The Last of Us | Episode 1 Review (SPOILERS)

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good soup it's good to have you back man First Recording in some time I know I feel like I'm being left out but now we're getting back into the video game aspect yeah I played all night watched a couple videos you know I'm getting ready for this okay yeah that's that's dedication I guess right I'm pumped up man I don't think you're excited as much I thought you loved the game no I do I one of my favorites of all time I love part two as well hopefully they adapt that I'm so excited for the TV show man I cannot wait yeah well that's what we're here to do today uh welcome back to another episode of nerdtube everybody I'm Beau Oliver joined here today with Teddy and like you just said we'll be reviewing episode one wait what of The Last of Us on HBO Max you doing a bit the TV show you're joking right when did the show come out I don't joke I'm not that funny I usually get a text from you saying you know we're gonna do a review the show's coming out yeah I said we were gonna review The Last of Us you didn't say TV show though I figured you knew because the show just came out last night well no I rely on you for the text to remind me about stuff like this oh my God now I have to be specific so I played the game all night for no reason is that what you're saying so if I texted you and said we're reviewing Life of Pi you would have read the book no and it was a book out Life of Pi maybe I would have [Music] oh please [Music] so you're telling me that you came here you've replayed The Last of Us Part One didn't watch the show because you misunderstood my text yes and haven't seen the episode yes exactly what I'm saying well unfortunately Ted we're gonna have to give you the treatment I I put this on you man okay I guess we'll just start at the beginning hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of nerd soup I am Beau Oliver joined here today with Aaron the nerdsu monkey and we are back to review The Last of Us episode one uh let's just get right into the review the studio is kind of a mess right now so you're gonna clean this up by the way so episode 1 titled when you're lost in the darkness directed by Craig Mason and written by Craig Mason and Neil druckman who famously wrote the first two games of The Last of Us that came out on Playstation 2013 and then the second game was 2020. so much anticipated obviously it's got its fan base but here's an opportunity to expand the audience of this story which a time when it came out it was praised for being very cinematic and I think it's proven to be uh influential obviously not the first cinematic game but you're seeing you know the games that followed it they're taking that similar approach so it was just right for an adaptation and I remember a few years back Sony had announced a movie and Maisie Williams was attached and that never came to fruition but here we are and I think this is the perfect way to tell this story it was 10 15 hour game so you tell it through a mini series or it looks like they're gonna go into the future with multiple Seasons if it's a success but this first episode to me it was pretty much a perfect table setter and a great example of what you can do with an adaptation by not only being faithful but expanding your story and showing us new different Avenues and different corners of this world and uh foreshadowing what's to come I absolutely loved it I found it to be a riveting hour and 30 minute episode of Television long episode yeah it was uh I couldn't stop watching it and even though I knew where it was going it felt like I was experiencing it for the first time especially those first 40 minutes I thought that was done so incredibly well yeah no it was scary even driving here like I had the sense of like what if it happens right now what do I do I'd be dead so fast I was when they you know they showed the picture of George Bush so it's like 2003 I guess you know LeBron's about to be drafted I guess that never happens it doesn't break the scoring record and I'm just 10 you know we're both 10. definitely dead oh 100 20 23. sir well it looks like we're close to second clicker has entered the Pentagon it's so funny this episode like an hour and a half episode and we always say that video game adaptations have to be done on television because you have to fit all that gameplay all that story into what essentially would be if you wanted to do a film basically around the same run time imagine trying to fit all of that into this run time where we're just scratching the surface with this episode that's why it's just the perfect medium for these type of stories and like you said that initial setup even though people who have played the game know what's gonna happen like seeing Joel and Sarah and Tommy like have to go through that again it was just [ __ ] heartbreaking I think they adapted it perfectly and they added some things that whole sequence when they when he finally comes home and they kind of are trying to figure out what's going on it was super tense yeah the old woman who was the first infected that we see that was super scary and those are the horror elements that are you know whenever you tell a zombie story about her crawling on the floor and running after them but after a while I stopped I stopped thinking about the game game and just sort of embrace this newer version of the story I was trying to you know oh did that happen again that didn't happen but yeah that that setup was really well done and there's an eeriness there so you know you hear on the radio that something's happening in Jakarta and you know they're riffing back and forth where is that the Middle East and then you know the police on the street the ambulances the fire trucks going by the woman who closes the store early tells uh Sarah to go home so all of that table setting for the outbreak was done so well and also just sort of the regular-ness of their relationship I feel like so many writers when they're adapting stories when they're telling stories where there's going to be a a loss in the family they just show us father daughter and we're supposed to feel this sort of connection because they're related and then sometimes it doesn't always hit but this almost brought me to tears and like we've said we knew that it was coming but it was because of just how casual their relationship was it felt like any other day yeah Joel's birthday but he asked the work to double and she goes out of her way to get his watch fixed it's a heartwarming moment obviously they have a you know they've have a great relationship there father and daughter so when that loss does happen once again it's ripping out your heart all over again Joel not liking pancakes is borderline character assassination though well no in the game they say he's a waffle guy but like you could be a waffle guy you can't just spit on pancakes you'd be surprised man those waffle guys are extremists really yeah damn especially the Belgian waffle freaks well that's a that's a different breed I just say just enjoy both okay delicious but yeah even like their relationship you can tell something like you could tell something's there or like obviously there's some history until where they got to that point it's not like your campy father daughter lovey-dubby like they have their own unique relationship and obviously uh we might get more into that as the episodes go on but yeah it doesn't take a lot to make your audience be invested especially when you see a daughter die in a father's arms but all the little things they did leading up to that made it even uh more impactful for that moment and that's still one of the scenes that is like burned in my memory from the game is when the well not February but like the federal agent is has to do like this come up with the decision I think he did a good good job too like when he's talking on the radio you can kind of get the sense that it's not going to end well he's like yes sir like the way he responds right to the radio yeah the shot with the plane coming everything the plane shots were the most frightening ones because that's always the scariest thing because it's just something that can just cause so much chaos but the noise it makes like even earlier in the episode when she looks up and I think it's still daylight at this time but the plane just going overhead it just had that sense that something's not right here yeah the drive in the into town uh was so scary Nico Parker is the actress who played Sarah I just thought her facial expressions were really selling it and of course Pedro Pascal coming into this we knew that he had the Charisma and the gravitas to play a character like Joel and I think they they even mentioned in the episode that he's Clint Eastwood archetype I think he nailed this other an accent but it was her performance that really sells that first 40 minutes because it is a young child experiencing this and it's just pure chaos and like you said all the the way that they set it up with the sound design those planes coming overhead the helicopters that military guy did give a good performance and even Gabrielle Luna as Tommy you know when he's first introduced in the beginning of the episode yo the humor it's well written you know they have this nice back and forth between the three of them so all of that set up to me it was just it blew me away and I thought that the direction by Craig Mason was you know he did the same thing for Chernobyl it's a you know it's a very serious story but it can still look really pretty yeah and there were so many pretty shots and that also carried over to the 20-year jump it is a post-apocalyptic world we see Boston it's come to ruins but still the directing the lighting never ever won a World Series yet right yeah now the curse is still there Bambino's holding on strong but that world there was so much uh great cinematography uh so many different still shots that you can pull from it the lighting throughout this episode it looked so incredible on my TV so Not only was it great storytelling but it just looked really good from a visual perspective as well and that's what you get when you get a guy like Greg Mason coming off a Chernobyl I I'm gonna say until I'm blue in the face these adaptations they're not oh yeah even purple yeah these adaptations don't have to be so crummy get good people people who you know who who better to get to adapt this Source material than the guy who [ __ ] wrote the game right so this is yeah this is what you're going to get you're going to get a really solid Premiere episode yeah once we get to the 20-year jump I think the setup you know the post-apocalyptic type City or civilization as we've seen it a number of times but the way it was kind of set up with the rations and the way they're working I really it was fun to kind of like piece together in my own head like what would it actually look like like or how would Society function uh an event like this actually happens so I I think it really like even seeing the like the city streets and the people doing their day-to-day like there was kind of some normalcy to it but everything around it is just kind of broken down and you can tell like the political structure is a mess too with the federal agents and the fireflies having this you know them uh describing fedra as a military dictatorship right them kind of the Freedom Fighters so uh that Dynamic is something that I think is just gonna be fun to watch play out for the rest of the the season yeah they did more setup than they do in the game with the fireflies it's a it's a bit of a mystery when you first encounter Ali but here they they show that yeah they've got a leader Marlene she's the leader of the Boston sector and she's got her underlings and they're making plans they're maneuvering in the shadows and that was a great battle scene when Tess is being interrogated by Robert and then the wall just [ __ ] explodes so that sounds something that wasn't in the game and something that I did appreciate just the the tension between these so-called Freedom Fighters and the military and that first scene with the young boy who is infected uh bone chilling stuff and you see that yeah there is some normalcy here that is he had a Happy Meal and some Hot Wheels right she was selling him just uh Heaven on Earth and then when you know the woman can't bring herself to put him in the pit and right there that's such an important moment for Joel you know having to experience his daughter dying in his own arms it's made him numb to that sort of thing so he can do it and the way that he just not even putting the body down gently just throws it in there like it's trash his only focus is surviving and making as much money as he can well even like the things he's willing to do and to make money it's uh to kind of survive you know he saw him with the federal agents him selling them like the painkillers or whatever and they mentioned that you know that's what they basically manufacture bullets and pharmaceuticals so America really hasn't changed that much no but I still have a drill problem yeah so uh but yeah he's kind of lost he has that Humanity taken away from him he's kind of just trying to get by he'll clean [ __ ] but he'll also deal on the side just to kind of better his position or as we learn to get a battery to try to find Tommy right yeah so Tommy's out there he's across the country so that's his end goal but like you said he's not only is he um taking on all these different odd jobs literally shoveling the [ __ ] but he's also working as a Smuggler and on your tour of his test to me she may have been the standout performance because she was just so believable as that grizzled leader character they always hinted at a romantic relationship between Joel and Tess in the games but here it's a bit more explicit so I really appreciated their relationship and just the overall Vibe of that character she's someone you want to follow into battle she's the one making the plans she's the one that agrees with Marlene to smuggle Ellie out so I was very impressed by her performance and I was impressed by Bella Ramsey once again a different introduction to the character where she's being held by the fireflies I did wonder if they could have done a better job revealing that she can't get sick felt like it kind of came and went and I wonder if people who didn't know that about Ali's character it's probably easy to pick up on but I thought that that could have been a bigger moment for the audience but I thought she was really good as Ellie and she had those similar Vibes feisty young girl yeah got that you know cursing everybody out trying to stab everyone with the knife as soon as she gets an opportunity and I think that moment too plays better in the game especially when Jill finds out like we found out at the end of this episode yeah a couple things around Nelly like that and I think the decision just to kind of foist her on Joel this seems a little bit I feel like someone watching could have just been like why why are they just giving the key to everything just on a whim right um but yeah Bella Ramsay as a character I think did a great job so far and I can't wait to see that her come into that character with Pedro as Joel and kind of form that relationship that uh you know we've seen in the trailers and kind of hint that and obviously we've played throughout the games because and that final shot of them just going into the great beyond and you had the one radio guy who says it's not the infected that you have to fear there's slavers there's Raiders there's all types of [ __ ] out there and that was what was so appealing about the game is yeah the zombies were super scary and you get that one jump scare where you see the dude infected on the wall but it was all the other elements of the world that's what makes it so scary because it's about how humanity is going to react and we get a little glimpse of it here in this quarantine Zone but they're headed into the wild west and I'm now I can't [ __ ] wait I want to go back and play the game I was thinking the same thing and even thinking about it too just seeing how the society is set up it's like obviously you kind of lean towards the fireflies from this episode because of the way Federal kind of act and kind of the restrictions put on and the curfews and the military type uh martial law that's going on but then you realize the severity of the situation and how if anyone infected comes in and they had to be so precautious that everyone can die so it's kind of like trying to balance that in your own morals while watching to decide like what is the best way to do this because there probably really is no right answer right um you kind of just got to do your best to survive yeah and uh the the martial law when they were having the public hangings that's something that wasn't okay that's not like trying to keep everybody in line it's pretty shitty right right but these These are the circumstances and you see the signs everywhere uh the one sign that showed you how long you have until you're infected depending on where you're bitten so and a lot of Easter eggs from the game uh the loading screen menu for the multiplayer when Joel is looking over the map just made me want to go into a game of factions game of interrogation I thought that was a great way to bring in some of the music from the game and even the opening uh credits you know similar to House of the Dragon sort of Game of Thrones that drifting wandering showing the uh the fungi developing and growing and mutating that's like dude I'm not like the first scene of the way they opened with like the two doctors on the talk show or whatever great opening well I'm scared of mushrooms now man that scared the [ __ ] out of me and it was such a brilliant way to talk directly to the audience this is what the infection is we're going to leave this out to you very plainly and it's an interview from 1968 it's got that old style the old setup but it is sort of bone chilling when he does finish his monologue and he explains this and that's another aspect that I always loved about the game is that there was an attempt at making the outbreak scientific in a certain regard and they uh they you know they snuck in a little climate change commentary there what if the Earth heats up a bit so yeah that opening sequence like I said talking directly to the audience filling Us in some nice Exposition but you sort of forget about that you know you you that's what was so good about this episode is the world is so believable there's nothing about this world that sort of threw you off that this isn't actually happening they they brought it to life brilliantly evokes that sort of visceral fear imagining yourself in this situation yeah and even I mean with Ellie and Marlene that was like the moments brief but like you kind of get the idea of you know some shed of Hope with Ali and and also some desperation right yeah they're down so bad you know they're running out of resources running out of men and they're getting ready to abandon this uh this sector because of Ellie because of that hope like you mentioned so they do balance that really well in the game the the ideas of Hope and despair and how quickly you can fall into despair yeah those were good scenes uh the actress who played Marlene was really solid as well her name is Meryl Dandridge and like I said a bit more insight into that character than we uh got in the game yeah I think with like the fireflies it's just an interesting like you said in the game there wasn't really there were always a looming presence and you see the the artwork and the graffiti of the the symbol but I kind of like that little insight into them with their headquarters and the different members and what they're really trying to do here um I guess they like what happened there I I was a little confused I guess I just the deal went wrong yeah I guess it was something where Robert maybe was trying to [ __ ] them over and they got into a shootout Robert that was a fun part in the game going to find him and beat him up just want to talk Robert or even Joel when he's just pounding that guy just [ __ ] hitting a oh dude that may have been the best scene of the episode the way that Ellie her face watching that it seemed like she was impressed intimidated and she looked a little like shocked like what the [ __ ] going on here and I think even that that kind of reflecting what Sarah saw in Joel when he first beats the [ __ ] out of the old lady right kind of like [ __ ] what are you doing but like also I guess this is what it is yeah you know because they showed Ellie that she's got that fight in her when she goes to stab Joel when they first meet and she does have the military guy without even giving them the heads up so she puts Joel in that sort of impossible position and that PTSD comes in and he just can't let up he was like Jon Snow punching Ramsay in that scene but he was terrifying the look on his face the way he's breathing just gasping for air and and realizing what he just did in front of this girl uh that moment like I said probably the best moment of the episode for me I also appreciated the little band after when they're in the underground and they're climbing the ladders I felt like the the back and forth they had just little lines kind of felt like you know when you're playing a game and you're just walking through a field and the characters just say things back and forth yeah killing time it kind of felt like that and I think little things like that subtle connections to the video game through I want to say meaningless but just like little back and forth some things like that the kind of stuff that you might Overlook when it comes to the the story as a whole but really make it feel grounded and the characters having an authentic connection with each other yeah it seems like um video game writers are so much better at riding that bander specifically naughty dog because in The Last of Us game it was there but also in the Uncharted games there's so many great it's just regular Billboards I think when let's take a normal show or movie and there's two characters walking I feel like that's the time it's like well maybe we can throw in some Exposition here or maybe use one character can go on a mod log kind of explaining certain things and things we need to get in for the story because we have maybe a limited amount of time and we need to kind of get this in here's a perfect time to throw it in when in reality two people are walking or going up a ladder it's kind of like oh look at that tree right yeah or Joel giving her the construction lesson yeah where it's like oh are we there yet I wonder what time we're gonna get there shut up I'm gonna walk around and even the writing when it was setting up the story like when she's asking him about the books the songs from the 60s the 70s and then you hear the song from the 80s so she's able to crack it and you could see in Joel that he's a bit impressed by her intelligence so they are sowing the seeds of their relationship and also with Tess as well like I said I was so impressed by her performance so the three of them uh together were great I don't think that they could have casted them any better and all the actors really to deliver and like you said there were a couple of moments in this episode that made me laugh in organic moments you my [ __ ] mom or something so the writing was very solid uh everything about this episode was pretty much perfect to me little nitpicks here and there but a great starter now that was funny when uh more if I forget her name but she's like no I'll I'll take her and Marlene's like you don't have a [ __ ] year at first I was like I just go with her and she just doesn't have anything oh she just got her [ __ ] ear ripped off yeah well that's great too you know a little uh taking a page out of limb Lynn Ramsey's book of showing this of not showing this bloody encounter you just see this woman and she's missing an ear and you're thinking man what the [ __ ] just happened here how did they get out of this one [ __ ] Robert that bastard all right guys before we finish this episode I want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor smile brilliant hey look I'm a floating head give me a minute of your time and you'll learn all you need to know about teeth whitening gimmicks let's start with LED whitening lights a novelty item that doesn't enhance your results it merely makes peroxide work faster but not better next is whitening strips a popular choice and while effective they can lead to stains along gum lines crevices and do not reach the molars after whitening you'll find your remaining stains more visible not good charcoal sounds good on paper but it's abrasive and wears down tooth enamel and finally whitening toothpaste a product 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what did you think about uh Pedro Pascal's accent I know that was uh big for you coming in we hadn't heard him say Ellie yet no no that's all I care about I don't care about an accent um no I think he really embodied Joel like even there's like an edit going around of just flashes between from the little footage we have of Joel from the game and Pedro's portrayal and it it just it's seamless yeah just in the look the way they carry themselves and obviously the more we get to know this character the more we can make those connections but yeah you're not gonna know until you get that first Ellie that's the that's the real test I hope they save it or like everything they think he's gonna say it but he just doesn't yeah it's gonna be like Captain America saying Avengers Assemble Yeah he's just gonna be like credits oh yeah no I thought the the the jadedness of the character the weariness of the character it was all there and his performance when he's younger 36 year old Joel guess that makes him the best looking 56 year old of all time but when he has to be a bit more animated and uh dramatic and I mean when he's holding his daughter to me he sold that so well like I said it almost brought me to tears a second time even though I knew it was coming but just the desperation of trying to pick her up and telling her that you know we got to get you out of here and just denying it in the moment uh unable to accept that and then all of that emotion just comes out of him I mean he's been on such a tear over the last few years it feels like since he was in Game of Thrones and he's got such a wide range of acting abilities a lot of those acting abilities were on display in this first episode so I like how like obviously they probably will later on in the season he'll talk about it but I kind of like how I didn't rush that like he doesn't really we cut to it 20 years later and you know just through his actions the him still having the watch and obviously the flashback like you could tell how it's affected him without him like or like a different character like if Tess like just brought up his daughter or something like that it's like you don't need to do that you could just do it through uh visuals yeah yeah and they did such a good job with that the performances and the directing the writing and we also got some hints uh you know some name drops of characters from the games Bill and Frank so that's going to be really fun Nick Offerman playing Bill like I said I'm so excited for the rest of the season to see uh how they're going to adapt some of these bigger moments and what they're going to add in but I think you can argue that in terms of World building this is a bit better than the first few hours of the game and we're already getting to that territory on you know I'm not trying to get too hung up on comparisons but I was so immersed in this world like I said uh as if I was experiencing it for the first time all over again and that was probably what's most impressive about this show I think with adaptations you know whether a book or a video game and you're watching it and you sort of forget about what it's based on that's the mark of a good adaptation I mean from the looks of like the what's the calm after the episode um just seeing the in between obviously like we they kind of allude to outside the quarantine Zone it's kind of No Man's Land but there's a certain Beauty to that so I'm just kind of anticipating getting into these different Landscapes and environments and just kind of really immersing into this world outside of like that quarantine Zone those first 40 minutes man that is such a great prologue there were so many moments where I was whispering to myself oh [ __ ] like when she's in class and she notices the kid twitching yeah yeah the little signs or when the dog man I feel so bad for that beautiful border collie when he notices that something's wrong with the old woman that was super unsettling and creepy as well so all those little things really worked for me and then the big moments were great as well you know the two that stand out are you know when the plane does crack dude yeah that was just it's always so terrifying uh one of my irrational fears is that a plane is gonna fall on my house you know because we got the airport right there bro I think she's Walter White so yeah I mean overall High marks all around for me no yeah I definitely think it sets the table wonderfully and I think this is a good episode for people who are completely unaware of the game or have no idea what's to come like just uh I think is a good episode to get invested in I think you can definitely grow an attachment to Joel and sympathize with him while also seeing Ellie pop up and just being intrigued with that character and what's to come in that regard so I I do wonder what people who have no connection to the game thought um because for me and us and many others like we know what's coming and we probably look at it as like yeah this is perfect in terms of like uh a table setter but uh for the success of the show in the long term future of it uh it's gonna depend on those people who are just tuning in for the first time and whether they're invested and if they're on board after this episode this doesn't feel like uh your prototypical zombie Walking Dead type show it feels different it feels like there's just more than meets the eye that there's more layers to it I don't want to go so as far as conspiracy because the series in the games is still continuing and there's hints as to where the story is going but like you mentioned with Intrigue with Ellie want to know what's her deal you know what are their plans for her the same thing with Marlene she's in charge of this organization that you would imagine is like a spiderweb uh with its uh different factions throughout the country so how deep does that go and the same thing with Joel and Tommy when was the last time they saw each other what's Tommy Steele what is he up to is he in trouble and Tess just being awesome right just being gritty that that's an elbow grease character you know the first time you saw her when they showed her face I was like what what the hell she got beat down well everyone that it's alive that was born before the outbreak you gotta have a certain amount of grit and I do like they talk about it in the games too and they do mention it here like people born after the outbreak they're just not the same yeah they're [ __ ] yeah she said they didn't learn how to argue just throwing punches that would suck though that's the only world you ever know never had that doesn't sound great never had one Madden no Chuck E cheese yeah right no Six Flags little Six Flags guy dancing around I don't even know I don't even know about that SpongeBob references damn yeah bill they probably [ __ ] just in the head a bunch of weirdos if you're feeling lost tell me to look for the light and I'll break your jaw it's crazy that they didn't get to see LeBron's 48 April Point performance that sucks that would have killed me I was gonna say like the like Mr Brightside come out yet like what do they got no Avatar no Avatar I got that shitty ass movie they were watching in the beginning what's their Avatar I like to think people still Titanic what 2003 he got it off he got it off yeah he didn't win the Oscar but the movie came out I like I like to think that they have that yeah and type the Titanic oof you don't like Titanic you don't like naked women I mean that's their movie now like that's their that's their big deal yeah no that does kind of suck yeah but at least their lasting memory of Billy Zane is wow this guy's gonna be a star he'll never go bald now see that kind of air yeah oh yeah those are locks they're flown poor guy and uh what was the song at the end it was the yeah well that's what we want right we don't want then 60s Summer Wind what's that the code for boring ice cream I I love that I would love that idea that in the post-apocalyptic world the ice cream man's still working still has all the stuff he needs to make ice cream no that's where you gotta go like he's serving out cones but [ __ ] goes down hits a button yeah that's what he's going to be with yeah turns into the what is that game Metal Gear Solid ultimate Twisted Metal Twisted Metal yeah yeah no no no yeah Twisted Metal that that ice cream truck they are like Woody Harrelson when he's defending all the Twinkies yes yeah all right guys that does it for this review of The Last of Us episode one on HBO it's looking like it's going to be a good first season a solid adaptation you know these video game adaptations are always tricky but it looks like we're in good hands here so for Aaron the nerd 2 monkey I am Beau Oliver signing off hope Teddy's all right [Music] wow that was probably our best review yet hey guys Aaron the nerd tube monkey here with a brief Shameless plug before we end the video do you ever feel like you don't have an adequate amount of nerd soup in your life like you're going to bed hungry and yearning for the nonsensical yet entertaining nutrients our podcasts provide well we've come up with the perfect solution the nerd soup fan question podcast exclusively available to our patreon supporters you can sign up now by visiting nerdsoup and for the price of only one dollar per month you'll receive exclusive access to our weekly podcast where we answer your questions that don't make it to the main show and while you're there you can check out the other rewards we offer to our patrons like stickers mugs t-shirts behind the scenes footage and appearing in the credits at the end of our videos and that's exactly what we're gonna do right now roll the names of the Nerds who make nerd suit possible the reason why the crypto crash didn't send our lives spiraling down a black hole of no return alright I'll stop talking so you can listen to this Jazzy ass music while checking if Bo spelled your name wrong in the credits foreign [Music]
Channel: Nerd Soup
Views: 60,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last of Us, The Last of Us Review, Nerd Soup, The Last of Us Nerd Soup, House of the Dragon, Game of Thrones Nerd Soup, House of the Dragon Nerd Soup
Id: HCz4yGxZdhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 58sec (2098 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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