The Last of Us 1X2 REACTION!! - ITS HAPPENING!!!

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what's up guys my name is Shannon AKA Cosmic thanks and welcome back to lindsays back with my husband Matthew you guys already know y'all already know yeah we explained in the last video why she's doing the intro for this so let's go ahead and watch that one yeah yeah and we're here four The Last of Us episode two I'm gonna say season two episode two like we even make it that far not even remotely not even close but yeah we're here we're watching Last of Us again this week very excited as usual even though we already know what happened I'm so excited to see like what they do with it and like all the stuff they add yeah for those of you we played already we played both of the games many many times me only once for [ __ ] for the second game I'm still a pepper yeah you hit that New Game Plus I hit that new game plus man we kind of invested right now fantasy 14. yes but yeah so I'm excited to see how they go about this one because I think I know what happens in this episode I'm not going to say it for those of you who might be watching that haven't seen um they are seen or played the game because if it's not this episode then it might be next episode I know you're gonna need your pillow yeah my emotional support pillows but yeah I'm excited just want to get straight into this so I don't know if you got anything to say before we go no all right you have an emotional support pillow and you're my emotional support so I'm just gonna be like yeah I'm ready let's get it all right let's do oh full reaction y'all full reaction it's on patreon that is a thing okay that's the thing on weekends because we just don't we just don't know what we're doing honestly I'd never know what I'm doing I'm just trying to wing it I feel like a lot of that's all a lot of people are doing um but yeah no full reaction is on patreon make sure to check that out y'all to this to the previous episode the previous episodes for previous episodes the future episodes that are on there yeah but they will be it will be yeah we haven't recorded them we could have but we didn't yeah so that's that so it's it'll be up when it's up next week all right let's get it interesting I wonder if they're going to use this as a way to like promote other characters within the universe of The Last of Us showing people's perspective yeah make it into a whole universe remember I just say that you like us but maybe she's like a specialized doctor or something maybe or something you want to see something that's gonna change your life right so guess what so they knew about it first so someone else bit her yeah oh God it's nasty God don't suffer it I know darling oh God I hate that oh my God that was terrifying that was very terrifying flower the theories are correct the flowers God damn Jesus it's that serious she's saying she's saying is that serious yeah but there's nothing that you can really do because there everybody's compromised right she's not making a home and it's got my stomach turning right oh Seven Hills I mean you would be kind of on an itch yeah understandable turn into a [ __ ] monster how can I please yeah there's not gonna be anything bad in here just you oh funny it begins really good well better than us I'll show you too she's got some kind of life in front of her yeah she got the good life right the big sandwich yep early till they get it from Smugglers she isn't with the Firefly saved they believe that she is then we get what we want even if she turns in front of you you have a better chance of fighting her off right I mean she's a 14 year old witches such an early thing I'm telling you man she's great she really is gonna pack that sandwich right can I have a gun absolutely not okay Jesus fine after some [ __ ] sandwich at them she looks so that's so good right it's so accurate man God they worked so hard on me they did I love it right different in the daylight yeah which I guess showing that thing Jakarta also gives you con context for like them having the bomb like you know across there it's about okay are you happy no it's just I know it keeps going on and on about this but everything they're doing is playing out just like the game and it's just making me very happy all right so it was just you in there alone yeah oh how old are you bro that messed me up welcome to the open city right the Frog don't mess me up though just hearing some piano so look at that yeah no smart ass I mean that's fair she hasn't been out there yeah such an Elliott man I'm a weird kid it's Ellie bro I don't care what y'all see man y'all can hate y'all could criticize a 14 year old girl on how she looks chocolate y'all weird but this is Ellie boys with our knees see how you feel I feel that right we get nothing you stay yeah I mean it's all true yeah man this is plain it's playing just like the game man even to the way he helps her up right like you go to the Post you press Arc you press on R2 something like that and then press L1 R2 to put up you gotta press the button right you never know what they've been teaching you in those rights you two like uh pass I'd end up in Boston yes no more questions about me let's make a conversation right she's not trying to get close I get it right damn all the sceneries man she's really embodying tests though she's doing great like she looks like her she sounds like her yeah no mm-hmm wow all the bill everything you're gonna hear us talk about that a lot I know yeah a lot the set design is just craziness God looks so good they've never miss I have a spare hand congratulations oh Joel all right oh watch a show like this with a walking dead it's just always like some like a little throbbing if you don't even get in my stomach and I just can't like it's the eeriness all right I I've attacked by one and it wasn't like that okay different ones giving you flashbacks yeah it doesn't get easier golly man set design man this better get Awards next next next award season one of the two episodes in not even just for the Practical design oh right right they'll even has her flashlight in the game too here it is I hate them so much man Camden got made it through that game honestly second the second game I really can't believe I made it through yeah they got worse and I was just saying I can't believe I made it through like I'm thinking about it gameplay was insane how did I make it through there it is good old clickers good old clickers baby good old clickers see them right there that's a clicker bro the sound design yeah I know they got it bro the amount of times I've died to Clickers wow so annoying oh my God bro you are dead ah you have to restart the game you know bro I'll never forget bro I just let them take me and I just restarted oh my God hey bro I can't do that in the game right but the thing that sucked about the game though is that once they found him they heard you that was it you gotta start over right they immediately just killed him every time maybe you moved to bite your neck off and you got to restart the game until we restart the checkpoint right the shot right game shot Matthew V Haynes I was waiting for tick tock to take it bro I'm playing with Tick Tock I think I already took it you start checkpoint I hated that so much bro wow this is all practical effects right none of this is CGI no CGI bro oh man son of a chicken foot oh my god dude oh my god wow man they did such a good job what the heck you're all right yeah me and apocalypse yes God stop that was scary there it is this is wood yeah for all the tape and everything electricity if I don't see him crafting once this evening or I don't see a break oh the shot jury's still out we know the episodes already almost yeah if Johnny and craft no nothing in this game man in this game I mean nothing in this season like the freaking um correct right make it man will make a whole metal Med kit if I'm gonna see that then it's not accurate again I don't see him it's exchange no brick for our bottles maybe you take the bridge kill me I'm gonna type Magic there you go Jesus I didn't answer your question the healthy ones fought the sick ones everyone lost our luck had to run out sooner or later oh [ __ ] hmm God after that triggered it yeah they're really showing like you that that you you really have an enemy that you're fighting not like I don't know how I don't remember them ever demonstrating it like this no because I mean this is different yeah but they're showing like okay you're actually fighting against a force of nature here yeah what the hell bro file R.I.P test man yep all right and now the last The Last of Us begins it truly begins here yep dang man yeah um they changed that up a bit yeah I feel like because I feel like it was actual people that she was trying to hold back I remember there was a bunch of guys in armor question myself I'm just saying I remember there being a bunch of dudes on Armor unless I'm unless I okay I'm gonna preface this unless I am misremembering something it is it was soldiers it was soldiers right yeah yeah it was Federal it was Federal yeah that's what I'm saying I was unless I was misremembering something that's what happened in the game yeah because um they had to change it up though because in the game um the whole scene with um when they got caught yeah they had already called back so they were already after them yeah so they had to change it so they weren't after them yeah that's fine y'all I'm not even upset by this change yeah the point is the whole point of that whole thing was that because that because them chasing her in that woman I don't remember that really mattering too much in the end yeah um the important thing which what I liked about it was that they were showing and they explained certain stuff throughout the narrative that like okay this is like we're fighting against this this living thing that is capable that is intelligent in some way in its own way it's capable of communicating and building a hive mind kind of situation and like they're elaborating more on how how it operates and what we're actually dealing with and we see that throughout the episode obviously with um them verbally explaining it but like even Joel just like they explain it and then drill goes on to yeah like touch the roots right so like different things like that which I know they're going to play back in later as you watch so they're adding more death yeah to the to the fungal and the lore and everything like that they're adding more to it surprisingly than what the game did right the game you spend more time with the characters and you get because obviously you're playing as them and you get to to watch Joel craft something and get to see him like die because you make a noise and the clearance kills you you know you could clearly get away but they don't even give you the chance to get away because it's stupid mechanics so it's like you have no choice but to get eaten you gotta start that joint all over again or somehow have um a melee on you but not even though no sometimes depending on where you're at sometimes I can save you bro nah man because if you do a crafted melee yes you can not I don't remember being that easy bro because I remember sometime you can you make a noise and end a story end the story because I would be you could be here the clicker could be here you make a noise it goes to a cutscene where you immediately die that's what happens to me again I'm not too close that's that was the issue all right fair enough fair enough but if you make it let's if I'm right here click her right here right I'm making noise over here but I got a bat right or a piece of wood or something if you start coming at me the mainly button pops up okay and it's like stuns them well you play you you've played you've played it you played it a lot more than I have so I'm not gonna question your judgment on that but I just I just I was just a situation I was just trash that was probably what it was but but I remember I had to start over but either way man like they they did a really good job of like you know building up the lore of what we're dealing with here and then and then even showing the one Runner like just coming up to test and like kind of showing how they're kind of doing it like and certain ones at least well at least they're kind of like turning them I think with that one though is that it because again it shows the intelligence it has this hive mind so it already sensed that test was infected so there was no need to do an aggressive bite no aggressive Chase sequence she's there come sister it's like yeah come sister join the fool join the family yeah and in a way with it doing it slow like that it's kind of romanticizing the Union of expanding itself in a weird way which again shows that this thing is a living uh intelligent thing and I like too that they also show that like you killed this one one it wraps around a finger and he mentioned it everybody else know there are all the other ones though and that's interesting so that's an interesting thing that they're adding to it yeah I think so too um I'm not mad at all I feel like it adds it adds some sense of urgency and because I don't ever remember it being that elaborate it was just like if you're in the area and you make noise you get God yeah basically you get scenes they make noise and everyone else like oh shoot like all right let me go help Billy what was the other ones are mad uglies annoying bro in the second game the stalkers freaking stalkers man hate them damn things man this is mad ugly bro oh different fronts but anyways getting ahead of myself point is the game did a good way of trying to like create new monsters in a way um because I don't know if they'll do this light spoilers if they ever adapt this in the in the show somehow but in the second game with the rat with the giant rat king or whatever it's called yeah like even that making a way to make it more like I mean even Joel was saying in this episode you know some of them live 20 years right so I mean I know they've shown in the trailers the bloaters bloaters so I do think they're going to put that in at some point obviously not now yeah yeah at some point they are going to put that in if they're they're already including all of the different ones in the first game right and like I'm saying with the game the game did a good job of like creating like the diversifying the enemies like every situation required a different thing yeah Runners you just gotta put they're pretty cut dry have your Sprint on cooldown that's it before I just you know start swinging start swinging start shooting I we know what we're doing here we're in this dance together but then some other ones are more intricate and more like you know delicate you have to be quiet like you have the clickers like they hit hard but you could get away with it if you're quiet enough yeah and you know there's isn't there you know stealth up on them and take them out quietly and isn't there one that can't hear but see I can't remember yeah I might be tripping I might be just thinking about another post-apocalyptic thing you might be exactly but I remember necessarily that yeah well I could be tripping but anyway point is like they not only that other show acts a combination of like this this thing is like a hive and it was interesting too in the first episode and this episode beginning of it where they talked with lady was like that the specialist like yo you gotta freaking level this whole city yeah that's the only way she's like there's no way to stop this thing yeah like I said earlier I do like that they're incorporating those details because it makes it you know a fuller story yes and it feels like it's just not affecting you know the localized right it's literally the entire world and you feel it you see that yeah and another light another not this may not be a light spoiler but this is a straight up spoiler so please if you haven't played a game or don't want any glimpses of the um of the story anyway whatsoever please ignore what I'm about to say yeah if you play the game we're straight um but the whole thing I'm thinking too that I liked about Ellie we talked about this about her being immune was it was an evolutionary thing you know like she somehow became a part of this thing and eventually eventually because dude regardless of whatever happens like to humanity in some weird way like if there's God forbid knock on wood something like this to ever happen I can't knock on wood it doesn't but if it were um The evolutionary process would take place whether it's with humans or animals or any type of mammal like eventually down the line 20 30 years 40 years maybe even 100 Maybe 200. um whatever civilization is there is going to find a way to learn and adapt yeah and then there's gonna be another another thing that has to come and try to be post-apocalyptic whatever it takes over right so it's like I I do I do like that aspect of it it's like you know this this girl is like born born to be a part of this which is why I can't harm her right I wonder I wonder man I wonder if we're ever going to see moments where there might be a kind of thing like that where a clicker or a runner or an infected doesn't kill Ellie at first I wonder just curious I'm curious that was this this is a little far field I wonder if they might see her because you saw how it like approached tests almost like oh so wonder if it might look at Ellie and be confused like hmm like I sense a little bit of you and me somehow the help now I'll kill you anyway she was just bitten but she wasn't infected so none of the whatever is no I know I know I'm just saying that's what we know I'm just saying like with how they're they're this could just be some wild trippy nonsense I'm talking about y'all this probably makes no sense at all by the way like I'm just talking here you know I'm just trying to think of any way they can make it something new all I'm trying to say is that because because you know they're showing they're showing the the little small details of of the um I almost called the thing chlamydia what's it called it is not chlamydia this this whole thing is not because of chlamydia just making that very clear I was calling that uh what's it called quarter cordyceps there you go yes cortisone right so them things um you cannot blame me okay um it's not my specialty but anyways uh point is they what if he saw how like it approached test and it's kind of like you know pseudo like pull like loose moments of intimacy not in that kind of way but just like bonding just like an Embrace Embrace kind of like join us sister so like I don't know if it's gonna ever be a thing because in order for well again I don't know I'm just probably talking about my food but like in order for Ellie to kind of be immune she has to have some type of of of of that in her like you don't want to give a vaccine you got to have a little bit of it in there right and then whatever so that's my only reason I'm thinking that is because they're showing that these things are connected and they're showing how detailed it is I don't know how deep they're going to take it right but I'm wondering if it's gonna ever come across a point where one of them sees her and it's like hmm heck is this why do you feel familiar you want to meet no what like never mind I should go by I'm just gonna bite you anyway yeah or they could just do a thing where they don't even do any of that and just good old just don't die from the runner thing right so so we'll see yeah um I don't know if there's anything else you want to say yeah no um I just I know we kept going on about it but the set design is like perfect it is absolute perfection and even down to like um the scene with um like where Tess was like revealing that she got bit a lot of that script is exactly word for word from the game um word for um like I just love that they're doing that like obviously not the whole thing is word for word because you have to change up some stuff yeah yeah like throughout you know different circumstances but that scene like 90 of it was worth forward yeah and I think that's what's making this so worth watching because it actually feels like they're bringing the game to life and it's it's really just them like taking the game be like all right I'ma just like adjust a couple things to make it more realistic or more accurate and we're gonna throw it on screen and yeah I think honestly think that's why it is going to be so successful and it already is it already is I mean all the other critics already watch the entire show yeah it's at like what 99 it was 99 last time I took it yeah so I mean it's it's already done it's already done and done yeah and some and some some of those critics including myself and some of my friends I that I have that are Critics on on the Rotten Tomatoes platform and other like organizations they are also hardcore Gamers some of the ones the friends that I have and they also do play a lot they also did play The Last of Us and they enjoyed the story and not only that but they are film critics and they also gave it a seal of approval so it's like I have some of my friends who are not only critics but actual fans of the game Watch the entire show front to back and they're able to say yeah this is live this is not only a great uh show in terms of writing quality uh presentation scripts design acting music whatever all the categories but it's also a good adaptation of the game right and that gives me a lot of hope so yeah um I could have watched the rest too uh for to review but for me real cheap real with you guys I kind of enjoy doing it this way too as a fan like I just like to watch it's kind of predict every week with everyone and like everyone's coming up with theories on Twitter and like going on Twitter and seeing all the memes and all of the like and I was wonderful House of the dragon and like the time and all those stuff you watch it every week and you just come to me it's only a slight difference because we know the story well I know but I mean like it's just nice to see you know be a part of the conversation everyone's just like trying to figure out what else they're gonna do like how we're talking about because it's not so much that we're talking we know what's gonna happen with the story we can't predict we can't talk about where the story is going to go we know where it's an idea where it's going to go based on the game yeah but more of like okay what more can they do to enhance the storylines well more so what I'm saying honestly even so far like they've taken out like some certain like side scenes that weren't necessarily necessary from the game but they filled the space very well with the other the other little things right they found they found new ways to make it their own and I would say it's like okay here you know we don't we don't just want to retell the game nobody wants I don't feel like anybody truly wants an adaptation where you get page for page of every word for word the only time I ever want that is um in like anime yeah like from manga to anime and from anime to live action one day hopefully the God will get that but a good out of anime adaptation but like point is like when I'm reading a manga I love like seven deadly sins man Phil anime fans out there the disappointment going from reading the manga for those last two seasons or the last two seasons bro reading the manga without Endeavor versus uh uh you heard me I keep saying Endeavor I always do this guys we always laugh whenever I say I always say Endeavor and then sometimes when I'm talking about Esther Rosa I'm talking about escanor I always say Endeavor I don't think Endeavor I say escanor esterosa anyways man the disrespect man that was the one time I wanted him to really just go man you just watching Lines Just flashing light on the street it wasn't anything interesting it was just so bad but anyways point is my point I'm going to some someone's talking too much past no past 11 o'clock um we don't record this later we don't record this late I haven't talked too much not getting my point I don't gotta elaborate it I'm done foreign adaptation hands down yeah so I don't think they're gonna do a better one than this man I don't know in my chopping man hey look I heard Halo can't let it finish it but I heard Halo came pretty close some people said it was absolute like dogfire Falls didn't get renewed it didn't I heard it did did it I don't know yeah I heard it though man man I haven't heard nothing about it so I heard a guy room for season two I heard Paramore beginning season two of that drink I never played it last I heard uh I don't really care to play it to me I'm just saying I heard some Halo fans said it was good and I heard some Halo fans said it was absolute trash fire like not even like not even good like I heard it was horrible yeah I heard both opinions but yeah no one's saying that about this no no one saying that about this I mean there's there's got to be a few I mean there's always an overwhelming majority because I know for a fact bro there's gonna be that one Chad dude bro that dude bro Chad in the comments that I mean people are saying negative stuff about Ellie so you got those those weirdo creeps but like the freaking dude bro chats I know y'all are gonna be saying something about um how they have the Dead chasing them rather than Federal are y'all going to use that as a reason to say the adaptation was trash I just know there's gonna be somebody on Twitter doing I just knew it I was waiting for it man they couldn't even keep a simple thing like fedra chasing that is not how test goes what I already know I already see it it's fine it's literally fine but I don't know the Twitter has become has become my new comedy like platform I just need to watch me honestly I don't pay attention to what people really you say like I have my own opinions and I pay attention to what they say like I look I'll just look at it yeah I'm not gonna reply to it like yeah like y'all can talk you talk I I got my own opinion all right y'all got your opinion I got mine I could laugh if you're repeating you can laugh at me that's how this world works we just laugh at each other's opinions and then forget about it two weeks later literally so it doesn't matter I don't forget about it about an hour from now right it doesn't it doesn't matter it really doesn't but but yeah yeah let's wrap this up because it's getting too late for us yeah but really enjoyed this episode can't wait for the next one and yeah uh if you want to see Full reaction to this and the previous episodes and the future ones uh that will be on our patreon that Cosmic clap link will be in the description below and yeah make sure to check out my channel uh coffee thanks somewhere in the description like subscribe to this channel if you want to see more of our pretty faces and yeah I think that's it for us yeah that's it all right see y'all later bye
Channel: Matthewvhaynes
Views: 1,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The last of us reaction, the last of us episode 2, the last of us 1x2 reaction, the last of us 2 episode 2 reaction, tlou 1x2 reactions, the last of us 2 clicker reaction, pedro pascal, bella ramsey, ashley johnson, tlou reactions, the last of us trailer reaction mashup, last of us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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