The Legend of Korra... 10 Years Later

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10 years ago the legend of Kora concluded after the unquestionable success of avatar The Last Airbender creators Brian ketco and Michael Dante de Martino went on to tackle the world of Avatar again from a more mature perspective and they did so by tackling more mature themes and political ideologies before I talk about the individual seasons of The Legend of Kora and Kora herself I want to discuss the differences between the last air vender and the legend of Kora at its core I believe avatar The Last Airbender is a show about change if you haven't already you should check out my video avatar The Last Airbender 15 years later because when I spoke about the characters of Avatar in that video I discussed how each one has an arc they go on and how different they are from their first appearance to their last sure you could just simply say the characters grow over the seasons but it's more about the Thematic message each character conveys Ang's story is not just about him growing up in this world at war it's about not losing himself in this new world and staying true to the values he holds so dearly Saka story is about becoming a leader and how someone can be valuable outside their ability to fight tough story is about balancing her headstrong personality with learning to be vulnerable we all know the complexities behind Zuko's Arc and how he redeems himself slowly over three seasons each character in Avatar is also motivated by trauma all the main characters in that show had a traumatic experience in their past that fundamentally shaped who they are so while Avatar does explore a handful of other themes as well its main focus is always on the characters and that's why I would argue the show is really about change the legend of Kora on the other hand is a show about ideas there are plenty of characters in the show and they do change throughout the seasons especially Kora but none of them have that thematic message behind their change like Bolan for example he kind of changes throughout the series but there's no thematic message behind his change if we were to look at 10 Ken he learns how to open up a bit throughout the series but I wouldn't argue the theme behind his change is learning to become a better leader Mako doesn't really change and Asami doesn't really change the only character that has a singular message is Kora but more on that later now the lack of standard arcs thought the show is by no means a bad thing there are plenty of ways storytelling can convey themes The Last Airbender did so through its main characters and the legend of Kora does so through its ideas most specifically the philosophies of its villain each season follows a similar structure Kora holds a strong belief about the world cor runs into a villain that challenges her beliefs as the season progresses and cor figures out how to defeat the villains she realizes there is Merit in each of the villains philosophies each villain has a point about an inherent flaw in the world where the villains are indeed villains stem from the extremities of their philosophies Kora inevitably does defeat each villain but afterwards Kora must learn from the villain and find a balance between her and the villain's philosophy if you look at each season Like An Essay with the writers criticize a truth about the world but also turn their villains into the most extreme versions of those criticisms things really start to click now the last thing I want to mention is the singular story thread throughout kora's story there is one thing during each season that she struggles with and that's the necessity of an avatar in this world Ang and koror are not only two completely different people but their stories are also completely opposites Ang was a kid who never wanted to be the Avatar but he had to learn the importance of an avatar in a world so divided cor was a kid who loved being the Avatar but she had to learn how to find meaning in a world that constantly tells her they don't need an avatar so for the rest of the video I'm going to devote sections to each specific season and how it challenges Kora and one other section about team Avatar so without further Ado let's begin season 1 focuses is on am man and his battle for equality he argues that Benders inherently have a natural advantage in life and that they use their advantage to oppress non-benders aka the disadvantaged the real ideology the writers are critiquing here is communism for one the imagery of the equalists is by no means subtle everyone can recognize the visual parallels between the Communists and the equalists more than that the writers try to make a connection between wealth and bending communism argues that those with disproportionate wealth have an advantage over those less privileged just like how Aman sees Benders as having an advantage over non-benders the ending of the Season also fits into that connection one of the major criticisms of Communism is that its leaders are grifters they may preach that the wealthy are evil and that all wealth should be redistributed but at the end of the day the leaders use the redistributed money for themselves and become the wealthy that their supposed ideology criticizes when it comes to Aman it turns out he is a bender he is what his ideology is supposedly against one could argue that Aman was indeed a grifter he rallied non-benders and used their oppression to gain power the power he gained using bending so again all the parallels to Communism are not subtle it's now time to ask the two big questions how effective is the writer's criticism of Communism and how well does it tie into kora's story let's first discuss the former how effective is this criticism of Communism well it's really tough to criticize communism when your allegory doesn't really work as I said before the story equates wealth with bending Benders have an inherent Advantage just like how the wealthy have an advantage cor is the ultimate Bender so therefore she's also the most privileged cor expects special treatment because she's the Avatar and she even says that her whole life she was pretty much just given things the issue here is that wealth is something that can be lost gained or redistributed bending on the other hand in the case of season 1 is only something you can lose Aman's great solution is to take away people's bending and that will bring a quality to the world communism doesn't just take away people's wealth it supposedly redistributes it to the oppressed and you can't redistribute bending the Avatar Universe also makes it clear that bending has a significant cultural value people's bending is a deep part of their identity if one really wanted to they can make the argument that the writers aren't necessarily critiquing communism but they're making an argument that wealth is a deep part of someone's identity that it can't just be redistributed the scenes where someone is losing their bending is portrayed with horror cor has nightmares of losing her bending and it's a thing she appears to fear the most in the world early in the season when Aman almost took her bending but chose not to this is the breaking point for Kora she almost lost her bending because bending is something that non-benders can't gain the equalists come across as people who are more just jealous of vendors instead of fighting for equality and I don't think saying Communists are jealous of rich people is a proper critique of Communism I also don't think the writers are trying to say that wealth is this valuable to a person where if they lose it it's the worst thing in the world the last comparison I mentioned was how Aman is depicted as a grifter like so many communist leaders the issue here is that the story is telling me that Aman believes what he is preaching when tarlock gives the backstory to himself and Aman he says Aman genuinely believes bending is the root of all evil in the world Eon wants to teach his kids blood bending so they can take over Republic City this is what mostly leads to Aman believing that Benders have caused all the evil in the world I don't think communist critics believe their leaders genuinely want change so portraying am man as a man with real motivations goes against the standard critique of Communism so on those fronts the equalist allegory to Communism is a little shaky but I get it these allegories can't always be a perfect one toone comparison and frankly I think the writers care far more about how the villains philosophies affect Kora rather than making a true critique of that philosophy so if we completely ignore the Communist allegories and we just look at Aman and the equalists as something that is supposed to challenge Cor a how good of a job does it do I think it does a pretty good job but not a perfect job to begin the series I love the characterization of Kora Raiders have stated that they wanted to make Kora as different from Ang as possible and I don't think there's a better way of showing Kora is different from Ang than her first line I am the Avatar and you got to deal with it right from the start we see Kora loves being the Avatar in the scene transitions into her training when cor arrives at Republic City her perception of everything is instantly challeng alled as the Avatar she feels that she can just walk into everything and solve it with her bending the first thing she does when she sees those gang members is beat them up without considering the collateral damage the police initially want to arrest her and this shocks Kora she runs away because she thinks she is above the law when she's in custody with Lynn she says that she should be let go because she's the Avatar when she joins prob bending she initially just uses any move to fight people without considering the rules behind the game Ang was always someone who was patient he would consider every angle and try to solve it peacefully considering Kora is this headstrong impulsive explosive and often irrational person she over the course of the Season needs to learn to solve issues outside of using her bending this is why she struggles with learning air bending because the air Nomad philosophy is completely contradictory to kora's personality so considering that season 1 Kora has yet to learn anything and still thinks with her bending first having a villain that can take away someone's bending is the perfect antagonist for Kora kora's sole identity at this point is being the Avatar if she loses her bending then she isn't that anymore that's why I love her little Arc in episode 4 she tries to act like she's not scared as the Avatar she has this builtup image of herself that she needs to be tough and that she can solve any issue thrown her way weakness is not something she can afford to show so she brashly confronts Aman and almost loses her bending she proceeds to break down in front of tenzen admitting that she was scared this was the first change in in kora's Story the first time she was really challenged in her life now remember the whole point of the villains in this show is to prove that they have a point as season 1 progresses we start to see am man's point firstly we see how Kora is totally dismissive towards the equalists when she first meets them she says they're oppressing themselves but the next time she sees that one guy she physically intimidates him into giving her what she wants AKA oppression also later on we have scenes where Turlock imposes a curfew on non-benders at this point cor starts to see where the equalists are coming from when she tells tarlock he's beginning to prove the equalists right maybe the biggest change for K in season 1 happens when she confronts tarlock in the council chambers when she confronts tarlock the first thing she does is the only thing she knows how to do intimidate people with her bending At first she is easily handling tarlock but then tarlock is proven to be a bloodbender what I love about this story beat for Kora is that she suffered the consequences of her actions for those of you who follow my channel you would know my cardinal rule of Storytelling is that characters must suffer the realistic consequences of their actions if characters don't suffer the consequences of their actions then they won't change so Kora confronts tarlock and tries to beat him up but she never considered the possibility that maybe someone could beat her in a fight her confronting tarlock headon led her to being knocked out captured almost electrocuted and handed to aan and had to take a few days to recover she faced the consequences of her actions and because she did she also changed from that point forward she tries to think of ways to stop a that doesn't simply revolve around her beating him up that's when she thinks of the plan to expose him in front of his supporters rather than just beating him up in fact she never does beat Aman the closest she comes to that is knocking him out of window she beats Aman because she successfully exposed him to his supporters so Kora clearly changes by the end of season 1 she began it by using her bending to intimidate people every time she tried to do so she both suffered the consequences and proved Aman right cor realized that she couldn't beat Aman by using her bending because even if she were to defeat him she would only be proving his point so the way she wins is not by beating him in a fight but by exposing him so from that perspective season 1 did a good job now before I mentioned that I thought season 1 did a good job but not a perfect job so where does season 1 falter with Kor and Aman stories one issue I had was with a major missed Opportunity by tying Mako to Aman in this same episode which was episode 3 we learned that makos Asami and Aman's parents were killed by a Firebender this could have been a great opportunity for Kora to empathize with Aman if on three separate occasions people's parents were murdered by Benders then maybe there needs to be some systemic change maybe in a republic City casually bending in the streets should be illegal or maybe there should be zones of Republic City where bending is not allowed so non-benders can feel safe Kora never has this realization and it's a big missed opportunity also it turns out that Aman's mother was not killed by a fire bender I don't know why they couldn't have kept that in maybe the whole yakone story was true but Aman's mother dying by a fire bender was what truly motivated him to seek change so that's a missed opportunity another issue I have with season 1 is the entire aftermath of Aman's defeat just because Aman Was Defeated that doesn't actually counter any of the points Aman was making going back to the communism allegory saying that communist leaders are often grifters is not really a critique of Communism it's a critique of communist leaders so just because Aman was indeed a water bender is he still wrong about non-benders being unequal the season one finale never attempts to resolve this they just say Iman was secretly bad and therefore the entire equalist movement is now gone Kora changed because of the equalist movement but Republic City didn't now you may point to the fact that in season 2 we learned that a non-bender president was elected and that the all Bender Council was disbanded disbanding the all Bender council is a good idea but when it comes to the president implying that electing a person of a marginalized group into a position of power thus resolves all the issues of that marginalized group is a dangerous line of thinking so electing a non-bender president is a bit of a copout the last point about season one I want to make has to do with the biggest M opportunity of the season and that is Kora getting her bending back when I first watched the season and I saw kaora lose her bending I was like [ __ ] that is such a good idea she became the very thing she feared the most and now has to figure out how to be the Avatar without her bending I expected her to get it back in the long run but even if it was for a short period of time the story possibilities were endless but no she just gets her bending back because Ang showed up I was so disappointed now there does need to be a bit of a disclaimer when season 1 was in development only a single season was guaranteed no season 2 was promised so I get that with the prospects of this being the only season of The Legend of Kora it's tough to end it on a cliffhanger that the Avatar lost her bending and that's how the season would end so I'll cut the writers some slack but knowing in hindsight season 2 was about the spirits it makes this missed opportunity in season 1 that much more massive imagine if in season 2 Kora still had no bending Unilock shows up and says hey Kora if you train with me to study the spirits then I can help you get your bending back this would fully motivate Kora to initially take Unilock side on everything alienating tenzen and all her friends because Unilock is the only hope she can get her bending back when there is conflict between the North and South Poles cor must learn how to resolve the issue without her bending a perfect continuation of season 1 and then he could promise her that opening the spirit portal would lead to her getting her bending back and she decides to do it doesn't that sound so much better than what we got so while I understand the predicament the writers were in I still can't help but be disappointed at the missed opportunity of her losing her bending and those are my thoughts on kora's story and season 1 it wasn't perfect the allegories weren't perfect but overall it did a pretty good job at introducing us to Kora season 2 focuses on Unilock and the battle for Spirit spirituality it's pretty much a universal opinion that season 2 is the worst season of the series and it's pretty easy to understand why everything that the legend of Kora does great is just not present here in season 2 at all all the complexity behind the villains that I mentioned not present here all the questions about Kora and her role in the world not present here and its biggest crime more than anything it actively derails the Avatar universe so let's dive in when I spoke spoke about season 1 I went in depth into how the equalists and Aman were a loose allegory for communism season 2 Isn't So cookie cutter because there are no Spirits in our real world at least none that are tangible like the ones in Avatar so it's tough to make a clear connection also season 2 dives into a bunch of other topics as well Civil Wars the exploitative nature of capitalism colonialism and some other ideas so because there are a lot of ideas I'm not going to dive deep into each one and how good ofal allegory it is instead let's just focus on Kora and how her story progresses the clear goal of season 2 is to make Kora more spiritual she spoke to Ang and that's the extent of her spiritual abilities when it comes to the spirits or being spiritual in Avatar it's always been a little vague in Avatar we saw a handful of spirits and we journeyed into the spirit world but there was so much mysticism behind the spirits you couldn't really pinpoint a definition for a spirit because in Avatar there are so many different forms of the spirits my interpretation of the spirits was that it was a loose allegory for nature or a natural state when Hai was angry in season 1 of Avatar it was because the forests were being destroyed the water tribe was built around the spirits of the ocean and the Moon Key Parts of nature when Zuko loses his firebending skills in season 3 in order to get his skills back he needs to become more spiritual which means taking a lesson from the first firebenders the dragons also when someone is training to become more spiritual it's about diving deep into your inner being and controlling your emotions and your thoughts Ang's training with the guru is pretty much entirely a mental exercise spiritual energy was not something you could tap into like a special power it was always something more mental so when it came to season 2 of cor and it was called spirits I thought that this is what it would dive into while there's still plenty of issues with the early episodes of season 2 I thought the setup was quite interesting so we learn that there are these dark spirits that are attacking people Unilock shows up and says the reason for this is because the South has not been rebuilt spiritually since the 100-year war there was this Festival that used to celebrate the spirits but now that Festival has been commercialized and people seem to have forgotten its initial purpose going back to the hayi example in season 1 the reason he became a dark Spirit was because of the perversion of his land the Fire Nation destroyed his forest and this caused him to be angry causing him to become a dark Spirit it was Ang's promise that the forest would return that caused Hai to Resort back to his natural State dark Spirits weren't necessarily evil they were just angry and thrown out of balance so when we see these dark Spirits here in season 2 and unok Promises to help bring spiritual balance back to the South would you think of something like this unok argues a big reason the south is so out of balance is because of how the tribe lost connection to the north the tribes used to be unified but the 100-year war separated them unok promises that with the arrival of people from the north the South can heal spiritually and at first he was right once the north arrived the spirits stop attacking and all seems to be resolved right well it turns out that the North's arrival is more of a military occupation that the South never asked for this causes a civil war to break out and it leaves cor lost she doesn't know what to do as the Avatar she's told that she cannot take sides but being a bystandard in this situation is pretty much siding with the north since they are the occupiers during this war a businessman veric uses every opportunity he can to profit off the war kind of adding a third element to the issue there's this great conversation K has with her mom where she tells Kora that maybe this is an issue that cannot be solved by the Avatar and that it needs to be resolved by both parties at hand this is the first time that the Avatar's role in the world is really questioned and it's a big question the series poses as a whole on paper all this is some really great setup in season 1 cor had to learn to resolve issues without her bending season 2 is now set up to be about Kora solving issues that aren't so black and white you could say that the north are the clear bad guys and the South are the good guys but then we see people like veric who are siding with the South but clearly don't have their best intentions at heart also the North's presence is causing the spirit attacks to stop so it's not all totally bad this ties into the spirits so well because Spirits are also not good or bad they are their own being that is separate from Human issues one may think that dark Spirits are bad spirits but as we learned in Avatar that's not the case hii was dark because he was angry not because he was evil and as we saw with Wong in the library episode he refuses to take signs in the War because it's not black and white to him the moon Spirit only attacks the Fire Nation after it is harmed not because the Fire Nation is bad so all the pieces are there dealing with this issue that isn't so black and white is the perfect way for Kora to begin her spiritual training so where does it all go wrong well first let's look at kora's characterization in season 2 there is no polite way to say this so I'm just going to say it Kora is a [ __ ] in the first half of season 2 she is nothing like the girl we saw in season 1 when we met Cor us sure she was hot-headed and impulsive but we also saw how caring and loyal she was sure she got into fights with people especially tenzen but that often stemmed from her impatience rather than being a disagreeable person and through those hardships with her friends like tenzen she grew closer to them and grew to Value their input greatly cor was not perfect but she was shown to have a good heart when we meet her in season 2 she just turns on all of her close friends the second they disagree with her the way she treats Mako in the beginning is Unforgivable it seems like the writers thought of their most annoying exes they had in their past and decided to give Kora all of those characteristics Kora basically wants blind loyalty and if she doesn't get it then you're her enemy she treats her father like crap she treats tenzen like crap she treats Mako like crap and only follows unok because he's telling Kora everything that she wants to hear there's one line in the first episode that really infuriated me when talking about her frustrations with tenzen she tells Mako doesn't he remember that I defeated Aman implying that Kora is above this extra bit of training that tend and suggests um I remember how you defeated Aman you went on the season long character Arc where you became more threedimensional and you won not by using your fists but with your mind you were also greatly humbled because you lost your bending seeing kaora act arrogant about how she defeated Aman is just not what end of season 1 Kora would do also seeing her so arrogant about using the Avatar state was frustrating the Avatar state was something we saw Ang take three whole Seasons to master aka the entire show it was something Ang always took super seriously and never wanted to abuse its power Kora now has an ego trip because she can enter the Avatar State whenever she wants something she did for the first time because she was literally at her lowest point it was something Ang metaphorically gave to her because she had suffered so much now she just flails it around like she's above it all this Arc that I spoke about for Kora about becoming more spiritual and handling issues that aren't black and white is a great Arc for the end of season 1 Kora not this Kora Kora is impossible to root for because she is so mean to everyone and she's so arrogant about her abilities often times her frustrations are Justified but instead of those frustrations stemming from her not knowing what to do it stems from people not agreeing with her on everything another missed opportunity is her relationship with Mako while their road to this relationship was quite Rocky narratively in season 1 season 2 can begin with a clean slate these two characters are together and let's see how the Avatar handles being in a relationship if we were to stick with the theme of Kora solving morally gray issues her navigating a relation relationship is perfect for that anyone who has been or is in a serious relationship knows it is not easy you have to make sacrifices for your significant other and you need to find a healthy balance so how does kora's relationship tie into this Arc that she should be going on not at all Kora just fights with Mako the whole time and it has no bearing on the main plot other than making her more Angry so there was a missed opportunity the first half of season 2 can be described as really interesting Concepts derailed by an unlikable protagonist we then reach the halfway point of the series where we get the two Beginnings episodes where we learn about the first avatar I'm not going to touch on the parts of how people first learned to bend or how they lived on the lion turtles what I will discuss is how I have never seen a story derail its central theme as quickly or drastically as season 2 of Kora in Beginnings we are introduced to rava and vatu the iconography here is supposed to tell us that they represent Yin and yangang a fundamental part of not only the Avatar Mythos but also Asian culture Yin and yangang is all about balance it's highs and lows light and dark life and death North and South you get my point with the yin Andy Yang philosophy both things are total opposites but one cannot exist without the other the two work in tandem together and balance must be achieved rava and vatu is not this rava is the ultimate being of good and vatu is the ultimate being of evil in order to find balance rava must have all the power in vatu must be completely destroyed the Avatar is not some balance of good or evil but it is instead the ultimate being of good and It Must Destroy any semblance of evil do you guys remember the ending of Avatar how Ang struggled with the notion that he had to kill oai he spoke to all his past lives and they all told Ang to kill oai but Ang didn't listen to them because he forged his own path and spared oai this was because being the Avatar is more than just black or white Ang had to find his own solutions that stay true to who he was the past lives of the Avatar weren't these Perfect all good people they were human beings that had flaws who made mistakes and the purpose of the new avatars was to learn from their past lives and Forge their own path not anymore the Avatar is now the embodiment of good and all they have to do is ask the spirit of rava what to do and they'll have the answers in fact it is now possible for there to be a dark Avatar removing all potentially gray stuff from the original Avatar boring I don't mind Kora losing all her past lives I really don't what I do mind is how it completely recontextualized the Avatar into this all good being remember how the first half of the season was all about these morally gray issues well the season devolves into a fight between good and evil and cor doesn't have to have any moral debate because the answers are clear defeat the bad guys defeat the spirit of evil you guys also recall how I spoke about how the dark Spirits were not evil spirits but angry ones not anymore dark Spirits are just Spirits controlled by vatu instead of having dark spirits being turned light again by easing their pain and suffering like Ang did for Hai you just now need to destroy the spirit of evil to save the spirits remember how there was this Civil War that had multiple complex issues and how cor's Mom suggested it can't simply be solved by the Avatar not anymore it turns out it was all a secret plot by Unilock to become a dark Avatar the second he said his goals were to become a dark Avatar all potential depth of this character was thrown out the window what makes the legend of Kora special was how Kora had to learn and grow from her adversaries Aman Zahir and kuir were all bad people but they had points and Kora learned from them not Unilock he is objectively evil and has zero points he is trying to make and out goes the interesting questions of the Avatar's role in a more complex society because again it's as simple as good versus evil I don't think I've ever seen a story so thematically yet odds with itself everything about the first half of season 2 is not only contradicted in the second half but it is thematically the polar opposite the first half argues cor needs to learn to solve issues that aren't black and white the second half argues that this whole time cor was learning how to solve the ultimate battle of black and white good and evil now regardless of all of this it still could have been salvaged somewhat remember kora's main Arc was about becoming more spiritual so when unatu is attacking Republic City and all hope seems lost maybe Kora could dive deep into her spiritual training and figure out a way to defeat vatu nope instead the definition of more spiritual is becoming a giant blue monster and shooting laser beams from her chest being spiritual is no longer about being in tune with nature it's no longer a mental exercise allows you to become wiser it's about digging deep so you can become a giant that shoots lasers this season represents nothing that I love about the legend of Kora it takes everything that is great about seasons 1 3 and four and puts a dark cloud over it it turned a character that I love into this ungrateful and disrespectful person I don't recognize it turned all the moral complexity of the series into something so simple it turned its villain into the most cookie cutter villain in the franchise's history and and worst of all it has tainted a show that has three great Seasons with one truly awful season before moving on to season 3 I want to discuss the crew or kora's team Avatar one of the strongest aspects of avatar The Last Airbender was team Avatar in my avatar 15 years later video I spoke about each character in depth and what makes Ang's team feel like such a close group of friends so now it's time to do the same for the legend of Kora there is no debate that kora's team Avatar doesn't seem as close as Ang's now you could blame that on the focus of the series as I stated in the beginning of the video The Last Airbender was more of a character focused series while Kora is an idea focused Series so it only makes sense that kora's team Avatar isn't as close right well it's not that simple when discussing Ang's team Avatar I highlighted the the importance of building relationships in friend groups it's important that each person of the group has a distinct relationship with each other the image I used was this web of relationships if I asked you to describe the relationship between Ang and qara you could easily do that if I asked you to describe the relationship between Saka and Toth you could easily do that if I asked you to describe the relationship between qara and Zuko you could easily do that the reason Ang's team Avatar worked so well is because the series not only spent time developing all the characters but it spent time developing all the relationships between the characters I can pinpoint numerous scenes where two combinations of these five characters have intimate talks with each other not talks about the plot or certain goals of the season but moments where the characters are struggling and they seek counsel from the other person moments where these people act like real human beings the reason this is so important is because this allows two people to become close to each other think about the closest friends you have in your life I'm sure sure on numerous occasions you've had deep conversations with them and those conversations allowed you two to become close in my Avatar video many people criticized me for not including Suki into this web of relationships and the reason I didn't do that was because she doesn't have a strong relationship with the entire team she does with Saka but no one else so it's hard for me to include her into team Avatar even though she does spend time with them and I do like the character when we transition to the legend of Kora can you define the relationship between each four of these characters I think Kora and Mako have a decent relationship in the first two seasons they have a lot of moments together where they are vulnerable Mako and Bolin probably have the closest relationship since they are brothers and the show treats them like brothers but besides that there aren't many moments where the characters have deep conversations with each other with Bolan and Kora I can't think of a single time these two had a heart tohe heart with each other Bolan said a lot of nice things to K in season 1 but that's not a real heart tohe heart frankly once Mako breaks up with Kora and Asami he rarely has these moments with either character again Kora and assami the two characters that end up together at the end of the series I feel haven't had adequate enough time to develop even a friendship before they got together in seasons 1 and two they don't have a deep conversation with each other ever in the first episode of season 3 Kora and isami have this nice bonding moment where they drive together and talk about Mako that [ __ ] was perfect cor says she's never had a real close girlfriend before and she likes it but right after she says that they cut back to the plot for the rest of the season they spend a lot of time together but again none of those deep conversations and then they're a bit closer in season 4 but not that much I don't need a deep conversation between every pair of characters in each episode but when you look back to Avatar there was at least one deep conversation in most episodes also maybe this is just me but I find it hard to believe Kora and Asami stayed friends with Mako after they broke up Mako cheated on both of them with the other person but they were still his friends realistically that just wouldn't happen I don't know why Asami would want to be friends with with these people in season 2 Mako cheated on her and K willingly partook in it when she knew Mako was dating her maybe these characters are just much better people than I am I don't know you know what's a bit unfortunate this show has plenty of deep conversations cor is usually involved in a lot of these but it's always with the people outside team Avatar her relationship with tenzen is probably the strongest relationship in the series these two feel so close because they've bonded with each other and have had deep conversations with each other multiple times throughout the series in feels more like a member of Team Avatar than Mako Bolan or Asami ever did you know what's another thing that I've realized when rewatching the show there are a handful of examples where cor comes across like she just doesn't care about Mako or Bolan remember in season 3 during the bossing say episodes when Mako and Bolan get trapped in the lower ring and have to spend a night or two there the whole time they were gone not once did Kora ask someone else hey has anyone seen Mako or Bolin recently when they return after being gone for so long only then does cor say hey where were you it seems like a small thing but this subconsciously tells us that cor didn't really care because she didn't notice they were gone in the first place there's this one specific example in season 2 that comes to mind when cor returns from the spirit world For the First Time bullan Rushes to give her a hug and tells her he missed her Bolan then proceeds to be jokingly dragged Away by Esa however not once during this exchange did cor even acknowledge Bolin she just gave him a yeah whatever kind of hug and walked away how would you feel if you saw your best friend for the first time in a while and you gave him a hug and you told them how much you miss them and then they just walked away from you without saying a word this is what Kora did to bowl in basically and it's another example of the writer is subconsciously telling us Kora doesn't care about Bolin there is never a moment like this in Avatar in the boiling Rock episodes where Sak and Zuko are gone for multiple days imagine if when they returned Ang and qara were like oh where did you two go we didn't even notice you left that would feel so weird because of how close the group is Kora unfortunately Falls victim to that sometimes now of course characters are more than just conversations what are their motivations for being involved in the story does their Journey convey a theme through a character Arc these are questions that avatar the Last Air vender asked to reference my avatar 15 years later video again I devoted entire sections to pretty much all the main characters the reason I was able to do this was because each character not only had their own arc their story conveyed but they had deeper motivations for being involved in the story other than winning the war Saka wanted to prove to himself and others that he can be a leader and a true man like his father qara scared from being helpless as a little girl wanted to become a powerful waterbender and help those who are helpless Toof lived a sheltered life and she wanted to go see the world Zuko initially just wanted his father's love but came to realize as the series progressed what would truly make him happy it doesn't take much development to give a character agency in his story when I look at the legend of Kora of course we can understand why Kora is involved in every conflict we can usually understand why tenzen is involved in every conflict but what about the rest of Team Avatar in season 1 I would say every character has a good reason Bowen gets captured and Mako wants to protect him Mako inevitably grows close to Kora and cares for her Sami feels betrayed by her father and wants to take him down all that is great but usually in storytelling tending to the needs of others is not a good enough reason to get a character involved think back to Saka a big reason he went along with qara and Ang was because he needed to protect his younger sister but his story is far more than that Mako Bolin and isami almost never have any clear story or Arc that warrants their presence in the season in any of the four seasons does Bolin ever have any relevance to the main story is there ever some sort of Arc or character development he gets sure he dates opal and Esa but is that character development he becomes a movie star but does that lead to any character change in season 2 the entire bot has to do with veric and the Civil War and the business behind it sure Mako Bolan and Asami are involved but appears to me that this SES story was created just so it can give these three characters something to do rather than having a story The Writers wanted to tell do any of these three characters change throughout the season Asami struggles with her business but does that lead to any deep character moments in season 3 does Mako Bolin or Asami have any reason to be on the trip to find the Airbenders other than they just want to help Kora there's even a moment where Mako says he's not going to tag along and then Kora convinces him by saying you're a member of Team Avatar you have to come and that's my largest issue with kora's team team Avatar most of the time these characters are present just because they are a part of Team Avatar remember how when they go to bosing say Mako and Bolan accidentally run into their family what if the reason Bolan and Mako tagged along was because they were going to bosing sa and they wanted to meet their long-lost family and once they were there they bed an active attempt to find their family instead of accidentally running into them Bolan kind of hints that he tagged along to see his family but frankly they could be going anywhere in Bolan would tagal alongi has every reason not to tag along she has a big business to run but I guess being there for Kora is more important again tending to other characters needs is not enough to develop interesting characters and while as a whole I enjoy seeing Mako Bolan and Asami on screen especially Bolin I can't help but feel like they don't form a team Avatar with Kora that feels like a family and one could argue that was the biggest disappointment of the legend of Kora before I continue on with the rest of this video only 6.55% of my viewers are subscribed to this channel so if you're enjoying this video please consider subscribing for more content like this thank you season 3 of The Legend of Kora may be the best of the series to provide some context for this season when season 3 was green lit by Nickelodeon a season 4 was greenlit as well if you look at the wider structure of the series this may not seem like like that big of a deal because like seasons 1 and 2 seasons 3 and 4 each have their own villain and their own distinct plot but under the surface these last two seasons serve as one Arc for Kora both seasons 3 and four were actually produced at the same time so this allowed the writers to plan a multi-season Arc for Kora I mentioned in the beginning of the video that one of the biggest questions this show would tackle is what it is like for Kora to live in a world that doesn't want the Avatar seasons one and two somewhat addressed this but it didn't become a defining part of kora's Arc until season 3 now before we talk about Kora and her Arc most specifically in season 3 we need to discuss the Red Lotus and Zahir because just like how in season 1 Aman was a perfect antagonist for Kora in that stage of her life Zahir is a perfect antagonist for Kora in this stage of her life Zahir and the Red Lotus are anarchists Anarchy is defined as a state of dis disorder due to the absence or non-recognition of Authority or other controlling systems the organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation without political institutions or hierarchical governments unlike Aman Unilock and kuira Zahir doesn't attempt to hide his beliefs he is open and honest to anyone who asks about his goals he's also the only one who doesn't seek power in some way all the other villains saw themselves as Leaders of a movement the here isn't like that the Red Lotus wants to remove anyone in a position of Authority or as said in the definition I provided a controlling system anarchists believe that your loyalty only belongs to those you voluntarily support a monarchy is the exact opposite of Anarchy kings and queens have the ultimate authority over its constituents and they are only in that position of power through no qualifications other than their relatives so when Zahir shares his plans to assassinate the Earth Queen the United Republic president or potentially the fire lord it makes sense why Zahir would want to remove these people from power now if zahir's goals are to remove the world of all its political leaders then why kill the Avatar The Avatar is not a political leader he or she doesn't rule over a singular Nation or people and no one is required to serve under them involuntarily in order to truly understand Zahir we have to listen to what he says throughout the series he mentions to Kora how the Aeron Nomads were almost wiped out due to the fire Lord's Quest for Global dominance he mentions the greed and selfish nature of the earth Queen and he also references the president of the United Republic as a moronic president Zahir believes that no individual or small group of people should have authority over the masses leaders are often held unaccountable to their citizens and while this isn't the case for all world leaders they have the potential to oppress people the previous season we saw how one man and his Ambitions were able to start a Civil War and almost inflict a period of of Darkness for 10,000 years so part of the reasons a he here would go after the Avatar is because of their potential oppression while we see the Avatar as a Force for good that's still a subjective point of view the Avatar often makes decisions that affect the lives of millions of people at the end of season 2 core decided to leave the spirit portals open while this was a decision that Zahir agreed with the point still stands that Kora made a decision that affected the lives of millions of people without consulting those people when we look at the actions of previous avatars they too made decisions that may have been well-intentioned but still affected lots of people we find out early in the season that Ang and Zuko agreed to turn part of the earth Kingdom territory into a United Republic Avatar Roku refused to eliminate the fire lord out of the goodness of his heart but in doing so allowed the start of a 100-year war Avatar Kyoshi created the DI Lee in order to protect Earth Kingdom culture but as we see in both the last Airbender and legend of Kora the DI became an oppressive Force the Avatar regardless of their personality is borne into a position where they can impact the entire world the Avatar is also treated far differently from other people just because they are the Avatar often times it is said that people will trust Kora because they have faith in the Avatar's instincts people rever Kora and instantly respect her just because she is the Avatar not because of anything she has done the Avatar is someone that is born into a position of authority and power so from zahir's point of view the Avatar is no different than a world leader now why is Zahir then the perfect villain for Kora well as we know Kora is someone who loved being the Avatar it is a huge part of our identity Kora for two seasons now has made mistakes but she is always trying to do what's best for the people she will now struggle living in a world where people not only don't need an avatar but in a world where people will actively try and kill her just because she is the Avatar all the suffering that she faces from the hands of the Red Lotus has nothing to do with her actions her personality or her allegiances she is going to suffer just because she is the Avatar the thing she was so excited to be at the beginning of the series so let's go through season 3 and see how all these story elements tie into both kora's Arc and zahir's motivation season 3 begins in the immediate aftermath of season 2 and I love that about this season another issue I had with season 2 was that season 1 appeared to have no consequences cor and the others mentioned the equalists a few times but other than that it had no effect on the season season 3 begins with the rebirth of the air venders and Republic City struggling with the spirits both direct consequences of season 2 whether those consequences are good or bad is irrelevant because Kora now has to face those consequences of her actions something you guys know I love the first episode makes every attempt to show the world it is not happy with Kora we hear at a press conference that she has an approval rating of 8% to provide context for how bad that is the lowest approval rating for a US president ever recorded was Truman with a 22% approval rating in 1952 8% means that pretty much everyone hates Kora even when she does do something objectively good like helping this one Airbender who is pondering suicide she still immediately gets criticized by the president and kicked out of Republic City these are the seeds being planted in kora's mind that she's living in a world that doesn't want her now I want to address this notion that Kora doesn't change in the series right in this first episode we see how different kaora is here from season 1 for when we see her meditating something that she hates because it requires patience and deep thought the way she handled the suicidal Airbender is different from how she would have done it before in season 1 she probably would have just flown up there grabbed the guy and brought him back down here she flies up to him and tries to talk him out of it for a bit that's growth she's not perfect though when she tries to recruit that one kid she inevitably does just try and take him against his will the point is that Kora has shown growth just not a complete transformation after leaving Republic's City core goes to find new Airbenders and this leads her to bossing SE the whole point of the bossing SE Arc In My Eyes was to expose Kora to the unjust rule of the earth Queen so when Zahir says wouldn't the world be better off without leaders like the Earth Queen the audience Ponders for a bit and says the world would be better off without her the lower ring of bosing is riddled with poverty the place smells the food is gross and entire families need to live in one small house we also quite clearly see how awful the Earth Queen is as a person she's rude pretentious entitled and basically every other negative adjective in the dictionary but maybe most importantly the DI conscripting Airbenders into her Army that she doesn't need during peace time is the best example of her oppression pretty much the entirety of this part of the season again is to give Zahir some ground to stand on however it's also just as important to show how he is wrong when we get to zfu we see what kind of leader suen is she's a kind person people seem to love living in zfu all her kids seem happy and overall she seems like a great leader the way Sue handles herself her family and her City shows that there are great leaders out there proving Zahir wrong before I move on to the end game of the season I want to address a criticism of the season season and it has to do with Zahir killing the Earth Queen so we all agree that it makes perfect sense why Zahir would kill her but the aftermath is a little puzzling after the Earth Queen Is Dead Zahir makes an announcement to the entire city that they are now free and Chaos erupts fires are starting people are looting the palace and as we see in season 4 almost the entirety of the earth kingdom is in disarray the criticism here is that this just wouldn't happen throughout history we have seen plenty of examples of political leaders who were assassinated but never does their country actually get thrown into chaos you know why because there is a government that surrounds the leader and there is a line of succession as far as we are aware of Zahir only killed the Earth Queen realistically once Zahir walked out of there the heir would Ascend the throne and the rest of the government would ensure the transition the way the show depicts the Earth Kingdom government is that the Earth queen and the dial are its only members realistically if someone spoke over the radio and said the Earth Queen Is Dead and you can now do whatever you want I'd be like no there's still a government and there is almost certainly an air and we see that air in season 4 the Red Lotus only appears to be concerned with removing governmental leaders not considering the institutions that put those leaders into Power anarchists don't just want leaders removed they want systemic change as far as we are aware the Red Lotus isn't concerned with systemic change which kind of invalidates their whole philosophy because when a world leader is murdered another will just take its place I think what would have worked better is if Zahir and the Red Lotus found a way to take down the entire government of the earth Kingdom maybe in the palace we saw a bunch of these leaders of the earth Kingdom and then Zahir sucked the air out of all of them or they found a way to blow up the palace without a government to ensure the transition of power that would allow the citizens of BOS singi to revolt I get that this is a kid show and all that I suggested is a bit too much but if I'm going to criticize the equalist SLC communist allegory then it's only fair that I do that here too getting back to kora's Arc the the penultimate episode features Kora sacrificing herself to save the air Nation except it turns out to all be a ruse my largest criticism of the endgame was that Zahir had no reason to betray kora's trust Zahir holding the air vendor's hostage and going back on his word doesn't ly up with his beliefs and doesn't appear to have any real motivation at first he holds the Airbender hostage as leverage to get Kora makes sense but once he gets Kora why still hold the Airbender hostage he doesn't need them anymore he has Kora if anything holding the air Bender's hostage at the location you plan on killing Kora at only leads to everyone going there and saving her anyway if they give up the Airbenders then Zahir and Kora just leav in the Airship sure they might face some resistance but the Red Lotus has proven they could handle that would the Red Lotus use the air Benders as leverage to avoid being tracked well they could have done that anyway in the current story but they chose not to if you guys have any reasons why Zahir should still keep the air Benders after getting Kora let me know in the comments also so it's quite ironic that Zahir is threatening the entire air Nation when one of his reasons for Anarchy is because the fire lord almost wiped out the entire air Nation sure you could argue that's the point that the writers are trying to expose air as a hypocrite but I'll let you guys decide so the Red Lotus take Kora inject her with poison and ultimately lose to her while she is heavily damaged what Kora went through here was beyond brutal thus season 3 ends with Kora broken we can just see that she is not the same and after what she went through I don't blame her I remember watching this the scene for the first time and not understanding why kaora shed a tear here but after realizing what this whole season was about it makes perfect sense remember the worst thing cor can hear is that the world doesn't need her she's basically been told that time and time again throughout the whole season and she's just been attacked beyond anything she's ever faced before just because she is the Avatar during jora's coronation tenzen tells Kora that while she heals they will take up the responsibility of bringing balance to the world on this surface this seems like a good thing but what cor sees is that the world doesn't need her if the Airbenders can go out there and do her job just as good as she can if not better then why have an avatar it may seem a little selfish but kaora is a human being and she wants to feel needed this moment from tenson basically telling Ka they don't need her is what breaks her I love that about this show that they can turn this all powerful being into a real person who struggles and suffers season 3 and subsequently season 4 do so much to humanize Kora and I'm so grateful they bounced back after the disaster that was season 2 the third season of The Legend of Kora was great sure I loved other aspects of it like Lyn's Arc and tenzin's Arc but what this season did for Kora and how it allows her to grow in the next season may be my favorite part of the [Music] series if season 3 was part one of kora's new season 4 is part two season 4 is all about breaking Kora down and building her back up again after the turmoil she went through at the end of season 3 Kora is left more broken and defeated than ever I want to give a disclaimer before moving on with this section of the video season 4 of Kora touches on serious themes like depression and PTSD I personally have never experienced either one so I cannot give my own personal account on how it relates to Kora but thankfully we have the internet where people have shared their experiences and have testified that what the show depicts is rather accurate I'm going to go through season 4 and how well it conveys her depression and PTSD and how it ties into kora's Arc I apologize for any triggers I just want to give the storytellers the credit they deserve for how it depicted Kora in this season let's begin so season 4 begins with the world in a completely new state a lot of our heroes have changed and now a tyrant is roaming the Earth Kingdom trying to unite it again when we see Kora however she is nothing like her old self the Brash outgoing and energetic Kora we have grown to know is now someone who has isolated herself from everything she once loved episode 2 of the season is titled Kora alone and like the episode Zuko alone from Avatar this episode bounces back and forth between the past and the present only this time the past is the 3 years between season 3 and the present I explained before how the ending of season 3 broke her sure she was physically ially hurt but tends in telling her that the air Nomads will serve the world in herstead is what cut to her core the most when she returns home we all assume this is just some injury that she will need to heal from and then she'll be ready to go but as we see it's far more than that in the first few weeks into her recovery she is unable to eat unable to sleep she avoids communicating with anyone and pretty much just spends her days alone her first few training sessions have her struggling to take a single step how do you think that makes kaora feel the girl who was so proud of what she could accomplish physically now can't even walk she sometimes lashes out at people she loves not because she doesn't love them but because she's so tired of people not understanding this is where kora's depression is evident when she talks to qara she expresses how all her friends are off saving the world and rebuilding the Earth Kingdom without her her greatest fear that she is not needed is reinforced in her head over and over again maybe the most realistic part of her PTSD are her little triggers she has it doesn't matter if she's in a safe place or people are telling her she's safe sometimes the most random and insignificant thing can set off a trigger just like that you are now ripped away from where you were and placed back at the moment of trauma what I found particularly interesting is that these triggers would physically manifest as a reflection of herself not a reflection of Zahir why would this be it was Zahir who was the one who hurt Kora so why isn't she seeing him I want to give major credit to this post on the legend of Kora subreddit that excellently answers this question that I will paraphrase Link in the description below all of kora's most traumatic moments are the moments where she had no control later in the series when cor sees all those traumatic moments her losing her bending her losing rava and her losing her life almost all three of these moments are where she had no control her reflection that she keeps seeing is of her in the Avatar State what did the Avatar state mean to Kora one of the big criticisms of the legend of Kora was kora's Mastery of the Avatar state for Ang the Avatar state was something that was triggered during moments of disarray Kora on the the other hand almost instantly can just take herself in and out of it but when she is poisoned the Avatar state is triggered out of her control for the first time she had no control of who she was during the Avatar State and she potentially risked ending the Avatar cycle imagine how much pressure that would put on Cor that she was almost the one who ended the Avatar while of course Zahir is to blame for everything Kora partially blames herself for not being able to control the Avatar State this is why later on Toof accuses her of keeping the metal inside of her if that metal isn't side then she can't enter the Avatar State and she can't risk losing control again this leads to her isolating herself even from her family she lies to her friends and family and disappears from everyone even doing her best to change her appearance so people don't recognize her as the Avatar and this is where we meet Kora in the beginning of Kora alone one of the biggest issues for Kora is accepting what happened to her this is why it was so hard for her to remove the poison because she needed to accept the trauma that happened often times victims of PTSD want want to get to the point where they can just forget what happened to them and go back to a normal life but it's important to realize that victims of PTSD can't just return to normal their trauma will live with them forever when Kora fights kuir for the first time it makes sense why she would still have triggers of her experience it doesn't matter that physically all the poison is out and that there's nothing wrong with her she still hasn't gotten over the mental hurdles and those are by far the hardest hurdles to overcome her desperation leads her to Zahir who actually helps her get through the trauma better than anyone she lets the whole scene play out again instead of pretending it never happened she has to accept it and understand it's a part of her this is why I love the conversation she has with Mako after confronting Zahir he asks her if she is ready to forget and she says no but I am ready to accept what happened for my research of other people's experiences this seems like to me the moment where the writers truly understood the message they were trying to convey with this Arc now just like all the good seasons of Kora it's not just about Kora and her Arc so let's talk about kuira kuira and the Earth Empire are no doubt supposed to represent fascist ideas in fact I don't think I can recall any fictional system more deserving of a Nazi allegory than the earth Empire after the events of season 3 the Earth kingdom is in shambles Along Comes kuira Who promises to make things better than ever she will unite all the providences and cities in the earth Kingdom to become one strong Nation again those Bandits who are thriving in the chaos of the earth Kingdom they are the bad guys they are coming to steal your food and take your land they are the ones to blame for all your pain and suffering only through joining the Earth Empire can we prevent the bad guys from hurting you sound familiar Kora preaches nationalism to her subjects that the Earth Empire is something to be proud of she also points to the failures of the system that came before and said we are better than that we are not going to let things go back to the way they were we are going to give you a world that's better at the end of the season we do get some development for kavira we learned that the reason she started up the Earth Empire was because she felt so helpless and scared as a child abandoned by her parents she felt helpless she felt like a victim she felt like if there was only someone there to help her from day one then she wouldn't have been so scared her need to in quotes help the Earth kingdom is to compensate for no one being there to help her when she was young kuir wants the Earth Kingdom to be as powerful as possible so there is no chance she can feel as powerless as she was before that is pretty much the philosophy behind kuvira and while I do like it as it makes her a relatively complex villain I do feel the writers took some shortcuts with her to make her undoubtedly a villain before I spoke about how these Lawless Bandits were just scapegoats CA used to justify the Earth Empire but the writers of season 4 made an effort to show that these Bandits are to blame for the Earth Kingdom's issues kuira is right in trying to protect everyone from these Bandits I felt this was a missed opportunity to highlight who those Bandits really were remember in season 3 when Kora had to steal back the gold from these same Bandits only for them to yell at Kora and tell her that she's on the wrong side of this fight this implies that these people are actually fighting to combat an unjust system these people were starving and oppressed under the Earth Queen and just because she is gone that doesn't mean they still aren't suffering season 4 however makes no attempt to address this issue ever again instead just painting the bandits as objectively bad so that was one narrative shortcut the writers took and instead could have tackled some really interesting questions the other shortcut the writers took was certain decisions to make Kora unquestionably evil even though her bringing the Earth Kingdom back together was a good thing they needed to throw concentration camps and ethnic cleansing into the mix so we can say yep she's bad when we get to her emotional reveal in the last episode a lot of her decisions make sense but some don't what does her fear of powerlessness have to do with ethnic cleansing why does she need re-education camps is it so no one ever disagrees with her and thus they are never a threat to her I just found certain narrative decisions don't align with kier's backstory and were only added so the writers can say she is evil without any doubt even though again I like a lot of the narrative decisions they made with kuira I still think they could have done a bit of a better job so now that we have delved deep into Kua let's tie both her and kora's stories together remember one of the ongoing themes of this show is that the villains usually have motivations that challenge Kora perfectly at that point in her story Aman wanted to take away people's bending and Kora valued her bending more than anything ignore unok cuz he was a terrible villain Zahir wanted to kill the Avatar solely for being the Avatar and Kora values so much trying to grow as the Avatar so come season 4 K is someone who is struggling with her place in the world as the Avatar she doesn't feel powerful anymore and she has been told repeatedly that the world doesn't need her so here comes kuira someone who is unquestionably a fascist and will bring Terror to the world the last time we saw a regime like this it was the Fire Nation during the 100-year War and what did the world need more than anything the Avatar The Avatar is what people need to stop the Earth Empire but at this point Kora is struggling at that more than ever my takea away from the end of season 4 is that the Notions that the world doesn't need Kora are wrong sure she won't be able to handle every situation but there will be times she is needed season 1 K would have loved to have fought the Earth Empire but season 4 Kora knows The World Isn't So black and white kora's Arc where she suffered more than ever before allowed her to empathize with Kira and spare her when anyone else would have killed her and to me that is the Pinnacle of kora's development how someone can look at this version of Kora and this version of Kora and say there was no growth there is beyond me each and every season the writers made it their mission to challenge cor with the hardest thing she could face at that point in her life so even though Kora and the series as a whole faltered many times she did change and become a much wiser Avatar than anyone could have thought possible avatar the Last dender was about turning someone who wanted nothing more than to be regular kid into becoming the Avatar The Legend of Kora was about turning someone who wanted nothing more than to be the Avatar into someone who is a bit more human than they were before so the legend of Kora all these years later it may not be as great as avatar The Last Airbender but that doesn't mean the legend of of cor didn't have something to say this show did struggle it did have its flaws as you guys know I didn't like the second season at all but the show accomplished its goal of tackling more mature themes we even got to see how someone as powerful as Kora can deal with depression and PTSD just like any other person I love this show and I love how it followed up its predecessor so what do you guys think did you like this show as much as Avatar do you find it to be a disgrace to the cannon or are you somewhere in between let me know down below thank you everyone so so much for watching another one of my videos don't forget to the CLA Squad and I will see you guys next time
Channel: The Gold Man
Views: 203,078
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Id: pue01eugOzc
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Length: 63min 33sec (3813 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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