The Last of Us Part 1 Remake - Ellie's Most Badass Moments

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don't do anything stupid move turn around on your knees you scan them i'll call it in okay put your hands on your head this is ramirez of sector 12 requesting pick up the three stragglers look the other way we can make this worth your while shut up what's the eta couple minutes [Music] oh [ __ ] i thought we were just gonna hold him up or something oh [ __ ] look jesus marlene set us up why the hell are we smuggling an infected girl i'm not infected no i'm just lying i can explain you better explain fast look at this i don't care how you got infected it's three weeks old no everyone turns within two days so you stop bullshitting it's three weeks i swear why would she set you up i ain't buying it [Music] go man that was close uh thanks for the heroics and all ah ellie hey what are you joel bill what are you doing phil turn around and get on your knees just calm down a second turn around all right get on your knees don't test me just take it easy anything sprouting oh god damn it i'm clean i see so much as a truck stop some of them [ __ ] you done am i done you come into my house you set off all my traps you're damn near break my shooting arm who the [ __ ] is this punk and what's she doing here i am none of your goddamn business and we're here because you all joel some favors you could start by taking these off i owe joel some favors is some kind of joke i'll cut to the chase i need a car well it is a joke joel needs a car well if i had one that works which i sure as hell don't what makes you think i just give it to you huh yeah sure joel go ahead take my card take all my food too while you're at it by the looks of it you could lose some of that food listen to me you little [ __ ] [ __ ] you you handcuff i need you to shut up all right whatever favors you think i owe you ain't worth that much actually bill they are well it don't matter cause i don't have a car that works but there is one in this town parts there are parts in this town meaning that you could fix one up all right i'm gonna do this there's some gear i'm gonna need all right it's on the other side of town now you help me go gather it and maybe i can put something together that runs but after this i owe you nothing that's fine a couple days from now we'll probably be dead anyway good follow me whole goddamn town's booby-trapped best stay right on my ass can't miss it knock it off what do you want me to do [Music] i'm gonna need you to pull okay all right you ready one two three let's get to the damn horse okay i don't see anyone let's go joel how are we doing i'm fine can you handle the window yeah okay just stay here i'm gonna flank this [ __ ] ellie those were my friends you killed [ __ ] come on out you want to do this the hard way [ __ ] [Music] we got to get you out of here okay you're not okay joel now come on move it there's no one here hurry you're doing good just keep at it i'm coming through these double doors follow me here lean on me no can you walk yes then [ __ ] walk come on there's the exit just a little bit more come on behind you what ellie oh [ __ ] you little [ __ ] all right let's go swear to god i get you out of this you're so singing for me you wish wait here i'll get the door take your turn come on there you go just get the horse [Applause] can you get on i think we're safe [ __ ] here [Music] oh get up come on you gotta get up [Music] who's there come out hello we just want to talk any sudden moves and i put one right between your eyes ditto for buddy boy over there what do you want name's david this here's my friend james but from a larger group women children they're all very very hungry so my women and children all very hungry too well uh maybe we could uh trade you for some of that meat there what do you need weapons ammo clothes medicine do you have any antibiotics we do back at the camp welcome to follow-up i'm not following you anywhere buddy boy can go get it he comes back with what i need the deer is all yours anyone else shows up you put one right between my eyes that's right two bottles of the penicillin in a syringe make it fast go on i'll take that rifle of course back up it's probably gonna be a while you uh what if we take some shelter from the cold bring him with us there you know you really shouldn't be out here all on your own i don't like company i see what's your name why look i understand it's not easy to trust a couple of strangers whoever's heard you clearly care about them i'm sure it's gonna be just fine we'll see [Applause] you had another gun sorry hey i really like my rifle back no you have your pistol hope you know how to use that thing i've had some practice ugh how are you feeling super here you should eat i know you're hungry i've been out for quite some time what is it it's deer with some human helping on the side no not my promise it's just the deer meat you're a [ __ ] animal it's awfully quick to judgment considering you and your friend killed how many men they didn't give us a choice and you think we have a choice is that it you kill to survive and so do we we have to take care of our own by any means necessary so now what you're gonna chop me up into tiny pieces i'd rather not please tell me your name you're so full of [ __ ] on the contrary i've been uh been quite honest with you now i think it's your turn the only way i'm going to be able to convince the others convince them of what that you can come around you have heart you're loyal and you're special oh [Music] oh stupid little girl you are making it very difficult to keep you alive what am i supposed to tell the others now ellie what tell them that ellie is the little girl that broke your [ __ ] finger did you put it hmm tiny pieces see in the morning ellie [Music] ah helly let's go oh i warned you i'm infected i'm infected really so are you right there roll up my sleeve look at play along what'd you say everything happens for a reason right what the hell is that she would have turned by now it can't be real looks pretty [ __ ] real to me [Music] what the [ __ ] is wrong with these people [Music] uh i knew you had heart you know it's okay to give up ain't no shame in it i guess not just not your style is it you think you know me huh but let me tell you something you have no idea [Music] look it's [Music] oh [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jekavac TV
Views: 178,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iDHqLBeNstQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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