NOT ready for Season 2!- The Last of Us 1X9 REACTION!!

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what is up guys my name is Shannon AKA Cosmic things welcome back to the space back with the husband Matthew AKA The Clock master and today we're here for sadly The Last of Us season finale yeah I think I edited one of the episodes now we're thinking about this is complete cyborg if you're talking about you editing all the episodes I think I entered one of them did I not I feel like I did yeah I feel like I did maybe it's like I added one of them I edited um I edited the uh uh the Henry the Henry Henry Sam episode yeah yes I had to edit um Coming to America or something yeah you got to do something yeah and edit something else yeah anyway it's very sad that's gonna keep going would it be yeah but I'm excited that we're finally here I wonder if we're gonna get a little Cameo from you know who I think I might have got some spoilers I didn't see any pictures but I saw um I saw Laura Bailey turned in so I don't know but it wouldn't make sense for her I don't know something to reference Abby yeah but Abby would have been younger I know but I don't know something to reference Abby I don't know I don't know but but she was trending for whatever reason I don't know why I don't know if it just because the last of us too was trading yeah I don't know yeah so I saw Ashley Johnson trending too so well she's gonna be in this episode yeah so we know that but yeah last last episode I'm sad I'm stretch yeah I re-watch all the episodes minus episode three episode two so I will say this so like I am so I'm not disappointed I did I did wish that we got a little bit more Runners yeah a little more action a little bit more action yeah I'm not upset in the direction that they went to show the emotional impact with the characters in the show yeah overall I'm still very satisfied with this series and how everything played out I think they did the story well yeah but I just I did quite there we I feel like we could have got a little bit more in the content like yeah on the way to um because like like walking dead this is one thing walking that did really well they had some episodes where you didn't see any any walkers for a bit and then like at least earlier seasons of The Walking Dead I ain't talking about anything past season season seven but like like everything prior to that to that it was like you know maybe they could be like even with like um spoilers if you're watching that show if you haven't caught up to it this is a spoiler but like when um Maggie and Glenn like met for the first time and I did one not to the pharmacy yeah yeah and like it was a pretty chill episode like my man Glenn lost their virginity and everything but like it was still pretty chill yeah but it was like a sushi I Missed The Walking Dead I missed those those days but anyways um it was like you went down and like they encountered a couple Walkers casually and then they laughed it off and then had sex and then I went back to the camp yeah so but like it was like so you can have like I feel like you can have those moments of emotional impact and so I mean we can't we did get it with um with uh with Riley and Ellie but we just got the one Walker which obviously happens in the game but I feel like even in that in the game comparison there was a lot more there's more yeah there's a lot more yeah so I mean I just felt like the walk I need to walk I felt the runner and like Undead presence the quarter set presence kind of reduced after the first couple episodes yeah it didn't feel like there was any threat after Bill and Frank kind of died down a bit yeah so that's just my only thing about it um I do hope we get a little bit more some more in this episode the Raider episode or the when they like went into the town like with the Henry and Sam thing yeah there was that there was that there was a little bit of that and then of course you had the massive one where all of them ran out yeah that's what I'm talking about oh yeah yeah yeah so there's that um I don't know I don't feel like there was enough I felt like they could have done a little bit more to actually need more yeah make make us kind of feel the threat of it yeah because that's the only thing like obviously in the game like there's more time to you know get that across and like some of those are for like mechanic purposes yeah yeah but I feel like it's just to play a game because you don't want to play a game where you're not fighting stuff right beating stuff up but I definitely feel like they could have thrown some more in like on the way to after they lit they left Tommy's after they left uh Tommy right they could have sued one yeah one or two on the way yeah you know what I mean or maybe when Ellie was out hunting you know yeah even though it doesn't happen in the game I mean because in the game she had like remember that one well this is spoiler for the game if you have if you plan on playing it but even in that whole sequence remember that whole like how her and David even met yeah it was like they were completely different and it was like well she did run up on him no she ran up on him but I mean like when they were um they had in that cabin thing yeah they got random think about a bunch of Runners yeah so that would have been really cool that would have been really cool to see you like just to get a whole bunch you know get them ran up by at least by one or two yeah you know what I mean so even in that moment like they found a way to um to to have the runners and whatnot like run up on you yeah for lack of a better expression I don't know if they could um do some more in this one yeah but there is like a big thing in um the game during this section but I mean like not even that I feel like at that point sorry yeah I feel like at that point it's still a little too late now you know right the last episode yeah and so I mean look I'm not complaining it's just that I'm voicing my my things that I would have liked to have seen in this season Yeah because sometimes you kind of forget that that's a thing right you know and like I don't know I just felt they could have done a little better with the with the presence of the cordyceps the first couple episodes they did that pretty well um but after Bill and Frank it just kind of was like okay now we're just gonna focus more on the emotional aspect of the show right and rather than which I am grateful for as well like the story like I said I feel like the story was great the overall Story how they manage that how they played that out that was great but there just needed to be a little more of the clickers the Walkers or the not Walkers the runners yeah the um and all that until later yeah because that's more time passing yeah more Evolution yeah so I just wish they had a little bit more of that to actually make you feel the threat of it because there would be some episodes where they didn't even have a single one yeah so it was either all or nothing right so but that's the only thing yeah but we'll we'll talk about all that stuff more or even to like when she was taking care of Joel it would have been nice to seeing like you know maybe she's out looking for food so that could have played into the Riley like the DLC because during the DLC like she was kind of um in the mall like looking for like medicine and stuff like that so she came across a few of them but even if they just did like a little thing with that to just kind of show like like hey they're still around you know but no it's not all peachy here yeah because the game did have moments of Peace yeah where there wasn't you know anybody getting chased yeah there was quite a bit of it but they still had the looming thread of it yeah like you stop like in here we're safe yeah the minute we step out that door anything happened right it doesn't feel like that yeah so anyways let's continue yeah let's watch the episode and and uh yeah let's give it yeah make sure you guys like subscribe and go check out the full reactions to the entire season on patreon they're all there so go check that out and go be in the description below but yeah let's get it hey it's Ashley I heard yeah I heard that voice that voice sound like Ellie yeah I like Ellie voice right there Ashley and Pike I like it as soon as you heard her voice you're like I know that voice anywhere man it was interesting that we're seeing this though we never got any of this information no it's very cool it almost looks like um the farm that they were at last of us too um [Music] that's the difference between infected and the walkers the Walkers wouldn't chase you up there I don't need a pregnant too right literally though in labor what on Earth goddamn well jeez easiest birth I've ever seen I mean that'll do it foreign the power of a mother bro right the power of a mother is is crazy it's so weird Ellie holding Ellie all right [Music] oh why am I crying why am I crying it's like the symbolism too though because like Ellie's like her baby Ellie is her baby you know like I know how much Ashley loves to roll yeah damn I love the fact that she's still you know in critical role and still does the live streams like she's still out here doing the live streams whenever they do it but it's crazy that her and Laura Bailey both part of critical role and The Last of Us yeah I didn't even notice that yeah it's not your fault we would delay getting out of this Zone hungry is she about to kill herself she needs to be fair tonight I didn't want to nurse her damn bro that's freaking tough right [Music] you do a pretty good job right you can't cover hairs at all have you ever played this Boggle it's a weird game you want to beat me as something it would be this great at it yeah they messed me up bro really might in that RV back there really no so we're gonna cut through that building find a skyscraper go up and back around loosened up yeah yeah a lot like he's not being all Gruff and yeah rough it's like cracking jokes and stuff and Julian built for this bro just him looking tired making me feel tired bro wow even the background looks great and it's so funny when they fight [ __ ] all right then I'm gonna get you man that is the coolest experience being able to feed a giraffe though have you done that yeah really yeah oh lucky you I haven't done that that was you over here where you can like feed them for a whole family it's vision of the undead or not interested in in the animals yeah it never are because I guess they don't see them as a threat they're not until they're not super intelligent life so you can't be for nothing yeah man I kill somebody bro I know you mean well I know you want to protect me well I gotta hand it to the army people they were way better at stitching you up than I was it was me um I was the guy who shot and missed yeah I remember this yeah this wasn't in the end no no damn I went to pull the tree I flinched still don't know why it wasn't time that did it [Music] oh I'm glad that down [Music] wait man we should probably get going yeah people are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow you just see white and you just wake up messenger it makes normal cordyceps think the cheese cordyceps that's why she's immune so that was about to be removed from her multiply the cells in a lumpy any pain no you take me to her you take me to her right now look at this I knew hmm but they talked about her the quarters of stinking that she was important right I don't remember that being in the game please of course your mom wouldn't want this child Papa Joe I don't want to do this ain't ready for this her perspective is like do we sacrifice one person to save Humanity it's the whole moral the whole moral dilemma all right the whole train thing yeah I remember playing this tell me again let me guess what happened there it is [Music] apparently lost one daughter he's not losing another right but it's like she's not even getting a choice in this yeah because of his perspective is like okay she's not even getting a choice all right yep here it is oh boy right taking out a whole Hospital Firefly bro right stealed my way through this and he just go he's just running through guys taking everybody out I won't let you take her [Music] jeez my stomach is dropping just because I know what comes after this oh God yep that's what he's showing it all happening so fast I wonder what they're gonna do with the rest of the episode I didn't expect them to get to this part so fast right so what would she decide if you didn't give her a choice though right you didn't even tell her anything you know it you didn't give her a choice you didn't give her like what she's saying is theoretically possible but like even now even after what you've done people that are immune dozens of them yeah lie because you make any of it work they've actually they've stopped looking for a cure [Music] are people hurt oh yeah yes Marlene okay no yes oh about that I'm taking this home you just come after her Jewel yeah you know what's crazy is like what happens in the second game really feel the impact of what Joel did until now to be honest really like because you're playing when you're playing the gaming and why you know you're watching the cutscenes or whatnot it just looks like if you know this is a bunch of NPCs that are just trying to attack you right you know what I mean I understand but then after you're playing the second game and you find out you know spoilers what happens with that in that perspective and yada yada yada you come back and look at this like bro these are people these are like feelings and even I feel like Pedro was also delivering he's delivering a performance I feel like we didn't really get with Joel but what he did was Savage that didn't really hit me until just now well she was a lot more I want to say girly and I'm not saying that you're not girly I'm not no you're not yeah but I would have I always love from those conversations because it really shows how much he's grown yeah that he's able to talk about her right he wasn't able to talk about her at all yeah that didn't feel like a finale I can't be too mad at it nah no I will say I do wish that um they played out how they got caught by the fireflies like they did in the game because it was a scene with a tunnel and a bunch of clickers and Runners and a whole bunch of things and I had to like sneak past it and then um Ellie kind of drowns and Joel's kind of like fighting for her to you know come back yeah and that's when they get caught and I feel like that kind of really solidified the emotion behind that whole scene yeah so I do wish that they did something like that because they mentioned earlier on that you know Ellie can't swim but that was like episode two yeah and they have not brought it up since that is a major key factor of Ellie that she cannot swim yeah so I do wish that they did some more stuff like that are you are you satisfied be completely honest and satisfied with how this ended and everything as a story like the overall yes I'm satisfied yeah I do like how they played it out I do like you know the emotion that Pedro and Bella brought to their characters and I feel I feel like they pulled it off very well I do have some minor issues like I said with um the lack of the cordyceps presence um I do think that they could have brought more of that into it and it would have made it a better overall story because that a lot of those are key um however as like a whole store I do approve of it like like I said just Minor Details like I just mentioned with like how they got captured in the game um from the fireflies I do wish like some more stuff like that um and just like little details that I wish that they had pulled off that I think would have made it a more emotional kind of thing yeah um but as as an overall I am satisfied with the story no and obviously like the world um behind it it looks like pretty much spot on yeah yeah the game too so that's I always appreciate that I think it's just so for me I think he's missing a few things here and there I'm kind of with you like overall I I still enjoy it and you know it's not like I'm just like completely disappointed in the show um I just I did with certain things we had a little bit more time in certain scenes yeah with certain stuff and more presence of the courty steps and whatnot but overall I still think everyone I mean Pedro really killed it like Bella killed it everyone did so amazing in their roles and I can't be too mad at it at all um let's just see what because we know what happens in the second game and then like so like like a little bit of a spoiler here too but we find out too that like when Ellie did find out the truth um she didn't talk to Joel yeah for a little bit she didn't speak to him like they were living in the same area but she didn't really speak to him he would still try to like run her trust back and the thing that just sucks about it is that the relationship is never the same after this because she doesn't she doesn't want to talk to him even though she still loves him she felt betrayed she felt like there was an opportunity that she missed and then guys again there's some big spoilers for the second game if you haven't played it or don't know anything about it so please be careful what I'm about to say but um but like it just sucks because like and you know eventually when he does die because he just like he teach he tries to take her out and like you know going up like going horse riding and stuff like that and it just wasn't the same and then when he when he gets clapped by Abby and her crew in the beginning like Le never got a chance to say that she forgave him really yeah like she never got a chance to to to to make up with him in a meaningful way I think they did have a moment or two before it happened no no no no no actually no I'm tripping it was um it was uh it was a she was like imagining a moment I think like I remember okay I can't remember exactly how it played out but I remember it as familiar with the second game I have only played it the one time so I remember there was a scene where drools of the guitar and they were like back in Jacksonville I think that was a flashback and yeah it might have been a flashback so I think they did I think they did make up a little bit I don't know if that was before he told her when did you find out real quick remember because I don't want to say something and I'm sounding stupid let me find it real quick I have to replay that game because it's been a while like I haven't played it again since it came out yeah I'm not as familiar with it because there was a lot of food behind that game yeah so that game is difficult game is rough um trying to cheat because nobody gives me a straight answer I don't quite remember all of the events hold on I can't remember if she actually made up with him and I can't find an answer I'm just gonna play the game but um but they never got that moment and obviously it never got closer and her um her whole goal at that point when she found out was Revenge yeah so it just sucks that like you know all that time went by she fans up the truth and and she's Justified and feeling betrayed yeah because nobody was giving her no one gave her a choice the fireplace didn't give her a choice and Joel didn't give her a choice there was not she didn't have a choice to say yes or no or make a decision on it she didn't get a chance to sleep on it they wanted to work right right away all right so it was like and they wouldn't even try to give her a choice because look she's like the only one there that could possibly save all of humanity and what are you gonna do give somebody a choice that's probably gonna say no one and yeah from therapists so from their perspective I understand why they would just do it right away without like talking with her about it because Marlene was technically like her guardian yeah in the beginning so like Anna put Ellie in Marlene's hands yeah so she was it was even harder for Marlene yeah but she was like look the greater good thing yeah so I understand why Marlene did what she did and it wasn't a selfish gain either yeah it was more like you know Humanity's sake right you know the chance that you know she could be the Cure but I also understand why Joel would do what he did because like this is my daughter I am not losing another child right for something that's not even going to be like 100 100 chance and she never and she didn't you didn't even give her a choice yeah so I understand both sides it's really rough to take sides on it obviously like you want Ellie to live because you know she's Ellie but at the same time it's like you know the greater good like humanity and you know saving the world so but can the world even be saved at this point is the real question yeah so it's it's a very deep story and that's that is why I love it so much because it really gives you a moral conflict what would you do in that situation you know you spent all this time with this girl like building a relationship and you know trust and all of this things and then you have to make a choice to either let her die for a cure that may not even work yeah or to save her and risk Humanity being lost forever yeah I want to see what they're gonna do with the next seasons man because uh yeah they said they're gonna split up into multiple seasons and I feel like they should really take advantage of the fact that there's a four-year Gap absolutely I feel like they really should have took advantage of that absolutely and show some other things that we we miss in the game yeah build her and and Dina's relationship a bit more their friendship show you know show Ellie becoming more and more um you know mature and and self-sufficient Ellie is like 14 15 at this point and she was 19. yeah and you saw her in the kitchen it's probably like 15 now yeah because then four years should be 19. 19. towards the end of the game she was about 20 I would say yes and time passed by but yeah absolutely by the time we get to the end bro with that second game which is why I'm still conflicted about it is that it doesn't you don't feel anything yeah because the person you spent trying to get revenge against is already defeated you know she got captured by that those people in San Diego or whatever yeah and ends up getting put on a stick yeah to dehydrate and die I feel like I need to replay that game with another perspective yeah I know I was just playing because I'll be still gonna piss me off I don't want to do that someday for those of you you know where you spend 10 hours playing as her all of this is like spoiler territory yeah but Abby Abby gosh it's it's rough playing her and I do have my things with the second game I feel like you would have felt more for Abby if you know killed Joel a little later or gave some arrogate Abby some flashbacks from the beginning built her up more before that because random person I'm playing as this random person right and you're kind of unlocking her story as you go on like you play so the first time you meet her you play as her meeting Joe yeah and then you have to watch a cut scene with her killing Joel yeah yeah it says like why yeah so I know some people are saying ah stop being salty stop being salty you know like he's just being picky like I don't have an issue with them killing Joel you know it's obviously I don't want to die but you know comes a time for everyone when they have to die right but I feel like they could have gone about it in a better way and not killing him in the first like 30 minutes and you know taking that time to be like okay who is this Abby girl like why is she because on the floor like she is on the flip side um especially after seeing this episode Joel ran through some people some parents yeah some husbands and wives like these people meant something to people and to Abby you know her dad was you know spoiler her dad was a surgeon in that situation with a knife so she just lost her dad to some random doesn't know she doesn't know anything about this beefy these people yeah so from her perspective you know it is she I do believe that Abby is Justified yes like I will be lying to you if I said she wasn't because I have to be being biased at that point yeah she's objectively Abby was justified in trying to get her revenge against stroke period yeah anybody in that situation that lost their parent or someone that they loved someone that they don't know is Justified of trying to get revenge so it's just that because we spent so much time with Ellie we grew an attachment to him that it was it was really a conflicting thing that and I understand what they were trying to go for it was really conflicting situation because it's like okay look we don't know anything about Abby at all period so to her she's an OP yeah so when we play as Ellie it's like when we go back and play as Ellie we gotta get revenge on this person she's up and then we go to Abby in the beginning man what the heck am I playing on this up bro why did she killed Joe we don't even know Joe she don't even know Joe what the heck is this yeah and then eventually later on down the line you find out why you find out why and at that point you have already had so much hatred for this character he's already spent nine and a half hours with right by the time you get there it's like okay well yeah that is kind of messed up I do kind of understand but at that point it's like you don't even want to acknowledge it it's like yeah freak this man I don't care now at this point right so I feel like it would have been it would have made a lot more sense timeline wise if they when we went to Abby sequences that we got that flashback in the beginning because then I feel like oh Joe really took her dad yeah and then you would have to be forced to focus on that yeah Abby's whole like storyline after you know with like love and all that stuff I do find interesting yeah but it's just I couldn't find myself to enjoy it because of how much we didn't like Abby because we didn't know what happened to Abby until later on she was just this person that just killed Joe from for whatever reason got mad at him for reading their campus right and I see why they did it like that to kind of have that switch it's like oh like that that makes more sense now but I don't want to play as someone I hate for 10 hours and then find out oh this is why this happened so when you go to read when we go to replay that game now okay now we know we know the story behind this yeah we know why she's angry at Joel you know she again she's justified in what she did you know to her Joel was just some a villain that killed her dad yeah who was everything to her yeah and then from you know Ellie's perspective Joel was her dad and she L didn't even have the full truth of what happened yeah it was just like look I don't know you all I know is that you took out my death yeah and Abby is like but guess what your dad took up my dad so what about that what about my feelings right so it is a really um it's not a very black and white game and I will give them props for making it such a gray area because that's life like it's the answer is never that simple right so it's the answer is never that simple so um yeah yeah but no overall the show really enjoyed it like I said before I do have my little small things about it yeah but I do hope they take advantage of like the fact that there is that four-year gap for next season yeah um they don't just jump right into the second game yeah because there there's a lot that can be done with that a lot of ground cover a whole season or two that they could give us some more cordyceps right give us some more moments with Joel all right build up maybe show trolls like um guilt him dealing with the guilt of lying to Ellie right or even if they wanted to they could do something with Abby yeah if they wanted to definitely I definitely that's something that I would accept like if they did in the second season like maybe they show up some of Abby's perspective yeah of like her maybe going up with her dad and then maybe kind of showing her going on this path for Revenge right I mean you know I would totally be okay with that I think I would almost prefer that yeah because then that would actually make you feel something for happy so by the time you get to it it's like well you know free it's like a fool am I rooting for right so but anyway make the audience like her because like when you when you see flashbacks of her kid like she was adorable like she was just out there just playing you know vibing chilling you know like having fun with her dad and then she goes into this back to the base and everyone's gone right so and all her friends parents were taken out in the process so it's like all of these kids have something to go against to take out it was this one-man Army right this guy took on all all their parents yeah so you know it it's it's yeah it's it's a it's a thing it's a very tough game to play but it does make you question morality and HBO get me on get me on the writing room for season two I'll be there at least at least at least right right do you have fan input yeah please but anyway yeah we'll wrap it up here thank you guys for watching us this whole season um tell us your thoughts opinions all that stuff in the comments and if you want to see awful reaction to all of the episodes go check out our patreon they are they're all there they've been up there every single week so go check those out but um yeah Mando on Wednesday so more Pedro yeah I think that's it for us we'll see you guys next time bye
Channel: Matthewvhaynes
Views: 1,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The last of us reaction, the last of us episode 9, the last of us 1x9 reaction, the last of us episode 9 reaction, tlou 1x9 reactions, the last of us 2 riley and ellie reaction, pedro pascal, bella ramsey, ashley johnson, tlou reactions, the last of us trailer reaction mashup, last of us, the last of us reactions, the last of us hbo, the last of us, the last of us finale reaction, the last of us finale, the last of us series
Id: nE6YorGh6gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 18sec (2358 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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