The Last Rescue | Full War Action Drama Movie

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[Music] [Music] one [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] huh [Applause] um [Music] table keep your head down [Applause] so it came back i missed it [Applause] lois what's that we're pretty much gone there's a few tanks some medics you got 20 minutes at most you don't have 20 minutes how's my girl nancy keep dreaming fall back to the trees [ __ ] i just came from the trees shootout let's move watch the flags [Applause] [Music] aah let's go let's go let's go you have 10 minutes jones is packed and ready sir tell him to go yes sir you almost ready his heart bad where's nancy on that truck nancy nancy i need you now they told me to get on this truck come on we'll take the next one let's go [Music] hold him down hold still becky hold still god damn it hold him down that gave me morphine in the field everyone here should be gone we don't have any masks forget it let's leave we go to leave now we have to leave now we have to stop just bleeding captain you're going to die just let them work on you we don't leave now we all died hurry nancy just gloves come on penicillin yes just get it ready come on he's fake let's go well yeah yeah get us out of here get us out of here no way how much time do we have about 10 minutes sir you have five you all right yes sir was it hurt that's not what i meant what do you got there at ease kid my sister meant this it's my good luck charm i guess yeah there's a lot of those out here is that yours good luck charlie it's just a lighter what's your name louis sir what's your first name james okay private james lewis you know how to stand still yes sir good stand here and watch for nazis sir yeah what do i do if i see one you don't let him in how's this pressure it's fine forceps leave it so [Music] so oh oh [Applause] [Music] it's a hospital see what's happening [Music] keep going we are in the middle of a procedure here you may all consider yourselves christmas third life and surrender yourself immediately doctor immediately doctor please if i don't close this man's wound he will die are you saying you're refused i'm saying i need you to be quiet so i can finish what i'm doing [Music] [Applause] bring them all please we need to finish what is your name first lieutenant fira cornish villa you have one minute [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's gonna be okay it's not okay i'm not gonna hurt us he shot the doctor one time you would hide in yourself oh okay huh don't shoot this is american pow transport this is a pow transport vehicle we're americans oh yeah well who's the best baseball team in america well you're probably going to say new york but i'd have to argue it's brooklyn brooklyn that's not even an option i was gonna say boston but i thought you might kill me i still can oh jesus did we hit him no he's waking up from surgery oh yeah sorry but uh i thought this was a weapons truck that's all right he needed a haircut well you're lucky i almost never missed where are we where's your unit that's just me and fischer we dropped in we got separated from our unit so we hope we use the radio you know make contact huh he sabotaged it [ __ ] really oh i almost had him though you mean i almost had it what no no you guys didn't get them all nah not two of them ran off come on guys farrah stay in the truck and what do you guys got to eat around here probably something shitty in german ah liverwurst that's a great name hold tight buddy hold tight alright keep pressure on it fish i kind of right keep pushing here you got your soul effects in there oh wow go get him go get him come on my don't worry about your mom don't worry about your mom you're gonna be fine hear me you're gonna be fine fear where's our sulphur packs you hang tight we're gonna take care of these two guys i'm gonna get to you okay you stay awake i want you to follow that tree line try to fight them on the ride got it yes sir it's great sir greggs i want you to go left all right we see you both close in the middle we'll charge louis when i stop firing you start you got it yes sir you got it yes sir all right hey fish fish hang tight buddy all right fish fish fish are you still here fish ah go go go [Music] i surrender i surrender i surrender i surrender i surrender i surrender don't try to move yet sorry i'll just take me a minute sir ah what kind of evacuation is this not a very good one louis i'm glad you're okay sir who says i'm okay sorry have you got your [ __ ] together yet yes sir where are we well we're trying to figure that out we had to surrender and we unsurrendered or any of those mine yes sir probably interesting is maxwell's still alive yeah in front of the truck who the hell is this strongfield it's our prisoner jesus christ get maxwell hey any luck nothing useful except the map griggs was right they smashed the radio captain's awake yeah we started out here the evacuation was pulling back to here traveled in this direction for i don't know around a quarter hour and a half it puts us about right there [ __ ] about sums it up captain what's that for for support when you walk sir i'm working with some limitations here so am i there wasn't much here we need to be right here best case scenario that's about a 30 mile walk what's the worst case scenario farther than that [Music] he can't walk that far well he seems to think he can because his drugs haven't worn off yet and i guess we better start moving [Music] out [Music] my ladies first captain's first [Music] [Music] hmm fancy i know a dutch girl named nancy you're not from holland are you no i know i have no right to ask you this i have an itch behind my ear and i can't reach it i'm just wondering you know never mind forget it i i did not need to make you feel uncomfortable [Music] thank you what are you doing nothing teacher cut niche that's not his name his name is nazi and you're dead [Music] [Music] [Music] wish everyone else can't be alone right he's alone all right you think he's a deserter i don't know a coward when i see one fine i'm fine lieutenant is there a problem no what are you looking at [Music] [Music] do you speak english american yes please we need your help i cannot help you i haven't injured captain with me it's not a michael sack we can't leave tell your friend to leave his gun outside seems so peaceful here i go home on the farm i know you were a country girl yeah my family was always up at the crack of rooster this lfa reminds me of home you miss your parents i miss my mom yeah hide your dad i took off when i was eight haven't seen him since i don't want you my mom my sister they deserve that how many are you six you know americans like you yes do you have a telephone or a radio telephone number in town can you take us i need to get medicine chairman said set up come on roblox you should not even be here we're out of food and water i'm not a hotel we understand the risk do you who else lives here no one who's a lady my wife where is she dead maxwell can you wait outside please i'm sorry about your wife what would you think by not helping us you're helping the nazi party we're not discussing my wife [Music] i lost my husband he died in a field hospital in africa [Music] that's why i joined the nurse corps everything i do i wonder if he would approve of me what does he think of me now [Music] my wife was a very cautious woman she would have told you to leave [Music] i don't believe you [Music] i don't believe you don't dishonor your wife [Music] she always wanted to see new york city me too are you okay he's letting us sleep in the barn and he's giving us food you almost got your head blown off he was ordering that soldier to shoot you i know that sir didn't seem like you knew i didn't want to give away our position i have a squad of germans swarming us when your ass is on the line you got to pull the trigger i screw up sir in the trenches i'm not talking about the trenches that's a different screw-up altogether my friend had just been shot right in front of me what's your excuse your friend had just been shot those men are brothers to me well you don't think i know that you're gonna stand here and tell me that you don't know [ __ ] private [Music] too hard on him he's just a kid he can't afford to be a kid out here [Music] am i you lost a friend in it [Music] i'm sorry i shot this german kid today i looked at him right in his eyes and i shot him [Music] that uh it's supposed to be good right and that's what it makes me a good soldier i that's why we're here right kill the bad guys right [Music] how long have you been out here a few weeks this isn't anything like i imagine it would be [Music] your turn already yes sir get any sleep a little bit go easy on the captain okay go easy on him he hates me his wars has changed him it's taking things from he's just trying to keep you alive kid so how bad is it lieutenant i've seen worse sir it's infected we need medicine louis or i should go you boys know how to read medical labels now make us a list i can't make a list i need to go into town i need to see what they have and i'm going to get the best option there is bruno will take me it will be fine what are you talking about the captain's injury i'll try to find a phone too we could use sugar i'll help clean out the infection he needs real medicine i need to go right now you pulled me off that truck to help you i was in the truck i was gone i took you off that truck to help me save the captain's life well can't wear this [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] could i pass for a crunchwoman it fits you well [Music] are you ready one moment [Music] hold on these were me is the captain gonna die who is it [Music] do you speak english [Music] we are making our house today this shouldn't take long it seems that we have a problem here it seems that our records are incomplete we only have musha travert listed at this almost who's in are you this is my wife no wedding ring we are juicing we have to sell it for food what is your name marco spell please any children no does anyone else live here no i will need to take a look [Music] it's okay madame we must do this at every house we will be out of a in no time as long as you aren't hiding someone like a jew how long have you been married 15 years 15 years you must have been young just one more come in here who sleeps in here no one my my brother when he comes to visit and what does your brother think of your wife he's always fond of her i'm sure he is what do we have here someone has a sweet tooth yeah um hiding this from your husband man would you like one peace have you seen anyone on your lunch that you're unfamiliar with or was a visitor no [Music] hmm [Music] we will need to take a look around the rest of the property please show us your barn [Music] bad idea nazi where the hell they come from foot patrol a shotgun captain bruno's taking me into town now be careful lieutenant i will sir nancy do we need anything else okay hey vera see if they got any cold beer i'll make that my top priority you know we can't take them with us and we can't leave them here i know move move please just let me go shut up i won't say what to anyone shut up move please just let me know shut up i won't say a word shut up here before anyway now please i beg you i have a mother please i have a muslim her name is nadia nobody cares about your mother no please please shut up i am my mother's only son shut up [Applause] [Music] ah sorry kid take it lewis take aim that's an order [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] do you ever feel guilty about the people you kill no sorry i wouldn't do that i didn't ask you to do it we don't have many bandages left sir it's my body and if i want to know what's wrong with it i will if i don't shoot them they'll shoot me we have that in common i don't feel guilty about it roosevelt felt guilty we have to go what is it germans are [Music] coming [Music] germans are at the farm what about vera i don't know you're not back yet all right you go back and you see if you can find vera and bruno don't engage and don't get spotted you got it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i know [Music] i did everything you demanded do you know what i do to liars to traitors please i try to help you help me there are the americans [Music] where is my best friend i i don't know exactly you don't know [Music] this looks at the house just keep moving it's lewis all right we need to move we heard the gunshot where's here it was her they killed her no no wasn't her bruno what about veyra i mean she may have gotten away in town sir going back if they didn't have her she got away all right she'll contact our unit last place she's going to go is that farm lieutenant we keep moving if you go back there and draw the germans to us we're all dead let's go [Music] louis make sure there any floaters around so uh cheers [Applause] roger [Music] [Applause] red fox one red fox one this is yankee three over red fox one this is yankee three do you read [Applause] we are behind enemy lines and cut off from our unit we need coordinates to [Applause] friendlies [Applause] we'll get there red fox one where do i look you up when i arrive [Applause] i'll be a club i'll buy you a beer bill over there roger roger copy it out what the hell is going on up there service approaching [Music] plug your ears private [Music] [Music] where's nancy [Music] crazy bastard [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] you do that you'll hang not yet we're here tree light is here rendezvous point has to be about here maybe 10 miles you guys are talking like we're getting out of here good morning my friends [Music] fancy captain you look so surprised to see me cigarette no i'm sorry this is not just a social call why if we are to house you and feed you you do need to do a little work for us if you please um captain beckett please i have no use for a [ __ ] nancy i'm sorry about vr [Music] what do you mean what are you sorry about this drink [Music] so they kill bear don't you say that we don't know that it's my fault [Music] how do you figure it i screwed up out there the trenches i shouldn't be here i kept the beggar if you hadn't gotten wounded i don't know what happened out there didn't do my job i didn't do my job we all have our moments kid okay i don't think any soldier has a right to carry that sort of guilt [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm what the hell am i supposed to get you see with you staring at me get my son bring him to me now [Music] okay okay i i will i need to see him fight you to see him tell my wife where are we where are we [Music] i'm sorry bear is not here sir [Music] this man needs medicine we are prisoners of war and you are required to provide us with medical aid [Music] do you even understand me where's dietrich [Music] you have sex cards yeah do you have sex carton joe schweiner hunt has sex cotton two have sex cotton the sweater you have a sex gun to sweat a hood do you have a sex counter lost i want you to take a look at these men around you these men are soldiers they have left their homes and traveled to this foreign land for one reason to fight yet it is a furious dictate that we sit wait hold this village where the battle goes on are these men these soldiers they deserve to see blood so which one of the two of you will volunteer to fight my fatherland i'm not fighting [ __ ] what about you private lewis will you fight for your country hey hey my god damn it damn it if you walk damn fight i'm right get out of this you're angry you want revenge for the young woman is inside come on lewis come on lewis [Music] come on lois you got it oh kid that's it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] put your guard up boys [Music] oh my god [Music] [Applause] oh oh it's covered up [Applause] let it be you see i am a merciful man after all we stay here we all die easy enough to break out of this makeshift cage yeah and then what i don't know [Music] okay they're going to kill this aren't they no aren't you guys talking yeah we were just feeling bad for ourselves that's [Music] all i wonder how long until they tell my mom i'm in my a she'll cry you have no idea how hard she'll cry [Music] she sucks that's why i've never heard him cry like she's just a mess i'm sorry [Music] i don't care you're gonna see your mom again nancy did you get any sleep there's only one guard on me and the lieutenant and we're at the lake yesterday i ever tell you about my son private sir he was a good kid good man he enlisted he was 17 would have done it sooner if you thought he could get away with it i always wanted to be like this old man from day one my wife used to say that he was gonna follow me right into the grave she almost got that right just got the order wrong i wonder if he knew he was dying he was scared oh i'm sure he was a good soldier sir you know what makes a good soldier someone pulled the trigger humanity sometimes we have to pull the trigger a good soldier never wants to this is all screwed up out here what we do you get home you remember that okay leaves us all here lewis you go home enjoy your life [Music] um yes sir [Music] louis that's for luck how you said it was just alive yeah well that's a good luck charm you ready [Music] um [Music] oh my god you're okay you're [ __ ] [ __ ] you're okay you're okay i think i'll probably knock you oh [ __ ] get out of here no no i'm not leaving you yes maybe you get out of here just go that's an order god [Music] uh [Music] no [Applause] [Music] come here who was maxwell all right [Music] uh louis is a good soldier i will catch you how do you get how many of your men are dead five more [Music] [Music] afterwards all of them [Music] this is your last chance [Music] american coward show your face hacking packing lagging private lewis i'll say to get beneath your handles [Music] throw in the nice mirror grease go [ __ ] against your friends will no longer be considered prisoners of war but they like spies designer and they said hey there to be slashing just the lions designer the writer the brick of his strap verdun you will be judged for his actions and the sentence the frutalist toddler hinged the sentence is execution if you let them go you shoot me if you have to but don't harm them this is wrong damn it you know it is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] seven [Music] six [Music] right [Music] three two [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah save the women louis i'm not leaving you behind sir it's a direct order private i won't leave you behind sir maxwell maxwell's not coming [Music] we need to move [Music] [Music] right the third reich orders you to surrender [Music] immediately [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] how's he doing back there he's okay [Music] look do you see that yeah that's them like a livestream well done lewis well done we gotta go sir two more minutes told him we'd wait till 1600 germans dreaming vehicles coming in sir [Music] you have a shot working on sir pick it when you got it [Music] wait those are americans [Music] there's no reflection i can land on [Applause] no sense of comfort to remind me of the reason for my sacrifice cause i can't associate [Music] [Applause] i'll stay entrenched to dance with [Music] demons [Music] surreal depictions of what hold me back [Music] [Applause] [Music] set me free rescue me from what we started [Music] get me through get down [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] set me free [Applause] [Music] rescue me from what we started [Music] through [Music] one shot behind the lines it's clear that it's the call of war that brought us here fall in line again [Music] alive [Music] and as this battle will unfold reveal the blood take cover and close your eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] as the guns keep rattling in the air [Music] my [Music] love show me where i've got you don't have to say to me [Music] has gone away [Music] 1945 i saw the formal acknowledgement by germany's best leaders of their country's complete and utter defeat in the area remembering that this meant liberation freedom from suffering and spared lives for countless thousands in tortured europe
Channel: Movie Central
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Id: gmlcbAj-8aI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 33sec (6393 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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