The Last of Us 1x8 BLIND Reaction | When We Are in Need

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today we're watching The Last of Us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey guys welcome back to the channel today we are watching episode 8 of season one of The Last of Us um I think there's only Nine episodes in this season so this would be considered the penultimate which is normally where shake it crazy so I'm fully expecting this to be a very very good episode but it is the last of us so I expect to cry I've got my tissues ready to go um I will say with the last episode I really did enjoy watching it just be an Ellie story I did miss Joel especially like you got him at the beginning and like you know obviously it was a flashback for her and then her like you know summoning that that strength to help him because she had already lost somebody else and like somebody that she cared about and I know that it's just a best friend relationship but obviously it had turned into something more for her I can't imagine that Ellie had a lot of people that showed her love and tenderness and care and and and gave her any sort of attention that was positive um and so like definitely her best friend being somebody that she could confide in that was somebody that like she could lean on and depend on I think that like you know that's that's a huge Bond and then you know that that is love and definitely it can turn into more than just that um I I really liked the idea of her kind of figuring that out about herself what I don't like is that it happened and then immediately after we get bites by both of them and I will say Bella Ramsay like you know like we know that she's not going to be infected but her reaction to that was just like devastating like that's that's it's like somebody who's just like lost their mind momentarily and I thought that that was just a beautiful way to play that because we know that that's not going to kill her but she doesn't know that in that moment but we do know that Riley is not immune because she doesn't make it and obviously that has to be the one person that Ellie ends up having to kill um and I now I get it I understand more about her being kind of like not infatuated but like really like wanting to understand the infected like can they feel things do they bleed are they normal um and I'm sure she's trying to work out did she kill her friend and like did her friend know it are they still in there was that still Riley and I know we didn't see it and we might still see it but um I'll be be absolutely devastated um if we do which means we probably will um but she did patch up Joel so we know that he is uh sorry there's a cat roaming around by my feet you can kind of see the shadow but uh we do know that Joel was sewed up by Ellie again I don't think that that's the best medical intervention a needle and a thread on the outside when most likely there was an intestine that was probably punctured um uh definitely we need to get him to Medical Care as quickly as possible and I know it's a five-day journey to Tommy and I don't think that Joel can ride on Horseback so I'm hoping that there's a firefly group that can help them that would know Tommy um but definitely uh the Raiders that's still a threat I think like I mean I didn't catch that the mattress that was Bloody in the garage was what she pulled him on with the horse but they could easily follow that trail and figure that out um but I I I'm nervous I'm nervous that we're gonna see what happened to Riley I'm nervous that something's still gonna happen to Joel um that this episode's gonna end in a cliffhanger that we're going to be uh beat down emotionally because it's the last of us that's how it goes and I don't think Tommy's gonna ride in like this white night to save the day obviously Tommy thinks that Joel is gonna go see the fireflies so you know he's probably not worried about him and there's no communication from Jackson to the fireflies so it's not like you know he could just be like hey have you received my brother like that's that's another thing so I don't I don't know uh other than Joel writing through the Rockies on a horseback with a hole in his abdomen I I I I I honestly don't know how this is gonna go um but what I do love is that it's it's very obvious that her and Joel have a bond it's very obvious that they care about each other and it's very obvious they are there for each other um Ellie could have just left him to die and saved herself and she was like I'm not letting him go and I think that that was a beautiful thing from her the previous episode you know obviously he found it easier to confide in Tommy and be vulnerable in front of Tommy about LA because of Sarah because Tommy knew Sarah and he knew Joel and release Joel in Sarah's relationship so definitely um seeing the more vulnerable sides of both characters makes the killing way more palatable um I I don't think killing's ever palatable for me but like you know we definitely got a picture painted of Joel that he's not a very good guy and he's done a lot of things in the past 20 years that you know no one should be proud of and I don't think he is but like you know he's this hardened guy and he's not vulnerable and we finally got to see him in a vulnerable state and I think that the more we're learning about Joel the easier it is for us to accept him and allow him to be this new person that's in front of us that he's not the same old Joel that killed all those people or did all those bad things back in the day maybe he still is but like he's definitely changing and he's definitely different just as Tommy is now different we have to allow Joel to kind of go through that same progression of change now with Ellie I don't really know how the death of Riley really affected her and if she's felt the full impact of it um definitely her desperation to save Joel I think is like her trying to like keep somebody in her life because everybody's either abandoned her left her or died and um I definitely think that uh she she needs she needs a Joel and she needs a doll that's gonna stay now whether or not they make it back to Jackson is the question uh like like I said fireflies new people the old people in the cabin are they going to run into like a doctor that can perform surgery on the road probably not um not in this world I I really loved that the main focus of this show is not the infected it is it is it is it is definitely Side Story and it's something that they have to avoid because obviously in the video game that's what you have to do but the people are the main focus whether they're good or bad or what they have to do in in between those those shades of good and bad you know like you can have good people doing bad things and you can have bad people trying to do good things and it just kind of is the varying degree of like what their motivation is and what their end game is with it oh I think if you're trying to help everybody like in a commune okay um if you're doing it for selfish reasons uh that sucks but like survival is a selfish thing so you know Fine Lines you have to weigh them differently um but you kind of also have to weigh them the same so the story about the people is like the most fantastic thing and the the survival like seeing Jackson thriving and the fact that like you know Joel has been just through all these scrapes for like three months since um since Henry and Sam yeah three months since then you know so it's probably going on like four months that he's just been in this like state of like [ __ ] hitting the fan and I I think uh him actually living in a community where he can breathe for a hot second and feel safe but also not have fedra like I'm sure like they're rules but they're not federal rules he might actually like communism who knows but uh interested to see where these uh next two episodes go and how they're going to end this season because I know that there's more coming and I'm excited for it but I always you know I kind of have Ned starkitis like is anyone really safe probably not okay guys let's get into it where is this is that where the house is revelation 21 and I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes oh please don't be a dick and God will wipe away all tears from their eyes that there will be no more death neither will there be any more pain for the former things are passed away and like a cult that's going to commit suicide are they the ground is too cold to dig we'll bury your father in the spring okay so it was a funeral is that what I was supposed to get out of that I thought they were all going to commit mad suicide funny but like I I'm happy I was wrong he needs some antibiotics like ASAP is she gonna chew it up and spit it out and give it to him [Music] [Laughter] but she's gonna baby bird him there for a second I'm bad a thousand at the beginning of this aren't I oh is she gonna go hunting and like run into those guys if they have a doctor that'd be helpful but they only have a week's worth of food and on the five day track I wonder if he taught her how to dress a rabbit or a bird I mean not a deer Clicker oh Jesus I'm still wrong I'm wrong every step of the way I'm wrong I'm paranoid is what it is I don't trust anybody or anything I bet you she kills it and those guys think that like they should be able to take it oh oh now they're gonna fight over this deer speculating oh God I'm just trying to like see ahead I need to stop doing that just let it play out I don't see anybody you think we can just take it no no quickly whoever shot it's probably nearby don't drop your rifles any sudden moves I put one right between your eyes ditto for buddy boy I like our confidence okay all I ask is 10 seconds of your time I just want I won't say it twice I'd like to talk about my Lord and Savior Jesus my name is David this is my friend James we're from a larger group women children and we're all very very hungry I'm can't drag this back on your own don't say you're on your own we're not asking for charity we we can trade you for some of the deer we have what do you need we have boots medicine like for infections not that kind of infection back in our village you're welcome to follow us I'm not following you anywhere go get it come back all right go talk to Howard he's got a case with some penicillin bring back two bottles and a syringe it's not code James do as I said or is it code I trust no one ten steps back I mean I don't think you would hurt her but I don't know I don't know him I don't trust him a while before James gets back I have some oil and matches in my attack we could take shelter start a fire bring him with us [Laughter] see how hard it is to move this deer she moved Joel I mean she could go get a mattress and that horse and bring it back you know you really shouldn't be out here all on your own from where I'm sitting you shouldn't be at her on your own fair enough yup there's room for you in our group if you want Chris the starving group to your hunger Club thanks [Laughter] I'm a decent man just trying to take care of the people who rely on me we'll see chose to follow you is this some weird cult thing mm-hmm well you sort of kind of got me there I am a preacher the whole world ended and you still believe that [ __ ] I actually started believing after the world ended oh okay I only look at you right now we're not sooner or later yeah luck no such thing as luck please don't talk about faith I believe everything happens for a reason yeah it does I can prove it to you okay we didn't expect this winner to be so cruel so I sent four of our people to a nearby town to to scavenge what they could and only three of them came back and the one that didn't was a father he had a daughter just like you turns out he was murdered by this crazy man and get this that crazy man was traveling with a little girl everything happens for a reason I knew not to trust this [ __ ] James lowered the gun did you bring the medicine yeah throw it to her David I wouldn't trust the medicine now anyway I didn't even think that it was the same group so you're just gonna let it get away who's gonna do killer they're gonna follow you Ellie oh God oh God Joel's gonna be unconscious for the majority of this how could they even how could you even trust the medicine how do you even know how much to give him oh my God I'm panicking Joe where the [ __ ] do I put this in his arm and his butt I don't know [ __ ] it not in the wound of the [Music] I mean I guess putting it directly in the wound is fine it just needs to be in his system God I hope that was Penicillin I mean it might make him better and then David in in in his flock come and just destroy everything freaking out man I mean do they need to go after her do they need to find Joel and kill a Joel and get revenge why did that guy even attack Joel in the first place big one you didn't kill if you've heard a rumor yes we found a girl who was with the man who took Alec from us when the Sun rises I'll lead a group out to pick up her Trail won't be hard to find in the snow we'll follow it to wherever they're hiding and we'll bring that man to Justice kill him kill both of them Christians I don't mean that it's just the religious thing about being kind to others it's I don't think that was necessary I know you think you don't have a father anymore but the truth is Hannah you will always have a father and you will show him respect when he's speaking well I don't like him very much I don't fault anybody for being religious but that type of control subjugation no thank you it looks kind of better Ellie's kind of turning into a little bit of a nurse foreign this man's not already dead he's dangerous about the girl we bring her back with us I don't mean to question your sense of Mercy David we can let her go we bring that girl back with us she's just another mouth to feed if we leave her out here she'll die if you take her back with you you'll die yeah maybe that's God's will [Music] God imagine living like that oh my God there are men coming okay I'm gonna lead them away from you but if anybody makes it down here you [ __ ] kills them you got it don't you not fall asleep no no wakey wakey oh God I felt like she was like really close by where they were coming from but I guess not alive why alive kind of a sicko is he [Music] no they can eat the horse I guess do it why does he want her oh heebie-jeebies you mean hopefully Joel had enough sense to hide hands I'm just like pulling at my hands so please hide boy attaboy attaboy attaboy oh God gnarly but cool good job Joel I guess oh his friends are gonna come look for him I mean having any sort of antibiotic in your body breaks down the bacterial load so a lot of the inflammation has gone down a lot of the swelling pressure throbbing aching it's probably making the fever go down so he probably feels better hopefully I started worrying you wouldn't wake up well that's certainly the goal why am I in a case because I'm afraid of you you're a dangerous person you've certainly proven that the others they want me to kill you for all that's happened why are you keeping her alive you weirdo we say the others want to kill you I stop them why don't we just start with your name [Laughter] protect you I'm not on my own you gotta face reality that part of your life it's ending but if you can't find a way to trust me then yes you are alone manipulative I don't like it the only way for her to not be alone is for her to trust him no Timothy oh [ __ ] [Music] nice damn Joel you're just taking him out old Joel is coming out please I don't know any girl I can't help you you focused right now wrap up your [ __ ] kneecap off I believe him go live where fun ah the town what town Silver Lake not a real town name it's a resort I mean the point to where we are and where your Resort is and it better be the exact same spot your buddy points to Rosie heard that one before go ask him he'll tell you I'm not lying oh ah no Joel I know he has to but wow that was so easy for him why the [ __ ] did you do that he told you what you wanted oh man I ain't telling you [ __ ] I don't need you to okay no I believe him no old Joel is back I'm kind of happy about it in this situation [Applause] what did she see huh you're gonna chop me up into little pieces I'd rather not they're eating people my God if you want to judge me judge you yes there are only a few of us that know but I would have told you sooner or later I guess sooner but what was I supposed to do let them starve these people who put their lives in my hands let them decide if they want to eat a person you you see a lot so do I and you know what I see when I look at you me excuse the [ __ ] out of me you're a natural leader you're smart loyal doesn't eat people though you don't know anything about me you have a violent heart and I should know I've always had a violent heart I believe him and I struggled with it for a long time but then the world ended and I was shown the truth right the cordyceps it's fruitful it multiplies it feeds and protects its children and it secures its future with violence if it must it loves invades only all of this because you can handle it they need God they need Heaven they need they need a father you don't I'm a Shepherd surrounded by sheep and all I want is an equal a friend they'll spare him no they won't really just let him go yes no if he leaves us in peace they will just let him go they do what I tell them to do they were gonna shoot her even though you told them not to there together drawings we are we are imagine the life we could give them grab a shirt and clang them against the door yes yes yes yes yes yes that's what you get gross man tell them that Ellie is a little girl who broke her [ __ ] finger how did you put it [Music] tiny little pieces oh I'd go down swinging too 100 oh he is so creepy and so gross and that is so wrong and so vile I hope he dies a miserable painful death all men that do that two little girls miserable painful death Rachel you look like [ __ ] dude Survivor Man oh I knew it was gonna be people drying out I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it that's why he doesn't want to wait until spring to bury the bodies as he wants to eat that girl's father oh my God shut up say you've been bitten I'm infected smart what did you say it's for a reason right David kill him no she would have turned by now this isn't real that looks pretty [ __ ] real to me oh my God he got a Cleaver to the throat oh my gosh well she's getting used to killing people now self-defense at a girl oh yeah catch the lodge on fire explain that to everybody go after her save your home it's all gonna go up you gotta make a choice belly Ellie God he's like a serial killer saying the girl's name walking around with a Cleaver what's the secret or are you just that [ __ ] special yeah you don't know how good I am you don't know what I could have given you creep you see I changed my mind I've decided you do need a father so I'm gonna keep you and I'm gonna teach you Joel where are you [Music] oh God I was just worried about him with a damn Cleaver carve him up I thought you already knew fighting is a part I like the most Don't Be Afraid Joel there's no fear in love [Applause] oh God oh Lily [Applause] oh God I want to hug her so bad right now that's me yeah look it's me it's okay okay it's okay baby girl what culture he calls her baby girl [Music] the perfect ending for David okay I couldn't take anymore I really couldn't man oh okay okay not like worked up emotionally because something was so sad but like the rage I felt that when Ellie was going for it when she was just letting him have it oh my God oh my gosh I'm sweating okay oh okay wow ah yeah so uh to clarify like I don't think that Christians are bad and religion is bad I think that was bad how he was using the religion [ __ ] creeper oh my gosh I am like so worked up I am so worked up I could not have been happier about the way somebody died and be so just satisfied I was like why does he want her and I was like I know why but I I wanna I just then I was like well maybe he does really want to eat her maybe teenage girls or Tender meat when you eat them I don't know but like hmm hmm I'm happy that he's dead I'm happy that those women and those little girls are safe in that town without him I mean they're probably all going to die of starvation hopefully that there are some good quality men that can help them out and that they know how to hunt but they look like they were very dependent on those men subjugation control laughs I'm having a hard time keeping my emotions in check right now because the anger and the rage that I feel that he was keeping them under his thumb under the name of God and then that he is feeding them humans without their knowledge or their consent I feel like you could tell people and let them make the choice to starve or eat like like when Joel saw that horse I was like oh my God please don't tell me they're drying out bodies and of course that's exactly what they were doing and we'll bury him in the spring was just a oh the body's gone don't know what happened to it we had to burn it or whatever oh my God oh I am very proud of Ellie one for doing what she needed to do she was trying to find food for her and Joel trying to keep them alive she was you know giving the horse water like she was being very responsible and and and surviving and her going hunting and trying to kill and I mean she would have figured it out on her own I'm 100 sure she is smart as a freaking whip she she totally would have I am 100 an Ellie Stan she's my girl I don't care if you love guns I don't care how crazy you are about infected and want to poke them in the eye and test them and just see what's up do it girl I believe in you you're you're you're my girl you're my girl um and and her you know thinking about trading for medicine for Joel and she should have said that she was with a big group of people and that they were waiting on her and maybe that would make them go away but I get that as soon as they said let's trade and she's like medicine because you could tell Joel's not doing it he had a really bad infection and even after the first shot you know it looked better and then with the second shot and hopefully he has the medicine um and they can continue administering it I don't think in the wound is the best place for that but I guess it makes it happen straight away I don't know I mean I feel like uh antibiotics are given through an IV so you could go through the arm or maybe the butt I don't know I don't know I'm not a nurse I don't know how that works so it's just like in the [ __ ] wound I don't know but I do know that antibiotics break down a bacterial load and that they definitely make it easier to heal it's not necessarily 100 guarantee but it can definitely make that fever break and give Jules a little bit of energy back now definitely he looks like [ __ ] he's worse for wear um than he was before the stab that's that's that's for sure it's going to take him a while to get back to 100 if he even does um but definitely like I didn't connect that that group of people was the same people I thought those were Raiders and I thought this was a town I didn't realize that the two came together and what a what a Twist what a Twist um I didn't trust David straight away I mean as soon as like I saw him reading from the Bible I totally thought it was like a Jonestown scenario like that he's gonna poison everybody because there's no more food so immediately I had no trust for David whatsoever um and then even when he like stays and he's he's talking to Ellie I I definitely got like the vibe that like he's he's trying to build trust by being warm and instead of just being like I'm gonna keep my mouth shut until he gets back with the antibiotics because she wouldn't kill him as long as he doesn't make a move but he's like trying to talk to her and like manipulate her and like Ellie can't be manipulated like she might be swayed but like like there's no way she's gonna just go oh you're gonna help us okay let's join like that's that's not gonna happen and especially after he slap the little girl for kind of like suggesting that they should kill both of them and I didn't realize it at the time but he was probably upset that she was suggesting killing the person he wanted to connect with well and like the building's coming down and he's like you know what this is gonna happen right now like [ __ ] narcissist just a crazy lunatic a pedophile a creep a cannibal I am I'm having a hard time keeping my anger at Bay I'm so angry right now um but like and also I mean just like I'm so proud of Ellie for like not giving up for fighting to do everything that she could and like you know especially when she realized what he really wanted from her she's just like oh and we knew that we we knew where her um we we knew I don't want to say what her flavor is but we know that like no man is going to get Ellie right um and she just immediately brought down the hurt and she's not afraid of fighting and that was established in the last last episode when she punched the girl in the face you know she's she's not afraid of a fight and she's not gonna back down and that's that Spitfire that I love from her that's what I loved about her in the last episode too I was like you're my type of girl I love you um I I I I admire that that type of fire and tenacity in somebody but she has this fire that like just pushes her to keep surviving and to call people on their [ __ ] but like for her to like you know take that guy and Cleaver him in the neck like yeah I'm good it's awesome wait wait a way to save yourself in this scenario like I like I generally don't like killing but like in this scenario yeah hack him up Ellie good for you but they had like that whole scene where like the the whole Lodge is on fire and David is walking through it and he's like Ellie and it's so serial killer horror movie vibe I dug it I loved it great filmmaking great acting on David's Park whoever that actor was I buy it creepy I buy the creepy I buy the pastor Vibe I I get the manipulative like narcissistic you know I'm having such a hard time with him wanting her as like his child bride we could rule this place together and Ellie was never going to be swayed by that that's not what she wants you know it she wants Joel to be better and you know even though he accomplished a lot like what he did with those men in that house um you saw the old Joel come out and that's who we need in that scenario um he he wasn't afraid to get [ __ ] done and he wasn't afraid to kill and when it comes to survival they were Never Gonna Let Him Live anyways like they didn't even want to let Ellie live you know and and as soon as he's like he told you what you wanted to know I was like yeah and so he doesn't need you anymore you know Joel very very much did what he needed to do to survive create episode lots of action and again no infected oh we didn't we didn't need any infected um it's it's it's a story about the people and how even like a a guy from a town who's keeping people alive and feeding them and caring for his flock even though it looks like he's doing good the the heart that is on him is the intentions I can only just imagine the the little girl that he slapped like I don't know I don't want to speculate but oh man tough to swallow happy to see it happy to see that it ended that way now hopefully they get back to Jackson um I don't know I don't know if the the rest of the people from the town are going to come after them um maybe the little girl that he slept like gets one over on Ellie and you know Shanks her I don't think so but I I mean now they have to walk back to Jackson they are without a horse Joel is without a coat because he gave one to Ellie like they are not doing well they are not in a good position to travel so I'm not sure where to go from here um but phenomenal phenomenal episode and like it was mostly like me being scared or me being angry or me being confused or like me not being trustworthy like and up until the end like with them hugging I was like oh look at them they're like so happy to see each other and then he calls her baby girl you can't do that to me you can't do that to me that's not that he even thinks Sarah but he thinks of her as a daughter and that is amazing and it's so funny that this episode they kept bringing up a lot like you don't need a father you don't need a father and he's a father like a pastor or a preacher and then you know Joel isn't her father but it's more her father than her and like like the word father was getting thrown out a lot and uh it proves I was gonna say that's her Daddy it's very inappropriate with this episode to use that term but essentially that is her father and that is his daughter I'm happy about it which means that my heart's gonna get tore out of my chest I just know it okay guys if you want to watch the full length reaction to this episode it will be available on my patreon as well as full-length reactions to all the other episodes of The Last of Us full-length reactions to the expanse I just finished that this week the last one will be up tomorrow um and uh of course uh the full length for wakanda forever will be up soon um the John Wick movies you know there's there's something there for everybody uh I will be um putting some polls up on my patreon soon so people can pick other things that I will be watching now that the expanse is over but in the meantime like subscribe and leave a comment down below did you trust David right away like if you didn't play the game which I'm sure everybody in the game was like it's David and then there's me going like I don't know I don't trust him no I don't trust him he doesn't seem like a oh God the religion thing y'all were like oh girl just wait oh just wait it's coming it's coming and it came and it was something it was something I can't imagine that being in a game oh my God the anger I would feel playing a video game y'all are y'all are amazing I can't wait for the season to be over only for the sense that I can finally sit down and play the game I don't know if I will play that and and everybody can watch or I'll just you know post highlights of something or whatever I have to figure out the logistics of that but I definitely want to play it because I want to experience what you guys experienced um especially because if a certain part of the game jumps up and I'm just like it's time for David oh it's time for David like I hope I'm I'm in control of Ellie and I just get the heck away I don't like healing but I kind of have a bloodlust anyway so like the people that haven't played the game how how did you feel about David when you first met him because suss definitely sus for me my hands like hurt like the whole episode I'm just like gripping myself and like like popping my Knuckles and just was like I am so uncomfortable something bad is coming and something bad came and Ellie took care of it okay guys uh next week I think is the season finale unless there's more episodes that have been added I don't think so I just don't want to speak about facts because people don't come here for facts okay guys I'll see ya
Channel: funnylilgalreacts
Views: 91,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, reactions, reactionvideo
Id: zO9eTCvNvhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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