The Last of Us 1x2 "Infected" Reaction | Episode 2 | HBO

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getting the heebie-jeebies already [Music] we're back with episode two well we're not back I'm back um Chad will not be joining me for the rest of this series so I'm gonna tag you guys along in with me The Last of Us well he thought episode one was really great it just kind of wasn't his thing and we've got a lot on our plate so I said I will watch the series by myself bravely heroically I will take charge and try to watch this series by Ma Lonesome with you guys helping me out I don't think it's gonna be too scary but we all know that I get a little jump scares and it's always you know easier when you have someone with you except for Chad makes fun of me a lot so predictions would be they obviously got out of the gate probably gonna find somewhere safe and be like what the heck your lot was red and she's probably gonna have to Spill the Beans to them and then they're going to be like oh this is what's up okay we have to keep you safe they would probably find the guard that got beat to a pulp literally in front of us and try to figure out who was missing which I'm sure they have some sort of system in place so they might figure out that it's the three of them that are missing I'm not sure how that works yeah and hopefully they find um his brother but I have a really bad feeling like ever since episode one when he was just like hey I'm the Jolly Uncle I'm here to help you like I'm just kind of a goofball like a really lovable character something terrible is gonna happen to this man because we're already like I like this guy you know like he's a little rough around there just those are my favorite kind of people um so yeah let's just jump right in before I create this idea of what's gonna happen and be sorely wrong ah okay so I guess this would be like Ground Zero because that's where the problem started on the radio that's where they announced it happening that's never a good thing just snatched her up said you're coming with us Chad trying to follow me and he walks so slowly foreign until now sick as in it bothers you so it's gonna be somebody who's like oh no okay I thought it was going to be like somebody who was like all mushroomed out ah wait is she gonna like come oh no is she gonna come back like mid procedure I can't look at that that's so nasty if you're new here I sing whenever you're getting nervous I don't know why I'll do that it's gonna happen you you won't know ah no [ __ ] okay I thought I thought for sure they were gonna turn and get her I was gonna say um oh [ __ ] never mind there's no way open foxy pew pew [ __ ] boom oh [ __ ] that feels like an extreme measure oh [ __ ] so she's like no this is the worst possible scenario did they do it did they do it morning I really like her character so far oh because they are worried about her worse is it what was Marlene doing with an infected kid I'm not infected she found me after I Was Bitten and she didn't shoot you clearly not she locked me up and had a guy's test me every day to see if I was getting sick test you how they'd make me count to ten and hold out my hand and then keep it steady but you know I think what really impressed them was the fact that I didn't turn into a [ __ ] monster now can I please not gonna be anything bad in here just you oh which it doesn't matter it's gonna happen sooner or later we take her back to the QC someone's gonna notice her arm you're gonna scan her the milk killer well better than us just stop talking about this kid like she's got some kind of life in front of her you hungry you could share some hours Marlene sent me is my own what's that like beef jerky is that chicken yeah probably until they get it from Smugglers hey hey why are you so important to Milo you told me not to tell anybody that I'm telling the first people that there's a firefly base camp somewhere else they're working on a cure I've heard this before and whatever happened to me is the key to find in the vaccine that's what this is we've heard this a million times this isn't going to end well Tess we need to go back isn't what the Firefly saved they believe that she is then yeah we get what we want yeah that's true she so much as twitches [Laughter] oh [Laughter] they're gonna be such a good combination can I have a gun absolutely not okay Jesus fine I just have a [ __ ] sandwich in the daylight huh after this I know I'm gonna have to play the game even though it's scary is this where they bombed yeah they hit most of the big cities like this they had to slow the spread somehow long way or short way I mean it's the long way or the worst [ __ ] dead way well I vote long way is based on that limited information how did you get bit oh the old Malden accusy one that's sealed off and boarded up and no one's supposed to go in ever that one I wanted to see what it was like didn't think there was going to be anything in there and then one just came at me out of nowhere everyone said the open city was crazy like swarms are infected running around everywhere not exactly like that you know people like to tell stories in fact did they explode fungus [ __ ] I hope see in the dark like bats I'm telling you I'm jumping y'all it's so beautiful and disgusting at the same time Kenny you ever stay in a place like this uh no a little out of our league I don't even know what this is have you heard of books wait are we going in there yeah yeah we gotta get to the stairwell on the other side I don't know how to swim seriously we have pools in the QC no smart ass I mean I don't know how I was supposed to know that oh check it out no baby why are no like your finest sweet please you like me to check your luggage man right away man I'm a weird kid you're a weird kid yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh I keep Bond you okay give me that one oh I bet this isn't the game that would make sense I could climb up there work my way around yes so far I really like all of the main people where'd you learn to do that the circus [Laughter] here we go where are you from Texas so uh you two like uh pass no more questions about me such a hard ass both of them how long do infected live Oh I thought you went to school it's a really shitty some last about a month or two there's others been walking around like 20 years damn kill one of course that guy last night they're gonna have to go the other way hordes of those people like she thought then I guess enough people came through looking for the qz we went inside so you can shelter and that's how they get more and more of the city bit by bit year after year they're connected the fungus also grows underground long fibers like wires some of them stretching over a mile when you step on a patch of cordyceps in one place and you can wake a dozen infected from somewhere else so it's like stranger things War now they come oh no from being ripped I'm gonna open the door [ __ ] there's a way across from the top floor awesome maybe that part's dead it's bone dry it could mean they're all finally dead in there could could come up against anything you get behind us and you stay there okay I have a spare hand congratulations already cooked where's she going where is she going through here okay from this point forward we are silent not quiet silent no question thing about watching this before I play it as I'll know everything that happens when I play it which is [Music] something upstairs because that's where they need to go the third floor I'm so stressed out right now all right okay so they can't see but they listen okay oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh it's gonna be right there why are they doing this to me [Music] all right you gotta be [ __ ] me oh my God my cat just scared the [ __ ] out of me friends you all right wasn't [ __ ] my pants [Laughter] [Music] so now they're gonna see that like she's totally fine just wait there give us a minute there's probably more ahead so we'll deal with it then what about the kid I should just take the good news I think for once maybe we could actually win damn just go and go and watch her wow what's her deal she's just frustrated about her ankle is it everything you hope for jury's still out but man you can't deny that for you [Music] um I don't like it foreign no one of them got bit the healthy ones fought the sick ones everyone lost one of them's got to have a map on them right so can you help me no Tess it's over we are going home it's not my [ __ ] home I'm staying our luck had to run out sooner or later it's her problem infected I mean I know that he didn't mean to do that but [ __ ] dude I kept being like why is she being such a you know what take your bandage off her says I'll be fine look Joel this is real that's just [ __ ] real I need you to get her to Bill and Frank's they'll take her off your hands they'll handle it from here no no no I can't they won't take her they're not going to take her well because you'll convince them for anything not to feel the way I felt not to you shut the [ __ ] up because I don't have time this is your chance and you said everything right please say yes Joe please oh [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] God you gotta be [ __ ] me all of them maybe a minute what are you doing what it looks like get up here God damn it you have a grenade honey I guess you gotta let him get in there first oh [ __ ] dude [Music] man like this is so this is so heart-wrenching like I did I don't know why ah like didn't expect to cry every [ __ ] episode every episode second episode in like I expected something eventually maybe to possibly having her but not the second episode and the only reason that I thought that is because like I just knew it was like the two of them right and I was like why is she being such a [ __ ] you know like what what does I never even thought about her possibly getting bitten I really liked her character like we talked in episode one um she was just like this really strong woman who was like very kind of cold and calculated and really smart and seemingly really good for him and I really liked them together oh God the way that she went out I mean very Noble very it seemed like you know something that she would do the what a [ __ ] way to go out and especially with that one coming like up towards her and you could tell like obviously she would never just like let that happen but whatever was already happening was in the works and so it was just kind of like this natural thing but she still had enough in her to be able to drop it and do what she needed to do but God damn dude like that that this show is gonna [ __ ] break me dude oh the professor going in and and seeing the mushrooms rot just being like yeah um you could just bomb the whole city I want to go home and I'm just gonna be with my family like holy [ __ ] there's like well as we saw in the main beginning of the first episode the guy said there's no cure there's no vaccine there's no medicine there's nothing that you can do well the only possible way that that anything good can come of this is if she actually is not immune to it well I mean she seems to have some sort of immunity right um because I think your name is Tess was reacting terribly and it was like super quick and hers was still just like a regular scratch so now he has the duty you know to take her and it's not like oh I'm just doing this for the battery like he's doing this now for Tess and like maybe there is a small hope in him because he's seeing it for himself it's not just like an old wound like this is just happened so I have high hopes for them but I'm just really disappointed that she's gone Jesus Christ this episode just I did not expect that at all and I have I've never played the game I don't I just know that it's the two of them and now they're on this Mission hopefully they can save Tommy oh and then they could be a family but I know they're gonna rip my heart out I know that that's not what's gonna happen but just imagine they get there right she's the Cure they actually overthrow their government and everybody is just good again and then there's just this happy little family oh we've all been through this really [ __ ] up [ __ ] together so we're just gonna like drop our guard it's not gonna happen but that's what I hope um I really hope that you enjoyed watching this I really enjoy this show I really enjoyed the show um I hope that you enjoyed the reaction I get really Jeffy really scared and uh if you haven't watched me play video games it's even worse although I was very jumpy in this one um I can see even though I've not played the game I can see how they put certain things in here like when they were walking up the stairs and it was like kind of creaking and stuff um but when they got to the floor and then everything kind of like barricaded in that prop that seems like it would be a video game thing them walking across the thing just felt like one of those shots um maybe waiting through the the green water um and I really I love her character I think her name is Ellie I'm still trying to remember names um she's 14 she's a 14 year old girl she's very sarcastic um and I really really think that she's very funny and I can't wait for the two of them to bond but like even in like really dramatic [ __ ] up scenarios like she lends light to the situation and it's very funny um but I can't wait to see the two of them Bond and hopefully they won't completely rip my heart out after they do um but yeah this is episode two episode three should come out next week I'm gonna be trying to do these weekly um so be looking forward to that if you're watching this on YouTube the full reaction is in the patreon and I release the um this version early on patreon as well so we have different tiers and uh if not then I'm just happy that you're here and happy that you watch this reaction if you want to leave a like that would be awesome and a follow I'm gonna be putting out more content but I think that's gonna do it for this one and I will see you next time [Music] thank you
Channel: Gnarly Nikki
Views: 3,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, the last of us reaction, the last of us episode 2 reaction, the last of us infected reaction, infected the last of us, the last of us season 1 episode 2 reaction, nikki react, reaction, reacting, watching, series, show, tv, top, hbo, pedro, pascal, bella, nikki, naughtydog, ps4, ps5, playstation, the last of us 2, last of us, joel, ellie, girl reaction, tess, tlou, the last of us tess death scene, the last of us tess gets bitten, tess death last of us reaction, the last of us s1e2, sad
Id: iu-NhG2xs0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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