Ambushed (Number 55, Broj 55) | Full Action War Movie

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[Music] so [Music] so so so so so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's this a croatian tank pal badass you from beautiful guys yeah company a how many about 20 but not all are armed doesn't matter so uh you got a tank what about it nothing it's great the commander wants to see you fine ah i should have thought it was him stupid morons learn how to drive you redneck oh hey ladies it's about time you got here we heard you were up [ __ ] creek so we stopped by you heard well ignored each other sure pride of gelivar call me police go [ __ ] yourself i know you're with the enemy all's good let's go see the boss domo make sure when the men arrive they get ready way we can all leave right away yes sir when they come in from these two sides we need to pull back the men from the flanks then we'll be totally unguarded here on the cavalry side we should fill this in quick we dug out the bunkers there this summer they can't force you out of there but we need men in the town on this side what about here towards the road the chicknicks are in the village we don't know how or what they're up to haven't moved since they built the barricades have you tried maybe firing something over to their side with what we barely hold what we have to the heavy ordnance comes we'll have to hold our position what's that crap about the armored vehicle forget his [ __ ] you just polish it let it shine so uh got any idea where they're sending us probably up there towards cavalry we have bunkers there i know we're just going to wait there for their attack [ __ ] off what do you expect the [ __ ] jn8 supplies weapons to them and what have we got well we got a tank what what watch where you go okay the serbs have spies everywhere and probably in forming in town right fine i know paranoia okay in any case they pretty much know everything we do they probably come in from this side we'll do some recon hmm just don't get your hopes up dear oh huh here they come [ __ ] where ah i can see him call it in kid this is hawk 2 enemy infantry from cavalry about 30 more than 30. less than 30. now it starts let's get the [ __ ] out of here i think we pissed off our neighbors ugh oh [ __ ] balzo be careful i almost blew you away i didn't tell you we were reconning what do you think got two guys with me and they should be here any minute go tell the guys someone might shoot them if i can sneak up on you so can they [ __ ] dude we're all rookies [Applause] one of your guys i need two men i'll go with you yeah well we won't be able to cover you there let's take your arm truck it's easier than if we were walking there if you get stuck in that junk won't know for sure i'll go with you let's see what that machinery can do yeah let's go give me a poncho so don't shoot our guys where they are stop over here over here let's get up [Applause] you start with me hey drive on hit it you come to the front i'll cover the rear [Applause] watch out a rocket launcher rocket launcher go go what up [ __ ] guys see working pretty good a bit farther away and clear [Applause] let's go let's go up up [Music] do you know what lies behind this your clever little noggin way to go you made it almost like a real tank and when you cut the crap buddy you already started raising hell hmm occasionally we break into the communication what tanks say that again what the [ __ ] do i know it came out of nowhere they think they were attacked by nostalgia tanker well you know at least they won't be as cocky and more nervous the more talk about tanks the more stuff the jna will send them did you take a look at him did he look at you well i don't know that's normal you'll know the next time you see someone like that only then you'll know ah nothing's moving not even a dog in sight nothing huh i thought they'd at least put some tripwires to the side do we move on no wait a minute maybe they crossed over the other side maybe it's a trap well oh crap that's just an old hag old wine is best it's not heavily guarded we'll see let's go back we were thinking next time we go out on a patrol we can try to get in you sure there's no one there as far as we could see yeah i don't know perhaps it'd be best not to [ __ ] around too much if they really move from there maybe they're preparing attack somewhere else what do you think should we uh go to the village i have no clue we should try show us some muscle how can we show muscle if we don't have much to begin with we don't all have rifles let alone rocket launchers the other side had tanks we wouldn't walk around like we do trust me but we have to do something that there was crap sitting in a bunker waiting for them to make their next move what at least you made it out i heard you uh save that special forces guy but we're outnumbered we won't last very long some [ __ ] starts and we'll send them the reinforcements but we should still take a look we can take that bus of yours hmm the tank so you like it now that you've tried it out it's a gamer handy so that machine is bulletproof right they don't make them like that in the factory y'all thought it wasn't gonna last did you i counted 28 hits not one bullet went through there exactly 28 huh look at them all my chode up but when they start firing with something stronger than rifles well then what just gone run your mouth let's not let yesterday get to their heads they're still green i told them i don't know maybe it's better than being scared shitless the point is not being scared but knowing when to be scared fine bozo tell me you came up with that yourself or did you read it somewhere screw you no really no [ __ ] what a deep thought way to go sometimes you really surprised me with your crap go [ __ ] yourself as you wish just be careful and find out you're coming they'll set you up for sure for sure and they will find out 100 oh come on we'll just take a look and come back well be careful i wanted to give you a radio but we're off to derevar they're attempting a breakthrough i gave one to pero [ __ ] yeah we'll manage yeah all right don't try to be [ __ ] heroes you got that all right we going this is not an excursion only a limited number can get in i'm sure we can all go man yeah like he was sure about those 28 bullets cut the crap kid i admire you guys you all want a piece of the action that's what we're here for don't push it come on boss we agreed going in that's it you think well [ __ ] it let's go man all right let's get out of here yeah all right man let's go not gonna happen like last time i tell you what two of them escape my aim andrew are you [ __ ] crazy where's your rifle franco has it he's on guard duty at the front line is that right you think he'll need him more than you i don't know we have an agreement we already talked about it he went out with you last time now it's my [ __ ] turn to go out with you that was the agreement all right it's like we're back in boy scouts come on we got this molly's hot buddy [Music] move it move it on kid well yes or no well since we're here let's go then this is it i'll be at the rear [ __ ] all this what's the matter too suspicious no one around we should go back we'll [ __ ] it now go on [Music] so and what's it no i'll drive a bit more there's someone there where between the two houses i see nothing [ __ ] elvis do not slow down look i'm floating three-finger [ __ ] elvis turn around we're going back hey man no no spike no i'm saying you check it out okay two and two on my mark okay kid you're coming with me open it up let's go come on yeah go take the other side mirror the house is clear evo the front dario the rear come on hurry up free the [ __ ] up come on [Applause] come on come on come on come on hurry up bebo yeah give me a chair two at each window right now let's do it okay help over there kid kid kid the cupboard all right to the room [Applause] save your ammo cease fire save your ammo dear oh damn it what could i do he was peeping out oh [ __ ] him then cease fire save your ammo guys fire only if you have to cease fire sand your ammo you see where he is no what the [ __ ] you find out then how many can't you see for yourself [ __ ] man i'm looking at one at a time what can i tell you more than 30 for sure oh oh man enough to run us over what you're finally waiting for got in my [ __ ] they're probably discussing what to do now man go [ __ ] yourself why are we in this [ __ ] house huh get this side as far as a retreat shoot unless you see them okay kid there's no surrender the neighboring house is relatively close but i think they're already inside only play impossible mm-hmm what about the other side shitload of them what do i have to wait for tonight well we'll see [ __ ] i said reinforcements we might try something before where'd you hit that rifles here welcome what is going on nothing giant quiet listen the company never came back from control they didn't go to the village did they they did another war i don't know what that means why guys man i told them not to [ __ ] around [ __ ] that now you gather some men you have the radio marco left yeah go and see what's been going on how far do i go go as far as you need to go they're stuck in a village and as much as it takes to pull them out no [ __ ] go on auntie get your ass up let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] where these people come from there was no one yesterday [ __ ] that where are they going [Music] nice [Music] so [Music] come on take a peek you little stinker domo take a look take what said come over and take a peek have you gone mad take a peek when i tell you that guy is one crazy lunatic pretty boy give me your helmet oh my god there you are you little stinker [ __ ] around up there gramps [ __ ] our neighbors are a bit shy and how shy will they be when they remember they have mortars take this and watch both sides let's take our position it's the right side the right side they're coming from the right side watch out guys a couple of chetnicks on the right they're behind the barn guys wait for it hold it hold it hold it oh crap pretty boy oh [ __ ] we gotta keep this side strong keep firing tomorrow bingo bingo cover the window [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] is that smoke it looks like it could be gasoline it seems they're holding out judging by the commotion [ __ ] it's like a procession they called for all the neighbors mothers come on [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so listen they're coming for us now guys if we're gonna pull back now's the chance oh they are guys seems so what's the situation here well a lot of them went out there and crossed down there i think it's clear now are you sure well yeah [Applause] clear i'll go first okay but no [ __ ] if you see them get back quickly so [Applause] oh man no he's gonna be fine come on get him in here quickly go cover the front oh [ __ ] well this ain't gonna work it's okay okay it's okay the bandage tuning it's all right you're gonna be fine don't worry hold on it's all right everything's fine our guys are coming just hold on no no it's cool it's cool you're okay come on it's all right hold on well kid i'm not a kid kid ken ow guys are coming perhaps we need to break through i asked we will we've got no chance can't move forward the soldiers came out of blue what [ __ ] soldiers [ __ ] i need backup now marco can you come back and help us out right now there's no way i can head out right now we have the same [ __ ] here hang on i think that we can go ahead and take two platoons from here how long we'll be there by four or so hurry up they're closing in from all sides i mean hurry up now you think we can gather two platoons for an intervention sure great that lot left what's like a bunch of troops there crammed into trucks transporters jeeps and hauled ass what the [ __ ] are they waiting for our guys are theirs both what is that what my grandpa gave it to me your grandpa huh bad ass rush [Music] so hey there was supposed to be two platoons i send basil with his guys around if we approach from both sides we may find a hole the deal is we move in at four what about your men this is what we have we have a wounded guy put him in the jeep we'll take him over hans zoggy the jeep [ __ ] there's a [ __ ] lot of them must have planned this for some time [ __ ] i told them they have an informant in the town probably saw them the first time at the barricades hardly same [ __ ] everywhere ammo weapons no no i'm telling you not fast enough and the jna you can [ __ ] imagine boss call their colonel they're playing possum awesome no that's really ballsy got [ __ ] agitated guys are close they realize we're running out of ammo let them come real close then we blast them yeah just take it easy let them come even closer hold your position hi man you okay no on fire oh everybody stay down [ __ ] wait for it calm down boys don't shoot save your ammo no you [ __ ] faster another magazine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good rocket launcher come on get down so it's all right guys they're falling back domo it's okay it's okay tommy they're gone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're all gonna get killed like this oh wait bluetooth bluetooth what's the situation this air's no go machine guns everywhere we can only go around and wait for the dark okay let's stay there we'll wait for the dark it'll be easier it'll be easier for the chitinets too and our guys won't hold out that long hey dero i'm going to check on your own syringe i'll be right back it seems like there isn't much firing down the road why the [ __ ] would they stop maybe they're in the gym and like we're not you see what's going on they brought the checknicks from five villages plus the j and a men they won't leave us that easy if our guys hold them long enough for us to take out the wounded then great if not i'm gonna go see cruno you're lucky you didn't stay on guard duty [ __ ] you and franco let's go oh cerny what something's going on i can't see [ __ ] are you sure yeah go tell it to the boys give me that grandpa thing you need it fine i do buddy don't know shit's gonna happen so get ready i heard my own wait wait buddy i am right there oh okay okay oh hold on oh it's phony let's go finko ankle get ready okay get ready you need to hurry with that i am oh you pulled back we're waiting for the flare i'm gonna get something shoot now so daryl oh [ __ ] man you all right buddy holy [ __ ] oh [Applause] that one is nice i'm interested in this hey what is this [ __ ] around what are you doing back to the guard duty you tinted the motor what's the situation over there there is no situation [Applause] so hey where'd he get you it's okay it's okay can you manage yeah i can all right uh foreign so reacting or what cut the crap and find me some ammo who am i talking too where do i find the [ __ ] sniper ammo hey hand me some eggs how much ammo you got oh [ __ ] hold this ender okay this is your last when you're out throw bricks out so [Music] [Music] so oh this is all i need right now a bullet forehead guys [Applause] who are you hey it's vero [Applause] check out the situation okay what are you waiting for get your asses over here we have a lot of ruined it you come over here cut the crap and just come over i can't leave my man i'm sorry i just can't do that are you listening to me i repeat there's heavy gunfire heavy gunfire narrow mirror there's no way we can get there and we can't take them all at once i told you only if they can get over here and help cut the crap both of you zero enough of that [ __ ] go on take them in who can walk and get lost what do you expect to happen huh heavy cavalry to arrive 10 tanks to get us out get right why get [ __ ] with us right now we came together and we'll leave together like hell we are where the hell we gonna go right now come on cut the crap and what should we do when we go back home and then they asked about the others we say we left them could you do that doesn't matter i'll never make it out here anyways miro miro did you hear me miro i hear you reinforcements they're on their way you hear me what do you think about that they'll bring in the heavy ordnance when not before morning definitely by noon goddammit we got nothing else what do you want me to tell you nothing you said it all just try to break through to our side if you can okay that's all we've agreed we're staying we're not leaving anybody now move out where [ __ ] wait we can't rush like that let me call balzo okay no more waiting i've come this far we can go on blue two blue two what's the situation no clue what you're doing there but you're very popular they're moving troops toward you okay do your best to try to hold them back all right special forces are coming in tried to slow them down but there's just too many of them they could surround you we have to fall back i'm not going to what do you want us to do then how many mags you got what how many mags three three skype hold out as long as you can let me know if you can no point in all of us getting killed take care of yourself take the helmet too i'll be right back take care of here [Applause] one crossing over covering come on [Applause] hold this andrew where's elvis cruno he's in there oh i'm sorry what's going on out there the jet are tightening the grip we brought all the yeast sector weapons here how did they know and inform it we broke into their communications they think it's some big stashy campaign and then i moved in on you they [ __ ] up the whole eastern front at least we haven't turned into fools how much ammo you got all we could spare syringe what there's someone at the window where straight ahead at the window all right let me in commander summoned everything he could but they brought in god knows what no chance we pull you out with us it's okay we've been through that and we we're okay with what we have if you wanted to talk us into something you shouldn't have come at all great you brought the ammo now who's that hold it guys come on over here make some room go on what scared [ __ ] lisa cut the crap what are you doing here here's the situation they just learned someone squeezed through now they're gonna get pissed they'll send men there and take some of them for our neck they'll close it down before dawn with first light they move in special forces guys put rabble in this order where are the others right there [ __ ] any better you're going back demarco you should retreat get ready we can't hold out much longer tell me are they coming or not not before tomorrow do you think you can hold your position that long no no no [ __ ] chance then pull back that is an order coming back bozo yeah oh [Applause] let's go fall back everybody get out everybody fall back they definitely pulled out now they can concentrate on us [ __ ] where are they now they fell back hello company a we have to hold out till tomorrow till they come for us there's not enough of us to cover all the windows so be prepared to move wherever you're needed okay they'll make an effort at least once before morning so let's let them know we're still here he doesn't need that it's empty anyway so um he could bring something from me too well [ __ ] it pal nobody likes sharp shooters oh okay i like you [ __ ] you and your crazy head not for long you want so [Applause] [ __ ] [Applause] oh [Applause] give me a hand go on give me the bag [ __ ] give it to me hold the position it's okay it's okay me [Applause] so huh they're pressing in from that side i've only got three bullets [Applause] so [Applause] dumbo [Applause] uh oh me [Music] oh so so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 1,037,879
Rating: 4.5708117 out of 5
Keywords: movies, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, b-grade, comedy, hollywood, popcornflix, bigtime, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Full Movie, Action Full Movie, Horror Full Movie, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, Free Movies, Movie Central Full Movie
Id: n1oMJZQin-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 15sec (6015 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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