The Frozen Front 2 Fear the Silence - Full War Action Movie

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foreign this tribunal is accusing your army unit of the october 30th 1941 hell has broken loose suddenly we were under attack and there was nothing but chaos around us only a handful of comrades are left and they are just as inexperienced as me now we stray around in the ukrainian mountains isolated from our troops in our search of help there's nothing but severe cold and endless silence um be quiet then you'll stay alive who's in the house everybody's in the church except me you speak german of course who's in charge in this village don't move um don't move stay where you are let me see your hands don't move everyone you all speak german if you cooperate with us we won't harm you maxim come here my men will accompany you and collect your weapons from your houses oh yeah move it move it now hurry faster where is your pastor he died years ago there is no replacement the parochial house been empty for years who leads the services in we don't need a leader to pray this rifle belonged to my husband it's the only one there you go your chairman wasn't quite popular right my good education prevents me from talking about this person lord have mercy upon them my sister and i run this farm alone mother is dead and they deported our father years ago he was deported by whom well men from the communist party first they took a harvest their now men and what happened to them you don't have to be scared someone up there is protecting us from my calvary regiment in 1813 it belonged to my great grandfather thanks but you can keep your decoration sir hey i get the feeling you're growing a belly funny so he's okay you're a brave man hey don't okay okay i'm coming cool we only saw women old folks and kids most of the people are happy to see us they're all russian germans they've been living around here since over 200 years who knows lots of things can happen within two centuries nonsense stalin took everything they had and murdered hundreds of thousands of farmers either way we can't trust anybody here all right we will take quarters here your kids will stay with us you heard what he said get into the house move you should have stopped them how you should have done something do you dare start crying now except acting like a complete idiot men are no different from the cattle in the stable how do you think you can make the soldiers do what you want them to do if necessary you offer the nazis your [ __ ] on a silver plate take a seat it's good vodka i need a clean towel have you heard this one the cannibal says to his sweetheart may i give you a hand and she says thank you but i already had breakfast don't move does everyone here speak german so well german used to be the official language on the other hand our russian is awful tell me do you have any experience in something like this only with cattle but don't worry pigs are humans there's no big difference this is where we got attacked and we've got this burst to the east so now we should be around here far behind an enemy's territory damn ivan is blocking our way back so what do we do now the river forces us to make a detour at least 150 to 200 kilometers by foot in the cold i need to slow down change of guard finally so did i miss anything yeah hitler was here and brought some new underpants for you yeah thanks billy i thank you both please come back tomorrow and have a check up on him well doblin your first medal looks to become the badge of the wounded anna we've got to do something we're obligated to resistance resistance if we show loyalty to the right ones now they'll see we're on their side please stay calm for once in your life at least for my child caucus hocus abra cadabra yeah and if it shows the head i'll punch yours private cross you better keep that promise for the enemy what are you looking for lieutenant my badge of the wound this one no jokes about this understood okay and take the others take the children next door yes sir yes sir well shame on you what do you have to touch his holy talisman for what the lieutenant is snatched from the jaws of death four times right this middle has symbolic meaning to him but what symbolic meaning assembled that his guardian angels are looking after him yeah it's true a thing has always protected him oh we need to find a way to inform the red army are you crazy if the german shoulders find out they'll set the village on fire but if the russians find out they will do the same mata the red army believes we are saboteurs they want to take us away like cattle no they won't take us away when they find out that we did not turn against the nazis then they will shoot us right here but maybe this will be german territory in a few weeks so then we can stay at least germans are more respectable than new russian comrades katja is right martha if we turn to the red army now and hitler wins the war then we're [ __ ] oh in the end you just support the one who wins no we support the ones who lets us live that's our old tractor it hasn't been used for years scrap at its finest you think we're gonna get this thing going it already falls apart just by looking at it lieutenant when you get back to your troops yes please tell them there are germans here waiting for rescue promise even if we could get this thing going how could the small tractor be useful there you go a carriage a hay cart with wheels in the snow well i don't know we'll put skids beneath it of course christmas sleep loaded with us all what a sight for the gods come on boys let's go to work i'm living for the district capital what it's the only chance we got okay i'll help you we need your help you've got skilled hands who did your husband teach you my husband no my father did my brother works for crop as steel worker he taught me a few things about metalwork i've got five siblings three brothers and two sisters and i do miss them lots what about you did your husband give you any children no not to me so my heart is yours but my [ __ ] belongs to them all you gotta share it with the others that's exactly what i said and she agreed to that of course she wouldn't want to miss out on a top dog like me well i'm happy with my darling roof when i'm back i will marry her really i always feel awkward talking to girls i don't know what to say compliments always work it's okay to have a little fun but i would advise against marriage but aren't you married yes yes get some beat ready for the rats okay what happened next well on the day we crushed bremen five to zero guess what what happened i got my conscription call oh no goodbye football shirt hello military uniform i belong to the football ground not to the battlefield i wouldn't bet on that i saw you playing in hamburg and well somehow you're unlike the other women here well i'm not from here huh mom look i said don't touch them show me your fingers thank you for helping us yeah whatever you can't wait to get rid of us it's okay you don't have to be afraid when we come back we'll fly the german flag together so if you try to call for help i'll tell the soldiers about your plan untie me ana for god's sake i'm sorry just have some booze that's disinfection from inside if it doesn't get better you recall the women in yes sir uh here take a shot thanks nastrovia what about you any resolutions just being happy finding the right man starting a family and what about you me well surviving divorce somehow um oh well no worries it will be fine we'll come back to protect you yes good job boys looks like we got to stay one more night but i think your kid should spend the nights with you from now on have a nice evening kyle hitler and tamarta is very sick and therefore she sleeps in the chamber whatever happens you must not open the door oh sweetheart i'm so worried about you don't worry mom we're protected i arranged them yeah you did yours too good boy i hope you suffocate from it good night can i kiss what is the magic warped abracadabra sim sala bin stop put there lieutenant we've got visitors ladies what's up since you're leaving us tomorrow we thought we're cooking for you tonight so you'll remember us in a good way check this out it looks like stalin and then we're done with him hi hitler hi hannah do i have to spend the night alone you're leaving tomorrow there will be lots of cold and lonely nights ahead of you that's right but unfortunately i have to stand guard soon i'm really sorry ugh how much time do we have left what would you do if i came with you what would i be allowed to do with you this what about this huh let's leave it at that cheers so change of guards you can go party now thanks but i really need to catch up on some sleep you can sleep when you're dead come on amuse yourself a little hey i'm not keen on catching syphilis idiot that's how an errand is supposed to look like blonde like hitler tall like gobbles and slender like goring do you think we'll be home by christmas well i will be i'm not so sure about you guys i'll definitely be home by then they need heroes here like me i'll say hi to your wives then mine is not even going to open the door for someone like you yeah but most likely they will screw it up again and google's will tell us christmas tales they should just let us do our job instead of sitting in the warning drinking cognac right those are the ones will [ __ ] their pants at first enemy contact yeah we should have to clean the mess up afterwards nah our miss liar does the cleaning our enemy command would certainly be delighted to hear you talking you get a medal for farting the national anthem if that'd be expected no that one already belongs the crack belongs to me nozzle won't serratus out to the army commander best you go the hitler directly you will certainly be granted an audience hey hey boys don't touch me do you have a screw loose are you out of your mind you will immediately apologize to that lady on behalf of my comrade i'd like to apologize to you no no it's okay cheers uh maxim can you help me to open the door oh no i feel much better maxim i need to pee really badly maxime you will open this door now or do you want me to so miss what else if i went too far earlier on then then i'm sorry yeah i didn't want to offend you no i'm sorry i behaved awfully you will come back will you good night good night uh good evening what are you doing there oh good evening i just collected some old stuff a few blankets some petrol lamps thank you very much you quickly make that old thing work again yes the boys have unexpected talents sleeveless good night the tenant well i don't know my father smoked just like you thank you that's very kind of you there you stalin smoked him that he's got a bad fever take him to the other room so ugh ah damn it oh uh i just need new bandages it's going to be fine no i don't want that you prefer to die by the way where's the lieutenant probably just taking a dump for two hours huh big dog big dump and what's he supposed to be doing here anyways he couldn't even remember our names in the first couple of weeks the holy lieutenant nobody asked you shows what shut your yap boy i guess you need some whipping your lieutenant won't come to your rest shut the [ __ ] up that's enough hey come here come down come now come now marta what have you done me no he's your comrade but i'm not a doctor neither am i this pig wanted to kill me so the only options were him or me ana for god's sake that guy killed katya tomorrow morning these murderers will be gone until then we only have one choice no damn word to nobody huh so will we make it 100 kilometers inside gold even on a carriage okay then we'll have to wait until he's recovered that's lieutenant's decision has he shown up yet nope no i think he's with one of the scarlet women wait a minute he's married well that happens to married men as well especially to them all right split up talk to the winches hey don't act like a big shot you were right you were right with everything helga i'm so sorry but we mustn't lose your minds now what you want me to let them get away with that there is right shut up for god's sake shut up all of you god you blame us uh i'm sure none of them thinks that we've got anything to do with this you [ __ ] two-faced pigs hey nozzle nozzle come on we've got to find our tenant fritz what's wrong what are you whining for i don't really know what a mess this girl was almost still half a kid i don't believe any one of us is capable of doing anything like that i think all of us are guys so let's split up no false moves put it down mama what do those men want our lieutenant has been killed what do you know about it what i want to know who's killed our lieutenant no idea i don't know anything about it well i believe you know something well i don't know anything about it i'm sure it was one of you who killed my sister and i hope you all [ __ ] die one after the other come on spit it out stop it you want more you'll be next talk to me now tell me do you want to die like her stop it do something make him stop stop talk tell me stop it right now all right there's no need to scream and yell at me maybe she really doesn't know anything yes yes it was her ursula marta please guys we know who did it what do you want don't you move what have you done let her go bastards shut up you should be happy we let you and the kids live she killed lieutenant how do you know this and we found this hold it we're nearly done i've got to get ursula out of there but how martha we all don't know how to fight they've got their guilty one right you want to leave rasulullah with them will you help me marcel is probably already dead [ __ ] ugh so please let me go i didn't do anything to anyone but we could win now please why ass we didn't do anything wrong if before silla killed the officer then she needs to stand up for it kurta shut up and take your stuff don't move you've got to come with us immediately what now oh god hmm ugh it's not as bad as it looks no please don't why is nobody helping me why oh please the murderer just gets the punishment she deserves come on forget it that's really not happening is it it was your idea so do it yourself please why don't you believe me please help me oh my god who it is please somebody has to do the job well you can do whatever you want but don't kill me no please please don't don't kill me oh no take cover so oh so ugh oh my god no attack the flank stop hold on put down your weapon i surrender so she was just a dirty coward anyways help let me calm down please don't kill me why doesn't anybody help me oh god calm down muscle everything's going to be okay i haven't done anything wrong please don't kill me please oh god help me please let me go let me calm down don't kill me i won't tell don't me me no shut the [ __ ] up uh huh i'll be back you let him die [ __ ] how dare you talk to me like that are you crazy what are you still doing here didn't you want to start fighting like a hero against the red army then end up dying you're all just dirty ugly savages live under hammer and sickle and give birth to your children on the field you're shame and you're not germans at all and you follow hitler you burn bugs written by freud breck and heinrich hannah you're no germans at all stop it put down the weapon what have you done uh it's going to be okay nozzle we will all live together and we would tell everything to the colonel okay but you can't make any more mistakes you're [ __ ] up oh grab your stuff and let's get out of here what about jorgen you have to leave him here what he will die out there immediately uh so so know uh come on we've got to leave it would end badly you just watched it shut up you just watched it too yes but that's over now sorry about your comrade who done everything possible for him we didn't want all this i know try to come back soon it would make me happy do you want to take some stew with you i guess i've got a long journey ahead of you so enjoy the meal wait a moment hold on what about you you can't be serious i would really tastes fantastic stop wait a minute ah oh holy [ __ ] oh it's the gun of your sister so fine cover hey i've got one you have any more ammunition left not much more you fight until the last bullet you freaking quitters shut the [ __ ] up nozzle let's think about how we'll get out of here there's only one way we must fight oh really nozzle or we could just leave and say it's over yeah let's enjoy a nice summer in siberia it'd be great might even be warmer there than here almost tropical you [ __ ] cowards and if you surrender i'll shoot you on your backs it's not funny stop [ __ ] laughing i told you to stop really really come on leave me come on so ugh find to the covered over there stop stop drop the rifle do it you've got to promise me whatever you want just the world should know what crimes we've done here i promise stop over there at the church okay the russians the russians are here i don't want them to harm you what are you doing come down wheel it to line check the huts bring every living soul she is why are you crying where is your mother she's with me come with me nadia oh come to mexico defendant burke what can you tell us about those war crimes i'm sorry i don't know anything about it i wasn't there when it happened oh is oh is if peace is r you
Channel: V Movies
Views: 1,430,583
Rating: 4.6152349 out of 5
Keywords: frozen front, frozen front fear the silence, action movies 2020 full movie english, action movies, action movies 2019 full movie english, action movies 2020, action movies 2018 full movie english, action movies trailers, action movies 2019, war movies, war movies best full movie, war movie scenes, war movie trailer, war movies 2019 full movies, war movie full
Id: faDlEPq-onw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 53sec (5693 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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