The Last of Us 1x9 (2023) - SERIES REACTION

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it's okay Jesus Christ I was not expecting to get so emotional in like the first five minutes of the show God damn this show welcome back to my channel love Lauren here and thank you so much for clicking on this video today I'm going to be checking out episode nine the season finale of The Last of Us and I am Loki expecting something sad something terrible to happen because that seems to be a pattern of this show so needless to say I'm going into this feeling a little bit nervous but of course very excited so without further Ado grab your chicken nuggies grab your chalky milk and let's jump in [Music] I got this new ring light to help with the lighting in here so hopefully it looks good hopefully it doesn't look like absolute trash fingers crossed that looks good and I don't look too washed out or anything I don't know I'm just gonna have to mess around with it a little bit to see what what works oh geez God poor thing and she's pregnant oh my God seems like she might be going and she might be in labor right now oh my God that'd be horrible oh my God oh oh my God no you are you kidding me oh my God Lee real baby hands and toes no way that's Ellie oh my God that's how she was brought into the world it's okay Jesus Christ I was not expecting to get so emotional in like the first five minutes of the show God damn this show oh my God I just can't I just can't believe that that's how she was brought into the world you know in that situation under those circumstances uh that's how Ellie was born and and lost her mother I feel like if the first five minutes started off like that this I'm gonna be in for a tough time here we would delay getting out of the Zone I cut it before I was bit maybe that's how she has immunity from it from the infection cause her mom was bit when she when she gave birth her name is Ellie how long have we known each other up and then you kill me I can't kill you no please there you go God this was like making me so emotional and I think it's just because I'm I love Ellie so much and I'm so invested in her as a character and to know that that's how you know her life started it's just really sad Beefaroni Chef Boyardee oh cool have you ever played this Boggle you want to beat me as something it would be this well all right getting close we had a guitar in that RV it's all smashed up but I was thinking maybe I could teach you I bet you'd be great at it you want to learn how to play guitar Ellie you can tell if she's just going through a lot she's got a lot on her mind I'll get you up there you can drop that ladder down maybe we go through that way come on I'll give you a boost okay yeah just you kind of seem extra quiet today I'm sorry no it's fine two up Jesus you stay there this drops the ladder and pieces out Ellie come on wow oh wow I was just looking at all the vegetation then I saw the giraffe oh my gosh can you hurry up come on jumping she's there have you guys ever fed giraffes before when I was a kid I I got to feed giraffes at the local Zoo it was memorable so Lily oh come on come on come on come on oh it's a whole little family of giraffes is it everything you hoped for got it suction down can't deny that view I don't know exactly where this hospital is yeah we'll find it maybe there's nothing bad out there but so far there's always been something bad out there I'm only saying there's risk we don't have to do this what else are we supposed to do nothing we just go back to Tommy's we forget about the whole damn thing after all we've been through everything I've done can't be for nothing I know you mean well I know you want to protect me you have and when we're done we'll go wherever you want sheep Ranch the Moon I'll follow you anywhere you go but there's no halfway with this we finished what we started we had me and one just like this let's oh she's gone already it's for this uh the guy who shot and missed well I gotta hand it to the army people they were way better at stitching you up than I was it was me I was the guy who shot and missed Sarah died and I couldn't see the point anymore simple as that and I wasn't scared either I was ready I couldn't have been more ready went to pull the trigger I flinched still don't know why anyway the reason I'm telling you all this you know why you're telling me all this yeah I reckon you do so Time Heals all wounds I guess it wasn't time that did it I'm glad that that didn't work out me too damn it's like the first time we've heard Joel share something like that so personal you know and he's tearing up it was making me tear up just watching him and hearing him tell his story what did the green grape say to the purple agreement review idiot it's a three out of ten oh my God who's behind them no no no no please please nothing bad happened [Music] the fireflies welcome to the fireflies oh it's Marlene where's Zoe she wasn't her she's mostly worried about you we lost half our crew crossed in the country how'd you do it it was all her she felt like hell to get here she would have been dead on day one we all know you have to take me to her I can't she's being prepped for surgery what surgery our doctor he thinks that the cordyceps and Nelly has grown with her since birth that's like what I said earlier cortisepts think that she's cordyceps it's why she's immune he's going to remove it from her and then I can give it to everyone he thinks it could be a cure Joel cure cordyceps grows inside the brain it does you tell her we can cause her any fear there won't be any pain no you take me to her you take me to her right now please you don't understand I was there when she was born Joel I promised her mother that I would save her child I promised I'm the only one who understands I'm sorry I have no other choice I do walking out to the highway leaving there with his pack he tries anything shoot him Joel's not gonna go for this said keep walking for this [Music] [Music] ready [Music] unhooker how did you get in here I said unhook her oh look her can't keep her safe forever no matter how hard you try she's gonna grow up Joel how long until she's torn apart by infected because she lives in a broken world that you could have saved but it isn't for you to decide for you so what would she decide to do what's right and you know it it's not too late even now even after what you've done what it's all right you're with me really loves her turns out there's a whole lot more like you people that are immune the doctors they couldn't make any of it work they've actually they've stopped looking for a cure what are my clothes Raiders attacked the hospital I barely got you out of there I'm sorry you just come after her going back to Tommy we gotta walk the rest of the way probably about a five hour hike but we can manage that remember yeah yeah well Sarah and I used to hike like this all the time she would have liked you definitely different kids I want to say girly and I'm not saying that you're not girly I'm not yeah you're not but you know why I think she'd like you because you're funny I think you would have made her laugh anyway I bet you would have liked her back yeah how much further now hey wait when I got bit in the mall I wasn't on my own my best friend was there and she got bit too we didn't know what to do and she says you can just wait it out be a poetic and just lose our minds together and then she did and I had to her name was Riley she was the first to die and then it was Tess it's not on you I know look sometimes things don't work out the way we hope you can feel like like you've come to an end and you don't know what to do next but if you just keep going you find something new to fight for to me I swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true I swear okay oh my God oh my God I was so teary-eyed throughout this whole episode oh my God like my eyes kept watering up Jesus there's this was very emotional you know I feel like from the beginning when we saw how Ellie was brought into the world and what happened with her mother her mother had got bit before she had cut had a chance to cut the umbilical cord and I was thinking oh my gosh you know maybe that's how Ellie has this immunity and after hearing what Marlene said I'm guessing that's true so but oh my gosh this this dynamic between Ellie and Joel has changed you know so much from the beginning of this season to the end you know the very beginning I know you guys remember Joel was just treating her like you know like like Goods like a package that he had to deliver you know what I mean and by this season finale we really get to see how much their relationship has formed and how much that they've bonded and become this parent childlike relationship and that was very evident in this episode you know we saw it a little bit at the end of episode eight after everything that happened with Ellie and all the you know trauma she had experienced and Joel calling her baby girl and we were like you know I feel like everybody that kind of hit us when we heard that but this episode you know Joel finally opened up to Ellie about his attempted after Sarah died and feeling like he was ready to die and and he had nothing to live for anymore and and telling Ellie that she essentially gave gave him something to live for and and I don't know I just felt like that was really beautiful you can tell that Joel really loves Ellie everything he did in the hospital I knew Joel wasn't gonna go for that because he they were so bonded at that point and he wasn't gonna let her go he loved her too much so I don't blame him for doing what he did even though it's really admirable what Joel did I do think he was acting selfishly you know he didn't want to lose Ellie and he was really more thinking about himself and just didn't want to lose her and you know he even lied to her when they were in like when they were in the car and right there at the end when she confronted him about it you know was everything you said true and do you swear and he said he swears even though we know that that story he made up about what happened with Marlene and the fireflies at the hospital was totally fabricated but I think that he believes that what he did was the right thing even though in the back of his mind he he knows that Ellie probably would have you know wanted exactly what Marlene said is to go for the Cure and that she probably would have willingly sacrificed herself for the greater good but I don't know I'm really split on it to be honest like obviously I don't want to lose Ellie I love her so much and I totally understand Stan why Joel did what he did but I also understand the other perspective so I'm just really split on the whole thing I was very emotional this episode oh my gosh like I knew before going into this I knew that it was gonna be sad I knew it was gonna make me emotional I just wasn't sure I honestly didn't expect it to hit me so quick though like in the beginning with everything that happened with Ellie's mom I wasn't expecting that to hit me as hard as it did but just like knowing that that was how she was brought into the world it's just like wow you know she's so resilient she's so resilient she's so strong I admire her so much as a character I really admire Joel too just the both of them I I really love them so much and I can't wait to see the next season I am so excited for it definitely let me know what you guys thought of this season finale let me know what you thought of my reaction if you like this video please give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe I would appreciate your support a ton thank you so much for watching today's video until next time [Music] good
Channel: LoveLaurenn
Views: 11,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 840ZoCWdZC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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