All 9 Known Avatars and Their Powers Explained! (The Last Airbender / Legend of Korra Every Avatar)

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what up space fam golsan here from anime uproar and as i'm writing this my first ever avatar video about every known vending style is already over 100 000 views so i thought it was about time to make another avatar video since many of you clearly wanted to see more to keep the avatar train going make sure to turn that like button blue like the arrow tattoo on aang's head and share this video with your cultured avatar friends if you haven't be sure to subscribe and this is crucial ring that notification bell or you will miss future avatar videos leave suggestions for avatar videos you'd like to see next in the comments now without further ado let's jump into it spoilers and all fun fact initially i wanted this to be my first avatar video topic but then i got obsessed with all the different kinds of bending and one thing led to another now though i finally get to go through every avatar from oldest to the most recent if you somehow didn't know yet the avatar is a figure in this series that is supposed to maintain the balance of the world and can potentially learn every type of bending that exists unlike everyone else the avatar is reincarnated and usually has access to his or her previous reincarnations although this gets complicated as we'll see later on in the video there have been countless avatars and we don't know enough about all of them to talk about them here so again this video is focused on the ones we know enough about to talk about now let's start with the first ever avatar juan who existed around 10 000 years before korra's time in juan's time people lived on different lion turtles who could temporarily let people borrow the power of the elements the world was also overrun by spirits so the lion turtles helped to keep the relatively weak humans safe juan was from the fire lion turtle who initially gave him the ability to firebend at first like the others he used it as simply a tool but after living with the spirits he developed the dancing dragon fire bending form by copying the motion of a dragon and firebending eventually became an extension of his body unlike those before him juan mastered higher level fire bending moves like summoning greater amounts of fire redirecting an enemy's fire back at them deflecting fire and using it like a jet pack fire bending remained his preferred element of choice however he did go to other lion turtles in order to gain the power of the other elements he learned how to launch air blasts and create an air cloud for transportation with air bending how to launch water and use it like a whip with water bending and how to launch boulders and launch himself into the air with earth bending he could only use the elements one at a time though until he permanently fused his soul with rava the spirit of light and peace aka the avatar spirit once fused he could use all the powers at the same time and enter the avatar's state which would boost his existing strength although juan did not succeed in bringing about perfect peace in his lifetime because of rava they could keep working on it because they would continue to be reincarnated through the avatar cycle we know of avatar salai as well who is remembered as one of the greatest avatars we're gonna breeze past this one because unfortunately we don't know much else about this avatar aside from the fact that he came before avatar zetto avatar zetto came from the fire nation because of natural disasters and feuds between the nation's noble clans the fire nation was severely threatened this avatar was unique in a sense because despite being the avatar he joined his nation's government and worked as a bureaucrat diplomat and even accountant rejecting his avatar privileges he worked his way up like anyone else to the position of grand advisor to fire lord yosor whereas the fire nation had to be nerfed later on at this point this avatar decided that he needed to help save it we don't see much of this avatar's powers although in a spiritual vision aang did see him in avatar mode lava bending the magma from get this for volcanoes so you know he was a force to be reckoned with he just might hold the record for being the most overpowered accountant of all time right after zetto we get air nomad avatar yang chen aka the great young chen she died about 345 years before the fire nation wiped out the air nomad yang chen was pretty machiavellian for an air nomad avatar usually air nomads would be pacifists aka people who believe that war violence killing and so on are unjustifiable and they also taught detachment from the physical realm but yang chen despite being an air nomad was against this type of philosophy for the avatar in her view the avatar had to devote themselves to the physical world and do everything within their power to maintain balance even if that meant killing as she told aang in the last airbender on a side note it is cool seeing different avatar reincarnations and how they can vary in their philosophies aing did not sacrifice his own spiritual needs by killing ozai as yangchan suggested rather he avoided killing and stayed true to his own beliefs by taking away the fire lord's bending powers showing that there are different ways of maintaining balance it should be noted though that young chen's approach was so effective that no threats of war occurred for an entire generation after her death yang chen was also the most powerful bender of her day and mastered all the elements in her youth as an air nomad she mastered airbending first and thus received her blue arrow tattoo in the avatar state using all of the elements in tandem young chen could overpower the powerful spirit old iron and although she was willing to do whatever it took to carry out her duty she'd prefer to solve conflicts without killing or even using violence if possible for instance with the fifth nation pirates she used a treaty to secure peace she made similar pacts with humans and spirits as was the case with spirit old iron in the end yangchen would be remembered as a great imbalanced avatar who could use brain and brawn to get the job done after yangchen came the northern water tribe avatar kuruk he was born 345 years before the fire nation wiped out the air nomads and lived for 33 years one of the cool things about kuruk is that like uncle airo he was into pi's show the chess of the avatar world after he mastered all of the elements he continued to ask his surprise companions for more bending training because like a pie show grand master he realized that learning never stopped and that his skills could keep growing with constant challenges once after he mastered all the elements he went to an uninhabited island where avatar young chen waterbended for the first time so that he could learn to control the avatar state he accidentally ended up destroying the entire island when he entered the avatar state for the first time things took an especially dark turn for kuruk after he visited the spirit world and encountered a dark spirit he'd go on to fight many dark spirits and he would lose his own vitality in the process and fall into a deep depression when he destroyed dark spirits it was causing damage to his own spirit kuruk kept this stuff secret so to the outside world kuruk just looked like a terrible avatar he would sleep through meetings get drunk and trust others to work things out for him he was a big time womanizer and would even use air bending to create a tornado of flowers in order to impress women the stress and depression led him to live a hedonistic lifestyle that was pretty much the exact opposite of jung chen's approach when he wasn't fighting dark spirits he would search for opponents whether human or spirit and challenge them to bending contests for fun he would challenge firebenders to agnikais or earthbenders to boulder lifting contests things briefly seemed like they turned around when he met his future wife umi he fell in love at first sight but on their wedding day she got dragged to the spirit world by ko the face dealer to punish kuruk for his past ways so just when things seem to be getting better the spirit world strikes again and devastates kuruk he spent every wedding anniversary searching for his wife in the spirit world but he didn't find her before he died at 33 years old making him the shortest lived known avatar he continued searching for his wife in the spirit world but eventually found out that coe the face stealer had stolen her face and that killing the spirit would mean killing what was left of his wife so he let the spirit live this dude is considered to be the worst of avatars because even though young chen did such a good job and paved the way for peace so well kuruk neglected his avatar duties in the real world and it led to many political problems after his death his life spiraled out of control but kuruk was very gifted no bender could beat him in sparring matches he was considered to be the greatest pie show player of all time showing that he wasn't just strong but smart too he was considered to be the best hunter ever and he used his skills to kill powerful dark spirit after powerful dark spirit he even damaged the strongest spirit he faced father glowworm enough so that this spirit couldn't cause any more damage for a good while afterwards kuruk was so talented he practically excelled at anything he took seriously he may be remembered as one of the worst avatars but he was one of the most interesting ones and he illustrated just how human and flawed the avatar could truly be after him came avatar kyoshi who was born 312 years before the fire nation wiped out the air nomads while kuruk only lived to be 33 years old kyoshi lived to be 230 years old which is pretty shocking she was born to the earth kingdom and she grew to be extremely tall ironically kyoshi was born to criminals including a runaway heir nomad nun named jessa and a thief from a poor earth kingdom family of actors named hark while her signature gold headdress and metal fans are from her mother her signature makeup comes from her father's face paint interestingly enough no one knew she was the avatar until she was 16. her parents had abandoned her which led to periods of starvation and later she even worked as a servant very humble beginnings for an avatar indeed as an avatar kyoshi could obviously bend all four elements and enter the avatar state she started out as an earthbender rather than an airbender like her mother curiously she was initially able to bend large amounts of earth but not small amounts which is the opposite of how it usually works obviously though she would go on to improve her earthbending skills she could breathe fire and she would use her mother's metal fans to enhance her air bending she was good enough at waterbending to raise ships and then freeze them in ice she was an absolute beast strength-wise she could lift a grown man with one hand even as a teenager combine that raw strength with her mastery over tessen jutsu aka the martial art of fighting with fans and you got yourself a deadly fighter even before you add in all of the elements and avatar powers kyoshi was willing to kill people to maintain peace and she tended to send them dropping to their doom in one instance she came up against chin the conqueror who wanted to conquer the continent including the peninsula where kyoshi lived kyoshi did the unthinkable she used earth and lava bending to separate the peninsula from the mainland and then used airbending to move the newly created island i don't think i've seen anything more impressive in this series than this i love lava bending a very rare and op sub-skill of earth bending and it's awesome that kyoshi knew how to use it chin the conqueror and warlord happened to fall off a cliff as a result of the avatar's actions however kyoshi said she would have killed him directly if she needed to she also learned about the secret of immortality from lao gay which allowed her to reconstruct a deteriorating body over and over again thus she seems to have used his secrets to maintain her appearance and to live for 230 years in her lifetime kyoshi created the kyoshi warriors and the daily historically significant groups that would continue to exist long after her death although she did regret forming the daily because of how corrupt they became in conclusion she started from the bottom and became an extremely powerful and mostly well-remembered avatar who had mastery over the elements new lava bending new martial arts had one of the most unique looks of any avatar and was more than willing to kill someone if she deemed it necessary obviously there is more that i could say about the details of her life but this is an overview video of each avatar so i'll be moving on if you do want a more in-depth video breakdown about a specific avatar just let me know in the comments after kyoshi came the fire nation avatar roku he was born 82 years before the fire nation wiped out the air nomads if yoshi was in his position she probably would have killed lord sozen before he could start a hundred year war but sozen lacked the decisiveness and deeply regretted it from the afterlife he went on to help aang his successor in the hopes that aang could right his wrongs by 28 years old roku had mastered all four elements and was able to control the avatar state he would live to be 70 years old avatar roku could also lava bend and he had insane control of his bending he could melt people's chains without harming them at all he could also use an airbender glider like aang create tornadoes that let him fly and create large air barriers that could cover an entire village he could also tunnel through the ground like a skilled earthbender and move large quantities of water roku was strong enough to easily overpower firelord soza in a fair fight he probably could have handled an erupting volcano too if it wasn't for the poisonous volcanic gases that eventually did him in he was 70 years old at the time and fire lord sozen betrayed him after the avatar had saved his life multiple times on the volcano on a side note avatar roku's animal guide was a dragon named fang dragons are considered to be the first firebenders and they would definitely be my animal guide of choice in the end like most avatars roku was very powerful he single-handedly kept the skilled fire lord solzen and the entire fire nation in check while he was alive some more notable accomplishments include the time he temporarily took over aang's body and easily out firebended four fire sages and commander zhao no small feat his air bending would cool lava into land immediately and was powerful enough to easily tear through buildings he initially struggled with water bending his elemental opposite but his water bending eventually became good enough so that he could defeat his teacher in a duel with just one massive wave and with earthbending he was especially skilled as i mentioned lava bending is very rare much rarer than metal bending so the fact that roku could do it is impressive in and of itself he also managed to beat his earth bending teacher in an earth bending wave race up a mountain and not only that he even had enough time to make tea for them before his teacher arrived now that's a flex if i've ever seen one after roku we get our very own avatar aang he was born 12 years before the fire nation wiped out his fellow air nomads a bit before the fire nation attacked and began the hundred year war aang was frozen in ice only to emerge 100 years later he was biologically 12 years old still but he was technically 112 years old when he met katara and saka he would go on to live until he was biologically around 66 years old although he was 166 years old chronologically among his notable feats he saved the world as a 12 year old by learning all the elements and even energy bending in less than a year as we saw with kyoshi who learned she was the avatar at 16 years old aang mastered all the elements and saved the world before many avatars even knew they were avatars after he defeated the leader of the strongest nation firelord ozai he finally began a romantic relationship with katara and they eventually had three kids bumi a non-bender that would go on to develop airbending powers in legend of korra kaya a waterbender and tenzin an airbender who would go on to keep the air nomad tradition alive by passing it on to his own children aang was an exceptionally gifted airbender at age six he was better than airbenders twice his age at age 10 he was better than his own airbending teachers and at age 12 he earned his airbending tattoos and became the youngest airbending master in nomad history up to that point at this point aang had already invented the epic air scooter which is the controlled sphere of air that he rides around throughout the series aang was told that he was the avatar 12 years old because there were signs that a war was approaching traditionally they'd wait until the avatar is 16 to let them know aang was burdened by this title and responsibility and it didn't help matters that he was ostracized from the other kids and forced to practice airbending more and more monkeyatso was the only one who empathized with aang and seemed to understand his burden but the other monks felt that he was too soft on aang so they were going to separate the two friends this was the last straw farang he ran away got caught in a storm and then the avatar staked kicked in in order to save him and oppa his flying bison from drowning using airbending and water bending he sealed them in a sphere of ice and they stayed there for the next 100 years in the meantime the hundred year war began and the air nomads were wiped out aang wasn't there to help because he shirked his responsibilities as avatar by running away and as a result he blamed himself for all the destruction and death that the hundred year war caused fortunately he was given a chance to redeem himself and he did by defeating fire lord ozai and bringing peace and justice to the world in regards to bending sub skills aang was the first known avatar to use lightning redirection of subset of firebending and seismic sense a subset of earth bending that allows the user to detect people's movements by sensing vibrations in the ground he did not seem to learn lava bending metal bending blood bending and so on which in a sense is cool for other characters because it gives them a chance to surpass the avatar in a way which makes the story more interesting to me it would be kind of boring if the avatar automatically became the best lava bender bloodbender and so on in legend of korra we do get some glimpses of adult aang at 40 years old aang stopped yacon yacon was a powerful bloodbender who didn't need the full moon in order to bend blood he used blood bending during his trial to make everyone including aang faint aang woke up first thanks to his avatar state and we saw how much his mastery over the air scooter had improved the air scooter was much larger and could stand on it rather than sit on it kind of like a surfer and he could easily catch up to a horse using it interestingly enough it seems that in his avatar state even the most powerful blood bending had no effect on him at this point and then ang proceeded to energy ben yacon's abilities away one of the most impressive instances of water bending we saw was when ang merged with the ocean spirit law in order to form koizilla together they completely devastated all the fire nation forces that were attacking the northern water tribe it was like avatar state eng was fighting in a giant water bending mecca that could slice metal like it was nothing and could create massive waves that would leave the huge fire nation ships powerless although ing was naturally talented in water bending it wasn't his element of choice when it came to battle and the more disciplined katara eventually surpassed him and became his water bending teacher katara herself learned to use blood bending during full moons a bending ability she had that avatar aang did not although earth bending was aang's elemental opposite and so gave him some trouble at first it did eventually become his second most used bending style after air bending one of my favorite earth-bending abilities was when aang would surround his body with earth and armor of course he could also do simple things like launch boulders or raise defensive walls from the ground he would also often use earth to trap his opponents without killing them he used this ability against yacon as well in the comics aang also created a giant body out of earth that he used to fight against the already mentioned general old iron they could exchange blows but the giant spirit had iron armor which was stronger so aang needed a little help from toff and her metal bending students but still this giant earthen mecha would have allowed aang to flex on almost any other opponent when it came to fire bending ink had a complicated relationship to it at first because he was careless and accidentally hurt katara however he did eventually come back to it and zuko trained him he could unleash powerful streams of fire from his mouth and arms at the same time and while his firebending was made stronger by sozen's comet he succeeded in taking down a fire nation airship with one firebending shot during his fight against the fire lord in the avatar state aing could release five powerful streams of fire one from his mouth two from his arms and two from his legs he could then condense all that firepower into a ring that circled around him and of course as mentioned he learned to redirect lightning from zuko as well a highly advanced fire bending technique aing was also one of the few avatars to learn and use energy bending i briefly mentioned his energy bending but let me go into a little more detail here it is very dangerous because one's own life energy has to be unbendable in order to bend another's energy or else the bender will become corrupted and possibly destroyed ain clearly improved his energy bending over time because his 40 year old self could take away a cones bending like it was nothing while it was portrayed as a pretty big deal when he initially used it against fire lord ozai it was also ang spirit that would use energy bending on korra in order to restore her bending abilities after they were taken away through the use of blood bending his spirit also proceeds to transfer his knowledge of how to energy bend to korra unlike korra aang was unnatural when it came to spiritual stuff probably because of his air nomad background he could meditate and thereby enter the spiritual world even as a child his spirit could separate from his body and travel through the physical world as an astral projection in fact it was his spiritual affinity that in part allowed him to fuse with the ocean spirit in order to create koizilla as i mentioned aang died at 66 years old which may seem kind of young it wasn't an epic opponent that did him in it was just the fact that the 100 years he spent frozen did actually drain his life energy thus his health failed him sooner than it would have otherwise aang knew that he was nearing his end and he tasked the order of the white lotus to find and look after his next reincarnation as we all probably know his next reincarnation turned out to be korra from the southern water tribe she was born 153 years after the fire nation wiped out the air nomads we talked about how ang learned all the elements at 12 years old although some may argue that it was 112 but you know what i mean at the biological age of 12 he learned all the elements which is huge since as we saw it was traditional for the avatar to only find out they were the avatar at 16 years old meaning they probably wouldn't have used any bending style other than their native one up to that point cora like aang knew that she was the avatar before 16. in fact at only 4 years old she could perform water earth and fire bending but it took her a long time to learn air bending aang's strongest bending style according to tenzin aang's airbending son korra had a lot of trouble with airbending because it was the most opposite to her personality she was 17 years old when she finally learned airbending despite her initial trouble korra became quite adept at air bending over time she learned to use a glider to use the air scooter and even to create air bubbles around people's heads that could provide them with oxygen and protect them from poisonous gases it's kind of like the opposite of how zaheer could use air betting to deprive people of oxygen air bending eventually became cora's second most used bending style water bending korra's native element was taught to her by katara for over a decade she can create massive waves is well versed in water whips and can create large ice walls as well cora can also draw water from thin air not needing a pre-existing water source in order to water bend however we have never seen her use the outlawed and overpowered skill of blood bending she did learn healing from katara though who was regarded as the best healer in the world katara also learned how to spirit bend using water which involves pacifying spirits by changing their negative energy into positive energy she learned this from her uncle unalloc and eventually used it against him in order to defeat him after he fused with the dark spear of vatu and became the dark avatar now that her uncle is dead korra is the only living person we know of who can use this type of bending when it comes to fire cora can use breath of fire melt through metal chains and even use fire bending as a form of propulsion like a jetpack while the avatar usually has trouble with their opposite element cora didn't have trouble with fire because it suited her personality so well the element worked well with her fiery spirit and natural assertiveness cora is a very skilled earthbender she's often able to launch giant boulders raise up defensive walls and easily flip cars using earthbending she can manipulate a large radius of earth around her and cause a lot of damage to buildings you definitely do not want her earth bending in your office interestingly enough cora is the first ever avatar to learn metal bending but we don't see her using the more rare and op lava bending that epic bending style is reserved for team avatar member bolin then there's energy bending as i mentioned aang restored korra's bending abilities after they were taken away with blood bending and at the same time he passed on to her the knowledge of energy bending after that she could restore other people's bending as well cora eventually reaches a whole other level of energy bending she becomes able to create a huge blue astral projection of her spirit in this form she can launch giant energy blasts from her body that overpowered the dark avatar she was even able to bend water in this spirit form though she was disconnected from her physical body she was even able to use energy bending to protect herself and kuvira from the spirit beam the strongest weapon known to man after cora made a connection to aang and the past avatars she learned how to enter the avatar stayed at will however because of the damage rava the avatar spirit suffered during the fight against the dark avatar cora lost her connection to all of her past lives so korra and future avatars will not be able to seek guidance from the avatars of the past which sucks big time but at least korra was able to eventually stop the dark avatar and save the world korra's avatar journey so far was filled with highs and lows she fought stronger opponents than aang but she also started fighting those opponents at an older age she was 17 when the series started and 21 during book 4. she lost the invaluable connection to the previous avatars but she also decided to leave the spirit portals open and that led to the awakening of a bunch of new airbenders which is amazing aang would have been glad to see airbenders return to the world in such large numbers she beat opponents like the scary bloodbender amman the spirit of darkness and chaos known as vatu the philosophically interesting zaheer who learned to straight up fly and kuvira the metal bending tyrant who used some of the most dangerous weapons we've ever seen including a giant platinum mecca and the spirit energy cannon each one of these opponents was insanely powerful in their own way so you gotta give korra the credit she deserves for being able to eventually overcome each one of them as we saw in this video many avatars had their low moments as did korra but when push came to shove korra pulled through and that is it for this video all known avatars and their powers explained it was quite the long one and took a bunch of work so if you did enjoy this video and want to see more avatar videos like it please turn that like button blue to let me know if you haven't be sure to subscribe and this is crucial ring that notification bell or you will miss future avatar videos let me know who your favorite avatar is in the comments below and you can leave any suggestions you have for future videos below as well a very special thank you goes to our patrons over on patreon who help make videos like this one possible first and foremost i want to thank the patron of legend the one acknowledged by lord tuigo himself alpha and are the one-tier patrons the ones who stand atop all clans stephen and grana alolan autumn the world steelers acquire respect pate heffa jonathan king brandon of isles papa smurf emperor otaku thomas jones and ken mono and our pro hero tier patrons the one and only gilgamesh who's the current most donated overall champion of the world nothing but a fan jason wilson king zeldris anatoly kazatsky angel cruz cricket xp joe stanton very gucci alicia 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Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 1,286,333
Rating: 4.8994317 out of 5
Keywords: all, known, avatars, and, their, powers, explained, the, last, airbender, legend, of, korra, every, avatar, all avatars, all known avatars, every avatar, every avatar explained, aang, kyoshi, kuruk, wan, salai, szeto, yangchen, roku, strongest avatar, all avatars explained, katara, toph, toph beifong, sokka, animeuproar, avatar the last airbender, avatar legend of korra, zuko, iroh, every bending style, every bending art, bloodbending, airbending, earthbending, firebending, waterbending, metalbending, lavabending
Id: yAyOdhGtPso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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