One Level Living in our Beautiful 10’x30’ Charleston Tiny Home Model for $89,900 (Home Tour)

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all right behind me is our model called the Charleston it's going to be man we got to get inside this thing all right so we're on our Prairie Community in Newport Tennessee this is our Charleston it's 10 by 30. 89.9 is on our model price and we'll show you now they come just like you see it right here of course she is dolled this upside up the outside up with all this stuff she's got out here her steps she's painted it's just really cute I can't wait to get inside but this is our standard Charleston model okay for 89.9 here in our Prairie Community and I'll think about this right here is 200 a month rent that's all it is for lot rent water power and Sewer as you guys can see we're in kind of a rainy day but this is a she's almost got lakefront property all right because that is going to be all water once our construction is finally done it is an enormous pond it's almost like a little lake with an island out in the front of it so back to the Charleston the big picture window comes with it some people have been putting bay windows on them again let me just point out this is this 30 inch sweeping overhang right and these corable brackets and you've got your polyurethane stain grade soffit with the big freeze boards the detailed trim exposed rafters and of course you can see the Dormer up top and it's got board and batten siding it's got the gutters she's putting little chains on them down there to guide the water down to the next gutter so we've got gutters air exchanger this is home and this is all living on the main floor now you do have a loft if you have one a bedroom or a study up there but it is a loft too but it's all on the main floor 89.9 you want to walk that way okay now this is a neighbor here and this neighbor is annoying look at her anybody knows he knows yeah and she's got all her plants and look she got green onions and stuff isn't this cool now this is now this slot is 50 by 60. all right so it's fit it's uh was it six 50 wide 60 deep yeah wow let me step on her rug here now you Gloria's got hers Mack Daddy out she's a show off the show yeah yeah [Music] now we're all under construction and that's why a lot of this haven't been mowed up and stuff people are just getting settled in here this is going to be manicured we've got a lot of plans for trees and shrubs and stuff they're going to be coming in we want to show you this Charleston now she's got a tongue box that was added to the house that doesn't come with the house but you do have the lights and the architecture that has come with all this now she hasn't underpinned it yet and that's because we're all just getting settled how beautiful that is the house right there 10 by 30 89.9 can you show them well from glorious planners you know to about this other meter Center you know yeah well they got a little stake right here so it's about 50 foot wide to the driveway yeah so she's got all this area here Amanda to still doll up like Gloria did plant trees shrubs Garden whatever I'm probably going to put some fencing down through here we're going to plant a bunch of Leland cypresses and this is going to turn into something really nice I mean beautiful yeah you wait I can't wait all right let's go see see if she's home of course she's home we're gonna do a tour here man Amanda when I go in I'm going to slip my shoes off okay when I go in too all right you stay thank you thank you for letting us come in here good morning good morning wow oh my goodness let me turn around this way I love coming in Utah yeah face this just makes the room twice a size yeah it's just awesome oh my gosh I'm so in love with this house I can't even tell you really everything's perfect the bathroom the bedroom everything it's just just the way I wanted it now that is a state really awesome yeah totally totally she's not just a pushover okay what is your name where are you from and how did you make it here okay I'm Dorothy I moved here from Nashville but I'm originally from Germany and when I was living in Nashville I kind of like two or three years ago I caught your video with someone like there's no idea that I can make happen you know so yeah I've been planning this for quite a while for quite a while really yep wow yeah you were in Nashville how many years 26 years and living in a regular house or almost in a regular house and then of course the last year sold the house got the equity out bought this house and then I lived in an apartment duplex for about a year and a little bit but yeah so you know yeah excited I'm fine here I'm finally retired it's done it's done the rest of my life oh that's cool this is stunning man walk us this this is a little bit of a provisional thing because I haven't decided yet if I want to do curtains or blinds yes so I'm sitting on the fence on that so it just stays like this right well it's a beautiful painting of Tuscany like it says it's cool yes yeah okay this is full-size furniture that she has that is actually a queen size yes oh my goodness look at that trunk yeah that's from England that's beautiful from England yeah oh that's gorgeous I don't know where to start it's just so you know what there's what I get is there's so much volume in here it makes it feel huge in her living room I mean the Cabinetry look how much is eventually to put a couple boxes up there open boxes for bookshelves yeah yeah I'm not gonna Chuck it full of storage you know so yes well books would look nice well kind of like what Luanne did she's got books up on top of her yeah oh my and of course everything is functional do you know what this thing double says the seed but also storage oh my goodness yeah so yeah you need play those kind of tricks that is a flip table so it kind of comes over there opens up perfect laptop height so you can eat there and you can work there I can do that that is great you know in in the floor plan again Amanda look a living room that is definitely a full-size living room full living room you just I think it that's what makes it feel like home ah it is custom-made because I need a space for the for the TV but it could only be 12 inches deep and you know so yeah couldn't find anything had it made that's so perfect your shoes everything right at the front door everything's so handy but still she has her decorations that has her personality all through the house wow wow this is so I mean it's I mean you got your sofa you're directly here your table everything oh man whatever you need the two lights coming in yes was that was extra did you have that no those windows no that is the Loft that normally is above the that is the uh yes I'm not using the Loft for sleeping or anything else yes move it this way this way I love it there's no lights on look how bright it is look at now this right here if my mama always what my mama had flowers everywhere half of this is trees that need to be transplanted yeah inside so beautiful my next big project good good you know in a few years this whole place is going to be full of trees and bushes and all kinds of stuff kitchen plenty big enough for one person really cook for 10 people yeah right so I love it and what some of the items you have what is that is that a stuff what is that oh that's my caloric yeah that's that does everything it boils and broils it air fries it over it it does it does everything I can even do a rotisserie chicken in it really that is so great but look how it fits right did you buy it where'd you get this cabinet and stuff um that is Amazon so they matched yeah cool so you just measured kind of put that in so it doesn't look messy because yes yeah all my vitamins you know but it matches that and yeah it gives you a little privacy and it's got the prettiness to it too yeah that is so great so you got a trash can and of course uh me her and Gloria have one of those you got one of these yeah I've got two of those absolutely one well one's yours thank you is that a Berkey it's mine this is a water drop oh okay yes yeah same night yeah so in you so this is big enough for you to navigate that had so much space and I decided to put you know too horrible wow yeah you know it feels so good to be able to when I design these and then to see you living in it but people make out of it yeah it is awesome look look at all this I mean this is she has everything she needs and then some and then absolutely I still have too much stuff I admit yeah yeah I don't have too much stuff but I'm working on it I'm working oh it looks beautiful now did you put your poles on yeah did somebody come in sure did look Amanda Randy I'm not gonna open her stuff don't don't uh don't be scared if something jumps out yeah so do you have water you have water here and you have water there well this is for boiling obviously this is my filter that's how I feel this stuff but I also have Avion water so oh I I mix it up so this is like room temperature water he loves room temperature water solid yeah yeah you don't like it real cold we've heard her and I have talked quite a bit about stuff and it still haven't gotten my shower filter and I think about it every time she has a shower filtered it filters the water when you shower I turned it on the other morning and I could smell the chlorine yes she's got the same light bulbs that I have those um the sea salt the sea salt yeah oh it's got the prettiest locks to it it is it's so nice look how much room she's got so much other stuff that she ever wanted to put pictures or whatever she wanted to do yeah I was tempted to do it and then I went like you know what I like it like this clean simple yes I have a lot of pictures oh yes in my storage unit right yes just take your time yeah right I'll play it by ear I love this you like that sink yes I love this huge sink look how big wow there's your phone again I know I can't believe it's my phone again I'm so sorry let me turn around and show how the fridge is right here this is awesome fridge you got here this is actually a washing machine stoop thing you come over here can you show that here hold that and you explain to them what you got that is amazing okay well this is actually a washing machine pedestal then I put in to race my fridge again storage oh so great and it brought a fridge up to just the right size size that's perfect I like this one I'm not advertising but yeah one third freezer and two-thirds fridge is a nice size that's great size because sometimes it's way smaller and you can't put hardly anything but you get that some washer and dryer pedestal yeah that is awesome so my washer and dryer hookup is behind that so they have radically if I ever wanted one I can put it in there but then I wouldn't know where to put the fridge somewhere this is my second favorite room oh my goodness yeah it's a spa it's literally it has the spa feel oh it's so nice wow wow and how big is the shower it's a 48 before they had walk in beautiful oh it smells so good it smells like a spa it does smell like a spa in here the idea so this allows my towels to dry after a shower yeah so you know I'll put it high up out of the way I love it look at that pedestal isn't it oh that is so pretty man plenty of room fits perfect isn't it yeah yes you got your mirror you got storage don't close that over there look at the top you can close the top of it yeah when the afternoon sun comes yes yeah just pull it over and hook it up that is so neat oh yeah blatant advertising again Teemo yeah there you go everything you can get everything I just learned about this Teemu thing I didn't know what it was yeah now I know you can fall down oh very easily that oh there it is 48 inch look at the the shower thing is that what she's talking about oh yeah there's still oh my goodness yep I need to get one of them oh my god look how much room yeah see on a 10 foot wide you can get these big 40 inch showers still have a hallway and still have a kitchen yeah exactly the stairs to go upstairs which I did yeah so we don't have the stairs yep so you don't see them any of the stairs and gives you all this plenty of room oh my God I love it and of course you got that um tankless water heater tankless water heater second favorite room second favorite room all right is it your favorite favorite food is the favorite room oh my I mean just like a regular this is a full-size bedroom wow wow I mean it's actually sometimes I could think it's a little bit too big but then I put a lot of stuff in it and we're like no it's just right she's right it's the biggest room that we've seen in the tiny house no the Birmingham is even bigger wow look at everything that you got in here it's got a whole dresser yeah that's also that's that's from England that's from England they're beautiful yeah look I want to get on the bed it's so soft look at that there's a down comforters here that is beautiful look at the room she has in here Amanda oh my gosh I'm blown away this fan just this one since the bed's pushed up to it that piece basically stays closed right now but I have enough light you know oh my goodness and again one of those days either curtains or blinds we'll figure it out is this not comfy oh my gosh this is like this this is my favorite spot I Lounge in that corner watching this TV and just yeah that's that's my old Pantry that used to be out there it's now doubling as an armoire until I get one yeah so this one came in handy Aldi and why not do this right here I lived for years having my clothes out like this you know in a smaller house I love it I gotta get a shot of this bed again see even if you close this it's not you don't feel no you don't feel closed in at all yep it's wonderful I love plenty of storage you better stay off her bed which you don't have these boots on so at least that and there's more yep behind me that's a regular bookshelf yeah of stuff this is what I like about the way we designed the bedroom now you do what you want she's added look she added like a little dresser or Anwar back here shelves I use every space every 15 inches whatever I have I use it I use it that's what you're supposed to do but look at all the space I still have to get dressed in the morning to get ready wow you would not think you'd have this much space in here in the in the stain you know the polyurethane ceilings yeah you know with the White Walls the contrast the trim the sprinkler up there brings it all together she's got some storage right up here it's still super Airy she doesn't have it packed packed no and I'm not if it was packed it would feel it would feel heavy in here well plus you wouldn't get the air from the minister no you wouldn't get it you got to keep it clear so that mini split's almost 30 feet away and it is so cool so you find that that works all right yes the Mini Splits yes absolutely it's in here and of course I got the ceiling fan on top yeah so yeah and she's got an air exchanger right there this is so weird I was glad that ended up in the bedroom that's where you want the fresh clean air especially at night you know there you go yes now when you run that and I'm not real familiar with those things it's on right now you can't hear it it's on low setting when you have it on high I always call it the house is breathing because you can literally hear it yeah but this right now you can't hear it no does it does it cycle in and out or is it always every 70 seconds yeah you just leave it don't fall with it nope once said it once forget about it so it it pushes in and out in and out all the time and it filters the air while it's doing it oh my gosh that's very nice yeah and you know what I I had a friend that he was his windows were fogging up in the winter yes I remember and we put one of those in his house and it took all the moisture I never had that yeah I absolutely love this oh yeah and look how much room Charleston and of course all the storage up above there it's almost 10 by 10 storage area right yes and she put the Dormers over her living area yes her living room instead of the the um loft yeah they would have been wasted up there it would have been wasted you're right yeah so I love it like that in her living room huge wow hmm I absolutely love it yep I love this house so now what how has your experience been coming here to a community because this is the first time that you've lived in a community like this well this is pretty much what I expected um the everywhere A lot of people gather you know you might have like tensions here and there sure generally I found everybody is as nice as they can be you know stuff and I know all of this out there is going to stop at some point yeah exactly I can't wait either yeah I I'm actually moving across the street to two houses up at some point alarm is ready and she vacates so this is why I have no skirting yet yeah because I would have had a skirting in a deck by now but yeah yeah yeah so it's it's just yeah no but I love living here it's like every time I drive anywhere you know I go like oh my gosh gosh this reminds me of Germany really exactly the area I came from it's this is it the mountains and Landscapes yeah yeah that is so great so it reminds you I'm home yeah you remind you of Home definitely so what's it like living beside of a show-off like Gloria I mean we all know we just put it out there glory is awful just in case you don't know but Gloria and I have become good friends you know oh good as I'm a matter of fact with her beautiful sun porch you know I spent 80 of my day over there a big old living room well she's fixing us breakfast after we get done here oh gosh yeah nice well Gloria is great and then Gloria I just love how what she did with her property everybody saw the video and stuff like that but it shows how much space we show the space you've already started somewhat of what kind of Gloria has done over there and there's a lot of room to grow you have a whole place to have a garden and a place to sit in a everything yeah it's not a small it's not a small lot and I'm sure you wait till she moves to her permanent lot what she'll do oh my god oh yeah absolutely I think I have in mind oh I can't wait yes I've got awesome I've got a lot of landscaping ideas and it'll come and two I want to ask you about you know because you know we know from other places that you know the rent only being two the lot rent just being 200 other places they're really jacking it up on people yeah I know it's just unbelievable I mean I I hope to go there sooner rather than later because at the moment I do pay rent a lot but um no it's yeah yeah and when she came here I know we you lived in a credit box for a while I did because we had to build our house he had to wait for her house actually gave me do we gave you two yeah because I had my first yeah so we gave her two credit boxes until we built this house one of them was storage the other one I literally lived in you put that vent in there it's done and it was full yeah that was it you know a bathroom in the kitchen yeah that was it but I it was a good learning curve because I moved from a three bedroom apartment into tiny into the eye box and went like whoa and then I moved in here from there and on ah yeah but uh it was like day and night you know it's beautiful man it was wonderful this I I can only recommend anybody the 10 by 30 is the perfect size it is a great size I mean anything sort of 10 by 24 yeah still acceptable yeah 10 by 30 to me is perfect because hey you got the big back the bedroom you know you can do whatever with the bathroom and then of course you got the living room and it's all on one floor you know and you got still all this storage one two you know the Birmingham and the Charleston it's two of the big sellers yep because it's accessible it's livable yep absolutely love it we're so glad that you're here and so glad that Gloria is here and everybody that's here because you know I make the um the example of Gloria she was out in California by herself oh you don't have to put me on there everybody wants to see you too nobody wants to see me on there um well anyway Gloria was out there and she'll tell the story to you too is that um some of the only people that she would see during the day was the UPS driver and when she paid her ramp this right here and you times that by most a lot of the ladies that I've spoke to here they were by themselves in their house you know kids are and it's kids are grown uh grandkids everybody's got their own lives yeah they have coffee they visit they go places uh everybody around here has made new friends and that's what the community is all about is leaning on each other you know sometimes whenever um you know as we get older you want your kids to be around you well they have their own lives we had our own lives so don't put all that I'm not saying it's a burden but don't put all that on your kids the pressure of like you know have your own life your kids are trying to find you now what do you mean you're out to dinner wait a minute we're coming to visit well listen I'm at Dollywood I'm busy me and my friends are out uh you know doing stuff yeah I bought a season pass for dollywoods there you go exactly so it's just I it's just Randy and I both just look and it's like it's just so beautiful everybody the friendships that's been made lifelong friendship because you've probably noticed too people that are here they're not leaving this is this is home they're done this is where they're staying and that's this she said I'm here oh yeah as soon as I'm over there I'm definitely here when she's over there she's going to be here yeah oh I'm glad you're here too yeah yeah I love it and everybody's just got you know this beautiful attitude and everybody learning from each other and stuff like that you know uh you know what's keeping your house what not to keep in your house what you can live with what you can live without and making their place pretty and it's just yeah it's just beautiful well our next big investment hopefully will be some sort of a lodge or something that we can gather and talk yes we want everybody to have and that's going to be at the sales lot So eventually you just you know because I think then the community will because just by having two parties sort of back to back here Cinco de Mayo and three weeks before that over at David's you know I met so many new people yes from us from the beach you know people I normally don't run across on a daily basis so yeah that's and two you know another thing that I hope that we can do I know Randy's going to be moving the post office okay so possibly over there across from the Grove or across from the beach or whatever across the Grove it would be nice to have a long front porch and some rocking chairs which everybody can sit and like just hang out that's what we're gonna do you know so so people let's go to the Post Office and hang out yeah because we've got all of our beautiful growth people that's coming in so there's more new people coming yep Pack full let's walk through and show the living room one more time because I just can't get enough of that look at this here's ah and I love how she has all these plants because my mama had the same thing and it makes um a house just feel fresh and alive when I bought that little palm back there you know it's like this corner needs something yes yes that's what it needed that's what it needs oh it's just beautiful Dorothy yeah I kind of like it too yeah for her to say that it just man you don't know how much that makes me feel so good yeah that somebody likes they like what we've done what we've designed they're living in it they're happy that's just I mean it really is even you know the guys in the shop people don't know all the guys and we're trying to get more of them on on video they really care about what they do they they want you guys happy they want you to feel good about their home and their workmanship even the Amish everybody they do it's it you know this might be really really silly but I hugged every wall and thanked the trees for dying to build my house how beautiful you know like I wouldn't have that without the trees yes yes of course but yeah you know so it's like yeah no I'm I'm very very happy and something I just want to share with minor you don't have to put any detail to it but I do know that your health is like good like going great yes I want to keep it that way yeah yeah and you work at it there's a lot of yeah she's working nutrition and I learned from her talking I don't know if you noticed you know but there's a big old crystal in that water bottle yes I I work with energy I'm an energy healer I could I noticed that yes so I've worked a lot with energy because everything's alive yes everything's got the plants online yes everything well there's a lot of energy on this development it is when I was outside we'd eating the other day a couple days three or four days ago you know I apologized for every plant I said I'm sorry I gotta give you a haircut no you're just weeds I love it I love a few of them I left some of the red clover for the bees I love the red clover I have that at my house I love it it's so pretty yeah what do you what do you think about the lines the Prairie no and I know people will be Mowing and stuff like that in my mind I'm I kind of like the woods over in the forest I've let some Lots just kind of grow up wild and I don't need it to be manicured beautiful but I would but when I look at it looks like it needs to be mowed does people want it mode do you like do you like it kind of a little wild looking or what what is the take on everybody here well she had hers we eat it yesterday you know and it looks actually it looks cleaner but before she had all those little flowers it's bittersweet too so it's pretty sweet it is it's bittersweet um this one being that it's not my lot you know there's much I can do about it you know but this one is mainly mud when it rains yes so I for a long time just let it go moment like okay fill in fill in yes give it time and when you bring we need now that it's spring we need to come and reseed everything and we can put some more grass in it yeah but I like it I'm like her I like the flowers the wildflowers but then you like it neat looking too I know so we might mix it all up we're gonna have some some ideas you know because I noticed people are leaving their grass grow but it looks kind of cool with the with the little flowers too can I just show him we told him you told him to stay and he stayed right there he is not he has not scratched on that we were afraid he's going to scratch on the door and he is just waiting on us he's a good boy bless his heart thank you for showing your house thank you so much beautiful I love it and now I can send with my friends I said okay there it is that's it because I always tried to do one myself but I don't have phone reception when I'm here oh right well it is gorgeous I love what you've done see if you can see up there what a compliment oh you know love it all right 10 by 30 Charleston 89.9 is our base price model home this is what you pretty much get except for all her loving touches that she's done in here yeah so thank you all for watching subscribe thumbs up comment and let us know what you think of her house all right thanks Dorothy bye
Channel: Incredible Tiny Homes
Views: 328,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house movement, tiny house living, tiny home on wheels, tiny house nation, tiny house design, incredible tiny homes, DIY, tiny home, tiny house, tiny house community, home is where you park it, tiny house life, tiny house builder, tiny home builder, tiny house love, tiny home community, tiny homes, tiny houses, home on wheels, tiny, home, randy jones, incredible tiny houses, minimalism
Id: n6SNDsd0iUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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