Joel and Ellie's Funniest Moments in The Last of Us Part 1

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all right now watch your step as you're going though because it's going to be a little whoa look fireflies I mean real fireflies yeah I see that you're gonna go in there I want to see what we can find you're gonna find my body when I die from a heart attack worry I got this [Music] oh man hey what happened to sleeping look like it but this is not a bad read no problem hey Cliffhangers where did you get that uh baggy bills I mean all this stuff was just lying there what else did you get well here this make you all nostalgic you know that is actually before my time that is a winner though well better than nothing oh I'm sure your friend will be missing this tonight light on the reading but it's got some interesting photos Ellie that ain't for kids whoa rid of that hold your horses I want to see what all the fuss is about oh why are these all stuck together um I'm just [ __ ] with you bye-bye dude you know what this isn't that bad [Music] I'm trying to get some sleep I'm not even tired all right here's the bridge that's our way out of here hey Ellie slow down wait for me what right here how about you let me go first keep your voice down okay I'm whistling oh good something else he can drive me crazy with that's awesome okay we need to lighten the mood ready it doesn't matter how much you push the envelope it'll still be stationary what is that book no pun intended Volume 2 by Will Livingston what did the Confederate soldiers use to eat off of civil Ware what did they used to drink with cups Dixie cups I walked into my sister's room and tripped on a bra it was a booby trap [Music] book just fell in my head I only have myself to blame or wait I said it wrong hold on let me read it again a book just fell on my head I only have my shelf to blame I ruined it what is the leading cause of divorce in long-term marriages a stalemate that's awful you're awful do you even understand what that means nope doesn't matter I was too damn close the edge of the universe and back endure and survive excuse me Savage Starlight that comic I've been reading that's what the hero says after a big battle all right yeah about a hand you sure you can trust me with that Ellie push push harder there how's that let's go he's trying not to let your guard down I'm just saying it's good having you on my side that was a compliment okay oh man the door and survive what oh we're going to come and think did everyone have boats back then got a 60-foot yacht really no making progress Baker's trade bread recipes need I get it a moon rock tastes better than an Earthly Rock because it's meteor oh man that made me hungry a backwards poet writes in verse do you even get that it's not I used to be addicted to soap but I'm clean now I've actually never heard down right there is a hydroelectric power plant I'm a hiker who it uses the river's movement and turns it into electricity do that look I know what it is I don't know how it does it really just gonna leave me hanging all right let's see how it is a five sec stay cows what kind of name is callous anyways my not my fault you forgot to ask Tommy his name tireless I'll stay with callus that name that's a giant Ram you guys are like some Idol worshipers when it came to sports hell yeah huh I swear to God let me get you out of this you're still singing for me you wish ready for a joke 3.14 of sailors are pirates 3.14 I stayed up all night wondering where the sun went then it dawned on me oh I get it what did the mermaid wear to her math class what and algebra why did the Scarecrow get a promotion all right because he was outstanding in his field that'll do put that thing away all right I'm done for now
Channel: VG Moments
Views: 160,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, joel, joel miller, ellie, ellie williams, tess, marlene, bill, henry and sam, tlou david, tommy, maria
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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