The Last of Us Part 1 Full Movie [4k 60fps]

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foreign listen to me he is the contractor he's the contractor okay I can't lose this job I I understand let's talk about this in the morning okay we'll talk about in the morning good night hey that's good Monday at work huh still doing up it's late oh crud what time is it it's way past your bedtime still today honey please not right now I do not have the energy for this here what's this your birthday kept complaining about your broken watch so I figured you know you like it I think this is it's nice but I I think it's stuck it's not what no no no no oh ha ha did you get the money for this drugs I sell hardcore drugs oh good we started helping out with the mortgage then yeah you wish [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] honey I need to get your daddy on the phone Uncle Tommy what time is it I need to talk to you Uncle Tommy hello what was that all about dad Daddy foreign [Music] [Music] oh dad what is going on there's his phone eight missed calls where the hell are you pull me on my way [Music] there you are Sarah are you okay yeah does anyone come in here no who would come in here Don't Go Near The Doors just stand back there dad you're kind of freaking me out what's going on it's sleepers so many ride with them Jimmy dad come here come here Jimmy [Applause] um Jimmy I am warning you he you shot him Sarah I saw him this morning there was something bad going on and we've got to get out of here do you understand me yeah tell me come on where the hell you been you have any idea what's going on out there I got some notion holy [ __ ] you got blood all over you it ain't mine let's just get out of here this ain't half the people and see if you lost their minds go some sort of parasite or something you gonna tell me what happened later hey Sarah how you holding up honey I'm fine can we hear us on the radio it's your thing thanks yeah we're doing great I made a new newsman wouldn't shut up you say where to go he said uh always put up roadblocks on the highway no getting into Travis County we need to get the hell out take 70. did they say how many are dead probably a lot I found this one family on mangled inside there right Christ how'd this happen they got no clue but we ain't the only town first they're saying it's just the South now they're going on about the East Coast the West Coast holy hell that's Lewis's Farm and some [ __ ] made it out I'm sure he did were you sick no of course not how do you know they said it's just uh people in the city we're good didn't Jimmy work in the city [Music] that's right he did we're fine trust me all right let's see what they need who do you think you're doing keep driving I got a Kid Joe so do we we have room keep driving Tommy stop you ain't seen what I've seen someone else will come along you should help them [Music] oh this is bad everyone and their mother had the same damn idea we could just backtracking [Music] Tommy holy [ __ ] damn turn here turn here come on people move what are they running from I'm trying oh no huh we can't stop here Johnny [ __ ] drive through go back out there they're behind me too there they're there hold on go Daddy hey hey get back get back okay Dad I'm here baby I'm gonna go give me your head what is it my leg hurts how bad we're gonna need to run keep us safe don't hold outside all right keep running don't look Sarah [Music] how are they doing that keep looking at me baby we're gonna get out of this [Music] get back there's too many of them this way through the alley go he's dead God damn it we're almost there we're almost there baby [Applause] come on go move it get to the highway go you got Sarah I cannot run him I can meet you there hurry [Music] you're getting closer dad hey we need help stop please it's my daughter I think her leg is broken stop right there we're not sick got a couple of civilians in the Outer Perimeter please advise Daddy what about Uncle Tommy sir there's a little girl but yes sir somebody we've just been through hell okay we just need oh no sir move your hands big I know baby I know God listen to me I know this one you're gonna be okay baby stay with me I'll pick you up I know baby come on baby please I know baby I know [Music] Sarah [Music] baby don't do it to me babe don't do this to me look [Music] please please [Music] the number of confirmed deaths has passed 200 the governor has called a state of emergency hundreds and hundreds of bodies lining the streets Panic spread worldwide after a leaked report from the World Health Organization showed that the latest vaccination tests have failed but the bureaucrats out of power we can finally take the necessary steps Los Angeles is now the latest City to be placed under martial law all residents are required to report to their designated core rights have continued for a third consecutive day and winter rations are at an all-time low a group calling themselves the fireflies have claimed responsibility for both attacks their public charter calls for the return of all branches of government demonstrations broke out following the execution of six more alleged fireflies rise with us remember when you're lost in the darkness look for the light believe in the fireflies [Music] foreign I'm coming how was your morning foreign no I don't want more well I have some interesting news for you where were you Tess West End District hey we had a drop to make we we had a drop to make yeah well you wanted to be left alone remember so I'll take one guess the uh whole deal went South and the client made off with our pills is that about right ah deal went off without a hitch of ration cards to last us a couple of months easy you want to explain this I was on my way back here and I got jumped by these two [ __ ] all right yeah they got a few good hits in but look I managed these [ __ ] still with us it's funny let's find out who they were yeah look they were a couple of nobodies they don't matter what matters is that Robert [ __ ] sent them R Robert he knows that we're after him he figures he's going to get us first son of a [ __ ] he's smart he's not smart enough I know where he's hiding Black Hill you do old Warehouse in area five can't say for how long though well I'm ready now yeah oh I can do now [Music] foreign [Music] a few hours left until curfew we better hurry up then alliance with all City personnel is mandatory look at that ration line hasn't opened yet has been running low again you see you ready there you go what's your business here got the day off visiting a friend all right move on through thanks they're gonna close all the checkpoints we're gonna have to go around the outside outside the wall or we could just let Robert go cute hey Tess you see that [ __ ] I was there it has the East tunnel looking it's clear I just used it no patrols and where are you off to gonna pay Robert a visit you too who else is looking for him uh Marlene she's been asking around trying to find him Marlene what do the fireflies need with Robert think she'd tell me well what did you tell her the truth I got no idea where he's hiding good man hey you stay out of trouble all right military is going to be out in force soon yeah see you around our backpacks are still here from last time not a lot of ammo I'm gonna make your shots count I'm looking for Robert you come through here half hour ago he went back to the wharf he's there now here we go let us through you guys need to turn around and head back if you know what's good for you our beef isn't with you we just won't Robert you don't want to do this turn the [ __ ] around and leave now I'm not going anywhere without Robert [ __ ] oh bash your skull unless you turn around and get your dumb ass out of here [ __ ] this take cover there's our boy let's go wrap this up Robert we get [ __ ] nothing to talk about put your gun down go [ __ ] yourself he's running oh hello Robert Joe know her feelings right none at all right we missed you look whatever it is you heard it ain't true okay I just want to say guns you want to tell us where the guns are yeah sure but it's complicated all right look all right just hear me out on this I got it [ __ ] stop stop stop oh God you're squirming you were saying I sold them excuse me I didn't have much of a choice I owed someone you owed us I'd say you bet on the wrong horse I just need more time give me a week no I might have done that if you hadn't tried to [ __ ] kill me who has our guns I can't just give me a couple oh [ __ ] who has our guns it's the fireflies oh the fireflies what they're basically all dead we can just just go in there finish them off we get the guns what do you say come on and [ __ ] those fireflies let's go get them that is a stupid idea well now what we go get our merchandise back how I don't know we explain it to them look let's let's go find a firefly you won't have to look very far there you go Queen Firefly why are you here business you're looking so hot Where's Robert I needed him alive the guns he gave you they weren't his to sell I want them back doesn't work like that test the hell it doesn't I paid for those guns you want them back you're gonna have to earn them how many cards are we talking about I don't give a damn about ration cards I need something smuggled out of the city you do that I'll give you your guns back then some how do I know you got them the way I hear the military's been wiping you guys out you're right about that I'll show you the weapons I gotta move What's it gonna be I want to see those guns follow me foreign holy [ __ ] is that your people what's left of them what do you think I'm turning to you guys this way so why now we've been quiet been planning on leaving the city but they need a scapegoat they've been trying to rile us up it's like they did we're trying to defend ourselves away from it let her go you're recruiting kind of young aren't you it's not one of mine [ __ ] what happened don't worry this is fixable I got us help but I can't come with you well then I'm staying Ellie we won't get another shot at this hey we're smuggling her there's a crew of fireflies that'll meet you at the Capitol building that's not exactly close you're capable you hand her off come back the weapons are yours double what Robert told me speaking of which where are they back in our camp we're not smuggling [ __ ] until I see them you'll follow me you can verify the weapons I can get patched up but she's not Crossing to that part of town I want Joel to watch over her well yeah how do you know them I was close with his brother Tommy said if I was ever in a jam I could rely on him was that before or after he left your little militia group he left you two he was a good man take her to the north tunnel and wait for me there he's cargo Joel no more talking you'll be fine foreign don't take long and you stay close let's go this tunnel you use it to smuggle things yep like illegal things sometimes you ever smuggle a kid before no and the first what's the deal with you and Marlene anyways I don't know you're friends with the leader of the fireflies what are you like 12. she knew my mom and she's been looking after me and I'm 14 not that that has anything to do with anything where are your parents where are anyone's parents they've been gone a long long time so instead of just staying in school you decide to run up and join the Firefly is that it look I'm not supposed to tell you why you're smuggling me if that's what you're getting at you don't know the best thing about my job I don't got to know why to be honest with you I'd give two shits what you're up to well great good is it ah what are you doing killing time well what am I supposed to do sure you will figure that out your watch is broken [Music] [Music] you mumble in your sleep [Music] hate bad dreams you know I've never been this close to the outside look how dark it is can't be any worse out there can it put on Earth do the fireflies want with you hey sorry it took so long soldiers [ __ ] everywhere how's Marlene she'll make it I saw the merchandise it's a lot wanna do this yeah let's go who's waiting for us at the drop-off she said there's some fireflies that have traveled all the way from another city you're almost being important [Music] what is the deal with this you some bigwig's daughter or something like that how long is this all gonna take if everything goes as planned we should get you to them in a few hours I hold up there's a patrol over here all right we're good come on up come on kid watch your step don't do anything stupid move turn around on your knees scan them I'll call it in put your hands on your head Mira's at sector 12 requesting pick up for three stragglers Ashton look the other way I'm gonna make this worth your while shut up what's ETA a couple minutes [Music] oh [ __ ] I thought we were just gonna hold them up or something [Music] Jesus Christ Marlene set us up why the hell are we smuggling an infected girl I'm not infected no it's lying I can explain you better explain fast stop bullshitting it's three weeks I swear why would she set you up yes [Music] foreign what was the plan let's say that we deliver you to the fireflies what then Marlene's she said that they have their own little quarantine Zone with doctors they're still trying to find a cure yeah we've heard that before contest whatever happened to me is the key to finding a vaccine oh Jesus what she said oh I'm sure she did oh man I didn't ask for this me neither Tess hell are we doing here what if it's true I can't what if Joel I mean we've come this far let's just finish it do I need to remind you what is out there I get it this way if we cut through downtown we can hit the Capitol building by sunrise we hope [Applause] you're right oh God [Applause] [Applause] over there see him [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] no matter what you stay right on his heels sure sure stay Sharp I got it I don't need anything okay double time I know [Music] something on your shoe watch your head sorry I'm alive oh I'll make my way around look at here [Applause] foreign how are you holding up just a bit winded look this way this will get us to the roof now watch your step as you're going though because it's going to be a little bit foreign still out oh man can't deny that view come on this way [Music] hey let's pick it up like we're almost done stay focused yes ma'am no no no no what happens now what you doing Tess oh God maybe they are maybe they hit a map or something to tell us where they were going far are we gonna taste as far as it needs to go where was this lab of theirs she never said she only mentioned that it was someplace out west what are we doing here this is not us what do you know about us about me I know that you are smarter than this really guess what we're shitty people Joel it's been that way for a long time no we are survivors this is our chance it is over Tess now we tried go home I'm not I'm not going anywhere this is my last stop what our luck had to run out sooner or later you going oh no don't touch me holy [ __ ] she's infected Joel let me see I didn't mean show it to me oh Christ oops right give me your arm this was three weeks I Was Bitten an hour ago and it's already worse this is [ __ ] real Joel you've got to get this girl to Tommy's he used to run with this crew he'll know where to go no no that was your Crusade I am not doing that yes you are look there's enough here that you have to feel some sort of obligation to me so you get her to Tommy's [Music] they're here damn it I can buy you some time but you have to run you want us to just leave you here yes there's no way I will not turn into one of those things come on make this easy for me fine no just go Ellie I'm sorry I didn't I didn't mean for this get a move you know you're in there drop your weapons and come out with your hands up foreign [Music] take out the door you with me yes sir there's a soldier over there copy that who the hell are you breathing in this stuff lying to you spot him no the place is empty hey look um about Tess I don't even know here's how this thing's gonna play out you don't bring up Tess ever matter of fact we just keep our histories to ourselves secondly don't tell anybody about your condition they think you're crazy they'll try to kill you and lastly you do what I say when I say it are we clear sure repeat it what you say goes until there's a town few miles north of here there's a fellow there that owes me some favors a good chance he could get us a car okay let's get a move on there we go yeah it'd be faster to go through here what nothing it's just I've never seen anything like this that's all you mean the woods yeah never locked in the woods it's kind of cool why don't you just take me back to Martin she was up to the task why'd she drop you off on us well maybe she's better now okay I don't mean to upset you but your friends changes of survival weren't too high to begin with she's a lot tougher than you think it don't matter because I doubt I can get either one of us back in the city in one piece trust me I wish there was some other option whoa look fireflies I mean real fireflies yeah I see that sorry I I lost myself for a sec really come on I got you damn it bill what just happened [Applause] I don't want to build stupid traps there that fridge it looks like that's a counterweight [Music] get off your ass on your phone [Applause] man that was close uh thanks for the hard rocks and all ah Ellie hey Woody Joel what are you doing turn around and get on your knees just calm down a second turn around all right get on your knees don't test me take it easy oh anything sprouting God damn it I'm clean I see so much you done am I done you come into my house you set off all my traps you damn near break my shooting arm who the [ __ ] is this Punk and what's she doing here I am none of your goddamn business and we're here because you owe Joel some favors you can start by taking these off I owe Joel some favors or some kind of joke I'll cut to the chase I need a car well it is a joke Joel needs a car well if I had one that works which I sure as hell don't who makes you think I just give it to you huh yes sure Joe go ahead take my cards take all my food too while you're at it by the looks of it you could lose some of that food listen to me you little [ __ ] [ __ ] you you hate I need you to shut up all right whatever favors you think I owe you ain't worth that much actually bill they are well it don't matter because I don't have a car that works but there is one in this town parks there are Parts in this town meaning that you could fix one up all right I'm gonna do this there's some gear I'm gonna need all right it's on the other side of town now you help me go gather it and maybe I can put something together that runs but after this I owe you nothing that's fine a couple days from now we'll probably be dead anyway it's good follow me oh goddamn Town's booby trap best stay right on my ass can't miss it knock it off oh here we are you don't touch anything can you close the door Gear Up uh-uh what I need a gun no you don't Joel I can handle myself no just stay here it's fine just wait around for you two to get me killed well this goes on record is the worst [ __ ] job you've ever taken it's up there oh in the hell is Tess okay with a suicide mission actually her idea really well the broad's not as smart as I thought she was what [ __ ] seriously you got to take that kid back to where you found her I can't just take her back and send her packing let her find her own way but let me tell you a story Once Upon a Time I had somebody that I cared about partner somebody I had to look after and in this world that sort of shit's good for one thing getting you killed so you know what it did wasn't the [ __ ] up and I realized it's got to be just me ability it ain't like that it's [ __ ] it is just like that hey when I say to you we walk down the steps what'd I say I'm just fixing your stupid pile don't touch God damn it you keep babysitting long enough and eventually it's gonna blow up your face can we please just get on with it here let's get on with it Daddy come on look there's a school all right ready I guess we'll find out I want to tell you how's that truck sticking out of the school right there come on [Applause] they'll make it fast foreign let's go oh that don't sound good inside the house now so that worked out well okay uh I'll go check out this side of the house Bill somebody had the same idea they stole my [ __ ] well then what the hell is Plan B you ought to be thankful you're still drawing breath that was plan A B C all the way to [ __ ] Z and furthermore tell Tess that she could take it and shove it right Jesus well you know this guy or something Frank who the hell is Frank he was my partner and he's the only idiot that would wear a shirt like that [Music] he's got bites here and I reckon he didn't want to turn I guess not well [ __ ] him look what I found it's got some juice in it that's my battery that [ __ ] [ __ ] get out get out okay jeez batteries drain but cells are alive meaning meaning we push it get it started the alternator and recharge the battery is that your guess look you wanted to plan B As Good As It Gets what are you thinking and can you drive and we push they're my I found this in there and I I figured you should have it that's how you feel [ __ ] you too Frank [ __ ] idiot you ready to go [Applause] ordering first I already did it keep your foot on the clutch and when we get to right I know how to pop a clutch how the hell you know what I don't care don't [ __ ] it up all right Ellie get ready now hit it hit it hey good job kid Phil not helping Ellie we're gonna give it another go stay focused look if we just make it to the hill just get it over the edge over there look out [ __ ] [Applause] all right this will do stop just keep it running all right girl nearly got us killed you gotta admit she did hold her own back there ain't gonna make it oh oh here what's this you'd be amazed at how many cars still got gas in them appreciate it like bill um about your buddy back there uh that's a tough deal and I'm uh we Square we're Square and get the [ __ ] out of my town [Music] foreign hey what happened to sleeping okay I know it doesn't look like it but this here is not a bad read only one problem right there to be continue hey Clifford where did you get that uh packet bills I mean all this stuff was just lying there what else did you get well here let's make you all nostalgic that is actually before my time that is a winner though oh I'm sure your friend will be missing this tonight [Music] light on the reading but it's got some interesting photos Ellie that ain't for kids whoa rid of that hold your horses I want to see what all the fuss is about oh why are these all stuck together um I'm just [ __ ] with you bye-bye dude you know what this isn't that bad [Music] let me try to get something all right I'm not even tired [Music] well perfect you know what easy are we gonna help him put your seatbelt on Ellie what about the guy he ain't even hurt [Applause] [ __ ] [Music] all right I'll show you [ __ ] what's wrong with these guys catch your breath we're leaving watch out stay down all right go sleeping you can get it propped open with something um there's some pretty gnarly stuff in here Ellie right okay go all right I got it I got it I got it [ __ ] Hunters see this could have been us all right here's the bridge that's our way out of here hey Ellie slow down wait for me how about you let me go first and the voice down down let's get out of here there's more of them all right I don't think they saw us you find me something to climb on okay here we go there we go [Music] I'm away are you okay no you scared the [ __ ] out of me no stay out there I'll make my way up to you I'll try [Music] foreign [Music] I feel sick and you just hang back like I told you to glad I didn't right I'm glad I didn't get my head blown off by a goddamn kid what no ass you got anything like that for me Joel we gotta get going lead the way oh [ __ ] come here keep your head down right now I'm gonna jump down there and I'm gonna clear us a path what about me you stay here this is so stupid we'd have more of a [ __ ] chance if you let me help I am you seem to know your way around a gun you reckon you can handle that well I sort of shot a rifle before but it was that rats rats with BBs well it's the same basic concept lift it up all right now you're going to lean right into that stock because it is going to kick a hell of a lot more than any baby rifle going to pull the bolt back grab it right there just tug it there you go as soon as you fire you're going to want to get another round in there quick listen to me if I get in trouble down there you make every shot count yeah I got this all right and just so we're clear about back there it was either him or me you're welcome all right come on down how'd I do about something there a little more your size it's for emergencies only okay oh [ __ ] get down get down no busy couple of days huh whatever man damn no food old pair of shoes we have nothing let's go oh man there ain't nothing we could have done oh man we're okay they can't see us look leave him alone easy soon just take it easy it's all right they're not the bad guys a little lower the gun man you hit hard and well I was trying to kill you yeah I thought you were one of them too then I saw you if you haven't noticed they don't keep kids around survival of the fittest you're bleeding ah this is nothing I'm Henry Sam I think I caught your name was Joel Ellie how many are with you they're all dead hey we don't know that there were a bunch of us someone had the brilliant idea of entering the city look for supplies those [ __ ] ambushed us scattered us now it's all about getting out of this [ __ ] we can help each other Ellie safety and numbers and all that she's right could help each other we got to hide out not too far from here be safer if we chat there all right take us there wait wait everyone be quiet get away from the windows they're gone man that [ __ ] truck has been hounding us ever since we got in this day Sam what are you doing nothing get rid of it my backpack is practically empty what's the world up taking stuff it weighs like nothing rule what is it we only take what we have to that's right come on welcome to my office how long have you guys been holed up in here few days we found a bit of food though here blueberries found a whole stash of them you want some no and then relax We're safe so why haven't you left been waiting for the right opportunity and here check this out these sons of [ __ ] every day they congregate down there guarding that damn Bridge come nighttime it's down to a skeleton crew after sunset that's our window sneak right past them that could work oh it'll work it'll definitely work wow all right ready ow a blueberry it's been a while since that boy even cracked a smile she doesn't seem bothered by all this so where were you heading or the fireflies are basically West somewhere we're gonna join up with them something funny oh it just seems like there's a lot of people putting their stock on the fireflies these days yeah maybe there's a reason for that so you don't know where they are and you're just gonna drag him across the country to find him tell you what how about I worry about my brother you worry about your girl easy we're looking for the fireflies too This Is Us there's an abandoned military radio station just outside the city any survivors from our group they're supposed to meet us there tomorrow you and your girl you want to join us it goes down tonight I guess we best rest up then he says it's time to go no we're gonna be moving fast okay so no matter what you stick to me like glue like Like Glue got it good good all right y'all ready yeah okay all right y'all stay close okay all right check it out we're good Sam let's go all right kid come on yeah there you go hey come on hurry hurry Lily I'm sorry we're leaving what the [ __ ] hey now what the [ __ ] Henry oh [ __ ] we stick together oh come around to the other side you're gonna get away [ __ ] how many bullets do you have left they're gonna kill us what other choice do we have we jump no it's too high and you can't swim I'll boost you up your own pastor [Music] foreign um Henry he's awake hey you we're alive okay see what I tell you huh he's good everything's fine you know Sam's the one who spotted you you guys are taking quite a bit of water what's wrong hey it's pissed but he's not gonna do anything you sure about that stop Joel he left us to die out there no you had a good chance of making it and you did coming back for you I've been putting him at risk stay back if it was the other way around would you have come back for us I saved you you saved me too we would have drowned it's fine I'm okay you know for what it's worth I'm really glad we spotted you now that radio tower is on the other side of this cliff okay place is gonna be full of supplies you're gonna be really happy you didn't kill me all right come on Kids Go are you going okay hey flashlight's out Sam stay close someone's finally learning hey you think that leads out yeah I'm cool that was me I must have triggered some kind of safety gate or something Henry see if we can lift this so is awkward yeah I know it's like every time what hey this thing isn't budget man just go get out of here Sam you stay close to him you'll keep him safe go oh my god let's go let's go ah fresh air look at this oh are you [ __ ] kidding me thanks for the warning on either side guys so where's his Tower we're close come on let's go foreign [Music] be careful yeah oh my God Henry Sam are you okay yeah yeah I'm fine you sure I said I'm fine come on oh God you're okay I'm still here anybody hurt no we're good I think it's time we quit this place come on let's go [Music] shut the hell up get serious it's Tommy's birthday that's all he wanted to do is just went to Harley's and drive cross country I could die happy if I could just ride one around the block what was it like it was good it was real good can you believe this guy come on man give me details describe it you know what you two deserve a little privacy Mama Ellie Ellie this isn't just any regular motorcycle okay you get on that bad boy you feel that engine nothing like it oh yeah how would you know seen it in my dreams okay [Laughter] I don't think anyone from my group is gonna show up yeah worst part about it all it's playing into Sam well to say those two have officially bonded what are you doing taking stock of all the food we found today I see how are we doing on canned peaches did Henry send you no why would Henry send me to make sure I'm not [ __ ] up somehow I'd say we all did pretty good back there especially you is everything all right everything's fine okay well have a good night how's it that you're never scared who says that I'm not what are you scared of uh let's see scorpions are pretty creepy um being by myself I'm scared of ending up alone what about you those things out there what if the people are still inside what if they're trapped in there without any control of their body scared of that happening to me okay first of all we're Team now okay we're gonna help each other out and second they might still look like people but that person is not in there anymore Henry says that they've moved on that they're with their families like in heaven do you think that's true I go back and forth I'm in I'd like to believe it but you don't I guess not yeah me neither oh all the serious talk I almost forgot there if he doesn't know about it he can't take it away all right I'm pooped I'll see you tomorrow foreign [Music] that smells good where's Sam I let him sleep in for once oh if you wanted to join us you can go wake his ass up okay Sam what the hell [ __ ] he's turning that's my [ __ ] brother screw it really gotta be sure right oh my God see oh no see Henry oh stay there Henry what have you done I'm gonna get that gun from me okay oh okay okay easy this is your foot this is nobody's fault Henry [ __ ] Henry Henry know oh my God foreign [Music] foreign Jackson County means we're close to Jackson City right should be more in a few miles you ready to see dear old brother I'm just ready to get there you nervous I don't know what I'm feeling what happened between you two what do you mean you and Tommy you're not together so doing something went down we just had a bit of a disagreement that's all ah here we go Tommy saw the world one way I saw the other fireflies yeah your friend Marlene promised him hope that kept him busy for a while but just like Tommy he eventually quit that too last time you saw him I believe his last words to me were I don't ever want to see your Goddamn face again we're gonna find out there without his help we'll get there let's just get going that's too small grave forgot to leave that stupid robot I was great what should I do with it I mean what I want to talk about it no why not how many times do we need to go over this things happen and we move on it's just that's enough right I'm sorry don't even think about reaching for your weapon tell the girl to drop hers now early it was the lady says tell me you're lost we didn't know the place was occupied we're just trying to make our way through through to where they're all right but you know these people know him my goddamn brother Tommy holy [ __ ] how you doing baby brother God damn yeah let me look at you [Music] you're [ __ ] old easy it's gonna happen to you too this is Maria be nice to her she's sort of runs things around here ma'am thanks for not blowing my head off would have been embarrassing considering you're my brother-in-law we all got to get wrangled up at some point Ellie right yeah what brings you through here uh that's kind of a long story why don't we bring them inside yeah you hungry starving false alarm they're friendlies we've been dealing with raids a lot of bandits in this area it's been quiet for a few days what the hell are you doing here I thought I'd find you in Jackson been trying to bring the plant back to life we had it working before but one of the turbines went South we have electricity Joe I had we'll get her running again no way you guys have horses we got a whole lot of them hey Tommy give me a hand with this sorry I'll be right back Maria yeah go ahead we're in the control room Steve 's gonna start it back up you want to come check it out I'd rather eat with Ali it's my turn anyway I'll go I'll come with you go with Maria put some food in you come on Ellie let's give the boys some space send and Tommy over standby this will be the sixth time of them trying to get the turbines back online we've been here just a week and feels like forever uh I got something for you last year I went back to Texas back home most of our stuff is long gone most of them here it's a little faded but it still looks pretty good I'm good you sure I mean I said I'm good okay now hold on to it for you tell me that I need to talk to you privately yeah okay let me just check on my guys real quick come on I don't know what you heard but you should see the town we're over 20 families strong now it was Maria and her father they set up this place with the idea of being self-sustained we had crops and livestock remember how we thought no one could live like this anymore we're doing it oh my God God damn we did it boys [Music] nice work boys I'm gonna get on the horn and give Maria the good news so at the crew you got here a good man this place gives him a second chance give this all a second chance so why'd you leave Boston I've been on quiet the adventure little brother I reckon he's got something to do with that girl he's got everything to do with that little girl well go on then she's immune immune to what I said I know I've seen her breathe enough spores to take down a dozen men nothing I wouldn't have believed it neither but I can show you all right I'll bite my bringer here I was supposed to deliver to the fireflies the way I figure they're your boys you finish the job you collect the whole damn payment I haven't seen a firefly in years you know where they are I'm not asking for much time I just want some simple gear enough to set me on my way what makes you think I'd do this for you this isn't for me Tommy this is for your damn cause my cause is my family now you ain't talking about some walk in the park here Jesus boy have Maria get some of your born-again friends and do it they got families too Tommy I need this you want some gear sure but I ain't taking that girl off your hands this is how you gonna repay me huh repay you for all those goddamn years I took care of us took care that's what you call it I got nothing but nightmares from those years you survived because of me it wasn't worth it bring you the Cure from Mankind and you want to play the pissy little brother we ain't back in Boston you lay your hands on me again it won't end well for you the hell is that we're under attack you still remember how to kill right yeah you okay yeah yeah I'm fine oh man they were coming in from every direction that Maria was like we gotta run and so we Dove over these tables and this huge guy blasting with us listen hey hey are you hurt I know God damn it I need to talk to you absolutely not you tell him to go find somebody else Maria I can't have this hanging over do you have any idea how many men we lost here today what's that all about it does that have anything to do with me talk about it later did he tell you where the lab is no talk about it later right takes one one [ __ ] up one [ __ ] up and then I turn into one of those widows okay I have to do this I don't know what else to say fine Maria here we go you if anything anything at all happens to him it's on you he's thankful you know yeah I know I'll take that girl of yours to the fireflies you don't have to worry about it it's best this way you know maybe some real good will come of this I need to talk to Ellie say again I didn't hear you Joe wait what is it that girl of yours she took one of our horses and wrote off which way come on I just saw her riding on out of here go back inside help the others clean the place up okay be careful out there look by the ranch that's our horse she's there there he looks clear be careful is this really all they had to worry about boys movies deciding which shirt goes with which skirt it's bizarre get up we're leaving and if I say no do you even realize what your life means huh running off like that putting yourself at risk it's pretty goddamn stupid well I guess we're both disappointed with each other then what do you want from me admit that you wanted to get rid of me the whole time Tommy knows this area well I'm sorry I trust him better than I trust myself stop with the [ __ ] what are you so afraid of that I'm gonna end up like Sam I can't get infected I can take care of myself how many close calls have we had well we seem to be doing all right so far and now you'll be doing even better with Tommy not her you know what Maria told me about Sarah Ellie you are treading awesome Mighty thin eyes here I'm sorry about your daughter Joel I have lost people too you have no idea what loss is everyone I have cared for has either died or left me everyone [ __ ] except for you so don't tell me that I would be safer with someone else because the truth is I would just be more scared foreign [Music] and I sure as hell ain't your dad and we are going our separate ways get it together we're not alone I got two Buckingham there's more inside already we're clear all right you want to hand up you got it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh there she is kids will be watching movies tonight where is this labelers it's all the way out University Eastern Colorado bighorns Ellie get off your horse give it on back to Tommy I'm gonna hang on to this Bell that's all right with you oh don't make me repeat myself what are you doing your wife kind of scares me I don't want her coming after me sorry for stealing your horse come back to town let's discuss it at least my mind's all made up University Eastern Colorado how do I find this lab it's in the science building looks like a giant Mary and you can't miss it take care of that wife here this place for you here you know [Music] you're good I'm good slow brother okay let me see if I get this straight if you mess up your fourth down then you give the ball to the other team right it's called turnover and if you clear the 10 yards then you're back it first down first down that's right yeah that's confusing I just got to play it a couple times it all makes sense no guards no nothing yeah I'd expect to see someone by now let's get inside have you ever been to one of these well at the University not as a student at least why not uh I had surgery when I was pretty young were you married for a while what happened okay too much too much fireflies they've all left yeah no [ __ ] I'm dead or I will be soon time to reflect years it felt like we were like a [ __ ] thing was a giant wasted time I'm not gonna do this anymore you can return to St Mary's Hospital in Salt Lake City find him there still trying to save the world good luck with that do you know where that is I know the city is it far it ain't close horseback what fireflies get down what the [ __ ] are these guys it don't matter we know where to go let's get the hell out of here come upstairs well what do you want me to do oh man I don't need you to pull all right you ready one two three okay I don't see anyone let's go Joel how we doing what can you handle the window yeah come on move all right just stay here I'm gonna flank this [ __ ] Ellie those were my friends come on out you want to do this the hard way [ __ ] [Music] we gotta get you out of here you're not okay Joel come on move it there's no one here hurry you're doing good just keep at it double doors here Lean On Me no can you walk yes then [ __ ] walk come on there's the exit just a little bit more come on door behind you what Ellie the kid's got a gun [ __ ] you little [ __ ] [Music] here stand up on me all right let's go uh I swear to God they get you out of this you're so singing for me wait here I'll get the door come on there you go ah [ __ ] oh [ __ ] come on just get the horse all right can you get on come on I think we're safe here [Music] you gotta tell me what to do you gotta get up [Music] foreign oh this won't last very long you'll just startle it where'd you go oh great everything's cool this place is not creepy at all oh who's there come out hello we just want to talk any sudden moves and I put one right between your eyes ditto for Buddy Boy over there what do you want name's David this here's my friend James from a larger group women children they're all very very hungry so am I women and children all very hungry too well maybe we could trade you for some of that meat there what do you need weapons ammo clothes medicine you have any antibiotics we do back at the camp welcome to follow I'm not following you anywhere buddy boy can go get it he comes back with what I need the deer is all yours anyone else shows up you put one right between my eyes that's right two bottles of the penicillin in a syringe make it fast go on I'll take that rifle of course back up it's probably gonna be a while you were why don't we take some shelter from the cold bring him with us there you know you really shouldn't be out here all on your own I don't like company let's see what's your name why I understand it's not easy to trust a couple of strangers whoever's heard you clearly care about them sure it's going to be just fine we'll see foreign you had another gun sorry I really like my rifle back now no you have your pistol you know how to use that thing I've had some practice [Music] no matter what we have to keep them out listen what'd I tell you all right let's head on back check on that buck of ours well you handled yourself pretty nice back there like a pretty good team we got lucky no no such thing as luck now you see I believe that everything happens for sure I do and I can prove it to you now this winter has been especially cruel a few weeks back I sent a group of men out nearby town to look for food only a few came back he said that the others had been slaughtered I uh crazy man and get this crazy man traveling a little girl don't get upset it's not your fault kid James lower the gun no way David I'm not gonna let her lower a gun I'll give her the medicine the others won't be happy about this yeah well that's not your concern where the [ __ ] out of the way won't survive long out there can't protect you protect you let's get out of here laughs come on Joel [Music] I only managed to get a little bit of food but I did get this move your arm s [Music] here we go sorry hold on that's it you're gonna make it [Music] ah [Music] [ __ ] you dragged me I'm gonna draw them away from here I'll come back for you [Music] oh God we're horse tracks down the [ __ ] Street she's here over here what are you waiting for shooter but David said yeah oh man where are you relax keeping you alive here laughs there you go there you go ah how are you feeling super here she did I know you're hungry I've been out for quite some time what is it it's dear some human helping on the side no no I promise it's just the deer meat King animals it's awfully quick to judgment considering you and your friend killed how many men they didn't give us a choice and you think we have a choice is that it you kill to survive and so do we we have to take care of our own by any means necessary so now what you're gonna chop me up into tiny pieces I'd rather not please tell me your name [ __ ] on the contrary I've been uh quite honest with you now I think it's your turn it's the only way I'm going to be able to convince the others come in some of what that you can come around you have heart you're loyal and you're special oh thank you [Music] stupid little girl you are making it very difficult to keep you alive what am I supposed to tell the others now foreign what tell them that Ellie is the little girl broke your [ __ ] finger how did you put it huh tiny pieces see you in the morning Ellie [Music] laughs ah really sure [Music] [ __ ] you up you wait here now the girl is she alive what girl I don't know no girl [ __ ] Focus right here right here I'll pop your goddamn knee off good girl she's alive this is David's newest pet where uh um now you're gonna mark it on the map and it better be the same exact spot your buddy points to Market right there you can verify it go ask him come on [Music] [ __ ] you man I told you what you wanted to do [ __ ] that's all right I believe him no wait wakey wakey come on let's go oh I warned you really so are you right there rolling my sleeve look at it I'll play along what'd you say everything happens for a reason right what the hell is that she would have turned by now it can't be real looks pretty [ __ ] real to me huh you're easy to track how did you do it that's all right nowhere to go you want out I'm gonna have to come get these keys it's good kid you're all right [Music] laughs what is this where the hell is the only stuff here look oh Christ holy [ __ ] really that is I knew you had heart you know it's okay to give up ain't no shame I guess not just not your style is it you can try begging [ __ ] you you think you know me huh well let me tell you something no idea [Music] look it's me it's me it's me girl [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Ellie did you hear me no what look Hospital this is where we get off let's go kiddo you feel that breeze huh I'll tell you on a day like this I just sit on my porch pick away my sex string you know once we're done with this whole thing I'm gonna teach you how to play guitar all right I'm making you really like that everything all right yeah I'm fine you just kind of see him extra quiet today oh sorry no it's not it's fine here we go Ellie Ellie what a ladder come on okay foreign you gotta see this what is it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] s but I can't deny the view though foreign [Music] we don't have to do this you know that right it's the other option go back to Tommy's be done with this whole damn thing after all we've been through I can't be for nothing look look I know you mean well but there's no halfway with this once we're done we'll go wherever you want okay well I Ain't Leaving Without You so let's go wrap this up this place takes me back how so it was right after everything went down I ended up in a triage just like this everywhere you look you just it's our family's torn apart whole damn world seemed to have turned upside down in a blank is that after you lost Sarah yes it will I can't imagine losing someone you love like that losing everything that you know I'm sorry Joel hey Joel I got something for you here Maria showed this to me and I uh stole it I hope you don't mind I don't no matter how hard you try I guess you can't escape your past [Music] come on come on [Music] [Music] come on hands in the air not braided hands in the [ __ ] air come that welcome to the fireflies sorry about that they didn't know who you were and Ellie she's all right they brought her back you came all this way how'd you do it it was her she fought like hell to get here maybe it was meant to be I lost most of my crew cross in the country I pretty much lost everything and then you show up and somehow we find you just in time to save her maybe it was meant to be take me to her you don't have to worry about her anymore we'll take care I worry just let me see her please you can't she's being prepped for surgery how do you mean surgery the doctors tell me the cordyceps the growth inside her has somehow mutated it's why she's immune once they remove it they'll be able to reverse engineer a vaccine but it grows all over the brain it does find someone else there is no one else listen you were gonna show me where stop I get it but whatever it is you think you're going through right now is nothing to what I have been through I knew her since she was born I promised your mother I would look after her then why why are you letting this happen because this isn't about me or even her there is no other how the choice here yeah you keep telling yourself that [ __ ] March him out of here he tries anything shoot him get up I said get up go move I said move give me an excuse which way what the [ __ ] you doing keep walking I said keep walking where is the operating room where where top floor the far end The Smuggler he's in here foreign [Music] I won't let you take her this is our future think of all the lives we'll save animal Joe shut the hell up [ __ ] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we're okay okay [Music] foreign you can't save her even if you get her out of here then what how long before she's Torn to Pieces by a pack of Clickers that is that she hasn't been raped and murdered first it ain't for you to decide it's it's look you can still do the right thing here she won't feel anything [Music] ah what the hell am I wearing let's take it easy drugs are still wearing off what happened we found the fireflies [Music] turns out there's a whole lot more like you Ellie people that are immune there's dozens actually I'm a damn bit of good neither they've actually stopped looking for a cure and taking us home I'm sorry ah wait let me go you just come after her [Music] foreign [Music] looks like we're walking there should be a straight shot through here it's actually kind of pretty ain't it yeah foreign don't think I ever told you but uh Sarah and I used to take Ox like this I think uh I think the two of you would have been would have been good friends I think you really would have liked her I know she'd like you but I would have we're down there it's a little bit further now yeah I got you in your head all right come on hey wait ah back in Boston back when I Was Bitten I wasn't alone my best friend was there and she got bit too we didn't know what to do so she says let's just wait it out you know we can be all poetic and just lose our minds together I'm still waiting for my turn really her name was Riley and she was the first to die and then it was Tess and Sam I bet he's on you don't understand I struggled for a long time with surviving and you no matter what you keep finding something to fight for now I know that's not what you want to hear right now swear to me swear to me that everything that you've said about the fireflies is true foreign [Music] okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: MegsBoringLife
Views: 1,800,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SRdviLnmeMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 27sec (10527 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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