A BOLD colour choice for the chateau's biggest bathroom!

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good morning on a very still day and I've just worked out why the fountain isn't on yet I am up before the fountain well that bodes well I'm gonna run downstairs and get some tea I've got lots to do today it's very unusual the kettle was still warm that is a dead giveaway I'm going through a phase of matching my mugs to my outfits which doesn't mean going through a lot of different mugs as I get changed throughout the day but I think it's worth it I'm convinced that it's finding joint all of the little things throughout the day that lead to a lifetime of happiness I'm gonna need this for strength because today Philip and I are going to start painting Bon Mama's bathroom and I have the paint colors just here let's see what we've got good morning little ray of sunshine I want it to be and I'm just opening the paint because I'm going to be painting on my mom's bathroom today you look excited why does lack of excitement mummy oh darling you do too much that's why that's not something I ever thought I'd hear so we have Hopper and Gardener you know Garden is the same color as the winter salon okay they're lovely colors it's the colors that little green making partnership with the National Trust hula crafter all the stately homes in England and they're they're beautiful beautiful colors the thing is is it the right color for the situation I know we spent hours hours going through every color that they had yeah and look it's paint the worst case scenario we will repaint it if we don't like it now you've seen you've seen you seem like you're going some morning Percy a car full of laundry I must stick to them that's why you were being all miracula I got up late yes that's what I can understand why you were telling me what time you were getting up you're doing the laundry run early but this gentleman there he gets Disturbed nice and so I let him sleep this morning quite right well yes the change then we're not going to the dishes so that's what we thought we'd mix it up with the laundry you know really make your lives exciting we've got such a wonderful life what are you up to hi well it's uh time to flower The Chateau flower up the Chateau yeah a flower delivery coming today from Jean pop this oh birds are excited no so I've just been to the forest and I've got all the greenery um so that's what I that looks very much like my hedge well you're pruning at the same time I'm going on the back side so not in there that's actually a needs pruning anyway so it's totally fine if you're tidying it up it's great I'm just actually I'm actually doing that I'm taking away the ones with pointing yeah perfect and then I've gone into the forest to get some beach and some common snowberries so every Wednesday like afternoon you'll see me with a lot of greens it's so nice and that's the weird time difference between Beach and Horn beam isn't it because they look the same but Beach is smooth yes and hornbeam like our hedge is uh yeah I like yeah I love The Ridges it's the darker and smoother as well yes yeah a bit of a different contrasting foliage nice so yeah oh well I'll come back when the flowers have arrived yeah and see what you're doing with them but it's looking tidy in here you're making it really nice so this is just whilst the bread oven rooms just a little bit of work still carrying on in there a little bit a little bit but we still have to have flowers in the Chateau so here we are I want to start work but I had to come outside because I cannot find a roller tray this is so typical but Kirsty told me that she thinks there might be one in here underneath the workbench hmm it's not looking good trapped oh hang on that is one that is a roller tray worth its weight in solid gold do you remember them well ish maybe you shouldn't be doing that on the marble surface yes maybe not okay no no I brought that for a different reason what did you bring that for it's a trick trick should I show you the trick okay one trick for what well for using one of those rolling things rolling baskets what's a rolling basket oh no I just wash it afterwards don't worry but it said this is easier to clean up I don't mind cleaning the thing at all it's quite dusty but we'll need to rinse it first obviously obviously a little bit dust in the paint so something trick on Instagram we were just doing this or we can try and if you want to try it but then you're going to need a dust sheet underneath it because I'm worried about that I had an automatic reaction against this because I've been painting my whole life and it just feels wrong but no I'm going to learn new things let's give it a shot the paint even comes with a stirrer I'm always wandering around looking for a stick to stir the paint with but no we don't need it it's so satisfying seeing the color emerging as you stir it this is the garden which looks much pale if it's actually the color on the walls of the winter salon so it dries a little darker than that and this one is called Hopper and we've never used this one here before that is very beautiful it's a very nice color again I think it will dry a bit darker we need to consider that okay I'm gonna try dark first a big surface you like the idea of inverting it and then lighter on them would work I don't know I like both ideas so I want to see how it looks let's give it a shot actually that looks very very beautiful underneath the leaves yes I'm curious to see how dark it's going to get but if it stayed like that I would love it but I think it's going to get quite a bit darker I haven't even put the other color on yet but we already know that we actually want the darker color not for the main body of the wall but for the bit that goes right against the wallpaper along here we'll have a data around a little wooden rail here and it will be painted in this darker color then with the lighter color below [Music] foreign [Music] I'm very pleased with the way the bathroom's coming along I've left it so that the first coat can dry now I'll have a little bite to eat and then go back in half an hour I see all the flowers have arrived we have so many beautiful flowers oh these are gorgeous yes so we've got carnations and some snapdragons beautiful I love the snapdragons but I have to say carnations I'd completely gone off because I thought of them as a petrol station flowers but I'm changing my mind yeah they can be quite beautiful and they're locally grown as well I know and they were one of the most popular flowers in the 18th century and when you actually take the time to look at them closely they're so delicate they're so pretty they are beautiful they're coming back in yeah to Fashion Rebecca they're like little baby sunflowers yeah yeah it's beautiful and then we've got some stuff in the garden um I've clinched a few of the uh dollars these are gorgeous just a couple and then the roses from the big rose tree in the garden and then we have beautiful with these from Jean Batiste no they're from my garden these are from the garden yeah meal sweet peas they don't smell yes they're the ones in with the Roses yes oh I love those yeah some Greenery as well and the lilies and the Lily they aren't yes and look you remember what you said would never love you're dead eucalyptus yes it's hard it's taller than that like dresser I'd written the death certificate and everything look at that you see what says life does Hope yeah it's thriving it's so beautiful I don't really cut from it uh during the week but it's a special week and lots of nice people are coming yes lovely weekend yeah so I have to say I love you clippers because I like that gray green me too and I think it'll go well with a white There Will and these whites so we'll do a bit of classic white it's good to see you in your happy place Marie thank you it makes all of us happy thank you is this your summer office yes this is my summer office I wanted a break from the painting so I've come outside I really like coming here to do work I brought my admin with me but I've been putting the admin off a little bit because I was reading homes and antiques and House and Garden but I just saw this look it's Harry yes we interviewed him when we went to the Chelsea flower show that's true he was so so nice he made a beautiful garden for a school he was absolutely fascinating and now he's in House and Garden receiving one of their 2023 Design Awards wow I think that's all up to you darling Oh yeah thanks to you yes yeah that was the Chelsea it was the chance of Hazzard video he could have done it without us no honestly seriously if you haven't seen the Chelsea flower show video with the interview with Harry do go and see it I'll put a link to it now he is amazing and also he's got an incredibly beautiful voice Philip lost whatever I say that but it was like a deep Rumble so it's just lovely to listen to as well to be fair his garden was also very nice I'm getting completely distracted I'm now wanting to make my hand out that assault Cod paste I love it okay I'm actually going to do the admin now but whilst I'm here doing my admin I want to tell you about nordvpn I'm very lucky because they've offered us on today's video with this ad and I always always use it as many of you know I have been using nordvpn for years now I originally started using it to be able to watch British TV whilst I was in France because for those of you who don't know what a VPN is it masks where you are in the world so the English servers for TV would think that my computer was in England I feel very comfortable doing this because I do pay for my TV license in England but I still couldn't access the content from France there are so many different countries to choose from and with a single click you are there it is let's face it the easiest way to travel but although that's why I started using it and I certainly still use it for that my main reason for using it now is actually online security and that's why I use it even at home even for just doing my normal admin because nordvpn is far more than just a VPN it's threat protection protects you from malware trackers and ads and all data is encrypted with Next Generation data encryption so wherever I am in the world whether I'm in some Cafe somewhere or safely in my garden I know that I can get on with my banking because all of my data is protected if you'd like to try it for yourself then go to nordvpn.com forward slash Chateau diaries for an exclusive deal and it's risk-free with nord's 30-day money-back guarantee I should get straight back to the admin but House and Garden is just right here I'll take it away I'm heading back to work now I think it is time to do the second coat [Music] we've put everything back in place we're not going to be able to do the skirting board but we think for that we might go for the darker green but we can live with it for a week as the guests arrive tomorrow yeah I love the way the bath area looks I think the biggest change is going to come from actually putting in the dado rail just having that proper bit of wood there and the picture rail but it's beautiful I really start to feel the Woodland more and more with the green below it we're getting there fit by bit as well he brings in the curtains but I might still change the color of the curtains on The Dressing Table no no I feel like that sort of ties in the um pinks on the lead fixtures I think it's maybe the wrong pink and I'm starting to think and I know this is ridiculous because I was fighting for them and you were against them now you like them and I think I might think they're too much I think they're just making too much of a statement when it should be more about the wallpaper I don't love them right yeah however I think it works well here because it's the same color green on the leaves yeah it's perfect cleansing it's like almost like one of the branches just I think it's fine for now but then maybe in future change it for something else but well it's bit by bit because obviously we could only come in here in between the guests but next week we'll carry on with the skirting and we're going to get this room looking beautiful I have just been called by pavlina and Maria to a wreath making Workshop hello extremely beautiful people it really is mid-summer oh oh no I might go back upstairs that's some of the celebration not mid-summer the horror film oh okay yes very important easily easily confused what's happening sorry we're speaking Teletubby oh okay okay so we're gonna do a little mid-summer casual celebration it was on Friday but we had guests then dinner so we're gonna do one tonight with everybody and that's where everyone's looking floral and beautiful just we're just gonna make flower crowns and have fun so first going forward a bit for ourselves look at some flowers we want to include and then I'll teach everybody how to do them fun okay fantastic so I'm already scanning scanning scanning no flowers in sight this is not good you might have to go to the Garden everybody get a scissors and how is it possible but whenever we need scissors we can never find scissors and it turns out this house has hundreds this is my floristry studio I'm so sorry you're probably never going to see any of these scissors again I know a very unusual flowers but it takes a very tall person to cut them she says I'm afraid they'll be a little bit prickly oh yes the cartoons mummy yes maybe not calendula everyone seems to be focusing on that side of the garden so I'm going to head over to the pergola I'm pretty sure there are some spectacular roses over there yes this is what I had in mind it's a Pity that the yellow ones were a little past their best but some of these lovely pink ones would be great yeah yeah did yellow ones that is exactly what I was hoping for and I think I'm going to be eating all three of those I'm feeling pretty pleased with my selection so far so I think I can afford to take a bit of time out to go and show you how the chicks are getting on because they are in with the chickens now and looking so cute and happy and the chickens have been pretty good with them I was worried that they would attack them but no they're still in very much two separate groups with the main chickens over here and the new chicks over there but they all seem to cohabitate fairly peacefully it looked as though in a cage but it's in fact open they can come and go hello how are you getting on Darlings do you still feel a bit safer in there I've got one adventurous one out here several adventurous ones coming running how do you manage to get around with those massive feet can there be a better Midsummer celebration than looking at new life in the chicken coop especially new life with feet like that oh [Music] let's come to see all the excitement as usual she's getting a bit squawky Olive doesn't like any change she's always just a little bit indignant I'm a bit concerned because I've really only got a few roses and you will have a lot more yeah was I supposed to have a lot more instructions yeah the instructions were that we needed some foliage yeah well it's it's easier to make the crowned that way you'd be pleased to know Isabel been using this opportunity to Garden I've been actually deadheading yeah no you're not allowed to weed mummy how many times have we had this conversation yeah but you see look at that look at that how many seeds do you want from what and what am I looking at mommy this is a chive no that's right you cannot understand you know you need to cut the top so that you can have chive leaves okay I need a bit more cleverness I'll meet you in there Madam please choose a cup oh this is one of my favorite ones so I'll have this one okay thank you and now we can reveal and over the uh not cloche but lid so they're all individual flowering teas and they've got really cute names and so we can choose so they're all different here okay so you can choose the ones that we want all right go for it you choose one two dragons Play Pearl okay let's have a consensus which do we want Rising Sun Happy Together happy together yeah it's got to be hasn't it foreign I think we need to give it a few minutes and then it's supposed to open up and open up yeah and in the meantime we can learn how to make the wreaths yay well that's plenty of different ways to do it the one that is maybe most common is to make little bouquets find a little bouquets and then you bind them together with Flora tape it's sticky tape and it's waterproof as well um and it's very elastic so you just do that like that hold on it's nice and easy spin it around and then you make quite a few of these and then you take two of these wires that we got for all of you in two different colors and then you can put them like that all of the bouquets onto each other and then you kind of put the wire spin it around for each bouquet you put down okay yeah or you could do that easy way which is just to cut different bits in different lengths and just layer everything onto one part of the wire like this and with the other you wrap around yeah that's so pretty the flower has opened out and you can just see it so clearly inside there how do they do that that looks lovely mama I hope so yeah we were going for like Scandinavia yes but no one told me this you've gone fully Mexican party yeah totally do you like the flamingos yes who would have thought that the Retro dress that I bought in Maus would come in useful not once but twice you three look just like the Three Graces together you are I'm not going to argue with you wow I was not expecting that I am very happy yes oh double-sided one not many of us have that I should have known that you'd outdo everyone Philip the flower child do you like it I like it very much I like your roses thank you I don't know I feel that I under did it having seen all of you and wait till you see Philip though I think I need to make him a wreath because he doesn't have one he was editing so I'll make him a quick wreath with these okay I might just go very very pure you should see what he's wearing he's got fantastic green trousers on and I think this will go very nicely indeed I've made Phillips now he came down with a hat so I've made it into a kind of plume I'm quite pleased with this Philip you look like Robin Hood well it's sort of 1950s voyaging in Italy from America for the first time looking quite Chic Robin Hood well these are my oh yeah be careful you're plume I mean it's a magnificent plumer they would be the same if it was an ostrich feather you know flop around a bit I don't say it's uh without looking down these are my mother's trousers from the 80s I think from the 60s oh yes very good yeah you just keep holding on to your plume best how I love Italy at this time of year or Mexico maybe we could be in Mexico you know what I need now is a rose oh I would love it mommy and I just went to drink our Rosie in the Jade along glass it's nice that we're using it so much and we're coming back and seeing a photo shoot going on with Thor Thor's very interested in the photo shoot I think he's after her head here do you mind if we just sneak past really spicy oh Mommy I've never heard you say that before where oh the Cabbage plates this is Maria's table isn't it it looks so pretty oh look at the fruit is that garlic bread it is oh my goodness oh thank goodness because what we didn't have was a high priest so we're fine now and I please don't want to announce but although there will be a container sent around for your donations a large container you will not be under any pressure to submit these donations but you will find that the more you donate the more cleanse you see yourself do you accept biscuits yes anything very weird so I made a pasta salad with pork chops and tomatoes and pasta and Parmesan and then pavlina made a lovely salad from the garden and I made Phillip's favorite garlic bread that's a Phillips inspired by by Marie's garlic bread that's Cog a vat of lemonade yeah okay and I brought ice out if anybody would like it we'll have a very rustic dessert very very excited just as the sun is going down over La Land we have been called out and apparently we have to walk all the way around the Chateau for some sort of ritual well that's the cutest thing I've ever seen oh I think that we have a new High Priestess in town do you hear the sound of nature yes I do the murmur of Life yes I do I think you do a bit of a job surely this is what I was going for thank you very much we will have to release our Creations we're playing poo sticks I beg your pun you don't know poo sticks two sticks this is who sticks is when you drop uh you drop a stick on one side of the bridge and the person who stick arrives first on the other side of the bridge is the winner acoustic so we will be releasing our flower crowns with good intentions and healing for ourselves Acoustics is what you're saying yeah okay yeah feels very different we're making an offering but your destiny depends on how your crown will flow what happened to your crowd which was rather magnificent your plumage it kept falling off so I took it off yeah this is what's left so Philip is going fast Rick is that three yes his magnificent wreath have you seen by the way there's actual Stones there that have been laid popular guitar floor the city yeah I can actually yes foreign [Laughter] come on try and push me along mummy your daughter needs help oh dear Mommy and I have come to a standstill [Music] s oh I'll get stuck together oh looks like some sort of perfect sauce Viking funeral say that no it's more like the aftermath of Ophelia's drowning final crowd this was superb and it's not over because now apparently we are going home for dessert it is pretty magical isn't it I feel lucky every day we don't throw away our flower crowns in Scandinavia well there you go you stick with yourself Claire wow what is this well okay so they look very rustic yeah so they're Sorrel ties and it tastes it looks very strange I understand but it will taste kind of like rhubarb and we have some leftover white currants and it's a cypriot no no this is yeah like Russian Nest okay russian-esque that's the dash of chic we're going for tonight anyway this is delicious I love it it's very simple The Filling is just you chop the sorrel sprinkle sugar on it and corn flour mix it and then you just put it on there and that's it and it does taste like rhubarb which is one of my favorite things we've been called downstairs to the ceremonial fire oh that is magnificent in the Slavic Traditions as well you have the notchive which is a little bit further what is it on the fifth sixth of July yeah it's a night between Sixth and 7th of July yeah but we're combining everything and so usually traditionally you have these very very small fires going and again you make a wish or an intention uh and either by yourself or holding hands with your partner with whom you want a good successful future you go and you have to jump over the fire and you cross the thresholds into a new year into a new clothes I love it but I'm telling you one thing I'm taking the stilettos off it'll be closer to the ground in nature I think you're wearing a very flammable dress oh yes that's true I better jump very high also this cleanses your energy and protects you from mermaids oh thank goodness because when we get the lake back they could get close so if you have if you live near water this is actually very important to have thank you for joining us for a day of painting and celebrations I'd like to say a huge thank you to all of the patrons of the Chateau Diaries and if you haven't seen this week's patreon video yet it's the latest update from the secret project that Henry is working on for British TV which I'll hopefully be able to reveal to all of you in the autumn [Music] that's how it is done today I'd like to say a special thank you to the duffers and dolphins of La Land Gloria henriks Nelson Donna McKay Alex mateless Joey Mullen Karen Nicholson and Kathy Nori thank you for supporting the Chateau Diaries and thanks to everyone watching I look forward to seeing you on Sunday foreign [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 159,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau diaries, restoration, centre val de loire, french property, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, living in france vlog, chateau diaries latest, chateau restoration, chateau renovation, château rescue, french countryside, home restoration, french style, house and garden, country life, living in france, chateau de lalande, chateau diaries in order, escape to rural france, how to renovate a chateau, interior design, chateau de chaumont, doing it ourselves
Id: Pks83JMwtFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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