result wanted to make sure she ran a system that actually benefited everyone punished fairly and didn't abuse their power she had a very unique position and perspective that shouldn't be understated or misconstrued keep in mind however this is how she probably felt going into the job however toff didn't stay a cop at all she knew the system was corrupted she was brought on to maintain balance and knew that wasn't happening and even bent the rules herself for the sake of her child after sooyin resisted arrest from lin we don't know what else she could have witnessed leading up to the moment of her resignation but i imagine things only got uglier on the streets causing her to become disillusioned with what she thought this job would be versus how it all shook out after it was all said and done she eventually left to travel the world and became a swamp permit returning to her roots but maintaining the wisdom she gained over the years was toff becoming a cop in amazing development no but it wasn't meant to be it was supposed to be tough taking accountability and wanting to make a difference only to realize that even something young like republic city can create a flawed force that doesn't truly serve the people that there's too many personal interests and agendas involved to ever truly be fair and equal pardoning sooyin and tearing up her police report was evidence of that not just to the audience but to herself real quick here's a word from our sponsor remember that episode of okko where the bodega got hacked and the characters were transformed into terrifying cgi abominations you know what could have done them a solid in that moment today's sponsor surfsharkvpn look guys the internet knows a lot about us no matter how much we keep quiet it's important to keep ourselves safe luckily surf shark encrypts your private information and protects your online presence while making your time on the internet better in the process you can access geo-restricted content by making it look like you're in another country giving you the keys to the goods you couldn't watch otherwise i'm talking rick and morty on netflix baby attack lock id protection system alerts you anytime your email and password are compromised or leaked not to mention the vpn's blind search tool has zero ads and no tracking to really put things into 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katara zuko and toff never really shared a lot of screen time they don't really have big roles in the series in general to be honest only being sought out when they need help zuko and toff did have pretty heavy roles later in the series which was cool to see but some fans just weren't satisfied my personal hot take with this complaint is that i don't think that they should have had a big role in the series at all that's right i'm just gonna say it look cora is not the original series it's a whole new world in a whole new time on a whole separate journey having zuko and toff still out and about living the same events to me at least cheapens the feeling of a whole new generation that i think cora had to its advantage it's a brand new journey with a brand new avatar and brand new friends but also zuko can help if he wants also toff is still here the fact that she can just go to zuko for help it just feels too easy to me not only that but if this show truly took place after all of the original cats did die then their status as legends would be so much more prominent it would be cora staring at like a mural of the original cast being like what do i do i think that'd have a lot more impact than toff's still alive she's in the woods you know what i mean it's just like how two of the beatles are still alive it's just confusing now i understand that everyone's gonna agree with this in fact maybe nobody will this could end very badly for me but i think the bottom line is i really wanted this to feel separate from avatar and i still loved seeing the original avatar cast it was so cool seeing the older versions of the characters and i think there's something to be said about them going from the kids who needed help from their elders to being the elders themselves guiding the new avatar through their journey that's so cool and come on i mean what avatar fan doesn't want to see zuko again or toff or katara i won't use the word fan service but it's something that all fans would want to see so i understand people's gripes that maybe they're not a big enough role but that's the thing that balance made some fans unhappy they still exist in the show and they're still alive but they're definitely not a part of the main cast it's kind of one foot in one foot out in my opinion although i don't think it's that big of a deal i can see where people are coming from this is a big one the new origin for bending look this is a classic midichlorian situation bending is so cool and mystical and the original series kind of explained how bending worked well they alluded to it at least i think cora kind of redcon that lore in the original series it was very clear and explained multiple times that the original benders were the animals and the animals taught humans how to ban the sky bison taught the air no man's airbending those mole things taught earth bending dragons taught firebending back when those were a thing and in my opinion this was the coolest way to explain it it made sense to deepen the lore of the show and the culture of the show and avatar's animals are one of the coolest part of the series so it was cool that they had such an important role in avatar's history but then core was like nah psych they did this by revealing one of the biggest things in the entire avatar world the origin of the first avatar now i'm just gonna say kudos to them for trying to do this because this is a pretty daunting task coral revealed that in the before times the lion turtles gave bending to humans mainly to hunt and to forge but they had to give it back until avatar one shook things up refusing to give back the power some stuff happened he found rava he became the avatar the rest is history and like i said kudos to them for revealing this part of the lore because there's a lot of pressure here and that just boils down to the fact that guys things are always cooler as a mystery i spent years of my life wondering who the first avatar was and what that looked like when i saw it i was disappointed not because they did a bad job or told a boring story but because it just couldn't live up to the expectations i built in my head a mystery will always be more interesting than an actual explanation because your imagination is always bigger than the truth of the situation same goes here the ambiguousness of humans learned from animals how to bend causes you to speculate and think and doesn't handhold you the whole time but this was just a textbook explanation of how it happened and it's a cool story it is it really is i'm not sure if i entirely like the whole there's a good spirit and a bad spirit thing i think it's kind of corny but it was really interesting to learn the origin of the first avatar but it will never be as cool as seeing that line of past lives that just faded off in the distance it's like you don't even know how many avatars there were you're never gonna know man there's so many avatars we don't even know about where did the avatar get this awesome power why are they reincarnated all of those things were way cooler when i was just imagining and wondering than when i saw it happen on top of that yeah they did basically give a new origin to bending and i can see people being upset with that because if they didn't like korra or the show in general then they probably wouldn't be too happy with it going and messing with the original series as well and i can already hear the comments now i know the lore is technically the same and learning from animals is still officially in the history of avatar but my point with this is that changing or defining the lore in anyway still has an impact on the show in the long term this one's tough but i see where fans are coming from here another problem people had was just the insane advancement of technology from the original series decorah and this one is actually pretty interesting so look many people found cora's steampunk 1920s aesthetic completely unbelievable and they're not that off people just thought that the jump from technology and culture was simply too far for one lifetime i mean katarazuko and toff are literally still alive that's a lot to happen in one lifespan not to mention the fact that avatar's original world was so deeply rooted in eastern cultures it was like the least american thing ever so for them to turn around and be like never mind they made new york felt like this weird cultural americanization that wasn't necessary but i don't entirely agree with that let me explain although the avatar universe has its own timeline and technically took place between 99 and 100 ag the general consensus is that mirrored with our world avatar the last airbender takes place during the late 1800s and honestly when i first read that that caught me off guard i was like no way but the more i thought about it the more it actually added up look there is an impressive amount of technology already in the last airbender from the fire nation zeppelins to the massive bossing say drill we are witnessing the start of industrialization a majority of the avatar world doesn't have this technology but that makes total sense too i mean a majority of the four nations still consist of small villages and towns not bustling metropolises that's because the world as we know it was changed forever with the development of industrialization something that was just starting an avatar and is absolutely booming in quorum in our world before industrialization the world was a lot like the four nations technology didn't progress nearly as fast and culture was more rooted in deep tradition rather than generational change after industrialization though everything was different technology began improving exponentially just imagine how much our world changed from 1901 to 2000 that amount of change was just not possible before industrialization came along the world of factories and mass production and highways and even the internet our lives are completely different from our grandparents even our parents and our kids will grow up in a world completely different than we did a world we can't even imagine yet but before that this was just not the reality your dad was a farmer and you were a farmer and your kid was gonna be a farmer and so on and this is mirrored in the avatar world in fact quora is just the first example look how different the world korra grew up and was compared to the world aang did but aang was able to literally skip a hundred years without generally missing a beat i mean think about it it's not like aang hopped out of the iceberg and was like whoa what is this technology i don't understand it but in a little over 70 years the world of quora is completely indistinguishable from the four nations when we first meet them and not just the technology but the culture as well this technology jump is crazy but it's not unrealistic and personally i think the aesthetic is so cool i think the idea that they built a city of the four nations makes total sense and i'm not gonna lie the world of core to me is a little bit more interesting than the world of avatar because in avatar it's just like there's a dictator the core is like there's a council and there's evil politics and technology is expanding to me that's just one of the coolest parts of the series and would you want it to be set in the same exact world that would be boring personally here i feel like cora aces it one of the biggest critiques fans had was that quora chose seasonal stories as opposed to an overarching one and narratively the biggest difference between the last airbender and korra is that the last airbender had a singular focused storyline and its goal was clear from the beginning aang had to master all four elements and defeat the firelord by the end of the summer cora on the other hand essentially has a new storyline every season with no clear goal in sight it's a show that has well seasonal stories you don't know what to expect for the end game when starting up the series for the first time naturally this has invited a lot of critiques over the years from people that feel as if cora is more quote sloppy in its structure and innately weaker than its older sibling but i would argue that's not really a weakness in korra due to the nature of its production they actually made a great call by sticking to this format some people may not know this but book 1 was originally intended to be a standalone mini-series the 12 episodes centered around korra trying to get a grip on the alarming situation between the equalists benders and amman but it was obvious this return to the avatar universe would be successful and lead the fans craving more leading to another three books to be picked up because of this well the creators could have made an attempt to continue the equalist storyline and have it evolve into a larger narrative on its own i don't think fans would have been satisfied with that approach either as it would have felt forced what are we going to see an iman impersonator who happened to still be voiced by steve bloom on the other hand they could have attempted to tell a singular cohesive story through books two through four but then book one would have been alienated sticking out like a sore thumb while in a perfect world quora would have been greenlit for all four books from the jump and then provided a strong overarching narrative i think the show benefited from its seasonal approach there were no more elements to learn and the time crunch of the world being at stake was non-existent it made sense to tackle the smaller scale issues but still serious issues nonetheless that haunt this new society and assigning a conflict for each season everything being connected through aftermath and character arcs allows the audience to be fully immersed into each conflict without being distracted by the bigger picture besides the fact that cora is the avatar and has to deal with the problems of the world the last airbender for example had a lot of smaller conflicts but they were harder to fully absorb when we knew the biggest deal at the end of the day was the showdown between aang and ozai being the avatar requires providing balance to the world and you typically can't do that by solving one giant issue there's always going to be more work to do and that's exactly what the legend of korra portrays my biggest issue in general was just the fact that the last season felt so underwhelming like the series really didn't build to one big thing technically it's not like she dealt with tiny conflicts and then had her biggest one if anything i feel like the threats in the earlier seasons were bigger but i gave it kudos for just taking a unique approach to it and like i said it makes the most sense for the production i'm glad we got to see an avatar series where the avatar was just the avatar solving the problems of the world and cora did that really well now let's talk about the shipping okay guys like most shows the romantic relationships were kind of a mess the series started with the very obvious love interest of korra and mako and that made sense when it was just one season they got their kiss at the end it was perfect then the series kept going we got hints of mako and asami rekindling what they had and then eventually korra in the sami and i'm not gonna lie as cool as this was its representation and how exciting it was especially for the time when i first watched it i was like really okay that's because we just saw so many weird different variations of the relationship between these three characters and it just kind of felt thrown in at the end to me but what i didn't realize and what i definitely should have is that this was not their goal cora and asami as a couple were crippled by the network because representation like this isn't easy at all and usually there's a lot of problems with the network and the higher-ups cora and asami in particular were basically crippled by the network leading to them not being able to have the full impact that they deserved it wasn't just tossed together at the end if anything the crew fought hard to get this much in at all and no matter what there's still an abundance of hints throughout book 4 leading to that final moment i'm sure there's so many more stories they wanted to tell like this that they just couldn't and i'm hoping if avatar gets another series maybe they can go full force with it but no matter what you can't say the relationships in the show were a little messy nothing was better than varric and zuli though they're adorable and finally the biggest complaint of the show guys cora herself cora is generally viewed as a worse protagonist than aang people hate her hot-headedness her impulsive attitude and look cora isn't perfect and she's not ang by any means but i don't think she's a bad protagonist book 4 even has her arc of her recovering from ptsd and while that doesn't excuse her faults it's undeniable that it was an accumulation of her faults cora has never gotten off scot-free everything she's done that she's been criticized for has had a consequence at some point i think it's because we were so used to seeing a humble avatar and cora was just straight up cocky i mean aang literally ran away from the responsibilities of being the avatar but cora ran straight to them she's the opposite of aang on purpose personally i think this is a really cool direction that they took the series in i wouldn't want another aang like avatar being like oh peace on earth we've seen that before and it's not like just because she had confidence they made her impenetrable if anything her cockiness and her confidence led to some of her biggest mistakes some people tried to pull the mary's suit card and that's literally so stupid why would you want to see her learn to bend the first three elements we already saw that it would be boring cora didn't repeat anything we saw in the original series aang's whole journey was becoming the avatar cora's journey was her as the avatar and that's pretty interesting in fact i feel like she's dealt with bigger problems than most avatars have especially since she was the avatar in basically a brand new world that was changing faster and faster every day my biggest gripe is the fact that she literally lost connections to all the past avatars and they never brought it up again that makes me so mad i hate that but you can't dwell on your mistakes and you got to keep moving forward that's exactly what korra did korra is straight up unlikable sometimes but it's never unintentional she's a flawed character and i think that's exactly how it should be all in all i think cora was a pretty great avatar and that the legend of korra was a pretty great avatar series it's not perfect by any means but i think the original last airbender has a lot going forward in terms of nostalgia i mean i know i personally am willing to forgive it in a lot of places because i love it so much and i grew up with it cora is fresh and new which means it's open to a lot more criticism not to mention the fact that it's just so daunting to create a sequel series to something that was so perfect and beloved but i think they did a great job overall so is the legend of korra that bad that's up for you to decide but you should definitely give it a watch that being said i wanna know what you guys think about all this do you agree with what we said do you have other criticisms let us know in those comments down below tweet to us around tablevids or me and his retro nemo as always if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a like share it and subscribe to their own table for more incredible cartoon content as always guys i'm nemo this is livecore video and i will see you next time peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Roundtable
Views: 936,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar, the legend of korra, korra, atla, aang, toph, republic city, toph korra, book 1, book 2, book 3, book 4, book 4 toph, aang bad, aang bad father, red lotus, amon, kuvira, korra vs zaheer, aang vs korra, avatar the last airbender, korra vs toph, korra vs kuvira, korra and asami, asami, mako, bolin, zuko, katara, original team avatar, korra meets aang, legend of korra ending, netflix, airbending, waterbending, earthbending, firebending, metalbending, bloodbending, earth kingdom
Id: omB6FnzU270
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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