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hey guys Omni here welcome back for episode two of The Last of Us the first episode that kicked things off absolutely blew me away for somebody that's played the games it still managed to keep me on my toes and still hit with all these beats and things that I knew were coming they still found a way to really tap into that heart and really expand upon these things that I I really liked they expanded upon the whole opening sequence it's kind of like giving us this ominous lead-in to the the infection uh that is to come the foreshadowing from from John Hannah which was phenomenal to the pre uh outbreak uh time frame that we got to see spending time with Sarah Joel Tommy and all of that how they kind of expanded upon the opening sequence of the game to just these other ways they really just captured this world and brought it to life with this love this attention to detail and authenticity if you've played the games uh definitely check out the breakdown the heavy spoilers did diving into uh the comparisons it's just unreal the amount of attention to the detail that went into this and it just again continues to give me this uh affirmation and this that this is going to be that this is in good hands that Craig Mason from what I've seen because I did listen to their after Show podcast with Troy Baker Neil druckman and Craig Mason and just the uh the thought the care and the love that's gone into this it just it makes me feel and like we can be the hands that we're in or can be trusted and I'm just excited and they changed just enough to keep us who who know the story inside and out on our toes like that fake out with the truck as they're getting away brilliant the prank plane crash brilliant some of the little changes here and there within the uh the walls themselves loved it I loved what they've done uh the things that they've chosen to expand upon and the reasoning behind it it's just it's just thrilling and I can't wait to get into this now that we're outside the walls we're in the wild and our journey to take Ellie West has begun but guys we're gonna go ahead and hop in so if you want to see the full length reaction you check it out over on patreon or if you go mineral channel gets you access as well it doesn't watch along format so we need your own footage to sync up with the time codes your reactions the entire episode you also get the same thing for all the other shows and movies that we cover here you also get to put forth suggestions and vote on what movies react to each month we got monthly q and A's behind footage trying to make it worth your while since you are going to wait to support the channel but if you enjoy the reaction please leave a like drop a comment it really does help us out and subscribe if you're not already because we will be covering the remainder of the series and many other shows here to come but that I'll send out the way guys let's go ahead and hop into episode two here we go oh okay uh oh are we going to actually see how it this is what was on the the news on the radio when they were having their breakfast right something about what happened here so what what happened what did they do what did they find foreign is this something man-made or something they stumbled upon because they found it in a person already that's why no Shia it just happened something bit her oh yeah that fungus I like that we're getting this oh is she gonna pull out the tendrils yep oh and there's wiggling around oh it's almost like worms because it didn't seem like they were connected to her but like just kind of like isolated to the to the mouth because they came out unless they broke off but she pulled them having 30 hours ago flower and grain Factory oh no that's also awful for distribution never caught the but if I got it if anything got into the Grain and that got shipped out of them [Music] we gotta burn it before it annihilated before it spreads that's the reality of the situation man foreign [Music] oh my God man I I honestly I didn't expect to us uh to spend more time in the pre-outbreak stuff but it goes to show like what was kind of said in that opening explanation but I wonder if because it was in that grain Factory if that's how it got out to the rest of the world or if it did just kind of migrate person to person because if any of the fungus made it into the food supply that would be a pretty solid culprit for how quickly it spread because what that that that was just the day before right two days before right it said the 24th and it was the 26th I don't remember exactly what that news report said on the radio about what was happening over there did they did they actually bomb the city I don't remember it was hard to hear ooh no there's something haunting but also beautiful about like human-made structures being taken back by plant life yeah we're gonna get the explanation here at least I guess they made me count to ten and hold up my hand and then keep it steady but you know I think what really impressed him was the fact that I didn't turn into a monster how can I please there's not gonna be anything bad in here just you [Laughter] cute okay maybe a hairline fractured his hand beating that guard in she told me not to tell anybody that I'm telling the first people that I hmm that was a very real tick there I like that they're working on a cure I've heard this before and whatever happened to me is easy to find in the vaccine that's what this is we've heard this a million times vaccines miracle cures none of it works ever you man I didn't ask for this you and me both um if she is or she isn't what the Firefly saved they believe that she is we get what we want she so much as twitches [Laughter] dude I love her she's so good at this can I have a gun absolutely not okay jeez it's fun creaking of the door I like that I don't know if that was intentional or not [Music] ooh I know they spent a lot of money on this show and it shows [Music] so the State House is across there it's about a 10 minute walk if you could go straight long way or short way I mean it's the long way or the dead way it's based on that limited information everyone said the open city was crazy like the Swarms are infected running around everywhere not exactly like that you know people like to tell stories so there aren't super infected that explode fungus spores on you I hope not everyone's with split open heads that stay in the dark like bats ah that look chic you heard one I looked that Tess gave Joel though dude man the cityscape [Laughter] dude that's all I'm gonna say apparently sorry the production value in this show is insane I know a little out of our league I don't even know what this is have you heard of books [Music] I love her man seriously oh come on it wasn't that bad I tried climb into the floors with our knees see how you feel I love that they're accentuating or at least showing the wear and tear of just of their bodies their experience their age and all that in a way just how much they've been through she knew him too well whoa whoa the fungus also grows Underground watercepts in one place and you can wait it doesn't infected from somewhere else now they know where you are now they come you know it's like the upside down I don't think that was in the games that that bit about the collective the hive mind and stuff like that I think that was an addition I can't remember [Music] oh one of these or just sandwiches yeah check your inventory start crafting God man oh I love it I have a spare hand oh who did that maybe I don't hear it who would you hear once you're here okay from this point forward silent Island not quiet silent well no questions dude I love this [Music] I got chills my hair is standing up [Music] God I want to go I just want to play the game again man I I wanna I think in March the PC Port uh PC Port comes out and I cannot wait you know I have I can get it on PlayStation 5 if I wanted to but like I'd much rather play it on PC I'm holding out for that port it's been I think I it's probably been like five six years since the last time I've played this oh oh no oh can't go back oh my God oh um there's more there's more oh that's a good way to tell the audience dude these body performers man [Applause] Joel shiv shiv it nice nice nice nice nice That's a diversion dude these things look so good we the camera lost sight on it they look so good man holy [ __ ] oh my God find a brick or a bottle throw something oh no oh thank God they look dude you're right special effects team on the show thank you oh my God you're right my pants I would have you kidding me I mean if it was gonna happen to one of us see that's good too because that gives them double evidence if she got a wound from that thing and yeah again they watch it see that she doesn't turn foreign work NAB it so can you help me no Tess it's over we are going home our luck had to run out sooner or later show me take your bandage off may God they got wounded around the same window hers was closer to their head this is real Franks he'll take her off your hands they'll handle it from here no no no I can't they won't take her they're not going to take her because you'll convince them yes you will I never ask you for anything not to feel the way I felt not to shut the [ __ ] up this is your chance pro-life and you said everything right please say yes Joe please oh it's alerted them oh my God that raises the stakes a lot this hive mind this Hive connection [ __ ] yeah I remember it all I remembered all of this but I just I forgot what happened to the Firefly soldiers come on foreign foreign this show is so good they are nailing it they are nailing it they are nailing it the tension the way we Linger The Way We slowly built as we were entering the world The Surreal haunting silence isolation and absence of life in these cities while nature just kind of takes it all back is just so eerily beautiful it's one of my favorite things about the games is when you hit these big sweeping Scapes of city of civilization that's just being taken back because there is something like terrifying about it but at the same time kind of serene and calming you know this weird way but then you have these creatures lingering within um I know they removed the whole Spore concept and added this like uh these tendrils that kind of manifest and spread it and it's more of a tactile way that the the fungus gets around and through that they've made it this kind of like unified mind much like as I said this in the reaction stranger things with like the or even Halo with the flood the flood is actually a really good parallel now that I'm thinking about it because it itself is also a fungus and a hive mind and it grows out of the things that it affect infects that's actually a much better parallel they're all one they're all connected so they all feel each other's pain in this way which is also how fungus operates um a fungal outgrowth all every Bud everything is just like part of the same entity and I'll kind of like that uh that that change because it also makes things more intense in these situations because if you know something happens it just the act of Defending yourself can also bring more pain your way like that you know him just executing that that infected that turned there recently as the fungus was getting into it into his body and it it awoke the ones that they were kind of observing from the rooftops earlier signaled them all that way now I don't know why that didn't happen necessarily when the clickers uh found them in the hospital the museum I don't know why I said hospital but in the museum iconic set piece in the game that sequence so much fun um and it was just so tense the the slow build up to in the wariness that they had going into the building from just the signs of the infection on the outside to where the the these claw marks on that recently killed person that they found in there they're just like immediately they knew we have to be careful now if I remember right I think that's like the infection when for somebody that's uh had it for a few years is like the next stage where it's physically manifesting outside their body like that it's still able to keep them alive um the growth out of their head has you know presented itself in the way that it's destroyed their eyes so the only way they hear is through their echolocation that clicking that they make is a way they kind of fumble around and see and of course if you make any noise yourself signals them I like that and they also teased a couple of other possible iterations that might come in here of course one of which focuses around spores so I don't know how that would translate into this except unless maybe instead of uh hurling Spore bombs or whatever maybe it somehow expels large amounts of these tendril things and those can worm into you or whatever I don't know I also love the opening again taking us back to pre-outbreak and kind of seeding the lead up where it happened we heard we heard about this on the on the radio at their breakfast table two days after this took place so I don't remember again what was on the radio exactly but again they were talking about bombing the city so I don't know if that's what they were hearing on the radio because that took place two days I think right after they found disinfection in that city in Indonesia and it just from somewhere someone just turned up bit some workers at a uh wheat Factory wheat and grain Factory and just started people started getting infected and they rounded up as many people as they could took them down but they still never caught the person that actually bit the initial worker um and then like a posited and they don't confirm that at all but I'm wondering if one of the reasons the infection spreads so quickly outside of that country was through the Grain Stores did it get into the supply that then was shipped off and distributed and then wherever that grain went They Carried along these this fungus that had evolved and is now working its way through humans um the whole Joel and Ellie Connection in this episode is also being very much built up you know he's you're starting to see these reflections of the dynamic he kind of had with his daughter kind of bubbling up from the surface here him checking his watch him checking on her but he's always still kind of keeping this distance and they're banter they're push and pull their budding of heads is one of my favorite things about this dynamic um it's just beautiful Tess being this closet idealist because the moment that this is proven real to her she's like okay whether we believe it or not whether Joel believes it or not this still benefits us and hell if it does work out that is something that is worth sacrificing ourselves for and that she she and Joel haven't had anything like that in their lives for a long time and Joel is still so scorned broken and hurt that any kind of belief in Hope is just foreign to him right now because they've heard all these things before it's it's it's and then Tess is that that drive that motivation for him to go the next set of distance and then I I can't wait to just see how this journey unfolds because it's just so good so far there are shots in this that are just pulled straight from the game I was almost personally kind of like that shot where they're looking out and you see the State Building off in the distance and they're still on the rooftop they just got out of the museum or whatever that sequence the first time I played the game that was my first stopping point that was the first time I uh you know I hit a checkpoint I saved and that was kind of where I I called it the first time I played it I got to that point I I didn't I took a break from the game for a while before I finally Revisited but that was the stopping place for me I was like oh my God if they stop right here that'd be so great with the State Building off in the distance but no they wanted to close yet another chapter much like with the reveal for Ellie and the last one we got to linger a little bit longer to do the whole test thing because I do think that like the LA thing it would have been weird at the where they stopped here to do that in the first fourth of the next episode rather than leave that as a closer here I like how they did that the only thing I didn't remember about the story going on in this I I of course remembered the test thing was I don't I didn't remember at all what happened to the fireflies they were supposed to meet in my head I thought they had just packed up and left and maybe they rummaged through the the leftovers I don't remember it's been a long time and I I've I've not gone through a complete refresher of the game just to kind of still leave as much possible as a surprise again once it's that memory is triggered as I'm watching the show and stuff like that um so as little because I I don't remember if I said this but I was like man there's points through this where I'm like I wish I could just forget that I ever played the game and just be completely surprised by everything and even though I knew the test thing was coming and the museum set piece was coming the build up and the way it was executed still was thrilling exciting just packed full attention throughout the entire way with the cinematography with the sound design with the build up and just the way it was shot and then the performances from Tess again like again much like with the Sarah thing and the stuff at the end of the last episode I I still knew that was coming and I still cried at that moment because it's just so real these the the this game more so than the events than the apocalypse than the zombies than the whatever it's about the characters it's about the humanity it's about this the this grounded just part of ourselves that this show just really does a good job and the game itself captures brilliantly it's just about the people at the end of the day and the they they really nailed that and it just it just pulls and tears at your heartstrings man it's so good two episodes in and it has not faltered if anything that just keeps reeling which we got what seven more after this this was just a this this Show's killing it man this is already hands down the best adaptation of a video game I've seen like if you just take these two and a half hours of this versus two and a half hours worth of content from any other live action video game adaptation it blows it out of the water like it's not even a competition as much as I love Mortal Kombat as much as detective Pikachu is pretty decent as far as a video game adaptation goes uh this just annihilates it but guys that's another one down what did you think I hope you enjoyed this reaction I'm sorry if any of my facial tics if you guys are watching for the first time along this I I apologize of my reactions at any point throughout this was telling I assume you've already watched it by the time you're watching my reaction I hope you're not watching this for the first time that's just that that would suck but like my God there's a certain tics of certain things where I'm just like Here Comes Here Comes and I'm getting the excitement to build up because I know some things that are coming it's just so much fun I but again I hope you enjoy the reaction please leave a like and a comment if you did subscribe if you're not already and remember if you want to see the full length reaction you check it out over on patreon or if we go Marvel channel gets you access as well and before we go I want to shout out to channel edges I'm gonna share it Ryan Karen Jason Coleman Philly vain you're recording Scott Margaret Grace malito Robert anguiano Raven McGann Jeffrey Hale M saffron Jake and Trail Amy Becca and Josh Lee thank you guys so much for your continued support but that's it for this video guys and I'll see you all next week with episode three take care everybody [Music]
Channel: Omn1Media
Views: 15,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last of Us, TLOU, Last of Us, Episode 2, Infected, Season 1, Reaction, Trailer, HBO, Series, Joel, Ellie, Tess, Clicker, Clickers, Museum, The Last of Us Part 1, The Last of Us 1, The Last of Us Part 2, Scene, Death, Bella Ramsey, Pedro Pascal, 1x2, s1e2, s01e02, 1x02, 01x02, Ending, Explained, Easter Eggs, Breakdown, Review, Video Game, the last of us episode 2 reaction, the last of us 1x2 reaction, the last of us season 1 episode 2 reaction, the last of us episode 2, the last of us 1x2
Id: bihOkk1thwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 0sec (1920 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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