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hey guys Omni here we are finally gonna be diving into the HBO adaptation of The Last of Us the hit video game franchise that I'm a huge fan of I do know that there's going to be some people that are watching this for the very first time here on the Channel with us so I'm going to do my best to react to this as somebody who's played the games but I'm going to do my absolute best to not spoil anything for any of you who might be tuned in for the first time who've not played the games don't know where this is going and if at all I can try to be at least informative if I notice something that they change if there's something that I actually recall then maybe they tweaked up kind of give you guys a different perspective on it you know try to come at it that way you know I don't want to ruin this for anybody else but I just don't want to like present anybody else out there that might be tuning in checking this out and kind of expecting something else out of this because again like I just want you guys to know I have played both games and I am very excited to see how they adapted I love the cast they've got put together so far for the show and I'm really curious to see what they do with this and how they bring it to the screen and turn this very tender tense gritty emotional story into this nine episode little journey for the first season so from what I've seen that the first season does encapsulate the the entirety of the first game now I know that they have changed a couple things just going into this and we'll talk about that as they come up but from everything I've read it seems like necessary changes so not too not too friend I'm not fretting about that too much I just finished watching Chernobyl for the first time to familiarize myself with the showrunner director writer of this adaptations previous work and he blew me away so after I finish that all my reactions are on the channel I post them all this week I just watched it within the last two weeks it's it's it's been a phenomenal ride and I think we're in great hands the creator of the series is heavily involved I believe he and Craig Craig Mason wrote the first episode he's directing the second episode so I'm very it's very Hands-On with the actual person that created this idea to begin with and then Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson who both played the original characters Ellie and Joel in the games do have roles to play in the in the show as well which is also nice but anyway that all said and down the way let's go ahead and get ready to dive into this but before we do remember if you enjoy the reaction please leave a like drop a comment it really does help us out and if you're new if you enjoy it stick around subscribe because we will be continuing this journey throughout the entirety of the season and we cover all kinds of stuff here so give it a look and hang out and join us for the ride if you want to see the full length reaction of this you can check it out over on patreon or if you go memorable Channel get you access as well as watch along format so we need your own footage to sync up with the time because the reaction the entire episode you also get the same thing for all the other shows and movies that we cover here on the channel over there you also get to suggest and vote on what movies are react to each month we got monthly q and A's behind the scenes footage and try to make it worth your while since you are going away support us over here but with that I'll send out the way guys let's go ahead and dive into episode one here we go and that's your biggest worry yes any kind of virus but most probably something similar to influence 1968 and you're also an epidemiologist I presume the prospect of a viral pandemic keeps you up at night as well no no no all right well that's our show no mankind has been at war with the virus from the start but you just to be clear you you do think microorganisms pose a threat oh in the most dire terms bacteria no do you like saying no yeah not bacteria not viruses so fungus um yes that's the usual response wait he's from the uh The Mummy isn't he well SD from where do you get it from it comes from ergot there's a fungus that infects insects gets inside an ant for example travels through its circulatory system to the ant's brain and then floods it with hallucinogens thus bending the ants mind to its will and it gets worse the fungus needs food to live so it begins to devour its host from within replacing the ants flesh with its own but it doesn't let its victim die no it keeps its puppet Alive by preventing decomposition how where do we get penicillin from fungus he's catching on fungal infection of this kind is real but not in humans true fungi cannots yeah this is a real thing man and currently there are no reasons for fungi to evolve to be able to withstand higher temperatures but what if that were to change what if for instance the world were to get slightly warmer wow no there is reason to evolve one Gene mutates and an Ask of my city a Candida ergot cordyceps aspergillus any one of them could become capable of borrowing into our brains and taking control not of millions of us but billions of us billions of puppets with poisoned minds and there are no treatments for this no preventatives no cures they don't exist it's not even possible to make them so if that happens we lose oh my God this is such an intense way to open but it was highly informative on the whole thing itself ooh ah oh it's the country oh that's neat it's showing the spread of the infection think uh oh that was a nice opening man I like that opening that was a good solid intro man 2003. I know they rolled this back because in the game it takes a little bit it takes place later if I remember right it might have been 2013. there's no present day in the main game I think it's 2032 so they rewounded a little bit so that it lines up with present day being our present day being their present day oh hi Connie was asking that for you dad went over in a while you know what we got to run but Sarah will be by later she'll stay as long as you want [Laughter] I love their Dynamics man Austin Texas okay swear subtle subtle signs I'm already finished the twitching on the girl in the classroom too it's already here it's green here we go [Music] oh hey Mrs Adler can I borrow this oh that was eerie the dog knows something's wrong oh that was good violent incidents across the city you don't get your present you got me a present I swear all my life foreign yeah I know where'd you get the money for this drugs I saw hardcore drugs that's better when I do it was only twenty dollars which I stole from you uh I was wondering if they were gonna keep that line or not guy goes crazy starts swinging at a waitress which deal Travis County yeah yeah God damn it Tommy idiot dad hey indoors come on let's get you home emergency please Mercy [Music] look who's not in their chair right now [Music] they made a good point to focus on her immobility helplessness and all that [Music] oh she's latched on foreign [Music] [Applause] to spread the guy get right now are we doing Joe should get back inside the house you lock your doors now come on come on get in get your seatbelt on oh they they turn quick man they turn quick so claustrophobic [Applause] oh my God are you okay oh wow this is a very re2 moment man get your eyes on me okay you don't look anywhere I'm pretty sure like it was a truck that hit them in the first one but having a plane crash like that oh that was insane oh my God all their veins oh I don't like that Runners man stop right there okay easy now we're not sick civilians by the river one of them injured [Music] I'm Gonna Give You So Much safe first and we'll go back from okay okay I'm sorry hey no one told you to move yes sir yes sir um I'm sorry I'm pretty stuck okay you're okay you're okay move your hand baby move your hand maybe maybe listen to me I gotta get you up okay all right come on you come on I know baby no no I know I know I know I know I know I know Tommy help me come on foreign [Music] years later man no matter how many times I played the opening no matter and no matter how much I knew that that was coming it didn't it's still just it still just tears me apart man and they switched it up quite like quite a bit and it still has a very authentic adaptation of the open they expanded on it quite a lot quite beautifully to kind of show the expand and the spread and the Panic more set up their relationship a little more change the how they got to these little points but it flowed really well the timetables for the infection that's interesting let me go back and read that it seems like you're you've got the most time if you've got bit in the legs farthest away from the brain the slower it takes to take over it's gonna be a little tickle right here [Music] what if I told you that after we gave you some medicine we're gonna find you your favorite food to eat don't you like that it's just a little needle you're safe wow you're lost in the darkness look for the light slowly and clearly from one to ten one G3 facility five six seven seven you I'm gonna pay mother [Laughter] I wasn't even supposed to be here today sorry couldn't couldn't tell myself when she said that when I'm sleeping Gabriella listens or my son the smart one not the other one God bless him if Tommy responded we'd know every day I come to me with Robert he sold down battery to someone else like this is gonna happen truck's no good without one and if I don't get to Tommy soon he's gonna die out there so let's go hunt that [ __ ] down and get our battery and our truck and then we'll go find Tommy they're a relationship in the game was kind of vague like there was that tension there but they never really confirmed one way or the other I think they they by expanded upon that gave us a little little insights of Southeastern the only actual actor from the game playing their character in the show Merle Dandridge I think is her name whatever you need whatever it takes look at her where she needs to go oh my God giving off real strong alley Vibes man so can I go where are you gonna go back to Federal military school they put me there when I was a baby it's for Orphans they didn't put you there I did not my name is Marlene I'm the leader of the fireflies in the Boston Cousy well which terrorists dumping with fedra I need to hold on to the comment I don't know if we'll be I'll be able to address it this episode or not but was Riley a terrorist that's really one oh why won't you let me go I'll never imagine be with us what I'm about to tell you cannot be related to anyone because if you do sure you 'll die [Music] and how long is this first episode you smell that oh somebody beat them to it that's one way to truncate this this segment oh Jesus the car battery for dope not at her pointed at me [Music] [Laughter] The Zone tonight but we won't make it anywhere like this not for a while anyway so now I'm thinking you're gonna do it we don't have time for this oh you don't have time who is she do you Chicago we don't smuggle people sorry I can do it you don't have a mirror on your head could you please five minutes away what I do have is you and I know what you're both capable of For Better or Worse what are they capable of you get her there safely I'll give you what you need our flat vehicle usually means repurposed Venture stuff so better than decent chance making it to Tommy in one of those the second we have that kid over you'll talk it through but please remember that I'm bleeding out okay so who's Bill and Frank the radio is a smuggling code right 60s song they don't have anything new 70s they've got new stuff what's 80s smart what are you doing killing time what am I supposed to do I'm sure you'll figure that out your watch is broken oh the ticking what was the song I kept saying like like wake me up before you go go hmm gotcha Hades means trouble code broken witty little kid man that's why she took the book this Premiere is a lot longer than I thought it would be man they are they've like I said they've changed a few things and expanded on others but there's some sections some moment like some things they're doing that is just straight one for one man and it's giving me chills hands on your head really man yep you're willingness by the book fine everything off of this run and half off on all of the pills all off my job for half off of your in mind whoa whoa and fix this move oh and there it is [Music] look look this is three weeks old nobody lost more than a day we gotta move Joe that was so good the flashback to the soldier aiming the gun at him and his daughter and the rage that came from that um oh that's a great way to close it out after we got the code dude hell yeah man that was so good it was like an hour and 19 minutes roughly damn man that was really freaking good they captured so much of a of the game man of the vibe of the toe well especially the tone Pedro Pascal's doing phenomenal in this and Bella Ramsey uh is slaying it as Ellie so far with the attitude the uh take no [ __ ] kind of uh character that she kind of is she's very spunky she's very outspoken and I love it it's a perfect Dynamic for these two and I can't wait to see more of them together um we got a lot of things expanded upon in the opening too um a lot of this a lot of this is very faithful to the first few acts of the game there's only a couple things that got a little restructured reordered like the way that they wrecked the car kind of the setting in which his daughter was shot and stuff like that but there was like so much of it that was just so straight from the game man this was like a ride down memory lane and just with a new lens but we had a lot of uh a lot of context like the way the show opens to inform the viewers in a very uh like very straightforward way to explain what the show it it is like the the antagonist of the show or the overarching like infections just kind of explaining and get that out of the way and a very easy understandable terms in the early onset of the the the series with that interview with those biologists that was a great way to get us in there and then just slowly throughout the opening of the episode just the news broadcasts the stuff on the radio stuff like that dropping these little little hints as we kind of further along we spent more time with Joel and you know Sarah and Tommy there in the early onset of the like pre-outbreak stuff you know her actually going out and getting the watch fixed kind of interacting with their neighbors and that was a great setup that was a very that was one of my favorite moments in this episode is just that little sequence because we saw you know the husband and the wife out there you know on the lawn with the biscuits and he's feeding her because she can't do anything for herself she can't move or whatever so he's feeding her and then we come back and you know she's just kind of staring off she's like he hasn't spoken a word you have her daughter you know minding over her being like uh why do I even bother talking to her and all this stuff like all these little things just show how and uh inept she is in her current condition so that that contrasts beautifully when the infection hits her and she becomes this rabid ravenous quick mobile creature it was a great turn and just the slow way it started to creep in while Sarah was there visiting like rummaging through their DVD stuff when she was out of focus behind her you know she just got still all of a sudden the dog was kind of like whining a little bit and then you just saw her looks like just like in the background out of focus because the uh barbs are starting to come out now that's one of the changes that I want I was going to wait to talk about like the uh in the in the games the primary way it spreads is via spores which is how it spreads in the real life you know when the ants reach when they get infected the the fungus take tells the ant to go to the highest place it can go before it dies there it like uh Inc it perches and then it grows a stalk out of the ant's head and then that head pops with spores and the spores rain down onto the colony of ants below spreading the infection and spores in the game is a primary way of How It's in how the infections spread as well you know bites anything like normals like zombie stuff like still kind of spreads it because it gets the spores into your bloodstream but you can also inhale it and stuff it is Airborne in that way in certain areas where the growth is kind of uh become extremely prevalent so like we saw with the infected person down there kind of like rooted up against the wall likely in the game that might have been given off Spore so a lot of those sequences they have to put on these gas masks and stuff like that and it creates a kind of a plot hole in the game so they decided to eliminate that completely by removing the Spore aspect of it which I wholly understand because one of the reasons they gave was that they didn't want to have their actors just flopping in and out of masks you know kind of like it it just you know um not that having mass protagonists in inhibits the story at all because you know Pedro Pascal man he's one of our the Highlight masked protagonists of the last couple of years with Mandalorian that can be done but it's it's distracting what it does though the Spore thing and it was a plot hole is something I thought of in the game when you go through these areas just having the mask on does not Purge you of these infections because it would be all over your hair skin and clothes the moment you take off that mask you're infected is a plot hole in the game and they just remedied that by removing it all together so once someone's affected much like the ants themselves rather than exuding spores though it goes through these barbs I'm guessing is what it is because we saw these like little like uh kind of like flowery tendril stalks coming out that had these prickly spark barbs on the end and um when they're chowing down they are using those to spread the infection into whatever they're chomping in on so it's interesting it's a nice little change to kind of eliminate that little whole thing and while it could have easily been done Craig Mason is a a kind of uh person who wants to get something grounded and try to take as much of the questions out of the audience as much as possible from what I've seen and the way he's talked about this as well is what he's doing he doesn't want to be anybody watching this I mean like well well they should still be infected with say leave this area so like they just kind of took that out I totally agree with that some other minor changes just a kind of that don't matter really at all like is this uh the way they crashed in the game it was a truck in this that plane crash was just makes the chaos of the opening sequence that more terrifying because that is something that probably would likely happen as well with these people just trying to get out because they obviously weren't following any kind of flight paths or authorized uh uh flight uh Airways or whatever just kind of taken off to get that the heck out of Dodge man um it was a nice interesting chaotic way to kind of um up the ante there and then showing the the the elderly woman just kind of get up and start twitching around and running and just the eerily way that the runners in this the early onset infected act and twitch and their body language is so Eerie I love it and I can't wait to see now that we're out in the Wilds some of the more interesting variants see which ones they bring into the the play into play here um what else was there they they they they truncated the the Robert sequence what they're going after to confront him about the battery and stuff which eventually leads them to uh Marlene in their group they truncated that in a nice little way to just kind of have that all happen at the same place um that was a great way to bring that together I think the performances in this were really great and I love the way that they didn't force feed any of the exposition on how this stuff works I think the opening sequence with the doctors on the news broadcast was the was a nice way to kind of get a lot of that necessary stuff out of it the rest of it is just kind of World building it's just these these Federal posters throughout different scenes like if you're bidding here here or down here you know your time to uh being taken over is different it varies I like those little things and then the way that they kind of uh the procedures their operations and stuff like that you see then the posters with the fire lights and the symbols on the wall as they you're hearing these things going on um the ration cards which is what they do for work instead of money they have the they're giving these ration cards by the military and then they use that whatever cars they make from working to barter for what they need but it's also limited which is why you have uh Joel and Tess running these smuggling operations because they run out they do runs and they get stuff and bring it in and sell it and stuff like that is these nice little I don't know I just thought this was a really great way to bridge the gap in a very authentic way from the mediums from the video game to this um it was just really well handled I think Pedro Pascal is doing a really solid job at capturing Joel Bella Ramsey's doing a fantastic job right out of the gate so far with Ellie um I don't know the actor's name playing Tess but I I like her that's another thing like there again like I mentioned their relationship was always kind of vague in in the game from what I remember um it was kind of hinted at but never really solidified but like I think this one kind of was like leaning that way it didn't like go like into this like overtly but like they I think they just leaned a little bit more into that without it being too distracting but you just see like how these quarantine zones have just kind of it's it's people are just kind of living day to day under this authoritarian military uh force that just restriction controls your life again it's for their own good it's keeping them alive but it's not a great circumstance and they're by no means free which is why you have the fireflies who are kind of like trying to get our autonomy back you know after all this happens and the government's broke down this government organization that was organized to quarantine everything through the military this is a group called fedra eventually took over and pretty much the only outcroppings of people are these quarantine zones which are almost exclusively ran by fedra and then of course like they mentioned out in the Wilds you know there's Hunters Raiders uh slavers and these other communities and stuff like that then these these groups that are just you know much like The Walking Dead they'll do what they have to do to survive out there with these creatures out in the wild you know no protection of walls or stuff like that just Scavenging off the land and what they can find in the ruins and that's what we're about to dive into with these creatures rowing around with all oh man I can't wait to get into the thick of it um yeah this went longer than I thought it was going to go I was like I thought I was like where's this going to end like what's going to be the end point of this and I like that it went up until the point where Tess and Joel realized that Alley's infected but she hasn't turned I like that we got there I was wondering if they were going to linger that leave that for like the next episode but the pace they were going I was like that'd be really early on in the next episode because that would be a really good teaser for the end of an episode and we just kept kind of rolling which makes me wonder what the average length of these episodes is going to be because this was fairly lengthy but it it it it did a fantastic job at like fleshing all this out I think this is a phenomenal introduction just from this episode alone this is already I don't want to jump the gun because I've only seen this episode but again the creators involved heavily in this you know is assisting in the whole creative process Neil druckman and Craig Mason and the work he's done that I've seen in Chernobyl man I think we're in good hands and so far just from this first episode and having kind of recently reacquainted myself with the game itself this is a very strong representation of the game I think this is from what we've seen so far if we did one to one like comparing the the the the the the live action adaptation of what we've seen so far so like that that this the game up until this point in the show up until this point it's like what's the word I'm looking for marginal at best at how different they are obviously it's a different experience because you're not playing it but like I I think this is like the closest I've seen I've seen something like extremely accurately represented in like striking detail like this made me feel like I was watching the game but with people and I haven't really felt that with like a video game adaptation you know like even some of the best ones that are out there there's still like that a little bit of a disconnect and I know that there's probably going to be some more stuff they tweak and add later on but I'm very excited to see what that is because at the same time because there are these minor changes that they do to kind of get around the whole like gameplay element of it obviously you have these extended combat sequences you have these other like Puzzles areas you have these sneaky stuffs you gotta do and like a little bit of the mundane stuff to kind of keep the player engaged or whatever and you got to work around that narratively I think they did a really great job with that especially truncated like I said the Firefly tests uh Robert Joel's situation um oh which disgust me it has me excited to see where they go with the rest of this because there's some pretty fun sequences in this I think um and one of the other things that they kind of started to touch on I won't bring up until we actually there's a character I think that is coming because I saw that there was a casting specifically for it and it made me think about Bella Ramsay and I'll I'll get back to that when we get to it because now that I'm thinking about it in this connection because it was announced kind of early on um I understand I I like the decision even more but we'll get to that I'm sure I hope I don't forget to bring it up whenever we get to it but guys I think that's going to be all I've got for right now so if you enjoy the reaction please leave a like drop a comment subscribe because we will be continuing this series and let me know your thoughts down in the comments below and we'll carry on the conversation after the video remember if you want to see the full length reaction check it out over on patreon or if you got memorable Channel get you access as well before we go on shout out to channel Ledges may share Ryan Karen Jason Cohen with Philly vain your Corey Scott Margaret Grace Melita Robert anguiano Raven McGann Jeffrey Hale M saffron Jake Cantrell and Amy Becker thank you guys so much for continued support but that's it for this video guys and I'll see you all next week with episode two take care everybody
Channel: Omn1Media
Views: 23,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, the last of us episode 1, the last of us reaction, last of us, the last of us hbo, the last of us series, the last of us trailer reaction, pedro pascal, bella ramsey, joel, ellie, the last of us season 1 episode 1, the last of us 1x1 reaction, reaction, episode 1, 1x1, breakdown, easter eggs, the last of us season 1 episode 1 reaction, the last of us episode 1 reaction, the last of us part 1, the last of us s01e01, the last of us 1x1, the last of us sarahs death
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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