THE LAST OF US Season 1 Side By Side Scene Comparison

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I think this is it's nice but I I think it's stuck it's not what no no no no oh ha ha did you what I don't hear anything where did you get the money for this where'd you get the money for this drugs I sell hardcore drugs drugs it's a hardcore drugs it's better when I do I'm sorry for something I was some kind of parasite are we sick no of course not are we sick no of course not no cell phone no radio yeah we're doing great a minute ago newsman wouldn't shut up cell phone no radio News man one shut up how do you know that's Lewis's Farm [ __ ] made it out it's Jimmy's Place we're good didn't Jimmy work in the city so do we drive it who do you think you're doing keep driving I got a Kid Joe so do we we have room someone else will come along [ __ ] everybody had the same [ __ ] idea everyone and their mother had the same damn idea come on people move what are they running from get us out here I'll try it oh no oh no [Music] oh [Music] move your hands okay I know baby I know this one you're gonna be okay baby stay with me I know I know I know I know I know it hurts I'm gonna pick you up [Music] I know these words baby baby listen to me I gotta get you up come on baby please I know baby I know Sarah Joe come on baby girl come on baby girl I gotta get you baby [Music] don't do this to me come on come on get up come on come on you mumble in your sleep you mumble in your sleep and I'm actually outside you ever stay in a place like this I know a little out of our league whoa fancy you ever stay at a place like this before no no it's too rich for my blood um so it's out there I can't swim [Music] seriously do you think we have pools in the Koozie [Music] hoped for was that everything you hope for jury's still out Drew's still out [Music] can't deny that view [Music] hey let's pick it up come on let's get there before it's dark [Music] maybe they uh maybe they hit a map or something to tell us where they were going I mean one of them's got to have a map on them right where was this lab of theirs where did Marlene say that she was taking you Ellie she never said she only mentioned that it was someplace out west uh I don't know just west our luck had to run out sooner or later our luck had to run out sooner or later she's infected infection I Was Bitten an hour ago and it's already worse this is [ __ ] real Joel [Music] hey look um about Tess listen about Tess I don't even know here's how these things gonna play out you don't bring up tests ever rule one you don't bring up tests ever in fact we just keep our histories to ourselves matter of fact we can just keep our histories to ourselves secondly don't tell anybody about your condition will too you don't tell anyone about your condition I think you're crazy we'll try to kill you you see that bite mark they won't think it through they'll just shoot you and lastly you do what I say when I say it rule three do what I say when I say it are we clear we clear yes repeat it sure repeat it what you say goes what you say goes good okay would you play this before you ever play this one I had a friend who knew everything about this game no but I had a friend that knew everything about this game there's this one character named Melina who takes off her mask and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and Barks out your bones apparently there's this character called Angel knives who'd what was it she'd punch a hole through your stomach before kicking your head off I'm never a big fan of these things I wish I could play it intended volume two but it's a joke book no pun intended Volume 2 by Will Livingston it doesn't matter how much you push the envelope it doesn't matter how much you push the envelope it'll still be stationary what did the mermaid where did her math class what did the mermaid wear to her math class what an algebra analogy bra I stayed up all night wondering where the sun went then it dawned on me I stayed up all night wondering where the sun went and then it dawned on me sad on the reading but it has some interesting pictures no no light on the reading but it's got some interesting photos that Ellie that ain't for kids setback that's not for kids please get rid of it who's your horses I want to see what all the fuss is about whoa how how the hell would he even walk around with that thing get rid of that reached your horses I want to see what all the fuss is about why are all these Pages stuck together oh why are these all stuck together I'm just [ __ ] with you I just [ __ ] with yes bye-bye dude [Music] why is this scarecrow get an award why did the Scarecrow get a promotion all right because he was outstanding in his field dick because he was outstanding in his field that'll do put that thing away I did all the time yes just coffee I really miss coffee cute acquired taste my ass it smells like burnt [ __ ] you got up pretty early if you want to grab more sleep I'm not even tired she tried to get some sleep all right I'm not even tired [Music] easy are we gonna help him seat belt on Ellie he built on he ain't even hurt are we gonna help him [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Whoa man let's let's be cool man take it easy it's okay it's okay it's over we're not fighting anymore look man we can work something out okay we can trade with you guys we could be friends I didn't know wow all right ready ow the blueberry it's been a while since that boy even cracked a smile [Music] I've heard that in a long time yes that's fun yeah awesome uh calm down hey Sam yeah same with the toes okay ready oh did you see that let's keep it down buddy okay to the edge of the universe and back to the edge of the universe and back endure and survive excuse me indoor and survive is everything all right everything's fine well have a good night how's it that you're never scared who says that I'm not what are you scared of scorpions are pretty creepy um being by myself scared of ending up alone what about you those things out there what if the people are still inside what if they're trapped in there without any control of their body scared of that happening to me okay first of all we're Team now okay we're gonna help each other out and second they might still look like people but that person is is in there anymore damn that smells good morning where's Sam I let him sleep in for once oh well if you wanted to join us you can go wake his ass up thank you Sam hey Sam what the hell [ __ ] he's turning that's my [ __ ] brother screwed [Music] [ __ ] you're all right oh my God save oh no soon Henry I'll stay there Henry what have you done he's easy easy I'm gonna get that gun for me okay oh okay okay easy is this your foot this is nobody's fault Henry it's looking for Henry Henry no oh my God I'm learning how to whistle you don't know how to whistle they sound like I know how to whistle are you all right I'm trying to learn how to whistle you don't know how to whistle well does it sound like I know how to whistle [Music] don't even think about reaching for your weapon tell the girl to drop hers now Ellie it was the lady says Tommy [Applause] we didn't know the place was occupied we're just trying to make our way through through to where they're all right but you know these people know him he's my goddamn brother Tommy [Music] holy [ __ ] how you doing baby brother Maria is Family actually oh [ __ ] congrats ma'am thanks for not pulling my head off would have been embarrassing considering you're my brother-in-law [Music] we all got to get wrangled up at some point it doesn't seem like you age much you on the other hand let me look at you [Music] you're [ __ ] old easy it's gonna happen to you too and the kid oh yeah she's the daughter of some Firefly monkey muck you're almost being important some bigwig's daughter or something so you know where they might be these fireflies why bring her here I was supposed to deliver through the fireflies the way I figure they're your boys you finish the job you collect the whole damn payment I haven't seen a firefly in years oh they got a base down at the University of Eastern Colorado it's a week's Ride Shop what makes you think I'd do this for you this isn't for me Tommy this is for your damn cause my cause is my family now you ain't talking about some walk in the park here Jesus boy have Maria get some of your born-again friends and do it they got families too Maria's a few months along now so I just got to be more careful they're very protective of this place if a good [ __ ] reason I mean folks find out we're up here no I heard wrong people might show up so is that what I am by the wrong people this is how you gonna repay me huh repay you for all those goddamn years I took care of us all the things I did tell me those things that you judge me for don't get those things to Keep Us Alive we did those things took care that's what you call it I got nothing but nightmares from those years you survived because of me it wasn't worth it they weren't things we murdered people bring you the Cure from Mankind and you want to play the pissy little brother and I don't judge you for it we survived the only way we know how but there were other ways we ain't back in Boston you lay your hands on me again it won't end well for you we'll grab some supplies and be out of your hair in the morning she's immune immune to what what we should cut infected but she didn't get sick I know I've seen her breathe enough spores that take down a dozen men and nothing I wouldn't have believed it neither but I can show you it's hard to bit myself that was months ago months she's in me all right I'll buy it why bring her here from the beginning supposed to deliver through the fireflies the way I figure they're your boys you finish the job you collect the whole damn payment I haven't seen a firefly in years you know where they are it was Marlene she hired us to smuggle her to some fireflies what makes you think I'd do this for you you want me to take her I'm just gonna get her killed I know it I'll take that girl of yours to the fireflies you don't have to worry about it I'll take her out of dawn [Music] it's best this way you know maybe some real good will come of this [Music] is this really all they had to worry about is this really all they had to worry about boys movies deciding which shirt goes with which skirt boys movies deciding which shirt goes with which skirt it's bizarre it's bizarre Tommy knows this area well I'm sorry I trust him better than I trust myself stop with the [ __ ] I made this decision to see way better off with Tommy what Maria told me about Sarah Ellie you are treading awesome Mighty thin eyes here I'm not her you know Maria told me about Sarah and no I'm sorry about your daughter Joel but I have lost people too I'm sorry about your daughter Joel I've lost people too you have no idea what loss is you have no idea what loss is everyone I have cared for has either died or left me everybody I have cared for has either died or left me [Music] everyone [ __ ] except for you everybody [ __ ] and for you don't tell me that I would be safer with someone else because the truth is I would just be more scared so don't tell me that I'd be safe with somebody else because the truth is I would just be more scared [Music] you're not my daughter you're not you're not my daughter [Music] that sure as hell ain't your dad I'm not sure as hell ain't you're dead and we are going our separate ways get it together we're not alone now come down we're going our separate ways and if I say no do you even realize what your life means listen why are you here I came here to talk to you no way you're still here well I guess we're both disappointed with each other then what do you want from me admit that you wanted to get rid of me the whole time when I was a kid I wanted to be a singer why is that funny well when I was a kid I used to want to be uh singer shut up oh serious sing something oh no come on I won't laugh I don't think so Joel please I'm gonna sing something now no come on now I'm not gonna laugh you're already laughing okay oh it's a big horns what does that mean team mascot that's a giant Ram you guys were like some Idol worshipers when it came to sports hell yeah are those monkeys let's be from the old Labs look at this ghost those monkeys yeah a whole mess of them [Music] thank you [Music] Riley [Music] Riley owl I landed on my hip what the hell I thought I Was Bitten I know it was kind of Awesome me like that you're not gonna kill me are you seen you and I don't even know how long 45 days well 46 technically so really want to know what I've been up to all this time I thought you were dead you okay I'm fine I just ran away for a bit that's all here look no way where were you I joined the Firefly oh [ __ ] you you're a firefly you're a firefly Jesus are we cool I disappeared and you're mad and I owe you an explanation let's get out of here and I'll tell you all about it we'll tell you everything first you have to promise me something it's almost morning and I have military drills you know where we learn how to kill fireflies so yeah I'm not going anywhere with you it's great it's 2 A.M in a few hours I have drills drills put some pants on and let's go remember that Firefly you bit and stole his gun yeah I remember him that's Trevor I saw him walking down the street so I tailed his hat one night you were in the hole I got bored so I snuck out I follow him into this alley and all these fireflies Ambush me they took me right to their Hideout to Marlene I was on my way back being stealthy like I am and this chick popped out of nowhere chick like our age no like 40. were you scared terrified I thought this time she would actually shoot me but instead she just says what took you so long whatever anyways old she said she was impressed watching me sneak around avoiding guards she was expecting me and she just made you a firefly something like that and she asked what I thought about fedra so I told her the truth their fascistic bags and they're the ones that should be getting hanged for their crimes that hole almost killing me thing was a test she wanted to know I was committed oh she's like all right if you want in you're in that's it so it turns out the whole city has power they just flipped the circuit breakers all you gotta do is flip it back so turns out when Federer connected that block up to the grid this place got connected too not that they know check me out whoa look at me [Laughter] these posters are everywhere I saw this not before the outbreak he did he totally get her by the end nobody gets gutted it's a dumb team movie who dragged you to see it though I don't know let's just stay focused all right what did frustrated 's hands [Music] laid on me he threw up his hands what did the triangle say to the circle oh what did the triangle say to the circle you're so pointless you're so pointless Ellie I'm leaving they've asked me to leave leave what Boston I'm supposed to join a group in another city they're sending me to a post in the Atlantic cutesy I argued with them to stay here I asked if you could so we could go to go to you know how Marlene is nothing's easy with her everything's a test but Marlene said no the [ __ ] is Marley Marlene is the lady that helped me it doesn't matter they're picking me up tomorrow tonight's my last night in Boston why did you bring me here I wanted to see you you bring me here because I wanted to see you no why did you bring me here I don't know [Music] really come here [Music] what is it what's wrong don't go what in the spring yeah please I'm sorry what do we do now [Music] we'll figure it out uh what do we do now I'm gonna figure it out but I don't think Marlene's gonna oh yeah okay [Music] thank you there's some more stuff over there you can break there's more stuff over there you can break [Music] the way I see it we got two options wait I see him without two options option one you take the easy way out what what if you take the easy way out it's quick and painless I'm not a fan of option one two we fight for what option two we're gonna turn into one of those things [Music] there are million ways we should have died before today it ends this way for everyone sooner or later right and in a million ways we can die before tomorrow but we fight for every second we get to spend with each other but we don't quit it's two minutes two days I don't want to give that up whether it's two minutes or two days we don't give that up I don't want to give that up my vote let's just wait it out you know we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together we can what's option three what's option three [Music] sorry [Music] come on sorry I'm sorry let's get on here [Music] this is also a line reference in the game by Ellie when she discusses her past Boston back when I Was Bitten I wasn't alone my best friend was there and she got bit too we didn't know what to do so she says let's just wait it out you know we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together [Music] I don't see anybody you think we can just take it who's there come out drop your rifles now hello we just want to talk any sudden moves and I put one right between your eyes and he started moves like form right between your eyes you know for Buddy Boy ditto for Buddy Boy over there what do you want name's David this here's my friend James we're from a larger group women children and we're all very very hungry from a larger group women children they're all very very hungry so am I women and children all very hungry too well even so you can't drag this back on your own maybe we could trade you for some of that meat there what do you need we're not asking for charity we we can trade you for some of the deer we have what do you need we have medicine weapons ammo clothes medicine you have any antibiotics like for infections we do the camp welcome to follow I'm not following you anywhere we do back in our village you're welcome to follow us I'm not following you anywhere buddy boy can go get it he comes back with what I need the deer is all yours buddy boy can go get it he comes back you get half the deer if anyone else shows up you put one right between my eyes that's right anyone else shows up right between my eyes that's right two bottles of the penicillin in a syringe make it fast go on bring back two bottles and a syringe it's not code James do as I said I'll take that rifle you know you really shouldn't be out here all on your own I don't like company you know you really shouldn't be out here all on your own from where I'm sitting you shouldn't be out here on your own what's your name why fair enough so what's your name look I understand it's not easy to trust a couple of strangers it's hard to trust strangers I know but I honestly mean you no harm That's Heavy like a pretty good team we got lucky oh you look had to run out sooner or later yeah luck lucky no no such thing as luck you see I believe and everything happens for a reason no such thing as luck no I I believe everything happens for a reason this winner has been especially cruel we didn't expect this winner to be so cruel nothing will grow game's been hard to find a few weeks back oh yeah I sent a group of men out a nearby Town look for food so I sent four of our people to a nearby town to to scavenge what they could only a few came back and only three of them came back you said that the others had been uh slaughtered crazy man turns out he was murdered by this crazy man and get this he's crazy man traveling a little girl and get this that crazy man was traveling with a little girl you see everything happens for a reason you see everything happens for a reason no way David I'm not gonna let it lower a gun he is the one that killed Alec couldn't she she didn't kill anybody lower the gun now give her the medicine the others won't be happy about this did you bring the medicine yeah but throw it to her David well the [ __ ] out of the way won't survive long out there can't protect you you won't survive for long out there I can protect you Joel move your arm oh [Music] here we go Joe where the [ __ ] do I put this [Music] [Music] you're gonna make it [Music] foreign [Music] oh Jesus [ __ ] Focus right here right here not popping goddamn knee off you focused wrap up your [ __ ] kneecap off a girl he's alive July where where in the town ah the town what town Silver Lake now you're gonna mark it on the map you're gonna point to where we are and where your Resort is and it better be the same exact spot your buddy points to and it better be the exact same spot your buddy points to Market it's right there you can verify it go ask him go ask him he'll tell you I'm not lying I ain't telling you [ __ ] it's okay no I believe him no no [ __ ] that's all right I believe it no way I know you're hungry I've been out for quite some time [Applause] what is it it's deer what it's worth this is just dear meat I swear it's just the deer meat looking animals so now what you're gonna chop me up into tiny pieces I'd rather not I'd rather not please just tell me your name please tell me your name you're so full of [ __ ] if you want to judge me judge you you're eating people it's awfully quick to judgment considering you and your friend killed how many men the only way I'm going to be able to convince the others coming in some of what that you can come around you have heart you're loyal and you're special smart loyal oh in the life we could build stupid little girl you little cut where am I supposed to tell the others now let's see when I go tell the others now Ellie what Ally what tell them that Ellie is the little girl tell them that Ellie is a little girl who broke her [ __ ] finger broke your [ __ ] finger how did you put it tiny pieces how did you put it hmm tiny little pieces wakey wakey come on oh I warned you [Music] you had your chance I'm infected really so are you really so are you roll up my sleeve look at it [Music] right there rolling my sleeve look at it I'll play along what'd you say what did you say everything happens for a reason right what the hell is that now she would have turned by now this isn't real she would have turned by now it can't be real looks pretty [ __ ] real to me [Music] No Way Out Ellie the doors are locked and I have the keys nowhere to go you want out you guys come get these keys [Music] let me tell you something you have no idea [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] stop stop it's me it's me [Music] it's me yeah [Music] oh baby girl it's okay [Music] [Music] it's okay baby girl [Music] they had a guitar in that RV feel that breeze huh I'll tell you on a day like this I just sit on my porch pick away my sex string it's all smashed up but got me thinking maybe I should find one I haven't played in forever yeah once we're done with this whole thing I'm gonna teach you how to play guitar I was thinking maybe I could teach you I bet you'd be great at it all right what do you say huh you want to learn how to play guitar [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey there [Music] so [ __ ] cool [Applause] where's it off to it's so [ __ ] cool oh where's she going come on come on come on come on here come on let's go slow down kiddo [Music] so is everything you're hoping for so is it everything you hoped for it's got its ups and downs got adoption dance can't deny the view though can't deny that view we don't have to do this you know that right we don't have to do this I just I want you to know that it's the other option go back to Tommy's they done with this whole damn thing what are you what are you supposed to do nothing we just go back to Tommy's we forget about the whole damn thing for all we've been through all we've been through everything that I've done everything I've done can't be for nothing you can't be for nothing [Music] the federal thing no Army but this place takes me back that is right after everything went down I ended up in a triage just like this they put these places up all around the first few days after the outbreak and everywhere you look you just It's All Families torn apart whole damn world seemed to have turned upside down in a blank they had me and one just like this with Sarah oh she was gone already is that after you lost Sarah yes it will I can't imagine losing someone you love like that losing everything that you know I'm sorry Joel people are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow people are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow too soon a moon rock tastes better than an Earthly Rock I love this one moon rocks tastes better than Earth rots why because it's meteor because they're meteor it's terrible that was actually good what did the green grapes say to the purple grape breathe you idiot have you been what did the green grape say to the purple grape crazy [Music] welcome to the fireflies sorry about that they didn't know who you were yeah you're pretty hard control didn't know who you were I know it she's all right they brought her back where's Zoe she wasn't her not even a scratch just mostly worried about you you came all this way how'd you do it I have five men whose only job was to protect me I still almost got killed do it it was her she fought like hell to get here what is over she felt like hell to get here she would have been dead on day one maybe it was meant to be I lost most of my crew cross in the country I pretty much lost everything you almost half our crew crossing the country but I owe you we all know you just take me to her you don't have to worry about her anymore we'll take care I worry let me see her please I can't she's being prepped for surgery you can't she's being prepped for surgery what the hell you mean surgery the doctors tell me the cordyceps the growth inside her has somehow mutated our doctor he thinks that the cordyceps in Ellie has grown with her since birth it's why she's immune once they remove it they'll be able to reverse engineer a vaccine it makes normal cordyceps think that she's cordyceps it's why she's immune scene but it grows all over the brain record of Subs grows inside the brain it does it does find someone else there is no one else listen you were gonna show me find someone else there is no one else take me to her you take me to her right now stop I get it please you don't understand I do but whatever it is you think you're going through right now is nothing to what I have been through I was there when she was born promised her mother that I would save her child I promised I knew her since she was born I promised your mother I would look after her then why are you letting this happen because this isn't about me I'm the only one there is no other choice here I have no other choice [Music] yeah you keep telling yourself that [ __ ] March I'm out of here he tries anything shoot him walking onto the highway leaving there with there he tries anything shoot him what the [ __ ] you doing keep walking the [ __ ] are you doing keep walking said keep walking I said keep walking where is he operating I ain't got time for this I'm gonna die for this where top floor the far end I won't let you take her I won't let you take her can't keep her safe forever you can't save her even if you get her out of here then what how long till she's torn apart by infected or murdered by Raiders how long before she's Torn to Pieces by a pack of Clickers that is that she hasn't been raped and murdered first Maybe you to decide for you to decide it's what she'd want and you know it so what would she decide to do what's right look you can still do the right thing here even after what you've done we can still find a way she won't feel anything [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] ah what the hell am I wearing let's take it easy drugs are still wearing off all right you're with me take it slow the drugs are still wearing off what happened [Music] the fireflies [Music] fireflies and then turns out there's a whole lot more like you Ellie turns out there's a whole lot more like you people that are immune people that are immune there's dozens actually I think I'm a damn bit of good neither dozens of them the doctors they couldn't make any of it work they've actually they've stopped looking for a cure they've actually they've stopped looking for a cure and taking us home haters attacked the hospital and barely got you out of there [Music] foreign [Music] wait wait let me go you just come after her you'd just come after her I don't think I ever told you but uh Sarah and I used to take hikes like this well Sarah and I used to hike like this all the time I think uh I think the two of you would have been would have been good friends I think you really would have liked it anyway I bet you would have liked her back not much further now it's a little bit further now hey wait hey wait back in Kansas City you asked me about the first time I killed someone back in Boston back when I Was Bitten I wasn't alone and I got bit in the mall I wasn't on my own my best friend was there my best friend was there and she got bit too she got bit too if we didn't know what to do and she says I can just wait it out feel poetic and just lose our minds together we didn't know what to do so she says let's just wait it out you know we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together and then she did and I had to I'm still waiting for my turn her name was Riley and she was the first to die her name was Riley she was the first to die and then it was Tess and then Sam and then it was Tess and then Sam that's not on you I know it none of that is on you you don't understand I I struggled for a long time with surviving but if you just keep going you find something new to fight for maybe that's not what you're doing to me no matter what you keep finding something to fight for now I know that's not what you want to hear right now swear to me swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true swear to me that every everywhere I swear okay okay
Channel: Heavy Spoilers Clips
Views: 86,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Of Us, The Last Of Us Ending Explained, The Last Of Us Breakdown, The Last Of Us Explained, Joel, Ellie, HBO, TLOU, Last Of Us, Ending Explained, Joel Explained, Episode Breakdown, Clickers, The Last Of Us Characters, episode 9 breakdown, The Last Of Us episode 9, The Last Of Us episode 9 breakdown, The Last Of Us episode 9 explained, trailer breakdown, Joel And Ellie, all cutscenes, ending, joel death, the last of us trailer, hbo, the last of us part 2, the last of us 2
Id: 2bglOoMxKnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 6sec (3846 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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