The LAST STEPS Before We Start Our House!

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we're going to do a huge Homestead update there's been so much going on behind the scenes here as we're wrapping up the casa de caca and so we're going to go through everything on the property that is changing new animals what's going on with the Outhouse what our upcoming projects are how the garden beds are doing the first the swells the water catchment so much is going on someone doesn't have a voice nope can't talk We're not gonna make her talk because otherwise should just start coughing are you ready [Music] we're attempting to walk over to the Outhouse but the dogs are all following us so we're not going to show you the finished Casa de caca but we did want to show you one pretty cool thing that we just added the other day so if you saw our live last week you know that we're we were basically done with this whole composting toilet setup and then Julia from Throne composting toilet company totally instagramed us and was like hey I got a better option for you and we're like okay we're listening here's what we came up with here's what she came up with look at that it's like a plastic molded piece that fits in there and makes it much easier to hit your target when going to the bathroom yes it's much more like a traditional compost into it the funnels are a little small this is a much bigger area I think it'll work out good we didn't have to do some heavy modifications as you can see this no longer lifts up because it didn't fit with the vent it was a whole thing so we're going to have more information from Throne compost and Toilet Company when that video comes out keep an eye out for it now on to the next update come here kitty come here [Music] no don't do it here you go yeah okay we're gonna go back up to the garden beds which I know a lot of people are wondering how they're doing because it's been a couple of months since we actually planted stuff and put stuff in in the Vegeta garden beds along with the Oya watering system let's see how it turned out foreign [Music] overall update we really love this setup thank you it has gotten a little hot the last few days and we've noticed that all of our plants are getting a little multi so we're upping our watering game a little bit but in general we fill up these reservoirs once every six days and then at when it's over 90 or close to 100 we'll come back it was kind of water in the evening so they have a little moisture overnight since it evaporates so quickly out here in the desert so this is garden bed number one zucchini are doing really good we've gotten a bunch of zucchini the peppers are not doing that great the tomatoes are growing but they haven't changed color yet I don't know if they're supposed to I'm not I don't know much about the garden I'm just translating for you we're gonna go to garden bed number two zucchini here are also doing pretty good I can pull this one off yes it's not the biggest zucchini I've ever seen but it's not bad yeah this got planted a little bit later so it hasn't grown as much as this one yet uh and then we've got some peppers some oregano and some Rosemary which are doing okay I see our first little pepper here are in bed number three lots of tomatoes here you can see they're climbing the trellis really well the basil did get a seed but these are doing great that some of them are almost red and ready to pick garden bed number four this one's doing really good we've got some summer squash some zucchini uh tomatillos haven't started fruiting yet I don't know maybe they will uh if anyone knows what this particular flower is leave a comment because we really like it we're not sure where it came from uh also we got Roma tomatoes here and I've got I'm gonna pull one looks like it's ready to go look at that [Music] garden bed number five we've got some serious trellis action here what were these again cucumbers come here isn't that the cutest little cucumber you've ever seen got some squash a bunch more tomatoes some other thing we're not sure what it is Ashley and Jack came out here a couple months ago and they just like put some seeds in here so that's why we don't know what everything is garden bed number six more summer squash which is doing pretty good uh some peas which is really we'll call it the Pea because there's one little pea pod right here and it's just barely trellising I think it might be too hot we've got some peppers here do we know what kind of peppers these are just green chilies and then an onion and more Tomatoes oh overall I would consider our vaju garden beds and thirsty Earth oil water is to be a success for our first ever gardening in the desert the only thing we noticed was that in the middle of most of the beds it seems like a dead spot and I think it's because of the way we put the oils in we kind of like zigzagged here and so I think if we hit you know put two in here there would have been more water to actually get those things going for whatever reason we were just trying to to save on tubing and all that stuff but next time we'll probably add one or two more Waters just in the middle because that seems to be kind of the slow growing spot it's all the garden updates we have let's go look at the berm and swim [Music] all right we're on the south side of the big Berman soil that cuts through our whole property so we're just going to talk about kind of what's going on with them things we've noticed things that we're learning as we have them here on the property longer so even though we thought that the chickens ate all of the grass seed that we planted on the berm we've seen quite a few grasses and wildflowers and all kinds of weird stuff pop up on the berms especially over the spring I think these are doing really good and they're fortifying really well which is exactly what they were supposed to do but one thing we have noticed is that this side of the Swale the South Side isn't doing as good as the north side and we've been keeping a closer eye on it and I think we figured out what's going on so we used to have our big water tank and our solar powered water pump right smack in the middle of both sides of the soil but when we moved it to catch water off of the solar shed we moved it a little bit further away from the south side and I think it's too far for our little RV water pump we're noticing that once the pressure comes out of that pressure tank some of the emitters don't work and aren't putting out as much water as they should be also I was talking to Rudy the other day and realized that we have been kind of underwatering we should be a lot more aggressive during this establishing period and so we just started upping our water trying to do that more often so hopefully that'll yield a little bit better results and we're looking into a higher gallon per minute pump to replace the one because I really want to make sure that both of these sides are getting watered evenly also things got really crispy just the last couple of weeks because we are bumping up close to that 100 degree Mark so we can't wait until Monsoon comes because we know when it does these trees are really going to Green up and they're going to shoot up had to save a kitten okay well it's all right no don't run away I'm coming you like playing with those big old mean dogs are you sure so just for reference this is the south side of the soil and you can see down the line the trees are doing okay but once we get to the north side you're going to see how much bigger those trees are compared these okay Mulberry on South Swift [Applause] [Music] see Chase is doing really well over here on the North side uh a lot of the eucalyptus are doing much better on this side hackberries are doing good the honey locusts are doing good probably noticed that all of our trees are slanted this way because of the wind even though we have Stakes wind has been crazy okay let's go find that Mulberry to compare [Music] yeah see the difference it's like twice as big the trunk is like this big around that's what happens when you water it properly there's another one also huge so as you can see this side's doing a lot better so hopefully we can figure out a new pump situation get a little more pressure going to that other side of the soil get that one growing up too now since we're over here let's go check out the chicken Garden also in case you haven't noticed the yuccas are the real stars of the show look at these stocks have shot up all over the property they grew so quick that most of them got knocked over in a windstorm because they grew too fast and they weren't strong enough thank you [Music] foreign [Music] you may remember we had a situation with our neighbor's dogs they attacked our free-ranging chickens we had to do sort of an emergency setup on the unfinished chicken Garden to get the chickens in here to protect them not a whole lot to update I mean they're in here they're doing pretty good uh they seem to be getting along they're getting bigger this is a much safer situation for those of you worried yes we did get our deadbolt put in and yes the lock does lock from the outside so Doug shouldn't be able to get it open speaking of dogs laughs [Music] ruined it [Music] in addition to the chicken Garden we realized we really should continue to up our security game here so we made a trip to Wickenburg Arizona and we got ourselves a guardian puppy this is Trona she is a Great Pyrenees from Zach at MB Great Pyrenees this actually is is adelized dog she went ahead and and got this protector for the farm and we're really happy to have her here she's already been a working dog so she's trained to be around the animals which was the problem we had with the last one that we we didn't have the time to train she's already trained see look how chill she is she's just hanging out oh no There She Goes anyway she's used to being around animals and she knows how to do it she is like the sweetest chillest dog and by the way she has two sisters left if you're looking for one I'm just saying I'm just saying [Music] [Music] thank you foreign our neighbor had a huge century plant that he needed to remove because it was potentially going to cause damage to his property so we had all these off sheets left over so we went and got like 20 of them and Ashley and adelai planted them all over the property now if you don't know what a Sentry plant is it is this beautiful huge plant it grows up to 12 feet wide six to eight feet tall and then once it hits about 10 or 20 years it shoots up this massive stock that can be like 25 more feet tall and those are the things that can cause damage if they fall in the house so we've planted them all over the place they're all over the property they're not close to anything and so they continue to make little babies all the time so we're going to be constantly taking those planting them all over the property the more green we can put out here the better and in 20 years is going to be incredible so here's a very small one this thing was about this big last year and just in that one year it's already grown that big so you can see how quickly these grow they're beautiful we can't wait to see them all over the property it's getting dark here so we are going to continue this in the morning we'll see you then [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] I am back this morning Ashley still not feeling good so I'm gonna try to wrap up this update let's talk about the solar shed next now obviously we still are gonna need to work on the exterior of this hopefully soon we'll see um but also let's talk about solar you probably saw we put out a video pretty recently about how we had a lightning strike and we got that all fixed but maybe a better question is like how well is this solar system actually working for us it works great most of the time the only thing we've noticed is like this time of year when it's late spring early summer and it's really really hot and the monsoons haven't come in yet and the key difference is that we've noticed is that the Sun is way to the north and we have all our panels facing south so we're doing High draws we got a bunch of air conditioners going and everything the sun because it comes up from the north it takes it a while to get over on the solar panel side so we find ourselves dropping pretty low overnight I mean not that low maybe like 60 percent um but I still like to see it about 80 so everybody tells you you're supposed to point your panel south for the winter because that's when the days are shorter but I think we've found if we do more panels we would actually face them a little more up instead of facing south just because we use more power during the springtime and you can probably hear the biggest draw we have in the summer is definitely that dumb air conditioner on the RV RV air conditioners are so inefficient it uses two to three times much power as the mini split and the mini split does just to get a job so maybe one day we'll get a mini split up there but that's what we got for now [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign we did a winter update we were super excited because it had sort of rained all winter and our rain water tanks had filled up and things were going great and then it hasn't rained since then so our water catchment has been pretty sad over the past couple of months we're hoping that'll change here as we get to monsoon season but we have been hauling a decent amount of water we got some pigs and they're using a ton of water so our animal tank is getting refilled a lot more regularly but this Monsoon will be the first monsoon season where we actually have multiple rain water tanks hooked up we didn't have the one that still shed hooked up last year we didn't have the one at the Airstream hooked up last year and now we've got the one at the casa de caca too so I'm really hoping that these tanks just fill up an overflow and we really get to see how well the system is going to work soon so look as you can imagine working on all these projects building all these things out shooting all this video editing it putting it out for everybody to watch it is a gargantuan effort to do this not only that but you all know that the cost of just Baseline materials has just skyrocketed in the last couple of years so while we always appreciate those of you who are watching and liking and subscribing we do have to take a minute we got to say thanks to our tiny shiny homies these are the people this support us every single month and without them we wouldn't be able to do this full-time and to make all the content that we make to try these crazy ideas to build these systems to test them out and tell you what we've learned from them so if you've been on the fence about being a homie as we get into this house build the biggest most complicated project we have ever worked on Now's the Time we need your help we hope that you'll consider supporting us if not again just watch and like And subscribe all those things definitely help but one more time let's give a shout out to our tiny shiny homies and get back to it now another project that has been going on behind the scenes that has ended up being a huge pain in the butt is the septic you may remember that we had to plumb from the Outhouse into an actual septic system which we're putting in but it's ended up being just a really long complicated process we had to trench from the Outhouse all the way down here it was over a hundred feet we had a tractor come in for part of it but we still had to do the part near the building and through the berm in the soil by hand this septic project we're trying to do so much of this ourselves and save a bunch of money and it is turned to just into a huge headache it's taking way longer than we thought because we're doing this while we're working on the Outhouse you can see we've got the main tank in the trenches have turned into a whole thing they didn't get dug right part of that was our fault part of it was some information we were given they didn't get long enough they didn't get deep enough and now the tractor can't get back in there because this has all been dug out and this is in here and so we're having to dig out these huge trenches by hand and it is taking forever it's been like weeks of digging I'm over the septic I want to be done with this I don't want to think about it anymore but that is kind of the next big thing we've got to wrap up so that we can begin to move forward and speaking of moving forward we're going to flip around here because you may remember the house pad this has been sitting here for what feels like months we just haven't been able to get to it yet because we've been so wrapped up in the casa de caca project and in this huge septic project and so we're really hoping we can clear the Slate with those things and get to this house as soon as possible we need to get started on it we want to make progress on it we are kind of feeling like we need to fix the plaster on the solar shed before we get too deep into the house just because so much of it has already come off and we are almost a monsoon season so we'll see if we can get to that or not we may be working on both of those things kind of at the same time but regardless the house should be starting very soon all right friends that's all we've got for this update we hope you'll keep an eye out for the full build of the casa de caca the reveal of the finished building coming very soon we'll see you then [Music] thank you
Channel: Tiny Shiny Home
Views: 32,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earthbag, hyperadobe, chicken garden, hyperadobe garden, chicken coop diy, building with earthbags, building with mud, building with earth, sustainable living, sustainable building, tiny shiny home, cochise county, off grid arizona, living off grid, off grid family, family project, earthbag family, rv carport diy, rainwater, rainwater harvesting, monsoon rain, loss of pet, puppy love, raised garden beds, ollas watering system, solar power
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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