The Last Shotgun I'd Ever Sell

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okay [ __ ] 45 here i wonder which shotgun would be the last one i'd sell i don't even want to think about it let's shoot one yes it's artillery day at the compound ah just smell the smoke yes 12 gauge all of them yeah i'm sick everything on the table is a 12 gauge in fact guess what there are 12 of them if you happen to count so i'm big on 12. middle age 12 12 shotguns 12 gauge it all fits doesn't it so yes you know the drill we've done several in this series and some of the decisions are very difficult today's uh is is no different it's going to be very very difficult just like with the 357 magnum the last one i'd ever sell so i'm gonna get at it and uh make that decision for you and you can be thinking about what your decision would be okay given these choices i want to first thank for all their help for many years we really appreciate them as well as the sonoran desert institute and of course federal the ammo we're firing federal premium is going to be going down range today so we're not going to put suppressors on them but we also appreciate the get yourself a suppressor they'll handle all the paperwork for you and ship it to you so we're very fortunate to have the help we have i could use some help making this decision i wish you were here so you could help me uh no i really do all right look what we've got and then we'll get at it okay we'll start over here i brought out this is not uh i'm ashamed to admit it this is actually not all of my shotguns i didn't bring my over and under uh browning satori uh my double barrel raw seat overland uh what else oh my governor smith and wesson governor is that a shotgun i think there's about the only ones i didn't bring but a couple double barrels yeah they could be in the running look at that classic ithaca isn't that beautiful i mean i hate to give that up and of course my cowboy double my stoger you know you've just recently seen that in a video probably yeah competed with that it's a great shotgun the old a5 the browning oh john browning one of his favorite inventions oh man that would be a nice one to keep too wouldn't it hey what about this old junker the benelli m4 how do you give that up the marines couldn't give it up they chose it right another i guess military branches winchester 1300 quite a classic in itself in the 1200 so there's one that yeah would be a nice one to keep what about this ithaca model 37 ooh gear slayer police special yeah pretty cool huh look at that thing i've forgotten how to even break it down let's just pull the trigger the safety off yeah good old pump and then of course the old 97 isn't that a beautiful gun yeah these are all empty of course the old 97 man that that's a quite a classic and then we have the model 12 right i don't get these wrong the the model 12 and ithaca remind me uh they're very similar in some way but nothing built better than a model 12 good old pump gun is a solid really solid don't want to give that one up well then this uh ithaca uh you know k-1200 i think maybe you haven't posted the video yet on this we've done it you've maybe have seen it in a sunday shoot around video hope you're catching the sunday videos i shot it i know in one of those at least but we've got a main video we'll be posting that is a very nice shotgun i don't want to give it up either all right then you know i love this old mossberg 590 a1 this is one of my babies oh yeah that's just a very favorite shotgun ah do i have to get one some of these up and then the old 870. there we go good ol 870 that was uh kind of redone by scattergun technologies you notice the sight the tritium front and all that very nice 870. all right despite remington's problems this one's been uh you know redone okay and then what i just fired is we opened the old super 90 benelli that i bought in 1989. wow super 90. so that's a not a bad piece of hardware either is it okay so that's what we've got and i have to narrow it down to one i figure i can do it in less than an hour okay y'all busy tonight no i won't take that long uh so let me talk about who makes who i personify my shotguns right i give them human characteristics let's let's figure out which ones uh make honorable mention all right oh boy i've done some thinking on this that's kind of dangerous isn't it okay as much as i like all of these shotguns uh i and i can just keep one now remember i can just keep one so i am probably not going to go with the double okay as much as i like these and you could do worse pizza sharp stick right so i'm gonna these are gonna be honorable mention okay my double which i like and i like this john browning design uh he was pretty smart guy wasn't he uh but this is a little quirky gun i'm always surprised how reliable it seems to be but it's kind of a different animal and uh i'm just gonna give it honorable mention okay i'm gonna i'm gonna separate it over there okay i can hear you screaming at me just like in the 357 magnum video as i reject some of these guns okay here we go the old benelli m4 oh boy what a piece of hardware i know it's ugly it doesn't have the classic looks of some of these others and i tend to be more fond of pump guns than you know semi-autos uh but you know this one's just it's got to make the top three okay this has got to be a finalist so i'm going to put it over here yep that's got to be a top three now i'm gonna i'm gonna pick up while i'm over here the super 90. i really like this uh it's been a good shotgun for me but if i go with a semi-automatic i think i'm going to go with the benelli m4 because it's both i think inertia driven and pissed and gas driven it's extremely reliable this one has been pretty reliable but i think it would i'm not going to put this in the top three i'm sorry i'm gonna reject it honorable mention we have a lot of honorable man all these shotguns are honorable okay the 1300 did you notice a pattern here i seem to have a a thing for these old wooden uh pump shotguns don't i is there is something wrong it's like a fetish or something there's no corn cob uh you know pump handles uh i just yeah i get to browsing around a gun show and look what i come back with this kind of animal they're they're just really cool there's history is with each one of them hopefully you've seen the videos on all of the the only gun on the table that may not be posted yet is the ithaca k-1200 and we'll get that up for long okay if it's not so there's no excuse for you not knowing everything you want to know about all these shotguns all right except maybe that one all right so a nice shotgun the 1300 is like the 1200 i bought back in the early 70s uh very similar picked this up at a gun show in kentucky not all that long ago but it's got to go honorable mention nice gun the deer slayer from ithaca i really like it uh man it was a great find and uh i i just like it i don't want to give it up but i'm gonna put that honorable mention as well okay wow this is getting bad i'm giving up all my pretty shotguns the model 97 is hard to beat uh but it is old you know the hammer and all that wouldn't be my first choice i'm not gonna put it in the top three all right beautiful old gun cool now it's getting tougher and tougher because i really like these two this uh this model 12 is just a rock it is a rock you know these things are just built so well and many of you have had a 12. you wouldn't want to give it up either right you know if i if i had to decide here four days in a row and do this video again like my 357 magnum i might come out with a different answer a couple i don't know but anyway i'm gonna put this honorable mention i love that shotgun and uh but i'm gonna put it over there because again keep in mind this is i'm gonna i've got to pair down to one shotgun for maybe the rest of my life okay or anything i want to do with a shotgun all right so i have to forget about pretty to some extent i have to forget about classic lines my preferred uh material furniture would you know got all that character i i can't let that get in the way just like i can't let sentimentality get in the way i don't have uh shotguns out here that were uh like a special gift or anything but you know how that goes i i have to kind of put that aside so i'm going to put the uh the model 12 over an honorable mention as well as the ithaca this one really gets close to uh to being in the top three in fact it it probably ought to be there i don't know just a nice gun you may not be that familiar with it look it up the k1200 this is the riot uh shotgun uh 18-7 holds seven rounds it's 18 inch barrel great shotgun these two it and the model 12 based on my research are two of the the best made you know shotguns pump shotguns ever made all right and they have their minuses too all right here we go we're getting into difficult territory uh the old mossberg 590 you know i love this the ambidextrous safety and just the it's been utterly reliable gosh it holds a million shells about eight or nine and uh just a great gun i've shot this a fair amount and i like it it's one i rely on and so is the 870 that was redone by scattergun technologies you know wilson combat again i probably you know as people told me i paid too much but uh they do a great job on them they take it and just uh you know tweak it and make sure everything is right with it because remington has had their issues and that's a great gun in the banali too so anyway my top three are gonna be these ugly polymer stock guns because i i gotta live the rest of my life with one polymer is less likely to get termites and turn to rot and to deteriorate okay so ah look at that beautiful row of shotguns i just gave up i can't believe i did it so i can't make this decision without a few shots so can i do that take a few shots you know what i'll do i kind of like to shoot each one with some bird shot and some slugs and in the interest of time your time which i value i'll put a couple of slugs in first and uh and then bird shot and guess what the slugs will come out last pretty smart arnold yeah you were expecting me being from kentucky if i wanted to shoot slugs last to put them in last right yeah it doesn't work that way with a pump shot or almost any shotgun so i got three slugs you help me remember two three four how many bird shots we get in here so i'll know when the slugs come up five okay i've got five bird shot and three plugs okay let me remind myself how much i like or dislike this shotgun safety's on now the safety's off let's put one on the paper and smoke a little pot wow let's hit a two liter that's three a can or another can five now we should have slugs so let's pop a gong or something over there oh yeah kill the buffalo how about another golf you see why i like it it's just a good shooter and it's going to be very sad if it doesn't make the top choice huh let's go here with the other pump all right we'll do the same thing we'll load three slugs and i've not shot this in a while so please excuse me if i miss okay i don't like to miss i don't like to do that so it doesn't hold quite as many but we'll put three slugs probably four uh bird shots one two three slugs and get some bird shots over here let's see one two didn't know i could count did you three oh this holds three okay that's right it's hold six all right i know we can do we could eat it up a little bit let's see our safety zone we'll go ahead and put one of those in the spout there so that'll give us four bird shot all right okay so we got four bird shot let's pop some let's put one on the target i don't want to hit the tree back there two can three another can poor now we're in the buckshot or in uh slug land all right let's try the ram boom yeah makes for a nice rifle with that sight i have to say okay now we've got mr benelli all right let's put in some slugs three slugs in now this thing is still different different kind of animal needs to be cocked okay there's one two three all right bird shot you typically uh handles these field loads pretty well i'm gonna count now this one let's see let me put four out here i don't know if it'll hold five or not that would be five if it holds all these so i don't have to think about anything i don't have to count stretch my brain okay so let's go ahead that's four and just put one in the tube we've got our safety on put one more in there so we got five okay five bird shot and three slugs all right let's put one on the target and we're chewing that thing up okay i better not uh i might get some buckshot back on that on that pot all right there's one of them uh what else we got here well let's hit the cowboy yeah we're down to yeah almost lost count oh i'm gonna shoot high on this pot so we don't touch the wood yeah all right now we're down to slugs let's go across the hill nice nice oh there's a buffalo over there see if i can get him boom rolling so as you can see any one of these would make a nice shotgun to spend the rest of my life with right didn't that sound romantic oh yeah so romantic uh any one of them would do they all shoot great they function well so what's the verdict though oh man anything on the table would be a pretty good choice anything on the table don't get mad at me people are still mad because of some of the guns i rejected in that 357 video but uh remember we're talking kind of a defensive shotgun that it's all i've got okay nothing else and i don't really hunt but you know i've got to fire a shotgun it could be a hunting gun of course uh it's one reason the uh over and under didn't make it to the table you know it's a fine shotgun full length barrel and all that ski gun more or less so all right you probably might know where i'm going the table should be a little bit of a clue to you okay if you count the number of pump shotguns two three four five six seven pump shotguns out of 12. uh you know and then of course versus semi-automatic shotguns you've got uh you know just three so i must favor pump shotguns over any other type so sorry mr bennell m4 you heard a nice work of art but it comes down to these two and so as much as i like the uh 590 and could happily live uh forever after with it this because this 870 has been you know reworked and tweaked and it has these wonderful sights that i love this ghost ring my favorite it's got a tritium front sight okay and also the barrel if you notice it is shorter it is uh yeah that's why it holds about a round less it is uh an 18 and 18 and quarter whatever it is i think the 5.9 it's kind of a long barrel for this defensive shotgun it's a 20 or 20 plus you know in terms of inches i like the length of the barrel uh plenty of capacity and the sights are a dream and it's been slicked up and it's been utterly reliable uh the sights are just uh unsurpassed as far as i'm concerned the scattergun tech sites so uh this would be the shotgun i would have to go with all right if i have to give away all of them but one i'll just go with an old reliable pump now the benelli are reliable too uh but i'll just go ahead and put safety on put one in the chamber uh because the winner gets to shoot extra right extra amount uh a semi-auto they're so reliable these days but shotgun ammo is a little strange it's not all perfect and yeah you get more irregularities and you can have them out you can have a malfunction and for no reason you can even for sure identify okay with this pump shotgun it's going to work as long as i work properly and i don't short shock it or use bad ammo or do something stupid it's going to be reliable as long as i operate it correctly okay and so for that reason and they all hold plenty of ammo and a pump shotgun is plenty fast all right yeah if you're in a situation where it makes that much difference you uh you're a desperate situation okay because with a pump you know you can pop them out there if you need to and you can hit what you need to hit like this guy and since he is the winner the 870 i'm going to shoot that garbage can lid and that thing right there whatever it is all right you know what i'm going to do since it's a winter i'm going to stick a couple of double lot uh buck rounds in here can i do that okay i knew you'd let me uh yeah uh some of you won't like my choice but yeah that's the way it goes i uh i just love the reliability of a pump shotgun i love that 590. but again i had to make the decision you don't have to make it but i do they're coming to pick all these up they're not going to get them though because i've got a nice shotgun right here so i've got some double light buck here let's shoot some of that okay i put one in there no i didn't all right now let's shoot that lid some more i keep the tombstone oh that's some wicked stuff isn't it oh man that really is i'm gonna shoot one at the gong yeah i heard some of it hit it bad stuff uh oh is that two liter been hit lying down there all right click so that's the winner for me today that i have to live with good old 870 remington 870 with great sights on it perfect length and just a fine old shotgun it ought to be working 100 years from now just fine so anyway what do you think what would be your last shot maybe from your collection you may have two or three or four or five and uh uh of these or of these which would be uh the one that you would you would keep uh share you know because again there's nothing necessarily sacred about my choice that it's hard to make a mistake from those on the table and uh you know uh we were talking before we started here you know what does this say about me that i have all these shotguns it's a little scary isn't it that i have so many duplicates and and this many defensive uh shotguns uh and i've not used any of them in defense i just have enjoyed shooting them that those guys on the hill over there right and there's two layers i must be sick though i looked at that table and that's not even all of them i thought oh boy there's no hope for me but anyway this is my choice and uh what would your choice be and i'm glad you came out to uh well if you help me any but at least you watched and uh and uh you know you can share your your opinions life is good oh yeah that's better this is a great gun for defense oh hey didn't see you guys there uh while i've got you here i want to remind you of our friends over at talon grips and ballistal italian grips makes grips can you believe it for all different types of firearms you can get rough texture or more of a rubberized texture just sticks right on there you know really affordable really cool option to improve the grip for your handguns or or rifles so please check them out at you'll be glad you did and also ballistal that has been using ballistal for many years it's a cleaner and a lubricant and it's non-toxic it works really great and we're happy to have them on board since it's been a part of our shooting endeavor for a very long time so go to and also while you're out there i'm juggling all these things here also uh while you're on the internet please do check out our other social media like hickok45 on facebook there's also hiccus45 on twitter the real hiccup 45 on instagram there's a john underscore hiccup 45 on instagram where i do some things there's you can find us also on gunstreamer so check out all that stuff and then watch more videos
Channel: hickok45
Views: 1,593,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hickok45, shooting range, steel targets, gun safety, second amendment, Federal Premium, Budsgunshop, SDI, Ballistol, Talon Grips
Id: ZpxvkmVYMrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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