THE LAST OF US Episode 8 Side By Side Scene Comparison

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[Music] foreign you think we can just take it who's there come out drive your rifles now hello we just want to talk any sudden moves and I put one right between your eyes and he started moves like the arm right between your eyes ditto for Buddy Boy ditto for Buddy Boy over there what do you want name's David this here's my friend James we're from a larger group women children and we're all very very hungry from a larger group women children they're all very very hungry so am I women and children all very hungry too well even so you can't drag this back on your own huh maybe we could trade you for some of that meat there what do you need you're not asking for charity we we can trade you for some of the deer we have what do you need we have medicine weapons ammo clothes medicine you have any antibiotics like for infections we do the camp you're welcome to follow us I'm not following you anywhere we do back in our village you're welcome to follow us I'm not following you anywhere buddy boy can go get it he comes back with what I need the deer is all yours buddy boy can go get it he comes back you get half the deer anyone else shows up you put one right between my eyes that's right anyone else shows up I put one word right between my eyes that's right two bottles of the penicillin in a syringe make it fast go on bring back two bottles and a syringe it's not code James do as I said I'll take that rifle you know you really shouldn't be out here all on your own I don't like company you know you really shouldn't be out here all on your own from where I'm sitting you shouldn't be at her on your own I see what's your name why fair enough so what's your name look I understand it's not easy to trust a couple of strangers it's hard to trust strangers I know but I honestly mean you know harm Let's see we make a pretty good team we got lucky I only look how to run out sooner or later yeah luck lucky no no such thing as luck you see I believe and everything happens for a reason no such thing as luck no I I believe everything happens for a reason this winner has been especially cruel we didn't expect this winner to be so cruel nothing will grow game's been hard to find a few weeks back I am sent a group of men out a nearby Town look for food so I sent four of our people to a nearby town to to scavenge what they could only if you came back and only three of them came back he said that the others had been slaughtered oh yeah a crazy man turns out he was murdered by this crazy man I get this he's crazy man traveling a little girl and get this that crazy man was traveling with a little girl you see everything happens for a reason you see everything happens for a reason no way David I'm not gonna let it lower a gun he is the one that killed Alec and she she didn't kill anybody lower the gun now give her the medicine the others won't be happy about this did you bring the medicine yeah throw it to her David well the [ __ ] out of the way you won't survive long out there I can't protect you you won't survive for long out there I can protect you Joe move your arm [Music] here we go Joe where the [ __ ] do I put this [Music] [Music] thank you you're gonna make it [Music] [Music] oh leave him alone oh you're next please I don't know any girl is she alive what girl I don't know no girl oh Jesus [ __ ] Focus right here right here I'll pop your goddamn knee off you focused wrap up your [ __ ] kneecap off a girl she's alive July where where in the town ah the town what town Silver Lake now you're gonna mark it on the map you're gonna point to where we are and where your Resort is we're the same exact spot your buddy points to and it better be the exact same spot your buddy points too Market yes right there you can verify it go ask him go ask him he'll tell you I'm not lying I ain't telling you [ __ ] it's okay no I believe him no I took your [ __ ] that's all right I believe it no way I know you're hungry I've been out for quite some time [Applause] what is it it's dear what it's worth this is just dear meat I swear it's just the deer meat [ __ ] animals you're gonna chop me up into little pieces so now what you're gonna chop me up into tiny pieces I'd rather not I'd rather not please just tell me your name please tell me your name you're so full of [ __ ] if you want to judge me judge you you're [Music] Great Click the judgment considering you and your friend killed how many men the only way I'm going to be able to convince the others around you have heart you're loyal and you're special you're smart loyal oh but in the life we could build [ __ ] you stupid little girl where am I supposed to tell the others now let's see when I go tell the others now Ellie what Ally what tell them that Ellie is the little girl tell them that Ellie is a little girl who broke her [ __ ] finger broke your [ __ ] finger how did you put it huh tiny pieces how did you put it hmm tiny little pieces wakey wakey come on let's go oh I warned you [Music] you had your chance I'm infected I'm infected really so are you and now sorry really so are you roll up my sleeve look at it right there rolling my sleeve look at it what'd you say what did you say everything happens for a reason right what the hell is that returned by now she would have turned by now it can't be real looks pretty [ __ ] [ __ ] rude to me [Music] No Way Out Ellie the doors are locked and I have the keys nowhere to go you want out you're gonna have to come get these keys [Music] let me tell you something you have no idea [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] stop stop [ __ ] duck me look it's me it's me look yeah [Music] oh baby girl it's okay [Music] [Music] it's okay baby girl [Music]
Channel: Heavy Spoilers Clips
Views: 1,074,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Of Us, The Last Of Us Ending Explained, The Last Of Us Breakdown, The Last Of Us Explained, Joel, Ellie, HBO, TLOU, Last Of Us, Ending Explained, Joel Explained, Episode Breakdown, Clickers, The Last Of Us Characters, trailer breakdown, Joel And Ellie, the last of us scene comparison, scene comparison, the last of us game vs series, game vs series, episode 8 breakdown, the last of us episode 8, the last of us episode 8 breakdown, the last of us episode 8 explained
Id: v-m8dPdqWUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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