The Last of Us 1x02 "Infected" REACTION

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[Music] foreign [Music] today I'm here with the Last of Us season one episode two it doesn't have a title it's just called episode two apparently uh I don't even remember if the first one had a title I think it did though I don't know anyway um yeah so the first episode was really good I'm still learning the world but I did read your comments um I get it they're not dead so this is a fungal infection that keeps the host alive so they if they die by normal means they can't be infected got it um but yeah we're 20 years into the future um Elia uh Joel and I can't remember the other girl's name um but they is it no I don't know anyway they left the quarantine zone They are going to find Tommy but they're also dropping the girl off because they get supplies in exchange Joel had to kill one of the soldiers that he was doing dealings with so they're on their way out they finally escaped um but there was a lot going on in the area the quarantine Zone there was the like the little freedom fighters versus the fedra and a lot going on so I'm still trying to put the whole picture together um but yeah let's jump into this and see what they got for us for episode two pulmonary reactions are available on patreon [Music] I just mixed Red Bull and grenadine it's so good with ice of course Indonesia in 2003. I love how the time Jump was 20 years later to keep it up with our times not you snitching in my face then smiling about it I ain't getting no tip damn I hope she got to finish her dinner I take that as she didn't get to uh foreign everyone is here what I can now you're scaring her because she's like uh this should not be possible and what I'm about to see is going to prove that it is some thick ass nipples I mean they kind of meaty ain't they or mine just small oh that's a woman that makes more sense [Music] [Music] she's trying to grab the tongue [Music] oh my God [Music] she's like yeah I gots to go that is that is oh that is disgusting and creepy and yeah the flowering grain Factory on the west side of the city so it's called The Flower they're always saying something like that in the comments with a pancake mix foreign foreign let's go open now y'all need to shoot each one of them in the head lines you gotta kill them and try to track where all the flower went where it was purchased from stop the sales contact people who oh ma'am that is not the solution wow I mean I understand you can't like track every person has gone to but y'all could shut down the city and start trying to Fast Track where like who bought what start going through the computers find the receipts I mean I guess technology wasn't the greatest back then but Lord Jesus um I don't know tell people who they've been sick and they need to come turn themselves in and I don't know I'd rather you start shooting people one at a time than bombing the whole city I don't know but see I don't want to get bombed and I ain't even sit like that's not fair to me let me get my chance like try to Fast Track these people do what you can I don't know they definitely did an amazing job with the apocalyptic look I mean really they've really outdone themselves are they wanting to see if she was going to turn to see if she's really immune it looks like I'm infected show us your arm it's not getting any worse is it if you're out in the open City why aren't we getting swarmed don't worry about that well I'm gonna what was Marlene doing with an infected kid I'm not infected she saw me after I Was Bitten and she didn't shoot you clearly not okay she's locked me up and had her guys test me every day to see if I was getting sick test you hell I have to pee test you how let me count to 10 and hold out my hand and then keep it steady but you know I think what really impressed them was the fact that I didn't turn into a [ __ ] monster okay please back there you can find a spot this is a smart little girl they're not letting her out they sites yeah [Music] this is truly just you survival yes you gotta wait for the damn magazines 20 years old being like this it'll heal fast it doesn't matter it's gonna happen sooner or later we're still close to the wall we sneak her back into the qz we find a different way to get the battery this this is our best shot we take it back to the QC someone's gonna notice her arm you're gonna scanner and they'll kill her well better than us you need to stop talking about this because like she's got some kind of life in front of her extra in denial okay man don't be sliding across the dirt with my own oh what is that burnt bacon better than nothing I suppose or I might be jerky she looked like she eating good and they eat rations yeah wait until they get it from smugglish guess what you guys okay why are you so important to my bro you don't lie to me I'm gonna take you back you take me back you don't get your battery you heard that in the master heard that he wants to shoot you since we're being honest talk to you like you're an adult okay because you act like one Jill and I aren't good people we're doing this for us because apparently you're worth something but we don't know what you're worth if we don't know what we have so answer my question show me how to tell anybody that I'm telling the first people that I mean you don't have a choice there's a firefly based Camp somewhere else that was doctors they're working on a chair I've heard this before and whatever happened to me defined in the vaccine that's what this is we've heard this a million times vaccines miracle cures none of works you and me both this isn't going to end well Tess we need to go back I'll remember that now let's just finish it it doesn't matter if she is or she isn't with the Firefly saved they believe that she is and we got what we want exactly just stay on watch one of y'all stay up and watching the other sleeps if she's so much as twitches she's Betty she didn't raise a good point though why didn't they get swarmed clear how does this work like how did they sense uninfected people by sound sight smell I love the look of this show so much such an amazing job yeah different in the daylight huh is this really bombed yeah they hit most of the big cities like this they had to slow the spread somehow so maybe that's why there's not a lot of infected in this area and that's why they've got a nice Community yeah it's about a 10 minute walk if you could go straight so that makes sense only a short way okay it's a long way or the worst [ __ ] dead way it's based on that limited information we have to check it from the hotel first I snuck in point and see what it was like I didn't think there's going to be anything in there and then what just came out the out of nowhere I thought I got away but it's always just you and there alone yeah I don't believe that how did she survive 14. well mommy you got some balls on your system because she would have got tore up everyone said the open city was crazy I actually swarmed some infections running around everywhere it's not exactly like that you know people like to tell stories so they were orange super infected they just thought fungus squares on you [ __ ] I hope not everyone's with split open heads that stay in the dark like bats girl who telling these stories and why they even deny that one I take it that's one of them what was that [Music] let's keep moving and keep y'all hitting the swivel they got some frog playing the piano you gotta go through here I really don't want wet socks wait are we going in there yeah we're gonna get to the stairwell on the other side well I I don't know how to swim seriously do you think we have pools in the QC no smart ass I mean I don't know how let's just know that I'd be so gross yeah I'd be so pissed I do not like wet sauce check it out shoes gonna be stinking ma'am yes sir yeah I watch too many zombie shows we ain't supposed to be making noise I get anxiety when in these type of shows and they make too much noise I mean the structure is getting real old ain't gonna stand forever right well I mean maybe I could climb up there work my way around and open it from the inside uh no well I'm the smallest so it'd be easier for me to get through but you die and you get nothing it just don't look sturdy to me nice enough you used to have one like that where'd you learn to do that the circus she always got a smart-ass answer where are you from Texas what about test Detroit it's in Michigan I go to school I know where Detroit is so uh you two like uh us how you end up in Boston yes no more questions about me how long do infected live Oh I thought you went to school it's really shitty well it's almost about a month or two but there's others been walking around for 20 years you have a good one I killed lots of them is it hard like knowing they were people once kind of don't look at them like that what about that guy last night you know him so well yeah you definitely can't go that way it was still deep inside the buildings and I guess enough people came through looking for the qz who went inside so you could shelter and that's how they get more and more in the city bit by bit year after year are they crawling more than you know the fungus also grows Underground long fibers like wires some of them stretching over a mile you step on a patch of cordyceps in one place and you can wait it doesn't infect it from somewhere else now I know where you are now they come you're not immune from being ripped apart nope this is gonna be difficult no Museum yeah that window looks the same way across from the top floor well then I guess it's fine all right take a long time okay we used to take it all the time I thought we weren't supposed to be touching stuff like that could mean they're all finally dead over there so we're taking a big risk on going in here just sandwiches yeah we're gonna go slowly listen you stay there okay yes please don't step on nothing it's a tight Museum I'm used to the wider museums with lots of walk space oh [ __ ] it's recently dead what the [ __ ] did that Maybe or they're in here girl I wasn't like that away from this point so what was the one you got attacked I need to see them to like well no question I need to see them in like actioned in order to see like the differences like I don't it's hard to understand what they're referencing there's obviously different variations of these things she said the one that bit her couldn't do all that or didn't do all that so maybe they're ones that are super like easy to kill maybe smaller I don't know the ones that they've seen from the rooftop look like they were crawling they definitely didn't look like the one that they saw that was plastered against the wall with the face all deformed so I I don't know I mean don't step on nothing even I slow hard I think it's doable chipped toe see I'm clumsy that's my problem ma'am ma'am listen I didn't drink all my my drink wait I got some in here because I'd be stressed got it grown out his eye [Music] all right good another step on in here let me put this down before I get jump scared and I throw it everywhere literally by a second we made it and that means there's no going back which sucks [Music] oh my God now do these guns got silencers because like I feel like we can't just go guns ablazing or all of them are gonna hear y'all girl don't step too far away do not Step Up watch what you're doing Elia oh my God there's more than one stress they can't see but they can hear y'all should have been told her this my booty cheeks like foreign like even if you breathe too hard oh my God girl what were you running unless you're trying to look out for Joe but dang you got one on your ass too so in the game who do you play against Joel you need to reload Do not drop that flashlight it's gonna be right next to him [Music] so these must be the things they call clickers because they'd be clicking I'd be petrified like don't even want to move like if anybody's ever tried to move quietly at night you know everything you do is loud [Music] Elliot stop it [Music] you got your knife oh he did reload okay [Music] nice okay save some ammo there's a whole nother one in the building nice [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] leaking brain juice you all right Twist of my ankle all up too running around this crazy ass boom my pants oh yeah let's get the [ __ ] out of you stress but I'm glad I kind of got to finally see one and see how it moved is you okay yeah I need to check yourself scratches and whatnot thanks yeah I know it looks scary that was scary this is wood right I mean right there give us a minute I mean after that that's life work there's probably more ahead so we'll deal with it then you got it I got it what about the kid so we made the first fighting take that was about to say I can just take the good news can you do that it took me for once maybe we could actually win he's giving up all hope he's gonna go with my children can we close the window though I don't like sitting behind like open doors you know what I mean like easiest way to get snatched up yeah they did a really good job on the look of this city like an amazing job the visuals for the show are insane [Music] see when they be showing a fee it makes me think they're about to step on something why are you showing me the feet it's the music for me why is it so tense [Music] insects buzzing that sounds like a dead body your guy or gal what you're looking for [Music] oh he's going on I don't know um one of them's injured and walked off just come on Jess somebody that's close to her or she's just trying to really get some answers they ain't taking no precautions she going straight in what took them out like this like Elia said the ones they she fought or she seen didn't do all this the one in the story that she said was splitting heads open I think it's going to be a [ __ ] radio or something right who killed him Petra no they wouldn't be this far out one of them got bit it helped you multiply the sick ones everyone lost yes what are you doing I don't even say that she was taking you uh I don't know just west well I mean one of them's got to have a map on them right so can you help me no Tess it's over we are going home this is not my [ __ ] home can't blame it see if y'all can find the battery it might be one around I need y'all to check the bodies and make sure they're actually dead understand our luck had to run out sooner or later [ __ ] she's infected I had a feeling show me that she was off camera for a while [Music] so early in the series they just gonna kill somebody each episode well I can't they won't take her they're not gonna take her I guess we can see I never ask you for anything not to feel the way I felt and until when you shut the [ __ ] up because I don't have time this is your chance to get her there and keep her alive I mean you said everything right all the [ __ ] we did please say yes chill please oh [ __ ] I know I told y'all one of them would be alive Jesus oh no the ground they're gonna know y'all are there [Music] all right y'all gotta go yep how many all of them maybe a minute they're gonna be coming for miles she gonna hit the last standation I'll burn the building and ensure that they can follow you wait we could have used one of them to take with us just saying I it sucks that some of these characters really ain't getting no development before they die [Music] she don't want to leave her I mean there's some development but it's just like so much potential and she was a great character [Music] damn lighters never want to light when you need them to can one of them see or is it just here in the flickering did she not light it oh is that the person she was looking for [Music] oh what is she gonna do that ah [Music] oh that was gross why would she let it do that rep to test and I just learned her name name this episode okay wow second episode we really got to dive into the world a bit we got to see the clickers we got to see these things we got to see more of the Dead the city um how they navigate through it um these things are hard to fight like they don't just die from one shot like they was emptying clips into these things to finally take them down uh they're strong they're fast and I guess if they scratch you that's about it you're infected um quickly um so she got bit on Jessica bit on the neck air this area shoulder area yeah she was done and a little L knew because she's like yeah this is why she's trying to stay here and separate herself from us because she can't go back it's not that she doesn't want you she can't I mean I think there was some truth to it too she didn't want to go back um so it that sucks that she had to go um and it was of no fault of their own I mean uh they were trying to play it the safest way and no way was safe um which sucks and then other people were trying to get to the quarantine Zone died it made this area worse and she went out with a bang though I mean she took out a good chunk of them to try to you know get them off their asses and save them I mean it was a it was a good episode uh Elle did not want to leave her she kind of grew close to her and she believed in L she's like look at this Joel like Joel does not believe it he's like I don't want nothing to do with this she's gonna turn I hope he's dead and she's like hope is real look she's the proof she got scratched this just happened to me and look at what this is she got scratched too and nothing like but you could tell from her original wound it started to spread so what stopped and when did she get her whatever that made her immune because they've been saying no medicines no vaccines but there's something something stopped her from turning so we got to figure out what that is but the people that knew what to do with her they're gone they're dead we don't even know necessarily what is killing the people out here what's like splitting them open like that I guess it's maybe just the clickers but I don't know I thought it was like a couple hours though it said like depending on where you got bit but like these people are turning quick unless they're getting bit or scratched or something and not saying anything then that's bad because you got people like that so I don't know but they're these people are getting taken out way too quickly and they're making it harder for them um but it looks like they got out the city and they're just headed west with no destination really no map no nothing so we're gonna have to see what this journey takes us um I don't have any predictions because I I I just know nothing about this world and what's out there I just like I said I imagine there's something more deadly around Each corner um I learned that you can't step on nothing or it attracts all of them which is insane they have one hive mind so they all respond they're all like in sync it's just Madness like in this show oh maybe I can get disgusting she really let that thing come up to her like basically kiss her in like the Spore fungus just go in her mouth I couldn't do that it would have to rip me apart because no um but um it was it was it was good I just hate that they're killing people like I want them to I want to know a bit more like they keep saying that Tessa enjoy our super feared and they've done bad things like I kind of I hope we kind of get to see it maybe in a flashback or something um kind of like some of the things they've been through in the last few years um because I thought we were going to see more of it on the journey but we lost Sarah the first episode now we lost Tess and I don't know how much of this show like I don't know if it's just gonna adapt the games and then go on and do its own thing or if it's just gonna stop it where the game goes but um I mean I don't know like I think they said this season's only Nine episodes so I don't know how much if it covers it's probably only gonna cover the first game I imagine and then season two will cover the second but it's just like I don't know I imagine they're gonna introduce more characters but they character's Gonna Last I I imagine one of these two will probably die by the end of it but I mean I guess the whole point of the story is there those two's journey and considering they're the most disconnected from um all the characters we've met so it'll be an interesting Journey for sure because they're they're kind of they probably have some similarities but like they're not in the same mindset right now um but Elia is definitely starting to see the harshness of this world and I don't know would just have to see but solid episode really solid um looking forward to more y'all thank you guys for watching of course however you guys thought be sure to like comment share and subscribe and we'll see you guys for more of The Last of Us [Music]
Channel: Big Bro & Lil Sis Reacts
Views: 1,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2fnseauUPDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 24sec (2064 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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