The Legend of Korra RECAP: Full Series

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welcome to the man of Recaps this is the legend of Kora full series recap in the last air bender Ang and team Avatar defeated the fire lord and saved the world on the burn section of the earth Kingdom they built Republic City where people of all Nations could live together in peace Ang lived a long happy life but eventually the Avatar cycle of reincarnation continued into cor she's a real physical busting fists blazing kind of Avatar she spent her life so far at her home in the southern water tribe training with the members of the White Lotus including Katara who must be real old now she's already mastered three of the four elements the only one left is air but who's going to teach her air bending a was the last air bender luckily a got an airbending kid it's tenzen who's already got three young airbending kids of his own he takes cor with him back to Republic City a shiny Beacon of modern times yet Technology's progressed very quickly since the last air bender cor immediately starts fighting some local gangs but the city doesn't need her help they've got a highly trained police force of metal Benders yeah our girl Toff from the last air bender after she invented metal bending founded the Republic City police force current chief is tof's daughter Lind Fong and like her mother she's kind of grumpy on air Temple Island cor is beginning her air banding training but she's not really the meditating type the air banding philosophy of don't attack evade is not really her style what is her style is the wildly popular Pro bending League yeah they've turned bending into an organized sport she befriends Earth Bender Bolin who's the real nice funny guy type he's on the fire ferrets named after his animal companion Pabu his brother's a fire bender named Mako who much like Zuko is a real serious angsty boy type conveniently they just lost their water bender so Ka joins the team and organized Sports turns out to be the perfect way for her to understand the concepts of air bending but there's a new danger growing in Republic City a group called The equalists non-benders Who are sick of being oppressed by the bending Elite they're led by their super cool masked leader Aman and somehow he has the ability just like G did to Fire Lord oai to take people's bending away permanently I mean while the fire ferrets have won their way into the championship tournament Unfortunately they don't have enough money to pay the entrance fee but that changes when Mako gets hit by a scooter driven by an absolute knockout assami she's a huge Pro bending fan and conveniently Super Rich her father Hiroshi sat is one of the biggest industrialists in the city and agrees to sponsor the fire fets the team is doing great and tilor confesses her crush on Mako but Mako just started dating aami awkward but Bolin has a crush on Kora and she agrees to go out with him which makes Mako jealous and he confesses he likes Kora and they kiss right when Bolin sees it's a mess and it ruins their team chemistry eventually they agree this love Square thing is dumb let's all just be friends now cor doesn't like Asami at first she's jealous about Mako and think she's just a rich girl but actually asami's a huge badass who likes extreme sports and soon she and Kora are BFFs but turns out asami's father is working for the equalists yes a bender killed his wife and it turned him into a villain he's built these epic robots designed to take down Benders and they made out of platinum so metal Benders can't bend him he's like aami join me on the dark side but she's like no thanks pops I'm going to be a good guy so she and the Gang make it their mission to take down the equalists and they formed the new team Avatar they're not riding around on a fluffy animal though they got a sweet sports car and a super cool steampunk Vibe councilman tarlock is also committed to fighting him on but he's clearly just using this to gain power for himself pretty soon core finds out he's a villain but not just any villain he's a bloodbender yes the terrifying Technique we learned about in the last air bender where you bend the water in a person's body to control them he locks Cor in his basement where she finally succeeds at meditating and meets a grownup Ang oh he got hot he was working with police chief adult Toff and councilman adult Saka to take down a notorious gangster who turns out is a prodigy bloodbender can do it not during the full moon and without even moving Ang eventually goes Avatar State and takes his bending away turns out councilman tarlock is his son back for Revenge but you know who hates all Benders Aman and somehow blood bending doesn't affect him oh he takes this guy's bending away one villain down but Aman's the bigger threat with asami's Father's help he's got an army taking over the city but Republic City's got an army of their own led by General iro Zuko's grandson unfortunately asami's father has just invented airplanes and oh wipes out their whole Fleet so cor and Mako use a stealth approach where they find a locked up tarlock who explains that Aman is his brother yeah their father escaped and started a new life where he had two sons and tried to teach them the art of bloodbending to come back and get revenge Aman especially got very good at it and found a way through bloodbending to take people's bending away and now he's got Kora oh no it's happening yes he's taking away the avatar T's bending but wait what's this an airbending Punch Yeah she had never air bended before so I guess he couldn't take it away and with that boom blast him out the window am mon exposed as water bender and loses all his followers so he's got a piece out of there he grabs his brother with a speedboat and it's like yes brother we'll come back together and conquer the city later but tarlock realizes now he and his brother are the bad guys and so what's this oh a brother murder suicide heavy cor's bending though seems to be permanently gone until she meets a doang he's like what's up girl me and all your past lives are here to help unlocks your bending and yeah Avatar is back in Action she and Mako start making out and that's the end of book one in book two Spirits cor goes home to the southern water tribe for the annual Spirits Festival Unilock the chief of the northern water tribe comes too that is kora's father's brother and they don't like each other unok brings his twin kids with them Esa and desna and bolin's got a huge crush on whichever WS the girl Bolin may have bitten off more than he can chew here he spends the season trying to dump her but she does not let him meanwhile Unilock is a real party pooper he's like this fun Festival disgraces the spirits he may be right though because that night a dark Spirit attacks and Only unok Knows the way to like disperse it he's like Avatar I need your help to restore balance we've got to go down to the southern Spirit portal where you can use your avatar powers to Boom reopen it uh so the day is saved but the next day Uno's whole Army arrives and occupies the southern water tribe he's like trust me I'm a good guy but it's soon apparent he's not meanwhile Asami is running her father's company and has a meeting with another wealthy industrialist and the best character on the show it's veric he is a wacky insane genius basically Tony Stark on steroids he's never far from his assistant Julie and has this catchphrase Julie do the thing inum Avatar escape on his yacht back to Republic City where they try to convince the president to help but he's like hey I can't intervene in internal water tribe Affairs Mako actually takes the president's side he's become a republic city cop and chooses his duty over Kora so oh she dumps his ass she's going back down to fight Unilock herself but oh a giant dark Spirit comes and eats her veric takes Bolin under his wing he's making propaganda films about The Water Tribe Civil War and casts Bolin as the lead about one day after Kora leaves M and Asami get back together mako's investigating a bombing and finds out that the pyrotechnics in the movie is the same remote detonator that veric invented yes veric is the bad guy but he can't prove it veric has him framed and arrested K wakes up on an island with amnesia and has a spirit Vision Quest to learn about the first avatar Wan in ancient times Humanity lived on giant lion turtles who would give them the power of bending temporarily to defend themselves against the spirits one eventually befriended the spirits and when he saw these giant kite ones fighting decided to break it up but oo that was the evil Batu and now he's let it escape the good spirits robas like hey I need your help see normally humans could only have one type of bending but if I give you some of my power you can have multiple at a time so want traveled around to the lion turtles got all the bending and mastered all the elements so on the day of harmonic convergence Juan and raava came to face vatu and with their powers combined Avatar State managed to seal him away for good and they closed the portals to the spirit world so vatu could never Escape so thus began the Legacy of the Avatar charged with keeping balance in the world and it's raava's spirit that passes on and reincarnates him when he dies tenzen meanwhile has been on vacation with his family including his siblings yeah angara had two other kids he's the only air bender though his sister Kai is a water bender and his brother Boomie is not a bender but he is insane and hilarious eventually cor comes back with the bad news that Uno's going to release the evil spirit and take over the world or whatever tends and tries to help cor meditate into the spirit world but it's actually his oldest daughter janora who has the natural connection to the spirits and who does Kora meet in the spirit world but Uncle iro apparently near the end of his life he decided to abandon his body and come to the spirit world for permanent retirement and in true Uncle IO fashion he gives cor some good tea and good advice the mission's a huge failure though because janor gets captured and unok forces Kora to open the other Spirit portal back in Republic City balin's a full-on movie star now and the fictional Unilock is carrying out his master plan while the real Uno's kidnapping the president while nuck tuck Saves the Day on screen Bolin Saves the Day in real life but turns out they weren't sent by Unilock they were sent by veric oh the jigs up baric points out though that he's not really a bad guy his whole plot to capture the president and blame it on unlock was just to get Republic City to join the war if anything he's the good guy cor comes back excited to see her boyfriend moo yeah she's got just enough Amnesia she doesn't remember that they broke up and the love triangle is back on anyway team avatars go into the North Pole to stop hok and long story short they get to the spirit world just too late it's harmonic convergence and vatu is released from his prison cor goes Avatar State and fights this giant kite but this time vat's got his own human champion and unlock becomes the dark Avatar they have an Avatar Fight Unilock doesn't have all the elements by the way just water but he does have a huge power up and is able to pull raava out of Gora he starts bashing raava directly which erases kora's past lives until bam rava destroyed and the Avatar cycle ended then he turns into a giant spirit Monster and attacks Republic City now Republic city is not defenseless it's got a strong modern Army led by General iro but they weren't prepared for giant spirit Monster and unlock wipes out his whole Fleet then Kora meditates in a tree and becomes a giant Spirit of herself and they have a huge Kaiju fight in the harbor we're in full anime mode now I have no idea what's happening but in the end cor is able to save a fragment of the spirit of Raba and Destroy Unilock and the avatars back in business but the memory of all those past lives were permanently erased so that's kind of a bummer cor is going to resal the spirit portals but she's like wait a second maybe I should leave them open and humans and Spirits can live together in harmony TZ and your wise what do you think and he's like cor I'm going to be honest with with you I have no idea what's going on I'm just sticking around cuz I heard season 3 is pretty cool so now it's book three change where Spirits have reinhabited the world which is nice except that sometimes they do it in the middle of the city but there's an unexpected side effect Uncle Boomie is now an airbender what and it's not just him a bunch of random people have suddenly developed air bending opening the spirit portals is bringing balance back to the world so the gang's going to fly around the world finding air Benders on aami's awesome new blimp by the way cor finally remembered that she and Mako broke up and they agree it's best if we're just friends mako's very awkward for a bit around both cor and Assam but this just brings the girls closer together now tenzen is very excited to rebuild the AR noad Nation but turns out most people are not cut out to be monks they find one promising recruit though a young orphan named Kai who starts out as a bit of a thief and a con artist but eventually becomes part of the family but now in a secret prison on top of a mountain is zah here he was so dangerous he was locked up here without even being a bender and now he has air bending so he bust out of there no problem he travels to a wooden prison in the middle of the ocean and tosses some rocks to his earthbending buddy who's mastered a special technique of lava bending in a metal prison in the middle of a volcano is a woman with no arms but when they give her some water oh she's waterbending arms what a crazy technique these three breakouts attract the attention of our boy Fire Lord Zuko he teams up with kora's Dad to stop Zahir but Zahir is too much of a badass he rescues their fire bendor a real tall girl with oh what's this the combustion man tattoos yeah Sparky Sparky boom now unaware of this trouble Brewing team Avatar has made it to the Grand Metropolis of bossing unfortunately the modern has only increased The Divide between the rich and poor as the new Earth Queen is a terrible person who cares more about her shrubberies than caring for her citizens she tells Kora there are no Airbenders in bossing SE which seems unlikely and indeed the dial are kidnapping them and conscripting them into an air bender Army team Avatar won't stand for that and break them all out which unfortunately makes them enemies of the earth Kingdom but all these new air Benders who can't go home are happy to join the new Air Nation team Avatar's last stop is the super cool new metal city of zfu the earth Benders here have turned metal bending into a true art form and they're led by Zu Yin B Fong yes that is tof's other daughter she and her sister Lynn do not get along though it's a whole thing going back to their childhood and eventually they fight it out and then make up suan teaches cor metal bending which she picks up pretty quickly but Bolin can't pick it up at all but he does pick up her daughter opal a real nice girl they hit it off and turns out she's the new air bender they're here to recruit but zahir's gang shows up with a dastardly plot to kidnap the Avatar and it turns into an epic fight long story short cor attracts him to the spirit world where he explains he's a member of the Red Lotus according to him the White Lotus has been corrupted they're now just Pawns of the establishment that keep people oppressed the Red Lotus is all about true Freedom which in his mind is anarchy cor is like you know governments are bad sometimes in fact the villains have been corrupt politicians in every single season so far but also you go around killing people so clearly you're the bad guy there's some more Shenanigans I'm not going to get into but basically Z here gets to the Earth Queen and uses his new air bending powers to oh create a vacuum and suffocate her and with the Earth queen dead he incites an anarchist revolution in bosing then he kidnaps the new Air Benders but Daddy tends and ain't messing around oh he shows them what a real air bendon Master looks like Zahir captures Kora but he's cornered on the mountain top but he's been studying teachings of this ancient air Master zahir's like all right let's do this falls off the mountain but oh he can fly now all right the rest of the gang is having some lava trouble so Bolin steps up and oh he figured out lava bending congrats buddy so Zahir wants to kill the Avatar by poisoning her with some metal so she'll go into the Avatar State and kill her then ending the cycle of reincarnation only flaw in the plan is that when she goes into the Avatar State she's a real strong and busts out of there so Corin here are flying around having a big old fight but oh the Poison's still in her system it's weakened her zahir's got the upper hand and he's starting to suffocate her but wait what's this it's all the new Air Benders forming a big old tornado to give K the upper hand and take Zahir down they get the poison out of Kora and Zahir is defeated so the day is saved except the poison took a huge toll on kora's body she's grievously injured will she ever be the same so now it's time for book four balance there's a three-year time Gap and the Earth kingdom is still in Anarchy luckily the new Airbenders are here to save the day with their updated modern wing suit uniforms cool but they're not the only ones keeping peace in the earth Kingdom on an awesome new metal magnet train the zfu security forces are here led by kuira she's bringing order to the chaos and reuniting the fragmented Earth Kingdom in fact Bolin is here working for her as well as veric but the stability she offers comes with a steep price he's mostly autonomous provinces must hand over full central control directly to kuira the great uniter now the air to the Earth kingdom is Prince woo a spoiled brat living it up in Republic City with Mako as his security Chief but kir is like hey does anyone really want this guy to be their King I think the time of monarchy over I declare a new Earth Empire what does the Avatar have to say about this while cor is missing in action she spent a long time recovering down at the South Pole and finally decided to symbolically cut her hair and travel the world to find herself she's in a bad way though being haunted by herself and finally finds our girl Toof yeah just the tough we remember from Last Airbender except super old now hermit living in swamp she can sense there's a little bit of the metal poison left in her system and long story short helps Ka get it out of her so kua's Army is headed back to zfu to take it by force if necessary but the Avatar is here to stop her she fights Kua one-on-one but K is still not really on top of her game and kuira absolutely trashes her around this time Bolin realizes he's working for the bad guy and veric comes to the same conclusion in fact var's been experimenting with Spirit Vines as a source of energy but turns out they're way unstable and explode gu wants veric to weaponize it for her but he refuses so he's under arrest but what's this his loyal assistant Julie abandons him she's like yeah he treats me like garbage makes me scrub his feet and stuff luckily veric and Bolin managed to escape and get back to Republic City to warn them of a new super weapon earlier Bolin and opal had a huge fight and broke up because didn't realize he was working for the bad guy so now he's doing whatever it takes to win her back including going on a secret mission to rescue her family along with her grandma the family gets rescued but the spirit Vine super cannon is complete Julie helped build it but it keeps malfunctioning and pretty soon kuir realizes that Julie was lying to her she's always been loyal to veric and a good guy then the bongs bust in have a big old metal bending fight Toff unleashes a huge earthquake but they're outnumbered and have to escape ban redeemed himself he and opal get back together and veric and Julia are reunited but she's like hey mister some of the stuff I said about you not appreciating me was real so you better shape up now the world can't really stop kuira So the plan is to just let her have the Earth Kingdom but KU looked at a map and decided that Republic City should be part of the earth Empire it's time to invade now Republic city is not defenseless they've got a strong modern Army still led by General iro the only problem would be the Super Spirit Cannon but that's stuck on the train tracks except kiras ditched the train and mounted the cannon on a ridiculous giant robot and once again it immediately wipes out General aro's Fleet it's up to team Avatar to stop this thing but it is pretty much invulnerable luckily we've got two super Geniuses on our team three if you count asami's dad who's released from prison they build a hummingbird robot with lasers that can cut through platinum and asami's dad has to sacrifice himself to save the day with the way inside deam Avatar leaps into action Kora goes for a rematch with kuira and does a lot better this time then Mako hits the spirit Vine Engine with lightning and blam blows this robot apart kuira escapes to the spirit Forest where guess what landed the cannon boom Point Blank blast Avatar State block and explosion it unleashes so much Spirit energy that a new spirit portal opens up right here in the middle of the city cor and kavir land in the spirit world where it's like so you recognize you've become the bad guy in the situation right and she's like yeah I kind of realized so kuira surrenders and the day is saved when things were looking Bleak veric proposed to Julie admitting that she's more than his assistant she's his partner so the series ends with a big wedding Kora and Mako do not rekindle their romance though it's been too much they're just friends it's actually aami that cor is talking to at the end it's like you know what screw the boys let's go on a girls vacation to the spirit world and what's this they're holding hands who it's been apparent their French has been grown into something more for a while now so more power to them and that's where legend of Kora comes to an end if you like this recap hit that subscribe button for more of the best Recaps of TV and movies
Channel: Man of Recaps
Views: 117,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S6bLAkw9bEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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