Trying to Predict *THE LAST OF US* Season 1 Episode 9

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what's going on everyone we're finally here the end of the season so how are you guys are you excited to see the last episode of The Last of Us and are you ready to hear my my big predictions for this episode and at the end of this video also my big predictions for the upcoming season last episode was a pretty big one we've seen the story of another community that we're starving and led by this by this leader who was also a priest I was kind of traumatizing because he was trying to get this revenge on Joel but he also kidnapped Ellie I think Ellie grew a lot from that episode because she had to protect herself and uh I'm sure that a certain sense of her innocence uh got lost that day luckily they found each other they reunited we have this Clean Slate this Fresh Start for this episode I'm expecting a lot from the finale of this beautiful show so for my predictions here from the previous episodes I've already mentioned that I think that there's not going to be any cure happening and last episode I've mentioned why and I think we're finally going to find the fireflies we're going to finally find the people who will be able to help Ellie and Joel maybe it's not going to be that easy though to get to them um I would be very happy to see some more infected people or clickers just to have this kind of action-packed episode they may be attacked along the way of getting to the fireflies Ellie will maybe show how she developed as a physically as a character and will be able to you know protect herself and Joe from the clickers as well so I think that would be an ideal situation to show off her growth but also my guess is that um the fireflies will deceive Ellie and Joel that everything is going to be fine and will live however they know that they will have to sacrifice her in order to you know get all of the experiments and make the Cure I'm guessing that they will separate Joel and Ellie and take Ellie for the different testings and I don't know somewhere into a lab and Joel will find out he will find out what their actual um objective is my thinking is that he will overhear some scientists so he will go running after Ellie and and then Joel will save her so I'm guessing this will happen at the end of the episode uh so it will be action-packed as well and he will you know I I'm guessing that we will see his violent side again he will will get to Ellie and start protecting her and take her away in the full-on shootout with the fireflies and they will essentially run away from the fireflies the place that they've been searching for this whole episode which is funny right so yeah that will be the ending I'm guessing that even though the whole you know the whole ending will be pretty sad in terms of the fact that okay we're not going to get the Cure and it's going to pretty much end at the fact that Joel and Ellie are running away from the fireflies it will be a sort of happy ending right like Ellie and Joel will still be together that's the most important thing that they are still together their family even though hiding even though running but safe yeah together the most important thing so essentially I think that this is and will be the whole moral of the story in essence this this isn't about the Cure this isn't about saving the the world and the people around this is a story of love and about Ellie and Joel finding love and we've seen that they are broken they are sad they've lost so many people around them it's a beautiful story if you think about it that but you think you're trying to find a cure and save the world but however this was the the story was there all along it's a story about Joel and Ellie and them finding love and being happy Okay so I know that was a lot in terms of my predictions it was this whole story that I've made up but I wanted to end this um last episode with the Banger prediction let's not stall anymore because this intro is already like a half hour long grab your popcorn we're going to watch the last the last episode of The Last of Us [Applause] this episode is only 43 minutes long how is the last episode this short okay I was scared that this is Ellie another backstory is this Ellie's Mom I would say so okay I'm stopping already are we going to get a backstory of why Ellie is immune I never thought about that I always thought that she's just immune because Evolution and stuff just stuff happens there's always one exception right but let me just guess I don't know if this is Ellie's mom let me just guess this is Ellie's mom she's clearly pregnant and someone is trying to get her I think the infected my prediction is that the fact that Ellie is immune is because her mom was bitten before she gave birth and that's why she's immune that would be so interesting if if we got the actual backstory to why Ellie is immune I've never thought about that but let's watch this is giving me the quiet vibes oh that's her knife that must be the scariest death ever did it happen was she bitten [Music] yeah that was right so it did happen but what a way to give birth right protecting yourself and also giving birth oh my God and she's affected as well that's I didn't want to see this they look so like though pretty good casting that's so sad what a powerful introduction it's already so good this episode so that's how she's immune but that was literally like a second before she got born okay so this is still the still the backstory is that Marlene so she knew Ellie since she was born wait I remember she said something like that she said that she was the one that gave Ellie to to fedra okay so she knew her mom so they should know no in theory what happened since they found the Ellie I cut it before I was bit four that's not true so she lied on purpose that she cut her cord before she was bitten her name is Ellie hi you should take her why can't you take her to pick her up now kill me what a sad story how is it better to leave her alive [Music] Ellie Ellie you hear me back at it again Boggle it's a word game she seems sad that she traumatized from killing that dude probably he had a guitar in that RV I was thinking maybe I could teach you I bet you'd be great at it he's so outspoken suddenly the roles reversed she was the one always talking and he always just like grunted and didn't respond okay so this is what I'm thinking cut through that building to get around that stuff find a skyscraper go up on the graph she's learned pretty well what to do she will be a pro herself whoa really come on okay so she's excited again that's good to see an oasis oh giraffe well I was not expect can you hurry up come on that's beautiful the shot and then the giraffe please tell me this is this CGI or is it a real giraffe so giraffes are now wild animals in America he loves her he likes to see her happy come on come on come on come on [Music] he's looking back at her like yes she's happy and he's happy because he has a daughter again [Music] what the hell that's crazy seeing so many giraffes so is it everything you hoped for he said the thing the same thing got exception dance said that in I don't know second episode and I was about to say that they like to go on top of buildings all the time and look at the views I mean it makes sense we don't have to do this I just I want you to know that yeah don't do this after all we've been through yep oh she's talking about killing people it can't be for nothing I'm guessing since they're talking about this that it would be the perfect point to turn around and go back because it's just going downhill from now I'll follow you anywhere you go oh for you and your belly that's okay look at them look at how we looked at her we finished what we started yeah we finished what we started it's not going to end well don't just don't don't finish what you started there's no shame in going back I know it must be hard yeah because she thinks that she did all of this stuff for nothing I was the guy who shot and missed Sarah died and I couldn't see the point anymore simple as that well that's what he means I couldn't have been more ready my dude anyway the reason I'm telling you all this is why you're telling me all this yeah I reckon you do because she has Suicidal Tendencies as well right so Time Heals all wounds I guess [Music] they're two broken hearts and they need each other to survive I'm glad that that didn't work out me too I love when they're being honest with each other and emotional it's so unlike them I love you guys love their relationship yeah this this whole story season show is about there their bond and relationship I'm already going to get to the fireflies in this episode we're already halfway there I had too many predictions for this episode I'll give it a five five out of ten [Music] that's the army tell me oh no fireflies so they found them easy oh you got here pretty hard Marlene so she's there just take me to her I can't she's being prepped for surgery [Music] I knew I knew this was going to happen he thinks that the cordyceps and Nelly has grown with her since birth he's gonna remove it from her multiply the cells in a lab and then we can give it to everyone okay and does that mean she's going to die cordyceps grows inside the brain it does find someone else there is no one else we didn't tell her we didn't cause her any fear there won't be any pain no you take me to her you take me to her right now and how is Marlene okay with this she knew her mother please you don't understand no you can't do this to Joel we already lost a daughter I was there when she was born I promised her mother that I would save child I promised oh my God so you have to save Ellie too this is the big boss it's so horrible if you think about it that if you think about it that they made him spend all of this time with Ellie just to take her away from him and kill her and he's good and he's supposed to be fine with it like no worries of course this was just this was a normal job they have a bond now they love each other and there's no way he's going to let that happen so let's watch my prediction come to life Welcome out to the highway leaving there with this pack give him this how can you do this Marlene I'm sure he's going to save her I mean I already made that prediction he tries anything shoot him you said you owe him so owe him Ellie I do hope that she's going to somehow make up her mind Joel you do your thing you just do your thing but this is a whole base camp of fireflies so how I don't know I said keep walking nice okay so it's um everyone knows that someone fired a gun so it's all up to you and the gun that you're holding he's in his mode Yep this is cool we got we're going to see The Angry Joe again the violent one this is not going to stop before he finds Ellie I'm literally excited [Music] the music oh oh it's making all of this so powerful [Music] I don't think you're yeah he's going to shoot him wow [Music] [Applause] wow killing all of these people for someone that could save the whole world yeah I mean it's crazy I I don't know I am rooting for Joel and Ellie to survive the question is what is the right thing to do right [Music] be running I think they can kill her at any time you should run though how did you get in here I said unhook her I won't let you take her wow that was quick he's not even hesitating that's good to see thank you he saved her he's not even hesitant because he already lost one daughter he's not thinking about it twice Marlene I thought so can't keep her safe forever yeah they will be running forever so what would she decide well you have to ask her and not decide for her but you know it the surgeon's dead already so what happened to Marlene turns out there's a whole lot more like you people that are immune dozens of them he lied to her Raiders attacked the hospital I barely got you out of there we'll find you some new ones on the way she knows it's not true Joel she knows it I don't think you can [ __ ] her on this though she's not that stupid she knows there aren't any more people like her just come after her oh my God I mean he's right but he's ruthless it's kind of scary seeing him that way protecting Ellie at all cost yeah I mean I should be happy that he saves her but it's leaving me with a bitter taste because morally is it right to do this back in Kansas City you asked me about the first time I killed summer when I got bit in the mall I wasn't on my own and then she did and I had to you had to kill her she had to kill her well maybe that's not what she wanted me swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true I swear Dole she knows it's not true you can't lie don't lie to her okay what was this ending am I even surprised that I was crying again no I can't believe it's over and yeah it's kind of left me with the sad feelings I was kind of hoping that we would be happy a little bit but emotionally it wasn't the best ending yeah recap we got to see a little bit of a backstory to Ellie and her mom and Marlene the reason why Ellie is immune which all makes sense now I I've never really thought about it um why she's immune I just thought that you know random things like that happen all the time the things that I thought that will happen did happen it was satisfying that he saved her however the whole Rage of Joe it was scary but I mean I like the power that he has and that he can save Ellie but yeah it was scary to see at some points because he was ruthless and emotionless and he was not merciful and he also killed Marlene at the end which we all know that they have history that they know each other he knows that they would look for Ellie he did everything without thinking just to protect Ellie the way it ended and that he lied to her I don't like that um at all you know he he feels that what he did is wrong um so that's why he lied to her and also he knows that probably Ellie she would probably choose to die for everyone but yeah for his selfish reasons I guess he didn't let that happen couldn't lose another daughter I totally get that like he's traumatized from losing his daughter and finally created this bond with another daughter figure it's so so sad because on one hand Elise got to live and Joel's got to be happy but on the other morally it wasn't probably right to do and then to lie to Ellie and then not give her the option a tough episode honestly I thought that this episode would be at least a little bit happier it's making me think whether Ellie and Joe will ever be Happy Together Again Ellie feels that there is this deception there she knows it's not real the story and the fact that he lied to her at the end that's even worse you know so it does create this whole witch in their relationship now to the the point of this these videos these are all of our predictions from this whole series whole season whole show yeah how do I feel about them I think we did pretty good and also with these final big predictions I think I was I had a pretty good hunt so yeah as I thought fireflies wanted to sacrifice Ellie for everyone Joel had to save her and kill everyone and now they're kind of running away I think I don't know I don't know if there's anyone left alive from the Firefly so I don't know if they're going to go and look for them yeah I was also right about her mother even though that was like a prediction made like a few seconds before it actually happened but they weren't attacked by the by the infected this episode which I'm not even surprised since the episode had was like 40 minutes long yeah that would have been cool to see Ellie protecting Joel again and seeing her becoming more like Joel in that regards Joel didn't find out by overhearing he just they just straight up told him which stupid idea all of the other parts that he's going to save her I was pretty right about that so good job on my predictions yeah I should make some predictions for the upcoming season and so I think the actual the actual point of the next season will be that Joel and Ellie will kind of will have relationship problems at least obviously my predictions Ellie's going to find out and they will fight she will run away from him which will create this wedge in between them yeah I think there's just going to be this strain on the relationship and I think that when Ellie finds out that um things didn't happen the way they did and that you can actually still save the world I think that she will run away from Joel and go try to save the world by herself you know maybe she wouldn't even want to go back if he would have been honest but the fact that he lied to her and now if she's going to find out and I think it's a question of when she's going to find out I think it's just going to make her want to go back and save the world even more because he lied to her he didn't give her the option that's just clearly going to make her want to go and do the decision for herself so yeah I think that's going to be the plot of the next season and Joel is going to maybe search for her because it's kind of obvious that this season was the story of love between Joel and Ellie and the relationship and then them you know creating this strong bond but I think in the next season this Bond will be challenged and so that will be the main point of of that season but maybe I'm totally wrong maybe it's just still going to be above fireflies um trying to find them that's it for this episode but also this whole season to be honest I will very much miss the whole Joel and Ellie relationship and seeing them every week I loved seeing the whole development of their relationship so I'm kind of said that it's ending but also the way it ended and that it ended with this whole big question mark about their relationship if you like this show but especially if you liked watching me watching this show and making all of these predictions make sure to like this episode and make sure to subscribe if you want more content like this and also make sure to let me know whether everything that happened this season corresponds with the video games I always love to hear about that let me know did you like this are you as depressed as I was after this episode I don't know maybe some people liked the the ending and it didn't make them depressed but it kind of made me depressed so thank you so much that you've been here and you've spent all of this time with me watching these episodes and watching me doing all of these predictions and reactions hopefully you enjoyed content like this there's many more to come I'm not quite um prepared to leave Pedro Pascal alone so maybe Mandalorian would be a good one thank you for the support I love all of you guys and see you in the next content that we make bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Viki Rish Views
Views: 3,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lastofus, lou, reaction, prediction, firsttimewatching, movies, series, thelastofus, hbomax
Id: drB5l74TD4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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