The Last of Us 1 and 2 - Tommy's Most Badass Moments

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thank you Daddy hey hey get back man get back okay [Music] oh [Music] my God Dad I'm here baby let me go give me your head what is it really hurts pretty bad we're gonna need to run keep us safe okay [Music] get your eyes closed honey keep running tired keep looking at me baby foreign [Music] we're almost there baby move it get to the highway go you got Sarah I cannot run them I can meet you there hurry up [Music] they're getting closer dad we're safe hey we need help stop it's my daughter I think her leg is broken stop right there we're not sick got a couple of civilians in the Outer Perimeter please advise Eddie what about Uncle Tommy sir there's a little girl but yes sir somebody we've just been through hell okay we just need [ __ ] what's up oh no sir move your hands big I know baby I know God listen to me handle this word you're gonna be okay baby stay with me I'm gonna pick you up I know baby come on baby please I know baby I know [Music] Sarah baby [Music] [Music] all right Joe let's go talk Squad The Crew you got here they're good man this place gives him a second chance give this all a second chance so why'd you leave Boston I've been on quite the adventure little brother I reckon he's got something to do with that girl he's got everything to do with that little girl well go on then she's immune immune to what I said I know I've seen her breathe enough spores to take down a dozen men and nothing I wouldn't have believed it neither but I can show you all right I'll bite my bringer here I was supposed to deliver to the fireflies the way I figure they're your boys you finish the job you collect the whole damn payment I haven't seen a firefly in years you know where they are I'm not asking for much time I just want some simple gear enough to set me on my way what makes you think I'd do this for you this isn't for me Tommy this is for your damn cause my cause is my family now you ain't talking about some walk in the park here Jesus boy have Maria get some of your born-again friends to do it they got families too Tommy I need this you want some gear sure but I ain't taking that girl off your hands this is how you gonna repay me huh repay you for all those goddamn years I took care of us took care that's what you call it I got nothing but nightmares from those years you survived because of me it wasn't worth it bring you the Cure from Mankind and you want to play the pissy little brother we ain't back in Boston you lay your hands on me again it won't end well for you the hell is that we're under attack you still remember how to kill right [ __ ] foreign this no way that was definitely him he's one of the ones that killed Joel [ __ ] there's another one over here I don't recognize him [Music] he was using him against each other how [Music] Joel told me about this you asked this guy a question but you don't make him say you make him write it down when you ask this guy if the facts match we're telling the truth not you [ __ ] him up [Music] East one another gate code looks like it [Music] just happened now he can't be far off [Music] [Music] come on we can get out this way maybe catch up with Tony [ __ ] Manny you by yourself yeah sniper's a [ __ ] Pro what are you doing out here the votes we were supposed to keep the island tonight then this pendejo showed up I sent the guy to call for help backup should be on the way should be any one of those boats now why ask me later and I guess you're gonna help me take this guy out let's do it stay low you my whole [ __ ] team don't worry we'll get him this way see I'm moving up [Music] nothing what next foreign [Music] let's get inside of that garage can use this as cover I'm right behind you oh it's falling apart we gotta move go go okay it's good no [ __ ] you'll be going after them except the goddamn man NY what the [ __ ] is he doing he's luring them to us get ready let's get up to the bridge [ __ ] he's doing it again going now we're gonna get to the bridge before he runs yeah I can't wait to get my hands on this guy oh [ __ ] go ahead foreign laughs hey thank you he's cornered nearly waiting this way you bring this [ __ ] back to Isaac he'll be holding again see what's left of him once we're done Manny that's great oh [ __ ] [ __ ] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign let's get 11 get back to the aquarium come on let's take that boat [ __ ] just I think I don't know what real gold looks like really see this you son of a [ __ ] she's gonna love it hands up back away from your [ __ ] I said back up you're making a big mistake [ __ ] turn around love keep your bow on him get on the ground you don't kill me like a coward you [ __ ] people stand up hands in the air I shoot this one too don't you do it Ellie get out of here stand up there all right stop stop toss your weapon toss your weapon I know why you killed Joel he did what he did to save me there's no cure because of me I am the one that you want just let him go I killed my friends we let you both live and you wasted it come on stay here watch the exits don't let her leave thank you who are you here with hey where you been hunting took a little longer than I thought who's here just come out that's quite a brick you got there hey Tommy there you are here come here bud oh yeah see you um you're getting heavy no it's just a big ball of muscle hmm sounds good Maria good he's fine we uh we'll take some time apart um um sorry nah we talked about it a lot and uh yes well we both want so okay come sit I got something to show you so I've been putting out feelers for months now and this new guy heard my story he told me about a woman that he traded with while he was moving through California described as built like an ox traveling with a kid with scars across his face he said they're living along this Coast in a beach sailboat right here you heard we're done with that [Music] um well I can't go I know oh all right Reagan's easy forget about her you're sitting all comfy way out here I'll make her pay tell me that's what you said when we got back to Jackson Tommy what a joke foreign [Music] [Music] we're clear you want to hand up I got it come on [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] there she is kids will be watching movies tonight where is this labelers it's all the way out University Eastern Colorado no big horns Haley get off your horse give it on back to Tommy I'm gonna hang on to this fell that's all right with you oh don't make me repeat myself what are you doing your wife kind of scares me I don't want her coming after me sorry for stealing your horse come back to town let's discuss it at least you know me my mind's all made up University Eastern Colorado how do I find this lab it's in the science building looks like a giant Mary and you can't miss it take care of that wife here place for you here no [Music] you're good I'm good little brother foreign
Channel: Jekavac TV
Views: 84,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vmeoCWCFf60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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