Greatest chipping lessons

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I kind of like the one tip that I got it's really changed how I played around the great it was from Arnold my first year on tour here's a top man in the game came to me and said Jack I think this will help I think that was like that's what golfers do they share their knowledge and they want the other fellas to play better [Music] the best lessons ever short game I'm your host Michael breed these little shots around the greens are some of the most important ones for you to practice but many of you don't the pros work countless hours on the skills needed to control both distance and direction on this short game special jack nicklaus reveals the best advice he's ever received in numerous major champions share the secrets they learn from seve but we're starting things off with the Black Knight himself Gary Player if I had to say everybody from the best in the world to the worst in the world if there was one shot that was not as quite as good as the rest of the game because it doesn't allow it to happen as chipping take the best Jumper in the world if you took over a year chipping say from ten yards off to the edge of the green probably the average distance would be that well he's still gonna hold that putt whereas if you've got long putts lag puts a 40 foot you could say the average is going to be that big difference so chipping is so exact because you might pitch into a divot you might pitch into the grain you might pitch with the grain you might pitch across grain you might just be a little unlucky with a way the ball bounces and has a great effect of being close to the hole but there's a rule keep it low for the dough get high and you get a cry or you gonna die so the thing is that the average weekend golfer he's right on the edge of greenness I see him using a sandwich really no chance let's see you chip one you've got a 6-iron a 6-iron and I always try and pitch the ball just on the edge of the green here okay so now here I've got a six out I'm gonna try and pitch the ball right here it's much easier to pitch the ball here than it is to pitch it on a spot over there unless you practice all day so okay here we go at the 6-iron what's this I'm gonna pitch it just on the edge of the green here now look at that there's perfection for you look at this tell me what it goes I promise you any question any viewer can ask me about this shot I'm gonna say to you just like you putt now if you're a cross and a putter you play the shot cross-handed if you're separated with fingers now however you grip it and whatever your stance might be just like you putt now you're gonna see me when I go to putt and I don't have my glove on well that's the only thing I do different I'm gonna steal a line from Ray Floyd he called it putting with loft yeah all right so I like to get the club pretty vertical I'm not standing way out here with the hands real well I'm almost more in my putting stance at this point with weight on my left foot and that allows me to kind of swing my shoulders and make solid contact and make the shot really easy and he was a guy who liked to stand very close to the ball it certainly appears as if you are standing very close to the ball as well I stayed close to everything we're gonna driver but yeah I would turn this into almost feeling more like a putt what I tend to see but a lot of amateurs as they settle reasonable but as they go to hit the golf ball they want to get it in the air and they fall back onto the right leg so essentially their Center grab your sternum as they're coming in to hit it is going backwards if this is going to go backwards you're gonna hit behind the ground and get that double hit so for me because in this chip shot you don't have that much time to transfer your weight I like to see amateurs set themselves very much on their left leg so as you can see once I set up in my left eye my staring and moves right on top of the ball or even left of the ball so watch what happens when I take a practicing my practice swing is actually about four or five inches left at about ball whereas most amateurs as they're coming in their practice swing is brushing the grass eight inches behind the ball if you continually practice like this you're never gonna get a good contact your hands are going to be very active all sorts of funny things are gonna be happening you might get the knees going if you're back here so you're gonna get a lot of this you even have a fresh air like I just did there whereas if you sit on your left hand side and always make sure your practice ring is left if your chronic even making sure it's a foot left of the ball once you re on that left side say up there then you can hit that nice quality strike I played a lot of programs and I see players that get a little nervous around the Greens they know that they need to make up and down to save a shot or two so they start using their legs too much and we all know what happens when you use your legs you can come in you know too much in front of the ball or you even hit the ball thin so you really don't get that nice connection so here's a little drill that I recommend just take your your left foot and you or leg I should say and put it over your your right leg like this and actually tightens up your hip quite a bit so you know I'm not going to be able to use my lower body here at all so what you will do here is really swing with your shoulders and you can see I'm standing very very still and it's just a great little tip I think you can use to to work on your chipping very simply I think we all have a lot of a lot of instincts and what I would say to this they say well how hard should I hit I say well how hard do you throw it if I ask somebody to pick this balls a underhand into that hole they would probably just instinctively do something like that so that's about how hard you hit it yeah so I would say to them imagine is just under handing it so if they're here and they underhand it they get a pretty good roll and you get up success so what can I tell you it's the way you teach it that was great hail now what we're gonna do is we're gonna change up the lie in the distance for some of your Hall of Fame buddies up next Tom Watson is going to reveal the simple grip change that helped him pull off one of the greatest short game shots of all time [Music] [Applause] continues to be playing so we can now that's a formula for success I absolutely agree with get the ball on the ground as quickly as you can and take the guesswork out of your short game so who should we learn from next maybe one of the best players in the game today how about one of the best teachers in the world well there's no need to choose because we've got Jason day and Butch Harmon together and there's two-for-one special the average player stands completely stationary in their legs and I want you to watch a little motion in Jason's legs just to give a little feel the right knee and left knee kind of kicked forward a little but watch the pace of this swing you can see he's picked out a spot he wants to land the ball on and that's what he focuses on you don't see a lot of wrist in this shot because it's just a straightforward pitch and those are two perfect ones by the way do you see a lot of us on Wednesday try to help them yeah I think the biggest thing is a lot of ammeter is when they see this this shot they just see a flag and then they go in and hit and swing away and just hit and try and get it somewhere near the hole right the biggest thing is you've got to aim small to miss small so you have to pick a target and just be aware of where that target is when you're actually chipping the shot you if you pick a target try and land it on that target whatever it does after you hit that shot whatever it does on the green it's going to do itself because you can't control that so you got to pick your target try and land on the target the best you can read the green and hopefully from there once it bounced and rolls hopefully goes in the hole if you watch Jason set up to hit this he's actually paying more attention to where he's trying to land it than he is to the ball right we see the average person just kind of glance at their target and stare at the ball balls not going anywhere he's zoned in to where he wants to land it now watch the rhythm I think I think the biggest thing is to try and for myself is to try and match the practice swings up with how far I really need to hit my chip or pitch shot one of the things that I I'd like to teach people is that you know you can change the trajectory of your flight of your ball just by moving your grip around it's kind of fun to do that now watch this I'm gonna take my grip right here this is the normal grip like this and this is the normal that's the normal height for this shot I'm hitting a little bit off the upslope now if I want to hit go a little bit higher with it what I'll do I'll take my normal grip here and I'll take the left thumb and put it straight down straight down the shaft weakening that's called a weakened left grip bring the right hand over like that keep the face open now watch the difference in the ball flight yeah ball goes much higher just by changing your grip there that's something to practice another thing and then the opposite of that is put the full harly on it mm-hmm the left hand put that left hand over here like this like this right hand underneath like that but make sure they've got that Club that balls in the back of your stance now watch now you can make that same Club roll I like to smother the ball a little bit take a little bounce off the club by putting the club back in my stance a little bit and making it a little bit sharper not so much finishing the shot as I do actually attacking the ball hitting down on it what that does is when the ball lands it actually releases instead of kicking the ball will release and then run almost like a seven I can make a sand wedge see I can chip the ball with a sand wedge and make it react like a 7-iron but you'll notice that the hands the hands will stay in front of see it now watch the hands are still in the same position to where I finished I'm not here now you'll notice when you hit a shot hold the club and see where it's at and I guarantee you you'll be here and I'm still in this position I can actually watch this I can actually hit this ball hold the position right watch and come right back down and hit another one you see that and what does that do to the flight or the release of the ball it'll release it won't put as much spin on it you understand see you don't know people don't understand you know what puts spin on the ball bounce balance is what puts spin on the ball when you put a wedge down at fifty-six degrees and you hit a golf ball at the same moment that this bounce catches the ground the ball is on the club face in the club actually bounces into the ball and makes it spin up those grooves and that's what puts the spin on it when you put your hands forward and you take the loft off that club and make it a nine nine now you don't have 14 degrees of Bounce on here you only have seven you have a drill to show whether or not you're properly using the bounce what is it well hopefully I can pull this off but I'll give you an example of the leading edge hitting I'm gonna hit this tee here with the leading edge this is the ball back and when you do it the tee goes flying that's the leading edge hitting it'd be really cool when it if I could release the club enough to get the bottom of the club to tick the top of that tee and drive it into the ground and it's the way I practiced just being able to engage that bounce Brandel come on no I swear it on a tricky but if I'm hitting in the tees falling forward or springing out of the ground so you just take the tee and it kind of drives it down so what the back part of the club just hit that tee I drove it it's very bottom part I mean when you learn where the bottom of the club is it's so liberating it frees you up and it opens up a whole new world around the greens for you but then you can then be creative and use your imagination severe you know some of these all the Spaniards they look at the shots in HD three or four or five different ways to play it and if all you have is the Nina lean left shaft forward chip shot you've got one way to play it if you catch a bad lie a fluffy lie you're in deep trouble Semmy was just magical around the green and he left a lasting impact on even his biggest rivals in fact the late Spaniard gave Greg Norman the best tip he's ever received short game secrets from one legend to another and they're being shared with you next [Music] how the club and the arm form a straight line this means that the club has never passed over having the leading edge come up by moving the hands forward that's how we keep the leading edge underneath the ball start writing your style wishlist seed was from 70onabike sterols stevia was probably the magician of the short game he hit shots better than anybody else I've ever seen in my life he had shots that I had never even thought about seeing in my life but one of the things that seve taught me the most and it's remained to this day he said make love to your hands when you put it on the golf club more so in Chipping than anything else and what I mean by that is you have to caress the grip of the golf problem do not choke it do not white-knuckle it just create caress it the more you have your hands soft on the grip the easier it is for you to accelerate through the ball so 70 on advice there US there's not with us anymore gave me the greatest tip of all time that's lasted to me to this day is make love to your hands when you put it on the golf club when you go to play a chip shot between SEVIS wisdom and the Sharks charisma that's definitely one of the best lessons ever on the grip now that we've covered the basic chip and pitch shot it's time for two of the top European players of all time to tackle some of those more difficult shots around the green including this one here the flap and we're starting off with Bernhard Langer the shots we all try to avoid it's the shot of last resort sand and what I see often when even even out in the pros at times you know this is what what the outcome is no egos oh oh yeah good thing we don't have any spectators around have you got a better version of that wonderful I hope so I wouldn't like to live with that for the rest of my life so you saw what I did I never made contact with the ground I just kind of bladed it belly-belly bladed it and as Henry cotton would say just try and chop the legs off so what what I'm trying to do is obviously I want to hit this high so I'm going to open the clubface as much as I can and use the bounds of my club and from that point on the balls a little bit forward I'm pretty much right on top of it I'm going to make a big arc I don't want to lift this club up and drop it on to the ball because that would make me most likely bladed or hit it fat so I want to have a big swing big arc and come in shallow and that is how you hit that high flop shot it came down as Lee Trevino would say a butterfly with sore feet and now we have what's known as a forced carry you can see there's a bunker between me and the hole so now we have a force carrier we can't putt this one and you say what club you can use well it's very much Lyda pendant you can see this ball here for instance is lying slightly down into the ground so I've got to get underneath this I can't use a use an a wedge or ax or or a pitching wedge to this I've got to use my el wedge here my sixty and get underneath this and get this towards this pin here now how about your set up for a shot like this again as as with all pitches the weight doesn't transfer so we must keep our weight on the left side and we play this like us at a bunker shot really so it's on the left side we take the club outside the line if you can see there outside the line and across and we plant like a bunker shot so we come under and most importantly again of course we must follow through to get the ball to the hole okay so here we go with this it's a heavy lie but the mudra it's it's it's a little bit of tough behind the ball so we have to be positive with it we hit down there and through now not bad that ball was always gonna run out because I've got less control coming out there but sometimes they'd be mid or rough it sits up yeah the ball comes into the rough and it actually sits up like a coconut you know it can sit up like that now now this might sound okay I've got a good lie well it might not be because what happens sometimes if you use this same club and this same technique what happens you've seen that happen before sure you got right underneath the ball because you've hit the top of the blade you've hit the very very top grooves of the blade and not the bottom and the ball just comes out dead so what we have to do is if we're in this position if it's sitting on top we change the club now we go back to our a wedge again our 50-degree Club and we get the ball more running so we're not hitting down on the ball as much of course we're still on the left side but we're not hitting down on the ball we're hitting through it that way and of course we're getting that ball to run more towards the hole we've learned from some of the greats on the short game but we've saved the best for last up next Jack Nicklaus reveals the greatest advice he ever received and it came from Arnold Palmer my first year on tour here's a top man in the game came to me and said Jack I think this will help you I think that was nice that's what golfers do they share their knowledge and they want the other fellas to play better [Music] he'd and it had to do with this I kind of like the one tip I got which really changed how I played around the green it was from Arnold 1960 to Arnold I are playing a practice round at Palm Springs and I'm chipping every ball off the edge of the green and I mean I don't care what I'm whether I've got a 5-iron 6-iron 9-iron or what it is and I'm sitting there hitting these little chip shots you know boom and and and they're brewing up three four five feet from the hole and Arnold said why are you doing that that's what do you mean I still under strip and this is well he says think about something he said think about that chip how good was that chip I said how how how there was four feet from the hole that's pretty good chip she says well the secret putter what would happen if you were in the same exact place and you use your putter for the same shot but four feet be acceptable he said it'll be a pretty bad putt well sort of think about that you're maybe your best do your worst putt will be just as good as your best chip not sure you might chip the ball closer sometimes but you're not gonna hit the ball very far from the hole of the putter so he told me says put that put that chip and iron away let's get the putter out when you're off the green let's put it off the green I use that the rest of my life and I always give clinics now and I'm walking up and people say well what would you do from here I said well 11 times out of 10 and that's what I do we started this show out with Gary Blair showing you had a chip successfully with the six iron and wrap things up with Jack Nicklaus telling you to use the putter wherever possible here's your takeaway it helps to master your wedges but creativity is key
Channel: Jim McDowell
Views: 1,266,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2016
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