Bella Ramsey on The Jonathan Ross show

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another let's get my first guess out here it's Bella Ramsey and Mel gedroy [Applause] Ed [Music] [Applause] it's lovely to have you I've got to say Bella I love your outfit that's the best outfit we've ever had on this it's amazing uh you know um I'll be talking about the Oscars a bit there uh what awards have you won in your career we so when we did bake off yes um we won we won a bafta wow that was the Golden Age [Applause] quite a few years ago I'd say quite a few years and how was evening for you because it can be tense if you're nominated for an award that's a 10 season oh man it was the pacing was all wrong for us we we started having some drinks but sort of at midday slash 11 in the morning Sue and I absolutely lathered come two o'clock come five o'clock when you're supposed to be there looking a bit sort of rough feeling a bit all over the shop so I was chewing gum I thought get rid of the old awful dead Prosecco breath and uh chilla's gum and we were sitting in the audience having a real laugh perks and I having a great time and then it was announced that we'd won a piece of chewing gum flew in a beautiful Arc into the hairdo of the woman sitting in the row in front and she was a sort of slightly important BBC exec yeah and I could see it in the Beehive belly you've never done anything like that no but I do have gum in my mouth right now so I'm getting a bit worried where is it I said I'm very good at hiding it is [Laughter] have you tucked it under the tongue it's like it's like stuck to my top teeth that's a good skill where have you learned this I learned it from having to from Pedro Pascal actually really he's the chief whoa yeah he's the chief gun Hider well we should mention because not everyone has seen it of course but Pedro Pascal co-stars in The Amazing The Last of Us with Bella and the two of you that I can't imagine that is unreal that friendship that we see on screen there it's very real imagine if it was all fake that would be rough no yes but you really you really become closer love him I miss him actually where is he now where is he now what's he doing Los Angeles living his best life the mandalorians just come out so he's very busy yeah yeah big whoop I still haven't seen it and he's so good and tag you met him before you started the hill or was it when you got the parts no so we were both on Game of Thrones but in different seasons he died long before sorry if anyone hasn't seen it he died long before I got there can I ask how old you are now Bella I'm 19. 19. okay 19. because you play is she 15 in in the last of what's the code that you play yeah 14 15. 14 15. and so how old were you when you got the part in Game of Thrones I was 11 years old 11. it's my first my first job so then am I watching thinking that you probably hadn't seen the show when you got the part I know absolutely I was far too little Mel have you watched the last of us yet right Bella I you're amazing and it can I just say thank you um I've only seen one episode because I was too it was too scared I was too scared I never realized how quickly zombies move but is that a thing but do they always move do they always move that quickly because that really freaked me out the show couldn't be bigger though I think the the last episode when we went out it got 30 well it's been getting 30 million viewers per episode no small part for your performance um and have has life changed you have you found obviously I know people recognized you when you're on Game of Thrones but since this it must have gone to a whole new level so do you get recognized more now yeah I do it's more consistent it's more like every time I go out now and what sort of response in prep the other day eating some soup and then which soup was it was it oh that's a good one it's a great one I like my favorite one the tomatoes good yeah the chicken ones good as well with the brown rice oh sorry you're vegan I'm sorry is and what sort of reaction did you get what are they other people yeah so people haven't really had bad experiences yet but it's sometimes just awkward times like if you want to meet my soup and I just spill it all down here where I'm like waiting in line for the toilets in pancreas station that was the first time I ever got recognized so you're waiting in the line outside the toilet yeah exactly and then someone came up and said are you from the actually are you from the television and I say uh yeah if depending on what like thing you've seen and then but yeah then the queue goes down and I need a wee yeah and I say look we'll chat after when I was like 12 or something yeah oh my God it's a very cool response we chat after that yeah um but we haven't explained yet what the show is what how would you explain it to someone who hasn't seen it it's a post-apocalyptic backdrop it's a story of really alien Joel Ellie meets Joel Ellie's just like this random kid who turns out to be immune to this virus and Joel is a hardened Survivor tasked with smuggling her across the US in such a cure so that happens along along the way they meet a lot of people and zombies Feast on people's necks and no rip them open not really no you haven't seen it why are you telling us so you had you clearly haven't watched cordyceps this is sort of a real thing this is a real thing in the world doesn't it cordyceps is real like this could theoretically it's scientifically don't say that is this going to happen well we hope not cordyceps and mushrooms aren't they quite a few scientists think this might happen oh stop it I don't want to know that that was Ken swallowing too scary wouldn't that you did jump out of your Suits come on Mel you've woken up a student parties and seen things like that so if you haven't watched it's available on loads of digital platforms now so you can find it and watch them all there's only a nine in this series there's nine yeah and I can't wait for the next series and I think I know the answer but but how soon can we get to see the next series it'll be a while I think we'll probably shoot like end of this year beginning of next and then it was a long it's like a year filming so it'll be probably end of like 24 early 25. uh I could talk about we will talk about it lasts more I talk about a lot but we should mention that Mel and this is very exciting news Mel is about to become the co-host of the Eurovision song contestation I'll be the first woman to do UK commentary I'll be in the commentary box I'm not going to be doing 100 because Graham Norton is going to be presenting on stage then he's going to be bobbing betwixture the box and the stage but I'll be in the little darkened burrow of the commentary box and you must I'm sure you'll I get the feeling you've always been a fan of you oh I mean I'm upset do you like it though yes I mean it's so good it's it's going to be so brilliant this year we're in Liverpool yeah we're I know it's amazing it's amazing and we're hosting on behalf of Ukraine it's going to be very poignant and very powerful we've got a great UK entry in Maine Mueller I think she's going to be just superb I love her and if you are lucky enough to ever go to a Eurovision well if we knew anyone who hosted it we could get anything we tried to get tickets did you tweet on the website and it was all sold out within like two minutes I'll listen I don't know what I can do I don't hold much sway at all but I'll try and get everyone in thanks and so did you have parties you used to watching parties of it did you start watching yeah we I remember really clearly we used to be filming bake off when Eurovision was on and used to get Mary Paul sue my good self always in white toweling dressing gowns because we were in a hotel the little com there we go with with white and Mary Quite quite cut actually there you can see the little glass um little comedy slippers and it was yeah it was so fun we had little parties in our hotel room but you mentioned you mentioned Mary enjoyed a drink there and of course on the show famously Terry wogan who hosted it for so many years he would you could hear him getting visibly effective also like you could hear in his voice he was being affected by the alcohol throughout of course Graham enjoys a drink during the show he makes no secret of that yeah will you be joining them will you be having a little espresso martinis absolutely not no because well no oh wait I think Terry used to wait till song 11. or he said he waited till song 11 and then he had a little a snifter but I know if I have a whiff of an alcoholic drink it'll be game over so I've got to keep sharp and of course I'll be having a drink I'll be here I think I've probably seen you drunk more often than I've seen you sober oh no I saw a bad thing yeah no no because you it doesn't take much to get you drunk no I you're lightweight I'm a lightweight Bella real how are you I I've never tested the water you must have you're old enough to drink now of course I'm old enough to drink but I didn't I wasn't like around people my age when drinking was a thing so I've just never done it avoid the purple parachute if you can the purple parachute I don't even I don't even know if they still exist but it was what US youngins used to drink when we were teens purple parachute it's lager cider and then something purple I don't know what goodness and sue my comedy partner we were students together and she lost me one time and she said she found me via the Splats of purple parachutes on the street like E.T when he's following the little you know sweets she found me where was it coming from from my mouth oh it's probably the nicer answer we could have expected okay uh so you're hosting Liverpool Liverpool spent much time there before I've done gigs in Liverpool always had an absolutely tremendous time such a great City we had a few gigs there again Sue and and the good self and um what happened I'm sure something happened which eludes me now I remember what happened we did a gig in Liverpool we were on tour staying at the same hotel as the Tory Party Conference a natural FIB I mean and we had a drummer in our band and he he was three sheets to the wind and we had to pull him off Edwina Curry wow he was because he got angry he didn't share the politics of Edwina courage her mind has stepped in this Posh guy in a bow tie had to physically pull him off I got between him and I saved Edwina Curry basically well that speaks very highly of you as a person yeah different times Bella different can you do the accent Liverpool I won't because I I you know I've got to go there exactly how are you with axis will you do a great America so I thought you were American I didn't realize it because your farm Nottingham I was born in Nottingham yeah yeah so what what's what are your go-to accents if you had some Scottish one I never used to be able to do Scottish then I was so happy today that I could okay could we hear some Scottish yes we can Scottish for a second together no this is I'm embarrassing myself okay let's have a conversation well it depends where you it's just like a weird I kind of felt like I was watching a weird version of gogglebox [Applause] Liam it's so lovely to have you back on the couch thank you for joining me it's been a few years it has but thank you for joining me again great to be here you know what's amazing it's been a few years but if anything you look younger you look amazing yeah how are you keeping in such good shape it does help can't buy you everything but it can't buy you youth ladies exercise do you work out you have a regime you have to raise therapy yeah yeah yeah power walking yeah but you're powerful [Applause] joking of course but it's amazing because Liam you will not believe this Liam is I've been a mummy 70 years old stop it looks like a baby looks like you and Bella are in the same class at school look at that I have to tell you right now hi them uh Amy and I are not having an affair if someone said that to me I would think 100 because that's like you're trying to hide in pain yeah I know have you learned nothing from your films you're right I realize that as the words left my mouth did he believe you I think he did good good because it's the truth of course yes what's the truth yeah you know what [Laughter] yeah it's the food's got as well Liam isn't it I really I've only been on a movie set a couple of times but the food was dick the feather's just there the the van rumbles in you go up the little steps you get what you want it's always a nice choice of three or four things that's true yes what were you doing on the movie scene apart from stealing food the hard-working crew and actors what are you have you made films no they were filming around the cornered to look I was walking the dog they were very friendly and they let me come in and yeah and Bella does die in it I don't know did you watch Game of Thrones do you remember her death no okay remind us of your your death was you were killed by a larger person a giant yeah well I killed him back yes that was the thing he like lifted me when we shot it it was a giant robotic claw well you were actually yeah you just suspended in it oh they made the model of it they've made yeah they've made it was just a green like claw thing that was programmed to shape me around like a giant strapped into like a bicycle seat behind me was like having to like put my own blood in my mouth it was like 20 foot up in the air it was great yeah actually really only roasted maybe twice not enough oh my God and uh Tim is some launching accident got me right now like stab there was white stuff pouring out and his number one said I'm sorry you know what we should do what we should find him I talked to him about it Robert good Palestine I got a special set of skills so before we alienate me here you lot never played weird games as kids not with Vaseline okay what did you play I had a club I had a club under the Laurel Bush at the back of the garden good but we're there other members I think one I actually remember Club did you I almost called the Rouge Club the rude rude or rude and the real Horrid Henry and we would talk about the rude words that we knew and the rudest one I could come up with was toilet how are we then probably about seven seven toilets you were coming up with toilet he was greasing himself up [Applause] um now oh so now we're going down the escalator now don't you know this you leave one step between the person in front of you minimum minimum I look round this man is breathing down my neck it does get too close very close I was like okay I don't want to talk to her but maybe I should get a selfie this could be iconic I took up my phone and then I thought you know what as a rule I don't take dick pics so I put it away yeah [Applause] [Music] a costume rough to the touch was it quite or was it nice and do they do they line it with something no I always had sort of silky kind of under [Applause] Mel's about to house the Eurovision We can't wait to see Mel do it [Music] although I am going to say I hope I do you do a better job than some of the other hosting shows I've seen in particular you were involved rather bizarrely in commentating from this world oh dear oh dear so you did the Miss World competition when it was not it was not good it was 1999. [Applause] gliding like a swan but no information there no sort of you just make it all up I Promise You by may this may I'll be I'll be better than that for that yeah well you know what even if that's all you do at Eurovision it will still be great that's true okay there was no research yeah that was great though you were confident there was not a win that sounds so wrong that's perfect it's perfect honestly Bruce what you don't want it the audience don't want to hear a whole bunch of information I like that from Liam because it was not a whiff of sincerity about it you don't mean saying thank you to all my guests this evening thank you so much
Channel: Michael Ian
Views: 142,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RVKv7-Q3p7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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